HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-26, Page 2PAGE TWO
The is .finished and, nig tloubt, the
in bam Advance~»Times
Published at
Every Thursday Morning by
Tom lieges Curtis by his actions '!Practices.
tx'bscription Rate — One Year $2.00' it; the lJiidbcr h case, has elected l Another method of reducing the
Silt months, '$1.00 in advance himself the most contemptible man tce'st of pr:�duetion i.e. the use of lar-
of .the
century, ll ci machinery and more labor sag' -
To' U. S. A., $2.50,per Year ing equipment. Considerable int -
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. * * at
Advertising rates on application. ,23,500,000 was paid for a firm'Provement ha been made in recent
years in the introduction of larger
that invested $1,750,000. This is no
and better machinery, making pC„s-
doubt what is meant by high finance.`ible. the elimination of considerable
SWAT THE' FLY manual labor. Where the farm is ®
Warm spring days and summer To fly the Atlantic is a wonderful large enough to warrant the much- R E S T F L SLEEP
weather bring out thy, fliers that leas feat. The home' is what makes the s st: of such machinery, this method
stu:cessfttll, ,sintered, The fly 6s nation, }constitutes an effective method of
one The Advance
Publishing Co.
ing will he that he e t ce N e
The weather of this last flaw`
bas certainly made our cettuetry
nu re beautiful.
fund- Most of the items incurred' in the 1
000. coast of producing crops are the same
days whether the crop is large or small,
still a,a that every .effort slioould be made
Ito produce large yields by the adop-
ltion of all better farming methods.
f 1 lin rs+u� Cat germ
• ; reducing co, t.. The substitution C f
The y of planting in the spring more profitable for less profitable
carriers, and 3s also one of mu- most ]
aegra,atitt;g sumimr pests. The bat -:brings the pleasure of the !harvest.
Iciops is another advantage which
— With Castoria's regulation
tie with the ley is always an annual l may .be derived from the cost of
task, but by killing off the early fl, It is to be hoped that Govern- i production studies.
t z :rant Control of Radio will not be ' _
nnuch can be done ., cC,iitrC, 1<z. l ,ai
ntusanza. =a e
n xtra burl a oil the ..xPaver.
Poultry—A Farm Asset
The fly breeds with great rapidity.t f
ial records show that the
a female fly lays about 120 eggs at News and Information Ope,u�t iOfficialicpopulation of (arida has
a time. Ten day: from tote Banc the: y
for the Busy Partner doubled each ten• years during the
eggs are laid the new flies are also !period ,�f the past S0 years. Each
the a pr?ducing state weal, Furnished by the Ontario Depart- [succeeding period of low- prices for
shows eta the flies se quickly in L meat of Agriculture);eaten products finds the poultry
iflock coming to the farmer's rescue.
Swatting the fly wilt to a bt eat ex-1're,f. I Eaton Howitt, head of the ` At the present time it can easily be
tent eliminate these pests but safe,lltt,ranv Department. 0. A. C., has :shown that the poultry flock proper -
sanitary measures should be employ
jp .pared a booklet ,which delves ;1,- bred, housed, and looked after is,
[thoroughly into the various types of from the standpoint of capital in-
SPRINGTIME THE BEAUTIFUL `ayeeds found in Ontario. It i, well i,.estment and feed cost, one of the
illustrated and gives a vast amount 1 best paying lines of farm effort.
"Oh, to be in England now that 1 e,t itifearination, !Each succeeding year appears to
April's there,” is a itch quot d Imake it mere clear that the farm is
phrase but "Canada its May" is as ' Trap the Borer i:iht logical place for the development
beautiful to btlit,ld asthe pen
, The suggestion has been ad, ane ! of the poultry industry with respect .
that have �c: poets to f*en their
verses,til that a trap corncorncrop consisting; to both e and meat production.
We are particularly blessed in this ;t't abut hall a dozen rt'+w•s of early " The farm :incl. is a useful medium
respect in Huron County. The grass sewn rapidly growing corn, if put in pztrr the marketing, of otherwise wun-
andas early as the ground is fit, will. in saleable product: in the form et e,_ s
fields are beautiful t, lbch.tiCi, iar.d outtry meat. Banks and loan
The swoods are got ilos as their
mosamountt years, lessen the a�nnit of in- P
leaves unfold. The wildildspring :„,,,w- fury done the ntair, crop by corn ' z..rtornpanies find that the faint which
borer, if the :Hain crop is sown a has a poultry flock is a much better
sen. violets, f hepaticas and blies pre-'
seize a riot C+f color in the boars and :fewtla}e later than the ideal date. :risk thani+nt which has none.The trap crop should be cut low:
When ick -ed -make a So,at attractive , Finishing Beef Steers
ab to the end of the first ,week: in .
Much of the value in marketing1 their , August. when all barer eggs have
Flower garde Is take t'':I lb -en said and should be removed and beef cattle is let when they lack
springtime air and blossom om rt th R - proper finish. George,int , Muir, E,
keit as live s tuck,
math ctalc�rs z"aC•.. doln elle:. al:art to �.. `"
,.beautify e .'lrr•urdin s
can ty home t w t, •
1 k greatly increased demand for
1'c a-. crop a�tn
A., n?ini.n Animal Husbandman
„otters the following segzestions for
Springtime is beauty ti e.
finishing beef `seers.
x 4'r for the „ The tsn2'ptose L,t reducing the rL'i-
oed. Bouch of the business
1' .^I:e," ...., Ctsta't>;�� i -e'' ':'Ea 1i 'i' reported. - 'iulellt part .,f the ration toward' the
being done ,r a credit stiles basis
the t+'ai ,,,,i•. 2t L ..^'i:. `• 54 reC clTf'
from .:nes Canadian 'gat.. eta; Stearn- Rhus Ia , al,ra<cr... ,+<2- t -e ,e. ep-.
the us aria z ua, Ille ft wi: h the idea- tot Fro ,i t� tar. :gas near acre,
ships a en - con: dino,.,. on I t nt a 4 cs t.y i i ? '. ,ITI y. - < +
p t • i- t, trig rug,, The , i, era n^ k in transIa This t . -d, cm the acidity of the soil
r c lar t a t l t t L n t lln� c r b further aided. bycutting on: u. do ` ee of iineness s of the
from M a, a, t and' Ha. v.. t' : t ,.,. a has
the route .. _
ti".. r l- T . n'a`ve- last of the finishing period is to lar
When your child tosses and crises
out in his sleep, it means he is net
comfortable. Very often the trouble
is that poisonous waste matter is not
being carried off as it should be.
Bowels need help—mild, gentle help
—but effective. Just the kind Cas-
logia gives. Castoria is a pure vege-
table preparation made specially for
children's . ailments, It contains no
herch harmful drags, no narcotics.
Don't let your child's rest—and your
open --be interrupted. A prompt dose
of Castoria'wiill, urge stubbornlittle
bowels to act. Then relaxed comfort
anad restful sleep] Genntne Citstoria
always has the name:
C' R Y 'F 0", IT
sort, known as Ruby,` originated at
the Experimental Farm, and consid-
ered to be the best rhubarb on the
market, and already very popular:
Not only is it red on the outside, hut
it is red all the way through the'
way through the stalk, and makes',
such an attractive sauce that even
those who- do not care 'much for
rhubarb are tempted to eat it. It is
as much better than some of the old i
green varieties as the Melba apple is
better than the Duchess of Olden -
burgh. Here again is a product of
the Experimental Farm which fills a
long -felt want. L p to quite recent-
ly those who were eager to eat a
sann?ner apple, -after being without
one so long, had to depend on such
sour sorts as Yellow. Transparent,
Rt d Astrachan, and Duchess, which
were not at all conducive to a large
censtunption of apples, but in the
Melba there is ate apple of Duchess
season equal to McIntosh in quality
—an attractive luscious apple of high
flavour ming a craving for more. ,
This is appreciated by the slot ma-
chine vendors who are eager to get
Melba to open the season for their
Of all vegetables, corn is, 'perhaps,
the most popular, after potatoes, and
everyone looks forward eagerely to
the corn season. The Golden Ban-
tam corn is the most popular var-
iety, and rightly so, bur, if one can
have corn as good in quality as the
Thursday, May 26th, 1932
-- THE
Wellington Produce Co
W. L. WHYTE, Manager.
Wingham, - Phone 166
Open Saturday Nights Until 10 p.m.
Golden Bantam but two weeks soon-
er, he will not be without it. The
Pickaninny and Banting varieties or-
iginated at the Erperimental Farm
are such. The Pickaninny has a
slightly bluish tinge when young, is
of delicious quality and quite equal
to Golden Bantam. Banting is a
mercial fertilizers may act. It im-
proves the physical condition of i
many heavy soil:. Worked into the
top layers of the soil it helps pre-
vent that sticky, plastic conditional
found in wet seasens. It aids drain-;
age. It alsc'+ produces a condition in
which hi m'artent furls• of bacteria do
their work most efficiently.
The time to apple- limestone is 1
whert z, ie moat et'n,e3lieu te? do so.
I: is applied u ua:ly in the late fall
or ea -la spring en land and seeded
down. Very- often application are
made <;, meadows and pastures. It,
i" noz advisable to apply liraestene
tw> land that is to be plowed shortly +,
fax tt:' Tlcrinuda N doubt. .f
4.1a,n:,a, t a.''C• A,t..r
cent, n `thy ii'3.:,7 en'!„ 4 the t-ip.
* * c
During. .':. ^,;t:.=... , :he Lindberg'
1St per.:'''•. ..:aril c:
.:1.... _,,. Ian .. h .
3teL !$•4a i•'�..iA u3.•y
year Dve'r, get rad
c is r.s and
�tllu? egecteee' ern
2&r4 a5c -a:3 aikas-
:S the exr'c Iaent,.. stage Ir.
a .... , ..a.d ti- ,tsa td: of ii-rtners
fmdirot."pe_,. :a r' a.+......-. aid in
a..,... ,he :as: ?i: ^ .Ia :-n :kr::.
t.. a. a,. When a.. •
,'�.. cash
t feel:' e- xeiy hc'" should be applied. This
L• ..2..a orad ;alli•w:nw the :a111 -.ay be Larne 1'>y spreading wi:h a
., drybay. gra. s . 1.3, 'cl ,f by '-i a i II:t. esus aC'
a.abae a. n::=wrr tl':i' c rea,ae . The latter ,.,e:h..d is, o
rat.... may be. main- c.,„,„,„,
, .asst' .- I. r.::seeL:ex, e : ive spreader, are can
7g 4.:,.X.7-,Z;;Ve- r; , .a.:t:... '- C''✓ . t,..nab;a: arz.Itter. they , l are ,
he n.,. ,?n
air:o st+. i Sara
cI cause the
1 _ r. t r. : rrx2 ::7c
nsicierattiy when
h ... , KILL WEEDS
:d be l :C.'.?•: a •t:. 111: a t
, '• t �sr ... ye .aW } eta>C t ... a,CCd ar+a'f2
a r , t G as } ii 6 x, :s tit s a Her( is
Red Cr C s ...... ., ,ft, .tr prime, i tsar_
;;1'_�.....+ pre-hien:r '1 e':':.. .CST3iri'i'o �.r.,. t: "i -i21: E: kinds of Weed
c t t c t o . ply ,- y
.. osis
i. a Tar;:t tt. Yb ,t,. :cora,. be seeded ruts forw , + _,,a :- ..,,.- 2 %.-' c hr c •it ?I '?
, M H. . _ i ..°i c. 'Tr
" rCr. _. ad -Yi ._ :.,. _ .<.:h:r'.' I':" . whet- t. are _ _t-Ie-ru
.•_ecent ` yv 'l: wend tW , G a c -i I:"•'y.
sew j •be b e because of
r t: .. ai :'.• xa...
.,._.,ae ,«..t' o+ ear":, -<.t,. i.:.roast (n et'd1 and , cif an
`e•iend �»pps tool:-:
L`;.., •t spy. as a i1 _tt to i ?: t re: r.
t,J `ract. aante ti a. and co he hay
thati t 7~ j y; ire, 2" t d kinds
�•,,, ::1 »
f. wee ;ter II e than
9, cc ca..t be. . r e. b, t ,_tL t relative a'_ •num er ? :v. 5 ` than :.3 t }+ » ., t :and :he auto e e•a t tai weed seeds-
the. :+:'+:?-. soil l iv 1} a^'tii'�-
d z -nate ir, +t ; ear to year. It pa.
t tnia. t'ceds are ala: t.rea ie 3:n it
,,u:;3 h. we'll pasture 4+ sheep
agar`inew the : _ n_'itaa.e closehrearl,
year. before the spring 'routh has
-_...ru seed.,
ale: as
'land irafnediately afterward. any.
up with t` cuhiivati
citrring. e remaining pantile:
> wheat. Fal s . ta•h '1. rape
a 'hoed crops are aa' c he
th, The ti+}. nnail a
w< a..rA -i.. Sow '.
_ea es: . ;r4.7./1,+a,oats a.d
graerts. As ''=recec. 'e• n
T: ata .-K^e . rttt 'land., road M . r
.arcs- elnt a i L: trier attd vii
ccwee : pect. rs are- urged t:
,keep cut:•r.
.a,. •.'. es, •S"r.- .
:'-..., wa:,td ss b ydctte
ars ... A. f1L t':. Sinittli. N ' iant-
aw tt _C.rc
Agricultural Li=estene
7zrltnral,ta _t
... roti..• :
$.. ,. a;.W:• S and , t;.'i. _ ..t.
.. .":.per
6 :e ..t 8 Ie•
v et l,:ry t date
t^..I. '�'ire=el f atle.
"She stag` she is very lonely eve
"Yes. . :Rr :;$ashan'd never sones
.. merit , tel Fakeres,1a 4 e 9
aa -:tins cli5A .. • at
and .'.re ..have the= at a.." :sez-
This has been kept i.
ire breeder: e$''
vegetables in
Division atsrs-tm y
1. <t Barra si t $' c.2 $e 1:a` 'f .
een w..,,gra...-
w'C.J g:.:Lan ' as ye- .c:. W'e.:uCdM.r+,�✓,
_tdr at l '} t t: r= tz big
519 .✓�"4•r 'ul'�:w -:.'� t s tri- GAJ ty,.
it Iraut.b. Isrt..n .1., t'. -,r"
L'.t» k'•. u.Y.:U•.`N:. 1 i:. .,v. firit
xuva .,.a
,.+.., _l to There
les LL -e 'in line a."« id I
very early yellow corn of good qual-
These valuable originations make
it possible for thousands of Canad-
ians to grow their own fresh fruits
and vegetables whb were previously
unable to do so owing to the longer
season required by the older sorts.
ist prize —$1,000,00 cash
2nd pr ze — 3500.00 cash
3rd prize — S200.00 cash
4th prize — $•100.00 cash
5 prizes, each $50.00 cash
95 prizes, each $10.00 cash
104 prizes totalling $.3,000.00
$1.000.00 in cash—extral It
would lock prettily good to you right
° now, wouldn't it? Well then, in-
vest a few minutes of' your time to
get it. Entering this contest will
not cost you 'a cent of your money
—but you'll get some fun oitt of' it,
pclilarly if you like a little pro-
blem in arith fic.
Here are the simple faces of the
contest: Anyone from a household
where a car is owned may enter.
There is no entry fee, nothing to
buy, no special requirement. All
tire dealers, all robber company
eanployees and the families of both
are, however, debarred.
See the six Goodyear Tires of
various sizes, types and ply -thick-
nesses on display here. Then esti-
mate the number of cords in each,
find the total, and divide by six to
obtain the average. A section of
Goodyear Supertwist Cord fabric
is on display to help you make your
Get a standard entry form from
us on which to make your entry.
Closing date: June 5th, 1932.
Address: "The Goodyear Super -
twist Cord Contest," New Toronto,
Toronto 14, Ontario.
WinWingham Tire and Vu amzing g Depoot.
,NVE ry�
W GTIOyg��s�