HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-06-02, Page 3Thurscay, May 26th, I932 __ -� rid • � . I ��f� t{ i• a ' tem :pw rr �,�'t; ?-0444 THF, WINGHAM ADVANC:4; 'r1. Ms GV rrp rel.hwa, . ~R i ns againshy.n r' r! ;i.$4an Fa int FACTORY COTTON Be Waiting at the Door for this Factory Cot— ton Bargains. 8c Yard PILLOW COTTON 42 in. wide Wabasso Pil- j low Cotton, Reg.- 55c, at S Di tarts 35c Yard CURTAIN SCRIM A Real Eye -Opener. Share in on this Reg. 35c Value at l9CYard Will Arouse the Entire Community with ;.;rices so Low That will open Eyes, Ears, and Pocket Books Of the Thrifty Wise Shoppers a Store Jammed with Bargains from wall to wall Impossible to list them all •`k . kti• Ptr''^tUSh:ox' -*..,gyp 41:4:5'1 arrVi"t,Jr'x •'� ..,. ,; C.dn t; �,:i�t«. r ..:.?, nom': urs Rain or shi Disappint PAfNELS e Come Join the Crowds no ents Prices Li wer than ever PANTS < Trienti ag1r.ovi it h' :es 75 Pair Ladies' Patent Strap Fancy Trim, med- ium and High Heel Slippers Must go at hojx s 1 Group of Ladies' lid Strap Slippers, going below cost. Pair 95c Pair g',0.'�•t'�S Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes with Leath- er or ;Panto sole, all sizes 2J5 Pair Shoes r sses The largest range of Ladies' & Misses' Dresses ever shown in Wing -ham and surrounding district. .'500 new garments now on sale at BURK'S. Dresses, smart for business or afternoon wear, and the price is exceptionally low. Women, You can't go wrong. Georg- ettes, Crepes, Celanese and Chiffons ranging in price from Boys' Dress Shoes at as- tonishing low price of 2'5 1 .95 Look Read Act Here it is! Ladies' Flowered Chiffon Dresses, newest creations for afternoon and evening wear. They sure are smart and a popular choice. Don't fail to see them. On Sale at The greatest opportunity to buy House Dresses in pretty flowered prints, tub -fast colors with patent belts, sizes up to 44. Don't miss this bargain. PANTS Men's Khaki Pants, Ex- tra heavy weight. Sizes 32 to 44. assiers Ladies Brassieres at ..__._. Ladies' Corcelettes, heavy material with inner Reg. $2.00 Value at 20c belt, fet 09ALLS Pair Shoes Men's Cushion Sole Arch Support. Kid Shoes, Reg. $6.50 Values, now at 3.98 Hats. Men's New Felt Hats, Reg, $3,50, now at L6 ylilt, tat Shirts Men's Silk Shirts with attached Collas° On Sale at S noes Men's and Young Men's fine Calf Oxfords, size 6 to 10, now your choice at 2.25 Suit Cases A real Suitcase Bargain. " Reg. $2.45, now 1.69 Men's Spring Coats Meni you can't afford to miss this great 'Goat Bargain. Newest Styles & Tweeds Away they go, as low as G5O Ladies' Spring C A group of Ladies' New Tweed Coats to be cleared at a great sacrifice. Out they go at 5.95 Ladies' and Misses' Wool Crepe Coats, Lapin Fur Collars in Brown, Blue and Black, crepe lined. These are new and are as smart as they are low-priced; even less than half price. Two style, ar ; `I: 0 5 Stiits only Ladies' Tweed Suits, good reg $10.00 value. Carne and buy this suit at 45 414:`4+'71 11. r ` ' sses Another Group of Ladies' House Dress- es at attractive low prices ranging from 49c to 295 ac Misses' Fabric Fur Jackets in Brown only at a tremendous low price: Pick 'Ern Out at less than Cost. M4 Yt. Li, "R G.5 Ladies' beautiful Silk Nightgowns, fancy trim. A Real Bargain right now at 75c ntie Ladies Silk Nona -Run Panties, lace trim at, pr. 25c Ladies' Silk Vests at 19c Ladies' Silk dose, reg, 50c, at 29c Ladies' Puil-fashioned newest spring Shade Silk Hose, reg. $1.00, at, pair 69c Ladies' Cotton Hose at, pair 17c SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts, ,the lowest for many years. 49c Nktfl—..d..ILZ .Y Arrn.Ba.nds St One lot of Misses' Celanese Dresses, smart styles to clear out at oys v Boys' Combination Overalls up to size 8. On"Sale at, pair 550 - Boys' Fancy pullover Sweaters at 89c Boys' khaki Pants, a limited quantity, pair • 25c rq+ • 500 Pair Men's Elastic Arm -Bands, at SC Pair A Group of Woixien's Crayshene Print- ed Dresses, long sleeves,\to sell out at 1 95 Ladies' and Misses' Celanese and Can ton Dresses at sensational low prices. They can't be beat. 3.95 and 6.95 ens ar Mens Pure Wool Work Sox at, pair m.:ZOc Men's Fine Silk Sox at, pair t9c Men's Buttonless Combinations at 65c ill �l r fi�l Remember, Hundreds of Bargains to Choose from in the Store. Impossible to list then all on account of Limited Space. l3oys, Oh, Boys! Here is a Real Overall Bargain, 35c now at Parr