HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-10-13, Page 3s
Th rschay, October 13, 1932
Hot milk over two crisp Shredded
Wheat biscuits.There's a delicious
treat for chilly days! Shredded Wheat
it the natural energy food, made in
Canada, by Canadians, of Canadian
Messrs, Fe W. Carson, A. Taylor
and C. E. Shera, were Toronto Vis-
itors on Thursday last.
Mrs:: Dr. Armstrong spent a con
ple of days last week with, her sis
ter, Mrs. Ritchie, at Teeswater,,
A very successful ThellkSgiving
service was. held in, the Presbyterian
church here on. Sunday with the Rev.
Arthur Leggatt, the pastor, in the
pulpit, The church was beautifully
decorated in fitting with the season,
Special, music by the choir was much
The Presbyterian Sunday School
nonvention will be held in White-
church on Tuesday, Oct 18. Dele-
gates will attend from Gerrie.,
Mr,, Nicholls is visiting friends in
Miss Ethel Hyn;liiaan,; of 'Toronto,
spent the holidays 'with het 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. }elm flyndniai7,.
Mr. end Mts. Warrell aired. daugh-
ter, Miss Catheai'ine, of 'Creenge Hill,
were Sunday guests ecif Mrs. P.
Me. -Vert]. {Clegg, of Kansas City,
who has been visiting his parents,
Ma•.. -and Mrs. R. S. Clegg, and other
relatives and friend for the past
8nbn''th, 'ie'it'on 'LVIon'cley for his home.
"Shera -*vent Sunday with
Ur. -and 11Vfrs. Retry Shera, Moore
:Miss Jessie-13astie, R.N., of Kitt-
tcliener,was a *Sunday guest of. Mies
S'rfarjatie !taker.
Vies Beryl Ashton, of Seaforth,
NIL:'Spencer•Asl-1ton, of Toronto, and
Mr. Stilton Aeihton, of Niagara Fills,
:spent the ';holidaysunder their flar-
+ental 'a roof i here.
"-Mr. E. •W. Whitfield, of Arthur,
tspeftfthe•-week-end at his home'ihere.
`Mrs, V•ittor Shera motored to
(Guelph on Saturday, her mother,
Mrs, Ellis returning with her,, and
spent`.Thaaiksgiving here.
Mr. axid.'Mrs. McTavish, of -Muck-
now, former Gorrie resident)„ spent
theholiday with Mr, and Mrs. `3?rank
'Cole. .
:Mr. acid Mrs. Hugh Spencer, and
Mr. Grainger of Molesworth„ were
Sundayegi gists of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sel <Grainger.
'Mr.:and : Mrs. H: Herzog motored
to Rodney on Sunday,. and -eisited
)ack Totter and friend of •Toronto,
were holideer visitors with the #form-
- ers parents, 21r. and Mrs. A, E. ITon-
, er,
Guests •of Mr. and Mrs. ensgey
,over the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs:
?Jacob Gloor, .also Mr, and MSS. !Ax-
;nold Gloor, Bornholm, Mr and
sChas. Dungey and son, Sidney„ and
,daughter, Jeans, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mas. Gordon Jefferseu
and daughters, ,Helen and Gwen, ,cif
,Owen Sound, •spent the holiday With
Mr. ;and Mrs. Geo: Foster. 1.
'Mr. ,and Mrs. W. C. King and sot,[
:Ear , :also Mr, and Mrs: Ken Hastiel
spent 'i hanksgiving with Mr, arid`
Mrs. lira: McLean, rte€ Brussels,
Urs, G:eo, Foster visited a few
days 'last v.yeek with lair mother, Mrs.
Underwood., of, Wingli tin.
Mr, and ;Mrs. Isaac Wade return-
ed home ,on 'Saturday, atter spending
a week with *heir daughter, Mrs D.
Dane and Mrs. A. Miles,"oronto.
Guests on ;Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs, W. Sinisota were Mr. and Mrs.
Inn. Vincent of 13owmanville, Ont
Mr, and Mrs. S. lricic'et and Jack,
also Mr:, and Mrs. U. Pries, of Ford-
Gorrie was well represented at the
Chautauqua in Wroxeter last week.
M•, and Mrs. Jas; T. Shera attend-
Teeswater Fair' hast week.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Butt and son,
John of Toronto, spent Thanksgiv-
ing at the Parsonage, the former be-
ing a brother of Rev, G. W Butt,
Dr. and Mrs. • Idaniilton, Brussels,
were Sunday guests of L. F. and
Mrs. Arshton.
Next Sunday will be Anniversary
Services in the rgsb'y{ei'ian Church
INe Rea. Kenneth MacLean of
iiam; will be the special speak-
er. . ,Special• music by the choir. The
services in the United Church will be.
withdrawn in the evening to allow
those who wish, to attend the serv-
• The W. A. of the United Church
will meet on Thursday of neict week
at the home of Mrs V. Shera.
Ms and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
.Higgins, near Brussels.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Butt, also
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Edgar attended
the General Council of the United
Church at Hamilton on Thursday of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Brown, - of
MolesworS.h, were Sunday guests of
Mr, and 'Mrs, Alex: Edgar and at-
tended anniversary services here.
Mr. 'as. Douglas„ of Belmore, has
rentd the house of Norman Waite,
now; ~occupied by A. Heinmiller, and
will 'get possession about Nov, .1.4th.
We -have not learned where Mr.
1C•leinmiller will locate.
'Ladies' Aid of Presbyterian
-Church Will Hold Bazaar
The Ladies' Aid of the Pie sbyter-
ian Church held a very sentessfull
meeting at the hoarse of lats. Hugh
Pritchard, on Tuesday 'las.[. During
the . business period 'arrmagements
were made to have their ategular an-
nual bazaar on NOverriber 1.9th, and
will be heldin the rOaange "hall.. The
meeting closed wiirt'h ;a 'hymn and the
mizpah benediction, -after which the
hostess served a dainty i'unch.
The W,M.S, of the 'United Church,
Gerrie, met at Mrs. W. J. Galleher's,
home on Oct: 6th. Tlie president,
Mrs. R, Ashton, presided, The meet-
ing opened by hymn "Praise Him,
Praise Him," Scripture reading by
Mrs.. R. G. Dane, was followed by
prayer by the president. The "nninut
es of the last meeting were read and
adopted. Arrangements were made
for the Sectional meeting to be held
here on Oct. 13. A 'committee was
appointed to arrange for the. Thank -
offering meeting. It was decided to
send a Love Gift to a Korean Stu-
dent for Clothes. Roll Call was an-
swered by eighteen members. Mrs.
Johnston, Christian Stewardship Sec,,,
gave a talk on "Will a Man Rob
God?" Hymn `Lord, speak to me
that I may speak,' was then sung, af-
ter which Mrs. J. Hyndman read 'My
Thank -Offering,' showing how we
,should return thanks fox all God's
ghbor, had to remove the wheel in
order to release the foot, No bones
were broken, but Mr: McMichael is
suffering from .a sore ,foot and hand,
also many bruises and shock, Under
Dr. McLeod's care he is recovering
Mrs, L. Rattan spent a few days
last• week in Wingham, tate guest of
Mrs. McCall and other friends, going
on from there to the home of Mrs.
Bob. Warwick, 2nd line Morris, from
where she attended the anniversary
services at Ebenezer Church,
Chautauqua Was a. Success
Those who were privileged to at-
tend the series of concerts brought
to our town by Canadian Chautatt-
quas were well repaid, The two
plays 'New Brooms' and 'The Mend-
er' were of a high order and provid-
ed two splendid 'evenings, Vierra's
Hawaiians were better than ever, and
the Brandt Sisson Duo with their as-
sisting artist and Judge Alden, were
perhaps most enjoyed of all, Sue
Hastings' Marionettes were .a delight
to the old as well as the children.
siderably. We hope to see him able
to be around soon.
A number ' from this vicinity at-
tended the fair at Wingham, and the
day being all that could, be desired,
were well satisfied with the. different
We are glad to report Mr. Ray-
mond Henning to be improving grad-
ually and he is now able to sit up
for a short while each day. We hope
he keeps on improving until he has
fully recovered;
Anniversary services will be held.
in the church on Sunday, Oct. 30th.
Further particluars later.
Vistiors in the village Sunday last
were: Mrs. Casemore's sister, hus-
band and family, of Port Elgin; Mrs.
Joseph Hall of Toronto, at Fleeting
Ballagh's; Mr, and Mrs. Arthur. Fitch
at R. J. Douglas';
Mrs, Walter's' mother returned to
her home on Sunday.
blessings to us. _! 'b, Altogether the series of programmes l An operation was performed on the
Mrs, Cola2 eat g sweetly a solo en- Pale son of George Rutherford last
were better than .a year ago, and it week, We hope cider. There's no love to the like the pe no -Ur he will grow
is regrettable that owing to prevail -
love of Jesus," As the subject for thestronger,
ing conditions it was considered un -
day was Oriental Work, . Mrs, Ram -
wise to have Chautauqua return to convention this week.
age gave a splendid paper entitled: this place next year:
"Are we guilty of looking? down on A drizzling rain all day kept many
Mrs, Lorne Seifert and children of
the Chinese and Japanese? Is it be- home from Teeswater Fair. A large
HowFordwich, visited last week with her
cause of the color of their skin,?
The Anniversary :Setteices of .the
Gorrie Unitned +Chuxdh Wield on Sun-
day proved aaie 'Of .outstanding: suc-
cess. The'th:er was ildeal and=.nwo
of the largest :congregations filled
the church, both morning . and: eveen-
ing, Two mresages :of:irrspiratiomwere.
given by Rev. rGosdon iW. ;Butt, min-
ister of the ,church, his the morning
Mr. Butt spoke on elle'Thaiiicfulness
of Jesus' wherein he :priinted rout "how
Christ thanked his Feiner :for seven
loaves, the material tthings aof life;
and also for Chow the :Father : reveal-
ed His Spiritual sextets, ,not -tile wise
and prudent but to the 'babes. The
speaker pointed out marry things for
which we should he ltihankftil today.
The Church choir was :assisted by
Mr. A. W. 'Zt rbrigg, hia'ss et:deist of
Listowel, ' who sang a very fitting
nolo : and was much appreciated.'The
numbers rendered by the •choir were
'",Praise the 'Lord" and "He watereth
,the' Hills. The solo parts were :tok-
en ,'by Mrs. P. Koine, Mr. H. Spad-
par.in , rand Wm. Ea$ngey, Jr.
ie evening Mr.
idle ev nig But took as
his !theme ' The Midnight Conversa-
tion;". Ibasing his remarks upon the;
interview of Nicodeintis with Jesus.'
He urged upon the congregation the
need of Viotti of the spirit of Christ
in each heart to be a member of the
Kingdom. The Listowel Male Quar-
tette, compose4( of Messrs. Zurbrigg,
Hudson, Karges and Bartley, rend-
'ered two appropriate numbers, and
Mr, E. S, Hudson sang a solo "The
Stranger of Galilee"' in his usual ef-
fective #ec :ti. ve matner,
The choir sang Praise God, 0
,Jerusalem;" L. F. Ashton taking the
solo part A liberal thank -offering
was rendered by the C01014 00 of
S eWards
would be feel if we were alone with-
out friends, asked the speaker. No-
body who is somebody ever looks
down on anybody. Have we lifted a
finger to help? We should practise
the golden rule, and in conclusion,
the speaker told how, through the
kindergarten work, the missionaries
get an entrance into their homes.
The meeting was closed by 'Sing-
ing "Lord while for all mankind we
pray;" and •Mrs: Johnson led in pray-
mother, Mrs. Gibson.
Mrs, J. Nicholson, also Mrs. Ken
McNaughton,' visited their brother,
Norris Ash, who is very ill in Lis-
towel Memorial Hospital, on Sunday
Mr. Alfred Agar spent the week-
end with friends at Brantford,
Miss Jessie Strachan, Brussels, was
a guest last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McEwen.
Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen accompan-
ied by 1VIrs. Lawson, Bluevale, spent
a day in London recently.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Ringler, Preston,
visited. Miss Carmichael last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martain and
daughter, of Toronto, visited at John
Douglas', Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison, of
St. Catherines, visited Mrs, Morri-
son on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
daughter, Elinor, of Tc ionto, spent
the holiday with larrenils,
Mr. Woolsiey and children
visiting friends -at Noltth Bay.
Mr, and Iles. ;:Gee. Fralick, Tor-
onto, were holidays visitors at Me,
Allen nali,ok's, .11 tirnberry.
Mr. 'G rge "McIntosh and sister,
of Stre tidrd, :Mrs. Stewart Sander-
son, of !London, Mrs. Coulter, Riek-
e -trona Mill, :Mrs. Russell Moffatt, ea
Toronto, and Mrs. Les. McLauilisliet
attended Cilie funeral of Mr. Pam
Davidson %last week.
•T3re,gt peaty of the late Dr Smale
ilenew e .a<s 'Locksly- Hall, was sold llas't
week tto -Mr. James Sangster.
'I?r^elsaratory service will he (laid in
ll:7hi.ite'd(Church, Friday everting. Rev.
iV1r. Button of Fordwich,v:i'T1 give
an : altidress.
blestt Sunday will be known as
Children's Day throughout 'Canada,
in ~connection with the :Anglican
Some holiday visitors who 'were
'Bonne for thanksgiving were:: Tl i . ;eno.
Munro, Hamilton, Misses Ruth and
Elva Stocks, London, Rabe Paulin,
Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Weston,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Miss Annie Munroe, of St. Cath-
erines, spent Thanksgiving with her
mother, in 'town.
Mr. Thomas Lovell, of Hawick;
visited friends in town on Sunday.
Master Bobby, Berkinshaw, Tenon -
to, spentt Thanksgiving with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Kit-
Mims Ruth andn Elsie Stocks, of
Londxi, spent Thanksgiving with
their parents, in town,
life. and. Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of:.
O4"tyawa, are spending a Sew days..
With friends in town. ' s
'Miss Winnie Rae,a' Bel rave,
went the week -egad with liter parents,:
Mr, and Mrs. Norman'Brandon and
daughter, Norma .Jean, also Miss iR.
'Stocks, spent the weekend with
and Mrs. R. Stocks.
Miss' Dorothy 1VldTarriiih, Torresnte,
is a guest of her Mazer., Mrs. Dan
McTavish in town.
Misses Irene .aril. Margaret 'Wright
of Stratford,. spent the week tend tit
the homes of their eleiiients, Mt and
Mrs. Alex. Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. A, ., 'Q.Veartirrg saint
daughter, Elinas, wane holiday 't:isiit
ors with Mr. and Mrs: D. S. Marc -
Misses Little :and Mitchell attend-
ed Teachers' Convention at Cheeky`
on Thursday and Friday last.
Week -end visitors at the home ,of
W. MacLean were: Mr. and Mrs. W.
Williams and two sons, •Toronto; 111ir.
McQuoid, Dungannon, Mrs. Margar
et Patterson, Harriston also spent
last week' at the MacLean home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae, of Wat-
aterloo. spent the holiday with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Rae. Miss Winnifred Rae, Belgrave,
also was a visitor at her home here.
Misses Elsie Davidson' and Evelyn
Gamble attended Teachers'" Conven-
tion at Brussels last week.
Mr,' and Mrs, D. W. Dulma'ge, of
Palmerston, visited the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. L. Rattan, one day last
week. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bonien
also Mrs, Bonen 'Jr. of Detroit, were
guests at the same home last week.
A number from this vicinity at-
tended the Wingham' Fair on Satur-
day. Good weather prevailed and the
fair was a real success.
Runaway. Teatn Causes Injury
Mr. Thomas McMichael narrowly
escaped serious iiijtiry last week
when his team ran away dragging
frim ,considerable distance. Mr. Mc-
Michael stepped on the whiffle tree'
when the horses started. He fell be-
neath the wagon, his foot becoming
caught. In order to save hie life he
held to the reach, ,After running a
distance the horses came in contact
with a post and stopped. Mr. tele-
Michael with' li "'assts ance . f a net-
t. ,�" r , . l . _ f3
crowd was on the grounds, the sports
went on as usual, the Band arrived in
time to. greet them at the gate, the
exhibits were large.
Mrs. Cecil McNeil and Lloyd, vis-
'ted friends in Teeswater Tuesday
-evening, and took in the Fair Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. 'Herb. Busby, Harry
and Ross Vogan, also Minnie Jeff -
ray visited with Mrs. James Kirby
The Women's Institute' will hold
their social evening in the Commun-
ity, Hall Friday evening.
Mrs. Walters Sr., is a
the general store.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ballagh and
Mildred took tea with Eleanor Jeff -
ray Friday.
Preparatory service was held in the
United Church Friday afternoon, a
goodly number uniting; one baptism
was observed.
holiday visitors: Mr- and Mrs.
Martin and little daughter, of Elora,
mill Miss Spooner, of Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy. Miss E.
Wdir, of Stratford Normal, with her
parents, Ivir. and Mrs. W. E. Weir;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and child-
ren of Listowel, and Misses Hazel
and Minnie Weir, of Toronto, with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Wdir, Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Ray-
mond Avery and Miss Gay, also Mrs.
Robert Pillar, of Toronto, and Mr.
Harry Merkley of Wingham, with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley; Miss
Eve McMichael of Port Burwell,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
McMichael; Mr, and Mrs, McTavish
and son, Fraser, with friends around'
here; Mr. Lyle Fitch of London Nor-
mal, w'itlt his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Arthur Fitch,
What might have been a serious
accident happened to Mr. Thomas
McMichael .one day recently. -He was
climbing on the front of the " wagon
when in some way he slipped and
fell underneath the wagon, One foot
was caught and the horses became
frightened and dragged him around
the field for some time. He Inanag-
cd to catch the reach with one hand,
which no doubt saved him. The team
became entangled and ` came to a
stop, Although no bones were brok-
en he was scratched and 'bruised eon -
visitor at
ed in Ontario, because no form of
union administration ever fully sac-
cetded, Premier George S. Henry
told electors of 20 ridings gathered
herefor the birthday of the new Eas-
tern Ontario °Conservative Associa-
Machray Assets 17c on the Dollar
Winnipeg—Facing a deficit of
more than $1,500,000, creditors of the
defunct investment firm of J. A. Ma-
chray and F. J. Sharpe would receive
technically 17 cents on .the dollar, it
was shown in statements presented
at a meeting of shareholders.
More Wool Shipped to U. K:
Ottawa—The United Kingdom is
now buying much more Canadian
wool than formerly, says a report is-
sued by the Dominion Bureau of Sta-
During the 12 months ending Au-
gust, the export of raw wool t000l
to the United Kingdom was 4,209,-
;209,518 pounds, compared with 664,374
pounds in the sante period of 1930-1
and 1,260,445 pounds in the same pe-
riod of 1923-30.
Hitler Confident of Victory
Munich, Germany—Addressing the
propaganda group of his National
Socialist party exactly one month be-
fore the Reichstag elections, Adolph
Hitler predicted a complete Nazi vic-
tory in the voting. "I regard the fight
with absolute confidence," he said:
Two Senators Appointed
Ottawa—Two of the five vacancies
in [the 'Senate were filled when the
appointment of J. H. Rainville and
.A•..7. Brown, K.C., both of Montreal,
to *he Upper Chamber, was announc-
txish Delegation Announced
Dublin, Irish Free State—The Free
State Cabinet announced the person-
nel of its deelgation which will go
,to London Oct. 14 to attempt settle-
ment of the land annuities dispite.
The delegation will be headed by
Presdent Eamonn de Valera. Others
named were: Sean McEntree, Finan-
ce Minister; Conor Maguire, Attorn-
ey -General and James Geoghegan,
Minister of Justice.
Grape Growers Strike
St.. Catharines—Assertion that the
shippers have agreed to meet the
price of 15 cents per basket demand-
ed by the "striking" grape -growers
fo the Niagara district was niade at
a meeting of grapegrowers in Beains-
ville by Fred Parker, chairman, who
had been instructed to interview the
shippers. Grapegrowers reported
they had large orders at the 15 -cent
Canada's Radio Commission
Appointments to the new Radio
Broadcasting Commission have been
announced. Hector Charlesworth, ed-
itor of Saturday Night, Thomas Ma-
her, Quebec journalist and politician,
and Lt. -Col. W. A. Steel,, radio re-
search expert from the Dominion Re-
search Bureau, will forte the Com-
Smith and Roosevelt Make Up
Albany.—The hearty handshake
that recemented the friendshhip of
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Alfred E. Snaith was regarded here
as a gesture that has definitely turn-
ed New York State's 47 electoral
votes toward the former in his drive
for the presidency,
Sources close to Roosevelt said the
governor was elated at the reconcil-
iation.w s e a represented en
H rep est d as .#eel-
ing that so far as the state was con-
cerned the "kiss and makeup" episode
clinched it for the ticket.
No Coalition Govt, for : Ontario
r ort r
There is no possibility of a union
or coalition government being form -
Cycles FFom Toronto to Montreal
In 33 Hours w: ,
Montreal—Weary and water -soak-
ed after 33 hours 'of pedalling his bi-
cycle between Toronto and Montreal,
but ambitious to the last stroke,
Claude Bissell, 19 -year-old Canadian
National Telegram messenger and
"Lone Rider" from Toronto, applied
the brakes to his wheel in front of
the Canadian National Telegraph of-
fices of St. Sacrement Street, Mont-
real. Slippery highways and continu-
ous downfall of rain kept him from
his 30 -hour goal but he did succeed
in bettering the 38e -hour mark set
by two Montreal messengers.
Four Power Parley Uncertain
London— The British Government
still stood by its suggestion that a
four -power conference take up the
question of Germany's • demand for
arms equality, but it was said in of-
ficial circles that if either France or
Germany declined to participate the
plan would be dropped.
Mrs, C, Campbell, of Belgrave, Mr,
John Campbell, of Aylmer, and Mr.
and Mrs. Melbourne McDowell and
daughter, of Millbank, called on
many E. Wawanosh relatives on Sat-
urday last.
Quite a number from here took in
the Fair at Teeswater.
Mr. Alec. Coulter, who has been
with Mr, Stewart McBurney for the
past seven months, is at present at
his home here.
Mrs. Haig, of Seaforth, is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs, R. J. Ross.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan, of Mor-
ris, spentthe week -end with her
parents here.
_tvtiss Evelyn Pennell of Kdnlongh,
spent last week with Mrs. Elwood .'
Mr, and Mrs. Neil Gillespie of Sea-
forth, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and IVIrs. John Gillespie.
Mrs. Tonybee Lamb and family of
Goderich, spent a day last week with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Ken-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Westlake and
Mildred of Bayfield, spent Saturday
at the home of her. sister, Mrs. Amos
Miss Kate Smith of Galt, is visit-
ing with Mrs. A. Fox.
The Sectional meeting of the East-
ern Division of the W. M. S. of the
Presbyterian church is being held at
Eadie's Church on Friday, October.
Mrs. David Johnston of Hamilton-,.
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Sand
burn, and Mr, and Mrs. Latronica
and son Will, of Turnberry, also vis-
ited there on Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Watt an son, Arthur,
and Muriel and Donald of Long
Branch, visited with. Mr. Wm. Bar-
bour on Sunday. Miss Muriel stay-
ed here, while Miss Genevieve return
ed home with the others on Monday.
Messrs. Clarence, Archie and Alvin
Steele of London, are spending the
holiday at the home of their aunt,.
Mrs, Jas. Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dobie of Wing
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dobie of
Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Ben McClenaghan on Saturday.
Mr. Wesley Lott of Brussels spent
the week -end here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kennedy of
Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs: Lance Grain and other re-
latives in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Fallahay and daugh-
ter spent the week -end with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Bert Thompson and other
relatives in this community. a,,.,r,'.,--.:'
Miss Annetta Fisher, of Linwood,
spent the holiday with -her father,
Miss Agnes Wilson, nurse -in -train-
ing ix Stratford Hospital, is spend-
ing two weeks' holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thompson, of
Toronto spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Tiffin and other Kinloss
The following who were on their
way to visit friends in Kincardine on
Sunday, called at the home of Miss
Ida and Mr, Geo. McQuoid, Mrs.
Brown, of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs.
Mitchel of Iicamsville, and Mr. Stap-
les of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw and
sons of Kinloss, spent Sunday at the
home of his fatlter, Mr. Joe Laidlaw.
Mrs, Patterson, of Lucknow, is
visiting with Miss McQuoid.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peppier, of
Tavistock.., also Mr, and Mrs, Victor
Emerson, of Kinloss, visited at the
home of Mrs. A, Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson and
children of Lucknow, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the anniversary services at St.
Helens' United Church to renew ac-
quaintance with Rev. H. G. Whit-
field and Mrs. Whitfield, of North-
ville, Mich„ on account of these ser ,
vices there was no service in the Un-
itecl Church here. The Mission Band
are holding their social evening on
Friday, Oct. 14th, in the basement of
the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid, Brant-
ford, spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. A. Ieid,
The following were guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence, Coit on Sun-
dayl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat-
terson, of Auburn,. Mr. and Mrs. N.
Patterson and baby,Donald, o f
s a , o Au-
burn, her aunt, Mrs. Brown and her
daughter, Mary, of Moncton, also
Mr. and Mrs. Manning and family of
Mi Prances Robinson spent two
ss p tv
clays last week with Miss Florence;
r UTE' L
Most Modern Equipment
Men's Pant Overalls, heavy red
back ................ .„........ :,-.,._..,........-.-.. $1.39
Men's Bib Overalls, heavy red
back, from $1.50 to $1.95
Men's Work Sox, 5 pairs $1.00
Men's Work Sox, all wool, 4
pairs for 95c
Men's Lined Smocks, at ..,.42.00
Men's Fall Hats, Brown, Pearl
and Silverton $2,50
Men's Heavy Work Boots, re -
tanned heavy sole $3.49
Men's Med. Work Boots $2.79
Princess Soap Flakes 17c, or 3
packages for 49c
DeLays Toilet Soap regular 1Oc
bar for ......... ..... ........ ..... 5c
Palmolive Toile Soap, 3 for 23c
Castile Toilet Soap, 7 for 23c
Pearl or P. & G. Laundry Soap
6bars for .
.- .. ,. .....
Large Jar Peanut Butter 35c
Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea49c
Crown Brand Tee, lb. 39c
Salada or Lipton's Tea •50c
Fresh Ground Coffee, 2 grades
at -' '40c Aid 50c
Everything in Spices for r.
and pickling,
Bring your Cream and Eggs
aiidet the highest is
g g prices.
ave. s Store