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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-08-11, Page 3V1 Wrox Thurs lay, August 11, 1932 THE W. M. S. OF THE UNITED CHURCH. A very enjoyable; and profitable meeting was Field on August' 3rd, when the members of the Progress- ive Mission" Circle of the' United Church, Gorrie, entertained the W. M, S. at Miss Janet Gamble's home, The President, Mas. R, A, Ashton, was in the chair. The meeting op- ened by singing "The. Light of the World is Jesus." Mrs. Cooke then led in prayer. The minutes and roll call of the W. M. S. was then an- swered with a verse containing the word "Patience," and was answered by 23 members. There were 'eleven Circle members and several visitors also present. Mrs. T, O. Johnston gave :a paper on "Tithing" telling how God repays tithers, , Mrs. Walter Simson read the: Scripture lesson found in Isaiah 45, 18-25. Miss Evelyn Dane favor 'ed the societies with +a solo entitled "He lifted me." Miss Bessie Wylie read the Worship Period as the sub- ject was Japan. She told how the prophet in speaking to the Hebrew people in captivity told them there was no other God but Jehovah in whom they.had been taught to trust. Japan, today, is an example of the case in point. Something we can copy from the now Christian relig- ion of Japan, reverence is always present if worshipping false gods. Mrs. Pearl Kahle gave a paper. telling of Japan's Army, Navy, In- dustries and Religion. Japan was afraid of the Christian religion, but she desires now to be understood, but only through Jesus Christ can the nations understand one another. Mrs: Whitefield told then, "How to Make a Missionary Meetng a' Suc- cess." The Devotional Period was the most important. Prayer and fel- lowship with God is the chief need of our spiritual life. Tarry with Him until. He touches you, said the speak- er. A" responsive patriotic reading was then heard which was followed by Mrs. T. O. Johnston leading .in prayer for Our. Nation. Mrs. Whitley and Miss E. Steph- ens sang very feelingly a duet en- titled "The Touch of His Hand in Mine." The meeting closed by singing "God Bless Our Native Land" and prayer by the President. The Circle :girls then served a very tasty luncheon and a social hour was spent and a hearty vote of thanks given to the Circle Girls, PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' MD The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- ian Church held . a very successful meeting on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs, John Douglas, on 'the Brussels Road. The President, Mrs. W. •A. Irwin, occupied the ,chair. The minutes of the last meeting Were read by the secretary, Mrs, Stewart Edgar. Owing to the ladies being occupied quilting the minor business with, dispensed wtt . T he meeting closed. with prayer after which a dainty lunch was served. GORRJE Odd — But True agtosum `Mt AIR MAIL' 1 Ut wrst, S`Cf�t Es A6au'r "*2,500,000 (a YEM. tN IN'tERES' C4tAR6E5 g`C REDUCING 'Ch}E, ITh\ RE cv tRtO F0 "SEE DELIIIER‘t c 1NANCIAI_ vFep cR. AlOb elit.'30A1 I1Jf1i!M +I1t, AND HOWL 1.11 ©%NOT, ALCOHOL t6 -re MOST 1v,t LIQUID tAM BY MRN - Mrs. - John Hyndman is visiting iting with the former's her daughter in Toronto for a cou- and Mrs, R. G. Dane. ple of weeks. '• Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Johnston, of Misses Velma and Audrine Zim- Guelph, also Miss Florence Prit merman are visiting friends in Tor- chard, of Harriston, were guests of onto at present. Mrs. Munro on Sunday. Miss Blyth Underwood has been Mr. Jas. Shera and Miss 011ie spending her vacation with friends Willits spent Siinday at Grand Bend. in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and A number fromhere picniced at Miss; Perkins, are spending their va- the lake on Sunday. cation at their cottage at Bruce Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera, also Mrs. Beach. Ellis, of Guelph, visited friends in parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sunnucks, Toronto Mitchell, on ' Sunday. were Sunday visitors of Mr: and We ;welcome to our village Mr, Mrs.'" Herzog, Miss Marion and El- and Mrs. Dungey -and family, form- mer Sunnucks returned home with erly of Bornholm. • them, after spending three weeks in. Miss Agnes Edgar spent a few Gorrie. days,last week with Mrs. McGunegal Miss Norma Graham visited Sun - in Stratford. clay with her cousin, Miss Gertrude Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ester and Elliott, of • Blyth. family, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Lippington returned to her friends around town last week. home at Harriston,after spending Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Walkerton, were recent guests of, Arthur Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black. Misses ,Betty Hubbard and Phillis Clegg, of Harriston, visited with their grandmother, Mrs. Jaynes Bell, last weekk. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock spent a couple of days last week at Bruce Beach. Quite a severe' 'electrical storm visited this village on Friday even- ing c a cornpattecl by a terrible rain storm, no great amount of damage being done with the . exception of Matthew Anger's house being struck. making two holes in the. brick wall, Mrs. Ttrner, of Edtrionton, is vis - Mr. end Mrs. George Rae and iting her .sister, Mrs, W. R. Ilastie. family of Toronto, were guests last Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dane and Miss Helen Ward, of Toronto, is week of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cathers. daughter, Betty, of Toronto, are vis- a guest of Miss E. Stephnes this Miss J. V. Johnston, of Clifford, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. C. Ram - age. Mr. and Mrs. George McCall, also Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Somers, Brus- sels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John' Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Dickson, of Atwood, visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Wylie in Gorrie. Miss Beasie Wylie has accepted a position in the Hartman Jones Me- morial School,, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Carter McKee, of Galt, are visiting this week with Mrs. John Wylie, the former being, a brother, Splendid Empire Achievements • ' .,�::,,..,a`:f•�#, :�:5:.::}'F�::::�:;:xis;::;�saz�;:n'.2:::,:;.'`'"',:: i;,,,2at s.,.,.aa.. r6•!.....,n.<.{•....,.v.....•.:•:a.. >al:iiib:ka�^i.: An ettterprising, Sydney. N.S.J., newspaper, in order to convey to its readers the magnitude of the huge new Harbour Bridge recently constructed at the Australian port, printed the conn- . posite picture shown above for the enlightenment of its readersw i Thrilled by descriptivci'stories of .the new Canadian Pacific liner "Empress of Britain" that appeared .red in Australian papers when that giant liner was sped on its. maiden voyage last. year by the Prince of Wales, Australians have taken as prideful an interest in the "Empress of Britain" as Canadians, and the picture, labelled "Empire Achievements" paid tribute to the enter- prise of the Domrnron and the Connmonwealth. Underneath was the legend, "Sydney Harbor Bridge, opened March, 1982, Length of .Arch Span 1,650 feet, breadth 160 feet, weight of arch steelwork 68.,000 tons. "Empress of Britain," in service May 1981, length 760 feet 6 inches, breadth 971 feet, grossregistered tonnage 42,500." The Empress of Britain on he voyage fronn Canada dune 16th, 1982, justified Australia's faith in heras an +'mpire achievement by creating the magnificent now record, Father Point toi Cherbourg, n four' days, seven hours, 58 minutes.- 852. week. Gorrie Young Lady Honored Miss Louise White was honored Wednesday evening of last week, when about twelve: lady friends ga- thered, at the home of Miss E. Ste- phens, when they presented her With a silver flower basket with her monogram nicely engraved on it. The early part of the evening Miss E. Stephens and Miss Louise White were the guests of Mrs. J. J,„ Allan of Wroxeter, where they were •enter- tained to dinner, later coming to Gorrie, to the home of Miss Steshens where the surprise party was held. .Louise, although completely taken by surprise thanked the Indies for their gift, and invited them to see her in her new home at Bornholm. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social manner and dainty re- freshments were served, Misses Lyla and Betty McCormick of Kincardine, are spending a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earls. , Rev. S. R. Johnston and family re- tuned to their home at Courtright, on Saturday after a three weesk' va- cation at Bruce Beach and Gorrie, 1blr. and Mrs. N. Felker and fam- ily, also Mrs. H. Sanderson, of Las - towel, visited with Mr. and Airs. J. Musgrove. Mr, and Mrs. E. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Earl and family, Melvin and Alex, Taylor, the Misses Nellie and Evelyn Dane, Mr. and Mrs. L, Walker, Mr. and. Mrs. Irving Honer and Mr. R. Carson spent Sunday at Kincardine. Dr. and Mrs, Porterfield, of Ches- ley, called on Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade on Sunday, In last week's issue at item said the United Church service would be in the evening. It shouldChave read, morning at -11 o'clock..Kitidly keep this in mind. Mr, R. G. Newton spent the week- end at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and Margaret Foster, were London visitors one day last week. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield were: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac . Rathwell o1: Moncrief, Mr an t n and Mrs. Angus vt B tl t and daughter, Ruth- of Grey, ed Mr. George Speiran, of Ethel, lvtr. and Mrs. Brown and ,Ruth were iso guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ling. Mt. and Mrs. W. N, Schnuck, of lint, Mich,, spent a few days last eek with Mr, and Mrs, Abram, Theanr Or e is a brother of Mrs, Abram,Mr. and Mrs, < M s, Gordon Jeffersonnd daughters; Miss Margaret Fos- er, Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Foster, spent unday with Mrs. 't7'nderwood, of Ingham, Mr, and Mrs. Ira McLean, Mr. and rs. W C. King and son, Earl, were unday visitors with Ken. and Mrs. ashy. Guests with Ws, S s Munroe oar unday were. Mr. and Mrs, G. John - on of Guelph, and Miss Florence ritehard, of Harriston. Mr, and lairs. George ' Rowe and a s a F f a S W M S H s P two children, of Toronto, were th guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cath.ers thi past week, • Mrs. M. Atram attended the fun eral of her aunt, Airs. Chas, Mc - •Mane, on Thursday of last week, at Atwood, Miss Beatrice Potter, of the Ste- phens and Ashton staff; is an her vacation at present, Clifford Pyke .and' Lloyd Ashton, also Cecil Lynn and Mickey Davison of Fordwich, left on Saturday to spend a few days at Amberley Beach. Last Monday while Mr. Pyke was drawing in hay one of his horses fell through the barn floor. Neigh- bors were :called and with the use of block and tackle were successful in getting the animal out. Rev. G. - W. Butt and sons, Elmer and Bill, also Hector Hamilton, left on Wednesday last to spend a week or ten days camping. Mr. and Mrs. James Magrath, of Toronto, Rev. and Mrs. Alvin Ma- grath and children, of Ottawa, were week -end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Magrath. Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Kinloss, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyter- ian Church here on Sunday at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs, Leggatt are camp- ing at Kintail for their vacation. Miss Helen Ellis and - friend, of Guelph, were Friday visitors of the former's sister, Mrs. V. Shera.. Miss Marjorie Hockridge, Guelph, is spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Russel Grainger. Mrs. R. Ferguson, Mrs. Dinsmore also Mr. J. Bennett, visited with Miss Margaret Bennett in Hamilton on Sunday, Rev. and Mrs, Ashton, Rutheven, are visiting friends in and around town. Miss E. Parker; of Indiana, paid her cousin, Mr, W. A. Irwin, a fly- ing visit on Monday. Rev. - Wallace Johnston, Allenford, is visiting friends in and around here at present. Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Butchard and Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott, Harriston, visited with friends in town on Sun- day, Mr. Thos. Taylor, of Preston, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Knowlson and Miss Taylor. Mrs. Lynn, of Fordwich, is spend- ing a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. R. S, Clegg. Mr. A. F. Ross, of Montreal, and friends, Miss E. Stebbin and Mr. H. Jessamin, of Ottawa, were guests of Mrs. Ross over the week -end, leav- ing Monday morning accompanied by Miss Helen Gibson, also . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alien, of Wroxeter, for a week's vacation at Lion's Head. Master Jack Dempsey of Stratford spent a few days with his aunt, Miss Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herzog were visiting friends in Listowel Szlnday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, also Mrs. Ellis, of Guelph, spent Monday ing'4 a in 1 aim. e Wednesday at the home of Mr. an s Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. alga Mary Edgar -is holidaying a Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith and da ghters spent. Sunday at Wasag Beach. They were ,accompanied .b their guests, Misses Margaret an Minnie Bell of'Brantford. lir. Fred Bryant, of Stratford, ha charge of .the service in the Unite Church an. Sunday morning last, an gave an interesting address on th work of the Lord's Day Alliance, Mrs. Martin, Guelph, also Rev. A L. Sanderson, Brantford, are guest this week at the home- of D. D. an Mrs. Sanderson. . Mrs, Douglas Fraser, Mrs. J. ,Loy ell and Miss. Annabel .Fraser, motor ed to Ridgetown on Saturday to vis it friends: hey were accompanie by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. A Campbell, Toronto, who with. Mrs Lovell returned home Sunday, while Mrs. and Miss Fraser will remain for a holiday. Mrs.. Andrew Shearer, B.A., has' returned to his home here from • To.. ronto where he has" been taking a summer course at the Ontario Col- lege of Education. Mr. Jessman, Miss Talun, Mr. A. F. Ross, all of Ottawa, are guests at the home of J. J. and Mrs. Alien. Mr. and Mrs. Allen with their guests also Miss Eileen Gibson, .Gorrie, will leave this week for Dyers Bay where they will spend a two -weeks' holi- day. Canadian Chautauqua will present their series of programmes in this town on October 3, 4, 5, 6. Week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sangster were: Mrs. Mitchell and children, Gordon, Dora othy and Kenneth, also Miss • Carol Sangster, all of Toronto, Mrs. Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stewart, Moles- worth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAl- lister, Clifford, and Doris, Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John - spent Sunday with J. H. and Mrs. Wade, Fordwich. Mr, T. Hemphill spent the week- end in Detroit. Miss Ann and Mr. Allen Munroe returned on Friday from Cleveland where they spent an enjoyable week. Congratulations to Air. and Mrs. Erle Sproule (nee Lottie Champion, Brussels), who were married last week in Guelph. We welcome Mrs. Sproule to our village, This district was visited on Fri- day evening by one of the most sev- ere electrical storms of the season. Hugh Edgar's barn, alsol i1ir. Dick Griffiths' house were struck; fortunately neither took fire. Two barns were destroyed in the Clifford district the same evening by light- ning. d dm WROXETER Mr. and .Airs. E. Jackman, Mrs. J. Fleming and Jack, of Toronto, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, going on to Orchard Beach, Maine, for the remainder of their holidays. There will be no service in Unit- ed Church nett Sunday morning.., l,frs, M. Sellers arrived hilae from Caesarea where she has spent an en- joyable holiday. She was accompan- ied by Mr, and l:lrs. Leslie Hether- ington who have gone on to Spar- row Lake to spend a week with friends. Rev. Dr, and 'Airs. Hughes, Lon- don, spent a couple of days last week with their neice, Mrs. D. 5, Mac- Naughton. Mrs. W. A. Campbell, her daugh- ters, Katharine and 1,rrith, also Mrs. W. - Bentley,all of Toronto, were guests at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lovell one day last week, Mr. John Davidson and Ivtiss Mae Davidson spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, near Bluevale, Mr. Robert McRercher, Montreal,. is visiting at home here. We are' sorry that Mr. W. S. Mc y Is.erc}rer is still very ill, Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Fitch . and fatuity were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shearer. The Misses Margaret and Minnie Bell, of Brantford, were guests the past week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Syd. Smith. Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence White and. arily spent Friday with friends at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer (nee- Eliza- beth Sanderson) of Markdale spent y cl d d d e s• d d • Mr. and Mrs. Main and son, Har- old, Kitchener, spent a couple 'of days last week at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Timm. Misses Laura and Irene Wright 'rave returned hone, after a pleasant veek's holiday in Detroit. . ?Hiss Evelyn Gamble b of Fordwich, a, yvas a guest of Mrs. Cleve Stafford' n Friday last. Air. Ken Edgar was home for the eek -end from Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Webster of • tratford, were guests last Thurs- ay at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. yd. Smith. Mrs. Eldrid Nicol, also Mrs. Jas. urtain and Eldon, motored to Zona Mills recently, where -they at- nded the Taylor -McCandless wed- ding. Week -end guests at the home of lira. James Curtain, 4th line, were: Mr. and Mrs, Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Rata, son and daughter, all of Wat- erloo, Miss Bewley and Mr. Swit- zer, of Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Brown, of Montreal, is a guest at the home of Mrs, Thos a 1 0 w S d S C l to Gibson. .Mrs. Nicol and i.frs. Curtain,, 4th lint', were recent guests of Mrs. G. NeDertnitt. Harriston. Air. VanVelsor and. Miss Rona left lt•1'ottday morning for London, where they will visit friends. Air. and Mrs. Chandlier, of Brant- ford, are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, James Breckenridge. Mr. Alfred Agar and Mr. Jim Cha li nd et were Sunday guests at the sante home. Mr. and Mrs, Kitchen are.attend-: ng the Old Boys' Reunion. at Wheatly this week. Miss Isabel Wilson, of Grand Val- ey, is visiting Mies Margaret Davey this week, Miss Jessie V. Johnson, Clifford, visited for a few days at G. A. Wear - ring?. Mr. John Hall, Bltievale, and Wm. Hall, of Chatham, spent Tuesday tsf, last week fishing here, Miss Joy Wrapof Toronto, spending two weeks' holidays with% her :mother and other friends: Mr. Archie Edgar., Miss Ruth Stocks, Mr. Ken Edgar and Mise Margaret Davey spent Sunday at Bruce Beach with Mrs. Edgar. Pearl and Harry Westlake, Salt - ford, near Goderich, are spending their holidays with their grandpar.. ems, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wade. Mrs, Roberts and daughter, Eliza- beth, of Blenheim, who have been- spending- eenspending their holidays at Bruce Beach with friends, spent Wednes- day night and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davey while motor- ing through to Brantford... ; Mrs. D. McTavish returned home after visiting with friends in Turn - berry. Miss Margaret Durst of To onto„ is home for a few holidays. Mrs. R. Gibson, Mrs. Griinshaw, Mrs. Stewart and son, Billy, return- ed to Detroit - last week, Wni. and Mrs. Ringler, Listowel, spent Sunday with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. R..Hupfer. 10th LINE HGWICK Mr. Wm. Horsburgh, of Holstein, and sister, Mrs. Paul, of Strassburg, Sask,, visited at Walter Horsburgh's on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Adams, of Wroxeter, is engaged for the threshing season. - with Mr. W. Horsburgh. Mrs. E. Strong and Marion, Ford- wich, also Miss Olive Strong and her: boy friend spent Sunday at Thomas. Strong's. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, of Tor- onto, were guests at W. 'Craig's en. Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Baldwin and Marion,' of Toronto, also Mrs. Brnce Holtoin; visited at T. Strong's. on Thursday. Mr.. and Mrs. 5. Zurbrigg and Morley are visiting in Detroit and; other points. Mr. and Mrs. T. Pritchard and family, also Mr. and Mrs. V. Stock- ton and family, attended the - Bacon and Pritchard reunion at Wroxeter on August 2nd. Miss Cameron, of Toronto, spent last week at Mr.. R, Harding's. . Misses Maud and Ruby Harding spent a few days Inst week at Mt. Brydges and Stratford. Father: "When 1 was your age, my bay, I didn't have as much mon ey in a month as you spend in an evening.,, Son: "Well, it's no use grousing at me, dad. 'Take it out of grand:- father." rand,father," * * 5 * On the notice board of a wayside chapel it was announced: "On Sat,-- urday at 8 p.m. the annual mince -pie. supper will be held. The subject of the sermon on Sunday morning will be 'A Night of Horror.' " p F. i O LI T- Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es• tablishment in this part of Ontario". aaanameasaa Juiy During July and August we are giving Free One Extra Pr. of Pants with each Suit of Made -to -Measure Clothes, sure C the at the regular price of $25.00 and up. The Clothes are made by the Progress Brand Clothing Company, whose material and workmanship are unexcelled. Broadcloth Shirts in. White, Blue % Green, made by Lang's only, each - $L50 Straw Hats from 65e to $2.25 Men's 'Work . Shirts .........98c Fresh Groceries, Fruits and Spices tlended Vinegar XX Extra per gallon Highest JPrites Paid for CREAM AND EGGS Delivered at the Store.. .v'to