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The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-22, Page 2
pia PA TRE WINGHAM A• voicE rwJ The n hr Adv'ante T rnes Publisbd at WINGHAM - ONTARIO `very Thursday Moraine' by he Advance-Titnee Publishing Co ubseription Rate --. One Year $22.00 Sift ►notaths, $1..00 in advance To U. S, A. •$2.5(1 per year, Foreign rate, $3,00 per year, Advertising rates on application. JUST A SUGGESTION ri t• that make your month water. 1Vingham Fall Fair will be held on * * * as October the 7th and Sth, and Mon- A report says that the present-day day, Octttber 1Ot.b, is Thanksgiving tomato is an old and unused variety , Day. This Will allow Saturday, the, that bad its face lifted. Thie is once big, day of the Fair, to be the big -'the facial surgeon did a real job.. gest ever, if the public will carry out * * * a suggestion made by one of the dir- A St. Thomas boy who saved three eetors, As the man on the radio girls from drowning was too modest says; "Cet yeller paper and pencil appear before a crowd and receive ready" and write a note like this to ,a r.adaI and an address for his bray - your sons, daughters, relatives and cry. Thus this boy showed his sec friends; The Winghan Fall Fair will fond great virtue, modesty, take place this year on October 8th,} * * * * and as Thanksgiving Day is the fol- I American veterans declare for the towing Monday, make it a point to payment of the bonus and therepeal be here at the Fair and see your old of prohibition. They inust be thirsty friends and spend the holiday week as well as hug-. end with u.el campaign is bem4 a * * * held to have a large gathering of ex-1Hon. G. Ferguson Howard v d wv-iki fly Winghautites here for the Fair Day, to Sall.-atoon to speak td the Board and it will be just Iike an old boys' of Trade there. The Hon. Howard gathering, so be sure and conte.' has often used the aeroplane for * * * quick transportation, but so far,. we CADET TRAINING IN SCHOOLS have not heard of hien •flying back o England. • * * * Bishop Bethune College has gone Last week the Toronto Board -of Ed- iiitei bankruptcy, Evidently they did ucation had a discussion on this sub- •not have the proper economic class - jest and it reported that some es at this school, * * * * The "American Nurse" trans-At- lantic aeroplane was last with three passengers aboard. The plane carry- ing the Hutchison fancily across the Atlantic in easy stages, was forced 1�c?u home an engagement for Oc- tobeer Sth with the \ 9nhatzt Fall Fair. * * *. Ontario' . civil ` servants will likely have their salaries cut another 10 1, at the end of the fiscal year, First thing they know they trill be receir- ing the same Mayr as the rest of us. * �. A man at Tilbury has successfully: produced a musk -melon weighing bout 20 pounds and 10 or 17 inches long, by cross-palleuivatian of 'tlie corn and musk -melon. Now would - A great deal .of controversy has taken' place in the last few years re- garding cadet training in schools. schools are doing away with this form of training. During and after the war the old cry `T did not raise my boy to be a soldier" has been used with great effect to persuade the public to look with horror on Cadet Training, but it seems to us down off the coast of Greenland, that a training used in schools which' This forni of suicide shohtd be teaebea discipline in the effective l `topped. manner that cadet training does, ser- ves a very useful purpose in the school life <'f the boy. Acidity Overcome Wonderful Results Front Farnozzs Vegetable Pills Instead -of hawing an acid stomach and being constipated, Mr. Frank 'C, is well. "1 can eat any-thiryt since truing Cen'ter's Little Liver Pil.s," be syr• Because they are PURELY LEGE- TABLE, a gentle, ei eerie -e tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little i.iver Pills are without equal for cor-. rectingCoasrilaation, Biliousness, Headaches Per Complexion and in- dige 75c, red pkgs., every- where Ask for Carter's by NAME. • * * * Stratford had a surplus of $167.00 cin the,Old Boys' Reunion. The com- mittee are surely to be congratulat- ed, as these celebrations are usually an expensive proposition, * * * * If Ghaneli insists that he will stary himself to death, it is certain from ae pictures we have seen of him at it will not take. long. e * * e a, The port of Churchill has a real 3 ill to climb with the insurance rates i<t this port S times that of Montreal,* * * * The record height of 45,000 feet -3:as been reached by Captain Unwin, which will go to show, some eastaaasaa the, highe fall, * * * The Cree Indians of Manitoba pre- dict a mild winter. . Not wishing the c.ttl ratan any hard luck, We' hope they are right, * * A man trolling near Victoria, '13, C., caught a loon and when he start- ed to reel in the loon took flight. Now you tell one, * * The big guns are now booming in the South Huron Bye -Election, and, according to .the noise at the start, they do not lack for animtmjtion. hey go, the farther they take care of the exchange that Am- (Rall Song was sung The Grandmo- "! n -,,,4fN„4UR„1,44414,,,,1114 ,i1,„i,,1Q14,A1,11"14„4"„„„ of the= NEWS CT 7:4444;414,4, $$$$$ 4404444.e.14;4444.4441 , n4a uuftl A Floral Freak A calendula, a pretty yellow bloom with six separate stocks in floater all. growing out of the head of the mo- ther plant, is the floral freak thatgrew on the stone wall at Mr. Nor pian Archibald's home near the C.N. R. Station. --WaIkerton Herald Times. • Went For Roost and Ride, Combined Thursday evening an automobileparty came into the Firemen's Dance from some three miles out. They wrere parking the car on Clinton st,, when a sound familiar to chicken owners carie to their ears. On in- vestigating it was found that a hen. had gone to roost on the rear bump- er of the machine, and had enjoyed the ride to town along with its own- er. After a short chase the offend- ing member of the barnyard was bagged and hied back to her compan- ions to lay eggs, for the Canadian market as is her wont. -- Teeswater News. Night Blooming Cereus A beautiful night -blooming cactus was a treat for the eye one night re- cently at the residence of Mrs. leo, Lighthouse St. The cereus belongs to her sister, Miss Frances Roberts, who is staying with her, and is over twenty years old. The plant had 14 erica.n. investors .who had purchased thers chose "When You and I Wer bonds had to pad- onthe, issue, and l oazng, Maggie,' They certainly which was charged back to the Hy- know now they are grandmothers n dro Electric Power Commissioand how hard it is to sing. Lilia Owing to the substantial surplus, .Edwards sang a solo, or two Con the local commission has on hand, test "Who is the baby picture” wen they are absorbing ;this latest in- to Mrs. George Inglis. Lunch pro crease of $2,41 per H,P., and hence vided by the ladies, was served by consumers of current here will not. Mrs, McLean, Jean, Mrs. Kelly and have their monthly bills boosted any Margaret Mundell. • The meeting was for the balance of the .year at least. again called to order, when plans —Walkerton Heradl-Times. were made to entertain the gentle- men, so it is up to them to keep Teachers' Convention in Ripley on the right side ofthe ladies of the The 1982 session of the West Institute. The 14th of October was Bruce Teacher's Institute evil be held the evening chosen, a good time is in the Township Hall, Ripley, on, erpected. Thursday and Friday, ;October Ot.h Mrs. John Lane attended the am- end 7th. This annual event, which eral of her .brother, at London, Sat- is being held each year at some point urday. of the inspectorate, tends to stirnu- Miss Hannah Stokes is visiting her late the work among the teachers. brother, on the 10th. Various phases of the profession are A corn roast was held on Friday. discussed and problems are solved evening at Mulvey's, the young pea - which v z make much better work. ple of the United Church hadas their guests the Mildmay. young folks. Has Poet Amputated General regret is felt at the seri- ous illness of Councillor Herbert Crich, who has been suffering for several weeks with an infection in his foot. On Friday last it was decid- ed to amputate tile' foot in an effort to save his life,` but as he is advanc ed in• years, this was a shock. to. Ms system and also failed to stop the spread of the trouble and his case. is very- serious at, the present time. Clinton News-Reord: Her 92nd Birthday Sunday last was the ninety-second birthday anniversary of Mrs. Jane Lynn, Anglesea street, and the anni- versary was fittingly observed by her family and friends. Mrs. Lynn was born in the township of Onondaga, county of Brant, in the year 1840. She has been a resident of Godericlt for fifty-one years. Though she ad- mits she is not as young as she once was, she still is active and alert, phye sically and mentally, and she made herself a fine three-storey birthday cake, which was a feature of Sun- day's celebration Her husband, the late Patrick Lynn ,passed on in 1892. —Goderich Signal, Claims Town Crit Privately - Owned Trees Five Maple trees on the west side. of the North. Hili, at the turning- im- mediately north of the home of - Mr. bloom the first night and two the se- l Jos. McCurdy, were cut down re- cond and the largest bloom xneasur- } Gently by an employee of the Town cad nine inches across. — Goderkch !Council, and Mr. Solomon Weiss, lclaiming that they belonged to hien, is asking the Council what they pro- Squirreis Steal `Cabs loose to do about ie. Harry Hockley ; did the cutting job, on the authority A small army of squirrels help icy.; the Chairman of the Streets Cont-, then;,elves to corn in the garden of mittee; he is reported to have stated. Jack :Gibbs in Mitchell and then sear- !4—Walkerton Telescope. re- to the tall trees in the public I greaunds. So far they have dropped 1 Skull some 300 cobs front the leafy branch- Ayiraer Aitchison, Tract tcI-Baseball sten of Mr. and es. I airs, Horace Aitchison, was the vic- } tiro of an unfarteinate accident last Hydro Vote on Oct, 14th 1 Thursday ev�enina� s with injury so The Mildmay municipal council, at 'serious that his condition caused its meeting n Tuesday es -ening, grave concern. passed the necessary by-laws to pro -1 Aylmer and a number of young. vide for taking: the vote of the dee- j teen-age boys, were having the reg - tore on the questions of securing i alar evening catch at the home of prnver from the Hydro Electric Com- + Reg. ;faith. which is a rendezvous rag eieen, and purchasing the kcal elH for these baseball minded youths. eetrkat distribu on system from the 1Dusk was failing, and Aylmer failed Commission. The vote will be ta-k , to see a fast ball hurled by young en on Friday, October 14th. Ar- ;Jack MacDonald. It hit Aylmer full ranemnents are being made to hose en the forehead and he crumpled to a public meeting early . in October. , the ground, -with a distinct indent on at whiny the issue will be full, dis-;his brow, as a resnit_of the impact. cussed, 31iidtnay- Gazette. The y©brag gad was rushed to God - a aerial hospital, in an unconscious con - Sheep Stolen dition. front which he rallied slightly State time after niidaight ao Man i dtz.-ing the :trip, An X-ray revealed day soorne persons: entered the prem- a fractured knil but after twenty - i es of air. Xieholas Durres of the four hours of doubtful waiting his Elora Roan, north of Mildmay. and icend:xim showed marked improve- setelea fat ewe and lamb Mr. Durr- i meat, and on Monday night he was er remembers bearing =his dog bark - p able to be brought house, where he ing furiously, brat did not think any -g will be confined to bed for ten days iny serious was happening, so did or .so.--Laacknow Sentinel. get up \;'hen be went one to 1f sheep pasture oa Wednesday: 3 BELMORE crying lse dic.oreredthat another V -_-� :sheep, was missing, The Pxtjncial T"nose out of the village recently Police fox-ce has been notified of the v, -ere: Mr, and Mrs. McNeil and Jim aailatr, and it is likely that the raaiety f at ;Durham; Eleanor Jeffray with parties will be brought to justice. t M ss Ewing, Wroxeter. Mild nay Gezee Mrs- Jack Reid and babe, of iVro- li` Teter, visited her parents last week. Our village cannot boast of many ib g men, but some big turnips. ,tlerd pulled one in his garden that tipped the scales at 15 lbs. } Members and friend., turned out to Institute meeting held at Mr . or McLean's, Wednesday- after- thiety were in attendan- r: cd the Mill Read, aud was, picked eex and a splendid rneetiog was held, bee t randoms fraxm Ms field cf peas. To { with Mme. George Inglis as Presi- Na err axon.-lxro eseicera1 eery.. eye,, it dent" Mrs. Tom Abram, Sec.-Treas. to soles like a ;choppers but eaf o,_,nrse, sand Lilian Edwards as organist there e may be other_ aisle to beat it. twill be some dairtge. Meeting aupen- er, f so, eve weutd be glaa3 to hear *II, ed with the sitaging of the Ode, fol -1 her ,—Seafortle Meson Expositor, Pl g r fan at st:etchee ;almost from o ceiling, and maeasure.. eet, Lw iaaches in aeng s bronght in by Ma-. Wm. e wve l k-namrat Taxeker•nnith far lig ASHFIELD The follo-wing are a few who at- tended London Fair: Mr. .and Mrs. Lorne Farrish and family, near Cour- ey's Corners, Messrs: Albert, Bert and. George Alton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alton and family, Mr. and Mrs. 'W, Alton, Mr .and ,Mrs. Will Alton and Mrs.• Elmer Alton, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton and fam- ily, - accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Will McLean, of Saltford, motored to Riverview, near Orangevlile, on Sunday, and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Layburn, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Drennan, near Kintail, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood, 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Raynard and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett, near Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Millin, of Lucknow. W}HTECHURCH Miss Meile Wilson finished her course at the General Hospital, Strat- ford, last Monday and is now visit- ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wilson. . Mrs, Reid returned from. Lucknow on Wednesday last. Mr. acid Mrs. W. J. Coulter and daughters and Mr. - Dawson Craig, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thom, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Purdon anti two children spent Monday last at Exeter and Master Clifford Purdon, who had been visiting at LeamingtonI with. his uncle, returned home with them, Mrs. Cook, who has spent the p two months with her daughter, M Robt. l cCienaghan, left on Satufd to visit with her sister at Elora, a her daughters at Toronto and P erboro, Riess Mary Boyle, of the Wall. Store Wingham, spent Sunday wi her mother here. Mrs. Henry McGee returned ffo the Hospital on Saturday, and M Eddie Moore returned to his hon from the Hospital an Wednesda last. While working with the team a the trees along the road last We n€slay Mr, Ben. McClenaghan h the misfortune to get a bad smash o the ankle when the tug broke and th whiffle tree struck him. Miss Isabel Coulter spent a fe days last week with Miss Doreen Purdon. Miss Lettie Fox has been visitiii during the past week with her aur in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt and John attended the Fair at London last week. Clayton, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholia has been laid op with a bad attack of pnettniortia, David Jamieson, of Gait, and. son of the late Dr. and Mrs. Jamie - sou ,of Barrie, called on his Mucic and .aunt, Mr. and .Mrs, rhos, Hen- derson, one day last week, His many interestedfr tends will be pleased to know that he is cosittnencing his se- ond year in Medical College, Tor - auto. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry and soti Ross, of Belfast, spent Sunday with her sister, airs. Robe. Purdon, Mr. Fred Newman motored from Hamilton on Sntt*day, and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Nave/nen and Mr. Fred Norman's wife and fattzily, who linin ast rs. ay nd blurs y, Sept. 22nd, 19 ar For i Who i "Fresh from the Gardens” exon, of Ashfield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Purdon, Quite a number from here attend- ed the School Fair at St. Helens and Holyrood laste od week, andalsoh Y the concert at St. Helens in the evening. Mrs. W. J, Coulter, Mr. and Mrs: Andrew Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Godkin attended the London Fair on Wednesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton have re turned from their holidays spent vis- iting with his sister, i'iiss Patton, in I Massachusetts and they- spent the' week -end with her mother, Mrs. Fox., Miss Norma Morrison and Jim and Mr, Ab. Taylor, attended the London l Fair one day last week. Friends in this -community s.. m a- thize with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Co ui tos 'h to the loss' of their big barn and (colony houses and hens during the ' fare last Thursday, and also with Mr. Thos. Taylor, whose barn across the road, caught fire from flying shingles and burned. 'The fire came out of the blower and the m.en came down ,the ladded, two at a time, to save them- selves, and all are pleased that thru hard work and perseverance, their beautiful home was saved. from the flames. 6ATHROOM INSTALL AN EMCD OU may have done without a bathroom - solely Y because you thought the cost was more than you could afford, If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremelylow, owing to reduced tnanufacturin costs,and 'ley �' because every. part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you different designs in Emco Bath -- room equipment. The three pieces shown in flee illustration, with all fittings, ready for installation, strolln , only cost .. _ et- Our booklet, showing- different styles in Emco Bath- room equipment and with prices shown, will be gladly er mailed you. th lea r. ze t d- ad n a fee g t, o visiting with 1,fr, and Mrs, f1, ylor and other relatives, returned Hamilton With him on Suud ty. Miss Wilda McInnis, of Tecvwat spent a few, days last week with grandmother, Mrs, 1), Mce;nni%, ir, and Mr's, Percy Vincent and tilt', of Westfield, visited on Sun. with her mother, Mrs, 141;4 Tycho, r. and Mrs, 'Chas, Wiglatman and s Mac, attended the anniversary ices at Delp:ratve on Sunday, and with Mr, and niers. r, Wight - 0, Year card Master Ralph Cam. : weed by prayer. Minute:, by $ee'y. cert. itteressting paper "What We Rates Raised. ort Ton Owe t€o the Pioneer" was given by it, which Vas gettiaig c.rr ,Mrs. M?: Ivey, and brought forth reg ffr w the Ontarico iydsa C., rn r thoaa.gbts that many of its had for- issrnn lest year aw $'- ,r r:eK .P., and sots , as there are so few pioneers wb.tiia was xt t ea_ee to tt for 1 deft to Leap it green in our metnoty, , ... _ CA a t•ll i %atm a Bemtnacee A pin%e'br- Jrav-ot;ed the Ina d&ree with a solo. The Institute ' t� day Mir rvt THE FRESH FLOW Can be used where fresh water cli..rect Iron the well is required. Capacity, 250 gal per hour. Small S gal. Galvanised Tank. H.P., 310 Volt Motor— ,6e50 otor 605 o ieIc or $90 nU Etsyale ... • EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED '''''°41 .4 for 30 gcii 'Gahan. London Toronto Wirt ni Vancouver fixed Tank . , , $9.6(3 Dtaro Pressure, ,rater Systems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home. Easy time payments available on all Emco equipment. FOR SALE BY Machan Bros. rainiiiMiiiininniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilln miaMulled CreNI amery 1 ow w mi Buyers is IN is ala a a ream, Eggs a jl a a w ow ttNiTED And 1 Obitt I ea ,.RMERS 0.0PEItikTIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. wo )l 1