HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-22, Page 771,itursdaY, Sept. 22nd, 1932 TRE' VVINGIIAM ADVANCF,-TiaviEs PAGE SEVEN • .EXTRA Crown•Dominion Oil Co., Limited., Distributor St. Catharines Hamilton Toronto sonisisiamanotssommom Pays for itself in excess oil mileage 6t • 100 PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR *IL 1.160411.6.....66.6662.0.66101( 01601111.141M,146130.170101,04101EPOWIDOCINS.0•016,60.16•041:1061111111016.1/1= World Wide News In lief Form et,.........),166.0.m.......0.1631040•60161161,460,16.0116.6•614111,10.616,1416.0•0111,116.0.1,606.160.41,101.16100,01066.04=6.01,611.0.866061111. 'Kaye Don Married Russia. The transaction involves $1, - Greenwich, Conn.—Kaye Don, Bri_1,000,000. tish automobile and speed boat rac- er, and Miss Eileen Martin, 21 -year - Bolivians Want old heiress of a wealthy textile man- Enemy Capital Bombed tufacturer of this city, were married La Paz Residents of La Paz coursed through the streets in a de - last Friday, The news was made public as Don prepaled to sail for monstration demanding that• Asunc- England on the, S.S. Olympic. His 'bride will sail next week to join him in Paris, and. a honeymoon at Lake The demand resulted- from reports .-Como will follow. that Paraguayan troops had attacked and killed Bolivian stretcher-bearers Soviet Crude Oil who were evacuating the wounded from one of the battle grounds in 'Shipped to Montreal the Gran Chaco. A shipment of 9000 tons of Rus- sian crude oil has been received by the LaSalle Petrolium Refinery Co. "The shipment came from Batum ori th Black Sea and was shipped by ar- rangement with the Aluminum Co. of Canada which is taking the oil in jpayment for aluminum wire sold to ion, the Capital of Paraguay, be bombed' from the air. Quebec Legislature May Take a Hand Quebec — Intimation that legisla- tion might be introduced into the Provincial Legislature to prevent publication of matter liable to create HYDRO LAMPS "The Long Life Lamps" NA.‘ A --....•.. "... t — .--, ...t- 1 -2-7_:;.• . vvraiNac i —.0- —...,,,.._,. --, - ---- .... .-:-.2".. II :d or for pro 5ervice dee) Hy and uar a %cepact of Six Lmps k the House Wingham Utilities Co Crawford Block. Look lie 1.4148/ mission Phone 156. Latnaps you 104,, rimileammagrasims. Wu. *106t ViAtitt MIAS "%WAG voR sAtti- Na stG mums .111041•••••• racial strife, was given by Premiei L. A. Taschereau, The Premier also indicated legislature action might be taken in regard'to "blackmail .sheets" and immoral literature. Plain Grain Selling Holiday Calgary—Albertfarmers recently rimmed to inaugurate a wheat -selling holiday. Convinced their wheat is worth more than the present market offers, growers of grain'throughout the Province moved to store their product until .prices improve. British Government May Split on Ottawa Pacts London—Reports persist that Lib- eral Ministers of the free trade group in the National Government will de- cide, in the next few days, whether they will resign from the present ad- ministration. The reports were later described as "pure speculation." It is understood that the Ministers chief of whom are Sir Herbert Sam- uel, Home Secretary, and Sir Archi- bald Sinclair, Secretary for Scotland, have been discussing the trade agree- ments entered into at Ottawa by the United Kingdom and the Dominions. lishment of a Union Government," He committed himself only to the extent of "favoring" the proposal, and, in the meantime T, D. Pattullo, Liberal Leader, and W. Bowser, KC., former Conservative Premier, have refused to enter his Govern- ment. The further statement of Dr, Tahnie has not been issued. Foreign. Legion Meets Disaster Oran, Algeria—A troop train car- rying 500 officers and men of the famous French Foreign Legion plunged into a ravine near Tlemcen and the Havas News Agency said probably 120 legionnaires had been killecl and another 150 seriously in- jured. The train left the track in the mountainous district between Zel- boun and Turenne, and plunged 250 feet to the bottom of the ravine. Rain is believed to have caused the tracks to wash away. Fire Damage Eestimated at $500,000 Fire destroyed docks, trarnvvays, twenty fine houses, two warehouses, a generalstore, garage, the school, the hotel and two boarding houses, at Spragge, Northern Ontario, last week. The J. J. McFadden Lumber Co. also had destroyed 8,000,000 feet of lumber. 300 persons were render- ed homeless by the blaze and the es- timated loss is $500,000. Shanghai Reports Wide Resentment Nankin, China —Immediate inter- national action was demanded by the Chinese Nationalist Government in a series of notes sent to world Capi- • tols protesting the signing of the re- cognition and defensive treaty be- tween Japan and Manchukuo. It urg- ed the League of Nations to take im- mediate steps, accusing Japan of vi- olating resolutions of the League As- sembly'- and the spirit of the League • Covenant. Germany to Build Battleships Berlin—Germany, having turned her back on the World Disarmament Conference, will begin on Oct. 1, to build her third "pocket battleship", another of the 10,000 -ton cruisers said to be as efficient as a battleship of twice the size. The Admiralty is- sued an order today for the laying of the keey. Tolrnie and Cabinet, May Stay in Office Victoria — Indications grow that Premier S. F. Tolmie will carry on theGovernment of British Columbia with his present Cabinet with poss- ible rearrangements. The laim is made in some quar- ters that the Premier; by his coali- tion, virtually effected his resigna- tion as Conservative leader, but it is to be remembered his statement merely said he would issue a pro- nouncement soon which would in- clude a clause "favoring the estab- 01,Nitittil kitCWS tkSE!. Ft5ki tAUSI'VE AU. COM TO ',C\001. 50ttinANG: • 1L5 "ttinct, qi Z4 4t0 Vtl•INIAN M.SIGN LSELV vc 1lAt. MORO-TORN o CATCHING "SiS1141. fR.`e' $101,THNSS SOMETHING ANT tAtiCki OF e." , 1414 ...016606.• 0 45 4,...._ A,... , ,......., 1 -N...............--z_....._ I ' 1 ,..5 . 4,-,----.------ / I'''. *--?,--- • ' - 44 • H114t"N Witt intoltrin111046 ft%) • Alke.titt , It?»k61014 AIST LILA; s. PkRi$ N'Ok..1 LARD IA BtGGT TO 1 %tASORk MAR , Oki MAR! CAR 'VW esittko FORGtr -mp1/4-t oPo 11,1 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON SEPTEMBER 25 Review: Moses Honored in his Death Deut. 32: 48-52; 34: 5-8 Golden Text. — Precious in, the sight of Jehovah is the death of His Saints. Ps. 116: 15. though. Canaan lay fair before the eyes of Moses. Such a vision has been granted to many a child of God in his last hours, and, if we are true to Him, as Moses was, will be grant- ed to us also. And he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab over against' Beth-peor. The note of location sig- nifies "in on of the glens or rav- ines of the Abarira range to which Pisgah -belongs, opposite the sanctu- ary of the Moabitish god Baal-Feor. But rro man knoweth of his sepul- chre unto this day, Moses knew the same God who had been with him would be with him throughout all et- ernity. He knew that though he had his body aside, his soul would enjoy the divine communion forever. • So he went down into the valley of shadows, •lighted by the love of God who had given him the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night throughout all his wanderings. And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, His life being divided into three periods of forty years each—his training in the land of Midian, his leading of the Israelites through. their wilderness wanderings. THE LESSON 'IN ITS SETTING. • Time—B.C. 1450. Place—Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab, east of the Dead Sea. • SHUT OUT FROM CANAAN. And Jehovah- spake unto Moses that selfsame day. The day when he had recited to the people the long poem given in the first part of the chapter. SECOND SERIES • BACON LITTER COMPETITION 1932 The Ontario Live Stock Branch has recently announced a second ser, les Bacon Litter Competition for sows farrowing between September 1 and October 31, 1932. This compe- tition has as its object the establish- ment of a standard of excellence for grade brood sows kept by farmers. It is recognized that brood sows which rear. large litters of select ba- con hogs, that are good feeders and make good gains at low cost,are valuable as improvers of commercial hogs. The competition aims to give such sows prominence as breeders in their respective communities in the hope that their female progeny will be selected as foundation brood sows for the district. Any farmer wishing to enter should send his entry to R. W. Wade OntnariC, Live Stock Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, within sev- en days of the date of farrowing of the litter. The awards will be based on the age, weight, quality and uni- formity of the litter and in order ot qualify there must be nine pigs in the litter raised to marketing age arid at least 30% of these must grade as select bacon. There is no expense in connection with entering the corn - petition. The Federal and Provincial Live Stock Branches provide $275.00 in prize money which is divided. as fol- lows: 1st $25.00, 2nd $24.00, 3rd $23.00, 4th $22.00, 5th $21.00, 6th $20.00, 7th $20.00, and 8 more prizes of $15.00 each. Huron County breeders have done remarkably well in this competition in the past and there should. be a good entry from the County in the contest. For further in formation and en- try forms, apply to the Oritario De- partment of Agriculture, Clinton. (Saying) Get thee up into this mountain of Abarini. The name "Ab- aripi," properly, no doubt, meaning 'of the parts beyond,'_ appears to have been applied to the range of mann- tains 'beyond' (i.e., east of) Jordan, in which Nebo formect a particular range." Unto Mount Nebo. Nebo is the name of a Babylonian deity found in "Nebuchadnezzar," Which is in the land of Moab. Moab is mostly a plateau about 3,- 200 feet above sea level. That is over against Jericho. About thirteen miles to the east of that city, which was on the western side- of the Jor- dan. And behold the land of Can- aan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession. Mosses would be eager to feast his eyes on the promised land, of which he had. cb earned for forty years, even though he knew that he would not be allaw- ed by Jehovah to enter it. • And die in tire mount whither thou goest up. Few of us know definite- ly, as Moses did, when we are to die, but all of us know that we are to die and may die at any time, so that all should be ready. And be gathered unto thy people. That is, his soul should be brought to where were the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their descendants. As Aaron thy brother died in Mount Hor, and was gatheredunto his people. The sim- ilarity lies in the fact thb.t both bro- thers died on mountains ,about six, months' apart. Because -Ye trespassed against rne in the midst of the children of Is- rael. Before the whole congregation where his bad example would do the most harm. At the waters of Meri- bah of Kadesh. dMeribah" means "strife, contention." In •the wilder- ness of Zin. That of Zin was dir- •ectly south of Canaan and west of Edom, and included Kadesh-abarnea. Because ye sanctified rne not in the midst of the children of Israel. If the Lord's rebuke of Moses seems severe, let it be considered he had been admitted into so near comnitm- ion with God—such communion as had never been granted to any other rnan." For thou shalt See the land before thee. Thus God's children, before they go to heaven, are permitted many glorious glimpses of the land that is before them, the eternal life that is to come. But thou shalt not go thither into the land which I give the children of Israel. It made little difference to him that he could not visit Canaan in his aged and worn out bodily frame. DEATH OF MOSES HELP. YOURSELF and you help your country Help yourself today to Shredded Wheat and you • help others eat too, .for • Canada's leading product, • wheat, is back of this great • food bargain. Just a few cents for twelve big biscuits. MADE IN CANADA 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX • BY CANADIANS • OF CANADIAN WHEAT A by-law confirming the appoint- ment of A. Pattison as Collector was read and passed. The following accounts were paid: 'The Standard' Office, adv. and print- ing Voters' Lists $8L70; L. H. Bos- man, tile $8.25; W. M. Henry, draw- ing tile $4.50; R. Carrick, furnishing and erecting trespassing signs $5.00, Wm. Craig, payment on culvert, $300,00, L. Cook, sheep claim, -7.00, J. S. Scott, sheep claim $7.50, W. J. Currie, sheep claim $7,50; Geo. Wal- ker, • sheep valuer $4,00, J. Caldwell, sheep valuer $2.00, For Roads: W. McGill $18.00, G. R. Vincent $45.00„ L."Wightman $46.40, S. McBurney $25.30, C. Robinson $24.20, G. R. Vincent $52.20, C. Carter $29.00, F. W, Cook $20.00, J. Vincent $84.9%. J. Gillespie, Supt., $28.50. Council adjourned. to meet again, on Tuesday, October 11th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. imameNommosimor HOLLANDIA'S WORLD -FAMED So MO6et, the servant of God, died there in the land of illoab, accord - 'nig to the word of Jehovah. But, MORRIS Mr. George Edgar visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Murdock, and Mr. Jack Murdock, of Toronto, over the week-encl. Miss Annie and Dr. Mary Findlat- er attended the funeral of a relative in Goderich on Tuesday last. Miss Dorothy Golley visited with her cousin, Miss Jean Robertson, of Belgrave, on Wednesday of last week, Ur. and Mrs. Joseph. Casemore, al- so Mrs. Walter Jeffray visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans of Ethel, on Sunday last, Masters Lloyd Cooke and Lloyd Robertson, of Belgrave, spent Satur- day with Master Clarence Golley. - EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met itt Sept, 13th with all the members present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Affidavits of L, Cook, J. Scott and W. J. Currie, of sheep owned by them, having been destroyed by dogs recently, were presented and the am- ounts due them in each case from the sheep valuer, receivd and ordered pakl. The Collector presented hiS bond, which was acepted as satisfactory. The sum of $300,00 was paid W. Craig as part payment of building a Culvert at Lot 35, Con. 9. Grants of $20.00 each to Wingham and Blyth Fall Fairs, and $10.00 to the Belgrave School Fain, were voted by Council. Several tenders were received for the construction of the McGill drain, this contract being awarded to gessrs. Blair and tlallahan at $410. FLOWER- BULBS Order Bulbs direct from Holland's best Bulb Farm ,0119.•.:11••• Encouraged by numerous orders lately received from your country, we have decided to expand our business and maintain a per- manent market for our world -famed collections of Dutch Flower Bulbs for home and garden. • We are therefore making the following attractive offer of a new selection of varieties, made with/ special regard to suitability to your climatic conditions by professional experts. The collection will be found to be unique for its skillful combinatiori, of rich colourings with delightful scents. By taking advantage of this supreme "Hollandia" collection, you can make your home and garden a Flower -Paradise for $6.00. In view of the large number of orders which come in daily, we kindly advise you to order early. Please write your name and address clearly on every order. All correspondence, orders, etc., must be strictly addressed to HARRY BRUHL, Managing Director of the BULB - NURSERIES "HOLLANDIA" Voorhout by Hillegom, Holland, Europe Our magnificent collection consists of: - 6 dozen of Darwin Tulips, in 6 Fine Colors 2 " " Cottage Tulips, in 4 Fine Colors 1 " " Lily Flowering Tulips 1 .. " Double Tulips 1 .. " Hyacinths for Pots, all colors 1 if " Hyacinths for Beddings, all colors 5 6, " Crocus in various fine colors 3 " " Snowdrops, the 'Queen' of Spring flowers 2 ri " Iris in various fine colors 2 ,, " Muscari (Grape Hyacinths) 2 ,, "Scillas, sweet little flowers 2 ,, " Narcissus (Daffodils) all kinds 336 Flowers -Bulbs 14 "Hollandia Novelty Bulbs" FREE DOUBLE THIS COLLECTION (700 Flower -Bulbs) for $10.00. 350 Flower -Bulbs for $6.00. Prompt service; delivery never later than one week before planting -time. Delivery FREE of charge at destination. A certifi- cate of health is furnished with every order by the Phytopathological Service of Holland. All varieties are packed and labelled separately. Illustrated Cultural Directions in English, French or German are sent free with orders. All orders must be accompanied by remittance for the full amount and should be addressed as above. Special terms for wholesale orders. THE LEADING FIRM in the BULB INDUSTRY Your own choice of -colors can always be con- sidered. Mfi '404,,.;4$444.64Z-11•14:1; " ou tlriful Strength MIIIMOIXEM Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the world -known authority on Sexology and Director of the InstitiitS f91- sexual Science of Berlin, Germany, created , TITUS PEARL$ t. to help the millions of men ana women, wno have lost or are losing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, hoWeve?, he realized that the weakening of man's glands was also responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus -Pearls. Numerous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, Married) complained of phy- sical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental powers dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus -Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was General health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone; he felt fresh and buoyant His Mood pressure bad fallen, and at 60 years of age he had regained the physical power and virility that he had known in the primet of his life. • Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-dayl.,. In 2 weeks time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you, Send $5.00 (cash registered or money -order) for 2 weeks treatment. Write for booklet. C.O.D. Orders Accepted. eviandllnimilivilig66116( To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: ISTITONTA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 16558 211 Fourth Avenue, New York C ity, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address Bones Tfttiedledrls, for which 1 enclose My Adatts:s . ...... .... State ...