The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-08-04, Page 3OiallialsoaallassnMemaanimmnannomseunsapeursteam
Upwards of 100 people attended
tire, Community Picnic held on Wed.'
nesday afternoon in Victoria Park in
`Gorrie, which was directed by the
Gorrie Branch of the Women's In-
stitute, The committees in charge
had a full afternoon ofraces for both
young and old, besides numerous
games which were all entered 'into
with a good deal of vim as .well ass
merriment. Ideal weather prevailed
during the afternoon which made the
children's parade an item of interest.
Following are the winners of the
various races:
Girls, 6 to 10: Ida litnhie,, Marion
Boys, 6 to 10: Mack burgess,
Billie Newton.
Girls, 1.?:- o 15; •tiet-Ituttan, Dor-
othy Edvvards.
Boys 12' to 15: Jack Newton, Wes-
ley Galloway,
'Wheeibarow race: Wesley' Gallo-
. way and Jack Newton; Tom and Bill
Cloth pin race: Ladies, Mrs. J, Ca-
thers, Mrs. K. Hastie. Girls, Ida
Ritchie, Edith Ritchie.
Slipper Race: Mrs. J. Cathers,
Mrs. H. Hastie.
Grandmothers' race, Mrs. J. Hynd-
man, Mrs. Ernest King.
Fat lady and thin man: Mrs. W.
C. King and Rev. Butt; Mrs. Her-
zog and Mr. Hamilton.
Thin lady and Fat Man: Mrs. J.
Cathers and R. Edgar; Mrs. P. Kaine
and E. Bodley.
Dignified Ladies' race: Mrs. Ern-
est King.
Following lunch the Mysterious
Lady Institute was found by Miss
Monte Earngey, after which Mr.
Herzog delighted the children with
a peanut scramble. The day ended
successfully with an interesting ball
Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Bluevale,
occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter-
ian Church here on Sunday afternoon
when he preached a very convincing
sermon from the text found in Ec-
clesiastes 11-4: "He that observeth
the wind shall not sow, and he that
regardetli the clouds shall not reap."
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dane of Toronto
were week -end guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Isaac Wade.
Mr, Emerson Shera spent Sunday
with friends at Moorefield.
Master Arnold Earl, of Ethel, is
spending a couple of weeks with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
Miss Bertha Earl, of Ethel, is At-
iting her cousin, Miss Attdriene
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl, Ethel,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg spent
Sunday. with Mrs. Lynn in Fordwich.
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A SP1Ci(
idett and Wroxeter News
Thursday, August 4th, 1932
Odd But True
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Rev. Leggatt will occupy the pul-
pit in the Presbyterian Church here
on Sunday.
Mir. and Mrs. C. Smith Toronto,
were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.
K. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willis, Lon-
don, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. S. King.
Mrs. Woods, of, Fort William, also
Mrs. Robinson, f Toronto, were
guests last week of Miss Maguire.
Mr. and Mrs: W. Wade, Miss Bea-
trice, of Fordwich, and Mr. Bodley,
of Sault Ste. Marie, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson, Wed-
Mrs. E. W. Bolton and daughter
are spending a week with her moth-
er, Mrs. Albright, at Harriston.
Mr, and. Mrs. C. Beese, of Kitch-
ener, Rev. W. Reese, of Tavistock,
Mrs. H. Ewald, of St. Thomas, Miss
Catherine Hooey, Mrs. Stanley Dane
and daughter, Betty, of Toronto,
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs, R. G. Dane; Mrs. Stanley Dane
and daughter and Miss Hooey re-
maining for their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clegg, Toronto,
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Sandford Zimmerman.
Miss Clara Icing, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King.
Miss Jean Grainger of Jamestown
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W.
C. King.
Mrs. Margaret Ellis, of %uelph, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. Shera,
this week. •
Mrs. (Dr. Armstrong spent a cou-
ple. of days last week with •her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ritchie, near Teeswater.
Mr. James Hastie, Misses Alma
and Evelyn, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie.
A number of young folk from here
motored. to Owen Sound on Sunday
where they spent the day at the
beach the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Jefferson.
A large crowd from Gorrie attend-
ttended the funeral on Thursday of the
late Mrs. Jas. Douglas, near 13e1 -
more. The family have the sympathy
of the community in their sad be-
We believe wedding bells will soon
be ringing in town. Gorrie will sup-
ply the groom.
Miss Myrtle Short, of Toronto, is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, MIr. and Mrs. Thos. Short.
Mrs. L. B. Eighmey and daughters
Ruth and Jean, returned to their
hone in Saginaw, after spending a
few days with the former's sister,
Mrs. Abram.
Misses Dorothy and Grace Golley
Vast is Bast and
KA Westis West,
but men„ ride wher-
ever the sun shines
and the Trail Riders
of the Canadian
Rockies, with a mem-
bership which girdles
the globe, are creat-
ing widespread in-
terest with their plans
for their 1982 expedi-
tion from Banff to
Mount Assiniboine,
through some of the
most beautiful coun-
try, in the great mountains from which they take
their name., The famous peaky with its many ad-
joining lakes and valleys, was the focal point of the
1927 trail ride and this year's trip,,starting on July
29, will follow generally the same lines, with nights
spent in camp, accoxdtng to the best traditionsof
the Order* Ample time will be given for exploring.
the territory, traversed, the ride occupying five days
and traversing Brewster and Allenby Greeks; Assi-
niboine Pass and the shores of Lake Magog to the
teat mountain, which is the objective of the riders.
will be made. through the Valley of te
eks; the Golden Valley; Citadel Pass and so
through Sunshine Camp to Banff once more. The
pictures shown above are distinctly interesting and
show Lt. Col, Phil Moore, president of the Trail
Riders, and Mrs. Moore, on camel -back at the
:ids, during the world -cruise of the Canadian
Pacific liner "Empress of Britain", in strong contrast
to the cowboy viewing Mount Assiniboine, where
this year's trail ride leads. Inset is II.' M. King `
Prajadhipok ofSiam, who proved an enthusiastic
trail rider during his visit to Canada last summer.
Beloiw, two fair bathers are seen setting out from one
of the cabins at Assiniboine Camp.
and men, Gordo. against the U.F:O.,.
Gorrie winning the honors. A thrill-
ing twenty minutes of ladies' hand.
ball, . was played, the teams being
captained by Mrs. .Pearl Kaine and
Miss Nellie Dane. A list of sports
included pillow fights, sack races;:
marshmallow contest, needle and
thread contest and numerous track
and field events . for the girls, boys
and adults.
Reeve and Mrs. J. W. Gamble
and daughter, Janet, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Hibeine and family, pieniced.
in Goderich on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman and
family spent a couple of days last
week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins are holidaying at their
cottage at Bruce Beach.
Mrs. Hamilton has returned from
Toronto where she has spent the
past three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodds and fam-
ily of Toronto, called on Gorrie
friends on Monday.
Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., is
visiting her sister, Mrs, Gordon Jeff-
erson in Owen Sound at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards spent
Sunday in. Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Bradnock spent
a few days this week in Stratford
and Woodstock.
of Wingham, spent a few days last
week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ab-
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanley of St.
Marys, were week -end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Whitfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield, Mr,
and Mrs. Harvey •Sparling, Jean and
Clarence, also Mr. Jno, Sparling and
Everett attneded the Johnston -Barn-
ard 'wedding on Saturday at Blue -
Mr. and Mrs. George Day, Wing -
ham, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Cole.
Miss Pauline Ashton returned to
Sarnia on Wednesday after two
weeks' vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashton.
Mrs. Wallace Clarke, Aline and
Royden, moved this week to Ford-
wich, where they will reside.
The Services in the United Church'.
will be held in the evening at 7.30
during, the month of August. Rev,
Button, of Fordwich, will occupy the
pulpit. Sunday School at 10 a.m. as
Plans are being made to hold a
Sports Day in Gorrie on Labor Day..
Mr. Adam Sippel motored to De-
troit last week. He was accompan-
ied by Win. Earngey Jr. and son„
Miss Helen Jefferson returned .to
her hone on Sunday, after spending
a week with her grandparents, Mr.,
and Mrs. Geo. Foster.
° The Mission Circle of the United.
Church will entertain the W. M. S.
at the home of Miss Janet Gamble
on Wednesday of this week.
' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodley
and daughter, Edith, Mr. and Mfrs,
Norman' Woodley, of Bown,enville,
also Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Flicks, of
Harriston, were recent guests of Mr,
and Mrs. R, H. Stephens,
Miss jean Snell, of Jamestown,
spent a few days with her cousin,
Miss anet Rattan.
Mr. and Mrs: J. 13. Wylie and ,lau-
ghter, Lorna, of Toronto, visited
with the former's mother, Mrs. Jno.
Wylie, this week,
:Mr, Sterton Ashton, of Niagara
Falls, visited his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. R. A. Ashton, over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Woods and dan-
gliter, of Chesley, were Sunday
guests of Miss Maguire.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and
daughter, Miss Evelyn Lincoln, and
Mr. Brown, spent the week -end at
Port Albert, also took in the races
at Goderich on Monday.
Messrs, R, H. Carson, B J. Ma-
guire and George Walker, attended
the horse races in Goderich Monday.
Mr, ojhn Maguire, of Clifford, was
a guest of Miss Maguire on Sunday.
Ideal weather helped •in no small
wa yto make the union picnic of the
three Sunday Schools, one of real
enjoytitent, The picnic being held
in Maguire's grove on Monday, was
well attended and all enjoyed the
wonderful field day and also the
glorious program of athletic sports.
During the ,afternoon two softball
games were played, the single girls
defeating 'the Married ladies, 12-11,
Mrs. G. MacDonald, also Mr. and
Mrs. Lawson (nee Margaret Wilson)
of Bluevale, visited with Mr. • and
Mrs, Peter S. MacEwen, recently.
Misses Laura and Irene Wright
left on Friday for Detroit where
they will spend a short holiday.
A, number from this vicinity at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Jas. Douglas, Con. A. of Howick, on
Thursday last. The sympathy of the
community is• extended to Mr. Doug-
las, his son, Clarkson, and daughter,
Ann, in their loss of wife and mo-
Mr. Somers, who has spent the
past two weeks at the home of D..
S. MacNaughton, returned to his
home in Toronto on Thursday.
Miss Ann and Mr. Allen Munro
left on Friday morning by motor for
Cleveland, where they will visit
We have heard many interesting
fish stories, but the following is a
cow story and a true erre. One day
last- week two little Wroxeter lassies
were bathing in the Maitland river.
Upon returning to the bank where
they had left their garments, to their
dismay, one little dress was missing.
Cows were pasturing nearby and one
little tot started to chase one which
hovered near, and to their surprise
and satisfaction the cow spit the
dress out of its mouth. After wash-
ing the dress in the river, and hang-
ing it in the sun to dry, the children
were able to proceed home, the on-
ly damage to the dress being a rent
in one shoulder,
Mrs. Selby Dobbs, of Beeton, ar-
rived on Saturday to visit her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
Mr. and Mlrs. Ed. Jackman, Tor-
onto, also Mr. and Mrs. Hall and
sons, of Orillia, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. The
ladies are sisters.
Miss Ileen Schaal) has returned
from her home at Elmwood where
she spent the past few clays, and is
back to business in the office of the
Howie!: Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Mr. Thomas MacDonald, Moles-
worth, visited with Mr. and :llrs, J.
Lovell on Wednesday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Breckenridge,
also M:tr. Jitn Chandler went to
Brantford, to attend the wedding of
the latter's sister, which took place
00 Saturday.
Mrs. Strachan and Mfr. Dougal
Strachan visited on Friday with Mrs.
1'eter S. MacEwen.
Visitors at the MacNaughton Home
over the holiday were, Mrs, Leeson,
Miss Ethel Leeson, Mr. Wilfred Lee-
son, Toronto, Mrs. C. Whitfield, IDe-
troit, Mr. and Mrs, 5. H. Wade, of
Mrs. M. Sellers is enjoying a de-
lightful holiday at Caesarea, at Lake
Mr. and Mrs, H. Knapp, Toronto,
are spending the holiday with friends
in town. •
Mrs. Sandy McDougall, ' who has
been visiting her daughter, in Har-
riston, returned to her home here,
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pope, Simcoe,
are guests of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pope,
M'r. and Mrs, Leishson, 'Toronto,
are spending their holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart McNaughton.
Mrs, Parks spent Sunday with
Mr; and Mrs. 5. Douglas,•
Alter visiting friends in Detroit,
Sane Fine Quality Lower Price
"Fresh From the Gardens
Mr. Geo. Town returned home on
Miss Mary Harris returned home.
on Saturday, after spending a few
days with friends in Gorrie.
Sunday guests at the home of W,
Elliott, were: Mr .and Mrs. James
Masters, Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Hall and Gordon, Bluevale; Mr .and
Mrs. Paul Adams, Howick.
Dr. John Munroe spent the week-
end at his mother's home here.
Mr. Ross Stutt and two sons, also
Mrs. Henry, of •Bowmanvilie, spent
the week -end with Mrs. James Stutt
and other relatives.
Mr .and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Sellers.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
daughter, Eleanor, are guests of
Miss Ritchie and Mr. T. Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Edgar and
daughters, of London, paid a flying
business trip to town last week.
Dr, and Mrs. Spence, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Rann.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Sanderson
and Kathryn spent part of last week
with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
Mr. Gordon Gibson received a
message of his father's death, Mr.
James Gibson, Fordwich, on Friday
last. Mr. Gibson has been in fail-
ing health. The sympathy of the
community is extended to Gordon
and other members of the fancily.
-Miss Jean Milligan, of Wingham
General Hospital, was home part of
last week on account of illness.
Mr. Leslie McLaughlin, who has
spent the last few days at the home
of Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin, left for
home Tuesday morning. He was ac-
companied by his daughter, Nellie,
who has spent a month here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and
children, Bruce and Doris, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Smyth. Doris is remaining for a
month's holiday.
Jack and Barrie Rann are visiting
their grandfather, Mr. John Henne-
Rev. C. and Mrs. Malcolm and
daughter, Betty, were week -end vis-
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. Sanderson.
Rev. W. A .and Mrs. Finlay left
on Wednesday for their holidays.
They will visit London, Chatham,
Toornto and points East. \Ve wish
them a pleasant holiday.
The Sunday morning service in, the
United Church was well attended,
when Rev. Mr. Malcolm, a former
minister in the church, was in the
pulpit; choosing for his text, the
parable of "The Good Samaritan",
presenting in an able and appealing
way the value of having and being
a good neighbor, 'The chori added
much to the service in their render-
ing of "Rejoice in the Lord,"
At the service in the United
Church next Sunday morning, the
speaker will be llr, Fred Bryant, Of
Stratford, who will speak on behalf
of the Lord's Day Alliance.
Mr. and Mfrs. Syd Sinitli and fain-
ily, accompanied by their guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell and children of
Toronto, spent Civic. Holiday at l.'t.
Elgin and Southampton.
A number from this vicinity at-
tended the races at Goderich Mon -
clay. Splendid weather prevailed and
a very large crowd were in attend-
Mr, T, Hemphill left on Tuesday
morning for Toronto on a business
Miss Mary Harris is spending a
holiday in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Allen, town,
also Mr. Harry Allen and Miss M.
Elliott, Brussels, ':spent the holiday
in Stratford.
Miss Lucille Irwin, Toronto, was
a guest of Miss Edith Martin.
Misses E. and K. Hazlewood were
Harriston visitors Monday,
Dr. and Mrs. W. Ross and Mari-
lyn, (Kitchener, were guests recently
of Mr .and. Mrs. J. J, Allen.
Mrs. Robertson has returned .,home
after 'spending a` few weeks in thus-
sets, •
Miss E. Davey, of Hamilton, is
spending a week at the home of her
brother, Mr. F, Davey.
Mr. and Mrs: J. R. Wendt spent
Sunday and Monday at Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane, Miss
L. Walker and Mr. H. Walker spent
Sunday at Port Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davey, Miss
Margaret Davey and Miss E. Davey
spent Monday at Grand Valley.
Mr. and Mr's. Merton Howe and
family, of Toronto, are visiting the
Misses Howe for a few days.
Misses Elda and Kate Hazlewood
are visiting with friends at Guelph
Brantford and Paris.
Mrs. Shewell and family, and • her
mother, Mrs. Hugh Rea, who spent
the past two weeks visiting with
friends, are returning this week to
their home in Nebraska, U.S.
Roy Robinson, of London, spent
Saturday and, Sunday with friends
The July meeting of the Wornen's
Institute was held Thursday after-
noon . at the home of the President,
Mrs. J. Lovell. The roll call, Sing,
Say or Pay, was responded to by
poems and travel talks. Miss Mar-
ion Gibson, of Winnipeg, gave an in-
teresting account of a trip which she
had enjoyed to England and Scot-
land last summer. The hostes's as-
sisted by Mrs. T. Brown and Mrs.
A. Wright, served tea.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Finlay spent Sun-
day with Gorrie friends.
Mr. James Underwood passed
through. this burg on Sunday.
Holiday visitors at Mr. Robert
Hayes' on Sunday, were: Mr. and
Mrs. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. J. Swaim
of Mildmay, and Mrs. and Mrs. W.
&11s and children, of Hamilton.
Miss Mildred Laird of Toronto,,
called on Miss Lily Vittie.
Mir. and Mrs. Lorne Laird also'
Mr. James Warrel, of Toronto, were
Monday viistors at John Finlay's.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haskins call-
ed on friends on this line this week.
Miss Cora Haskins, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Haskins.
F. F. i�.r'
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
Specials during .
July and August
During July and August we
are giving Free One Extra Pr,
of Pants with each Suit of
Made -to -Measure Clothes, at
the regular price of $25.00 and
up. The Clothes are made by
the Progress Brand Clothing
Company, whose material and
workmanship are unexcelled.
Broadcloth Shirts in White,
Blue % Green, made by Lang's
only, each $1.50
Straw Hats from 65c to $2;15
Men's Work Shirts 98c
Fresh Groceries, Fruits and
Blended Vinegar XX Extra
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