HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-10-06, Page 7Thursday, 'October 6th, 1932 YM I c }TAM AD,A' ANCE4r1 E1 PAG EVEN MOWN THE WORLD OVER . Wherever men know motor oil, the brand -mark a.r "VEEDOL" means quality' with 'economy. It has withstood the test of time. ASK 'OR ' 100% Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL Crown -Dominion Oil Co., Limited, Distributor St. Catharines Hamilton Toronto %:1'.I . �. « •ftv4, , d �. amu.-. World Wide News In Brief Form Discovery of .Plot steps, while the nearest Japanese Saves Many . Lives troops, were at Tsitsihar, 250 miles Havana, Cuba—Carlos Manuel de southeastward. da Cruz, leader of the Opposition to' Japanese military action would be .President Machado in the .Cuban handicapped, at any rate, owing to the .possible danger of a frontier in- cident involving Soviet forces. Soviet troops previously had been reported as crossing the •old Russian Manchurian boundary. They advanc- ed half -way to Manchuli. :House of Representatives, asked for :passports, following the outburst of •political violence on Tuesday, which resulted in the assassination of one 19Government and four. Opposition. leaders. Meanwhile police asserted they. had -uncovered a. huge dynamite bomb, capable of inflicting wholesale death, an Colon Cemetery, near the spot -where it: was originally reported that Dr. Clemente Vazquez Bello would 'be buried.. Had he been buried in Colon Cern- ••etery there would have been a large. ;gathering of high Government offi- cials near the place where police said they found the bomb. 'Three Cabinet Ministers And Eight Others Resign. London—Denouncing the whole policy of the Imperial Economic 'Conference at. Ottawa as "imperilling 'the unity of the Empire", three Cab- inet Ministers and eight other Min- isters resigned from the National •Government. Viscount Snowden, of Ickornshaw, severing forty years' close associa- `•tion with Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, was outspoken in de- munciation of the proceedings at Ot- tawa and . the agreements resulting, .as he resigned from the Cabinet, in company with Sir Herbert Samuel, Home Secretary, and Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary for Scotland. -More Trouble in the State of Manchukuo 1Vlukden, Manchuria—The newly .created State of Manchukuo appar- ently was helpless against an upris- ing in Northwestern Manchuria, af- ter the insurgent Chinese General, Su Pingwen, had seized the key town of Manchuli, on the Manchurian - Russian border, An undetermined number of Man- chukuo troops, described here as many, were killed on Tuesday, when General Su's artillery destroyed four barracks, and apparently seized the town, together with near -by villages. The . uprising created a delicate situation on the border, involving four elements — the Japanese, the Soviets, Manchukuo, and the insur- gents. Manchukuo authorities apparently were unable to take' any definite Pope Protests Mexican Activities Rome—Pope Pius XI met whathe called the new and "legal persecu- tion" of the church and Catholics in Mexico with an encyclical announc- ing a policy of "formal co-operation" without renouncing principles in the slightest degree or withdrawing past denunciations. Instead, he revived his protest dir- ected particularly at the varied ap- plication of the laws limiting the number of priests in each state to from one for each 33,000 people to one for each 100,000. "To approve such an iniquitous law, or to give it spontaneously a true and real co-operation," he said, "is undoubtedly forbidden and sacri- legious; but absolutely different is the case of him who subjects . him- seI£ to such an unjust prescription only against his will and protest and who! does all he can to diminish the unhappy law." Rev. Dr. T. A. Moore Elected Moderator Hamilton—Accorded a clear ma- jority over the two other candidates, Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore of Tor- onto, General Secretary of the Unit- ed Church of Canada, was elected as Moderator for the next two years at a session of the General Council in the First United Church. The retiring Moderator, Dr. E. H. Oliver, voiced a plea for harmony: between the United Church and the continuing Presbyterians. The Unit- ed . Church, he asserted, would not quarrel over the use of the word "Presbyterian." Dr. Oliver, in relinquishing the of- fice to Dr. Moore, said: "You ,sir, will be under a tremendous disadvan- tage in your new 'office because we who have preceded you all had T. Albert Moore at our side. What you will do without him at your side is something I don't know." Train up your' children for God, and give thein back to, God, and leave them, with God to work his will. Such is the secret of Christian edu- cation. And itis parents went every year to Jerusalem at the feast of the pass - over. Attendance at the passover in Jerusalem wasrequired by law of every male adult Jew, hut not of the women. It was a mark of Mary's special piety that she always accom- panied her husband.' And when he was twelve years old, they went up after the custom of the feast. Every parent sho'ttld count it part of his sacred responsi- bility to set before his child the high privilege and solemn obliagtion of church membership. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning. Some went home after the first two days, but Joseph and Mary were there for the love of it and not merely as a perfunctory duty. The boy Jesus. tarried behind .in Jerusalem; and his. parents knew it not. This shows that Mary and Joseph were in the habit of giving Jesus considerable freedom —well knowing that he could be trusted: Birt supposing him to be in the company. Pilgrims from. one village travelledt'together, and Mary and Jo- seph thought that Jesus was with some ' relative or neighbor. They went a day's journey. That would take them probably to Beeroth, six miles north of Jerusalem. And they sought for him among their kin- folk and acquaintance. When they are preparing to camp for the night, Joseph leaves the men, passes over to where the women are, and asks Mary where Jesus is. `Is he not with you men?' she asks anxiously. `No, I thought he must be with you.' Then how alarmed they are, and what searching there is through the camp !" And when they found him not, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking for him. Mary and Joseph knew at least that the soul of their boy was safe, and every parent should make this certainty his first aim for his child, before any worldly gain or progress whatever. And it came to pass, after three days. One day spent or the north- ward journey, one day on the return, and one day in the search for the boy. They found him in the temple. Doubtless he had spent there every possible minute during the stay in Jerusalem. Sitting in the midst of the teachers. It was probably in some chamber on the edge of the temple court or in some porch or cloister used for public teaching dur- ing the feasts. Both hearing them, and asking them questions. No one can ever reach the heart of a child unless he listens to his . questions sympathetically, and talks with him perfectly frankly concerning the things that matter most in this world and the next, And all that heard him were am- azed at his understanding and his answers. Evidently not 'only did Jesus question the teachers, but they questioned him, for he was plainly a rare spirit, a lad of far more than usual native intelligence. And when they saw him. "They —refers, of course, to Mary and Jo- seph. They were astonished. They had not realized what had been go- ing on in the mind of Jesus, and were unprepared to find him able to converse on such terms with emin- ent 'doctors of the law. Many a child is thus underestimated by those who are closest to him and should know most about him. And his mother said unto him. Mary spoke rather than Joseph, as having been most an- xious about the boy, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? "Why did you treat us so?" Behold, thy fath- er and I have sought thee sorrowing. "We have been looking for you with aching hearts." A true picture of' the constant and wearing trials that af- lict parents when they misunderstand their children. And he said unto them, Prow is it that ye sought me? "What :teed was there of any search for me? Did you not know where I must be found?" Knew ye not that I must be' in my Father's house? There first recorded words of Jesus are el- liptical in the Greek: "I must be in the (things) of my Father." They. can be adequately. translated; "In my Father's house," or, as in the King James Bible, "about my.. Father's business," And they understood not the say- ing which he spake unto them. Per- haps the er-haps'the commonest cause of sorrow in the home is the failure of the par- ents to understand children and of children to understand parents. And he went down with Mem. "Down" always from the hills of Jerusalem, the chief city of Pales- tine. Ana came to Nazareth, The small and despised village in Galilee where Joseph was the village car- penter and where Jesus spent his Veterans Will Meet at Windsor Sault Ste. Marie—Windsor was ac- corded the 1933 convention of the Ontario Command of the Canadian legion by 'ballot here, Port Colborne was a close contender. Major -Gen. Garnet Hughes moved that the pil- grimage of the Canadian Legion to the battlefields of Frange be arrang- ed as soon as possible. Comrade Stark seconded the notion, which carried. Hurricane Causes Great Damage San Juan, Porto Rico—A ' hurri- cane swirled through Porto Rico, and swept on, leaving a death toll that already mounts into hundreds, and property damage that will finally be calculated at many millions of dol- lars. The work of rehabilitation in the hurricane -wrecked areas was be- gun with 24 hours after the storm had passed. The Puerto Rico chapter of the Red. Cross are in charge of the emergency medical and food re- lief. Only 3 Survivors from Wreck San Francisco, Calif.—A radio message indicating that only three men of the thirty-five officers and crew members of the freighter Ne- vada had survived a wreck on the rocks of a North Pacific Island, was received by the Dollar Steanshpi Co. here. The Nevada, 410 -foot craft, owned by the States Steamship Com- pany, of Portland, Ore., sailed from Portland on Sept. 16 for Oriental ports, with a general cargo. Her "S O 5" calls were first picked up early yesterday by. the Oregon Maru. ITHE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON II.—OCTOBER 9 THE CHRISTIAN IN THE FAMILY Luke 2: 40-52; 10: 38-42 Golden Text.—I will walk within my house with a perfect herat. Ps. 101:2. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time and Place.—Joseph reassures his brothers, B.C. 1698, perhaps at Tanis. Christ in jerusalem at the age of twelve; April A.D. 8. Christ vis- iting Mary and Martha in Bethany, December, A.D. 29. CHILDREN AND PARENTS. And the child grew. "The child" was Jesus, in his Nazareth home, be- ing trained carefully and lovingly by Mary and Joseph. And waxed strong. Good health is a basis of goodness. Filled with wisdom. Mental growth must accompany physical growth. And the grace of God. was upon him. Do you turn a tap ort, I�your home is not equipped with running water, let a Duro Pressure Water System prove what a• benefit it can be. A Duro Water Pump will allow you to have running water throughout your home, barn and dairy—and, more important, to install a modern Emco bathroom, an improvement you undoubtedly have long desired. Prices have never been lower and Easy Time Pay" merits can be arranged. LOOK AT THESE PRICES nhe"Duro-Special Pumping System, $99.80 all Canadian -made, complete, only - Complete three piece bathroom with all o 7 -'!Fittings ready for installation, as low as i FR:et BOOIC.I,ET$ We will gladly mail you, without 'cost, illustrated booklets showing our full line and prices. For Sale By W J. Clark Wingham EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO,, LIMITED Loit'rlOtt TCoronto'1'Vaatnt ipeg Vancouver Capacity 2$0 gals. par hour. Alt taeoessory valves and 'fittings between pump aid $0 gat. Catvanixed Tank. 14. RX. 110 Volt Motor - 6t cyclo or $99.80 2.1 tion. It is not a chaos, but a well - ordered, heaven -appointed institution, And his mother kept all these say- ings (or "things" as in the margin) in her heart. Mary is mentioned. here, without Joseph, partly because of her unique t'elation to Jesus, part- ly because mothers remember long- est the details of • their children's lives, and partly because Joseph was evidently much older than Mary and passed away before Jesus grew.- up. And Jesus advanced in wisdom; and stature. This verse runs nearly par- allel with verse 40, though the word translated "stature" may mean "age." And in favor with God. and men. God's favor ("the grace of God". verse 40) involves rnan's favor as well. The shortest path. to popular- ity is 'a life that is filled with the love of • God. RELIGION IN THE HOME. Now as they went on their way. This verse places us near the close of Christ's public ministry, about three months before the crucifixion. He entered into a certain village. The. village was Bethany, on the. eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, And a certain woman named Martha received hint unto her house. She ap- pears to have been the oldest of the family and Lazarus the youngest. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at the Lord's feet. This was the customary position of a pu- pil before a teacher.. And heard his word. Mary was drinking in eager- ly every wordof Jesus, and he dis- coursed with unequalled wisdom about the things of eternal life. But Martha was cumbered about meth serving. Who has not seen some overbusy housewife giving a perfect illustration of the scene? And she came up to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister did leaveme to serve alone? Martha displays no reverence for the Master, but implies a rebuke, to the effect that he should have seen how things were going, but had taken no heed of Martha's overburdened con- dition. Bid her therefore that sh help me. Martha dares even to issue a command to the Son of God! To such a pass will anger bring one. But the Lord answered and said unto her. Christ's answer is a rebuke' but howl tactfully, tenderly, and lov- ingly the rebuke is administered! How different from Martha's spitfire outburst! Martha, Martha. Our Lord was evidently accustomed thus to re- peat proper names on occasions of gentle exhortation, such as "Simon, Simon" (Luke 22:31), and "Saul, Saul," (Acts 9:4. Thou art anxious and troubled about many things. "Troubled" means "bustling" that type of worried activity which ac- complishes so much less than quiet, gentle, and methodical labor. But one thing is needful. There are many things you think you need, but Jesus Christ says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His right- eousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." For Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her. We are not told the end of this story, but I think Martha also sat down quiet- ly, and each forgot the other's faults in remembering their Lord, ►utstan- ing 'aIue- �AIw y$ "Fresh from the Gardens" the farm. of Mr. Herbert Fenton at the north end of town on Friday, Oc- tober 21st. This is the same date and location for the plowing match as last year which proved to be one of the most successful matches yet held by this association.—Port Elgin Times. Woman of 87 Enjoys Ride in Plane Mrs. James Moorehead Sr. return- ed home on Monday after a pleasant and enjoyable trip to the West, 'vis- iting' her ` son, Stephen, at Bassana, Alta. Mrs. Moorehead, who is 87 years. of age, took her first flight in an aeroplane recently while visiting her son. At Bassana, she was invited by Dr. Scott, who owns and pilots a Moth plane, to make a flight. A half-hour flight was made, during which an altitiude of one thousand feet was reached. Mrs. Moorehead was delighted with . the experience, and states she would welcome the chance of another trip. — Listowel Banner. Cigar Thief Sentenced Jarvis "Red" Kent was sentenced to six months definite and six' months indeterminate in the Ontario Reform- atory for robbing Drennan's cigar store on the night of September 16. Rob Ross Till Thieves entered the flour mills of Jas. H. Ross, reeve of this village, and looted the safe and cash drawer of their contents. The latest theft reported was a spare tire and rim taken from a car in private garage of C. S. Ewing, J.P, — Teeswater News. Bert Brown, his accomplice, was giv'- en suspended sentence of two .years, and ordered to report for that per. led. A charge of 'vagrancy against Walter Johnston, also arrested 'int connection with this robbery, was withdrawn by the Crown. Magistrate Reid told him he was at liberty to go.—Goderich Star. ,First Actor: "The last time I play- ed, in this part the people could be~ heard applauding ten blocks away" Second Actor: "Is that so? What was going on there?" • *. *'.* * x: "What's the difference betweenat drama and a melodrama?" "Well, in a drama :the, heroine merely throws.the villain over. In a, melodrama she throws him over a:, cliff." . * * A young woman who went to aw, certain college to get her degree of doctor of philosophy, married • her professor 'in the middle of her sec and year. When she announced her engagement, one of her friends said: "But Edith, I thought you came ure here to get your Ph. D." "Se 1' did," replied Edith, "but L. had no idea I would get him se/I:- soon." Goderich Object to Raise In Power Rates Goderich water and; light commis- sion will not pay the extra levy pro- posed. by the Provincial Commission to make up for adverse N. Y. ex- change on H.E.P.C. bonds without a protest. Last Thursday the local commission unanimously passed a strongly -worded protest objecting to an extra levy of $2;52 per H.P. on its current power bills. This would amount to over $3,000 a year and would entirely wipe out any surplus the local commission has or may have and force an increase on the rates next year, The resolution calls for the Provincial Commission to it- self pay this unforseen item of some $2,000,000 from its own huge surplus contributed by the municipalities.— Goderich! Star. Knocked Down Ey Car Mr. Geo. Hammer received treat- ment at the Memorial Hospital on Sunday. He received injuries to his head when knocked down by a car on the highway, Several stitches were required to close the wound.— Listowel Banner. . North Bruce Plowing 'Match, Oct. 21 HYDRO LAMPS "The Lone Life LDrps" 4P1 5�I` vice V/ Mrgpi Corton of 814' Lamps la the House Wingham Utilities Commission Crawford Block. look 4r Mrs La4.I Phone 156. cane Lamps + There was a good attendance at . a meeting of the North Bruce Plow - boyhood and youth, And lie was men's Association held at the 'Ar subject. unto 'them. • The home is a lington hotel, when it was decided corporation which means a to -opera. to hold the annual' plowing match at Advance -Times Find The Letter Contest hi several of the advertisements in the pap- er you will find letters in brackets. These letters, when properly assembled, will spell a word that is used in connection with our business. Find these letters, place them in their pro- per order to spell the word and give the Merch- ants' names in whose ads. you found the different letters. Owing to the fact that several may send in correct answer, we have decided to put all those correct in a basket, from which we will draw three. These will each receive a free ticket to the Lyceum Theatre. Answer to be in by Monday evening. GET YOUR ANSWER IN EARLY. Address all. !envelopes to Letter Contest, clo The Advance -"Times, Win ghannz. Ontario..