HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-08-11, Page 8U PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, August 11 1932 0111Miniummoommmoimmmmemmanimmummssmininntimmmemmemmssammmommummmoommimmummeassmemmummasmmmemmummmremmmismmmmanclumanonannummumenlislignallnilang •• me • If You are a Valls IT PAYS •TO SHO K1 G'S teme.s.easaursEgarpotaemosmisiatomasssumumaineocrepepsait1q, IN Bath Towels, per pair 50c 1 Lovely quality turkish towels in a large size, Pure White yarns with fast colored borders of Rose, Blue, Green or Gold. Special per pair 50c, .111 • Rayon Bedspreads $2.98 rare value we are passing on to • customers at a very close price. Full 1 size 72x90 inch in Rose, Green, Mau- • ve or Gold. Bargain. each $2.98. RI • Summer Comfortables • Light weight plaid wool Blankets, IN "Sunset" fine Cotton Blankets, Loun- ge Robes and Auto Rugs in a wide choice of patterns that are popularly priced at $2.95, $4.00, $6.75 to $12.00. 1 • 911 1 1111 IU le 1 1 1 111 .111 1 "White" Wabasso Sheetings All widths in stock for your re- quirements, priced at 33c, 49c 55c, 79c to $1.19. 40 inch Factory Cotton at .......... White Table Oilcloth ....... .. .. 39c Nursery Flannelette, 7 yards All Linen Towelling, 10 yds. $1.00 3 ply Sock Yarns, per ib. ..69c 29c Fast Color Prints 19c 1 4... Seeker D MANY ARE KNITTING! Yarns! Yarns! See the lovely knitting yarns we sell for Sweaters, Pullovers, Afghans, • Children's and Infants' wear. Quali- ties and colors you're sure to like. Guide Books - Needles New supplies just to hand and they will be such a help for all knitters. Experienced and beginners alike. Guide Books, 5c, 10c, 25c. .Needles at 19c. Summer Girdles Light weights for coolness, but having plenty figure control, $1.50, $2.00, $2.75. $L00 Shadow 'Skirts for -- 69c $1.25 Rubber Step -Ins 69c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 6 for 35c •• • Of fine Swiss Cambric, neatly hem- stitched, all white in a size you'll like 6 for 35c. Broadcloth Slips at 88c Opera top style in these service- able slips in White, Sand and Peach shades. Extra value at 88c. White Wood Curtain Poles! Complete with metal ends and bracket pins. Tub Fast Prints 15c Neat patterns, a yard wide. Turkish Roller Towels 59c Full length of 2l/i yards. ift u,t iss these "Extras" !kw, litter Values In Reacirtoo ear G r ments Fir All Me hers of The Fat Hy DRESSES FOR THE MATRON OR MISS Sununery fabrics that are( so attractive in style and make-up. Beau- tiful Voiles, Chiffons, Crepes and Eyelet Cloths. Charming frocks at Cut Prices that mean a great deal to customers when cost is a consideration. Our Entire Stock of Summer Dresses on Sale this week -end at /1/4 4/3 To OFF we9ve MEN'S EXTRA VALUE SUITS' Navy Botany Serge 0 and fine English Worsteds, made and guaran- teed by Fashion Craft, all are top quality Suits with the c finest tailoring. Our regular $29',50 to $35.00 Suits, specially offered for the week -end at $25.00 It's not too soon to .plan for the School Opening. New Clothes will be needed. PRINCE BOYS' CLOTHES The name is a warranty for fit and entire wearing satisfaction. Styles are the latest and materials of new and! pleasing patterns. Extra Pant models at $6.00, $9.85, $11.50 to $14.00 • made for August Shoppers. • Men's Good Shirts Cellar attached styles, are so satis- factory and good looking for •sum- mer. All white and neat stripes. Buy one or more to -day, $1,25, $1.85 and $2.25. Boys' Blouses 79c Fine Count fast color broadcloths that are so smart for growin,g boys:• Sizes 6 to 14years. Specially priced at 79c. Watson's Underwear Silk Jerseys, Shorts and Coznbina- tions in Watson's superfine quality. White or Peach shades for your se- lection. Specially priced at 88c, $1.00 and $1.95. — Haberdashery Belts, Garters, Arm Bands, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Soft, and laundered Arrow Collars from which to make a good choice. You'll Need Socks We have a fine supply of English and Domestic weights, plain shades and many patterned designs, and they're rn'arked at tempting prices. 39; 2 pairs $1.00. - 69c, 85c to $1.19 per pair. • Men's Wool Swim Suits $1,69 Forsyth Combinations ... , . . . . New Silk Tie 48c NI NI $1.25 Currie's Braces 95c 1 White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c sl • 1 Flannel Trousers Every many likes Summer Flan- nels and those we have this season are such unusual value that you'll doubly like them. This week our $6.00 and $6,50 lines are on Sale at $5.00. Forebelt Pyjamas $2.95 A Forsyth product that 1peans real comfort and satisfaction to all men that wear pyjamas. Of fine quality English Broadcloth at much lowered prices. Special per suit $2.95. 1111 1 1111 11 Balbriggan Garments at 59c Penman's tioiible thread Shirts and g Drawers for men liking separate gar- go,.. merits. Natural shade of our 75c line NI Bargain each 59c. • • • Summer Sweaters A new sweater is always acceptable and most men generally have a place for an extra one. See ours that are priced from $2.85, $3.75 and $5.00. • • • • • • •• • Always Fresh Groceries Kellog's.,Krumbles, 2 pkges. for 25c Tomato Juice, 4 tins for 29c Fresh Pack .Salrnon, 2 tins for 29c Bordeaux Walnuts, per lb 39c Macaroni, 3 lbs. 23c Large Bottle Vanilla 21c Choice Black Tea 39c Blue Rose Rice. 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Clover Honey ............ 4„ McLarens Jellies, 4 for . .. _.25c 20 lb. Sack Sugar $12-159c 11 Fresh Cookies Heinz 'Tomato Soup, 3 for 39c II BRING YOUR PALM OLIVE • COUPONS TO US. I KING BROS, MEE 314 SRI • Ella 7.4 111 LET US HELP YOU PURCHASE TO THE BEST ADVAN- TAGE FROM THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES. 0 EN IMMIX MANNENNIIINNINNINNINN NEINOINNNONINEENNINNINIMINNIN tk; .171. WINGHAM, ONT." qm MEN EMEMEMEMMENMENIUMEM MAMEMENAMMEMBand tat /41 KNEE .$1.:„•44V41.1, Will open Sataracky Afteam o 13th la P11 AFTERNOON k; - AFTERNOON TEAS - - MEALS NIGHT LUNCHES HOMEMADE BAKING, FRESH DAILY Have you Tea Cup Read Saturday Afternoon at the Winghana MRS. H. SHERBONDY MISS GRACE GREER 2 m 2 z't 2 2' 2 sms5 i. wHITECHURCH Long Branch, spent the week -end at • I the home of Mr, Wm, Barbour. Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Crewe Mr. and Mrs, Bill Thompson and family of. Belgrave visited on Sunday spent a few days last week with her p * the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Robin - Cornelius, Miss Jen and Emma Dobie, from Portland, Oregon, spent a few days last week with Miss C. Laidlaw and other relatives 'in this vicinity. Mr. Duncan Kennedy started out threshing last week and was thresh- ing wheat at Mr. Jas. Sutherland's. Mrs. Henry McGee spent last wednesday with her sister, Mrs. C Campbell, of Belgrave. Rev. and Mrs. Watt and family of son and With Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, of Morris. Mrs. A. Fax and Miss Isabel, who have been visittug, with relatives in Hamilton, returned home this week and were accompanied by Miss Net- tie Sharpe, Miss Lettie Fox return- ed from Lucan on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston and Miss Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chainney and baby, Shirley Ann, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott, .of Summer Neckwear Special Purchase of Silk and Washable Neck- wear, Values up to 85c. THIS WEEK'S PRICE, SALE 49c. New Felt Hats including Pearl Grey, Light lawn, Dark Grey, Brown; All Fur.Felts, with welt edge and raw edge, Sport Styles included, Hats up to $4.50. ON SALE .... $2.95 Hanna & Co, Limited AGENTS FOR ROYAL YORK CLOTHES IGofrie. Mr. and. Mrs. Herb McQuillan and sons, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. Ab. McQuillan. We are pleased to hear that Mr. A. McQuillan is improving now, after his long illness. Miss Kathleen Patterson, Auburn, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Clar- ence Cox, and she and Mr. and Mrs. Cox spent Sunday in Goderich with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Cox. ' Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and son of Mornington were visiting over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. McBurney. Mr. Davidson and his family are moving to Hensall in the. near future. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday, August 12, at the home of Mrs. Harold Snarling. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. Miss Frances Robinson of Wing - ham, spent a few days last week with Miss Florence Beecroft. • Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Moore, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Snarling and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning, of Kincardine. Mr, Jacic Gillespie and Mr. Ken- neth Weaver motored to Mount Forest on Saturday and, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Boyd, 1 Miss McKenzie, R,N., of • North Bay, is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Gatint. Mrs. Melbourne Cox is in Toron- to visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dr, Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Er- nest and Florence and Pearl Creigh- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Seaforth, and Pearl returned to her home in Detroit with her mother, Mrs. Creighton and her uncle, Mr. Oliver Kirk, of tirming- Miss Edith Mundy, of Wingham, is visiting with Miss /Vrttriel Purdon. Miss Anna Reed of Ashfield, is viisting with her cousin, Miss Ev- elyn Reed, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Little, of Ash- field, spent the week -end with Miss Ida •and Mr. Geo, 1sIcQtioid. Miss Gladyt Garton, nurse -in - training in Ontario Hospital, Lon don, is holidaying this week at her home here. Mrs, A. Emerson and James and Lila and Mr, Bert Cullamore, spent Sunday at the home of. Mr, and Mrs. Caldwell, of Glands, ,.. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Farrier, Gar- net, Carman and Clifford, - left an Friday to visit with friends at Tor- OfttO and Harnilton, also at Niagara Palls, Miss Winnifred, who has been taking the Arts Summer Course, is returning home with thein Monday. Mr. arid Mrs. Lester Falconer, of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green, who lwee accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Plewes, of Toronto. Miss Hazel Mtindell, also Messrs. Will and Hugh Mundell, Bluevale, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Corrigan. Culross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Quite a number of families from here spent Sunda); at the lake. Master Pat Coulter spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Miss Marjorie Falconer of Wing - ham is visiting with her cousin, little Miss Jean Wellwood for a week, Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and Mrs. A. Reid came from Paris last week. Mrs. Reid is Staying at her home here now. Miss June Irwin has been spend- ing a week at the home of her uncle Mr. Edwin Irwin of Goderich, and Master Dick Irwin spent a week with his aunt, Mrs. A. Ketchabaw of Par- amount, .1112 DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWEL- LERY AND GIFTS. Moderately Priced, OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair One Watch FREE. Winner for July -- Mrs. Waram, Wingham, GEO. WILLIAMS JEWELLER Phone 5, linationsimmiontioulltilifilaillt111111136 See A. M. Bishop tc,t. = M M Government and Municipal Bonds I Also All Kinds of INSURANCE ----- Phone 226 Winghton has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, left last Friday for their home hi North Bay. The following are visitors who were with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross last week, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Brown and Barbara, Eileen, Irene and Neil of Creighton Mines, Mr. Jack Phil- ips of Timmins, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Philips of Proton, and. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Proton. Mrs. Campbell and daughter from I/ - London, are visiting with Mrs. Rob- ert Ross. • Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mrs. Sidney Taylor, of T-eronto, is at present visiting Mrs. Thomas Ap- pleby. niswisni,maisifrastimul immEtulottioriansiirmili;,mgatikmatimmemnin !imminT u Brantford, have been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Joe Holmes. Our sympathy- goes out to all those farmers in East and West Wa- u The W. M. S. of the United church pi held their teas at the homes of Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan on Wednesday last. Quite a number of families from here picnicked at Bruce Beach on Wednesday last. ars. Stewart and two daughters, N who have been visiting .with her sis- ter, Mrs. Ezra Wellwood for the past three weeks, returned to her home in Winnipeg on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawthorne of wanosh, who.had their crops hailed out on Friday evening last. All the standing grain, fruit and gardens were literally cut down. The hail 1:0, wentin a wide sweep from St. Aug- fi- ,ustine, across the 9th con, of East pa Wawanosh to Herson Irwin's and M northeastward. Some of the farmers were fortunate in having a good bit of their grain cut, but quite a loss will be sustained by many. GLENANNAN (Too Late for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, of the Soo, renewed old acquaintances on the Tenth on Thesday. Dr. Elmer Aitken, of Toronto, is holidaying with his friend, Mr. Wm. Elliott, Jr. Yin and Mrs. Roy Adair and fam- ily, of Wingharn, spent Sunday at the hatte of Mr. and Mrs. John Met- calfe. Mrs, Giellsiwho has spent the past two weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Forgie, has returned to her home at Timmins, Miss Elva Metcalfe, nurse -in -train- ing at Guelph Hospital, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr, and, Mrs, John Metcalfe, Mr. and. Mrs. Fraser Haugh visit- ed Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Johann. Mrs. George Halton of Prampton, spent a couple of dais last week with her neice, Mrs, Oliver Stolsea, Wra. Elliott and sox) Clarke nomitiiimincitlisminitommaisni hio'c'td to Toronto last reel<and SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August lith, 12th, 13 SPECIAL WALLACE And MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON • "FISHING AROUND" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 15, 16, 17 ! JOAN BENNETT Spencer Tracy Una Merkel • I "She Wanted. Millionaire" M. . Behind the scenes of our Be4uty Parades. • i • Comedy, "CRASHING RENO" I