HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-22, Page 1Single Copies Five Cents.
With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year.
es for the Wingham Fall
will be held on Friday
ay,October .7th and 8th ,
A great number have
out by the Secretary; M
r Anymember or< 'pros-.
i has not receiv-
ibrtor who
' 1 in to the
do so by appy g
The Prize - List has been
this year, and the
1� pro-
11 kinds of live stock, p
liberal enough to war-
: going to the trouble and
making a good exhibit,
an attractive list of spe-
for which, the Society
n the donors. It is
a ks
o. prepare your list of en-
ou have anything worth
y gthe
erran to do so. • Over
money, also many spe-
Fire Starts on Farm of Robert Coal..
• , ,Shinglesi
ties and Flying Set
Other Barn Afire
Students enrolled at Stratford Nor-
mal School'total 244.` 'Therare 206
first year pupils and 38 second Year
students. The followingare the ate-
dents from this district attending the
First year, first class; William J.
Tiffin; Norah E, Walker, Edna J.
1 roctor, Margai et L Proctor, all of
Wm ham . and DorothyAitken of
Bluevale, Beryl Cunningham, Bels
grave, Alberta M. Shiell, B luevale,
Elva A. Stock, Wroxeter, Jessie I.
Wright, Wro'eter, Lyle K, Fitch,
` Wroxeter, Alexander McBurney; Bel-
g rave.
First year, second class: Theodore
Robertson, Wingham, Edythe M.
We'r, Wroxeter, Margaret Wright,
Second ear, first class: ansa W.
Y . J
Homuth, Wingham, Ethel C. Johns-
ton, Bluevale,
Georgian Bay Municipal Electric •
Association New Name for Eu-
genie. Hydro Electric Assoc.
Initiation day, the da
students dread and the s
delight in, was held at th
School last Thursday. T
tended school wearing ea
odd stockings, odd shoe
backwards with tie on
done up in rags or wea
cap. The girls- wore sh
collar and tie, straw hat
their books to school in
quart basket, and must
so carry their books for
After the day's classess
the boys. were taken to t
and each boy was made
to sing a solo, and then'
started. They were: to
their heads ducked in a t
and covered with flour arsame
es painted with ink and
after which they were
fanningmill, The
roged and painted and o
played on them,
Finally, lead by the 1
they were paraded for fc
tion. They were marched
Street to St, t
to Victoria Street and tl
to 'the Town Hall, where
On Friday... the students of t e
n ettheir annual
l th1e School meet in
athletic gainer. The track events
• r
will be run off at the Fair Grounds
the morning. Keen competition` is
expected as. many .of the boys have
been training every mornin at 7
g g t .00
o'clock. -Trials have shown some fastpresent
material in the hundred yards, where
the crouch start, the
boys have been cutting seconds off
•, • _
their time. Those in the long stirs
houses have not been idle either. —
ten times around thet rack being con-
appetizer for
sidered merely an. app
breakfast. In addition to the usual
events three relay teams composed of
ithe elioolwill
best runners re s ,
provide an exciting race.
In the afternoon the field events
will take' place on the Highthe
Campus. These include the shot put,
broad and high jump, pole vault, and
's o me novelties, if time permits. At
some v , P.
the conclusion of the field work the
boys of Wingham High School win
Y g
play those the Kincardine High
School in Softball: Rae Thompson is
fielding the team for Wingham. As
six or seven of the players were in
Gown softball league teams during
the summer, the boys are confident
of victory:
The girls are providing an even
more interesting program. Besides
the • usual competitions, basketball
and passball relays -will attract the
attention of the spectators in the af-
ternoon, Novelty races occupy con-
siderable space on their bill, These
a torch race nail race and
'include '
egg • race. While the boys are bat-
tiling for supremacy in softball, the
girls of W.H.S. will play the Kin-
sardine girls in basketball. In the
evening there will be the usual sup-
per and "at home" for the students,
to which the graduates of the school
are invited.
Those in charge of affairs are;
Bruce Fox and Jack Brackenbury;
President and Secretary respectively
of theBoys' Association; and Isabel
Fowler and Agnes Louttit, President
and Secretary of the Girls' Associa-
Parents and friends of students are
invited to attend the field day sports.
Professor C F. Thiele, who is
Bandmaster: of the Waterloo Band
I• resident of the Ontario Bands As-
• •
sedation, Canadian Band-
iriasters'Meme A e _
Association, Member m e
rein Bandana e' i
st is Assoc• ¢tion; and
Edit of Musical Canada, will be
on Saturday, October 8th, to
assist A. H. Wilford in the handling
of the bands who will com fete for
the'P I
,entland Trophy which was won
by the Clinton Band last year.
There have been thirty brass bands
invited to take part in this contest,
and some of these Bands have al-
readyaccepted the invitation. Each
Band will play its 'own selection
which.will -break the monotonyof
music being
us c b g played through
the whole contest. The Bands will
leave the Town Hall andproceed to
the grounds, but `before doing so,.
Prof• Thiele will conduct the bands
in mass in a short program•
The day before the Fall Fair last
year a letter was received from the•
1 spe Band at Fergus, asking if. a spe-
sialprize was donated to Pre
being P
Bands. Unfortunately the contest
-vas for Brass Bands only, but this
year a beautiful cup has been Pres-
ented by R. D. Morrison, an old Hu-.
boy, born near Seaforth Presi-
dent of Dumart's Packing Co.,GKit-
chener, and Mr, Morrison will be in
Wingham to
g personally present this
trophy to the winning Pipe Band
A, H. Wilford states that on his
visit to Fergus, nine pipers and three
drummers entertained him to some i
Scotch music in confirming their in
tension of coming to Wingham. Pipe
Major McDonald, of Fergus, is per
sonally writing a letter of challenge
to such Pipe Bands as Guelph, Sea-
forth, Clinton, Kincardine, Mount
Forest, Owen Sound, Swinton Park
and a good representation of Pipe
Bands is_ expected to be present.
David McDonald, the local piper,
has •consented to assist •in the handl-
ing of the Pipe Band Contest.'
Fire completely destroyed the barn
P y
on the farm of Robert Colutes on theschool.
10th line of W. . Wawanosh last
Thursday afternoon. Jim Coultes, a
nephew, was threshing with his stein i
threshing outfit, and had'nearly coin-
feted this work when flames were
seen issuing from the straw mow
Fanned .the high wind the fire
made such rapid progress that the
a P
n 'contents were coin letel
barn and c P y
destroyed. It was impossible even to
save the mill of the threshing mach-
urnmg shingles were carried a
long distance' and about 2.30, a half
hour after the fire started, Thomas
Taylor's barn, across the road ,about
130 rods away, burst into flames and
it also was burned to the ground
Neighbors were quickly on thci job
but it was impossible to save either
of the barns, but great "credit must
be given to the men who fought so
braver. in the. tern lc heat and say-
ed the Coultes home. The intense
heat that was endured by the. fire-
fighters was so great that even their
wet clothes would dry in a moment
arida les on the trees close to the
house were cooked on the
The loss sustained by Mr. Coultes
t,};. ,
will be Kea as the loss of barn
contents live :stock fences ate and
' ' .g $
young bearing orchard.wi l be $9500
with $5000 available insurance. Mr.
Coultes is extremtlgrateful to all
who helpedrduring the fire and were
the means of saving the house.
Mr. Taylor's loss will be heavy al-
so, as. he had some o£ last year's
grain stored iri his barn and also
this years crop off .200 acres. The
loss will be partially covered by in-
surance. -
Mr. Coultes will rebuild a part of
the barn and possibly complete the
work this fall.
At the annual convention of the
Eugenia Hydro Eleetrie Association,.
held' at Midland last' Thursday, the
name of the Association was Chang-
ed to, the Georgian Bay Municipal
Electric Association. The new •As-
sociation will include' the towns and
municipalities in the"district about
Midland and Barrie. The following
officers were elected: President, W.
H. Gurney, Wingham; lst vice Pres:,
R. McClinden n
J: , Owe Sound; 2nd
vice Pres:, David Hurrie, Midland;
Secretary -Treasurer, H. S. Denef, of
The morning session was held at
Midland,' and followinglunch the'
delegates were taken• for a cruise on
board the motorship Midland City,
through the Georgian Ba Islands
g g Y '
at which time the business session
was held•
At Honey Harbour, C. A. Maguire,
member of the Hydro Electric Pow-
Commission addressed the Bele=
gates, and W. C. Pierdon, Hydro
Chief Accountant, explained the sys-
tem of Hydro accounting. Mayor W.
N. Craig, of Barrie, also spoke.
Those who- attended from here
Willis,, Y,
were: Mayor H. Gurney,
Chairma•n of the Utilities Commision,
A. J. Walker, Commissioner, and W.
A. Galbraith Secretary -Treasurer of
, Y-
the •Commission.
he :Time
r Roasts
on Rolls in quantic-
a try, Always the
gad Pastry, Cakes; Etc;
ople have a queer sense
indeed and the parties
t in spoilin the windowsactually
ate by scratching them
n are in this class or
eral merchants in town
inin that `their windows
injured in this way, and
time this foolish practice,
Specials Thursday, Friday, Satur-
day: Lux Toilet Soap, 3 far 19c;
Clarks' Pork & Beans, 2 large tins
25c• Crossed Fish Sardines 2 tin
, s
c, Corn Syrup 5 lb. tin 32c; New
2 lb. for 25c Comfort
, Soap
10' bars 37c, at Dominion Stores, Ltd.
Dance at Bluevale,,:Sept. 23rd
A Dance will be held in Black's
Hall, Bluevale, Friday evening, Sep-
tember 23rd. Arthur's Orchestra.
• •
Lunch served Admission 50c.
Is Improving Nicely
Roland Grain, Zetland, whose left
shoulder was dislocated about two
weeks ago, when he tried to stop a
rack sliding off a wagon, is able to
be about again.
Drilling Well at Goderich
F. L. Davidson, `local contractor,
has the contract to drill a well for the
Goderich Salt Works. The well will
be at least 330 feet in 'depth and 12
inches in diameter. They are already
X40 feet down, and it will be anoth-
er three or four weeks before the
work is completed,
Western Fair Attendance Up
Western Fair had an increase of
977 over that of last year. 158,576
people attended the Fair this year,
and naturally the Directors are high-
ly pleased. Cross & Blackwell and
the Wrigley Co. put on an attendan-
ce stunt similar to that used at the
Canadian National Exhibition and
this no doubt helped to put the at-
tendance at higher figures than oth-
erwise would have been attained.
Ross (Sandy) Somerville Wins
U. S. Amateur Golf Title '
The Amateur Golf Championship
of the United States was won last
Saturday by Ross (Sandy) Sorrier-
member of the London Hunt
Club. This is the first time that a
has won this title and the
time it has been won outside
the U. S. In x911 Harold H: Hil-
tore, British golfer, was the victor,
Eight times, Somerville has entered
this aompetitron and four times got
into the qualifying rounds. In the
finals this year he defeated Johnny
Goodman of Omaha, net,2 and 1.
Somerville is considered Canada's
outstanding golfer and has shown
himself to be a steady, capable play
er, and great things were expected
of 'him and he surelyroved his
' p
Parliament to Open, Octo
The Dominion Parliame
vene on October 6th.
will l discuss the' Imperial
which was held in Ottaa
be a most interesting se.
exact changes in .duties
from the United Kingdi
then disclosed.
Women's Institute Meeth
The regular monthly
the Wornen's Institute v
in the Council Chamber,
day, Sept. 29th at 3 o"c
Bissett, of Goderich; Dis
dent, will be our guest
the meeting. A full at
requested as arrangernen1
be made for serving ine
Grounds on both days of
Broken Le Mending
g g
•-,,e iss Barbara Fortune,9th of
furnberry, who had th misfortune
to break her leg about the :end of
Agust, is improving nicer
Baptismal Service
A Baptismal Service will be held•
in Victoria St. Regular Baptist
Church on Sunday evening next,
Sept. 25th, at 7 pan. The subject
will be "What Happens to the Un-
baptized Baby."
Will Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt will cele-
orate tl>eir golden wedding on Tt1es-
day, Sept, 27th and will be at Koine
to their friends from 3 p.in, till 10
p.nt., at their residence, Ross- St.,
Two M.P: s 'Will Speak
At a public meeting to be held* in
the Towyn Hall, Saturday, Sept. 24th,
at 8,30 p.m., Miss Agnes MacPhail,
and Wm. Irvine. will give addresses.
This promises to be a very interest-
ing meeting,
Call Deferred
A rneetin of the Presbyterian con-
gregations of Belmore and Teeswat-
er was held on Monday evening,
Sept. 19, for the purpose of calling a
Minister. rt was decided to post-
pone the call until a few more can-
didates could be heard.
Falls and Fractures Leg
On Sunday afternoon ylay Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Smith was running across the road
in front of her home when she slip -
ped on some gravel and fell, break-
ing her leg, She is resting as coin -
fortably as possible at the time of
going to press,
County Medical Assoc. Meeting
A meeting of the Huron County
Medical Association was held in the
Council Chamber, Wingham, Wed-
nesday afternoon, Sept, 14th, at
which there was a good attendance
Dr• Lew, of London gave a very ex-
cdlent address on Obstetrics, and
Dr. Milne, of Blyth, gave a review of
all the Pioneer Physicians of Huron
County, dating from the earliest set-
clement of this part of Ontario,
Andrew Gemmiil
ay, September 11th; there
at her home, `lot 16,
C., Turnberry, Louise El-
wife of Andrew Gem-
had been in delicate
i number of years, though
about and take an inter--
until Saturday when
eizure took place..
Eastwood, Oxford. County,
e daughter of and
g Georgeannounced
ott, she is survived by her
id two sisters, Mrs. Mar-.,
wift Current, Sask., and
who was with her
rial service was conduct-
in Church by. the pastor,.
Finlay, after which inter-
place in Wroxeter Cemet-
following neighbors were
: Messrs. Jaynes Wylie,
rney, Melvin Willits, W.
Alex. Casemore and A. E.
extends sincere
to the bereaved husband
Huron Plowing Match, October 13
Huron Plowman's . Association has
its annual plowing match
which will be held this year on
Thursday, October 13, on the farms
of Mrs. Chas. Knight and R. L. Mc-
Donald, 9th and 10th concession of
Grey .Township, four 'miles east of
Brussels, This competition is one of
the big events of the season in this
district and attracts hundreds from
all `parts of the count.
Face Charges of Illegal 'Selling
About 3 o'clock" Sunday morning
Chief' Allen and John Stewart; Bel=
grave, County Constable,, made an
excursion into Lower Wingham with
theresultthat two men were arrest-
ed and charged with selling under
the L.C.A. • Both' inen pleaded not
gtiilty when they appeared in court
Monday morning at Goderich; but
were remanded and will for
trial ori Sept.Se t.27th.
Bowlers Attend Tourney
in Stratford
The. Stratford Bowling Club held
a Merchants' and Manufacturers'
Tournament on Wednesday of last
week. The prizes which were num-be
erous andplentiful,were donated •by
the merchants and manufacturers, 60
rink -took par in the: play. Two lo-
s part p y
cal rinks attended. A rink made up
of A. Wilson, E. Harrison, W. Mill-
er and A. M. Crawford brought home
2 cushions and 2 bags of flour. The
other tints: C. Armitage, W. Van-
Wyck, 0, Thompson -and Jack Mas-
on received 5 lbs. of butter each.
Fowl Supper
A Hot Fowl Supper, sponsored by
the ladies of the parish, will be held
in the Parish Hall St, Augustine, on
Wednesday, Sept. 28th, starting sciv
ing supper at 5,30. Program and am-
usement after the supper,
Ladies, Attention!
A special showing of Knitted Suits
Zephyr Wool Blouses and Sweatrs>
will be held in our Ladies' show room
on Friday, Sept. 23rd: Arrange to
choose a new Fi•ostalaine Suit at this
time. Special measurements without
extra charge.. King Bros,
Will Preach at Bervie
Rev. Kenneth MacLean will preach
the anniversary services at Bervie on
Sunday next, and the Rev. R. M.
Hannah, of Ripley, will preach in St.
Andrews Church both morning and
evening and will address the Sunday
School Rally at Z30 p.m. His sub-
jest in the afternoon is Reverence. „
Spiritual Advance Conference
at St, Andrew's Church
A spiritual advance conference will
held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham, on Tuesday, Sep-
tember 27th. Sessions for church
workers will be held at 10 a.m. and:
2.30 p.m,, while the evening session
at 7:30 is open to all who care to
attend. Speakers at this conference
will include Rev, McBeath-Miller, of
Palmerston, Rev, M. B. Davidson of
Galt, Rev, John McNab, of Toronto,
and Dr, W. M. Kannawin, also of
Toronto. A general invitation is ex-
tended to all to attend the evening
Bruce Cmapbell Improving
A week ago Saturday night Bruce
Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas•
Campbell, Patrick St, was seized
with. violent convulsions from an in.
fected finger, which the doctor pro-
flounced tetanus or lockjaw, Sunday
inane a
morning Mr, E. R. Harrisontheywill
trip to London and return in 2 hours
minutes to procure serum, ByWatch
and 3f rn s P
the prompt action of all concerned
i 'n_ ell
Bruce is now out of danger and w,
recovery, The con-
on the road to r owe y
vulstons ceased on Sunday night and
the violent spasms of the muscles
gradually. ceased, much to the relief
i parents arid, friends, This week
of,fr s p
trace has . also' allowed marked lin-
�3r t s
. i
proveriertt and this is also cheerful
Mrs. M Beckwith seen
end. in T o o
Miss Sara MacLean is
visiting Mrs, D. Holmes
Miss Isabel .Simpson, t
has returned from a se
;hiss J. Halliday, of Ti
ed on friends in town eve
end. - '' "` "'
Dance, Blacks Hall, I
Monday, Sept. 26th. IV(
time dancing.
Miss Irene Sutton is
London at the home of 14
E; V. Richards.
Miss Helen Beattie lei
to enter training in the
Waterloo Hospital.
Miss Anne Griffin, Ni
spending her vacation
mother, Mrs. Griffin, Jot
,Mr. Morris Christie wl
on the Tashmoo, which
Detroit, for the summer
at home.
Miss M. Scott and 14Ir
bers, of Winipeg, are visi
Mrs. A. T. Ford, They 1
turned from a trip abro
Mrs, Dr. Stewart, als
Mrs. J: Halliday, attendV.
eral of the late Mrs:
Brantford, on Tuesday 1
.,`,1Miss M. Adams, Super
Wingham. Gen, Hospit
on Sunday, after spendint
vacation in Hamilton •a.
quite a number of fri
uaintances from Wirx 1i
q g
the funeral of the lake
Gentmill of Salem on
Mrs. Hal. MacLean,
Fr Miss- Margaret
Y, g
- .
Mrs J klcl ibbon l
trip o Detroit
day for a r p t
be guests at a
given by Mrs. Win. Fry
•e Extra Specials
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs, 8
Cottage Rolls, 2 lb. for
Back Bacon 20c lb. in
Smoked' Side Bacon, 18
piece, Choice Weiner's, 2
also Peaches, Grapes; Ce
est possible prices. See
for other specials. Do
Former Local Girl
Wins Hurdle Race
In an invitation event held in
Hamilton last Saturday Betty Tay-
lor, former Wingham girl, won the
80 metre hurdle race from two of
the Olympic finalists, Evelyn Hall of
Chicago and Alda Wilson,of Tor-
onto: The time of the race was es-
ceedingly good -12 415 sec. -
Gar Woad Breaks Record
Fresh from his victory in the
Harmsworth Trophy race over Kaye
Don, Gar Wood. last Tuesday morn-
ing•broke the worlds one -mile Hy-
droplane record, The former record
set by Kaye Don was 119.75 rniles,
which went by the,board when Wood
travelled down tlxe measured course
at 124,91 miles per hour. His second
run was slower and his speed was
122.17 miles .:per hour,
United Church, .Wingham
Rev, L. H. Currie, B.A., Minister.
Services, Sunday, Sept, 25. 10 a.m. ,
Church School: 11 a:m. Holy Com-
munion; 7 pen. Subject of S ,
"T.he Magnetic Pole of the Christ-
ian Religion." Members: are urged
to attend the services. A cordial
welcome will be extended"strangers
and others who have no chruch con-
nectioti in town. Baily. Day Services
will be held • on Sunday, Oct. 2nd,
when the Sacrament. of Baptim will
be administered.
Former Local Man Winsertest
Mr• E; E. Barr who was formerly.
Manager of the Walker Store, and
last fall bought a grocery store in
Acton, was successful in being
awarded a prize of- $5.00 in a coin-
petition for window display of Lux
Soap., .Ernie also won 25,00 fora
sales promotion plan in connection
with the same goods. His plan was
a guessing contest as to how •long
g g
tools to the window, also -ad
it . dress
vei•tised in the local a er and also
t distributed dodgers explaining the
rt d dg Ly g
u t . Picnic. i
Contest at a comxirunity picnic. His
. • ie. here •
rxiany• friends will be delighted
i this con.-
to know of bit success in t us o
wishhim every
test,' and also will ve Y
i , i u - . i . i
success in his .business enterprise in
obert 0• Henryibe,
of the pioneer residents
rict passed awaylast Mon-appearCanadian
person of Robert O. Hen-cond
8th concession of East
(near Marnoch Mr.
in his 74th year and for
2 years has lived on the
Sion of a Wawanosh. He
it Puslinch (near Guelph),
oxen team with his parr
ass `Waicontin After his
ath he continued to farm
lead until a year ago last
en he and his wife moved
farms south to live with
He was a
M, Henry,g
f the Canadian Order of
Westfield United
and the W .FORMER
hisfe former-
McClinton, who is now in
also a life-long resr-
district,and whom he
years ago this December.
W M, Henry,K Wawa-
- -
one daughter, Mrs. Mar
ehouse Bel rave. He 'is
. 1 Mrs.
red b five. sisters: '
enry,Dickerville,, Mich.,
Ramsay; Sullivan, Ind.,
Angeles; Mrs.
Los An ,
Vancouver, and Miss Eliza
crit service was field from
o£ his son, W. M. Bert
Wednescla after-
wanosh, ,. Y
. Mortimer, pastor -of the
United Church; officiating,
bearers were all nephews:
Alvaand arvin Mc-
Wackliousc, Bruce-
' n Auburn,
Baplace rrit ,
• ,
took place ut T3rantlon
Elvin V. Richards,London a for-
mer local man, known locally as
"Red" Richards, employed at a Sup-
gas station in that city, who
fell into one of the greasing pits last
Wednesday afternoon, is reported as
resting as comfortably as ,.could be
expected yesterday, X. -ray pictures
taken shortly after the mishap, re-
veiled that a small bone in the spine
had been crushed. Mt Richards was
then. taken to Victoria Hospital; and
` t e e-
placed in a cast. He was later i
tarried to his home„ where he is and-
er care of Dr. R. L. Arnett.
g the
Mr. Richards was working at
Sti ertest station at Horton and 'Wel
missed i
lingtoru streets, when be his
. pit
footing and fell into the
i • •e that r. Rich-
It was f rst feared M
titbroken back,but
Ards had suffered. a
this fear i p•
this fear was dispelled when the �
ray pictures were developed,
The annual School Fair at St: Hel-
ens was again a very successful ev-
e ret. Six. schools took part, five tak-
ing part in the parade headed by the
Agricultural Representative, Ian Mc-
Ag p >
Lead and Mr• E. E. Beacons, School
Inspector for West Huron, Piller
p p
McQuillan furnished the music. The
i tt
exhibits were many and excelkent and
iwaspresent and
a large gather q�
took great interest in the exhilstts. A
�... - _ i li t�
weed-namin contest s elfin match
g , spelling ,
public, speaking' contest anddrs
arithmetic contest,roved ver in-
• proved,
s and'
teiestrri A program of sports
-nacos ,were also a real feature daring
,. .,.
the afternoon, A complete list of the
i i. , :.
p rile -warners will be published next
week- .
Answers to th Misspelled Word
w e, p
Contest were very numerous indeed
for the last week of the contest
for the new contest starting
this week The .last week wi
are; Ethel.,Fitch R. R. 1, Wroxeter,
Mrs, Harry Angus Jr., Winghanx,
and Miss Anne M. Irwin, Wingham,
These luckywinners may get a tick-
et to the Lyceum Theatre by calling
at this office. If not called for by
Saturday night tickets will be nxailed,
sure and ythe New 'Contest.
Be s ., try
Sec advertisement on ariotTrer page.
Fair which
and Saturd
.are now re
.been sent
W. J. Gree
pective exh
ed one ma
:carefully r
prizes for'a
,duce, etc.,
:rant "anyon
expense of
There is al
cal prizes
heartily th
time now .t
-tries. If
i$1200 in pr
sial prizes.
iNow Is T
For Weine
ses, at Gib
best in Br
Phone 145.;
.A Mean T
Some pe.
of humor,
who deligh
-of mercha
-with a dia
-worse. Se
.are compla
have been
at is about
On Sund.
passed aw
dacottt, bel
mill. Dec
health for
able to be
est in the
the fatal s
Born in
in 1861,,th
Lucy Ellac
husband a
low, of S
Miss Elim
when the
A memo
ed in Sale
Rev. Mr.
•anent took
-ery. The
Jas. McBu
~' A. Mines,
- The, co
and friend
.of this dist
'day in the
ry, of the
Henry wa
the . past 7
• 8th conces
was born
and came
ents to E
father's de
the homes
spring, wh
to the ne
his son,
member o
ly Evolina
her 71st
dent of t
married 50
One son,
nosh, and
shall Ston
also survi
Donald H
Mrs. G.
Mrs. R, '
John Bell,
Henry,' Va.
The fun
the reside
ry, E. Wa
noon, Rev
The pall
John, Will
field, and
y first year
enior pupils.
e local' High
he boys at-
cks`as kilts,
s, shirts on
back, hair
ring a night. -
rt dresses,
and carried
an eleven,
continue to
a weele/
were over
he basement
to or tried
the real fust,
ken outside,.
ub of water
d their fac,
stove black,
I through
girls were
ther pranks
rugle band,
,wn inspec-
down John
rrned south
en paraded
they were
bei 6th
ret will con-
his session
a, and -will
ssion. The
on goods
gym- will ; be"
meeting of
rill be held
on Thurs-
lock. Mrs.
trict Presi-
and address
tendance is
s have to
als at Fair
the Fair.
t the week-`
in Goderich
>iagonal Rd.
ven weeks'
,ronto, call..
r the week-
luevale, on
w and Old"
visiting' in
r. and Mrs.
t this week
Kitchener -
w York, is
visiting her
in St.
io has been
runs out of
, is visiting
M. Cham -
ting Dr. and
lave just re.
o Mr, and
ed the fun-
Leithorn, of
iutendent of
al, returned
g two weeks
ends and ace'
am attended
Mrs, Andrew
Mrs, Norman
MacLean and
ft on Mon -
while there
house, pard?
Pat -a -Pan
9.c; Peameal
25c. Peameal
the piece;
c 1b. in the
lbs. kr 29e;
eery, at low.
our windows'
Don: Stores.