HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-07-14, Page 7orre Vidette and Wroxeter
Thursday, July 14th, 1932
Lowest Price In 15 Years
"Fresh From the Gardens/0
The special Orange Service was
'held in the United Church here on
Sunday afternoon when Rev. Button
•of Fordwich, occupied the pulpit,
taking •for his text, Neh. 2: 17-18,
telling his large audience the neces-
sity of the• true loyal Christian was
the making of any lodge, and it was
a necessary for each to build around
`his home a wall of love and protec-
tion, also unity of the Empire, The
Lodges of Fordwich True Blue and
Orange, also of Gorrie's two societ-
ies, occupied the centre seats,
The Ladies' Aid of Gorrie Presby-
terian Church met on Tuesday last at
the home of Mrs. J. McLeod, Wrox-
eter. The president, Mrs. W. A. Ir-
win, occupying the chair. A discus-
sion as to the most suitable articles
for the bazaar was held. Mrs. (Rev.).
Leggatt opened the meeting with
prayer, after which Mrs. McLeod
read the Scripture lesson, John 14.
Mrs. W. R. Hastie gave a splendid
topic, pertaining to the "Work of
the Church." Miss Murray gave a
readingt After the meeting closed
with prayer the hostess served a
dainty luncheon to her guests.
The July meeting of the W. M. S.
of the 'United Church, was held at
the home of Mrs. W. H. Gregg .on
Thursday, July 7th. In the absence!
of the President, the vice-president,
Mrs, A. E. Toner, presided. The
meeting opened by singing the hymn
"We've a Story to Tell." The Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison. Re-
sponsive reading, 1 Cor. 13 chap.
Mrs. T. O. Johnston gave a paper
on Christian Stewardship "What we
have we owe to Him." Minutes of
the last meeting were read and
adopted. Roll call was answered to
by 19 members and 5 visitors, by
something pertaining to flowers.
Mrs. Walter Simson gave a• splen-
did reading entitled "The Auxiliary
meets today. Why were you not
there? Have you forgotten your
duty? Christ does not want your
gifts without yourself. Your heart,
your prayers, your sympathies are
needed. When you are absent your
influence is absent. Those who are
present miss you, and more than all,
Christ misses you and you miss His
Miss A. Edgar gave a reading on
Idolatry, telling of its misery, and
then of its remedy. Miss Jean Spar -
ling favored the society with a solo
entitled "The Saviour Knows." Mrs.
Abram told the duty of the .Strang-
ers' Secretary. "A Call for Loyal
Soldiers" was then sung,
Mrs. Johnston closed with prayer,
and all repeated the Mizpah benedic-
Mrs. Sparling Sr., is visiting with
friends at St. Marys, for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Miles and family,
are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Wade.
Mrs, T. Whitfield, Mrs. J. 'Whit-
"Yeses . the 're fine
youngc is kensa
Low evening rales
on Station.to•Sta-
teras dolls begin
7.00 1" »' Stilt
Maier night rates
at 8.30 p.m.
It was Joe Kingsnnill's wife who
spotted the advertisement a
firm in town offering to buy, '60
young chickens. She showed it
to Joe.
"Every poultry farmer in the
province will be writing," Joe
said. ".I'll telephone right now
and beat the crowd."
So he did. And got the business
too for his alertness. The Long
Distance- telephone call cost him
35 cents.
field and son, Orval, of Brussels,
were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs.
W. Whitfield.
Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong spent the
week -end in Guelph and Toronto and
while in Toornto attended the ,doe-
tor's granddaughter's wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Jardine and dau-
ghter, of Brussels, were guests. of
Mr, and Mrs. R, Cathers, on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Miller, Tor-
onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. King, also Mr, and Mrs. K.
Hastie on Friday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stafford and
baby daughter of Toronto, also Dr.
and Mrs. Kelly of Fordwich, were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Miss Pearl Stinson spent a few
days with her sister, in Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bricker and
Jack, of Fordwich, were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Simson.
Mrs. Lynn, of Fordwich, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. R. S. Clegg,
on Sunday.
Master Vern Abram
his vacation with his
Mr. and Mrs. Schnock,
is spending
at Ethel.
Congratulations are extended to.
Aline Clark, Harold King and Wes-
ley Gallaway for obtaining their en-
trance exams. with honors.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dane of Toronto,
returned home Sunday after spend-
ing the past week visiting friends
and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phair and
daughter of Chicago, are visiting
this week with the former's mother,
Mrs. Phair.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Millman, Mr.
and• Mrs. Millman, Jr,, and sons, of
St. Johns, Mich., are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Wade this week.
The Nash family picnic was held
in Earngey's Flats on Saturday af-
ternoon. •
Miss Sylvia Plantz of Kitchener,
is visiting her parents for a week.
Mr. Alfas Plantz has moved his
farm stock to his farm on lst con-
cession of Wallace ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Boomer call-
ed on old Gorrie friends on Friday,
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, and
Misses Earngey. It was 40 years
since Mr. Boomer left here.
Mrs, J. Fraser also son-in-law and
daughter,, of Collingwood, called on
old Gorrie friends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen, Wrox-
eter, also Misses Ross and Stephens
were Kitchener visitors last week.
, Mr. R. D. Jacques, .of Woodstock,
also Miss Jacques, of Sask., called
on Mr. R. A. Ashton on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston of
Cargill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Herzog on Friday.
Mrs. R. G. Newton, also sons, and
Audrene Pyke and Eileen Galbraith,
are camping at Point Clarke for a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Edgar and son,
Andy, spent Sunday in Walkerton.
Misses Agnes Edgar and Irene
Wright, of Wroxeter, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Black.
Mrs. A. Hamilton is spending
ome time with her son in 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock, vis -
ted with Palmerston friends last
Mrs. James Bell visited a couple
f days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Mcllwain at Fordwich.
Mrs. Bell left for Harriston on
Monday where she is visiting with
her daughters.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Padfield, Ford-
tivich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
LVIrs, R. J. Hues ton.
Mr .and Mrs, W. G. Strong are
pending a couple of weeks at BraeBeach.
Mrs. W. A. Irwin was the guest of
he Misses Irwin at Orangehill last
Mr. Bleaker, of Goderich, paid a
lying visit to Gorrie friends Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. Butt, also Miss N.
Dane returned from St. Thomas af-
er attending summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 13e11 and sons,
Lakelet, were Sunday guests of Mrs,
as. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Gamble and
daughter, Miss Janet, were Sunday
nests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Hyndinan.
Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Moffatt and
atnily, Wroxeter, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cathers, on Sunday.
The services in the United Church
will be withdrawn in the mornings'
during the month of July. Service
n the evening at 7.3,0 p.m,
Keep in mind the Free Community`
Picnic to be held in Victoria Park
Wed., July 57. Everybody welcome,
Bring baskets with lunch,
Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Miles and
aughter, Audrey, of Toronto, and
on, Ronald, are visiting with Mr.
rid Mrs. Isaac Wade.
Miss Rebecca McNair of Cran-
'S n$lin''Chariie Sa35
t6Th' Belies usta,
set, their caps t',
catch th° Beaux, 4
-now. -t' Catch th''
Shieks th' Shebas
# st their, --knee
leaps _-
ter, Mrs. Alex. Edgar,
Mr. Gordon McGregor and Miss
Edith McEwen, Wingham, called at
the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Abram on
Sunday evening.
The W. A. of the United church
will meet Thursday afternoon next
week at the home of Mrs, A. Toner.
Recent visitors with Mrs. C. Prit-
chard were: NIr. and Mrs. Jas. Pom-
eroy, London, Mr. and Mrs. James
Vittie and family, London, Mrs. H.
Tipping and daughters, of Listowel,
Miss Margaret Foster, R.N., re-
turned home on Sunday after a four -
months' visit in the U.S.A.
Mrs. R. T. Gilpin, of Collingwood,
Mrs. Ed. Lambkin and son, Leslie,
of Moorefield, were viistors one day
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Gorrie boys came over on Friday
night and defeated our boys in a
game of softball.
Mr. Andrew Shearer, a recent
graduate of Toronto University, has
returned to that city where he will
take a summer course.
Misses Elsie Davidson, Annie Lit-
tle, ,Aileen Schaab and Evelyn Gam-
ble, are leaving on Wednesday mor-
ning for a motor trip to Quebec. We
wish them a pleasant holiday.
Mrs. Geo. MacDonald was a re-
cent visitor at the home of Mrs. P
S. MacEwen.
Mr. M. Sellers and Mr. Ross San-
derson were Chesley visitors on Fri
D. S. and Mrs. McNaughton, also
John, visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. John MacNaughton, at Bay-
Messrs. Tom Brown, Wm. Hayes,
and Geo. Paulin, attended the recent
I.O.O.F. Decoration day service in
The sympathy of iths cominunity
is extended to IVIr. and Mrs. David
Walker, (nee Isabelle MacTavish) of
Fordwich, formerly of Turnberry, in
the death of their daughter, Flora
Jean, beloved wife of Gordon Ed-
wards of Onandago, who died sud-
denly in Listowel Memorial Hospi-
tal on Thursday morning. Surviving
are, her husband and infant daugh-
ter, her parents, two sisters, Margar-
et (Mrs. M. Oonahue), Teeswater;
Jessie, Toronto, also two brothers,
Stewart, Toronto, and John, Ford-
wich, all of whom have our heart-
felt sympathy in their great loss.
Mr, and Mrs, Ashton Morrison, of
St, Catharines, arrived in town on
Friday to spend some time with
Mrs. Morrison, Sr.
Mrs. T. Hemphill, Mrs. J. N. Al-
len, Mrs. 5, J. Allen, were Wingham
visitors on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Moffatt, Blue -
vale, also Mr, and Mrs. Stuart San-
derson and Kathryn, of London,
spent a day recently with Mr. John
Davidson and Miss Mae Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto, spent the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. M. Sellers.
Mr. and Mrs, Gavin Davidson, of
'Oshawa, are visiting at the home of
Mn John Davidson,
Miss Elsie Davidson, Newton, was
a Sunday visitor in town.
A special meeting of the Girls'
Mission Circle will be held Thurs-
day evening at the Manse. All the
young women of the community are
The L.O.L. heldtheir annual
church service in St. James Church
last Sunday evening,' when a large
congregation listened to an inspiring
sermon, by the District Chaplain,
Rev, E. , S. Hayes, of Wingliann.
Mr. R. Rann , has returned home,
brook, spent a few days with her sis- a
fter spending •a week in Toronto at
the, hone of Dr. and Mrs. Spence,
Miss Winnifred Rae, ' has been
chosen out of 175 applicants to teach
in l3elgrave village school, for the
coming year. We wish her success,
Mrs. Tate and family, of Toronto,
formerly of Wroxeter, are visiting
Miss Ada Gallagher, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hemphill, Mr,
and Mrs. J. J, Allen and Mrs. J, N,
Allen went to Lion's Head on a fish -
in gtrip TuesdaZZ.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rae and baby of
Waterloo, spent the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae,
Mrs. Sellers visited with friends in
Bluevale on Sunday,
Mr. Laurie and Miss Rona Van-
Velsor, spent a few days last week
at Markdale, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Mercer, (nee Elizabeth Sander-
Week -end guests at the home of
T. G. Hemphill were: Mr. and Mrs.
C. Cook, Hensall, Mrs. Chilleau and
children of Los Angeles.
Mrs, Schewell, a former resident,
also her tow sons, daughter, her mo-
ther, Mrs, Rae, also Miss Jesson, all
of Nebraska, are guests of Mrs. Rae
and other friends.
Our congratulations are extended
to the successful entrance pupils and
their teacher, Miss Little. Out of
a class of nine, eight pupils passed.
LIr. Kenneth Gibson and bride, of
Hamilton, were week -end visitors
with the former's mother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mowat and fam-
ily, Mrs. Whitmore, Miss Whitmore,
R.N,, Miss Rubie Hainstock, R.N.,
Mr. Geo. R. Somers, were week -end
guests at the MacNaughton home.
Mrs. T. Hemphill entertained a
few friends on Thursday evening.
The local L.O.L. attended the cel-
ebration at Harriston on July 12th.
Miss Cassie Harris, of Toronto, is
spending two weeks' holidays with
her sister, Miss Mary Harris.
Mr. Thomas and family spent Sun-
day at I. S. Durst's.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin and
daughter of Toronto, are visiting at
John DougIas'.
Miss Jean Milligan has entered the
Wingham Hospital to train for a
Mrs. Dr. McLeod, Jack and Mar-
garet and Miss E. Montgomery, are
visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. Hugh Rae, Mrs. Schewell and
daughters motored from Nebraska.
Mr. Jack Edgar of the Ft. Frances
Public School staff, is spending the
holiday at his home in Howick.
The teacher and pupils of the en-
trance class of the public school are
to be congratulated, 8 out of 9 pass-
i\fiss Elva Hupfer of Sudbury is
spending the holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. Gordon Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. G. •S. Lackie and Miss Georg-
ina, of London, spent Sunday at
Mrs. Morrison's.
Mr. Robert McKercher, Montreal,
who has just returned from a tour
through the Western Provinces, ar-
rived Sunday evening to see father,
Mr. W. S. McKercher, who, we are
sorry to say, is quite ill.
"A pantomine is like a cigar," re-
marked the theatre manager on the
first night of the new show.
"How's that?" asked his friend.
"Well," was the explanation, "if
it's good everybody wants a box, and
if it's bad no amount of puffing will
make it draw."
Haying and berry picking are the
doings of the day; both are a grand
Our baseball boys played the Mild-
may boys Wednesday evening. The
score is for keeps.
Mr. David Breen, of Grand Rapids
is in the burg disposing of his build-
ings, We understand R. J. Douglas
has purchased the barn.
Mfrs. Wm, Irwin is visiting with
Blanche, in Toronto, at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McNeil, Chas.
Scott, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Reid, of
Wroxeter, motored to Durham Sun-
day. Mrs. (Rev.) Turnbull is with
her parents at Waterloo,
Miss Ernma Mulvey, of Toronto,
spent a few days with Mrs. Mulvey
before going to the lake.
Mn Win. Crle and family, Toron-
to, are holidaying at Peter Hack-
Mr, and Mrs. John Darling visited
on Thursday at Roy Rutherford's,
Minnie Jeffray at Win. Mundell's on
Tuesday. Mae Johann with her
friend, Mary Austin. Mrs. Dickin-
son and daughter and children, of
Tceswatre, at McNeils,
Signs of the Tirnes,
A hundred years ago to -day,
A wilderness was here,.
A man with powder in his gun
Went out to hunt; a deer,
But now the times have changed a
And on a different plan,
A dear with powder on her nose,
Goes forth to hunt 'a man.
Miss Gladys. Miller, of Gorrie, is
spending her holidays with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. Strong,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler and
two sons, of 14th con., and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sterimpfle, of Clifford,
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Zurbrigg and son,
Morley, spent Sunday with friends
at Gowanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Strong and dau-
ghter, Verda, spent Sunday afternoon
with. Mr, and Mrs. J. Robinson;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shuitic, near
Guelph, and Mr. Blake Fleet, Ham-
ilton, and Mr. Lloyd Griffith and
Miss Muriel Henderson, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. John Fleet.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Burrows and
son, . Donald, spent Sunday with
friends in Harriston.
S. S. No. 14, Howick, Wroxeter
Results of Entrance Examinations.
Pass: Agnes Durst, Allister Green,
Edythe Martin, Mabel Patterson,
Jessie Paulin, Irene Robinson, Mary
Smyth, Vera Wright.
Fail: Everett Wright.
Annie G. Little, Teacher.
S. S. No. 15 and 3, Howick
and Carrick
Classes given indicate those which
pupils wil be in after vacation.
Sr. IV—Jean Harkness 73, Doris
Haskins 76.
Sr. III—Bessie Peltier 78, Anna
Seifried 69.
Jr. III—Robert. Harkness 75, Ed-
na Haskins 72.
Jr. II A—Bruce Harkness 67.
Jr. II B—Isabelle Renwick 89.
E. Marie Mines, Teacher.
F. F. 11010H
Phm.. B., Opt. D., R. 0,
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Beat Equipped Optical Es,
tablishment in this part of
New Goods
At Lover Prices
Men's Trousers, $1.69 to $3.00
Men's Work Shirts 79c to $1,25
Men's Work Sox, 23c
or 2 pair for .-._. -. ......45c
Men's Underwear, Silk Com-
Men's Balbriggan Combs. $1.25
Men's Balbriggan Shirts or.
Drawers 60c
Men's New Felt Hats, Light
Silver or Brown Colors $2.75
Special. Price on Made -to -
Measure Suits for June 24.00
A good assortment of small -
ware, Safety Pins, Needles,
Tapes, Thread, Silk, Cotton
and Linen.
Special on Cups and Saucers
Plain White Cup and Sauc-
er, only ......._.._ - . _ _._...... 9c
Clover Leaf Cup and Sauc-
er only 10c
4 Bars Toilet Soap for
Washing Fluid, per bottle ...10c
Fresh Grocers at Lowest
Fruits & Vegetables in Season
Factory Prices Paid for Cream
Delivered at the Store.
Davey's Store
She: "Fancy! There's a paragraph
about me in `Flippant Notes,' and
they call me one of fashion's butter-
He: "From the way you go thra.
your clothes, I should think `moths'
would be nearer the mark."
rio's 1931 ec r
62 ll ed
153 Injured -
alway Cossings!
Every railway crossing in Ontario is
marked by a warning sign. Watch
for these signs—heed them r 29 out of
every 100 persons injured at railway
crossings, died. The man or woman
driver who never takes a chance will
never be a railway crossing victim.
Never Cross Till You're Stere!
Leopold Macaulay
M rr,ItsTER