HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-22, Page 4• :FOUR t11 {I 111111iII di 11;1111'011f1IIliP 111184111Iti1111111M111i11111 111.11111111111111111111111111i111II1111111114111111111eiik DOE til A Hand Spray "Free" with ea Fly-Kil Both for 60c dill Flies, Mosquitoes and all. disease insects, z 1 of pale a rr •ing les (Guaranteed) New Bakelite. Tops ... Keeps Cold, for 36 hours. Keeps Hot for 24 hours. For 49c -LUNCH KIT --- Metal carrying case coniplet(e) With Vacuum Bottle for 97c tion Aitstausin it iffilllstrismin 11 itnianAMin IIIMINI1IIIIIIINInt11iil THE WINGHAM ADVA CI OWN HOUSE- WORK AT 70 With the I•teip of Kruschen "For nine years now I have used Kru::chtwu Salts and could not do withOur them, I take a third of a Fs 'teaspoon in a cup of water as hot as I can drink it. No sickness, no head- I = arh.es now. I am 70 years of age in LITS- April, and jut with taking Iruschen Salts ani able to do all my hotlse- n work duties myself, "I recommend • I' ruschen- to all my .neighbours, Be- fore I began taking it I was .never away from the doctor, but now I ne- ver need him. I used to have sick headaches and then was not able to do anything. Bet now it is different —thanks to Kruschen Salts.' -=(Mrs.) 1 J. G. 06 rH 8Q evim etee m etereas etesveteeet meS!etee esteseee e emeaeemeaeaemaa, Kruselten keeps the organs of the body working actively, cleanses all clogging impurities from the system, and sends clear, vigorous blood coursing through the veins. And the result? An end to all Life's minor and miseries, No ntor$ headaches, tiredness, depression, "nerves," or constipation, Instead, a sensation of delightful freshness, high spirits, hap- py outlook—in short, sheer good health! W.C.T.U. SPONSORS 1 TEMPERANCE COUR Temperance people are freque charged with neglect in the line Temperance Education. A very g opportunity of obtaining knowle in this Department is afforded the Temperance Study Course evil is sponsored by the W.C.T.U, the O.R.E.C. This course is en ing upon its fifth campaign, ww begins in our Sunday Schools on tober 9th, continuing every Sun until Nov. 6th inclusive. There five lessons in the course and are two grades. The lessons are published in p phlets and can be had from the Ca paign Office, Box 3073, Montr The price is five cents a copy; cents. per dozen, or $1.75 per hu red. They are also published in following Sunday School papers: Playmate for Juniors; The Caned Boy and Girl; The Challenge, You Canada, The Canadian Baptist a the Northern Messenger. It is earnestly hoped that t young people in our Sunday Scho not only study these lessons but di they write upon the examinations the close as wall. The National C.T.U. and also the Provincial o aniza i g tons are giving substant' prizes, while many counties, inclu 11 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. a'aeras: araeeeteevieera' .xoom i-' ,eete seereysr," amore 'r.:mteeeteearea:,ar a. y;�-eeza A BARGAIN for quick sale, Driving dred acres more or less. Horse. Apply to Robert Currie,' The property is situate one and Sr., Centre'St., Wingbam, I one-half miles from a church and a ccliool. BATTERY RADIO—In good condi- There is said to be on this prop - tion, for sale cheap. Apply to erty a 13 -room brick house; a frame Mrs. C. N. Griffin. barn 60 ft. by •50 ft., with stone foun- dation, and a drilled well. The soil is clay loan with gravel bottom. There is also said to be two acres of bush and two acres of orchard. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid, Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the. day of sale or may be had on appli- HOUSE FOR RENT Two storey cation. to the. undersigned. Red Brick, all conveniences, cen- Dated at Win ha g ni, -Ontario, the tr ll- - , a lu to ca d yearly e y a lease. Rent 3 y ent t -e ' ww n le' t ell day * of reasonable, Apply H. T. TIlornp- 1932: September, A.D. son GEOR GE WALKER, Goo ; e Ontario, o Auctioneer. 'ing Huron, are giving a beautii J. H. CR,,AWFORD, bronze shield to the Sunday Scho Wingham, Ontario, having the highest percentage of i Solicitor for the Adn.infstratrnx.ienrolment writing upon the eeauti FOR SALE --About 1000 feet used maple flooring. also one hard- wood Bowling Alley. Apply to T. C. King, FOR SALE—Beatty Electric Wash- ing Machine, Philco Radio and Baby Carriage. Apply to•Mrs. Jack Ernest, Francis St. PROPERTIES FOR SALE—I have a great many real estate bargains on my list at the present time. Some are nearly half prise of cost. If you. want to buy a home reas- onable, see T. Fells. SE ntly of{ ood dge by igh and ter Rich Oc day are for am- in- eal. 25 nd- the The fan ng nd he ols at at V. r- eal a TICEation. Many of the local unions ar TO CREDITOR,Sialso giving prizes. Superintendents and teachers of S., parents and others interested i ; +ne Row feed Starnes or Ontario, that Temperance education, are respec e Thursdary t. 2nd, 1932' FinalWind Up of Walker Store Fall Opening,Sale. Many tookadvantage of the low prices offered. We have filled in items where possible, also offering new items, as advertised. These advertised lines. save you money and every onegenuine bargains. NEW KID GLOVES Kid Gloves in the new imported glazed kid, new designs on cuff, full range of sizes and 1 Oh colors, per pair NEW NECK SCARFS Scarf's still play an important part adding color, large new showing covers patterns and colorings,this special assortment, all silk and newest designs, colors 98c Each RAYON PYJAMAS Rayon Pyjamas offered at new low price. See them to realize the (v)alue ,n„-„ a if NEW PULLOVERS The latest designs, in fall: pullover sweaters for ladies inter- esting new knit weaves. meeDI NEW WOOL SCARFS New Wool Scarfs that will play an important role in the smart dressy out fit, new interesting weaves, a� 1@ colors, etc,, 7 c and �I . Each RAYON GOWNS Nightgown with set in Lace de. signs, real dainty, these gowns sell regularly at $1.95, Sale 29 Price; each ., o NEW IMPROVED WOOL -COT BLANKETS This satisfactory wool and cotton blanket in dainty colors, solid and checked, at a new low price, bound satin edges ......... 1.9 TWO Color BLANKETS Two tone color blankets, 'a real satisfactory and smart colorings, rose and green, mauve and gold, blue and gold, tnauve and green. Size 60 x 80. Each ._ 7a50 Hemstitched Sheets Full bleached sheets in double bed size, splendid wear assured, neat- ly hemstitched one end.MReg. $1.39, Each _....,..., • l i] PILLOW CASES Fine close weave pillow cases, 40 and 42 inch width, reg 29 c 39c. Each ti A splendid pillow case of fine wea- ve, and full bleach, regular 29c each, 42 inch. size. ....... _- 39c Pair COLORED BLANKETS Solid color blankets that add coI- or to one's color scheme, positive- ly one color only, no white used as base to cheapen them. Green, Sand, Mauve, Blue and 45 Rose, size 60x80, each . d7 PILLOW COTTON Circular pillow cotton of close ev- en weave, pure white, Reg. 35c, yard 27c Linen Towelling . Pure linen roller 'towelling, grey and white, all white with colored borders. 15 inches wide. flea Reg. 15c. Yard .,. ..._.... a7 FACTORY COTTON 34 incl; full measurement, fine ev- en weave quality that sells regu- Ylarly at 13c..,._.._„ �.' ard .,,-_..._._w-....-- . LAVISHLY FUR TRIMMED THIS SEASON'S COATS ALSO PRICED RIGHT . $12.50 To $29.50 Plain cloths, and diagonal weaves, colors Black,, Brown, Blues, Wine, etc., trimmed` with luxuriant furs. Our new fall showing of ladies' Coats is a comprehensive one. MISSES' HATS FOR EARLY FALL Stylish early fall 'Millinery in four new youthful creations, these new styles have taken larger centres by storm.. See them early. Priced $L5O, 1.75, "1.95 KNITTED SUITS Knitted Suits, elegantly styled, from new knitted weaves, mostly plain color, depending on blouce to break color effect, decidedly smart, others show small stripe and 9 9 to 14.75 A` -r 7 check effects, priced J e . NEW FALL DRESSES New cape effect, new sleeves, smart up-to- the-minute styles, the mode for fall shown in a new and varied assortment, Botany Jerseys, Wool Crepes, New Celanese Cloths, Satins and Silks. CHILD'S JERSEY DRESSES Neat styles for the little Miss, pleated skirt with separate top, two tone colors with varied appli- qued trims Sizes 3 to6. y •5�y Each..... :................_..._..............,._..._. j (j GIRLS' JERSEY DRESSES Wool Jersey, Dresses that are neat and practical one piece, long sleeves, two color effects with belts. Size 8 to 14. 25 Each ....... -..... _.. er. Sugar — Little than peach Mr. Jack Gallaher, from near Or- ange Hill, spent. last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gal- laher. Miss Barbara Fortune who had the misfortune to break her leg a while uiago, is doing as well as can be ex- Ipected. We hope to see her all right of soon. is n - RADIO FOR SALE—Stromber -, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Cerlson, 5 -tube battery set, with l pursuant toSectionf ee d speaker.Can be heard 3.11V+ t 5l, Chap. 150 of • e S. n. flt tis fo drurittee (i the I.atsr e 3 .� ciccl: an t41e aster- airy) held by thein duly verified bra and airs. Hollis Merkley. on at the B-xt•a wick € otel in the I statntery declaration. The'funeral of Mrs, Andrew Gem To of Winafhara, be- Thos. Fells ' AND T' - milllast Wednesday, was well at urtinncer, eubject to a reserved bid teen afro- �1 - •d a > sepie. 0' fipple- A.T. i.oc ridg , a3i pPrs i ha�-an claims against thefulls urs <• g � _ urged to co-operate with rhos •estate oe John M. Eisi r, late of the organizations who are seeking in thi - TI wn hip of Turnberry in the (onn- e” io bring home to our youn BELFAST Miss Elsie Vint left on Monday to attend Stratford Normal School, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sherwood and to : Shirley. and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew e Gaunt spent Sunday at Mr. Sant g'Sherwood's. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Alton and boys c and air, and Mrs, 7:11 McLean, of Goderich, spent Sundayat River - F .. A number from here attended the School Fair and concert at St.'Hel-1 , ens on Friday. MORTGAGE SALE ? ty: of Tiroii, Farmer, wlio died on wa er 1 about are sixth day of July A, people the fact concerning alcohol; ID. e rquimd to send by pow., beverages'. "Valuable Towrt Propertp , pr•epaid, or deliver to J. H. Craws- 1.uter and by virtu ofthe powers f,c:rd, «'inghatn, Qntarit+, Solicitor sale contained in a certain wort- for the Executrix, on or before the g•3ge whish will be, produced at the i tenth day of October A.D. 1932. their+ ne ,yf salt, tber' rill be �ti8iered { r salt, by Tullis : re in writing of •their elalms.l ay,' Szpre ai�er 24th, A.D.. ) 1832, at and ai:e nature of the :s f spent Sunday with his parents, lir names and•addresses, with full par-' °lir, Harry Merkley, of Wingham Auction o'n Satter- ;'. ticula \t SALEM no T TAKE NOTICE FL"RTIIER A i sal aentdi day of Oc- _ rife fiiilowang property, namely: tober, A.D. 3933 thetended. The service was held in the said Executrix ' All and Singular those certain par- i men roe ' t p eed r« dar-tribute the assets church. The pastor's sermon was ' ce:s' or tracts of land and premises l of the said estate among the parties much appreciated by all. The choir sitnatealeing and beim in. tee Town entified thereto, ha'-ini- regard only rendered special music. The renaairs of Wingham in the teninty of Her- to the claims cif which she shall then on and -Province of Ontario and be -1 have had notice, and the ;aid eaecu- were laid to rest in Wroxeter 'Come i �. , , any �.trii.e e . d � s P I.� numbers 84; trix shall not be liable for the said etery, The trend= have .the srrapa- • and 355 on the North side 'f Care= aesets o: any part there d to any •thy of the community. Street. ire• Jane Sidi r s eS7ezond Sur- perss n of whose claim she shall not There will be no se i' e eTown 1 in. said. 'S r the Ts �w�.i f L ._ t iln win.rr ct then !have recsivcd 'r. ,fico. in he 't. pori. the.. said pre:miees • there is DATED this ee entcenth day oi'',churrie here next Sundae owing to saielt�tel be situate a six roomed white S et pteber. A.D. 1O32. • the Anniversary Sen -ices in \Vroxet- brkk house with kitchen ettached,, , F' Mr. and Mrs. W... R. Farrier, Gar- net and Olive, of Whitechurch, visit- ed at Mr. Ebner Alton's, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and fancily, of Zion, -visited recently at Mr. John Campbell's. J. H. t RAWFO.?RD. I whit inode'rn convenienees, all in Wing,hant, Ontario, gocd d repair, ` TERMS: Rei. , -. - Ten per cent. of the pier- ' '�.yi?c.r,r i<•r 1.2:le Executrix, NOTICE TO CREDI'T'ORS chase money t b .3id dXw11 at NOTICE TOO 'CREDITORS NOTi'C'.• It HERE'Y GIVEN, the bine alt ,ale anti the ba anee • t ;shin 80 daso tifercwfter, u 'pars cant to Section 51 Chap 150, of hoe. ta.rt0 part :::lar, assn zondi- N )Tit,E 15 HERE•n�l GIN Ex, tie Re iced Statutes c;f Ontario, that n: iii Bate apply le, teeeir dere" 3„. l P r Itr1:i a) ' et,•i�a '51 Cehel 159, t all person,: Navin cleiene a ;net tete ed. Yh< etc 1 1 Statutes e. new :c,, that Estate of Richar l G ain•-*e- late 'af DATED:AT at t in ?:ant, L�)it3rt; .ii�' al pore,,7i having .�.iaiois .'; ria t the •the ToStit3:77ir i i'Ir:ti c 7.] file ti t tcp,tcl'r•lrr, .A.D, 1;§3'x•. , late• ee Wi.]sam John <i:cl:e]J, late rteinty o. H...ro F T ')q ,; 1l"e Ttawr•n,hip ;f Ht .v'u?: ta, k ilii, deceased, �t, ,, FELLS, �ies'tii^�'netT, 131 tr.e jwTi }e:v did On :.r il'i J. 11' nutitiFIre1.i1, 4e:int of Heron, Farnic.r deceased, :day arch A.D.n tivcni?a i,j died i. 3 .''r:•I �1 1982, ar t'il ii o about the tenthday:ed to send by 'i5i,', , or - to °`. i } t ,Au ,u; t, A.D. 1932. ars required 1 deliver to H..'-Cr3 fe r , -r . i'r cl'aiel by I J- 'n' rd, ��-n.�i•.am, 'tot, prep air;, or delirer 1 Omar r, S,:3 char fns the Execsicr, 'tce I. H Crawford, Vt ghant, On et -r before the tenni day .ct Oc- ,arise., Solicitor for the Executer,' an ,tober, A.D. 1952, heir names and ad I3cf,,ire tl-e tenth. flay 1:� - Oetrab :r, d ewes,''with frill pa.:".coiars in writ - e32, their manes and addresses ling of thee claim and the nature 'uI SuBoit, t Sn r the Mortc'•ac.ee ADMINISTRATOR'S MINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Valiizab1e Fartn Laods 'in the ovrrtship of Inc wick The Aelminist atri'x cf the estate i Janis Wallace Clerk. deceased, wi atfer for sale by public. rection the Angie,-,Anier'icaa Hotel, Goeree, i d the a ore,, ^t. particulars is inti#. (If I the semi, ts iii claims, held le %Item .inns and }i.. rar ct,the nature of the , call} wrer.fieti by a ;cis,#.utosc- declare.-. .aritirc r. iSerie New Beets Prettily and Differently ethod: Cook the beet greens 'an ender. Cock the beefs until ten - Chep the greens very fine, Sea - lilts for the ouseholi By Betty Webster HOUSEHOLD HINTS I bulk. Method: Stone, elan and mash the peaches. Add little less sugar than peach bulk. •Cook very slowly 3 or 4 hours until done. This is easy to tell as they become darker and more settled looking in the pan, This peach butter is excellent for short cake or as a sauce for ice cream. Children love it on their bread and butter. less Grape jam 4 cups of sugar. Little water. 2 pounds of grapes. Method: Make a syrup: Cover su- gar with just enough water to moist- en it. Cook until syrup threads. Add (seeded) grapes (seed) and boil until trans- parent. BAKING HINTS Tomato Cups Tomatoes, Corn (uncooked). Butter. Bread Crumbs. Bacon if desired. Method: Slice off ends of tomat- oes. Scoop out centers. Cut corn off cob. Cook for a few minutes with little tomato pulp. Fill centers with corn moistened with tomato. Top with bread crumbs and butter. Bake in hot oven until n 1 growl bs are brown wti and tomatoes are cooked. Serve on rounds of buttered toast. Pour over any pan tomato juice. Garnish with To dean soiled wall paper take crisp bacon if desired. a clean duster and rub in dry powd- —o ----- era borax. Then rub it aver soiled Easy Oven Meal spots on paper. To Take Off Lacquer When freshening a brass bed here part of the lacquer las worn rs'f,, the test of the lacquer may be ren -.owed by sponging with alcohol. COOKING HINTS 1. cup of left -over neat (chopped). 1 cup of tomatoes, 1 cup of boiled, rice, Seasoning. Method: Mix well. Pour in butt- ered baking dish. Sprinkle top with crumbs. Top with cheese if desired. Bake in moderate given. o— To Insure Flaky Pie Crust Add small tablespoon vinegar to cold water when mixing .pie crust, Then there is no fear of soggy pie rusta st,ti with batter< pepper and Balt. To Prevent Juiee From Runtu'ng se , (if stay ) held lwy. there duly i tion. verified by: a statuir..ry declaration. , Preen well into a buttered ,;ing Out of Pie AND TARE a statutory l✓ FURTHER , AND TAKE ' 0'. It. E FURTHER HER ;,, t . t RT TER' that th d tenth d n1 s d (-finaat d ore platter Fil] St -etch a fiti ' f t cloth C'r b r• after Sat tt ay it c-: a repo the sofa about that after file said Iemir day ,-f tw,A.D.i 1.,-,her,Dtg8`i' t with email b .d °- i -r, . be �a execEtt!� center nen' beets, season-, tytue inch:wide tightly around the riin tiler, 1:43'2, said exegator will proceed •' will roceerl r u is t4h: 11;1i7:. .+"e �. .. , 1> £/ rltftr ..tae �i?1e'. a�bE.... ' rile ' tc tree a.,et.�t the life: This is especially 11e] - satd t e: a .,.,, � R ,. .. ._ Y p a rt Saturday', the ei�yhth day" t i tee. estate sail`c11:; 'tile parte entitled the sae estate ate z regard drt3e5 e entitled .l d h 1 n e nett• C t e:reia Maedis regard nilly ', lobo-, A.D. 1)811., at 1.3t3 ai ziotd; in ,Resort , ht wing regard .only to €lie to the. claims 5 f' •yr Shall trite afterxitit5rt „ , ., _ d tn. L. �-,.r1a.y,e ,.Earl have property, and tilt. said ex r 1b 11 ecuttsr , C i• Ball r-' beliable, 1, d Ali and sing• by eteerge 'talker, c'iaun- v,f wade+eel he ,hal1 theta. hale tEen had notice, and the said "rein tteliiw:rYrerr, lase following hail 0otiee i e ro,attic y*s t .a ncit s net a e the ell =or s� i • .b off' �if'+ywwiria fru tot and t•'ra riz ae fill t ifmpo ed of the St t*,ertth Comte„ si'„ip K itv'tck, ce' wall. Trina outside edge'with thin of of hard boiled eggs. sat Cart td be Balite for rite" Said as x•$s assets or 2.11?, , T or :any part thereof , any part .1,�.��t ._, a.t': ,This saw. Good For Soup ib -'end off a rah -r ase. delicates soup, aunt ceateert aa � t ty* llersot. t+f J person •t'r 'rnrl>s- � { "es �artd ate./ prerai,es,4`eho,e €ia-nes lie shish not then; have l'' z zea -m at shau =•:ct.'t?tn enr7 rcastel : h mea. �... tl- n tt ,I �tat ass the A l�1erea , see creed tet?tate, to kC :reCe `r`L°r 1 Gtr i D: 'f'Ert at Winzba'_yt, ,C+ aeerie ,^,c'practically wasted„ �Ctiwixuty i 1 �+ Han-, � ln� t ff e sweu t�enf�d`t•��' aitara�*, and be - Nee Eight ill of the Toeine- - isstug. eme iltrttw DATE day September, A.D.19t8,i,, T. I.3'. 'CRAWFORD7, ILin,;d,atu, Ontario. Solicitor for the Rxetutor. n eetttb day of Septcn ber,. A.D.1 --� t3----- w, t . J H. C rt?` V F r RDb each Better q,ve7.;Fs; r . r :t csches Peer er peck S ,SI 2' .: t'rr t7 a Es Catar, I i a?sES. y baking' a cherry pix. 1932, by The Bonnet. rporation, Chicago) sc: a,' what's the' differ•rrnee between statesratan and a politician? , "A atate_�imatt, illy son, wants to do a.aething for his country, a politic-- trirs his country* to do some - or biro.” BORN IR WIN— In the ie Wing -ham .General Hospital, Wednesday, Sept, 14th, to Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin, a daughter. er g ALLEN --In the Wingham General Hospital, Monday, Sept, 5th, to' Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Allen, of Low- er Wingham, a daughter. TOFTING—In the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, Sunday, Sept. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Tofting, a son, - ELLIS—In the Wingham General Hospital, Wednesday, Sept, 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ellis, of Brussels, a son. CRULLER—In the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, Sunday Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruller, a sam Grove school fair, near Kitch- ener, when two boys not only invad- ed the e girls kingdom, but walked off with. the prizes. Ralph Howlett, of S. S. No. 6, won first prize in the, sponge ge cake division,- while Gustave'. Brahman, of S. S. No. 12, stitched. the best two button holes and but- tons and won first prize. Girls Won•. the other prizes. Stung by Bees, Man Becomes Unconscious Thomas Rivett, Dungannon, carrier and truck driver, had a uliar and undesirable experience one. day recently. He was loading a load of hogs at the farm of James Mc- Kenzie, Lake Road, Ashfield, when he Yeas stung by bees on the chin, the elbow ,and on the tips of two of son. his fingers. A short time after he STAMPER—In Btuevale, Monday, compalined of having a peculiar sick Sept. 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank feeling and collapsed immediately. A Stamper, a daughter, local doctor and a nurse were called' and it was 45 mail pec - Boy Bakes Best Cake at Balsams Grove School Fair Women may have invaded man's kingdom with success in modern All the prizes at a recent sports business, but occasionally the shoe is meet were •carried off by one man. on the other foot. It was at the Bal- He was given six months. minutes before he re- gained consciousness. He still feels the effects of the collapse however. �u®n3ner i1frlA,an�,ei�nar�,r maWeather Col WILL SOON BE HERE Let n s put your FURNACE in shape for the Winter's tzse, FURNACE CE RFF'Ai.�:iNOOUR SPECIALT'Y'. dew F maces installed at reaso - ral�la �►1�xe(e)s.: achan Ont. Phone 8.