HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-12, Page 5eeemiele.[...asi,mezaw Thursday, ' May 12th, 1932 IN4WWWESIEWWWWWEISSIWWWeaffla `II IS (re k." vaumingrowera.auctrano.sounacraarm.hustacraargswatarmareatano............r.......smavastxuatrunornsicatumrmtlawarads....mestoaulasimucassruto JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIAL OFFERINGS ARE LISTED HERE. A large stock of seasonable Merchandise at CUT PRICES which will make your buying profitable. moaactemuslavormauows......masmasawntramateia.gmasmactamarevaamataersarclosennamr."..-eva SPECIAL CUT PRICES IN CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS Frilled Curtains as low as 39c Curtain Materials by the yard at ... 15c, 20c, 25c,' 35c, 45c, 50c Brussel Net, new designs, cut prices 2.50, 2.95, 3.50 Special in Cretonnes and Chintz, yard wide .....20c Brass Rods 15c 2 for 25c OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS AND RUGS Floor Oilcloths in all widths, see our special, 3 yards wide at 1.65 Linoleums, new patterns, 2, 3, 4 yd wide, Bargains Linoleum and Congoleums Rugs in all sizes at Cut Prices. Wilton, Axminster and Brussels Rugs Reduced. Window Shades, special at 69c A Range of Fancy Cushions, now 25c 100 yards of rancy Figured Rayon, for Slips and Dresses, now, per yard 19 c Pillow Slips, fine quality, 42 inch 20c New Pattern Prints, yard wide, sale 15c Clearing line of Corsets, now only 1.00 Gloves, clearing lines go at 39c, 59c New Tams and Caps for girls 59c Sale of Ladies' Kid Gloves, reg. 2.50, now ... .1.49 Bargains in Women's Vests at 25c Lace Cuff and Collar Sets ' 25c SAVINGS IN WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Special Bargain in Women's Art Silk Hose . .. .35c 3 pairs for $1.00 Regular Dollar Full Fashioned Silk Hose, best , colors, now at 85c • Children's' Cotton Hose, now 19c Women's Strong Wearing Hose 25c Rayon Vests and Bloomers 49c Simplicity and Chatelaine Patterns 15c FRESH GROCERIES AT A SAVING Choice DeLuxe Jelly Powders.. 5c, 6 for 25c Jar Peanut Butter, sale ..19c Isard's Special Blend of Tea 39c Large tin of Salmon 15c Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin 20c Bottle of Ketchup, now 15c Corn Starch, per package 10c Cream Sodas, per package 10c Corn ]lakes, 3 for 25c 5 Brooms, String- for 29c Large Box of Matches 25c 6 Bars Pearl Soap for 19c .....194Vgn..57i;e1.1001 W16A'ClirlfCfrW..1.-,..P.P.129314.trieifealel 11$1.41;;11$1,;!1:.; sa r41•11=11:Mr....C1114160ffill On1212611E01133161.71:12.9XIMPRI. „f 14 4'555.411411N 'OTEDURIEcte1131,11;ff WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO COME TO OUR STORE AND INSPECT THE WOOMMIS7411.9.111[1.311117.16.141111.0[Cm,SsfraMaart...M., WE HAVE INSTALLED AS MODELS FOR YOUR HOME. This display of bathroom fixtures is unique in that the bathrooms are set up complete so that you may seehow neat and carefully we do our work. . . . DO NOT FAIL TO COME AND SEE DISPLAY You will be under no obligation( to buy. n Bros. Sanitary Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating Tinsniithing and Stoves. 'Paints and Varnishes. ,44 THE WINGHA1VI ADVANCE -TIMES ....tlf•111101401•12./MMOSINIMIIMP 0.-- °ridaide News hi Brief FITni A.q.gtawtogapooenel).,..0.mouropolaano.u.esmsovaaomaposamosaulausulatpusruaqvuse•aasomolio0.4.3grou.aw.yooalwo.o..4,,,,,,,,,,t,,,,,,,,. Ten -Year Sentence Cut to One Hour Governor Lawrence M. Judd freed the four defendants of the famous Massie murder trial, one hour after tliey had been sentenced to ten years at hard labor at Oahu Prison. Their 'hour of confinement was spentin the nominal custody of the Sheriff at rolani Palace, across the street from the Judiciary Building, where for several weeks they battled tiusuccessfully for freedom on char- ges of slaying Joseph Kaliahawai, asserted attacker of Mrs -Massie. Alleged Swindler Under Arrest in Lindbergh• Case Washington — The world-wide search for the kidnapped Lindbergh baby was echoed dramatically in the arrest of Gaston B. Means on a charge of obtaining $100,000 on false representation that he could obtain the child from his abductors. United States Department of jus- tice agents arrested the former jus- tice Department investigator, after a secret inquiry into allegations that he had been paid the money by Mrs. Edward B. McLean, wife of the publisher of the Washington Post. Favor 5 -Day Week In discussing various' proposed re - 44. visions to the constitution of the Toronto District Labor Council meeting in the Labor Temple, mem- bers of the Council voted enthusiast- ically in favor of changing a section in Labor's aims from "A universal 8 - hour day for all wage-earners" to read "A universal 5 -day week for all wage-earners". Present White Canes to Blind at Windsor Windsor—White canes are to be the "protection" for blind persons when they encounter traffic in the border. Discarded golf clubs are be- ing painted and furnished to blind persons by the Lions' Club. Doukhobors Get Lengthy Terms Nelson, B. C.—Eighty-four Douk- hobor men were sentenced to three years in the penitentiary here after pleading guilty to parading in the nude at Thrums last Sunday. They appeared before Magistrate John Cartmel and the cases were handled speedily, all admitting being naked contrary to the Criminal Code. The cases were disposed of at the' rate of about one a minute. Thirty-four women were also arrested on Sunday for parading in the nude but their cases have not been dealt with as yet. Taxes, Paid in Full A rural municipality without a cent of unpaid taxes is rare these days, yet such is the record claimed by the Front of Leeds, a municipal- ity that surrounds the town of Gan- anoque. IV. L. Sliter, the veteran tax collecter for the township, turn- ed in his roll, and announced that every farmer has paid in full. Vote is 77 to 67 to Abolish Oath Dublin, Irish Free State—The Dail Eireann gave third reading to the Republican Government's bill to ab- olish the oath of allegiance to the British Crown as a requisite to ten- ure of public, office in the Free States: The vote was 77 to 67. President Eamonn Dc Valera had wished to push the bill through the Senate and have it ready for Royal assent at once, but acceded to wishes of the Opposition, and delayed final action on the measure until next Thursday. Buried as Pauper, He Leaves $14,000 Hamilton—Obediah Markle, an old man,who lived on the charity of friends for many years and was bur- ied in a pauper's grave here, was a miser and left $14,000 in a local bank, For years Obadiah Markle had ek- ed out a precarious existence selling writing paper and other trifles, A few friends pitied him and kept him in food and lodgings, The Y.M.C.A. frequently gave: him meals in its cafeteria without charge. He also had received $600 from the Govern- ment in old -age pension, McDougald Resigns, Hayden Spared The final curtain on the Beauhar- nois scandal, so far as the Senate is concerned at this session of Parlia- ment, was rung down by Right 1ton, Arthur Meighen. The Government Leader expressed approval of Dr, Wilfred Laurier McDougald's action in tendering his resignation as a Senator before the 'Tory axe fell, but intimated he tonsidered the former Beanharnois Chairman's parting shot offensive. Senator 1\f eighen then declared that Hon, Andrew Haydon would not be further pursued by the Con- st:rvatives at the .present time on se - count of his delicate health, although he had stated in his scathing indict- ment the other night that "the facts against Senator Haydon fairly scream." Paul Downer Dies of Wounds President Paul Doumer of France died from two bullet wounds inflict- ed by a "White" Russian fanatic, Dr. Paul Gorgulow, who shot him down as he was attending a war ve- terans' charity exhibition last Friday night. The aged statesman, who had given four sons to France, was smil- ing a kindly, greeting to the veter- ans he loved so dearly when two bullets from the assassin's automat- ic crashed into his slender body. Be- fore Gorgulow was arrested he had wounded two other men both in the arm, as they rushed to the defense of the President. Hostilities Cease at Shanghai A truce agreement was signed by representatives of China and Japan, officially ending the hostilities that began last January. The text of the "1 Could Talk About Sargon All Day Long" Had Lost 53 Pounds During Four Years' Suffering. "For four years I had a bad case of sto- mach trouble that . kept getting worse regardless of the many medicines I tried," said Fred J. Cole, 26 Avo- ca Ave., Toronto "My weight fell off from 180 to 127 pounds, and my nerves were 'so shot to pieces' I didn't know what a good night's sleep was. I'd get up in the morning feeling half dead, and could hardly pull through a day's work. Before I finished niy first bottle of Sargon I knew I'd found the right medi- cine at last, I now eat three big meals a day without any trouble with my stomach, my nerves are strong as steel and I sleep fine. I'm rapidly gaining back my lost weight, and I feel great all the time. Sargon Pills regulated my bowels like clock -work; their ef- fects are lasting too." 'Sold at His Fred Cole McKIBB Drug Sittre ISMNISMIrMatcammarrmattn.[MeRtit. MONEY COMING IN ? Did you ever need money as badly as you need it right now? COULD YOU MAKE USE OF SOME REAL CASH? It can be had by sending KELLY & AIKEN The Persistent Collectors at ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO a list of your Debtors. Don't send dead -wood only, if you need immediate cash, for natur- ally dead -wood is slow to move, especially this year. Tel. No. 90. Est. 1890 f3 May PHIALS 0 6.112 erMervaellia110.09ftspell6eurritlempeed. 0 Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 23c II Chips°, 1 large pk-ge, 22c 0 White Naptha Soap, 7 bar25c Fels Naptha Soap, 3 bars 25c 17c 25c 150 15c Pink Saltnon, 2 large tins 25c Brooms, 5 string 39c o Table Oilcloth, 1* yds wide 40c Table Oilcloth 11/z yd. wide 50c Pastry Flour (Sat. only), ..... 49c o Sugar, 2 lbs. (Sat. only) 1.00 Men's' Work Boots . 2.4i Men's Work Shirts 75c ° X ew line ef Straw Hats, Libby's Catsup O Lemon 011, 12 ounces Lemon Oil, 4 ounces O Fray Beritos, 1 pkge 0 Cole 11 General Merchant BELGRAVE OptKo=r...."-'1.1.1=OtttO s e adjacent itatMarmistice was not irrimediately a 11111 able, but it was understood to s e i lf3,' that' Japanese troops be drawn to the international ment and the roads nearby, to Elongkew. Losby Firis $1,500,000, Port Alfred, Que.---With a r - sounding crash the peak of a huge blazing pile of pulpwood caved in, creating a crater which erupted flames, smoke and. ashes. The fall of the peak seemed t'o give the flames new life as air cir- culated more freely among the rem- nants of the pile of 250,000 cords of wood. The wooden mountain is ov- er half destroyed with a loss esti- mated at $1,500,000, covered by in- surance. PAGn FIVE 14.4.1,119PG.1.4.911,1 Warehouse Wrecked by Explosion London, Ont,—An explosion which shook London, and was heard ten miles in the surrounding country, wreched the east end of the Michi- gan Central Railway freight sheds, used as a fruit warehouse, on Bath- urst Street, and injured eleven per- sons, who were buried in the deb- IN ris. One passer-by was slightly hurt RI All were rushed to Victoria Hospi- tal in ambulances, police autos, and am the cars of the Fire Chief and his NI deputies. One of the victims died El 1111 shortly after being admitted to the hospital, 111 15 n.! 444 4 Editor of Paper to be Deported Arvo Vaara, editor of the Finnish Daily Vapaus of Sudbury, who was arrested in a police raid on the newspaper, will be deported, Col. W. H: Price, Ontario's attorney -general stated. Counterfeit Nickels Hull, Que.—A claim that there is no provision in the Criminal Code making it an offense to issue count- erfeit five -cent pieces, was made by H. M. Loranger, barrister, during the hearing of a case in the Hull City Court. Mr. Loranger appeared for Herbert Deevey, charged with counterfeiting. He declared the Monetary Act referred only to gold, silver and copper. Counterfeit nick- els, he &dared, did not resemble silver, but only nickel. Judgment was reserved by Magistrate Roland Millar. Western Crop Prospects Good Crop prospects in Western Can- ada are better at this season than at the same time in any of the past three years, and a wheat crop of from 400,000,000 to 500,000,000 bu- shels might reasonably be anticipat- ed, E. W. Beatty, president and chairman of the Board of the Can- adian Pacific Railway Company told the shareholders at the annual meet- ing. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Armstrong and children, motored up from London, and spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. David Little, near Courey'S Corners, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Er- ving, near Mafeking. We are glad to hear that Mr. R. Cameron who underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis on May 6th, in Wingham Hospital, expects to be able to get home on Thursday. Mr. Glenn Cameron and sister, Miss Jean Cameron, spent Sunday afternoon with their brother, Mr. R. Cameron, in Wingham Hospital. A car load of relatives from Lis- towel called on Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, Sunday, Mr, Elmer Phillips, who was hurt a few weeks ago while breaking in a colt, is improving now and will soon be around again. St. Andrew's W.M.S. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Sc. Andrew's Presbyterian Church wilt be held on Tuesday, May 17th, at 3 o'clock. The topic, "Our Diamond Jubilee in Formosa" will be taken by Mrs. J. J. Elliott. SALEM 11Tessrs, D. L. Weir and. W. E. Weir and Miss Fannie Belle Weir attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. John Hartley, of Toron- to ,the latter part of last week. Mrs. Plantz of Stratford, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. Miss Lila Cathers spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, David Cath- ers, of Gorrie vicinity. Mr, Nelson Mitchell and son, Robbie, and Miss Edythe Weir, of Molesworth, called on friends here last Sunday evening, • Mother's Day was observed in the church here last Sunday. ST. HELENS Misses Vera Todd, Mabel and 1r- eno Woods from near Kitchener, and Dorothy Webster, of London, were home for Mother's Day. -721 IN Muss faun muumuu int_ ....mompiazgal...,10..........11,136010161.14...11,4114.1,31.03,41.12.1111.1,111.1114 here Good Sh tes Are Sold Ckoeap MEN'S AND BOYS' OXFORDS Men's Astoria -Richmond Oxfords, reg. price $7.$0, Sale Price $500 Boys' Oxfords .... $1.99 . SPECIALS IN CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' and Children's Patent Sandals, Sale .. 99 Canvas Sandals, all sizes, Sale 69c 1111 44 Buy with confidence Footwear for the whole family at Phone 23. 144 /11111111111 9S 44 1 In Wingham, Ont. MN II MIN 111111 Mrs, Currie, Currie, of Goderich, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Durnin Phillips. Mrs. Whetham, of Galt, Miss V. Wooda nd friend of Toronto, motor- ed up to spend Mother's Way with the ladies' mother, Mrs. R. Woods. Mr. Charles McQuillan, of Cen- tralia, spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Gordon McIntyre spent the week -end at his home at Paisley. Mrs. John Anderson and children have returned after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, at Stratford. naciimmustasurrarganrsir Superior wire and superior processes of manufacturing build extra years of service into every rod of "OJIBWAY" Fence. That is why each roll of "OJIBWAY" means lifetime satisfaction. "OJIBWAY"Alfiess Copper Bearing Steel Wire Fence costs no more than light -weight, in- ferior fabrics .. and assures you double the life of ordinary fence. "OJIBWAY" Banner Steel Posts—Built like a railroad rail —Easy to drive—No post holes to dig. ;17'4 " ttiq '', "',Nfp" )111'4?",44411740.4e. ''',".,"":V41.4,020',Ti•dg.,..0"-1004,72.e. . ,,,: • 4. \ ' • " i'• ." - '• . .,„...4,1;-• li: .,,1,11.,t1,-. .-. . qifi ,- .. r..., ,.• , , ,:1-. 'i,l'1443 • •,?, ..,!.. I. All "OJIBWAY" Farm Fence is ,7,7rat.q.tite. to stand FOUR one -minute immersions by the Preece Acid Test, 2. Made thrbughout .. line wires, locks and stays . . of Full Gauge idtl4/i$ Copper Bearing Galvanized Steel. Wire. 3. Guaranteed Full Length Rolls. 4. The "OJI:WAY" Guarantee of Service will be gladly ex- plained by your Dealer. No other fence carries as high a guarantee,. and at no advance in price. oft 4 et. fls and Head Office---Ojibway, Etsex county, Ont