HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WING,i'HAM AO C ANC'°-"IM+,,s qll till ilelIlollountllolll i(1Niblt1 limina fif fliintiI 1111 hill it 9t!oi lmomIllNgllus!l1lp and 141:r, Geo, ]ii Quo d, spent Std. 11_: in day with Ashfield friends. • TRv • , SHOW $TARTS 8.30 P.M. Twc Shows Saturday Night, Starting , 8. p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1st 9�1 Joan Crawford Robert Montgomery Lewis Stone - -- In etc ikon" The Story of a Girl and Fle(r) Wild Oats. Comedy: "TOO MANY WOMEN" Many old friends were pleased to' set; :Miss Jeanette B. Cottle, R;N,,.of :rtrlehe;rt, in the village on Sunday. She .waaa accompanied by her neice, Miss Edythe Kew, of Windham. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Kerr, Nile, spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood I3arboux, Miss Olive Terriff and Mr. M colrn Ross are visiting this we with their sister, Mrs, Cecil Parso of Toronto. Mr. Malcolm Green,, who has •be in Wingh u i .Hospital for the p three weeks, is improving nicely. • Mr. Cook, musical instructor, fro Westfield, still comes each Thursd night to teach the young folks sin ing. Each young man and woman the community are cordially invit to cone and enjoy these lessons. .Rev. H. G. Whitfield, of Nort ville, Mich., is preaching anniversa Services at St. Helens on Sunday October 9th and the service in t United Church here will be wit rdativn. The regular meeting,, of the W. M S. of the United Church was held o al,• ek ns, Earle Anderson, and proved to be in- teresting for both old and young, and. en showed many .helpful thoughts. The ast Sunday School commences a new quarter next Sunday. when a new m series of lessons will be started, and ay it is expected the work will go for ward with even greater interest; in Very successful Har''est Home ed services were held in Trinity Angli- can Church on Sunday, Sept. 25th. h_ The Church which was nicely decor- ry ated for the service was .well filled. The rector, Rev. Pocock, was pres- he ent and introduced the speaker, Rev, h_ 112r. Hall of Dungannon. Rev. Hall devlivered a very thoughtful sermon. During the service a duet was sung by Mrs. C. H, Wade and Miss Ruth n BELGRAVE Rall Day ve Y Harvest st Haine Services Rally Day services were held in Knox United Church Sunday School on Sunday with a good attendance present, The program' "Christ and the fishermen", was carried out. The story of "the two Searchers" was given by Gordon Stonehouse, and the address"Following Jesus Today" by Wednesday last in the church.Cole and another very appropriate • duet was rendered by H. Wright and The marriage of Miss Catharine E. Oxley, Laura Conn, youngest daughter of C. R. Coultes spent Monday in r (Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn, Culross, and Toronto. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 3, 4 and 5 J11In Constance Bennett -That Price ollywoor The World, the Flesh, and the Films. MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON trs Harold Johnston, son of Mr. and Mr Wm. Johnston, Lucknow, was velem nizcd on Thursday evening, Sept 22, at the manse, Wingham, by Rev Kenneth MacLean, They were at tended by his sister, Miss Eiiee Johnston, and her brother, Mr, Wal lace- Conn, The best wishes of a hos of friends in this community follow the happy couple to' their home in Luckrow, where the groom isem- ployed at a baker. Miss Grace Richardson, of Wing - ham, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, lir. and Mrs. J. Rich- re,Ist tl, of hinloss, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson and children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday ww Nit her parents, Air. and. Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Friends iii this community sympa- irire with Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Shiell, whose little son, Jack, is suffering tom a peculiar accident. In some way be was caught by the head when went 'to gather the eggs, and. al - he ttt t was found immediately by is father, he is still in a very crit - al condition, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and t.nneth and Elroy attend Goderich it on. Wednesday last, and visited with her mother, Mrs. Straughan, of i oderich. Mrs. A. Emerson, and James and 1, ert Cu ilamorc, and Mrs. IIa 'gitt of lyth, and Mrs. Victor Emerson, of inions, pent the week -end with Mr. d Mrs. Harry Peppier, of Tavi-' s' Knox, United Y.P.S. is opening its - winter session next Sunday evening • with a _ Rally Service, including the • installation of officers. • The Young People's Society of z11Brick United Church are planning to - begin their meetings for the winter t season next week, the first week. in w' October, Brick Sunday School islooking forward to the Rally Service Next a• J /1:llit�llll�i�lil:„filler"�111t�'1i�+1flf11�111�ii1i11�ililG�lli�fii>�;fltt�`lI�I1L«'itI'�1111�!]l�lllf�ll;�3!It1:3'1f.�s"lilt �, Wll'Ci�l' U?CH T. C. Wilkinson delivered the ad -1 dress, on "Following Jesus. Today, Miss Smith,. teacher' at Walton, The. service }va: in charge of the S. spent the week -end with Miss flay I S- Supt., Mr. Chas. Wig-kitten.1 Wightman. Mr. and 'edrs. Elliott Taylor and , t Miss Gladys Garton, nurse -in -train- fanny, spent Sunday et London with 1 ing in the Ontario Hospital, London their s 'In, cwv'illie, ww ii i bas • been in l f spent the week -end with her parents, s the Hc>sptal there, for the past felt• f, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garton. jWeeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert 33'.yd, 'Mount I Mrs. lien. McClenagizan, Me/vin Forest, spent the weekend with her and Fay. and lairs. Jas. Barbour, also f 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth t Mr, and firs. Elwood Barbour and is Weaver, ' !family spent Sunday at the home ofi The Rally Day pri ,ares "Follow -t Mr,, and Mrs. Fred Culbert, of Sea- i R mg Jesus To -Day" was carried out frflt. w F the 'United Cliitrclt herr on Sun- Ir. and Mrs. Melbourne Sandlearn w day. Miss Olive Farrier told the and fancily, of Turnberry, and Mr. G story, "Following Jesus to God's land Mrs. Short, of Gorrie, alsr, Mrs, House" and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft tend ' Icing and Mrs Chas. Kin;, Gorrie B the story of the "Two Searchers", were visitors at the home of wvhile Mand 1 F Miss, Lettie Foand . Garnet 'Mrs. Chas. Sandbnrn, on Sund . Fox Farrier sang, by request, ,I: ! K He i lir. and 1Irs. Amos Cornelius and an Your Next Door Neighbor?" Rev Mrs i C . ac, nrnelius, al -t., .,f.." JJ stock, r • � St a? • a+a� ta? ' 4 �s M"'f. !YL u DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWEL- LERY AND GIFTS. Moderately e1 ately I'riFed OFFICIA3. C.N.R. WATCI-X INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair One Watch FREE. Winner for August— Mr. McDonald, Minnie St. GE00 WILLIAMS JEWELLER Phone 5. 1 if ?, a.xw. .,,.•M.1.11..v '. eeeee..L.2,„SYPyi BOYS' OVERCOATS ''•� Wintery Days will 'soli be here. Boys' Ov- ercoats on Sale at $609a YOUNG MEN'S TOP COATS 20 Young Men's Top Coats, including the Guard models, Sale 10.95 HEAVY WOOL UNDERWEAR Penman's Heavy Ribbed Wool Underweaei-, Sale per garment , . .:. ..: , . , . +; HANr 1 i:l ItZtc.r oVed MEN'S SUITS Pencil stripes and plain Navy Blue e sergS, reg. values up to $24.00, sale .... $1 .00 WORK SHIRTS Kitchen's Work Shirts, spec(i)al for Three days only....95 , SILK NECKWEAR Special prices in Ties for this week -end, val- ues upto75c,, ; for $1,00 LIMITEA WINGHA s Sunday aftefnoon, combining it with the 'regular service, In Belgrav'e on October 3rd, 1932, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Forbes will celebrate their Fiftieth Wedding An- rtiversary, and will be at .home front 2 to 5 p.m,, to `receive friends and acquaintances, ASHFIELD Mr. Ralph Cameron and sister, Miss jean Cameron, motored to Lanark County to spend a week with their grandmother and other relativ- es there, Mr. and Mrs, Dynes Campbell and Mr, Jake Hunter spent Sunday after- noon in Clinton. Mrs. Campbell's mother (Mrs. Harry Fowler), is in the Hospital. We hope to see her hone soon. Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Campbell at- tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Horton, of 'Goderich, last Thursday afternoon, The annual W.M.S. of the Ashfield Circuit . will be held next Sunday af- ternoon, Oct. 2nd, at 2.30 and even- ing at 7.30 o'clock in Zion United Church. Miss Robertson, Goderich, will address both meetings. We hope for a good attendance. Mr, W. T. Gardiner, near Zion, at- tended the Presebyterial in Goderich, as .a delegate, on Monday. Miss Mary Phillips, of T'oron'to, is visiting with, her sister, Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, 10th con. HUGH B. MORPHY, K.C. PASSES AT LISTOWEL One of Listowel's leaching citizens died Friday morning in the person of Hugh 13.outton Morphy, K.C., in his seventy-third year, after a' lingerin iillness of several months, Mr. Mo pay recently resigned from his pos .tion as Crown Attorney for Pert County on account at illness. Mr. 'Morphy was born hi St. Mary in 1800, graditaiing from the school there and also froth Osgoode Hall i 1882. He praetiscd law in St. ,Mary for two! years - before going to Lis towel, an dhe has .been a resin on tl;ere for forty-six years. Foliowin his 'appointment as Crown Attonne in January 1930 he resided in Stra ford for a short time, Moving b cl to Listowel this summer, Mn Morphy was a prominent Con- servative and took part in many of the campaigns or North Perth. In 1911 he was elected member, defeat - lig :fez'. Rankin, of Stratford. Again el 1917 he was elected a Unionist andidate, defeating the sante Liberal Ioaninee, but in 1021 he Was defeat - d by Dr. Rankin. 'Mr. Morphy was an ardent sports- tan and excelled in cricket, being lie of the best all-round players in anada. He was chosen. on the in-• rnational team four .years, and his core of 42 in 1890 -was the highest lade cin the Canadian: side up to tat time. lIr. Morplfy was a De- ity Grand Master of British Arn- ica of the Orange Order. 1 -le was est Principal of IBer'nard Chapter istowel R.A.M., also fast Master of ernard' Lodg.c',Listowel. Three ,ars ago Mr,i:icirphy was treacle an 1 ,ryc.ratry lit tnet:ibc:t' of that lodge, < a'a,c for on:rny w'ei'rs an ;active ,rker i:.' C}iriet An,.lican Church, ti•I.ti as Warden, end teas also rte Jv itif,+r. sl ed. ,ire he blinding of Mitt Cl?•tlr'Clt, w idcww*, who was form He;i Miss 1 :.!nn l i s, of I./stow], flan ,'it 3:,.. t: ric' :4t.>rl•tIlw, 1.; :1t>w,el, and one On, Cecil R. .Mor-, 1), .v,i., smelter, The funeral •t; is ,!; 'C( ;Outlay aiterrnns.:n, with te;,.,.riaaet,t it I rview• Cemetery, g e r- .4 Jl s n s Yle If "Did you have: measles worse ,than 11,1)1)y l i,'t ret," "Much 'w• n se,grandzana. T :had ''cid luring school w•nrttion " BLYTH i\fr, and Mrs. Lorne Dale, and family, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. Jamies Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White and Mi;;; Stubbs attended the Fall ,Fair at ,Mount Forest on Thursday, The brick work on the Chambers building is nearing completion. The carpenters are busy getting the up- stairs in readiness for the A.F. & M, as a lodge room. As the work proceeds, it has .been supervised by. local members and are having some practical changes made in the utter-. ior•.' Since the fire at ,the beginning of the year the A.F. & A.M. have been hoiding their meetings iii the Orange Hall.' Miss Muriel Wilferct left this 'week' kr Toronto University, :where she will take sop the study of medicine. The annual Fair of Blyth Agricul- tural Society wolf be held on Friday, Sept, 8t0h, and Saturday, Oct 1st, his year's prize list is very cont. plcte, there is quite an extensive list O f specials, one outstanding special is a beautiful silver cup donated by the Bank of Commerce for , the 'best Thurs., September 29, 1932 ammommzegaslummlegunuffenwanwO- Pays To S 1 -i Unusual I erchandi ing Events r Tip:1rsday and Friday, 29 ,'S '30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th WOMEN'S COAT SHOW EXTRAOt4' DINARY After considerable time, arrange- ments have just been completed whereby we are able to have this Wonderful presentation of. "the Sea- son's Smartest and Better Coats" for l:•• Misses and Women, In Our Show Room throughout the Whole of Thursday Ladies, desiring that "Something Different and Exclusive" in Coats or Wraps should make the most of this favorable Buying Opportunity. New Materials - Quality .Furs - The Last Note in Fall Styles , Make your individual choice of style. Select your own Material and p`ur and have a Coat made exactly for your required size. Special measure- ments at no Extra Cost. Come Early on Thursday. FRIDAY, SEPTEM ;ER. 30th. SPECIAL SELLING OF MEN'S SUITS . The "Made -to -Measure" Ex- pert' for CAMBRIDGE Clothes Will be at our store all day .peri - clay, and will have for your choos- ing, samples of the.best Suitings, Overcoating and, Trouserings for the present Fall and Winter Sea- son, Special Order Suits Made exactly to your particu- lar measurements and according to your own choice of style. Worsted Suitings ; Tweed Suitings - SergeSuit- ings .9lAflt- ings - Croanbie's and Carr's Scotch Overcoatings. Your purchase of a good Suit or Overcoat from the Cambridge Clothes roan *ill (g)ive that feeling of being entirely satisfied. Shop any time on Friday - The Earlier the Better. w w,6 itun.'h of h, -1 4,'.; c:atiltitetl by nn't' eine %f,ta. • owner. On the e' eiin; ,if the firs=t A number of Lmr e.iii>.otts attended day cf the fair. The I.2all will be 1lic nc:,niiniztkm t14e.,;,at .for South open to the t,ublie and. Blyth Citiz- 1ltir•.,11 by-ele0,ion at I'Ientsidles, Ton-. one! Band will present a musical pre o- grain on the afternoon of October 1, Miss Elda Buell, daughter of Rev. and Al ea. 'Buell, went to 'T'oronto 'on f,>Ilu:ty to resunrtc her studies at the Ol d -versify, i;or,a1---In Myth,. on Friday, Sept. 2. rd, to Mr. and ii;frs, George Ham, a son, Aunivcrsary service o1 Queen St; L'niited Church will be ]weld on Sun- day. , Oct, 2 Rev. David McMillan of bunigannon, will be the speaker, Rev. Mr. 13tieil is in Hamilton this week attending the General Council There will be a number of speeding c}'tints, including a free for all, trot or pace, named rare, potato race_ and relay race. '..'hese ci+,'cents will be most interesting. 1.''resent indrations in- sure n -sure a tiunirher LI entries •for each, The .usual S.'hool. fair parade and pt ogram gives promise of even bet- ter than former years.-Cithcents' Band: will provide musical programs in the afternoon and evening. The Arbuckle Concert Cp., of London, will present their program in Mcnt- of the United Church, i F�r$L 5 'mien e er Paw Severahstyles are shown in Calf skin, Paten(t) and 11 Dongola Three heights' of Heels, Cuban, High and'Low. .1411 11 mWhile these shoes are not high grade, they are cer- a IN a wonderful value and wv'e' invite inspection. rit 1 Willis' oe StoreWinghtith 1t 120 ore. Leading Shoo St on 11119111101111E l 011111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiinstiminjoigivagirir