HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-06-16, Page 3JUNE MEETING OF
The June meeting' of the Gorrie
Branch of the Women's Institute
was held Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Carol Clegg with a' good at-
tendance. The president, Mrs. L. A.
Ashton, presided. Roll call was res-
ponded to by a geranium slip which
will be returned to the Oactober
meeting when they will be judged
and a ])rite given for the best plant.
Mrs. Herzog gave interesting read-
ings "An Ordinary Day in the King's
Life," and "The Faithful Few." Af-
ter a few numbers of community
singing Mrs. Carol Gregg gave a
splendid demonstration on. "Canning
Meats. and Stocks for Soups."
Mesdames Abram and Cole gave
a pleasing duet. The topic, "Can-
ada's National Parks" was given by
Mrs. Shera.
During the business period it was
decided to withdraw the July meet-
ing and hold a community picnic in-
stead, in the Agricultural Itark ; on
July 27, for which a program com-
mittee was named. lairs. H, Cooke
gave the Treasurer's report showing
a balance on hand of .over $50.00.
Miss Audrene Pyke gave an instru-
- mental solo which was enjoyed, af-
ter which the meeting was closed
with the National Anthem. Lunch
was served by the hostessassisted
by Mrs. Pyke and. Mrs. Zimmerman.
Sunday School S ool Anniversary serv-
' ices were held in the United Church
in Gorrie, Sunday, when the pastor,
Rev. Gordon , W. Butt gave two
splendid and appropriate sermons.
The morning sermon in keeping
with the younger members who fill-
ed the front pews as well as occupy-
ing the choir seats, the text being
"The Garden." A very unique feat-
ure of the morning was the Flower
Cross; while each pupil donated their
bouquet to 'be laid upon the cross,
which when finished was a beautiful �.
piece of work. During this time Miss
Jean Sparling sang sweetly "The Old
Rugger Cross." The children's choir
under the direction of Miss Sparling
sang three numbers "Open Wide the
Gates of Summer," "Crown Him
with Flowers" and "Summer's Glad
At the evening service the Young
Men's choir gave three numbers -
"Win thein One by One," "Count
on Me," and closed the service with
"Sun of my Soul." The -pastor's ev-
ening -text was "The Way of Life."
Splendid congregations attended
both services.
Thursday, June: 16th, 1932
The 'sympathy of the community
goes out to Mrs. Harvey Spading in
the loss of her 'youngest brother,
Thomas Johnston, who died very
suddenly in Brampton Hospital last
Tuesday morning. Mr. Johnston was
born on concession 9, Howick, and
was the son of the late Samuel and
Mrs. Johnston.
He leaves his wife, formerly' Miss
Olive Green, of Turnberry, four sis-
ters and four brothers to mourn his
loss. Ivirs. Sparling left for Bramp-
ton immediately upon receiving the
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston at-
tended- the Coal Convention held in
Toronto on Wednesday,
Mrs. Russel Grainger spent Wed-
nesday with her sister, Mrs. Hock
ridge, in Guelph.
Mrs. S. Munro visited friends in
Guelph on Friday and Saturday.
Mr. W, H. Gregg was in Shel-
burne on
Wednesday .on business,
Mr, E, W., Carson was a Toronto
visitor last week,'
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, of
Elora, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs,
L. A. Ashton over the week -end.
Mrs. Agnes Earl and Mr. Frank
Earl spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. King.
Mr. A. Strong, of Hespler, is visit-
ing with his brother, Mr. W. G.
Mr. and Mrs. 5. Hubbard and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay. Clegg of
Harriston, spent Sunday -with Mrs.
James Bell,
Rev. Butt, Elsner Butt, Misses
Marjorie e Baker
, Evelyn
Alexandra Hamilton,. and Hector
Hamilton attended the, picnic of the
Young People's Union of Huron
County held in Goderich on Satur-
Mr. Emerson Shera paid a flying
trip to.-•Middleport, N.Y.,, on Sunday.
He was accompanied by Mr. Soth-
ern, of Fordwich, who received, word
that' his wife who was visiting there
was taken suddenly i11.
Mrs. W. Murray, of Listowel, is
the guest of Misses Murray.
Miss L. Young, Secretary of the
' Strangers' Welfare in London, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Rev. Butt.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Clegg and daugh-
ter, Miss Helen, also Miss Marjorie
Smith, of Toronto, were week -end
guests of Mr. and Airs. S. Zimmer-
Mrs. Spence and family of Moles
worth, spent Sunday with Mr. arid
Mrs. Russel Grair>,ger.
Mrs. H. V. Holmes spent a couple
of days in Toronto last week,
Mr. Howard Hinkley and churn, of
Toronto, spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. Kenneth Hastie. Mr.
Alex. Hastie returned to the city
with thein,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hicks, of Harris-
ton, were Gorrie visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gamble and fam-
"Who stood up for Jack when lie"
married Miss Flirtleigh?"
"No one. Everybody called hint a
UTTING up fire - safe
walls, •ceilings and par-
titions in;
Stores Harness Rooms
Warehouses Chicken -Coops
Factories Attics
Theatres Basements
Hotels Summer Cottages
Farmsteads Sun -porches
Barns Covering old
Dairies Plaster
Gyproc costs Mile, is
quickly erected, nails and
cuts like lumber, has insula-
nsulation value and structural
strength. It may be panelled,
papered or finished with
Gyptex or Alabastiine.
Cyproc may be easily identified by
the name, on the board and the
Green stripe along the edge,
Canada, Limited
Paris m Ontario
For Sale ;S
H. 'Euchanan Hardware
Rae & Thompson
R« J. Hueston
peg em
Wingha ra,
ily, of. Waldemar, visited on Sunda
with T, O. and Mrs. Johnston.
Miss Hill of Wroxeter is at prey
ent staying with Mrs. T. O. Johns-
ton, who continues in poor health.
Air, and Mrs, IN, Si7nson spent
Sunday with Sheldon and Mrs,
Bricker-, ~of Fordwich.
Mr. John ,Hyndman and Fred were
in Toronto on business one day last
Miss Beryl Ashton, of Seaforth,
spent the week -end at her home,
The St. Stephen's Anglican Gar-
den Party is being held this Friday
night in Victoria Park, when Bay-
field talent will give the program, a
play "Sound Your Horn."
We are very glad to report im-
provement in the health of Mrs,
Pritchard who has been ill for sev-
eral months.
`law, will n-=.` .. Ethel,
special spear- ca/led an friends �n town on Mon-
- er from the -Department is Mrs. C. day.
Hayes, of Georgetown; 'her er subject 'Air. '
I John Davidson: "'Thrift ..COIitiYYne$
will be
with Tears. The : poorly;
committees in charge of the after I Aiiss Dorothy McTavish retiarned
noon are as follows: Reception, Mrs. to Toronto one day last week, where
she intends to spend the summer.
The ball team of the Young 1'eo-
ple's Society of the United Church,
played a friendly game of softball
Harding's school team, on Fri-
day night last, the home team win-
ning. .
Miss Blanche Hooper, of Gue
spent Sunday 'at' .the hone ' of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 5. Ho
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wendt sp
last Friday in Kitchener.
Air. and Mrs. Earnest Bray,
Woodstock, called on friends 1
Wednesday. Mr, Bray is a son
'the late John Bray, a former mer
ant of this place.
Mrs, Jaynes Ballantyne, Brass
visited friends here last, week.
Mrs. Black, a former resident, w
renewing acquaintances the p
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moff
and family of London, visited M
and Mrs. Bert Martam, Sunday.
Mr. Arnold Edgar, Mr. and M
Alvin Edgar and children, Londo
were here over Sunday.
Mr. Glen Mitchell and Miss Ru
Stewart motored up from Toront
Airs, Stewart and son, Athol, wh
ave been visiting here for the pa
ew weeks, returned home with the
on Sunday,
Mr. William McLaughlin, of Wiz
nipeg, died suddenly last Friday. H
as well known in this vicinty, ha
ng conducted a general store wit
is brother, Chester, in Gorrie som
ears ago. Mrs. McLuaghlin , is
ister of Miss 5, Ritchie,. Mr. Tho
Ritchie of the village, and Mrs. A
1VIcKercher, of Howick.
The regular monthly meeting o
lie W. M. S. of the United Churci
as held at the home of Miss Mar
upfer Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
hos. Gibson presided, opening the
eeting with the hymn "My Faith
ooks up to Thee." Airs. J. K. Rae
nducted the devotional period,
ading the 89th Psalm, following
ith prayer. The hymn "Jesus keep
y. President of the District Mrs. Ward 1 Mr, and Mrs J hind of Eth l
The s r,' 1 1 1
Edward, Lealand Ashton and Elmer week, attending the graduation of
Butt on successfully passing all ex- hre son, John Munroe, at Toronto
ams. at Wroxeter on their year's 'University. Congratulations!
work. I The sympath £ f " d f h'
We congratulate Miss • Doroth
iLovell, Mrs, Sellars, Mrs, J, J. Al
len, Mrs. S. .Smyth. Decoration;
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. B. Martin, Mrs,
j7. J. Allen. Music: Atiss K Hazle-
wood, Mrs.
D. t
, S
Aiclti aughtori.
Lunch: Mrs. Thos." Brown, Miss M.
Pope, Delegates are expected ted .from
Ethel, Brussels, Bluevale, Moles-
worth, Gorrie and Fordwich.
Visitors at.the home of Mr, and
Mrs. M. Sellers during the past 'week
were:' Mr. and Mrs. Gauld of Lon-
dno; Mr. and Mrs. J. King, Ethel,
and Mr. Leslie Hetherington, Tor
Visitors y) Mrs. Munroe was in Toronto last
tors with Robt. and Mr
thers, on. Sunday were: Mr. and
W. Jardine and family, of 'Br
Mr-, and Mrs. A. Moffatt and f
Wroxeter, lir. and Mrs. A. T
ton and Mr, and Mrs. Hastie,
of Gorrie.
Those from here who attende
Young People's Picnic on Sat
at Goderich of Huron Presbytery,
Marjory Baker, Evelyn Dane, Alex-
andra Hamilton, Rev. Butt and Hec-
tor Hamilton.
Dr. Jas. Armstrong, Gorrie,
Tulip Tree on his lawn .50 years
This tree "
r e is 45 feet high, 55 i
in circumference and has 21
spread. The Dr. would like to
of anyone in the Province if
have a tree of this kind.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade,
Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Wade'
Robert, were Sunday visitors
friends at Drew.
The Armstrong family re -u
was held at Blyth •on Saturday,
11th, at the home of Dr. Armstro
sister, Mrs. J. W. Scott, when
and Mrs. Armstrong attended.
Mrs. -Evans, of Toornto and
y o rien so t rs
s. Ca- district is extended to. Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Johnston (nee Olive Green) a for-
ussels, 1 mer resident, in the sudden death
amily r last week of her husband, T. Joh.n-
horn-. I ston, formerly, • of Fordwich. The
south, burial took place from their home in
i Brantford.
d the Mr. Albert Gallagher, Miss Ada,
urday . also Mr. and Mrs, Will Gallagher.,
motored to Brantford to attend the
funeral of the late Thomas Johnston.
Miss Stewart, of Toronto, is a
guest at the home of Mr, D. D. Sara
has a derson.
old.i Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Edgar, Lon-
res don, and little daughter, were week -
feet end visitors at the home of Arnold
hear,' Edgar.
they ' Rev. Mr. Finley preached an in-
spiring sermon last Sunday morning
also at the usual morning service, tak-
and ing as his text "The Lord Reigneth,
with Let the Earth Rejoice," from the
197th Psalm. In the evening he spoke
nion on some of the important questions
June' which were brought up at the re-
ng's cent Conference at Woodstock.
Dr. Mrs. Robt. Black who lived here
- many years, is a welcome guest with
her her many friends.
son, Dorland, of Manitoba, are v
ing at present with friends in
rie. Mrs. Evans was formerly
Dorland, of Gorrie.
Friends of Dr. Jas, Armstrong
glad to see hind able to be out a
after his recent accident which c
fined him to his home for a
ch -
t -
isit i Among those of the vicinity who L
Gor- have brightened their homes with CO
Miss i new paint are: Mrs. Mary Harris, re
Airs. J. Stutt and D. S. McNaughton. w
are I Mr. Anderson Black was a recent
gain visitor at Mr. R. 5, Rann's.
on- We- are sorry to report Mrs. Rann
few confined to her home through illness
. and we hope for a speedy recovery.
A number from this district went
to Knox Presbyterian Church, Blue -
vale, to join with then in their An-
niversary Services, when Dr, Grant
was the special speaker for the day.
Dr. Grant's able address and also the
Mrs. McIntosh and Miss Bevi
ton, of Cleveland, are guests of
Munroe and other relatives.
Mrs. D. Fraser and Mrs. J. L
ell spent the week -end with frie
at 'Seaforth.
The pupils of the Continuat
School are busy with examinati
this week. •
. Mr. and Mrs. 5. Henderson, A
visited during the week with Mr.
Mr. Thos. Ritchie received on S
urday, the sad news of the sudd
music by the choir, were appreciat- ca
av ed. The garden party on Monday Da
was also a success. The sapper ser- W
ved by the ladies was excellent and lif
ion the programme given by Jamie Reid, so
Garniss and Mr. Ballantyne, of Brut- life
yr, cels, also Mr. Johnston, of Ford- ra,
J , wich, was fo high order, eel
Mr. O. Wacker shipped a carload Mr
of cattle from here on Monday. ing
e near the Cross," was sung, after
hich a few business items were
alt with, and the roll caIl answer -
by verses of scripture in which
e word "Patience" occurred. India
as the subject of the program, and
as in charge of Mrs. Jas. Stutt and
rs. Thos, Walker. Mrs. Stutt gave
splendid paper dealing with the
vernit'tent of India, the conditions
its people and the need fax medi-
1' aid. She also described a Sabbath
y Communion service there. Mrs.
alker read a short sketch of the
e of 'Mahatma Ghandi, and told.
ale interesting facts relating 'to
nduisnt. Mrs. J. K. Rae read the
story of a young Hindu, Chab-
by name, an agricultural engin-
, and his conversion to the cross.
s. W. Finlay brought an interest -
message from the recent London
nference which . she attended.
Prayers were offered by Mesdam-
Stocks, Timms and Gibson, and
meeting closed with the W. M.
S. hymn "In Christ there is no East
or West."
ons Atiss Jean Simpson, Toronto, Miss
at -
death of his brother-in-law, Mira W
McLaughlin, who formerly lived
this community. The sympathy.
his 'many friends is extended to M
Airs. McIntyre and neice, Miss
m' Bevington, of Cleveland, are guests
��of relatives and friends in town.
Rev. and Mrs. Finley returned
McLaughlin and daughter and other n•
friends and relatives.
The Women's Associaticpi of the
United Church will hold their mon-
thly meeting on Wednesday of this
wek at the usual hour.
The sltrtibs which beautify the
grounds in front of our town hall
are worthy of our citizens' notice
just now. These were purchased a
few years ago and, in the meantime
taken care of by members of our lo-
cal, Women's Institute. This society
is to be commended in this work in
beautifying the grounds of our will
age property,
-Mrs, Thos. Gibson and Mr. •Geo
Gibson were in Hamilton on Satur,
day attending the Gibson -Jackson
wedding. Mrs. Gibson went on to
Toronto, where she is spending a
fee* days' holidays,
Mr, and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton
and John, were week -enol visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead
at their cottage "Bonnie Brae" at
Rev. Mr. and. Mrs. Finley, also
Mr. D. D. Sanderson returned last
week froth Woodstock where they
were attending Conference,
Tlie Service of Confirmation will
be held the first Sunday in July In
St. Janes' Church, Wroxeter, when
Bishop Seagar will pay his first visit
to this parish.
(hut«' The thirtieth• Annual District
Ou�4 Meeting ,'of East ,Hurop Women's
Institute will be held in the' school -
Ont, moat of the united Church Thurs-
day, rune lath, at 1,3O p.m. The
OM Conference on Wednesday* of
st week,
Mrs. i..anner of Detroit, motored
over, and is spending the week with
her mother, Mrs, Vogt, Howick St.
Mrs, Neil White spent last week
with her daughter, at Port Elgin.
Mrs. Robt, Black, of Owen Sound,
was the guest of Mrs. Hugh Edgar
on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Sanderson is at present
very poorly; her many friends wish
for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Kitchen spent
_ last week with their daughter and
friends in Toronto.
friends' in town on Saturday.
oplarmi p ''fir ;i i't' � '�pNf�/ roogl�lpuuenYq
Colored or plain. For houses, barns
sheds, garages. "Council Standard"
or "Acorn" quality. Easy and quick
to lay, permanent, proof against fire.
Free estimates gladly sent. Send
Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barns, Gal.
vanized Tanks, ,BernDoorHardware,Preston
.Ledi3ell Nails Double -Mesh Metal Lath,
Ventilators, Boll•N,?old Garage Doors. All
kinds Sheet Metal Building Material.
Guelph St., Preston, Ont.
Factories st Montreal and Toronto
iY'ii'ilfY ��iGri1'i�ililiaM��tphY111MWuia6XdiY�'ttunlutullt�l'd
A,F. & A.M. No. 162
Elects Officers
At the regular meeting of Forest
Lodge No. 162 held on Monday ev-
ening the following officers were el-
ected for the ensuing year:
W. :M.—Allan Monroe.
S. W,—John Gallagher,
J. W,—A. W. Edgar.
Chaplain,, -Geo, Allan,
Treasurer --G. S.Smyth.
Sec.—Thos. Brown,. •'
S. D.—Thos,
J. D.• --Everard Carson,
I. G.—J. J. Allan,
Tyler—Wm. Hayes.
Auditors --Geo. McEwen, J. M.
Installation will be made at a
special meeting on June 24th,
Mr, and Mrs, Acltie McMichael, of
Wroxeter vicinity, called on Mr. and
Airs, D. L. Weir last Sunday even-
Air, Edwin Paltrier took in the ex-
cursion to London last Saturday.
Mr. Albert •Galaher accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Wm, R. Gallaher
and Ada Gallaher, of 'Wroxeter at-
tended the funeral of Mr, Thomas
Johnston, of llrantford, one day last
week, Mrs, .Johnston was fornerly
Miss Olive Green of this vicinty.
The sorrowing friends have the sym-
pathy of the neighborhood,
The 4
Nre•.Pt✓°. ,fn's S r Aw
the f i r est . tiality
nese R
s r,ae te
r,.st in 15 y '.a so
Butt, Elmer —• 3 c 2 2 2 3 3 1 3
Earngey, Joseph .....-......-„....._...— c c 1 f 1 c c 1
Edwards, Dorothy c c c 2 2 2 3 3 c
Gibson, Dean 8 3 1 1 2 1 c 1 3
Higgins, Joseph ..- 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2
Musgrove, Stewart . 1 3 1 1 1 1 c 1 1
Newton, Wesley c c 3 3 3 2 3
Sangster, Jean c c f f c c c c c
Weir, Gladys .....»......_............_.c c 3 1 3 c c 3 f
Weir, John ....... c c c 3 3 cc 3 3
U al .1' x e
: o t41w 4.1
> a 7TI
zl lit -1 Pr.co d dOP
Ashton, Lealand c c
Bennett, Richard ....____...
._._ c c
Cathers, Mildred _._...._3 3
Doig, Marie ._ 2 2
Edgar, Margaret 3 3
Elliott, Doris 2 2
Finlay, Wendell 3 3
Harris, Leslie
Higgins, Stewart
Hislop, Leila g
McLean; John c
Milligan, Isabel .......... ............ ._.._......_...._.-.. c
Paulin, Marjorie ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ................ c
Weir, Wilfred ._„ c
Elsie Davidson, Principal.
c c c 0 C c
2 3 1 2 c 3
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 3 1 c c c 8
1 3 2 1
C c 3 c 3 3
c 3
c 3
c 2 c
c c c 2 c 3 c
c c c c c 3 c
c c 2 2 2 2 c.
c c c 1 o c c
Evelyn A. Gamble, Assistant.
At a meeting of the adherents o
the church it was decided to hold
Garden Party at the home of Mr
and Mrs. 1V. A. Cathers in the nea
future, Further particulars later.
Mr. Thomas McMichael had the
misfortune to lase a valuable young
horse one day last week.
A new abutment is being put un-
der the bridge on the gravel road
near Mr. 'Edwin Palmer's gate.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir called
on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bush, of Wroxeter, last Sun-
day evening.
f & Thompson, acct., $1.35; J. H.
a Wylie, Supt., $3.85; E. Webber, ac-
count, $1.00; D. Falconer, acct., $5.-
r 00; Jas. Herd, acct., $2,60; Twp. of
Culross, O'Malley Drain, $2144:61;
W. C. Armstrong, acct., $1.95.
Moved by McTavish and Austin,
that we adjourn to meet- at Bluevale
June 27th, 1932• Carried.
I. J. Wright, W. R. Cruickshank,
Reeve. Clerk.
(Too Late for Last 'Week)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley and
son, Hary, spent Sunday at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs: D. L. Weir spent
last Sunday with friends in Morris,
Miss Sarah Gowdy, of Winghain,
spent a day with her brother, Mr.
John Gowdy.
Mr. Henry Merkley had the mis-
fortune to lose a valuable •horse by
There was no service in the church
here last Sunday, owing to the pas-
tor being at Canference in St. Thom-
The road -grader has been working.
on the road east of
the church here
and has intpltoved it very much.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas McMichael
Employer: "Can you show a re-
commendation?” •
Applicant: "Well, I was---er--re
commended to mercy by a jury
F. F. O U T
Phm. B., Opt. D,, R. 0,
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
spent last Sunday with friends near (.
The minutes of Council meeting
held in Bluevale, May 30th, 1932.
Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted,
betters- were received and read
from the following': Twp. of Culross,
T e:
c. , tt iter; Goebel and Carey, (i,xl-
erieh; T)ipt. of Health, Toronto, De-
partment of Agriculture, 'i oronto,
Dept. of Highways, Toronto.
At 8 o'clock tite C;uuncil held
Court of Revision on the assessment
Roll of 1932. Two appeals were)
The following accounts were paid:
W. S. Mitchell, relief 65c; Mnndys',
relief $27.07; Wm, Elliott, acct., $9.-
60; AVfngharn Advance -Times,, acct.,
$5,60; J. II. Crawford, acct., $33.40;
R. Cruiksltanlc, pt. salary, $50.00; W.
R. Cruikshank, pt. salary, $75;00; N.
Walker, relief, $6.00; .Refund on tax-
es, 1981, $45.00; Thos, Gilmour, as-
sessor, $60.00; IVtn. McMichael, fees.''
$4.00; Patrolmen: J, McGlynn $10.-:
50; W. :Breckenridge $15.65; W. J.
Campbell $11.60; J. Kelly $5,30; C.
Casentore $19.10; C. Dickson $18,00;
J. H. Wylie $ilG.40, ,A, Fotgie
Wm, Orr $9.90, N Sharpiit $5.75, A.
il.lo.ffatt $21,G0, P, Hogg $1,2,00, J,
1rcriinnnll $8.00; C.• McNeil, acct.
$1.00; H. 13. Elliott, acct., $1,05; Rae
PF 4.., alt, $ttti
New Goods
At Lower Prices
Men's Trousers
, $ 9 to $3.00
Men's Work Shirts 79e to $1.25
Men's Work So; 23c
or 2 pair for... 45c
Men's Underwear, Silk Com-
binations .. 98c
Men's Balbriggan Combs. $1.25
Men's Balbriggan Shirts or
Drawers 60c
Men's New Felt Hats, Light
Silver or Brown Colors $2.75
M1 Special Price On Made -to.
Measure Suits for June 24.00.
A good assortment of small-
ware, Safety Pins, Needles,
Tapes, Thread, Silk, Cotton
and Litten.
Special on Cups and Saucers
Plain White Cup and Sane.
er, only 90
Clover Leaf Cup and Sauc•
er only 10c
4 Bars Toilet Soap for ....--10c
Washing Fluid, per bottle ..•lOe j
Fresh Grocers at Lowest
Prh es,
& Vegetables in Seasotr
Factory Prices Paid for Cream
Delivered at the Store.
I l