HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-19, Page 6PA. SAX THE W INGHAM ADVANCE-TIM:10 N�h SNAPSHOTS OF LON EEAGLE'S SON Three views of the slain Lind- shortly before his dsiappeaiance. In i indicating bergh child, reproduced from film the lower picture is shown the Lind-I•child was made . by `motion picture camera 'bergh home at Hopewell with arrow ten weeks window from which the taken by kidnappers oyer ago. • CHANCE PASSERBY FINDS LINDBERGH BABY'S BODY FINDERS OF LINDY BABY POINT OUT SPOT Thursday, Ma)r 19th, 1032' Seventy-three 'days of nerve- /wracking uncertainty ended for Col. Charles Lindbergh and his wife on May 12 with the news that their kidnapped child had been found LITTLE BODY DISCOVERED BY CE-IANCB NEAR HOME dead, inurdered by his abductors. Police, spurred to new efforts by the discovery of the child's body 'near the Lindbergh estate, still had noth- ing but vague clues to work on. Showing the wave of revulsion that has followed discovery of the crime, I New York newspaper headlines were I blacker than ever before. One news- ! paper devoted .its entire front to the words, "Baby Dead." Photos, reproduced here show the helpless victim as he appeared on his first birthday, a few months before his - abduction and death. WILLIAM ALLEN, FINDER OF BA Y, WITH HIS DOG While a battalion of secret opera- tives and police worked assiduously al lover the world in efforts to trace the myriad rumors concerning the Lindbergh kidnapping, William Al- len, colored, discovered the mutilat- ed body of the child by the merest chance as he walked through the, woods near Trenton; N.J. Allen is shown here with his dog in a photo- graph which was transmitted by tel- ephoto to Cleveland, sped by aero- plane to Buffalo, where it was pick- ed up by aeroplane to be rushed to Canada. THE FINDERS OF LINDBERGH BABY' POINT OUT SPOT William Allen, colored, and Or- ville Wilson, pointing out the spot in the Sourland Mountain Woods, four and a half miles from the Lind- bergh home, where they found the body of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. Allen was the first to see the body, as he was driving past, with Wilson, in his truck. EXPECT ARREST OF KIDNAFPE>*'S MAY BE SOON New York Five erten and a wo- man, whose identities are believed to be known, were responsible for the kidnapping of the baby son of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh on the night of March 1, and his murder soon afterward, according to infor- mation now in the hands of the New .jersey State Police. The arrest of one or more mem- 's 'hers of this group is understood on good authority to be expected with- i in the next few days. THE TEST FOR UNCLE SAM A babe has awakened the world to the rottenness that festers and foments . in the body politic of a great nation. The cruel fate of a child — the smashing of a happy, human home —dramatically discloses the tentacles of the Thing that is tearing at the vitals of a proud people. For the moment the Dollar—the big concern —the only concern—does not' seem to matter.. Uncle Sam must realize at Iast that he has something else on hand which demands his attention—some- thing ugly, filthy, foul, and strong. He has seen—and the world has seen—his so-called police, chattering pretenders at law enforcement, run for weeks in aimless circles and then be shoved aside ignotniously as use- less, while a humiliating appeal was made to the powerful criminal un- derworld. Another week -end has gone by. Constituted tted authority, whatever that e may mean, is still stabbing stupidly at suspicions and theories, just as it did in weeks past, and wondering whether the hordes that the Presi- dent has let loose will get some- where. At any rate, the world is duly ad- vised in despatches that a nation is aroused, a President is aroused, a people is aroused. It will be inter- esting and illutninating to see what all this' advertised arousedness twill accomplish, Itis the testing time for our nei- ghbors across the line. And the tandard of the test is not monetary pr materialistic. It is not to be neasured in mere metal—even by old.—Globe. REVENGE MIGHT BE' MOTI"V"E Miss Constance Morrow, aunt "c,f the ill-fated.- Lindbergh baby, who 'etas threatened by kidnappers in '29.; .wog. I.indber.gh was .active at that titrtw err the endeavor to locate: the €1aEir who demanded '$50,000. There is speculation as to whether or not the .baby was taken in revenge. PARENTS OF SLAIN CHILD MOTHER'S COURAGE HIGHLIGHT OF TRAGEDY The courage of Anne Lindbergh was an inspiration to all about her, friends said; as forces of law and or- der the length and breadth of the continent began a relentless hunt for the slayers of her child. The .second blow she has taken bravely during the last eight months came on it+lay 12, Last, October while she and Col, Lindbergh were on an earial trip to the Orient, . her fIather Senator Dwight W. Morrow,' died. Then on May 12 police officers brought her pieces of clothing from the body of a baby that had been. found slain a short distance from the Lindbergh estate. She identified them as her child's. The young mother, who is expecting another child within a few months, was described as bearing up with her usual equanimity." Photo shows Col. Lindbergh and his wife. Photo (1) shows newspapetmen slain neat Mount Itosc, NJ. William Iyft to Right—Gerald Alien,i t 'William abeth Allen, Orville Wilson,. who P and spectators looking at the spot Alton, colored, finder of the body,ie Photographs were rushed [tom New Allen and William Allen, JrRear, waswith withJr.;, with Allen when the toes where the Lindbergh baby was found poses his ;,: gruesome' 'York to Buffalo and brought on I g to t . family in 2 . I ratrt, Mrs, Myrtle 'VVitartem'butg and Eliz- i discovery was made, is shown in (S)'t Toronto by specially chartered aero- Plane,