HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-06-23, Page 301110.11 k IO31t]'ICK COUNCIL Council meet in the Town Hall, in Wroxeter, pursuant to adjournment. All remembers were present, the Reeve being in the chair. Minutes of last regular also spec- ial meeting were read and, on mo- tion of .Taylor and Bryans, were ad- opted, Moved by Taylor and Lovell that no action be taken on bill presented for board of Geo. Harris and in their opinion he should be committed to the County Home until health is im- proved, and that otherwise they shall take no further action in regard to his maintenance. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Weir, that the tender of Fred Mahood for con- structing culvert opposite lot 4, con. 14, for the sum of $819.00, also his tender for constructing culvert op- posite lot 10, con. 13, for the sum of $256,00, be accepted. Carried. Moved by Taylor and Lovell, that the Reeve and Councillor Weir be a committe to secure Inspectors for Culverts. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Taylor that this Council do now adjourn to open Court of Revision. Carried. Meeting of Council resumed. Moved by Weir and Taylor, that Norman Clegg be giventhe sum of $50.00 for relief. Carried. Moved by Taylor and Lovell, that doyou need WE CAN SUPPLY ANY STYLE BEFORE PLACING YOURORDER PHONE US FOR PRICES Look The Maple Leaf The Sip of 'Quality Books" the report of the School Attendance Officer be • accepted and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Weir and Bryans, that the following bills be paid: Mrs. H. Chamberlain, services re Sarah Dodds $6.00; B. L. R. Kelly, MD, services re Geo. Harris $2.00; Leon- ard Ruttan, sheep killed and injured by dogs- $10.00; Isaac Gamble, part salary, as Clerk $40.00; G. A. Gibson, repairing sidewalk and fence along dam, Wroxeter, $18.25; R.' H. Carson and Son, supplies for Twp. Hall $5.- 50; Airs. H. Dane, board and services re Sarah Dodds $58.00; 3. H. Rogers assisting Road Account Auditor, $5.- 00; W. R. Hambly, M.D., services re Mrs, Selling. $125.00; H, C. Dane, taking Mrs. Selling to and from Lon- don $12.00; St. Joseph's Hospital, nursing and attendance Mrs. Selling $54.90; Municipal World, Collector's Rolls and Supplies $11.64; Mrs, . M. C. Knight, pt. salary as School At. Officer $24.00; Ross Bayliss, sheep injured by dogs $3.00; Norman Clegg Relief $50.00; Stanley Wolfe, sup- plies for Mrs. Haberlee $40.00. Road Expenditures Thos Wright, with grader and gravelling $6.30; Delbert Clegg, lev- elling road side $8.50; Wm. Austin, moving big grader $2.00; Wm. Aus- tin, moving culvert $6.00; Ed. Mc- Callum, repairs to culvert $1.50; Ol- iver Gallaway, printing signs $4,00; Dom. Road Ivlach. Co., repairs to crusher $130.54; Ben. Hyslop, drag- ging and rep. to culvert $9.00; John McCutcheon, dragging $8.00; Lott Viney, work at crusher $24.00; Oscar Weiler, work at crusher $17.55; Ce- cil Wilson, loading tracks $15.60; R. Walters, power for crusher $48.00; Victor Foster, repairs mud lake $2.00 John Winter, repairs mud lake $1.00, Harold Foster, team at mud lake .80, Geo. Paulin, dragging with grader $7,80; D. D. Sanderson, team on grader $4.00; John Gibson, team on grader $4.00; Geo. Townsend, dragg- ing $6.80; R. H. Edgar, freight on repairs $2.40; Geo, Ashton, staking road $2.00; Earl Corbett, drawing tile to grader $7.60; Roy Vogan, trucking gravel $69.30; Chas. Koch, trucking gravel $172.35; Roy Sim- mons, scraping to crusher $55.72; E. Downey, 796 yd. gravel $47.76; Louis Gibson, repair to culvert $1.50; San- ford Zimmerman, .comp. wire fence, $6.00; Wm. Caudle, dragging $5.40; Robt. Baker, repair to culvert $17.40; E. Thomas, repair to culvert $13.60; F1.1 APilto P•.•P4Alwar.J PERSONS Kes; or Injured toris r 4' . *• Aides ne year e,fira use oF CA E Sa. l SS Drive Walk SAFELY! IVfOTORR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Leojiolci Macaulay, miNisrEn Ted Newton, repairs to culvert $1. 80; Waldo Weir, repairs to culver $5.80; Wes. Underwood, putting in culvert $3,80; Oliver Stewart, dragg ing $6.80; John Fleet, repairs to cul vert $3,00; Norman Behrns, comp wire fence $8.00; Fred Mahood, out ting hill and levelling roadside $48. 40; Bert Hubbard, cutting hill $25. 20; Wm. Reis, cutting hill $6,00 Lionel Mahood, shovelling on hil $12,60; Morley Wright, shovelling on hill $12,69; John Montgomery, opp big grader $49,20; Fred Hyndman power for big grader $266.85; R. F. Edgar, Road Supt. $72.40; Wm. Aus- tin,'repairs culvert and grader $8.30; Matt. Auger, shovelling $4.00; Geo. McKee, repair culvert and moving grass $9,80; John Hyndman, culvert tile and gravelling $39.20; Smith In- glis, work with grader $5.40; Arthur Forester, staking road and stone, $6,60; Wm. Darcy, brushing $2,25; C. Ettinger, team brushing $4,00; E. Hargrave, moving stone $5.00; G. A. Gibson, facing abutment $61,45; E. Day, receipts $2.00; Tom Day, drag- ging $11.20; Jas. Walkom, repairs to culvert and weeds $14.75; W. Wade repairs to culvert $3,20; Jas, Magof- fin, repair to culvert $2.20; Wm. Stewart, weeds and team $8,00; Fred Demmerling, cutting weeds, $3.80; Thos. Strong, dragging and repair to roads $7.20; Bank of Commerce, Cheques for road accounts $21.00; R. H. Carson, grease, oil, bolts $7.34; Bucks Robertson, making fill $30.00, John Hyndman, culvert tile $53.45; F. J. Gadcke, material for culvert $10.60; Wm. Wilson, cedar for cul- vert $9,15. Moved by Lovell and Taylor, that this Council do ,now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in July. Car- ried. BELMORE Delegates from Walkerton, Luck - now, Teeswater, Holyrood, attended the District meeting of the Wom- en's Institute in the Community Hall Wednesday afternoon, June 8th. In all over 70 were present, A splendid meeting was held through the com- bined efforts of Mrs. Sterling Has- kins, Mrs. Mulvey and Mrs. Abram. A bountiful luncheon was served to all at the close of the meeting. Mr. Clarkson Douglas is taking treatment in Toronto. We sincerely hope it will be beneficial, The Mission Circle of the Pres- byterian Church are having a social evening at George Lane's. Miss Katherine Foster of New- bridge, was a visitor at George Herd's, Sunday. Minnie Jeffray was a visitor on the tenth, Saturday. A large number turned out to the bee at McIntosh cemetery Wednes- day afternoon. The men had a mind to work with scythes, sickles, lawn- mowers. All at work, it soon look- ed like a different spot. The ladies served lunch on the church lawn. It was indeed work coupled with pleas- ure. Mrs. Herd had a quilting bee on Wednesday and Thursday. Air. Robt, John Barton and his nephews, of New York, called at Mrs.., Jeffray's Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming, London, Fri- day. W Thursday, June 23rd, 1932 - men's Institute at Wroxeter Thurs- t day of last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. Simson, Mr, a - Mrs. Sheldon Bricker and Jack, al - Emmerson Shera, left on Monday f a motor trip to Erie, Penn., whe. they will visit Mr, and Mrs, Edwa Laird. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Wade, For wich, were guests of Mr, and Mr 1 Isaac Wade on Sunday. Don't forget the Strawberry Fe tival t, be held at Victoria Par , Carrie; Tuesday, June 28th, and the auspices of the W. A. of ti United Church. This promises to a real treat. See advt, in other c umn of paper. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Stafford as a baby daughter b come to make her home with the Mr. Herbet Neill has returne from a motor trip up through No there Ontario, motoring as far nort as Cochrane, visiting his sons their farm . at Matheson. Althoug this country is not so well settle in the summer months tourists fin refreshment stands at every turn a most, except for 65 miles at Timag ami, this being Indian and Pores Reserve. North of Kirkland Lak the only town where the mines ar anyway active at all, but from ther north are numerous mining tower as far north as the mining countr goes. Mr. Neill found the roads i fine condition, being mostly rock an gravel. The farming land is clay, an is sold in sections, covered most] by bush. It certainly is most inter esting to talk with Mr. Neill of thi trip. Dr. and Mrs. Ramage were Gal visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Underwood of Wingham i visiting her daughter, Mrs. Georg Foster this week. Mr. Thos. Nickolls has returne home from Guelph where he visite his daughter, Mrs. Hockridge. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Clifford, wer Sunday guests of Mrs. James Bell. Owing to Masonic Services bein held in the Anglican Church, Ford wich, on Sunday afternoon, servic was held in Gorrie on Sunday morn ing, the rector, Rev. Jones, occupy ing the pulpit, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright an family of Lakelet, visited with Airs James Bell on Friday, Mr. Eddo Wright returning home with them after spending a few days with hi grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grainge were Sunday visitors in Guelph. One day last week. Mrs. Knowlson had the pleasure of picking off her own vines a ripe tomato, while sev- eral more were fully matured. Mrs. Alvin Moffatt and family of Wroxeter returned to their home on Wednesday last after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathers. Miss Verna Osborn spent Sunday at her home near Monkton. Mr. Sandy Edgar visited his bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar, in Walkerton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Gadke in Fordwich. Miss Agnes Edgar and friends spent Sunday in Owen Sound. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walker in the death of their infant son, Elmer Dave, who was buried here on Thursday last. Friends of Mrs. .Pritchard will be pleased to hear she is able to be up a while and also sitting on the ver- nd SO or re rd d- s. ss. k, er ie be o C. as m. d r h at h d' d 1- t e e e- s, y n d d y s t s e d d e g e d n s r Isaac Gamble, Clerk. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. George Foster visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Underwood of Wingham. The latter returned with them and is spending, a few days there., Rev. Harvey D. Moyer, of Pres- ton, gave an interesting Temperance sermon on Sunday morning in the United Church in the interests of Prohibition of Ontario Union. He also spoke at Orangeville in the af- ternoon. Miss Anne Douglas visited with her brother, Clarkston, in Toronto, over the week -end, who is in poor health. The Anglican Garden Party held on Friday evening was a decided Success in every way. The program was well put on and was very hum- orous throughout. Fergus, Mrs, Barton and baby, of I'crgus, are at present visiting with Mrs. P. Stinson, Miss Janet Ruttan was a visitor with Miss Dorothy Edwards on Sun- day. • Mr, Sandy Hastie has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks with his brother, I(en, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' Xing were Sunday visitors with W. A. and Mrs. Xing. Quite a number from here attend- ed tlte: annual meeting Of the Wo- M ands, Mrs. Edward Galbraith is spending a few clays with Mr, and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs• Reddon and fancily of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Attwood, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Matt- hew Anger, last week, lklr. Hugh McLean, of Harriston, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Earng- ey. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton and sons, Billy and Tommy, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Brawley at Point Clarke. Mrs. R. S. Clegg spent Sunday with her sister,Mrs.Patrick, e. Brus- sels, Miss Bertha Eat1, of Ethel, spent the week -end, with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and no c Mrs. Thos. Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ritchie, also Joe and Harry Qucrin, of Toronto, call- ed on Mrs. 5, Munro on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W, Pyke spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. James, of Al- landale, are -.guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, V. -Iolmes this week, Mrs, S. Greer, anti daughter, Miss •elva also Mrs, A Welsh, all of Toronto, were guests of . Mr. and Mrs. Holmes on 'Wednesday last. Mrs. Mervin Walker., of Coldwat- er, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. J. Walker, Mrs. Lackic of Lucan, and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wadsworth, of Selkirk, af- ter spending two weeks with the for- mcr's another, Mrs. Neill, returned to their homes. Messrs, Roy Strong, Midford Nash, Sandford Zimmerman, Percy Ashton have returned from Goderieh where they were on the jury. Rev. Canon Weaver, of Harriston, will occupy the pulpit of St. Steph- en's Church on Sunday. Mrs. Charles King spent last week in London returning on Sunday with her brother, Mr. Sam Willis, also Mr. Joe Barnard, of London. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross and dau- ghter, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Rev. Jones is the proud possessor of a new chevrolet. Miss Rose Taylor who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Knowlson, returned to Kitchener Iast week. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sunnucks and family, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Herzog. Mr. Herzog motored to Toronto on Sunday evening, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and son of Blyth, Mrs. Leakie and Miss Bas- com of Kincardine, Mrs, Patterson, Mrs. Willis, also Miss Gerry Wing - ham, were guests of Dr .and Mrs. Armstrong on Sunday. W. A. OF UNITED CHURCH MEETING The regular meeting of the W. A. of the United Church, Gorrie, was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pyke on Wednesday of last week at 2.30 p.m. with a good attendance. The ladies employed themselves working the Autograph quilt which promises to be a very attractive quilt. The meeting opened by singing hymn 12, followed with prayer by the President, Mrs. W. G. Strong. The Scripture Lesson, Psalm 19, was read by Mrs. Chas. Black, Hymn 380 was then sung. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, after which arrangements were made for the Strawberry Social to be held on Tuesday, June 28th in Victoria Park. The meeting closed with hymn 230 and prayer by the Pastor, Rev. Butt. Refreshments were served by the lunch committee and the hostess. WROXETER Bonn -In Howick, on June 1'7, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Stafford (nee Ethyl Wassman), a baby girl - Thelma Gertrude. Born - In Waterloo, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacLean, formerly of Wroxeter, a daughter. Mrs. Munroe and her son, Dr. Jno. Munroe left Wednesday morning on a motor trip to Quebec to visit Don- ald Munroe and family. They were accompanied by their guest, Miss E. I3enington, of Cleveland. Change of Date -The Garden par- ty arranged under the auspices of :Salem 'United Church for Juno 29th, will take place Friday evening of this week, June 24th, at the home of Mr. Wm, Cathers. ' Mr. and k[rs. Alex. Sanderson and family were Sunday visitors at the hone of Airs. MacDougall, Mrs. VanVelsor and Laurie mot- ored to Weston on Friday. They were accompanied on their return by Miss Rona VanVelsor, who spent the week -end at her home. Mrs. James Sangster returned to Weston with Miss Rona VanVelsor, where she will visit friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill and Afr. and Mrs, J. I. Allen were Sun- day guests with Mrs. Allen's moth- er, Mrs, Ross, in Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers visited in Molesworth on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowe. Mr. Alfred Agar motored to Brant- ford on Saturday to attend the Breckenridge -Chandler wedding. Miss Mar Beckman, 1 t ncipal of Fordwich Continuation School, is presiding here for the examinations, while Miss Elsie c )avi s principal of Wroxeter Continuation School, is presiding at Fordwieh.• Mr, Fleming Black shipped a car- load of cattle from here on Satur- day. H, Grainger also shipped a car- load of cattle on Monday. Mn and Mrs, Alex. MacDonald of Culross; were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. P. MacEwen, Mr, and Mrs, George Mee and 268 y iC LA its Iven the fin i "`it quality in tea. . r snt prie .:' are the lowest in 15 y a; °s. Audrey, of Fordwich, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Shearer. Mrs. Lorrimer, of Detroit, is spending some time with her moth- er, Mrs, Vogt, in town, Mrs. M. S. Derby, Selkirk, and C. Jenkins, Ingersoll, are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage on Sunday, June 19. On the Friday evening previous they entertained to tea, when their guests were: Mrs. Strachan, Mr. Dougal Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew La- mont, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, all of Brussels. The subject of Rev. W. F. Fin - lay's address at the usual morning service in the United Church, was "Learn to do well." In the evening he spoke on "Guarding the Soul." Next Sunday morning following the morning service there will be the celebration of Holy Communion. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Jackman, als Mrs. Fleming, of Toronto, spent th week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Tho Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jackman re turned to the city on Sunday. Mrs. Fleming will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, Mr. W. S. McKercher's man ° children of Listowel, spent one day e recently with the former's parents, s' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. SALEM Don't forget the Garden Party at Salem, Friday, June 24th, to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers. Everybody come and have a good time. Admission 30c and 20e. Miss Ethel Casemore of Belmore, visited a few days with friends on. the 6th line, last week. Mrs. McGee, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Misses Jean McDonald and Jean Fralick spent a day at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fralick-. Miss Lida Willits spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Miss Eva McMichael has returned hone from Port Burwell again for the holidays. Mrs. John Wray, of Wroxeter, spent a few days with her son, Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Ervie Thomas and family spent a few days with friends in Niagara. A large number from here attend - friends are pleased to know he is im- proving in health. 'We hope he may continue. Mrs. Clarence Hayes, Georgetown, Department Speaker at the W. I. District Annual, was entertained at the hone of Mrs. J. Lovell, while in town. Mrs. Peter S. McEwen attended the executive meeting of the W. M. S. at Wingham last Thursday. Miss Muriel Elliott, of Brussels, was a guest of Mrs. J. N. Allen on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Gamble is spend- ing her holidays at her home, Ford- wich. We are pleased to hear that the full staff of our Continuation and Public School, have been re-engaged for the coining year. Mr. Andrew Shearer, of Toronto University, is spending a few weeks holidays at his home. Airs. L.orinier and son, John, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. Vogt. Miss Minnie Ball is seriously i11 at her home in Howick. The Township Council met here in the Town Hall last Wednesday. The \Vroxeter softball team play- ed the Fordwich teatn in Fordwich Friday evening, the score was 15 to6 in favor of Wroxeter; Geo. Paulin, Jr. was umpire, Several Members of the local L.O. 1,.; \Vroxeter, attended the District service held -in the Town Hall in \Vingham, last Sunday afternoon, Mr, Burns Moffatt and Miss Eth- el Garniss were married recently at the United Church manse, St, Hel- ens. Mr. Moffatt is a son of Mr. C. 13. Moffatt and the late Mrs. Mof- fatt, and a grandson of Mr,, John Davidson, of Wroxeter, The members of the` School Beard and the Secretary attended a meet- ing held in the Gorrie School Mon- day evening, when Inspector of Pub- lic Schools, 3. M. Game, gave an in- structive talk with illustrations as to how the different grants are worked out, There was a good attendance r c f trustees es throughout the Town- ship of Howick, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Martin, also Mrs. J. Allen, spent last Thursday with friends in Toronto. After spending a few days with her sister in Toronto, Mrs. Sarah Gibson returned home on Sunday. Afi and cl \Ars, Bert. Martin, a su l , Mrs. J Allen spent last Thursday with friends in Tororttca, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher; of Salem, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher and Miss Ada Gallaher, spent the weak -end with friends in Toronto, After spending a few days: with her sister, in '1aronto, Mrs, Sarah Gibson returned hotne on Tuesday. ed the Orange service in Winghanx last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Edgar, of South of Gorrie, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ca- thers. Mr. Gordon Gibson, of Wroxeter, is building a new abutment under the bridge just south of here. It was damaged during the spring freshet. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Galaher visit- ed friends in Toronto a few days re- cently. Mr. and Ifs. Robert Ireland, of near Teeswater, visited friends •here one day recently. F. F. Hr ;,t,1 JTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". 5:r �r r 4.Mnrlc-�3. New Goods At Lower Prices 111=11111.110Medelene.W.M.41:1111 Cerra Men's Trousers, $1,69 to $3.00 Men's Work Shirts 79c to $1.25 Men's Work So; 23c or 2 pair for ._ 45c Men's Underwear, Silk Com- binations .....-.....,...-..... . 98c Men's Balbriggan Combs. $1.25 Men's Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers 60c Men's New Felt Hats, Light Silver or Brown Colors $2.75 Special Price on Made -to - Measure Suits for June 24.00 A good assortment of small - ware, Safety y Pins, Needles, , Tapes, Thread, Silk, Cotton and Linux. Special on Cups and Saucers Plain White Cup andSauc- er, Sa - er, only ........... ...... 9c Clover Leaf Cup and Sauc- er only ...- ..... ...._,..._..,....... .. 19c 4 Bars let To' x Soapfor r ....lOc Washing Fluid, per bottle .,.lOc Fresh Grocers at Lowest Prices. Fruits & Vegetables in Season Factory Prices Paid for Cream Delivered at the Store; Davey's Store