HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-06-30, Page 4PAGE TWO geat !en! irs" CAGE AND FLOOR STAND Value $1:5.00 To our best customer. Receipts with every purchase. Contest closes on Saturday, July Zin;d at Midnight. Be sure and return your receipts on or before the above date, McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE D Skye Ontario 'Ming ham kr .4.V V1l �,V ala V VT ' V ,9V l.VtdVr -4-4$V1 1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. ^r'•11f&W ra\e a n • • ii`+•n'7'4•\tYil • • • u • • malt lane •l9Yettre 'triehea ra:11anin l • 15ig N GROOM turtE FOR SALE --Walnut, good as new, cheap fur -quick. sale. Apply Advance -Times. FOR SALE -Broilers, alive or dead. ].. D. Beecroft, phone 614r5. FOR SALE -House and lot, corn- er of John and Minnie Streets, Wingbam. Duplex house with a double garage. For terms and par- ticulars. Apply to J. W. Bushfield,. Wingham, Ont, FOR SALE -Good Barn 80x36, also ome good .ccs. second hand bricks.- ricks.- Apply to T. Fells. FOR SALE -Some young Pigs. Ap- ply John R. Salter, phone 618r11. FOR SALE -Red Brick House, all' modern conveniences, tour bed- rooms, hardwood floors downstairs USE `'IIitiG BUG KILLER', on all vegetable plants and flowers, it kills the bugs, prevents blight, fer- tilizes the plant. Fresh stock of Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, Paris Green, Hay Rope, Oil Stoves, Garden Tools on hand - Buchanan Hardware. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 8th, at 2 o'clock p.m, for the Construc- tion of a concrete bridge opposite Lots 85, Con. 8 and 9. This bridge is a 10 ft. span and to conform with the Highway regulations. Plans, etc. may be seen at the Clerk's office. The Iowest or any tender not neces- sarily acecpted, A. Porterfield, Clerk. ---wired for electric stove, good gar- . age, Easy terms. Apply H. T. Thompson. LETANNA S. (2.06514) HORSES WANTED -83.00 to 5.00 Apple to R. Laidlaw, phone 366j. Son of Unko (2.11) - Sire of Extreme Speed) , HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS Dam Letha S. 2094 - housework, fond of children and Letanna S. will make the season willing to work. Apply- to Advan- of 1932 at $20 to•insure. ce-Tine.. L ti 1 t tt HOUSE FOR RENT - Up-to-date. Apply to J. W. Hanna. IN CONSEQUENCE OF declining health we are . desirous of selling' our home, corner of Josephine and Alfred Streets. Beautifully situated having nearly all modern conven- iences and in good order. Apply at residence. Geo. Mason. LOST - Female Collie, 1 year old. Tan with a little white on the neck Finder please return to Wm. Dick insan, Teeswater or Dr. A. T. Ford �i� ingham. SHARES SOLES and belts for plows MORTGAGE SALE -guards, bolts. sections and riv- ets for mowers and binders. Roy Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of East Wawanosh etanna rasatrotting race re- cord of (2706.i) the Iast half in (1.01:0 and has several of his colts now racing at close to his own re- cord and a brother U' riko with a re - cc +rd of (2,09x), He is a handsome brown thick smooth horse, stands 15z hands high; weights about 1150 lbs., has the best of feet and legs, a beautiful head and neck, deep strong shoulders, stout back and the best disposition poss- ible in a stallion. Any further information gladly furnished pertaining to Letanna S., one of the greatest living trotting stallions. E. G. PLUM, Brussels, Ont. al Service Station. TENDERS -Will be received by the nnderaioned until Friday, Tudy 15, for painting the interior of Sch,tl hon e of ti S. No. 8 East Wawa - nosh. For further particulars ap- ply to I'. 1), McLean, Seer-Treas., Bel;rave. TO RENT -Furnished Cottages, ba- the ythe week or ntt'nth, a. Point Clarke. Vc ry c n -e enient water inside, beatuiiul surra undines, This. is a real reatin.: place fear tired nerves. Select the dates you want now. Walter Rena 1trus els, Ont. 'S\rARN.ING : To the .'wners and ec- cupants of land in Turnberry. The Weed Act is still in force. Des- troy them before they ego t•r seed. Tont, K. Powell, Weed Inspector. It Will Pay You To Have An EXPERT AUCTIONEER to conduct your sale. See, T. R. BENNETT At The Royal Service Station. Phone 174W. ; Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain anort- g,are, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at Geddes' Ho- tel, in the Village of l3eigrave, on Saturday. the 16th day of July, A.D. 1932. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by T. R. Bennett, auctioneer, the fol- lowing property namely: ,all and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises sit- uate, lying: and being in the Town- ship of East \Vawano_sh in the C»un- - t.* of Huron and Province of (intar- i • and being QOM r r'e:d of the east l alt tet I_„t number 'Thirty -cure in the Sixth Cence' ion of the said Town - ' Kirin ,+f Fast \Vawna,:; la, ct.;nt:siatinc OM' hundred acres {,f land mire ver Jess, Thi • property is Situate on a good road about •,even miles from the Vil- lage of Belgrave. The soil is clay loam and the land as m a tan- slate of cultivation. On this property is said to be a c�n,or1 frame barn on stone founda- taor<. a straw shed and cement house. TERMS OF SALE; Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the 'balance within thirty R. C. ARMSTRONG days thereafter. LIVE STOCK And GENERAaL, .The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserved bid, Further particulars AUCTIONEER� p a tacuiar, and conditions Ability with special training en- atblesme to give you satisfaction. Ar- rangements 'made with W. J. $gown, Wfnghant; or direct to Teeswater. Phone 45r24. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER 0 Years' Experience in Parm Stoc and Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone 381. pf sale will .be made known on the day of 'sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. Dated at \t`intihant, Ontario, the twenty-ninth dayof lune, A.D. 1932. T. R. Bennett, J. 11. CRAWFORD, Winntaatn, Ont. Winghaan, ` Ont. Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor' "Arthur, darling, will you grant Me one little wish?" "Certainly, darling. It cannot b too little." TI -I WINGI-IAM ADVANCE, -TIMES IN MEMORIAM NIXON-In loving memory of our dear Mother, who passed' SA \ ay un july 2, 1931, God •knew that you were suffering, in,g, J -ie knew you were in pain, He knew that you could never Get better in this world again. He saw the road was getting rough r The hills were hard to elinib, So he chased her weary eyelids, And whispered "Peace be thine." - Sadly missed by her sons and , daughters. Mother If all the world were urine to give I'd give it, yes and more To clasp the band of mother And see her smile once more. You, who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll. never know her value. Till you see her empty chair. -Sadly missed by her sons. , en,t111111., ttt,,,t,,,,t,tt„Itt,,, tt, tttt„R NEWS of the DISTRICT 111tt!tut11111411112tM1111111.11411111ttttitNtttll tt♦ttttttetttelfttrl, Lucknow Rector Given Transfer Lucknow - Rev. E. O. Gallaher, who for the past few years has been rector of St. Peter's Anglican Church here, has been notified of the appointment made by Bishop Seager, by which he will be trans- ferred to St. Thomas Church, Owen Sound, and Rev. 3, H. Geoghegan, of Owen Sound, will be transferred to this charge. The exchange will take place about July 10. Mr. Gall- aher has been a very faithful work- er both in church and social activ- ities and his many friends wish him success in his new field, Saw Deer-. teea Mr. Harold Schmehl, while driv- ing to Stratford one day last week, saw a young deer an the road be- tween Gladshill and Stratford. It en- deavored to get through the cabling on the side of the road and fell, but turned and made over the ditch on the other side. Mr. Schmehl said it did not appear greatly alarmed. - Milverton Sun. To Enter Missionary Work Miss E. Ricker of the Collegiate staff, has'resigned and goes to Tor- onto to spend a year in special pre- paration for missionary work, hav- ing been accepted for mission work in the United Church of Canada. - Clinton News -Record. Dredge Sinks but Crew 'Rescued Goderich - Forced to jump into the windswept waters of Lake Hur- on when the dredge on which they were being towed split asunder and sank, the captain and eleven mem- bers of the crew of the Government Dredge No. 1, were rescued by the tugs Max L. of Amherstburg and Peel, and later brought to Goderich. The near disaster occurred last Thursday afternoon about 15 miles off Goderich and the crew had a miraculous escape. The dredge left Sarnia on Wednesday afternoon and was north -bound to Kincardine. It' was about three miles below Bay- field the strong northwest gale caus- ed a heavy sea which broke over the dredge. Two siphons and a pump were going and the tugs were un- able to hold her, the lines breaking as she went down. The tugs stood by as near as they could, Heaving Tines were thrown to the men on the dredge, which some of them grasped and were pulled to safety on the tugs, but the majority jumped and swam, Peculiar Accident A peculiar accident happened on Saturday last. Mr. M. Fisher was driving his car down Main Street, and as he turned the car on to Wal- lace street the car door came open ;and Mr. Fisher's young son was thrown from the car on to the pave - 'mein. .One finger was badly cut, and his head was injured. He was taken to the hospital and given immediate attention. He is now making a rap- id recovery. -Listowel Standard. Truck and Train Collide , While gathering cream for the Wellington Produce Co. on Saturday afternoon last the truck which Mr. Adam Seip was driving was struck by a freight train on the Owen Sound C.N.R. near Ayton. The rear end of the truck was badly wrecked, and Mr. Seip was taken to the Han- over hospital suffering from a cut on one leg and other bruises. He was able to leave the hospital on Sunday'' afternoon and was on the route' on Monday again, with his 'son driving. tt , was a narrow escape.-Harriston Review. Seriously injured in Car Crash Mr. George F. Brooks, concession 2, Huron, met with a serious acci- detat, on Monday evening. Rettarn• ing from Lucknow in his car, he had IL:uA':rdl•es.:� Thursday, June 30th, 193Z i' <l,+tittai `su v pj Holiday Cerin s Men's OUTING TROUSERS Khaki Outing Trousers of good quality Duck; have watch pocket, two side and two hip pockets; turned cuffs. A low price for a sensible knock-ar- ound pant. Sizes 32 to 44. Pr. Z.7 MEN'S SHIRTS All white and good selection of smart stripes, collar attached or separ- ate collar. Sizes 131- to 17. Each 1029 MEN'S SOCKS Men's Socks in many fancy patterns, get foot comfort with a pair of these25c 10 to 11• at, pair MEN'S PYJAMAS Men's. Broadcloth Pyjamas for hot weath- er wear, full fitting for comfortr and priced right. Sizes 34 to 44 1 o a, MEN'S BATHING SUITS Men's good quality all 1 0 1 1 wool Bathing Suits ,•. z r o Balbriggan COMBINATIONS Men's Button and Buttonless Balbriggan Underwear, natural cream colors. A real garment at this low price 1 c2� Men's RAYON UNDERWEAR Fine quality run -resist rayon Combinations delightfully cool for summer wear,on Sizes 34 to 40. Garment t _o Help Make July ist A MESH UNDERWEAR The newest fine underwear in mesh, pantie style, one has elastic top, other style, close fitting button top. Brassiers to match ............•....... 49c 1 000 Mesh Slips and Combinations Mesh top yoke fitting, run -resist Rayon, bottom lace trimmed, combinations all mesh excepting brassiere part which is tight knit with h ig ni rayon wi deep hook aa�� fasten; all sizes. Garment .................. L29 Cotton Crepe Nightgowns Printed crepe gowns with dainty 1 el a� trim, 52 size, reg. $1.65 m %J KIDDIES' WASH SOCKS A real summer children's sock at a low price, give constant hard wear, 2 styles,, full range of colors. Pair CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Children's Cotton Bloomers, elas- 1 tic at knees and top. ... ..-:.,,................ PICNIC CLOTHS Japanese cloths are so colorful, and easily laundered, two sizes, 45x45 at 39c. S larger sibes, 54x54, each • TOWELS A splendid towel at this low price, pat- terned border in green, rose, blue, alaa mauve. Size 20x40. Each . __.-......eg C KIDDIES' BEACH PYJAMAS Linene 2 -piece style, elastic at waist, con- trasting color trim, four different colors, a satisfactory beach pyjama that 69c_ Iaunders easily. appy One Children's COVERALL Suits Children's Play Suits, colors blue or Khaki; ankle length, long sleeves, will stand hard wear and constant washing, button drop seat. Sizes 4 to 69c 7. Now DAINTY HOUSE FROCKS Prints, linens,many styles to choose from. All at one popular price. Q Each VOILES I,n Short Stout Styles Sizes 18i- to 26z, smart summer styles in Fine Voiles, various colors and 4m25 designs. COTTON DRESSES Smart well designed cotton frocks for morning or afternoon wear, piques, fine prints, everyone fast colors, up to the minutes styles. 1.49 and L95 Inexpensive VOILE DRESSES Chiffon voiles, kent voiles, dresses that would sell regular around $5.00. We shared in a special buy. Light al and dark colors. 36 to'44. Each • a 5 Silk Georgette DRESSES Suitable for party or afternoon wear, and reduced to clear. Sizes only 14, 16, 18, 181•, 20. Colors, maize, pink, nile, beige, blue. Regular 1 $16.50. o CLEA .A Summer NCE o Our stock of Summer Hats. reduced to clear, two distinct groups, hats selling i. finery regular to $4.50 reduced to clear .. . MariZIONIOSSIMIONIII Yl q -n>r±rt�i 0: t-, :r w:• fir ti taken the route going north from Station Street to the second conces- sion, thence turned west on the lat- ter, on his way home. At the in- tersection of this road and the Luck - now gravel road, his car was struck broadside by another car also com- ing from Lucknow. The latter car Depot Closed After 60 Years which was said to be travelling at Eden Grove, or "Pinkerton Stat - a high rate of speed, wrecked the ion„ as it is styled in the railway Brooks car and Mr. Brooks who was time -tables, and whieh commenced alone, received injuries which neces- sitated ee sitated his removal to Goderich hos old Wellington, Grey and Bruce rail- pital, where he was found to be sof- way in 1872, is to be closed after Tering from a fractured skull, brok _ rurrctioning continuously for sixty en ribs and other internal injuries.- years. Ripley Express. 1 This is in accordance with a let- ter received on Saturday last by Kincardine May Get Factory Reeve D. W. Gregg of Brant from Mr. Tamlison, Brantford, address- the C.N.R. headquarters, Toronto, ing the town council at an adjourn- and is in the form of the usual ten ed meeting Tuesday night intimated days' notice that precedes the going that a new industry might be brought into effect of the order. -Zi alkerton to Kincardine, if the council is will Herald -Times. ing to make a proposition that will be suitable to the company. The Took a Little Jaunt ccmpany is looking .for a suitble site Fitzsimons' delivery horse caused for a tractor factory, and in the part some excitement the other day by of the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co. making a dash down the street, plant now used by the curlers have dragging his tether and weight. He found what they seek. RE'view-Reporter, Belwood Man Owner of Twin Colts Mr. W. G. Gerrie of Belwood had a pleasant surprise last week when he found twin colts in his pasture field. They are a lively little pair. - Arthur Enterprise -News. its existence with the opening of the toff the vehicle and a good bit of his hampering harness, and finally made Creek Bed to be Straightened a- dash for his home barn. .The county road superintendent A few breakages had to be mend eel here and there after the little ex - commenced work on Wednesday on citement but no very serious damage the straightening of the creek bed on was done: -Clinton News -Record, the old red mill property on Absa- lom Street, Mildmay. At present the current approaches the bridge Tara Fair Gets Largest Grant from divergent angles, threatening to The Arran -Tara Fall Fair this undermine the abutments. When the year will receive the largest County creek bed is straightened, it will be grant of any of the fairs in the coun- an easier matter to clean up this ty, the amount to be received being property; -Mildmay Gazette. $213.00, an increase of $68.00 over last year. The new ruling on grants Turtle which wd as passe at the June ses- The Homing Last week from the murky waters sion of the County Council bases the of Teeswater River there emerged to grants on the amount of rironies paid be captured a mud turtle some 14,by c+trt by each fair for prizes for agri- 12 inches of tip surface of shell. cultural products. Fairs that cater 'This denisan of the fresh water was to amusements such as horse races, first caught in Teeswater in 1890 and. side shows, etc., will be the losers has the name 1llatthew Scott cut in, in this case, -Tara Leader. to the shell, also W. fax 69. Again in 1900 it carne to our shores and Saturday Night's Storm was cared up with W. P. 1900 and Many telephones and radios in the the. initials T. E. It has been placed' cast portion of the town were put hack in he water 10 1932 again, out of commission in the storm on narkeG. 'R,, and T. McP., J, H.,` Saturday night last.'The tower of H. E. and M. E. 52, years have the C.N.R. station was struck and elapsed since its first appearance in some "sitingles ripped off. lfrs. Me - Inas been in 'Ihvainhouse on Netivgate street, Teeswater waters, and �t the hands of three different sets of captors. When will this Teewater turtle' show up again,a and how big will it be. How old is the mord turtle now? The last to carve up the ter tle were Mr. Gordon McPherson and Mr. Thomson McPherson. Tees water News. was struck and some damage done, including; putting the radio out of commission, fir. Willis' place on'. South street also was struck. The storm was not' long in duration but the lightning and thunder were sev- ere. Some flooded cellars also were ted. Goderich Star. Two Fires in One Day wn Fire of unkn i o origin broke out g in the barn of Mrs. R. Gamble, 12th of Wallace last week. The barn was practically destroyed before it was noticed. Shortly after noon the same day fire broke out at the home of Mr. A. Melville, 8th of Wallace. The afire was caused from an overheated stove pipe and started on the roof which was badly damaged. Word was sent to the Palmerston fire brigade for ,assistance and the truck was immed- iately taken to the scene. Other than the roof it is believed that lit- tle damage was done. - Palmerston Spectator, Suicided by Hanging Mr. William Rekopf, a well-known farmer residing on the 12th con. of Carrick, about 32 miles east of the Walkerton road, committed suicide by hanging himself to a tree in his orchard. FARMERS' MONSTER DELEGATION GOES TO OTTAWA The delegation of farmers' who will go to Ottawa to interview the Government on Saturday, July 16th, will, from all accounts, be largely at- tended. Arrangements have been made that the fare from Toronto to Ottawa and return will be $4.50, and corresponding reductions will be made for those who go between the place of entrainment and Toronto, The train leaves Toronto 11.10 p. nr, Friday, July 15th, or one may take the train which leaves at 5 p.ni. Friday. The return train from Ot- tawa'l»ill leave at 6 p.m., Saturday, July 16th, or if any desire they may leave Ottawa at 1.00 p.m. or 10.45 p.m. Saturday or 10.45 p.m. Sunday night. All trains schedules on Stand- ard Time. Any further particulars desired can be had from the United Farmers of Ont., Duke and George Streets, Toronto. FLO-GLAZE Paint is su- perior. This is the result of careful research and expari- anent by expert scientists in FLO-GLAZE laboratories. Raw linseed oil is subjected to a mechanical --not chemical -treatment which renders it free flowing and self -levelling. This treated oil is used in mak- ing FLO-GLAZE Paint. This is why FLO-GLAZE Paint leaves no brush marks, but flows the moment it is ap- plied to an even, smooth filth of highly protective quality with no corrugations to catch dust and dirt. This is why PLO -GLAZE Paint covers more, looks better, ,„ lasts longer and costs less per 1 square foot of painted surface. .a PLO -GLAZE paint is superior. _. N Elmer Wilkinson i i i Decorator