HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-19, Page 3.:1..11.,.,0 e MAY MEETING WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The May meeting of the Gorrie branch of • the •Woirren's Institute was held at the home of the Secre- tary, Mrs. Pearl Kaine, on Wedne-s- ' day. In the absence of the Presi- dent, Mrs, W Earngey, first vice- president, presided. After several it - erns of business. were transacted, preparations were made for the play "What Happened to Parker" which was staged here on Friday night by Wroxeter talent, after which Mrs. Carol Gregg gave a very interesting paper on Vegetables -Their Food Values and Preparations. There were also two reading. Mrs. H. Ashton gave "The Speckled I•Ien" and Mrs. Sheri gave "There Ain't No Tax on Tea." The meeting closed with the Nat- ional Anthem after which the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. H. Ashton, served lunch. GORRIE Miss Meyer, of Formosa, was a 'recent guest of Miss Evelyn Ste- phens'. Mr. Ben Macquire was a Kitchen- . er visitor on Friday. ., 1MIr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins were Wingham visit- ors on Sunday. - Mrs. jas. Bell visited with Mrs. W Wright at Lakelet over Sunday, t Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera were -lksitors on, Sunday with Guelph friends. . The Women's. Association of the TJnited Church will meet on Thurs- day afternoon at the .home of Mrs. Pearl Laine. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schnock, of Ethel, also Mrs. M. T. Abram and son, Vern, visited on, Sunday with R. G. and Mrs; Galley, of Wingham. Mrs. Sparling Sr. has returned to her daughter's home (Mrs. E. John- ston, at I3luevale,) after visiting with her son, Harvey Sparling, also Mrs, Win. Whitfield. Those from here who attended .0'Those Synod last week were, Rev. R. S. Jones, T. C. Taylor, Gorrie, al- so Wm. Spence, Fordwich, and Geo. Paulin, Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.. Hicks in Harriston on Sunday. We again congratulate the Lis- towel Male Chorus in their success at Stratford Festival last Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes were in Lucknow on Saturday visiting with a sick friend. Don't forget the debate in Gorrie United Church on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, when North Street Un- ited Church, of Goderich, will visit the Y. People's League here. The subject for debate is Resolved that Hem Canadian 'Government should own loess. and control all telegraph; telephone and radio systems in Canada, G•or; rie will have the affirmative. Ey- ery^one come and • encourage the young people,. Mrs. James Bell is visiting her daughter, in Kitchener, fpr a couple of weeks. Mrs, R. 'S. Jones, Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs, Norman Wade are attending a Woman's Auxiliary convention that is being held in London this week. Mrs. Abram and son, Vern, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schnock, of Ethel, • to Wingham on Sunday, when they visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. Galley. • hlr. and 11MIr•.s. H. Herzog were in Walkerton on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clegg, Toronto, called on Gorrie friends on Sunday, The thirtieth executive meeting of the East Huron District of Worn - en's Institutes met in the Library Brussels on Monday, May 1.6th, arrange for the district annual to held 'in Wroxeter on June 16th, good representation from each the .branches, Wroxeter, Gor Brussels, Ethel and Bluevale, w present, Fordwich being absent. in. to be a of rie,. ere • Y. P. Entertain Fordwich League The Gorrie United Church Young People's League entertained the Fordwich Young People's Society on Thursday evening in the Schoolroom of the church here, when nearly sev- enty members were present. Miss Anne Douglas, president, presided and gave a few words of welcome. The Fordwich Society then took charge with Rev. Mr. Button presid- ing, when a varied and interesting program was presented. After a hymn `Stand etp, Stand up for Jesus' was sung, Mr. J. A. Bryans led in prayer. Scripture was read by Miss Elva Brown, and the devotional per- iod was very ably taken • by Willard Peel when he gave a very interesting address on the "Life of David." This was followed by a duet by Misses Jean Bryans and Minnie McIllwain, after which Miss Thelma Button gave a reading "The Highwayman." Miss Helen Peel gave an instrumen- tal followed by a reading "The Welsh Clergyman" by Miss Jennie Pierce. Mr. Cook then took charge and a few numbers of community singing were 'enjoyed. Rev. Mr. 33utt gave the closing nuniber by singing "I would be like Jesus." .Miss Eve- lyn Stephens, social convenor, con- ducted a few contests and games be- fore ;lunch was served. The meeting closed with the Natioanl Anthem. Wroxeter Talent Present Play "Wheat Become of Parker" the am- ateur play- which was -staged here on Friday evening by Wroxeter talent was exceec}ingly well received, each one taking part acting their parts excellently. The coed). was Mrs. T. phill. The play was a real sue- . Th:e, cast of characters: Fred J. • REY have seen Gyproc Fire Tests and the'3r X98 rr24., it resists fire.(' Use Gyproc for the walls, ceilings and partitions of the home you are building. Or if you are "doing over" any rooms, adding new , ones in the attic, partitioning the cellar, be sure to use this easy - to - handle, fire - safe wallboard. It is an excellent base for Gypte: or A.labastine and >tt'nay be papered or panelled. Gyproc may be easily identified by • the 11411ae on the board and the Green stripe along the edge, GYPSUM, =VIE AND ALAn,A.STINE, Canada, Limited Paris - °nteri° ter Is For Sale By 11. Buchanan Hardware a vV IA'AghaI➢fA, Ont. Rae & Thompson Wingham, Ont. R. .i. 1uestoln x corrin, Ont. MobaltlanitatmlnandEteasiftirtrINSIMINOMINIONIVIMPAIMMISIMMIIIIMMINIMMIDEMMEa Thursday, May 19th, 1932 MYSTERY BLAST RAZES BUILDING ONE DEAD, TEN HURT, IN LONDON EXPLOSION A fatal blast '.vhich razed the east (1) the wreckage left by the explo- the blast brought the building down. end of a fruit warehouse in the old Sion, and (2) Angela Favalarao, a The truck M.C.R. depot, London, Ont,, kinin • trsacic driverwas overturned and Fay - one I for the one and injuring 10 others,' remain- Sons, occupiers of Othe Catalano and zulski, alaro 16,buried in.the debris. Joe sit- ed a mystery, ting twho. was killed, was sit - as police sought for who ° had a narrow escape from ting on the truck also. clues of the probable cause of the death, He was sitting in his truck explosion. The layout Above shows at. the door of the warehouse when GORRIE TWO as: ovYw` day visitors at Mr. Craig's. ~ Parker, a wholesale dry A Ballad To Our Fire Brigade goods mer I IVIr. and, Mrs. Bert French and chant, A. Wearring; Wm. Torrance, ( children, from near Pike Lake,, spent 'The call still is ringing His partner, J. J. Allen; Jeremiah last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 13. Thro Growler, a retired business man, G. (Haltom. ugh our Kittle town Paulin; James Jones, G. R. Gibson; Mr. Blake Fleet and son, Blake, of , Get a pail, yes get a pail Mr. Harrison, A Capitalist, Archie Hamilton, were Sunday visitors at J. 1 Or you'll have n home ere the Edgar; Dr. Rogers, Allan Munro; Fleet's. goes dower on Police •Sergeant Ripley, Jack Gib- ler, IIf you fail, yes if you fail. son; Otto, a waiter, Philip Thirst; Strong Craig visited with Thos. Sunday. Vivian, Parker's wife, Mrs.1 For we've lost e'er buildin s J. j. Al- Mr. and Mrs Sebastiano,._L_i_--; g ,yes one len; Mildred Green, leer maiden aunt andby one son, lviosiey, were Sunday visit- Ti11 we all are felling blue Miss A. Little; Hale Worthy, I ors at Adan{ Ziu brigg's. Growler's neice, Miss A. Schaab; I Now if the United Church should fall Cora, a Maid at Parker's, Miss M. a prey Mitchell. 12th LINE 1t�6'�Ta�lia pr What ever• would we do Move array, yes move away. WROXETER Mr, Janes Underwood was assist - leg Mr.. John 'Gamble with fencing We've lost our mills and the Big The May meeting ,of the W. M. S. one day last week. hetel was held in the school room of the { Mr. Thomas Vittie wears a broach And now the stores are gone too, United CIattrch on Thursday after- smile these •.lays; a little stranger ar- And the barns around are iani ashes on noon, Mrs. Gibson presiding. Mrs- rived at the home of Mr, and Mrs. the ground T. Walker was in ,charge of the de - !John Hill. ,Congratulations Grandpa. •tSo ...mine away. 011, come away. 1ru1 they made .sucha lovely view votional period, :reading from tlr•e itI•r. Robert Baker was a Wingham• Saturday evening. M•essxs. Henry and Sterling Finlay visited with friends near Wroxeter. Mr. Wilfred and Mrs. Robert Brown rcaIIed on • Mildmay • Friends one day last week. 10th .chapter of Romans, and follow- ing with a •.short article on the glory of giving to help •others. A. number 'of 'business items were dealt with, including arrangements for the packing of a bale, for .which articles may he left at the home of Mrs. Gibson. Miss E. P. .I-Iazelwood, secretary of Clirisfian :Stewardsip and Finance spoke shortly -on the joy of giving, in relation to our missionary bales, Mas. J. Edgar gave an interesting. reading 'by the Rev. E. W. Morgan of China, telling how a young SChin- ese girl .came to enter one of the GLENANNAN .Now Norman is our right hand man He'll go clean to the top And if he can't ,5tt at the blaze .A big hole in the roof he'll ch.;,p. So keep away. Oh, .keep away. .:find then we lave 'senile nice calm one,'senile That just stand up .and look, (intencled for last week) lAnd if there's any tebbacco round Miss Catharine Fortune -visited : Just a little ':bit .they'll hook one day last week, with lar =•:rrend g'Su steal away. yes, 'steal away. Mrs. Oliver Stokes. Miss Kay Glimonr o,{ Toronto tis- 'Ther are some sarong men around iced .at the home of Mr. .and Mrs, the town christian •:schools and illustratinrb = bow + Wm..Mundell, That will bnealt their backs in rie Mr. and Mrs. john Cathers and And that, something that car'.t b the work of the christian church in babe, were Sunday visi'lors with Etre China is .being built up. Mrs. Wear-, litters parents Mr. and patched up are o ring brought a splendid report of to , i 1Vlis, Arthur j With a little piece ctf hie, �Lineal.rt' re.eat Presbyterial meeting and some Mrs. Muir returned from TorontoSo hide away. Oh, :hide away letter' from•' unc lay last week. where 4te has Our advice t,,..ali •ele• id tolks Miss Bessie Lovell of Kenya Colony, Africa, formerly of Wroxeter, were I glee'{{{ the reinter months.1 is to getare conte morning Iaiiglit react by tIrs: Gibson. Mr. and Mrs, tidal I retkearid •e And take your stove pipes all right The roll' call was responded to by Mr. Hugh MacDonald visited on ? down, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben And clean them all • out right, scripture verses containing the word Hope . The hymns, "Front Green- Stci'l.c Ile stare tiler ri::•;ht,ani. together :tight. land's Icy llcruntain", and "Spirit of Mi s "Elva Metcalfe Nuret lie -train- . God i -train- God Descend Upon My Heart" were ing spent one day last week with her .For' no one wants to 'live in a 'town sun =and ar.'a y.rs heel by llesdstaues 1 parents{ `11r, and Mrs. Jahn is etcalf, Where we are like dried herrings c \"'i econgratulate \-1 r..Scai•riran Munro and Gibson•smoked nia, e and brown. Finlay, his A. at Bing - Muir it, securing;'fl, Rev. Alex, :Sanderson, of. Brant I :SVlrerenight, i,th the is calling day euel ford, is spending a fern weeks at the cton with Honours. Norman returned home of his parents, Mt. and Mss; home one day last week.• And the kids all die of fright D. D. Sanderson. Mr aial Mrs. Jas. Stokes and two We'll move away, yes away. iMlrs. W. G. Patterson and Mrs, 1 aughters spent one evening recent - George Seiling were able to return Y with Mr, and Mrs, Friss r Haugh. home last week from St, Josegh's Hospital, London. Mrs. Alvin Moffatt is recovering from a severe attache of bronchitis which caused Hauch concern to her family and friends. • Mr, and Mrs. Harper of McIntosh visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane for a day last week. Miss` Mary Harris is having , her house painted, The many friends of Mrs, Robert Stocks will be pleased to know she lit improving after an operation in the hospital, Path LINE HOWXCI Visitors et Reuben Harding's Sat- 'urday and Sunday were,'Mr. Aylm- er Harding and daughter, Esther, and Miss Ruby Harding and Mr, and. Mrs. Wheeler and children Of Grand Valley,` Mr, and Mrs, Jack Dentmerl%ng and children of Harriston, were ,Surf - pawl r (moved 10 town webby. cel With Russia, three months ago Sunday—well 1 spent most of the regarded asthe greatest menace to day today wirking on a big Problem other , wheat -exporting countries, in are Aitltmettick test, I got ten now back in the world markets as a buyer, Vancouver- men believed pos- sibly 10,090,000 bushels of wheat would move through Vancouver to "Fresh from theGardens" zv& answers but I cant make up my mind witch 1 to turn in to the Teecher. Munday—well ma has tuk up Con - track Bridge and pa and me is both Srberia in the next few months, in Fever of it becuz it looks like she is a going to give up house Cleaning this Spring. Tuesday — Ma wanted the 2nd handed for dto drive to the city this after noon but pa sed the steering Geer was broke but zna sed no bud- dy cud see it so it woodent make 110 diffrunte. But for sum meson ruth- er pa win out and she had to stay at home. • Wensday—I gess Luck .Bent is a going to get marryed. she told ma yesterday she was frade she had bet- ter ,get marryed becuz she had lost her gold fish and was very very Lonesome here of lately. Thirsday—ma got back at pa to- day all rite. She told him she had Auto Light Law to be Enforced went and got a new dress and pa Deluged with complaints from sed. How in the wirld clo you X- various points in • the Province re peck me to pay for it. and ma reply- garding improperly illuminated cars, ed to him. Well last weak when I Hon. Leopold Macauly, Minister of tryed to offer suan suggestions about Highways, requested Provincial and Municipal Police Departments to en- force the "Iights" section of the Highways Traffic Act as rigidly as possible in future, Will Have Winter Fair at Guelph Indications are that the Provincial Winter Fair, at Guelph,which it w:as reported would be discontinued this year owing to a substantial decrease in Government grants, will be held as usual in December. Alderman W. Templeman, who represented the city at a meeting of the board of Directors, issued a statement today - to the effect that the majority of the directors are strongly in favor of continuing the fair, several stock- breeders of the official board being insistent that it be continued• are finances you told me it was yore business to tend to yure bisness so I wont try an advice you enny more. Pa rnenchioued Helen sumbody. `Five Dollar' Pound To Be Considered Stabilization of 'the currency of Little Rex trod softly trp to his mother's side and raised an appeal - the Empire is one of the important 1 in ' face. subject, embraced in the agenda of + Mum," he said, "can Jean and 1 the Imperial Conference to be held play' at keeping a shop?" in Ota eomtnencin = Mother, who had a bad headache, t on July 21. nodded, ' • The question is not new, having. Y Tres,' she ;aid, "but you must be been discussed at every succeedin Imperial very, very poral Conference since 1923, but '.O e quiet.' the enol ects for definite results Oy.h' We' Mum!" replied Rex eag- eertj "'We'll 11 pretend we don't ad - are now considered much better .than vertise:' ever before by reason of the general desire on the part of Empire coun- tries to promote intra -Empire trade. Canada Sells Grain to Soviet Vancouver -Thee Vancouver Sun 1 published the following: "Corning as 1 the most significant development in the Vancouver grain season, confir- inatioit was secured of the sale of 1,- I lif10,000 bushels of grain for ship- 'vessels to Russia from this port. Five I e 'r+-ssels have been chartered to carry it to Z'ladivostok. The t astlemoor, nuts loading here, is one. Names o'f BELMORE intended for last week Sabbath School was opened in the Pres. hall Sabbath, for the sutonier , ntontits. Mothers Day? was fittingly carried otit in the Union Church Sunday. The Sabbath School led in song, wh- ile little Mildred 13aIlagh sang alone. The Misses Nole of Seaforth were visitors of their Aunt Mrs, Casenrore last week. 7ur village now boasts of a butch- er shop and three grocery stores. It as not nc essary to go to bed hung- ry., A blaze was seen issuing from the 1 roof of Mr: Kelly's house recently our fire fighters were soon on the job and made quirk' work in getting it out. Mr; and Mrs, Teemish and Fred, spent; Sunday evening at the home of Mrs, Jeffrey, SLAT'S DIARY By Ross Farquhar Friday—Mr. Gillcm and pe was a tarvking about the Dcprashun and Mr Gilleon sed he • was afrade of the , Banks and his p a was wife ut- so, Saterady---Jalccs Ma was tellitre ma about stnrl flour and slic wanted her to see 1 of there, she', sed it Wangs to the nugonia family. I dont no this faulty but Ispose they inebby just '1 141 k*�I 4 + l ting her nidtney its a shoe now and pa: rcplyed and sed his wife hail bear a putting a ti lot of muncy in shoes here of late • and a fev hats all l Imo am F. HOMUlli Phan. B. Opt. D„ R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". the other tour have not been dlisclos- awrso.11Sql...emata.120641 MY. 41 Y MEM m 3 lbs. Choice Dates for 2 lbs. Large Prunes for 2 lbs, Apricots for 2e 3 Cans Corn 35c 3 Cans Tomatoes, 212 2 29c, for c 3 Cans Peas for 2 lb. Package ,Socias 29c for ... .. .25c 1 lb. pkg. Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea........ , 49c 1 lPr. pk.. Crowan Tea 39c 1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee "nuc 24 lb. Sack Pastry Flour ..... 2 Fancy..... . ........ 49c Cups and Saula ers.........., , 2k Good Heavy Overalls , Work Socks, 2 pairs for .. , , , . 25c nrtivara.•;r�u:• New Spring Hats and Caps at remarkably Low ode Prices. See us about your new Spring Suit, e. We are Sole Agents for an . » .w press $rand, g Pro. S O14 NIX mitiftattnoskoimitaidiakomnamentdvenuntottattiftenoilthrrt VIrroxeter motommintoto lei