The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-07-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
ilotioli uiiciainani umulall101111alll11Ili11111$u g11101111111111110111/0111011111111111P111131111011
Milt a vm s tsjls,.. =
Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
a 4
July 7th, 8th, 9th
Anita Page
Neil Hamilton
rng "
Drama -• Romance and Comedy
Behind the Scenes in Radio.
Pathe Twee -Reel Comedy.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 11, 12th, 13th
Marion Davies
IIIIII0III®11114111[I1111•illllli'l11I119111 cilli•IlliliimlllEo91119➢III>i1111 II112!Il' Ill rill +sNl
ily of the
Clark :gable
Thrilling Entertainment for the Whole Family.
Mickey Mouse Cartoon:
had three settle killed, and Mr. C.
Shiell had two killed. .
Mrs. McInnis is improving after
her serious illness, '
Mr. Hardie Simpsonhas been laid
up with a bad attack of the flu
Mr. and Mrs, AndrewI<.irk, Sea-
l" forth, Mrs.• F. L. Creighton and
lel children of Detroit, Mr. Norman
l ulc of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mr, Ol
iver Kirk of Birmingham, Mich,, ,and
Miss Falconrath of Detroit, spent
Sunday at the,iaome •of Mr, and Mrs,
J. D. Beecroft, .
Mr. Roy AfacGregor is laid up
With an attack of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and
1 children, of Buffalo, are visiting with
her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid spent
the week -end here with 'Mrs. Reid,
his mother, and she returned with
_= them to Brantford on Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs, O. G. Anderson and
children, of I3elgrave, visited Sunday
6 with Miss Anderson at the home of
mff Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Pardon.
Mr. Stalker and Mr. Wesley Lott
of Brussels, spent Sunday with the
• latter's parents here.
Mrs. Stricker, of Windsor, visited
for a few days last week with her
ow sister, Mrs. Ed. Gaunt.
Mrs. McCarroll of Algoma, who
was here for the Kennedy picnic last
• week in Goderich, visited with vela-
= tives here last week and went on
• Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
▪ Kennedy to Guelph, where she will
®, visit with her brother. Mr. and Mrs.
- Kennedy went on, to visit with some
• friends at Hamilton arid Niagara.
— Miss Merle Wilson, nurse -in -train-
ing in Stratford Hospital, spent last,
• week at her home here. Mr. Wilson
• and Miss Frances Wilson, of Wing-
_ • ham, accompanied her back to S rat -
Li ford on Sunday and visited with
their sister, Mrs. Powell.
® Married—At Nippissing, on Wed-
III111E111 nesday, June 29, at the United.
Don't forget the meeting of the
Women's Institute on Friday at the
There was no service in Chaim- home of Mrs. R. J. Ross, in Kinloss. nosh, to Mr. Emerson Austin, of
"er's Chruch on Sunday, on account All the ladies are cordially invited to Nippissing. ,After a wedding trip to
of the anniversary services at Lang- attend, r,ax,,tr Cobalt, the happy couple will reside
side. t
Mr. and M12rs. Jas. Sutherland vis 1U NiPpissing. The bride's many
.hiss Lizzie Anderson, R.N., Mont- ited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. friends in this vicinity extend best
real, spent the week -end here with Avery of Culross
her sister, Mrs. Robert Purdon, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Stewart and
• with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. A. daughters, Dorothy and Betty, of
.Anderson of St. Helens. Lanark, are visiting with his aunt,
Tr. A. H. Green attended the Jub- Mrs. Jas. McGee and other E. Wa-
ilee Anniversary Services at Carlow wanosh and Wingham relatives.
on Sunday and visited with friends During the severe electrical storm
there. on Thursday last Mr. J. B. Morrison
Church manse by Rev. Mr. Cox, Miss
Mary Martin, daughter of Mr. and
Alrs, Daniel Martin ,of East Wawa -
III111I1i111111211111111 11111111E111141121111 r11E111 1111EIi IIIIIIIIIII 9411131121111J1111111111'91111E111110111 ill'
Ka Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
chidlren spent Sunday with Mr. and
g Mrs. Geo. Tiffin, Culross, and, while
SPECIAL BARGAIN there Renison put his right ankle out
of joint.
82 PAIRS HIGH GRADE ENNA JETTICK 11 Mr, and Mrs. Toynbee Lamb and
SHOES, THE REGULAR $8,00 LINE FOR chidlren of Goderich, spent Sunday
! at the home of her parents, Mr. and
wishes for a long and happy wedded
The W. M. S, of the United dhurch
are invited on Thursday, July 14th,
to St. Helens, to hear the summerspeaker, (Rev.) Mrs. Cumming, Wal-
ton. Mrs. Cumming, the wife, of a
former pastor, is well-known in these
parts and a good attendance is ex-
Enna Jettick Shoes For Wome
$4. Per
® ®1 IVIrs John Kennedy, of Kinloss
r it Quite a number from here tt
i This is the genuine E J Shoe in widths AA, A, C and D, WI
but as slight change in style is being made we are privileged to —
sell this lot at the low price quoted above. ii
There are all sizes and half sizes in the lot, i
This will be an excellent chance for those who have not —
tried out this excellent line of Women's footwear to procure at t
°1 . the price of ordinary shoes. in
Enna Jetticks are without any doubt the most popular
shoe on the American Continent, and in our years of selling shoes —
we have never sold! a line,that has given such general satisfaction. P
NI Made in several widths, very narrow to- very wide and made i
with built in arch, Goodyear welted soles and will FIT, where —
.others fail.
t'; Sane prices all over Canada, namely: _
,�"" $7.00 and $8.00 Per Pair. i•
Selling Agents Enna Jettick Shoes for Women
, attend-
_ ed the social at St. Heelns 'Thurs-
- 1 day last.
In Black Kid ®I Mr. and Mrs. George McClen-
j aghan and Mildred and Teddy, vis -
In Brown Kid ited at Belgrave on Friday with Mr.
Harry McClenaghan. Miss Mildred
tee stayed for a few holidays.
Mrs. Herb Pettapiece has been
visiting with relatives near Ottawa.
Master Irwin McClenaghan is now
helping his uncle, Mr. Elwood Bar-
bour, near Fordyce.
Miss Wilda McInnis of Langside,
is holidaying at the home of Mrs.
Orval Tiffin.
Mr, Kurtz, of Galt, spent Sunday
with his wife and daughter, Luella,
who have been visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyle. Mr.
Boyle is not iniproving very giuck-
Mr. Ernest Sparling of Kincardine
spent a day last week with Mr. H.
Miss Catharine Mowbray and Miss
Lela Leggatt spent • Sunday with
Miss Donelda MacCall1ttm, of Lang -
Mr. and Mrs. Buschlen and child-
hildren and Mr. Scott Paterson, of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end here with
and Suntan Calf.
i Willis' Shoe Store - Phone 129, Wingham
The Leading Shoe Store.
1111E1i1®ll11111I1111111111111.11i111IlIIIIIIIIII IIE1111111111111121II•IIl111111*Allill!•llI]110]8.111111111111111111IIl0IIII111
0113••••=•111•11319.1400 •IMUMMARMITIVIMMI.OW11•10,11•11011
Summer Apparel..
OUTING TROUSERS, Flannel, also White Flann-
els in our new Grey, Fawn and Stripes, Reg.$4.50
On Sale ... . , $3,75.
SILK SOX ON SALE, Special for This Week.
Sox, our 50c Sox, Sale pr. 3, � for
Holeproof and other makes, Reg. $1.00 for . .
� .. 75c
Hanna & co., Limited
the latter's father, Mr. F. McK. Pat-
et son.
Mrs. Win. Pardon visited last Mon-
day with Mrs. W. J. 'Humphrey, of
St. ,Helens, while Mr. Purclon and
Mabel visited with Mr. and Mrs: A.
Cameron of Ashfield.
Miss Lettie Fox returned from
Lucan on Saturday last, after visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton.
Mrs. Norrish and her son from
Walkerton, visited on Sunday with
her brother, Mr. Win. Barbour.
Mrs, MacGregor visited for a few
days last week with her daughter,,
Mrs. Jack Henderson, of Paramount.
Mr, and Mrs. 5.; A. Kennedy, of
Sarnia, spent the week -end at the
home of her sister, "Mrs. L. Grain.
The marriage of Phyllis, only dau-
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Weaver, of Whitechurch, and Mr.
Bert Boyd, son of Mr, and Mrs, W.
J. Boydr of Rothsay, was solemniz-
ed at Palmerston on Wednesday ort
June 29th at the .Presbyterian manse.
This is a. Health
"Always the Best."
iii Jllllbilll0liIilll0lfI.1l1 lJli:iIlI il1111fl1BIII
Fresh daily.
Phone 145.
nelitts on Sunday,
A quite a number from White-
churclh, attended the Diamond Jub-
ilee of S. S. No, 11, East 'Wattemosh
last Friday.
Mr. John McKenzie, Reeve of
Ashfield, and Mrs. McKenzie, also.
their son and daughter, visited at the
horne of Mr; Bert Thompson, Sun-
Owing to the steady downpour of
rain on Wednesday the picnic which
• was planned in connection with S,S.
No. 10, Morris (Ramsay's School),
iff was postponed, and on Thursday af-
ternoon united with Browntown
▪ community and enjoyed a picnic in
Harry Bosman's grove, The weath-
▪ er was ideal and a good crowd ga-
1 thered to enjoy the outing. One in-
teresting feature was a softball game
between the Bluevale school boys
▪ and a team from Browntown school
- resulting in a victory for Bluevale
III• Other sports and garries were enjoy-
ed, after which the ladies of • the corn -
The happy couple spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Weaver, before leaving on a motor
trip.. They will reside at Mount
Forest.. The bride's many friends in.
this vicinity wish to extend their
best wishes for a long and happy
wedded life.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Emerson, Lille
and James, and Mr. Bert Cullaomre
attended the Langside anniversary,
visited attheh
of Mr.
Mrs. Victor Emerson,
Miss Winnifred Farrier entertain-
ed a number of her Ripley friends
at her home here on Saturday, and
she and Miss Mabel Woods, of St.
Heelns, left on Monday with Mr.
Alton, of Ripley, for Toronto. The
Young ladies ' will take an Arts Sum-
mer Course there, and Mr. Alton is
marking examination papers.
Miss Amelia Leaver, who has been
visiting for the past two weeks at
her home here, returned to London
on Monday.
Mr. Malcolm Ross spent the week-
6da with his sister, Mrs, Parson, of
Master Jimrnie Moore, who has
spent some months with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnston
of Kinloss, returned to his home in
Toronto last Friday.
Miss Winnie Durant, of Toronto,
is visiting with her friend, Miss E.
Married on Wednesday, June 29,
at Walton, by Rev. Mr. Cumming,
Mrs. Lola Bradt, to Mr. James
Hueston, of Walton. Mr. and Mrs.
Amnon Cornelius attended the wed-
ding. Mrs. Bradt was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bradt
of Colborne, and a sister of Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purclon, and
Doreen and Muriel, and Mr. Win,
Purclon and Miss Mabel, motored to
Hensel on Monday. S. Gallaher. Paper "Cost and Care
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hackett and of Linen," Miss Olive Scott. Ladies
munity served, refreshments. The
picnic was pronounced a real social
Miss Anna Dobie, teacher , at S.
S. No. 10, is spending the vacation
at her home in Auburn. Miss Dobie
is engaged to teach again for the
third term.
Miss M. Olive Garniss, of Mount
Forest, is home for the holidays. She
is engaged to teach for another year
at the same salary.
Miss Margaret Wilson, teacher at
Harrow, is spending the vacation
with her mother, Mrs. George Mac-
Robt. Hutcheson, of Toronto, is
spending the week -end with Mrs.
Hutcheson at their summer home
Gordon Messer spent a few days
recently with his cousin, Archie Mc-
Kinney, at Sarnina. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson and Cath-
erine, of London, with C. B. Mot
fatt. .,. p,114,24 LtiMi^4•°'
Mr. and Mrs. Mackay (nee Janet
McVittie) and daughter, Jean, Tor-
onto, and Jack McVittie, of Wind-
sor, visited with their aunt, Mrs. W.
S. Davidsott,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Moffatt and
Stanley and Mrs. J. C. Higgins vis-
ited with Gordon Moffatt at Lon-
Mrs. J. A. Wilson, who has been
visiting with Mrs. George MacDon-
ald for the last three months, has
returned -to her home at Stratford.
During her stay she made many ac-
quaintances and friends who will
welcome her return at any time
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute will be held Thurs-
day afternoon, July 14th, at the home
of Miss Cora Jewitt. Roll Call —
Ways .of keeping floors fresh and
bright. Discussion, Preparing Veg-
etables, led by Mrs. C..Hethering-
ton. Report of District Annual, Mrs.
three children, bf Zion, and Lida Ir-
win, of Toronto, also little C. Van-
ner, of Wingham, visited at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. James Cor -
Moderately Priced.
Each 1VIonth We Repair One
Watch FREE.
Winner for June*
Joe Gamble, Wingham
Phone 5.'
ntilarintl sin 1Ihalli nIJSINeiinailiileitl
Government And
Municipal Bonds L
Also All lxncis of
�yy x A
Phone us, , Wingham „
11111 Iimu 1111 u1w1iillliistld$Ifailitileu(l int
A M. Bishop =
i.. For
of the community are always wel-
come at the meetings.
Rev. Wm. Patterson was at Tees -
water Friday evening and preached
preparatory service for Dr. A. For-
On Thursday evening, June 30th,
a large number of friends and rela-
tives gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Breckenridge, and
presented them with a miscellaneous
shower. The bride and groom were
the recipients of many beautiful and
useful gifts, to which they responded
in a pleasing manner. All present
enjoyed a social evening. Refresh-
ments were served and the remaind-
er of the evening spent in dancing,
Gorge Donaldson, of Toronto, is
spending his vacation at his summer
home here,
George Hockeridge, of Traverse
City, Mich., spent a few days last
week with his brother, John, and
Mrs. 'Hockeridge, and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gannett and
son, Wilbur, Toronto, were visiting
relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garniss and
little daughter, of Detroit, and Mrs.
John Garniss, Lucknow, visited with
friends here for a few days.
Members and : friends of the Un-
ited Church held a picnic on July 1,.
on the banks of the Maitland River,
Bluevale. A large number of friends
and children gathered and had a
most enjoyable time. The baseball,
horseshoe pitching, swings, and races
of all kinds, created great interest
and amusement. After supper which
everyone was ready for, tug-of-war
between married and single men, and
married and single women, entertain-
ed contestants and onlookers alike,
and brought a happy afternoon to a
Minutes of Council meeting held
Bluevale, lone 27th, 1932,
Moved by. Baird and Austin, that
we. protest against the .Bell Tele..
phone Co, moving their line closer
to centra. -of toad allowance on any
Thursday,, July 7th, 1932
I It PaTo ►p at .
1 IkG'S
111 Make Early Preparations to Avoid Disappointmeints
■ in case of unexpected hurry later.
• ® Be sure to see our fine choice of comfortable
■ wearables for men and women we have for sel-
mi action to help you enjoy the 12th.
Summery Dresses
Lovely fine Voiles, Silk Prints,
Celanese Crepes in fashion's
latest Sleeveless Cape and Jack-
et styles, $2.95, $4.85; $6.75 and
■ $9,50.
al Panama flats
So cool and becoming, and so
1111, easy to wear on hot days, $1.98
■ $2,50, $2.95.
® Sport Coats
Nothing smarter than these
White Coats and Jackets, adap-
table for use on so many °e-
ll/ casions, $4.95, $7.50, $9.85.
You'll Want Gloves
ps White, Eggshell and Beige
shadies in Kaysers good line, at
85c, $1.00, $1.25.
Kayser .. Orient Hosiery
Extra qualities at no higher
µd' prices than ordinary makes and
they have the best fitting ank-
les or any on the market. New
prices now $1.00 and $1.25.
What About Cushions
Egi • 19c Each
The greatest boon for picnics
_verandahs, camping, Beach and
■ general use. .„Floral Chintz
■ coverings in various shapes.
am Bargain each 19c.
• Kotex Special
■ New low price now hi effect.
■ 3 pkges. for 88c.
® Auto or Lounge Rugs
at $1.89, 2 for $3.50
Can be put to so many uses
at this season of the year. As-
sorted, plaids, Brown, Green,
■ Blue and Tan mixtures, Spec-
ial $1.89, or 2 for $3.50.
Let us serve you with your July lath Requirements IN
We're Sure You'll Like Our Good
- , �ualitaes.
Cr mom..—...•�r�mm�vc."
These Specials for Friday, :'ar,gain Day
• Girls' Pantie Dresses $1.00
■ Kayser Semi Service Hose 1.00
Gossard Garter Girdles $1.50
$3.50 Wool Swim Suits $1.98
50c Single Bed Sheeting 33c
40 in. Factory Cotton 17c
85c Awning Strings 49c
55c White Table Oilcloth ..39c
Natural 'Shade Canton Flan -
el, 2 yards 25c
Here You Are Men!
White Shirts of Course
Be correctly dressed for July
12th celebration. Have a White
Shirt with blending accessor-
ies, Separate collar and collar
attached lines at $1.79 and 1.95.
Cool Underwear
B. V. D's. or Balbriggan gar-
ments in sleeveless and short 19
sleeve styles, combinations and ■
separate garments, 59c, $75c,
a▪ l
98c, $1.35.
New Ties
Various color combinations ■
in the new small designs for
summer, 2 for $1.00, $1.00 and
$1.25. ■
White Braces You'll IIII
need 411andregular styles in
fine loolessm and silk elastics, 39c
to 75c.
Garters, Arm Bands, Belts,NI NI
in a selection of styles and col- ■ 3 t
ors, 39c, 50c, 75c. ■
Straw Flat Sale $1.77 ■
All our fine Straw Hats in IN
the popular sailor style, regu- ■
larly priced $2.50, $3.00 and
$3.25, July 12th special $1.77. ■
Men's Holeproof Socks
Silk mixtures, wool mixtures ■
and pure silk weights in want ■
ed shades of grey, tan, blue or ■
black and white, 39c, 50c, 79c, III
81.00. ”. •
White Trousers•
Lovely English Flannels in
plait. shade or neat stripes that i
are so dressy and serviceable. ■
Specially priced at $4.95. Also ■
White Duck Trousers that are ■
much liked at $2.95.
Large Bath Towels, a quarter each.
McCormick's Fresh Sodas 10c pi
2 Heinz Baked Beans 25c ■
McDonald Brier Tobacco, 3 a
49c ■
60c Black Tea, Special 39c
Fresh Bordeauk Walnuts 39c ■
July will be `a month of Extra Values with us. a
■ Come along and have us supply your wants. ■
Men's Balbriggan Und'wear 59c m
A11 Wool Flannel Blazers $1,98
All Wool Swim Sults .......„$1,69 1111
Men's Good Broadcloth Shirts 111
at $1.29 al
Forsyth Combinations 98c
Men's Holeproof Socks .....-,39c
6 yds. Cheesecloth 25c
81 in. Bleeched Sheeting 49c ■
Fresh Salmon; 2 tins 29c
2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat 23c
3 Maple Leaf Lard 25c
Fresh Cocoanut 29c
3 Heintz Tomato Soup (lar-
ge) for 39c
6 Bars Comfort Soap 25c
■ s •■
■ ■
filimiiiaummu ■■■■■■■■■■■Animr/ mmo
Township road. Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
A. J. Nortrop, relief $2,05; Mtun-
dy's, relief, $3,60; Bell Telephone,
Co., acct,, $1.05; R. Breen, sheep
killed by dogs, $45,00; Patrolmen: J.
McGlynn $179.35, W. Breckenridge
$256.10, $31.75; W. J. Campbell'
$174.30; C. Casemore $155.65; C.
Dickson $295,70, J. H. Wylie $344,-
80, A. Forgie $420.05, W. Sharpin
$70.95, Wnt. Orr $359.45, F. Hogg
$248.65, J. McKinnon $163.70, A.
Moffatt $285.10., J. T. Wylie, Supt,,
$56.70; H. Bosman, acct., $41.75;
Mrs. E. Bennett, acct:, $4.00; M.
Sanborn, posts, $7.00; Moffatt, hard-
ware acct., $11.62,
Moved by Douglas and Baird, that
we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on
August 8th, 1932, at 1 p.m.
W. R. Cruikshank, I. J. Wright,
Clerk. Reeve,
Donald Young,. of Lambeth, spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Gierhart and child-
ren, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ings, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon.
Mrs, Brooks and Mrs. Skelton, of
Centralia, visited with Mrs. Scand-
Miss Stella Nethery who is teach-
ing in Montreal, is home with her
mother kr the holidays,
Miss • Belle Allison, of London, is
visiting with old friends in the vil-
Miss Sarah Cole of Hamilton spent
the week -end at her, hoine here.
Jack McKenzie, of Windsor, is
home for the holidays.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed Mrs, Kelsie's funeral in Clifford.
Mr. ,and Mrs, Josh. Walsh and
Gordon Walsh attended a school re-
union at Hornby where. Mr. Walsh
went to school as a boy,
Mr, Jno. Campbell and family
spent the week -end with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler have
returned from their wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 erb, Wheeler at-
tended a reunion near Toronto.