HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-01, Page 3orrie Vidotto:.4.4
Misses Elsie and Marian • Gibson
left for Winnipeg on sSunday by mo-
tor. They were accompanied by their
friend, Miss Allison Metcalfe, also of
Winnipeg, and also their mother,
Mrs, Thos, Gibson, who will go as
far as Chicago and remain there for
a month, the guest ef her son, Mr,
John Gibson,
Miss Isabel Davidson, of Toronto,
Who has spent the past two weeks
at the home of D. S. iVfacNaughton,
returned to her home on Monday.
Mrs, J. Lovell, Miss. A. .Fraser and
Miss Laura Wright, were the guesti
of 'friends at Stratford last Tuesday.
Visitors at the home of theig par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Rann, for
the week -end, were, Dr. and Mrs. W.
A. Spence, Toronto, Mr.' and Mrs.
Ed. Rann, Jack and Barry, London;
Mr. and Mrs. Alkin Rann and baby,
of Brussels.
Mrs, Raymond Elliott and Lois,
4th line; are in Toronto for a week's
holiday. -
Visitors during the week with Mr.
• John D,avidson and Miss Davidson
were: Mr. JackeMoffatt, Winnipeg,
• Mrs. Stewart Sanderson and little
daughter, Kathyrn, London, Mrs. l3.
Moffatt, ,•Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs.
Leggatt and daughter, of Hamilton.
Mr. Anidrew Shearer, B.A., left on
Friday for Sault Ste. Marie, where
he is engaged, on the staff of the
Technical and Commercial High
• School,
Misa Annabel Fraser, who has
spent the holidays with her sister,
• Mrs. J. Lovell, left on Thursday for.
Orangeville, where she was the guest
of her frieed, Miss Perfect, who ag-
companied her to the Toronto Ex.,
leaving from there for La •Rivere,
Man., where she is on the teaching
Mr. and Mrs. •Clark Renwick, Isa-
bel and Thelma, of Mildmay, also
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitch, Belmore,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Shearea.
Mrs. Alex. Wright and her daugh-
ters, Laura, Margaret and Vera, were
Harriston visitors on Sunday.
Miss Phyllis Mowat, of Toronto,
is spending this week with her aunt,
Mrs. Stewart MacNa.ughton.
,Visitors at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. J. Lovell during the past week
were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter -Hay and
son, of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Jno. Hay
of Seaforth, also Mrsl'james Robert-
son and Miss M. Fraser, of Bluevale..
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Wright during the past
week were: Mr. and. Mrs. Clarnece
Axelson, Detroit, also Mr. and Mrs.
Alex.. Finlay, Mr. and Ms. C. King
and daughter, Evelyn, all from Ches-
Mr. Jim McEwen, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is a guest of his sisters and
brother, Allan, of the )3, Line.
Mr, and Mrs, G. S. Smyth were
guests at a surprise party and ,press
entation given by Gorrie friends to
Mr. and Mr. Wessman, who "have
recently moved to Barnholm, from
Gorrie. • A very pleasant evening was
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
Eleanor, Toronto, also Mrs. W. Mc-
Laughlin and daughter, Margaret, of
Winnipeg, are spending this week
with Miss :Ritchie and Mr. T. Rit-
Mr, and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton
motored to London on Sunday, and
spent the day with friends.
School will open on Thursday here
with Misses E. Davidson, E, Gaanble,
A. Little and M. Mitchell, in charge.
The whole staff have been re-engag-
Mr. Ken Edgar, toivn, also Mr. M.
Stephens, of Gorrie, left last week
on a holiday trip to Toronto, Bow-
manville and Peterborough. Miss E.
Stephens, Gorrie, accompanied them
as far as Toronto.
Mr. Davie, Toronto, took charge
of the morning service in the Unit-
ed Church, speaking in the interests
of Prohibition Union, and presented
his subject iii an interesting manner.
Mr. Davie is a teacher in Toronto,
and came well-informed on the work
of the Prohibition Union.
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Finlay are
expected home from their holidays
this week. Mr. Finlay will be in
charge of the service • next Sunday
Mrs. Berger and daughter, Wood-
stock, spent the past week at the
home of W. E. and Mrs. VanVelsor;
Mr. Berger and son, visited at the
same home over the week -end, Mrs.
Berger and daughter returning home
with them.
Mrs. Johnston, of Listowel, was a
,guest of Mrs. Parke last week. Mr.
and Mrs. G. S. Smyth and daughters,
visited with friends at Attwood on
Mr. and Mrs. McClennan, of Blue -
vale, called on their fanner neigh-
s. M. Sellers, on
bors, Mr. and Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Quitter and daugh-
ter, of Midland, were week -end
Velsor home, Mr.
returned to Mid -
guests at, the Van'
Laurie •VanVelsor
land with them.
• Mr. and Mrs. Millar Moffatt, Tor-
onto, also Miss Helen Gibson, Ford-
wich, were Sunday guests of G. A.
and Mrs. Weaning.
Mr. and lairs. B. Smith,Stratford,
Advance -Times
C 'lest
TRY THIS ONE! And win a Free Ticket to
the Lyceum Theatre. Three tickets will be given
each week of the contest to three lucky winners.
Send your answers to the contest in early.
1. In some advertisements in the paper there
will be a misspelled word.
2. Find the Misspelled words.
3. Write in your answer giving the names of
• the merchants iz whose advertisement you found
• the misspelled word. Print plainly the word .cor-
rectly spelled.
4. Send your answer to "Misspelled Word
Contest", c o The Advance -Times.
5. Answers must be in The Advance -Times
Office not later thali IVIonclay night following the
date of publication.
- The names of the winners will be published
each week.
Thursday, September 1, 1932
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Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J., N. Allen.
S. S. No. 2, Turnberry will open
on 'Thuisday with Miss Myrtle Deans
of Wingham, in charge. Miss Deans
and also her entrance pupils are to
be congratulated on their success,
both having passed their examine -
Miss Winnifred Rae leaves this
week for Belgrave, where she has
been engaged to teach for the com-
ing year.
Master Jack Meighen is holidaying
at Wingham and Point Clarke, for a
few days.
• Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, also Mr.
and Mrs.. Hatcher, of Toornto, were
guests of friends in tewn.
The Misses Gibson treated their
friends to a bridge party Friday ev-
•Mrs. Casemore, of the 6th con. of
Turnberry, was a visitor at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W. Palmer; a
few days last week.
brightenedup with museco and paint
and some improvements were made
in the basement.
Miss Ruth MCCIelland and Miss
Agnes Edgar were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Moffat Sunday.
Mrs. A. Wright was hostess for
the August meeting of the Women's
Institute on Thursday afternoon.
There was a good attendance of
Members and visitors. Mrs. T. Gib-
son gave an interesting talk on How
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' came to be writ-
ten. Mrs. J. McLeod, a trained
nurse, gave an instructive demonstra-
tion on First Aid and also gave sev-
eral Safety First rules. The Misses
M. Baker and E. Musgrove then gave
a demonstration of table setting and
service. Mrs. B. Martin and Mrs'. J.
Lovell, assisted Mrs.. Wright with
the tea which- was served on .the
Miss Maggie Linton is at present lawn.
visiting with Mrs. James Rae, How -
ick St.
Mrs. Casemore, of Turnberry, is at
present the guest of "her sister, Mrs.
Sandy McDougal.
Mi and Mrs. Wesley Strong and
two children, of Tara, and Mr .and
Mrs, Andrew Goodfellow and dau- Ate& W. J. 5trong,
Of Fordwich
gisters, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Tait, 'spent Thursday evening with Thos. Arena has materially helped us in re -
left for Toronto on Friday, after cent years and the visitors and ex-
hibitors are for- the inside
judging ring where judging goes on
every day regardless, of putside wea-
ther conditions."
"As for our Midway and Grand
Stand performances being on a
smaller scale, there is only one an-
swer to that. A few years ago we
discovered that Wirth and Hamid,
those well-known New York theatri-
cal bookers, could provide us with
the very best in stage performance
and Grand Stand attractions. We
tried them once, and our patrons re-
ceived their presentations so enthus-
iastically that we have had thein ev-
er since—and were fortunate to ar-
range for their bookings again this
year, And the same applies to the
Midway—this will be the third suc-
cessive year that the Model Shoals
of America have formed our Mid-
way,and they promise us an entire-
ly new set of -thaws, attractions and
the very latest in rides and novelties.
The Western Fair is to be held in
London on September 12 to " 17th.
Over $40,000 will be spent on prizes
and -attractions.
Fair have always had their achieve-
arrows pointed toward the
eight goal, and they see no reason
for drawing their bows this year. The
Fair probably will not cost as' much
to operate as it has at other times,
but that is because prices are lower
and money, goes farther today than
it did a•few years ago. There, will
be economy in some departments,
but no stinting, and when the gates
of the Fair open to the public on
September 12th, we fully expect it
to open on the finest exhibition ev-
er held in this city."' •
Manufacturers have responded as
usual, and there will very little space
available for those who seek to en-
ter last minute exhibit," the Secre-
tary • further states. "Of course
with the commodious bui1dings for
exhibition purposes that have been
built in recent years, we have never
been overcrowded, and there is little
likelihood of any exhibits being den-
ied entrance, providing application is
made in reasonable time, for we re-
alize how important a part our Fair
plays in advertising and sales pro-
motion for our industrialists,"
"The Agriculture Departments of
the Western Fair have always been
our • biggest features. The Ontario
spending several weeks in town.
'They were accompanied by Mr. A.
E. Gallaher of Salem.
Mr. Bush is -at present quite poor-
ly. We hope lie may soon be strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wendt and
daughter, Marion, of Oshawa, are
spending a few days at J. R.
Mr. E. Saunders and daughter, of
• Hamilton', have taken up residence
and Mrs. Strong.
Mrs. M. Horsburgh and Mrs. T.
Strong and Mrs, Norman Larding
attended the quilting bee at R. Har -
ding's, Saturday afternoon, •
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dinsmore and
little David, were Sunday visitors at
T. Pritchard's. .
Visitors at M. Horsbenigh's Sunday
were: Mr. and Mrs. Herriot, Ethel
Dodds, Mrs. Paul and daughter, of
Strassburg, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs, Darrell Donaldson
with Mrs, D. Fisher, and baby, of Toromo„ also Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Lord and son, Jack, of Mrs. Beet Cooke, of Fordwich, spent
Toronto, spent the past two weeks Sunday evening with R. Donaldson,
with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Gamble and
other friends in Howick.
Mr, Stewart Hunter and Miss M. NO CURTAIL-
Eskrick, of 'Kincardine, were guests
of Miss Florence Hooper on Sunday.
Wroxeter L.O,L.- was well repres-
ented et Bluevale Church and Mem-
orial Service last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Gibson, of
Hamilton spent last Wednesday with
Mrs. Thomas Gibson.
Mr. Eric Dearly, of Paris, was a
visitor - of -Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Adams',
last syeelc.
Mr. Jas. MeEWen of Sault . Ste.
Marie, is visiting his brother, Allen
and sister, in Ternbeery.
Ruskin Findlay 'is spending a few
days in. Toronto.,
Mrs. McLaughlin of Winnipeg, is
visiting her brother, Thomas, and
her sister, Miss J. Ritchie.
Mr: 'Wee, Paulin was thrown Irani
a motorcycle which' he was riding on
Howick St., ,a week 'ago Tuesday ev-
ening, Besides painful cuts and bads.
es to his arms, he received a bad eut
on the ankle. He will be tumble to
resume .work for sonic tinte.
During the holidays some improve -
Monts were done' at the sthool, the
tipper rooms and halls have been
"There is no curtailment at the
Western Fair this year," stated Sec-
retary W. D. Jackson in a recent in-
terview. "Thepast two years, which
have been trying ones for other
fairs, have been steps forward for
the Western Fair, and even in 1930
we achieved our gate attendance re-
"The directors of the Western
No better
exists today
' Sold everywhere 'in
3.1e and 75c .ted tikga.
The servant girl had a caller the
other night—a girl caller—who work-
ed for a family farther down the
street. And the woman of the house
overheard this ecoriversation---it was
about "fellers" as usual:
"I seen Joe out with you last
night," accused the caller.
The other girl admitted it,
"He's your steady feller now, ain't
lie?"• pursued the first speaker.
"I guess he is—that is, on Thurs-
day nights."
"Aw, I seen him with you on Sat-
An unique event took place here
recently, when four generatioes of
the MacGrath family were fortunate
to be in Gorrie at the one time. The
three younger members were guests
of the fourth, Richard MacGratb, one
of Gorrie's oldest citizens, J. E. Mac -
Grath, of Toronto (son); -Rev, Alvin
MacGrath (grandson), and son John-
nie, of Ottawa, were the other three.
Mr, MacGrath Sr., was born in
Lower Canada, as it was then call-
ed, some 87 years ago, coming to
Howick and settling on the second
concession at the age of eight years.
However, like many in those days he
had, to make a"shift for himself and
for some three years was employed
in the bushes of Wisconsin. Later
be came to Wellington County where
he married a Miss Welsh (who died
a number of years ago) and for a
few years -farmed in Maryboroligh
township, later returning to Howick.
He married Miss Mary Ortman, of
Delmore, who, with six children: J.
E., of Toronto, William of Herschel,
Sask. and Joe at home, (Wilba) Mrs.
McMillan, Listowel, (Susie) Mrs.
Brownrigg, of Edmonton, and (Etta)
Mrs, Scott, of Herschel, Sask,, are
Up until a couple of years ago,
Mr. MacGrath was in splendid helath
and is fairly well even yet, in fact,
he was able to walk, this season, to
a wild raspberry patch a mile and a
half or so from the village, pick his
pail full and walk hone again, all in
a morning. We also can boast of
this esteemed gentleman was ap-
pointed policeman of our village
some thirty-five years ago, "and he
filled that office until two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogan and
daughter, ,Miss Lillie from near Mild-
may, spent last Sunday afternoon
with Mr. arid Mrs. John Gowdy.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael
and family spent last Sunday with
Mr .and. Mrs. John McCreery and
family of Molesworth -vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Leckie and
children, from near Lucan, called at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ira Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renwick and
thildren, from east of Belmore, spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
A number from this locality atende
ed the Orange Memorial Service in
Bluevale last Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Davie; of Toronto preached a
fine Temperance Sermon here last
Sunday. The regular preacher, Rev.
Mr. Finlay, vil1 occupy the pulpit on
Sunday next, after his vacation.
Don't forget , that Gorrie will be
the centre of attraction on Labor
Day. Big Parade, Races, Sports and
Etc. Concert at night. Come prepar-
ed to spend the day in Gorrie and
meet old friends.
Guests during the week with F.
C. and Mrs. Taylor were: Mr. and
Mrs. James Jackson, of Clinton, son,
Dr. Wesley Jackson and wife, also
daughters, Misses Hazel and Zetta,
all of Philadelphia, and grandson,
Billy- Jackson, of Winnipeg; Mr, and
Mrs. Adam Spence and daughter,
Margaret; also James Spence, Palm-
erston; Mrs. Loundsbury and daugh-
ter, Miss Elizabeth, (who is a rec-
ent graduate of a law school in Phil-
adelphia), of Philadelphia, also Mrs.
Bassel of Toronto.
Mr. Howard Binkley, of Toronto,
was as week -end visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs, Henri Roadhouse
and son, Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
aldson, and daughter, Lois, all of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coop-
er, of Fordwich, Ur. and Mrs. Flem-
ing and daughter, Greta, of London,
were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs.
W. J. Gallaher.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gotrible and fain-
iI3r, of Waldemar, were visitors of
Mr. add Mrs, T. 0. Johnston.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kelly of Fordwich, was
the guest of Miss Margaret , Foster,
R,N., one day' last week.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Pyke and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Galbraith.
Mrs, 3, G. Newton spent a. day
with Listowel friends last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Butt and sons are
pending a few days with ,friends in.,
To co ill to.
Mrs, John Butt and son returned,
to Toronto, after spending the past
urday -nights, too." week at the parsonage.
"Yes; but he ain't never steady on • Mrs. Jack Lord and son, of Tor -
Saturday eights." onto, were recent guests at the home
of Reeve and Mrs. J. W. Gaphle,
Mrs. C. Pritchard and sq spent
the week -end at her home, north of
Miss Myrtle Short, of Toronto,
spent the week -end at her benne
Mrs. R. MacMillan and two child-
ren, of Listowel, spent a few days
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mr -s, Richard MacGrath, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger
spent Sunday with friends in Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs, Gamic:, of Toronto,
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Thos. Scott, Mrs. Short return-
ing to the city for a week's vaea-
The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. will be held on Thursday after-
noon of this week at Mrs. Pearl
Kaine's home.
• Through the holiday season the
pastors of the United Churches in
Gorrie and Fordwich have exchang-
ed pulpits for the two months, Rev.
Button, of Fordwich, supplying here
for the month of August. However,
beginning next Sunday, Rev, Butt,
pastor, will conduct the services here
at 11 aan. and 7.30 p.m. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ashton, Miss
Beryl Ashton and Leland spent a
few days last week at Bruce Beach,
where they occupied the cottage of
Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, also
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker, spent the
week -end in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton and
sons, Billy and Tommy, spent Sun-
day with Guelph friends. Jack New-
ton returned home after -spending the
week in Guelph.
Miss Alma Hastie returned to her
school in Kitchener this week.
Mrs. R. Edgar spent a few days
with her son, Cameron and Mrs. Ed-
gar, in Walkerton, last week.
Miss Bessie Wylie returned to To-
ronto this week, where she has ac-
cepted a school.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Lake -
let, also"Mrs. Mary Willis, of Kitch- -
ener, were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Jas. Bell. Mrs. Willis remained and
will visit her mother.
Mrs. C. Pritchard, Jim and Roy,
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Thos. Vittie Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster, also
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Baeker, were
week -end visitors with friends in
Galt. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black visited"
on Thursday of last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Cameros). Edgar, at Walk-
Mrs. R. G. Newton called on Lis-
towel friends on Thursday of last
The W. A. of St. Stephen's Churcte
will meet on Thursday; Sept. Ists
at the home of Mrs. Ernest King.
Rev. C. C. Kaine, of Seaforth, and
J. hI. Kaine, of Sturgeon Falls, vis-
ited last week with Mrs, P. Kaine,
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es.
tablishment in this part of
t,--oveRot esP;ir,o,t4r
Specials during
July and August
During July and August we
are giving Free One Extra Pr,
of Pants with each Suit of
Made -to -Measure Clothes, at
the regular price of $25.00 and
up. The Clothes are made by
the Progress Brand Clothing
Company, whose material and
workmanship are unexcelled.
Broadcloth Shirts in White,
Blue , Green, made by Lang's
only, each .... . ........
Straw Hats from 65c to $2.25
Men's Work Shirts 98c
Fresh Groceries, Fruits and
tlendd Vinegar XX Extra
per gallon
Highest Prices Paid for
Delivered at the Store.
Davey's Store