HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-07-14, Page 3Thursday, July 14th, 1932 841.11404014144,4414,441.1 ...I'.e" r( FACTORY COTTON 36 -inch good wight Factory Cotton, film weave, for quilting, etc. Regular 15c. Yard ... WHITE FLANNELETTE 36 -inch White Flannelette, suitable for baby's uses, etc., soft nap, and even weave, reg. 23c 18e T F1I S TR Y v 3 ):a s n of THE WINGHAM A,DVANC ;-'.t": ,MMCE !!r: CUT GLASS SETS Lemonade or water sets, consist of Jug and 6 glasses, clear glass with cut grape design, FLAT BRASS RODS Good weight brass finished window { I, I c. rods, single or double, with brackets, { for s SA1Mi`U oey- rid' I•{,U AIh.drv.: s, f:rnsw• .y.. Y_: "" alu Sweeping eductions on Coats a resew HALF PRICE and ONE THIRD OFF Regular Prices Just think of the Dollars you can save. You might as well, and All Clean, Fresh Stock. Our Stock of Spring Coats, Summer Dresses, must be cleared. You'll be surprised what a small amount of money will buy. Come in and look around, you will be convinced. Prices marked in plain figures. Dresses Clearing f.,aNd4314.4,31, ?;p,#..as,, 2.3 9 Voiles all are up-to-the-minute in style and materials, celanese are the newest pastel shades. This low price will clear them quickly. Regular $2.95 - $3.25. VOILES AND CELANESE DRESSES Dresses Selling Reg. to 13.75 Clearing out at 3. SILKS AND BETTER CELANESE In Fall Shadings. A splendid assortment of these dresses, plain and figured materials, many diff- erent styles, all clearing at this low price. YOU'RE NEEDING HOUSE FROCKS -YOUR OPPO FAST WASHING COLOR REGULAR 98c AND $1.25 Every dress neatly tailored and trimmed in various styles, prints used are reliable quality, will stand wear and repeated laund- ering. Look them over. LOW PRICE TUNITY SMART STYLES, <Wi: h.41••104,,tr:!?.w,141, ,''.:x'rvrlitgi eui''•"i"Cf.a7 YOUTHFUL DIMITY BLOUSES Regular Price $1.00 Clearing, Each Easily laundered Dimity with small printed ,de- signs in fast colors, ruffle :and plain collars. Sizes 32 to 40. If'i F4e.okd A:4:r''u est LADIES' ALL WOOL BATHING. SUITS Regular Price $1.75. Bathing Suits of good fit, and good weight yarns, in four colors, sun -tan backs; all sizes. Lot 511." s, u tJ.aS fi�.,iW M:ui4: t -7M4 „, s`Ito,„. d o{G;-P�;1 him..,, {,144s!"EH4 BOYS' WASH SUITS Regular $1.19 Clearing at 69c Clearing broken lines, good weight materials that will stand wear and frequent washings. Sizes td, 6 years. v!i: ".?nosn't %%Iva iNit"011.!, 94..,l,:s�:w 41.'"614, +rO f?{., 4{9.1,.4.' i 114 Children's ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS Regular Price $1.25. Each c A good quality bathing suit for this low price; sizes to 32; sun- tan back; four popular colors. 1;4194.*.6.tf41• 31. .,A4•„_ .1AVV!!ev'fri.`5 Put.'s• LADIES' COTTON BLOOMERS Clearing remainder of these splendid cotton bloomers, bal- briggan weave in plain or silk stripe; small, med- e� Ce71 c ium and large. Regular 39c .�r LADIES' ASCOT NECK SCARFS Clearing many patterns and styles in these popular neck scarfs; first pickings are choice. Regular to $1.25 69 c Each. :, I. SpeciaR Reductic�..� ®�� Cir/.sets���ig Sale a�®�f� ° REGULAR Again we make this special offering, every one of our many corset lines reduced only a d J6 PRICES during this sale. 20% off regular price, ante please only for these 3 Special Sale Days. !;11.lfR4'•eMlfl,lFr.�..'13Iui„.{w, e''•tc .4 , r ,!=t- ?,ill; Ladies' All Wool, Lacey - Knit PULLOVERS Regular Price $2.95. 2.39 Your opportunity to have one of these popular wool pullovers, various pattern knits, also various styles with puff or full length sleeves. I y4; SMART RAYON PYJAMAS Good quality run -resist rayon, small all-over check pattern, wide pyjama pant. Top white with contrast trim. Regular $2,75. ALL-OVER LACE BRASSIERES Body forming, neat fit and dainty patterned all-over net lace. Each •98 samenimmagelatimmisisstansmis LOW PRICE CLOTH BLINDS Colors: cream, green and white; 'width, 36 inches; length 6 feet,good quality cloths, our regular 75c blind, complete with brackets and pull. Each63 c 1 71 7117C.r1r..• SMALL FLOOR ,MATS Protect your floor with these neat floor mats, all-over de- signs; color, sand, green, rose, blue; good felt base; size 18 by 27 inches. Regular price 10c each. 2Now at for leu Rugs, Cong lethal Rugs, Feltol Rugs Clearing /� All our extensive stock ;of rugs, all sizes, all patterns, buy your rug needs when you can effect a great a 1 0% OFF pocket saving for 3 day,•20°4 off regular prices. LINOLEUM, 2 YARDS WIDE OILCLOTH, 2 YARDS WIDE Two patterns in this good weight hard-wearing Six patterns to choose from, regular quality, offer- a la ; designs, 2 yd. wide. Running yard a • A ed at this lowprice to clear. 2 d. wide. Running C Linoleum, good g g Y g yd. 144043544.11 MEN'S WOOL BATHING SUITS Speed style bathers, all good weight yarns; a real I suit at this law price. Sizes � 34 to 40. • lar a showing PATTERNED N sSIOCK d artificial A g g these silk mixture and real smart color combinations. a) �++ t. Reg. Size 10 to 11:s g. 35c. MEN'S KHAKI PANTS Good quality khaki colored duck, 2 side pockets, 2 hip pock- ets and watch pocket, tutned cuff and belt loops. 25 Size 22 to 44, Reg. $1.7G{ MEN'S HEAVY OVERALLS Another spdcial offering rof these real value overalls in blckor blue; double stitched throughout; full amount of pockets;heavyelastic webbing, sizes 32 to 46. 98 Reg. $1.69. MEN'S 'WORK SHIRTS These are sturdy, hard-wearing cotton shirts, collar -attach- ed;; one breast pocket, well made and full size bod- ies.,. Size 14 to 171.... Reg. 98c. 4.11 C MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS In grey and brown mixtures, good weight, all wool, 410 Size 101 to 111. Reg. 29c, ........... ................ ..-.,...... ...,,....- eas i 1 my ;*"44.1'14t': 4Jvrs�11CI+Al1?4r. July Clearance ! ,. f Silks, V SUMMER DRESS VOILES, ETC. Voiles, many patterns, dark and light grounds, printed piq- ues, think of pretty" frocks you can easily make of better class materials, also buying them at this low price. A 9 Regular to 65c.. Yard `$$ FIGURED SILK CLEARING Better grade printed all silk crepes, marked down to clear, many patterns to choose from, in most cases a 69 dress length, 38 in, wide, reg. to $2.25. Yard Y Q err ALL WOOL JERSEY CLOTHS It takes very little •of thio 54 in. material to make service- able Skirts, Jackets, Dresses, Etc. Colors, black, 1 1 blue, green, brown, red and birch, Reg. $1.35. Yd. a c.A TRANSPARENT VELVET Very popular for Jackets, etc. 36 inches wide, beautiful all silk transparent velvet. Black only. Regular a'� 9 $2.59. Yard a ALL SILK FIGURED CREPE Various small designs in this splendid quality all silk crepe, this low price permits you to be smartly gowned; 9 Latest patterns and colorings. Reg. $1.69. Yard "H. 04 Li .P,, 4,4 lir ,: ..,,�9 PILLOW CASES 40 and 42 in. reg. 29c each LJC Fill up your stock with these good quality, low- priced pillow cases, pleas- ing weight cotton, neat hems. A firs" ,#m J Ct, . •• .,L7 h ".: r, d i t i"+:+34i1,1, ens, Sta es ALL LINEN TOWELLING Reg. 19c and 23c. Yard . 8 Yards $1.00 Clearing short lengths of this better type linen towelling, good weight; will wash and dry well. 16 inches wide. LARGE SIZE BATH TOWELS Absorbant terry weave bath towels, in good size and quality, fancy border and all white. Size 20x40. Regular 35c. Each..............::................._...,............._........_....................._...._.......__.......-.. e. - PLAIN ALL WHITE CURTAINS Ruffled curtains, complete with tie -backs, good 'quality plain 2 Pair 1 GOO FULL DOUBLE BED SHEETS Made from heavy weight sheeting, with 2* inch hem, a real good bed sheet at this low price. Regular $1.15. Each scrim, 2* yards Iong, regular 65c. ai ty';ufled • ..44:4P 11.14 • Oy4`i,i de C 41, fGPYv:4�i 4„4, t • O F rt- . in 'Y ets, Six Desig r s Splendid for summer cottage, bedrooms or kitchen, dainty ruffle in six floral patterns, good width, regular 10c yard. For this sale 8 36 -INCH GOOD WEIGHT GINGHAM An ever -popular Gingham in good width for aprons, kiddies' dresses, that stand hard wear and constant launder- ings, priced so low. Reg. 29c yard. Yard J. .At, IJ v S''4�.".°1."e'^'4,AnY.. SP FILET NET CURTAINS Three neat patterns shown in these ever -popular cur- tains for dining room or parlor windows, neat tailored edge, 35 inch wide „by 2* yards long. Regular m I. $1.75. Pair Nerastmatal 04.44. /kit . ,::. ti, ; :a' sr+'?,t k!:?�. MI 4..a,;,t. y;cE• WELL-FILLED CHINTZ CUSHIONS Cushions for the cottage or verandah, everyone well' -filled with clean filling and strong enough to stand abuse. g Regular 29c. Each ZIA, NA,* ..iir 5i' }'Jip.., Tgr.' FEATHER FILLED PILLOWS Real value this, pretty floral weight, well-filled with clean Regular $1.25. Each patterned) ticking of good chicken feathers, 10:r' ,5'G q'°':,1a+F;,.kknikT1117..117" p•1555 '',,:?4:•tt•Wa a0471"4:a:��?.. i:w.•,.".g e t. giants educed to all Price to Clear Remnants, many useful lengths of silk, cotton prints, curtain net, drapery cloths, erent yardage materials; good pickings for these Three days All HALF PRICE. 11.1Nr.4. s,„. 74 9r.4:P+t>t!w„G,t,e:'';r 51s1),• t,5.15 DUSTING MOPS, GOOD SIZE Oiled Dusting Mops in three -corner style, complete with handle, put up in round tin. Regular 98c. Each O'CEDAR POLISH Excellent polish for fine furniture or floors, popular 19 c 25c size, cleans as it polishes. Each 7.4. 4I i . d17.1 .J1 ,IR r1 Pr,:., linen towellings, many diff- l'{.1,,er Yt 54. g11111q..la11,i E','44. 71 76.1774, 1,4411.11.-1,:m/ si ',;Ati•e BETTY BROWN TEA POTS English heavy earthenware tea pots, decorative, color C band around top, about 5 -cup size. Each HOT GALVANIZED WATER PAILS Good weight metal, a handy extra pail, medium size. 61 # is 13&x„4 I.;.. li. w y krne • d �e ght mmumware Out of the large assortment we have only 75 pieces more to clear, for those who missed getting in on this clearance, this is your last chance. Our regular 98c assortment being cleared out at this low price HEAVY PAPER WINDOW BLINDS Suitable for summer cottage, or home use, good heavy pap- er, and will roll easily, just put them on your old roller, with tape supplied. Colne in green and cream, 36 inches wide, 6 feet long. Each uP MEN'S WORK PANTS Materials, cottonade, cotton tweeds, various grey and brown tweed patterns, full number of pockets and belt loops, etc, Sizes 32 to 44. Reg. $1.95. • MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Good quality summer weight, cream. color, in two styles, button and buttonless; ankle length, short sleeves 19 Sizes 34 to 40. Reg. $1.50. ATHLETIC STYLE SHORTS Material English Broadcloth, in various pattern, stripes, have elastic webbing at' the waist, Sire 34' to 42. ank keg. 50e, 3 C 1 442 GLASS LAMP CHIMNEYS Clear glass lamp chimney in popular size, with a, crimped top. Special sale offering baa for 25c 4."m^-.„,0P.�. MEN'S PINE SHIRTS CLEARANCE OF SOME INCOMPLETE PATTERN RANGES Regular $1.,59 - $195. Cleating a quantity of these fine better -grade shirts one cut full sizes, separate collar or collar attached, every Sizes 14 to 17. Each e ATHLETIC STYLE Cotton Jerseys in spring knit weave Underwear. Size 34 to 42, ..real s...tifactory