HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-08-04, Page 2C
Wan ham Acvanee-Tine
Published at
l vary' Thursday Morning by
&te Advance -Times Publishing Co.
Subscription Rate - One Year $2,00
Six months, '$1A0 its advance
To I,L S, A. $2,50 per year.
Foreign tt taro,$3.00 year,
per b
Advertising rates on application.
WHI<p<N�p rISr�•.,I-MUSI .
1•l:tlttsc •eleaniug time b`,•• the hug .«a-
lxoo of .ill !nen. ;lust where to find
the Memos articles ono leaves about
the house is always a 'noble:it after
tete gi-itxt Lady of the bust: u7tltilt;ts
in her housecleaning activities, but
wheen she has finished her job all is
clean and bright and to find a (piece,
of dust resting peacefully in any r�or•
ner is impossible.
Not so with some public buildings,
la St. '1"1acunas the older day ;a roti,
stable.: dropped a nickel or: the floor
which rolled under the Rlagistrate's their ptarehase of the Ontario 1'oiv-
desk. \\'hcu the fixture 'was reino'r- er Service Bonds by which the pur-
ed to film the nickel an old copper, chase the Abitibi C.aauycin Project-.
ail anr:ient five-ecut ,Niece, a new Some of the criticism has been very
diose, and a letter slater May 4th, severe while others feel it was a fair
1196, t\cre found, hill 1 11 letter \lay of getting over a difficult situ -
was' not discovered when the copper aation. \1'e quote an editorial from
present csotutitiun:t' of 'salt, They tri -
'No Oaths clttiux (seat the salt of beer ait+,t
11'int would re8a1t its It net imprutt•
anent to the public ('venue of t4)-
i r) :. , 1
l Yt ,ttt y $3,1?t t ,1111 , Taking these
as eor.rect, it totfltl appear
that close to $10,000,000 of beer and
nine would he 'sold to produce this
revenue. As they state this law is
fir,tht' poorer people', 11 tvOuk1 111Can
tete dtvc'rlint, t'1` huge Sunni of money
to beer and twine stalls by people Who
roust]. use the (money so eependtd in
much more useful manner.
If you ircet'ivtt tine of these ie'tters
he Burt' you study it carefully, and
do mit situ it unless you really do
agree tvitlt lis rvntrnts.
'l'he t.;ot-eminent of Ontario has
always. frowned on the sale of beer
attd (vine by the glass, but this is
the method the ltoderatittu League
is using to persuade them to have a
('barge of heart,
* * * *
C'onedit•t•ttble comment has been
trade of the Ontario Governinent for
was lost is still a mystery.
* * *
Hots often we have heard the say-
ing "Honesty is the best policy," and
]ret, how often, in spite of the truth
c,f (leis statement, we ileac of so' the Ontario Power Service proulot-
Anany peoplewhothrust it aside anters. Originally these bonds bore in-
lite resultsare invariably disasirt�us, tt:rest of 6 per cent., but now the in-
Oely' last Neck a trusted employee ,
tire: t rate \will be 8f per rent. for
of the city of Toronto lost his pose. fi\'t ycars; 4 per cent, for another.
Bart because. he had acted in a (lis- =amitar term and G per cent. for the
hottest ttiaitncr, and almost daily lo- completion of the 20 -year term,. mak-
of st+rte per.on or persons, tog an average yield. of 4.3$ per cent,
are in the parer tree, have failed int Holders of the present bonds will be
there -
positions of trust, asked to release then! at 90, there -
So often these by suffering a 10 -point drop from
people Yielt do •o first value, but in reality a definite
wrongly have positions which surely increase (,ver figures which have
• them with a good honest living. but been (((mitred in recent tuonths. Some
the Stratford 13eactlm•Ilerald, which,
we feel, will prove interesting to
our readers,
"The Ontario Government has an-
nouneed the terns o77 which it will
take over the power development in-
augurated in the Abitibi canyon by
hope that it Might furnish a cea°t. in riculturtt. The attendance Is 'larger
needed leadership tiewerd reeotni, than it has ;been in many years,
even its 1982, -that there is a cer-
tain inherent
t clot vain(' e i
tial n a legitimate
Otxtarlo Farm Organizations Show
bond 15110,"
* * *
Ttie Stratford :0cn.ct,n-Herald .is-
'xtled a Centennial number of eighty
fall-sl.=.c pages. `I'ht' people of ;Strat-
ford alight well be'pruud of such iu-
Canada at present exports to the
1Tiiitt'tl liirtgdonl about $2,000,000 of
bacon per year. The United King-
dom imports approximately $200,-
000,000 worth of baron. The Empire
Ecnnonuc. Conference has a glorious
oltlportunity to help our baron trade,
* *
Opponents ttf the St. Lawrence
Waterways will be pleased to know
that Colonel Raeford; MacNider is
shortly retiring front his post as Un-
ited States Minister to Canada,
* * '3a *
Wolf Week at tete Sault is past,
hut whether wolves will attack a roan
or not has been left over for future
* * * *
we r. wilt soon be remarking that
this is splendid fall weather.
* * * *
Tite time is not far away when we
can sneak our neighbor's apples
without getting a pain in the stom-
News and Information
For the Busy Fanner
Published by direction of Hon.
Robt. Weir, Minister of Agri-
culture, Ottawa, 1931
In a. (recent address, Hoti, T. 1.
Kennedy advised cattle breeders to
look welt ahead if they wanted to be
successful in the future. He pointed
out that disease -free -cattle are prov-
ing the wisdom of their owners by
bringing the highest prices paid. He
stated that one breeder who follow-
oi o -either by earele..neee or because tattittle ago, nacre were sales its lois ed this lead does not know that there
dishonest methods, lose their poli- 820 out when it became known that is an economic depression. _.
inns end their fellow -mail tears to tlae go\ ernment' was likely to be in,.
truSt theta, tcrested, the price firmed to around
Joist how this inei`eeasing dishones-
ty can be averted is problematical, There are those who contend the
but, if we. as parents and 1Oat:hers, goeeettneent is paying move than is
ever kt'e.11 cite 7dtr4i of lattncsly lie- necessary for the bonds by offering
fore the children. great go.'d may $tv: they urge- that scat quatttitie$
result. c,nlc1 hate linen bought in the open
" " rtarl.et ii'r $6(1„ and that there was
no weds to pay more. \ private i ont-
BY THE GLASS"? ipary or an itslit itival w.,nitl probab-
'1' Moderation 1 .t`'ai nc f rta r - Y have t e sic nra:d 'tart of The bonds
1. that es ate l:ad it desired to bt,.[bile
Fanners Buy Collectively
Lower Costs Accordingly
An official of the Ontario Mar-
keting, Board said that farmers and
farrier organizations are showing
their natural business acumen these
days through utilization of every
tlt^•sSible: 11t£a11S of lowering costs. of
production. This saute speaker, in-
timated that judging from reports
rcceh'cd by hint feranrrs art praeti.c 2. Creation of i0 nC9fi -riot-age.Watl7. pow-dfred sugar. Top with
int:' collective )urchase of supplies plies in , ('swats in an effort to schicye better
. 1 t t sweetened whipped cream, Trim
Large Annual Turnover
"Figures from the Federal Agri-
cultural 1:c:onotuics .Branch reveal
that during the past year 42 Ontario.
farnterrs' co-operatives, etnbracittg,
nearly 28,000 members, did an aver-'
age yearly business
per 'neither c
$587 This does not
by any (nears re-'
1)reSellt all of the co-operative effort
its the province. It does tend to
show, however, that farmers are un-
iting' in their efforts to keep in bttsi-
hess The sixteen anilliotl and a half
dollars worth of business conducted
by those included in the above fig-
ures represents sales of live stock,
wool, dairy products, poultry prod.-
uets, fruit and vegetables, seed and
grain and miscellaneous products and
the purchase for resale to members
of such articles as machinery, feed
fertilizers, twine and other equip-
Bean Market Strengthening
"Enquiries from Great Britain to
the Ontario Marketing Board for
Canadian beans have developed the
fact that there are very few beans
available and practically none at
].)resent prices either for the export
or domestic trade.
An offer was recently received
from an importer in England for
large quatites of beans at a price
considerably higher than prices here
but exporters have had to report that
there are not sufficient stocks in
storage or supplies available to ac-
cept the offer.
Further survey of the situation
seems to .indicate that the Ontario
bean crop is going to be consider-
ably less than normal this year and
the comparatively quick change in
the situation from a depressed mar-
ket at low prices to a live demand
and shortage of supply is eery en-
couraging from the standpoint of the
Reorganize Dairying
Involving reorganization of the
dairy industry in Ontario, Hon, T.
L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture ed with tomatoes or tomato jelly.
has announced the launching of a
five-year plata to capture for Ontario Berry Parfait
farmers the cheese market in. Great Minus Ice Cream
Britain. The plan, formulated after' Soft custard.
a year's consideration by departnten- Berries.
tal officials, rails for: Powdered sugar.
1. A process of amalgamation and WhipQed cream.
Thursday,, August 4th, 1932
I:) be strengthening in Peterborongll,
hogs bringing as high as $4.86 re-
cently, Spring grains look promis-
ing in Prince Edward utd pastures
are good for t'he time of year, ',The
yield of canning, peas is below nor-
iital. Pro'inise of ,seed yield in Vic-
toria is below average. Lambs are
being marketed in large numbers in
?rontenae and bring X7.00 to $8,00
1 head. ai Price
i of hogs •�',
esl ling
atatbs is up in Renfrew, In Teaais-
knnting district, spring crops are
looking exceptionally well,
By Betty Webster
Bee Bites
When you go berry picking you're
apt to get stung by a bee or a wasp.
In that case mud or common earth
and water is the best thing to put
on the sore spot and should be put
on immediately.
Some folks carry water with them
just for such an emergency. 'They
simply mix the dirt and water until
it becomes like a thick paste. Then
To Rid Room of Mosquitoes
Leave a bottle of penny -royal un-
corked in a room at night. In the
morning there will not be a mosquito
to be found.
For Stings of insects
Apply spirits of ammonia to
stings of insects or bites of mos-
quitoes to take the poison out,
• Pressed Chicken
1 chicken.
2 tablespoons of gelatine.
Sonie chicken broth,
3 hard boiled eggs.
Method: Boil chicken until tender,
Pick front bones and cut or chop
fine. Dissolve gelatine itt hot chick-
en broth. Season. When it cools
add chicken and. egg. Put in a fruit
mold, This looks pretty when serv-
clilnination by which Ontario cheese
factories will be reduced in number
from 774 as at present, to ?50.
Method: Put down layer of soft
custard. Then layer of raspberries,
loganberries or blackberries. Sprinkle
10 11a» .at r`fsa r1f a «t .: i , ne ..^a731^ 1 r i 'r dim nee L' Sar\ I71 an e t,ri I)t3�7-
11ci1,-n at.. 1u'i .tt .11_x;; to enlist ;;t.t7i- ��.<.•'•.•:d ,�'+ tl7cni. - 71 creasingly lar;.e. numbers. Pet:ilir with berries. Chill. tierce cold,
a 1 1 �• I''''''''s' 3xt>\t ., li.arf e'ls, itlsccticities : -class.
.J 1111 it 'ha7.'r i- r. -1 iia. .. al., • haAt'• \\ ," ate netVii^ .lire 11 -.at Il.(•.•'`i '- .«, t :t course, ice cream is always
7,. •. ti• �•,• 7,: cram( :: iv i^."7'(lti wrong • f,x.it;acli'e�y .177(1 117ia11Y t'%ilue :• articli.S. & Enizat�r.uen3 of farmers. to 1n-1 good fixed this way ill place of the
r , 1 1 nt r rl f 127.` sure increased products;n• custard.
The?t'1in .ter declared That the
plan's niece. s depended is tc,ly m BARING HINTS
t in .lircl 4'4' pare 11t7t a1sa, int the attitude of the farmers. "I'Ite I Raspberry or Blackberry
ia7. t "l1 . C t" 73,1'." 1 ,.. tt,lt 7,. t \ ':11 ° 1`•t: 1 a1 a, '1t 't'.i - ,; 1i1 i, tits\"erntilent could no: compel.
1 l + l:t to t� are uaau t trc4et9 tllru i? but Sbortca_ka
$..i1y1` earl reas.•,,.s t\'::i beers and a:1 a it,.i,,11„ 1t( nni er't:ala1 n, in evel1
., lc.:ta. a ,,.,ci177.,:. ;and caaiot freight tr77J.1' it1Ct,14awe. 21:5:?1tillna.attl:� t,I R�crr1' Shari C31:AS make. such .dt'
wine shoo ell lir ".'id , .,,t1' '•..11"\xis\'. lanai ii 'FS i?t'(' 1 to •t nc'ti.'13 \1'l t Cite('. facie.a. If i'te !171:5 3^.:1- t
F + \trtl'ileitt i. r...a c•t.a1'.c.e,tical;( a ; t1'tr a ,.tc1nn1cr.1 is ca, e.1 ui'or to 113C1t71i live desserts for the a Moth !line.
tions. were r.t th,-cr: li, the farmers ',They give balance. to an otherwise
coasts prodace butter and. cheese at j ii bt meat. l,v rementbering a few
three cents per pourt.i les: than be- 1 $imple things they are very easy to
fe.rv. 'make. Those arc:
\Vhc11 theplan t 1s under i': u_ , it 1 Have oven list,
i c'tperted that o fzeial, 'air: be : ent i, Allow abcota 20 minutes to cook.
10 England to 'organize a sales iaff. ' Mix dry ingredients ahead of rime
"\\'hat has b:en achieved in the ap- 'if desired.
pie trade, we will tri" to duplicate' Add milk just before baking.
tri cheese and batter n)anilfa tune," ! __ _
said Colonel Kennedy, adding that, Short Cake Recipe
the Big "Cr' brand of the apple 2:cups of flour.
2 tablespci-,rts of shortening.
1 tablespoon of sugar.
Little salt.
Weekly Crop R t 4 teaspoons of Paging Powder.
Peel. '� Crura:y reports that freemen/ - ..., ._- ,.
501 i t a 3 t1 : 1 u . !. a
d Si 1 t rials t91ai asci 171 11rf441.1rt,l71
f(ls 711 t'.aIIl 'a',\ :t1 f 3. tat \t, li ii l)1 l7 11i. Il(t11i:117\1 11,1r1.et771,, at'. bt1111. p11rc11ascti
ffi 711e lel 1.(1' ltl ''> ..' 1)c. tot t - e wo l', tl e 7.x2 t it1t1'1 11as
• t. t °•.•t1; h ;7't1n11 t)1•der,, .1at't11 ," 'i'tt••1
\v r ,'a7 to Premier 1Tenr.i bee ri Gi .ltl »T£Ine11`rt". aZ cl.rati tli •i1 anti
quick reading of ,cis is c•iiiio mak( 3 bargain 4a.4 . :''l the fin- Ptc2t1K1Ctlett Trucking a i
a 7 t Pr• ct ce** in
eon\1r1rini,, but \4-, fee.:Olt . { 1.: t+ a: t 1 t. :t' 1111.'' Yi..x,`_l7 tin 0.1111- Live Sock ,�.'lit'pmenis
�a1`iraly hs otat ta:, eY'{,Sttt , -i:r t\lt: (laky ran it is, tate deal talar
have rna t't7 faults a.' '" i, ‘4.'11; 1 +alt 1114' iti a. 1111W11 ft -1c. 0111 111: boiled
rG .' t ,^rtin;k,. or holes 1t1/4rrsy <a i1i htec'n
'Otte atla;11'2 tl'. t .1;7 a,: : , . ;:t`„•a ar'; a+" 'wince the rate of
i1a.7 ti it I,. 1' -4 . a.. t' , '"t ( I:C per ti cl't. ,in the i.:'•
tI,t 1,t'i't`ili.t 4's , : '(a1:, it7,,„ina at 3,f a and ennt, That . Ct114 1i' he a fair
iic,;t10i: storos, rhe :(4 t. :iii "•ai( .rl.'4 , . ' 0' -it) . ha si'i s . a39( we
tt1121111r' t' h1'4''bee: (hill: (neer e z., .., fat' as t: express the
"1=t,r s :n1( tiruc Tu+ ers had reach-
ed Provi77ciai lseparttnent of
eueeestitee unfair prat-
leets by certain truckers carrying
live stock. 'These became so insist-
et,t, ,1 tjulict investigation was made
by G. 1?un tan, •tCntaric• 'Marketing
Board. 1r ascertain actual conditions
with :he rt nit that the occurrences
eompiaino(l of, instead of +?e1tggleo-ra&'t would he .sed GT the dairy
lazed and far apart. were found to p•rt'td'i:rts.
bo' rather general in `i large section
iti the preetllwC. Partners have been
eh -f e ar:4M of ;mete varying ig fro,ni $.20
$4.60 in one trensaceion. The eeen.-
:leen method of (loping the farmers
it by trackers issuing w rthiiess
checks Anc tiler is tc retrain 'Various
coals ranging frc'tn $20 tc' $100 front
the proceeds of ti* rias's .sale of live
stock. Excuses offered by truckers
inthes;instances are many: tile'
117tast ca anon being that Thr siork
has net been =raM, r:r thnat the 77io1:oy
1S'a$ 1te'021t'(1 fist rcpair: 'i a, t;hr truest
t oad always -the prentise. 'is made .lit
pr,} the balener the tollttwing week.
--fs'ievcrael in,,anree t f thi; '.p,,,rc.xnise to
pity' Levi eetcr.led from 1f180 to ti'l'e
ii e 5 111 date:
"The.se e andi, i:,17s reflect c,r, elle`
1 iti irar.te 1nicker- who. in Ytto t
rases, C;, 5 1 rs1. w. re of this .serious
a("•t.irt to ;:i. business. I'tiva:lx t1 e
,111•a C . to 'tat rates per 10ts
t+t'+ellaki°, of cattle .l.it•:)eel.:in order 'to
, c.re,& (':.iuiJi Ets'attrally I.hesse^
V:1:4;4703 1'Rtc:5 1).: r:11t1 kss dials the
c, est a a i""tz 'r:atld flnL;t?itilfC ri"fcpr
crops generally C>ver the
i i.. t1;i t;rti. .,. l"tli°rt'r e•t•Z ci."rt111 he '`Wt"eL7y
<tt6 iw ti ti'a a'"i he
1" 411 iti i't.icict r,
rate. 'l:. !i•'rr-n t'0 a reitr.u.'ki.'.
shows during the blossr�ning period
d alfalfa ceased practically a fail
in seed setting. ilcct�rding to in-
dications Fee• t there will be little Of-
' seed }'*cdured there this year.
art"aterloo di=trict suffered from too
Ditch rain, with the result that :much
Pali wheat was beaten down. }Jay-
e. xxw-s -delayed and:much of it is of
?oc,r gna1i y. A big r eve -lent of
i11ished suers lc market is deters..
lith the best Ices -,emir, the farrrt-
r: Cc a pound. Birds. partirnlar]• '
starlings, have nursed treenende,irs
ernzgc` in the Weetern Ontaric•.i
r.01.17.1ie, and means are - otught tr
rt:vert theirin crrasir.g d p+reelation;.
he cera-Ix:.rtr has matt( its appear -
arcs in oestrin ec.t:.ti0 and as wea-
l: i'T e4 nclili, ns have beers favorable
its to s t i lutet,, a t Beit" in nestat en
is fearedCC,rct i'
n and tohar:ro%rs
n Fir col win be righter than last
'czar. Preneert,' reins hart' improved�ng pi's
'The Oxlerd Farnue1's' Co-ci7
slee jt st finished ite 5 a colt
the sale of hatchery erCgik, 'U,,'it1,
1?:+e largest ,tele Its any season
141)21 had almost fi'f) tar r rt n ., 1.-i:c a,f `l
frl3 'ihcat 41.9t 10 l7t4'•i&, 1 yl;i", .and
ie. „at crop there is suss •.f: badl,+y,.
l slit,$ r'epe,rts that 11.040 white
cheese ':vete boarded t tt • 'Pellet -We
rd and sold .at . l 3-10 rents
Throughout the liesl.ol,n rlistrir'i,
fain J rj)S ate; 1Trr1e. ,,"e'onising than
tit ]yeas. ,ix :Mock markets seem
.i•'1'rr• it ars'. 'about ili1(h ,i't1e1e.n,s. rr'g-
ttered in the summer ;,'rirl:iltut al
✓ t:turs,0 6.. C., Guelph. T 1'r•
S . tuder,.a are school teachers ,fro,
s'tiral elistricts and inspectors front
parts of the 1•il'07t•inCC:, .a11i 'tluy'
will spend several weeks at elle 'Cue
lege, taking a ttvrtrs,,lrte ,t;otwl'sr:.ast a
:iom ■ eari :111%s i Xa
� 111 _. ��� � �� iN g AmbrraHs
■ ■
1 Maitland Creamery 1
Buyers ■
■ is■ ■
■ ■
■ Eggs
■ And 1 Poultr
■ .
• ■
• Winghalln9 •- - Ontario. i
• Phone 271 i
Milk enough to either shape or
drop dough.
Serve warns.
Split shor cake. Butter. Polar
berries which have been slightly
trashed and sweetened over the
short cake,
(Copyright, 1932, The Bonnet -
Brown Corporation, •Chicago)
"Rogers has an intelligent face, If
he didn't say a word you'd know he
was clever."
"Yes; but the trouble is he does."
* * * *
The rather boring old professor of
history was talking to the bright
young lady at a dinner party.
"Do you know, my dear," he said,
"that Columbus travelled over two
thousand, five hundred miles, on a
"Go onl" she scoffed, "Yowl don't
believe all these stories you hear
about American cars, do you?"
* * * *
Ken: "Have you noticed any signs
of better business?"
George: "Yes. The people who
couldn't pay their bills are starting
to promise."
* * * *-
Jeweller (to nervous young man):
"What can I do for you?"
Nervous Young man: "Eh -oh -oh
Jeweller (turning to assistant):
"Show this gentleman the engage-
ment rings!"
Why They Save Time and Money
1. They seal punctures on running
2, They maintain correct air pressure.
3. They add 30% more mileage.
4. Tltey strengthen and reinforce the
5, They reduce tire care to a mini-
6. They insure safety, prevent blow-
7. They outlast the tire, often
A nail h an Air Con.
seiner , Don't worry,
pull it nut . , , the air
stays in.
When inflated the com-
pressed rubber under
die cord insert instantly
seals punctures.
Goodrich Air Containers
Goodnal Frtuic thong
Winghami, Ontario Phone 84
Empire's Brains on Eire's Best Ship
3 i], Galttprim,alt ,delegates totes tt1 the Iixliterial
tsli=id '0e71;'er .ns t t Ott,sttra lxhntcir r, lit ri
1110Clanalaftti tudiiiL" liner "` #.taprea5 (yl;
And •wilo heli?( sa 'Cabinet Connell o'it tri+
vent trailve. it (marine At 'nVF?tetltlItIlt
awl lot to 1'ig1at, thtly tare; Rt. i;toxt,
mars, 111',!;1 Vit, Noxa, •liefirllic ' ltarialxat"+
xti, 11ttixttrlltor txf 11x(3 ` Cliegttar; Rfi n. Stan -
r Ifa.Idtivitt IYtx:ia t1 inli 1t et tilt' n",txttncll,'. Rt,
t1t1. ,i, If. ".Itlxtltiltt�, Dax113fitratis tloeeta:ry, s1&n21hig,
t Ion, SJIr I"1t lSp C onIiiie-Lister, Colonial Sore'
to , :�lr dalttx iinzotta, Rxitaistrr' c J i;Y w
t7ltfr ; 2 ]til 'it. i�i�ixt, ](lord ;Iia3isltaaxi, ecre't;.S,ry
ttXi,tl� 3?I y49E $57