HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-07-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT IMIIMA>YfM1 1Mam IMIIoMI THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIM, Thursday, July 14th, 1932 tllrlememaMlnownIMMIplI11MIMlMIIMM1MaM1111M 1®MIMMmam mm M1n1 u1111 1 Itlumanw®/ Nei®rfonttmuis emiss(III mmm 1IMISIMIN MIMII INMMIllINIMMININUM MmIl1111111K li di of ro Sales 4 y a X11 be a Bargain Day for the l of Ei the moot y Great Cleara ce of all Summer .Lines. e English Dress Voiles 39c Clearing Silk Stockings All perfect ,qualtiies in semi- service weights that will give long serivce. Summer shades included. Bargain, a pair 5Qc. A score of lovely patterns and colors. from which to make your summer dress- es. Extra fine count English Voiles that are 'fadeless as to washing and sun. All our regular values to 59c. On Sale at 39c Potter's Fast Color Prints 33c Most women claim that Potter's are the best prints and they are so adaptable to the making of smart home or street dresses. All the new patterns in 36 inch width on sale at 33c. Wabasso I: roadcloths 16c A rare bargain in these superior plain fabrics which you can use for so many purposes. Twenty good shades for selection. Per Yard 16c. Watson's Vests and Bloomers Our regular stock of lines that have become broken in sizes or color range, :$1.00 and $L25 qual- ities, much reduced. July Bargain at 59c. Odd Corsets - Half Price Many fine garments on which you can save substantially. Gos- sard and Nemo makes of regular $3.50 to $6,00 grades. Half Price —$1,75 to $3.00. Watson's Cotton Vests Now 25c Exceptional value ' for summer wear; small, medium, large sizes in sleeveless style, 25c. Botany Wool Swim Suits —$1.98 A fine choice of colors awaits your choosing and you save half the regular price. Bargain, per Suit '$1.98. Anderson Ginghams 22c Ginghams are quite the talk in fashion cotton circles. Nothing nicer or more serviceable than a gingham dress. Per Yard 22c. Children's Silk Socks Lovely qualities for the dainty little maid than can wear sizes 511 to 7i. Blue, Green, Maize. Per Pair 33c. Summer Dress Crepe 89c Many customers are having the greatest 'satisfaction from these good crepes. Black, White, Flesh, Sand, Poppy Red or Mauve. 38 inch. wide at 89c. Women's Panama Hats —$1.98 Only the better grades of the. lovely summer hats in Ivory and White shades. New styles just to hand. Bargain, Each $1.98. The Smartest Dresses Crepe Gloria, Celanese, Canton, Popular Flat: Crepes, English Voiles, Crepe:. Rayons, Etc., at prices you will notice are much lower. Sleeveless types, Cape ef- fects, Puff Sleeves, and wanted Jacket styles in all the summer colors. $2.98, $3.50, $5.75, $12.00. Avon -Knit Suits These are the suits par excell- ence. Botany twists and Boulaine patterns; Blues, Greens, Brown and Sun -Tan mixtures. Have a fitting and 'see how well they look. Cottage Cushions at 19c Lay in a supply for your sum- mer comfort at the beach or at home for the verandah. Each 19c. Wool Blouses are Smart Clever creations in lovely soft shaded yarns, for Sports and Tra- vel wear. Specially priced at $2.49. Lanenns for Summer Use Breakfast sets of cloth and four naps. 36 inch size, of all Irish linens. Per set 75c. Crash Linen Sets; $1.00 52x52 size with four matching serviettes. A linen . set for home or holiday use, that will give en- tire satifaction. Bargain, Per Set $1.00, Shamrock Linen Towels Fine .quality hack in all white or with colored bands, to match your color scheme, at each 50c, 75c to $1.50. Brown's Table Cloths $5. Full extension size in fine qual- ity double damask. Ivy and Rose patterns at $5.00. Sunset Flannelette Blankets. Various colored Checks in these beautiful blankets. Full double - size whipped singly. July Sale, Per Pair $2.69. The Best Pillow Cottons Qualities to match our good sheetings. 40, 42 and 44 inch widths at 39c and 44c. Sheetings You'll Like Round thread Superior White yarns'•highly twisted for long 'ser- vice.; All widths for your choice. 39c, 55c, 84c, 97c. Hemmed Linen Napkins Extraordinary value for general use, Pure white all linen yarns, in a generous size. Bargain each 23c. New Chintzes English fast .dye patterns in beautiful color combinations. A 59c quality specially priced at 39c. Clearing Pretty Curtains The balance of this seasonn's 'high grade Curtain stocks, Frilled Curtains, Net Curtains, Panels and Swiss Nets. For July Clearance less 20%. Groceries to Buy New Shelled Walnuts 39c McCormick's Sodas 10c 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar ..... _..$1.00 3 lbs. Maple Leaf Lard 25c 25c Jar Tomato Juice ........ ........._20c 60c Black Tea 39c 6 bars Comfort Soap 25c 2 new Pack Salmon, 2 for ..... _29c 3 pkges. •Corn Starch 28c 2 lbs. New Raisins ................-...._29c 3 Heinz Spaghetti ................._...._:39c 3 McDonald Briar Tobacco 49c 2 lbs. Fresh Dates 15c 4 ■ Men's and BoysSection ■ • • Particular Men, Young Men and Boys will find it easy 'shopping 1' in our Men's Section, Highest qualities only are offered and stocks :.■ are always well filled for easy selections. ■ • ■ • t ■ Forsyth Combinations at 98c'in Penman's Balbriggans at 59c , ■ Arrow White Shirts $1.95 ■ Currie's Garters 45c' ■ Curries' $1.25 Braces 95c • $1.50 Silk Shorts $1.00 $1.'Jy88c ■ $8.5000 Avon-KnitSilkerse Gs olf Sets $4.25 ■ $6.50 and $5.50 Plus Fours $3.89 ■ $1.50 Wool Golf Hose ........... 88c i Men's Suit Sale - $24.85 Good Sweaters Reduced ' Fine quality yarns in Jersey Knit for summer wear, in Blues, Tans, Greens. All less 20%. All our highest grade suits con- sisting of West of •England serg- es, High Twist Worsteds and Navy Botanys in a complete .size range to 46 with regular values of $33.50 to $38.00. July Clearance 524.85. Young Men's Suits $16.00 Extra quality suits in becoming young men's' styles, including re- gular values to $24.50. July Clearance $16.00. ■ ■ The New Straw Hats at _ $1.77 ■ Shurwear Silk Ties, 2 for $1.00 ■. Boys' Braces Extra.. 39c ■ $2.50 Wool Swim Suits $1.69' ■ $1,50 Khaki Pants$1.00 ' ■ Cross Back Work Braces ..39c ■ 39c Wool Work Socks, 3 pairs 89c ■ 75c Boys' Combinations ... _....59c ■ 50c Men's Cotton Socks 20c ■ $1.25 Boys' Work Shirts .....-84c ■ Boys' Cotton Golf Hose ..._...._,49c • Many other attractive bargains ■ in men's good furnishings. • You'll See Good Goods, Reasonably Priced. Make it a Point to Shop With Us. KING t ITSNMI C1319 os, CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS FOR SALE Milt Mel itiII111111111IlY1111111111111®III11111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ONT. 9 -II nswommnit eines i'.t. semmummmu ®i®mami1c.' WHITECHURCH Mrs. H. Pettapiece returned from Ottawa un Thursday last, after visit- ing with relatives' there, and Mr. and Mrs. Richards and daughter, Anna, who motored from their home at Carman, Man., spent the week -end with them. Mr. J. W. Leggatt made a business trip to London one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman, and Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor. The ladies and children aer staying for a holiday. Miss Agnes Gillespie is spending a few days this week with Miss Olive Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, of Am- herstburg, spent last week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Car- rick, and Miss Anna May Carrick re- turned home with them for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and daughter, Mary, of Hensel], and Mrs. J. D. Thompson, of Toronto, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs: ®III®IIIEII11201IIIIII®11011151111:. 1111111111111131111/8111EM11III 1111 111E11I: !MIME A OI A REAL i AR IN r i At a marvelously low price, namely:. ii i $L95Per Pair 1o Willis' Shoe Store - Phone 129, Wingham ill iII i The Leading Shoe Store 17i1a11m11m1i1®III IIIIlliII® taiillrlll®Ill>r111111IIsl111onsinsiII®1IIiiI18t imisli181f511I1rilmIIIllii In Shoes For Women Approximately 80 Pairs In The Lot Women's Fine Shoes in Patent Leather and Dull Cali, in practically all sizes, 3,-3/, 4, 4Y2, 5, 5/, 6, 6% and 7. Mostly this season's goods and RIGHT', UUP -TO -DATE, in low heel, medium heel and high Cuban heels. John Mowbray and other relatives here. Miss Olive Garton is visiting with her brother, 111:r. Will Garton, of Leamington. Mr. Bert Reed, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Al. Dowling, of Ham- ilton, spent the week -end at the hone of the former. When Mr. Frank Henry was roll- ing land on Saturday with a team of young horses, in some unaccount- able manner, an accident occurred, and Mr. Henry was thrown from the roller and knocked unconscious, and, he has several broken ribs. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Wilfred Robinson returned from Bolton last week where he had 'been doing clinic work for some time. The ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church are invited to attend a meeting at St. Helens United Church on Thursday, July 14, when they will be addressed by (Rev.) Mrs, • Cumming of Walton. Miss Genevieve Watt, of Long Branch is visiting with her sister, Miss Muriel Watt. Mr. John Gaunt is laid up with an attack of measles. Miss Patterson of Edmonton, is visiting at the home of her nephew, Mr. Albert Patterson. Little Billie McClenaghan, of Bel - grave, is visiting at the home of Mr. Ben McCelanghan and Miss Edith McClenaghan is visiting with Miss Mildred McClenaghan: Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson and sons, of Paramount, spent Sunday. with her mother, Mrs. MacGregor. There passed away at his home in West Wawanosh on Friday, July 8, almost a life-long resident of the township. Mr. Boyle had suffered !from dropsy daring the .last three months, He was senty-five years of !age. Besides his sorrowing wife, he !leaves to mourn him, two sons, John at home, and Gus., of Walkerton, and five daughters, Hilda, Mrs. Kurtz of Galt; Eleanor, Mrs. Jack Kelly, of High River, Alta:; Irene, Mrs, -Cum- mings, of St. Augustine; Eva, Mrs. Walter Letner, of Haileybury; and Mary, at home. He leaves also, one sister, Mrs. John , McCaughey, Clin- ton, all of whom were present for the funeral on Monday, except Mrs. Felly. He was taken to the Roman Catholic ' Church at St. Augustine, where Mass was sung by Rev: Fath- er Paquette.' Interment took place at the cemetery there. Mrs. Chas. Smith and Miss. Anna Boyle of London, also attended the funeral. This community extends sympathy to the 'bereaved family. Misses Grace Richardson, Dor- othy Pollock and Agnes Robertson are at Canip ICintail this week, 'at - MEN'S SUITS SPECIAL SELLING OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Light Two -Pant Suits, dark blues, pencil stripes, 40 in the lot to clear, On Sale $19.50 FORSYTH'S SHORTS This underwear has the famous Forbelt . Elastic belt, in fine striped broadcloth, regular up to $1.00, On Sale at . .... r ... . + . . ... . . r49c Hanna Coo, Limited AGENTS FOR.ROYAL AL' YORK CLOTHES HES tending the Summer School there. Miss Sarah Sharpe, of Teeswater, sPent the past two weeks with Miis Catharine Ross. Mrs. John ,Coluter, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dobbin and daughters,. Anna and Helen, of Rochester, are visiting with the £ormer's brothers, Messrs. Will and Alec Rintoul, of Wingham, and with the families of 'the Coulter brothers. Miss Addie Ross, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Mac Ross. Mrs. Doherty and son, Billie, of Hamilton, spent a few days last week at the honi.e of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, and Mr. Henry John- ston and Myrtle and Miss Lorna McClenaghan, of Morris, spent Sun- day with them also. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWEL- LERY AND GIFTS. Moderately Priced. OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We. Repair One Watch FREE. Winner for. June— Joe Gamble, Wingham GEO. WILLIAMS JEWELLER Rhone 5. 111 11tilIIMI!Irlllllll of I1m1I mi111111■iiImIIIAl11s See it `n_ M. Bishop t p-_ ,... For •.s , i i Mtinici -ai Boflds Also. AXI Kinds of e Government and - Pi !11 I Phone 226 Wingham "ri�ul�wrrr�I�lI.1111�n11��II.I1wIrl�lilrl�Inili�rrl.l�lwnai Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and family, of Mitchell, also spent Sun- day there. Nearly sixty ladies attended the meeting of the Women's Institute at the, home of Mrs. Robert J. Ross on Friday last, after the opening exer- cises, a number of items of busidess were attended to. The ladies have made a beautiful quilt and are now selling tickets for it, and are holding a contest program on Friday, July 20, with Misses Olive Farrier and Grace Richardson as leaders. The program was in charge of the girls, and every item was of a high order and was much appreciated by those present. Miss Merle Gaunt read a paper on "The Girls who are not un- derstood." Miss Susan Carrick and Miss Agnes Gillespie sang solos, and Misses Doreen and Muriel Pardon sang a duet. Miss Olive Farrier gave a splendid paper on "How to make the Institute a failure." Mrs. Henry gave a short report•of the ad- dress given by the speaker at the Wingham meeting. The meeting was closed by singing the Institute anthem. The hostess served lunch' and a social half hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Dunlop and Miss Doris Dun- Iop and Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Toni. Morrison and his sister, Miss Edna, all of Toronto, spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. BELGRAVE The Belgrave Women's will not hold their regular meeting until the end of the month, Further particu- lars as to this meeting will be giv- en at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss Berna, motored to London for over the' week -end. Mrs. (Dr.) W. B. Crowe, son and daughter, of Trenton, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon, fora couple of days, Mr. Dan. McKenzie, Owen Sound, attended the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs. Jno. Cole, Visitors with Mrs. Julia Scandrett over the week -end: Mrs. Brooks and' Mrs. Skelton, Centralia, Mrs, Alex. McGowan; Blyth, Ellis Anderson, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Harding is spending a few days with Mrs.. Jack Stewart. Mr. Robt. Armstrong, Varna, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ged- des. Miss Ruth Cole is visiting in Ham- ilton. . Mr. Wade is : building a porch to the back of hit store. A little baby boy has come to gladden the home of Mr. Jack And- erson, DONNYBROOK The Women's Institute met on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. G. Kinahan. 'The W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Albert Campbell on Thursday, July 21st. Miss Gladys Jefferson, R.N., of 'Woodstock, is spending her holidays at her home here. Miss Lucy Thompson and Miss I. Jefferson are taking courses .at the O.A.C., Guelph. The Misses Bessie and Jessie Moss spent the week -end with their friend Miss Jean Robinson. Master Bobbie and Ilene McClin- chey, visited last week at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. Joe Thompson and family, .of Listowel, were Sunday visitors with his brother, Norman. Miss Marjorie Campbell visited last week with friends at Jamestown, N.Y. . Mr. Sam Jefferson is taking a summer course at London. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish, on Sat., July 9th, a daugh- ter. • "I am delighted to meet youl"said the father of a college student, shak- ing hands warmly with the Profess- or. "My son took algebra from you last year." "Pardon me," said the Professor, "he was exposed to it, but he did not take it!" ®EI1I®11111111111®II1®III�iI I III1®11411111811113111®11198111 11115111 YCEUM TJJATRE SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M. Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 14th, 15th, 16th BUCK JONES. In T_ "Deadline" A fast . moving Western Picture. -- Also -- LAUREL AND HARDY COMEDY "THE MUSIC BOX" --- And — NOVELTY SINGLE REEL. Tuesday, Wednesday, July 18, 19 and 20 Helen Twelvetrees In "Young 'Bride" 4 8 With MTi C El CLIFF EDWARD S and ROSCOE ATES 4 -.Also ---, i A PITTS AND TODD COMEDYi a I 'RED NNOSES." lsaiw�lri�ul�rirlr ammiti nl�illw li�Itl rlri I ommtirwmr ire ilr r�li NrllWItIsomimmIr11lIm�