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The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-26, Page 7
..TImrsfla, May Z6tb, 1932 • 11111111111111ismilm.-- Let the Strength of, th e Mutual Protect You and Yours $100 monthly from age 5,0, as long as you live (guaranteed ,for 10 years whether you live or die) - e At least $10,000 to your dependents if death occurs before age 50- O $20;000 if death occurs as the result of an accident- O Provision for benefits if totally disabled.. • Provision for r-lividends before pension starts and for ten years after. • Optional methods of settlement available at age 50 if desired. rrHIS is, an outline of one of the pen- sion policies available from this company which will enable you to pro- vide for your retirement. A policy can be arranged to suit your •particular requirements. Write your name and address below and mail coupon to our Head Office direct for booklets. I AM INTERESTED IN YOUR PENSION POLICY Name Address Age THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE -WATERLOO, ONT. Established 1869 W. T. Booth, C.L.U., Dist. Agent, Wingham, W. Webster,R. 2, Lucknow R, H. Martyn, Ripley, Ont, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES NEWS of the I DISTRICT Awarded $8000 In a judgment handed down by Mr, Justice Kelly, in Supreme Court, Mrs. Jean L Lewis, widow ol Nor- man LeeVis, killed in a manhole ex- plosion in front of the Union Sta- tion, Toronto, on February 22nd, 1931, is awarded the sum of $8,000. -Goderich Stag. By -Law Passes The By-law to grant a fixed as- sessment to the Circle -Bar Knitting Co., Ltd., was given an overwhelm- ing majority by the ratepayers of Kincardine at the polls on Monday. Only 25 votes were cast against the By -law. -Kincardine News. 19 Inches Growth On Tuesday, May 17th, a villager brought to our office a sprig of clo- ver 19 inches long, of this season's growth, Can you beat that for the date ?-Teeswater News. Freak of Nature Mr. Willie Stilwell, of Eden, re- ports a remarkable freak of nature, An Ayrshire heifer in his herd gave birth. last week . to twin calves that Were joined together facing each other. There were two heads and 8 legs, each well developed. They died shortly' after birth. -Mitchell Advocate. Say Neeb Is Named For Registrar's Job The appointment of a county reg- istrar to succeed the late William Cc.ats will not be made until, after June lst, it is stated in authoritative circles. Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney General, under whose jurisdiction the appointment collies, is at present holidaying in the British 'West Ind- ies and will not return until the first of the month. It is stated that Alex Neeb, former reeve of Stephen twp., and a defeated candidate for the Federal Parliament, has been named for the position, but this, of course, cannot be officially confirmed. "He has the inside track," a high-up Con- servative told the . Star the other day, 78 -Pound Sturgeon Caught in Net Lcod, commercial fisherman in Buy- fleld, the other day and in its franc tie efforts to release itself in some manner put a half-hiteh around its ne'cls in the net. When Mr. McLeod raised his nets at a point between Grand Bend and Kettle Point the big fish came up like a log, but was still alive. All fight, however, was gone, for the fish may have been a captiye for two days, It tangled the net ep alrnost beyond repair. Teachers' Salaries. Cut Reductions in the salaries of tea- chers of both High and Public Schools featured the May meeting of the Board of Education at Kincar- dine. The reductions range from 3 to 6%. Military. Camp in Goderich Elgin county regiment, with a 30 - piece red -coated brass band and a 24 -piece bugle band, will hold a four - clay camp at Agricultural Park, God- erich, from June 30 to July 2, The regiment will , participate in the Do- minion Day demonstration here, co- operating with the Citizens' Band in staging a tattoo and military spec- tacle either on the afternoon or ev- ening of the holiday, details to be arranged. Band concerts and a church parade also are on the pro- geam.---Goderich Star. Two Fires. on One Day The fire demo, assisted. by a strong gale which blew on Monday demolished two homes and a barn on that day. The first conflagration destroyed the fine brick home of Bert McDon- ald on the boundary, a short dis- tance east of Amberley. Shortly after dinner on the same day the residence of Messrs. George and Joe Murray, on the second con. of Kinloss, was discovered to be on fire and efforts to battle the confla- gration were to noavail, with the result that the frame house was tot- ally destroyed. Veil Temporarily Lifted Mr. Tone Cunio, who has been bereft of his sight for over a year, had the veil of darkness temporarily lifted, when on Friday afternoon he suddenly discerned the pattern of the linoleum on the kitchen floor, something he hadn't beheld since his vision vanished. The strain proVed too much, for the newly lighted orbs, for instead of waking next morn to gaze 'on new wonders of the uni- verse, Tone, to the dismay of him- self and disappointment of his friends, found the curtain had again dropped and that darkness had set- tled on the face of the earth once more. -Walkerton Herald -Times. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON! -romit.041itttaK1.11.0..110..060.04720. 41.Mt-ta•la.,MIDDOSSEL. LESSON IX -MAY 29 Joseph, The Dreamer -Gen, 3: 1-11 Golden Text. -Take thought for things honorable in the sight of all rnen.e-Rom. 12:17. And, Jacob dwelt in the land of his father's sojcturnings, in the land of Canaan. All three patriarchs were in the land on suffrance, and removed from place to place more or less fre- A 78 -pound sturgeon got itself (meetly. tangled up in the nets of .Louis Mc - These are the egenerations of Jacob. The clause usually introduces 4E141 *V; 1A1 l'ttOdilitte *1'4. from HEADACHES COLDS AND SORE THROAT NEURITIS, NEUR,,k.LGIA Don't be a chrc sufferer from headaches, or any other pain. There is hardly an• ache or pain Aspirin tablets can't relieve; they' are a great corn - fort to women who suffer • periodically. They are always in be relied on for breaking -up colds, It may be only a simple head- BEWARI ache, or it may be neuralgia or neuritis; rheuntatism. Aspirin is still the sensible thing to take. Just be certain it's Aspirin you're taking; it does not hurt the heart. (Made in Canada.) a genealogical table, but may, 'as here, introduce a family history. Joseph., The name means "May he add," and was most appropriate in view of the vast additions of fortune which carne to the lad. Being- sev- enteen years old. His early boyhood was spent on Laban's estate at Har- an in Mesopotamia. Was feeding the flock with his brethren. 'Though so much younger than his, brothers, Joseph shared with them the care of his father's sheep, a fact which shows that he was trustworthy. And he was a lad with the sons of Bilhah and with the sons of Zilpah, his fa- ther's wives. A household so form- ed, with four mothers each watching jealously over her children, and four sets of children, each of thein sharp to see that the others had no advan- tage over hirn, could not have been a happy place; and Joseph, howev- er sweet his temper was, Must have had a sorroWful boyhood. And Jo- seph brought the evil report of thent unto their father, Informing on others before one has . done one's best to reform them, is cowardly and, weak; but if one can accomplish no- thing against the evil by one's self, it is his plain duty however painful it may be, to call in aid, particularly when others are 'being injured by the wrongdoing, Now jsrtcl, Jadob's new name, given him by the angel at the Jab- • !sok; is here used. Loved Joseph more, than all his Children. Moro than all ,his other children. Ilertins' min was too young to be thought of in this connection, the passive deal- ing with the relations;! ofethe older ollitniancof PAGE SEV,,'N RIB.ROLL ROOFING Colored or plain. For houses, barns, , sheds, garages, "Council Standard" or "Acorn" quality. Easy and quick to lay, permanent, proof against fire. Free estimates gladly sent. Send measurements. Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barna, Gal- vanized Tanks, Barn Door Hardware, Preston Led -Ilea Nails, Doable-1101th Metal ,Lath, Ventilators.. Roll -,INT Fold Garage Doom. All kinds Sheet Metal Building Material. 'Easton' teei sets Guelph St., Preston. Ont. Factories at Montreal and Toronto wan 000 oo 111 000000000000000000 01111111111 o o 11111111111 o 1111 sons to Joseph. Because he was the son of his old age. Jacob was nine- ty-two years old •(Beecher) when Joseph was born. Benjamin was born six years later, and he, in Gen. 4420, is called the. son of Jacob's old age. And he rnade him a coat of many polors. Nobles wore such gar- ments, and this gift to Joseph prob- ably led his brothers to think that Jacob designed for him the headship of the family, ' thrusting aside the first-born. And his brethren saw that their father loved hini More than all his brethren, Open partiality is • a sad weakness and mistake in parents and teachers, but in the case of Joseph there was much to excuse it. And they hated him, and could not, speak peaceably unto him. That is, they could not give him the customary saluatation "Peace be With thee!" JOSEPH'S FIRST DREAM. And Joseph 1r/reamed a dream. Jacob was the dreamer of divine dreams, and so was his favorite son. And he told it to his brethren. Child- like innocence is a beautiful charac- teristic 'of Joseph. And they hated him yet the more. How we disclose ourselves in our hatreds! And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed. We catch a note of eager- ness in the lad's voice. He is all on fire with the wonderful dream, arid can hardly wait to pass the good news on' to his brothers. For, behold. These words with "lo" and again "behold" show how excited Joseph was, all tremulous with his pleasure. 'We were binding sheaves in the field. Jacob's posses- sions were pre-eminently flocks and heards, but he was evidently also a farmer and Joseph aided his broth- ers in tilling the soil and gathering the harvest. And, lo, my sheaf ar- ose, and also stood upright We ,can readily imagine the scene, as pres- ented to the young dreamer. s'end, behold, your sheaves came round about, and made obeisance to my s ea . to ably the dream showed the shock separating into its com- ponent sheaves, which formed a res- pectful semicircle at a little distance from Joseph's sheaf, and . then all bowed humbly to the ground, pros- trate in submission. And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion ov- er us? A torrent of indignant wrath burst from the ten men, all shouting angrily at once. JOSEPH'S SECOND DREAM. And he dreamed yet another dream. He had often lain upon his back by the camp -fire when the nights were warm and lovely, gaz- ing up, as every boy and girl has gazed, at the throng of dazzling stars that cover every part of the deep bine sky, until he seemed to be up among them, and could clasp a hundred shining worlds in his arms. And told it to his brethren. Perhaps he had forgotten the ugly reception they gave to his first dream. And said, Behold I have dreamed yet a dream. The repetition of a dream was held to insure its fulfilment, And, behold, the sun and the moon AS SHE LOST FAT SHE LOST PAM Like many others, this women found , that excess fat did not come alone. In her ease it broeght sciatica with it, She did not know that both troubles were due to a ennunon eause-but she found they both gave way before one common remedy. " I have been a martyr to sciatica and kidney trouble for years. I took Keusehen for' about a month, when people began telling me how well looked. I have lost fat that was no good :to Inc., and now, after three months of Krusehen, I only go 168 lbs. instead of i8 lbs. I'm not going to say my pains have all gone, but I do say I'm , wonderfully well, and hope to improve vet. I bless the day I started kruscheti."-Mrs. F. L, P. The six salts in Kruseben assist the intern& organs to throw off each day the wastage, and poisons that ' encumber the system. Then, little by • bttle, that eg,iy fat peoes-..slowly, yes- . but surely. ihe pains of eeeatico, atict theuraatisto tease, You feel wonder- fuflybealthy, youthfol. and • more so than evethefore itt your life t and eleven stars made obeisance to me. "That was a high -flying dream." And he told it to his father, and to his brethren. He told this dream to his father, as it concerned him, jest as simply as he had told the first dream to his brothers, because it was about them. And his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this -dream that thou hast dreamed? What sort of dream is this to get into a boy's head. Shall and thy mother (the dead Rachel is mentioned as if she were still al- ive, as indeed she was still living in her loving husband's memory) and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee and to the earth? "Although the old father thought it fit to rebuke Joseph, he rather liked the saying." OUR BARBER SHOP A certain tiny Barber Shop has been dominionized, A little two by four, 1 think, or something of that size; It's run by M.P. power, you know, And run so very, very; slow, That from its operations flow A most prodigious loss. Its patrons are, .so rumors say, The leading M.P.'s of the day, Who for a massage, or a shave, A whisker trim, a cute hair wave, Or just their dainty hands to lave Breeze in and out again. The tariffs in thie Barberage, Are strictly just, and very sage, Deterndned by' our M.P.'s fiat, Co 1. e!eed to keep all growlers quiet, Are such as no one could look shy at Or ever dare dispute. The wages paid each worthy staffer, With every one of them a gaffer, Are fixed by competition's ruling, Prescribing any kind of fooling Inkeeping with the best of schooling Inexorably just. Yet this Dominion Barber Station, A wholly government creation,. Has't shown that 'governments can- not do, What we or I, or us or you Could very easily carry through, By private enterprise? Just look and listen, note and maelk, When M.P.'s loudly roar and bark, And ask your vote, because they say, They've made their own small busi- ness pay, And can the nation's any day, If only given the chance. Alas! behold the mess they've made, Of our small task they have essayed, They 'cannot run a Barber Store, A small thing, only two by four, Small wonder we are getting sore, And hopelessly depressed. J. G. Webster, REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS For Month Ending April 30, Total Hogs-Winghan: 207, Wro- xeter 83, Belgrave 369, Bluevale 571, Huron Co, Locals 2261, . Huron Co. 7064. Select Bacon--Wingham 62, 'Wro- xeter 19, Belgrave 98, Bluevale 173, Huron Co. Locals 601, Huron Coun- ty 2035. Bacon-Wingham 117, Wroxeter 45, Belgrave, 202, Bluevale 304, Hu- ron Co. Locals 1354, Huron County 4008.u B tchers-Wingham 20, 'Wroxeter 10, Belgrave 53, Bluevale 68, Huron Co. Locals 212, Huron County, 744. Heavies-Belgrave 3, Illuevale 5, Huron Co. Locals 42, Huron County 71. Extra Heavies-Belgrave 1, Huron Co. Locals 2, Huron County 3. Lights and Feeders-Wingham 7, Wroxeter 2, Belgrave 7, Bluevale 12, Heron Co. Locals 38, Huron County 132. DATES ANNOUNCED FOR SUMMER SCHOOL The Goderich Summer School has just announced the program for this year. The dates are July 18-25. Five noon hour studies on "The Sacraments" will be given by the Reverend Richard Davidson, Principal -elect of Enunanuel College of Toronto. These lectures are in- tended primarily for Ministers, but others will he weleomed. There will be three evening meet- ings for the Public. Monday, Rally Night. Reverend Walter Craw, M. A., 13.D., Kincardine, Wednesday, W, M. S. Night, Mrs, W. R. Mc- Intosh, president of London Confer- ence Branch of W. M. S. Friday. An illustrated Lecture "The Romance of Canadian History" Professor Lan- don, Western University, London. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings will be "School Functions," The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be dispensed by Reverend Dr, Davidson at the consecration service on Sunday afternoon, and Reverend Charles Daniel will - give the Closing address, Sunday eYening, ALI ;t,NCED FEATURES.,. YES! Elut Chevrolet Also Gives Y©u 1 N F course, you want the new advancements in the N--." car you buy today easy gear -shifting - free wheeling - smoother, more powerful performance better riding qualities! And you get them all in the Chevrolet Six -plus proved design. That is why the Chevrolet type of "economical transportation" is so much more enjoyable and satisfying. Chevrolet is the lowest -priced cat on the market combining Silent Syncrol-Mesh Shifting with Free Wheeling! Chevrolet gives you easy-going speed, and more'power for acceleration, when you need it most. The Chevrolet engine is mounted on thick rubber blocks, utilizing the most modern method of prevent- ing vibration of body, fenders and doors! Only the Chevrolet Six in the low price field offers you the extra roominess and style of body by Fisher! The sturdy foundation of Chevrolet riding comfort is a long, strong frame with four modern, lengthwise -mounted springs and four Lovejoy shock absorbers! And Chevrolet's balanced six -cylinder design -as well as every other vital part of the car -has been proved reliable by more than '2,000,000 owners, in billions of miles of service ! Chevrolet long ago pioneered the six -cylinder engine in the low price field because this type of power plant strikes a perfect balance of smoothness and economy. Nothing less than six cylinders can give multi -cylinder smoothness -anything more than a Six would mean a sacrifice of economy. It is a fact that the Chevrolet Six costs less for gasoline, oil and upkeep than any other full-size car! It costs less to own, too at its new, reduced prices. Your present car will probably take24 care of the down payment, and you can pay the balance in easy instalments over a period of months. C21-24 0PODUCCO M. C 1', A LET SIX FCP,it D WINGHAM, ONT., WHAT A BAD DOLLAR CAN DO The following story has been go- ing the rounds of the press: - A man bought a tie from a dry goods merchant and gave him a cheque for the dollar. The merchant paid for his lunch at the cafe with the cheque; the cafe manager pass- ed it on for something he , needed and it went from hand to hand, pur- chasing a dollar's worth of goods each time, till it bad been through 20 hands. Then it was taken to the bank, where it was promptly 'marked "No Account!" ' The twenty men who had endors- ed it went into conference. - They figured up profit and loss and dis- covered that each man had. made a profit of approximately 25 per cent. So they each contributed five cents and redeemed • the cheque, leaving each man still 20 cents to the good. Now they are trying to comprehend the principle underlying this bit of high finance. Perhaps some of our readers can figure it out. "It was while travelling in Switz- erland that I proposed . to Miss Smith on the verge of a mountain gorge." "Horrors! Suppose that she had thrown you over." • * * * "I had no idea she'd accept me the first time I proposed." "Did you think she would the se- cond time?" "'There would have been 00 second immammmmammmissimn Maitla X ari m er0 401, 1932 E IS NOW OPE Advance Price Call For Particulars THE UNITE» FARMERS COMPANY ea Wingh awn, Phone 27 Ir. 10c C. I 1111111413111111111 me CO.OPERATIVE ; LUVIITED. ; Ontario. intetiiiIIIII1111111111011