HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-12, Page 4A :E POUR
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1i cents a word per insertion,
with a minimum charge of • 25c.
7e, elralriVaiRiffict *Omura
.--sffretr, erloriiiil-SiiriNt ettilfi
BABY CHICKS—Government In-
spected Canada Hatchery Approv-
ed Barred Rock Chick::. May $10
per hundred; June $9.00 per hund-
red, Five unrelated toe punched
male chicks, free, with every hun-
dred. ordered Custom hatching
18 ft, by 80 ft.
'I'lie land is a clay loam.
`TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent.,
of the purclra'se money on Lire day of
sale and the balance within thirty
days 'thereafter. The property will"
be offered subject to a reserved bice.
FURTHER. particulars and condi-
tions of sale will be maple known on
th • • day of sale or iiia be had on a'p-
plication to the undersigned.
Dated at Wingltain, Ontario; the
third day of May, A.D., 1982.
T. R. IIENNETT, Wingham, Ont,
Wingham, Ont. Vendor's Solicitor,
assets or any ,part. thereof t� any per
son of whose' claim he shall not then
have received noti.ee.
Dated this twenty -nutter day of Ap-
ril, A.D. 1932,
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executor.
Mr. W. J. Croney and family, of ;
Toronto, dish to extend their deep
appreciation for the sympathy and
kindliness shown by the people of
Wingham and vicinity in their recent
done in up-to-date Buckeye Mani- sad bereavement.
moth. Eggs set on Monday.
Chicks for sale on Tuesday. Also IN MEMORIAM
started chicks for sale. Phone 611
42, 'Duncan Kennedy, White-
church," Ont.
FOR SALE—House and lot, corn-
er of John and Minnie Streets,
Wingham. Duplex house with , a
double garage. For terms and par-
ticulars, Apply to J. W. Bushfield,
Wingham, Ont.
FOR SALE—A quantity of seed po-
tatoes, 25c per bag. Apply G. L.
Baker, Chairman of the Property
FOR SALE -1929 Sport Coupe
Light Six with Rumble Seat. In
good condition. Cheap. Apply to
Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—Kolster Electric 7 -tube
Radio, table model, with loud
speaker, in good condition, out-
side antenna and aerial complete.
Apply at the Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—Fourteen pigs six
weeks old. Wesley Yeo, Bluevale
R. R,
Canadian series, turned out in
1928, equipped with friction pulley,
new type carburetor, rear fenders
and new type wheels. We are of-
fering the tractor complete with
two -furrow Oliver plow for $395.
Will consider a light used car or
truck in exchange. A. P. Maguire
Motors, Limited, 138-146 .Fullar-
ton Street, London, Ontario. Met-
calf 3171.
FINLAY—In loving memory of
Paulina Finlay, who died six
years ago, May 8th, 1926.
Time speeds on, six years have pass-
Since death its gloom, its shadows
Within our home where all seemed
And took froin 'us a shining light.
We muss that light and ever will,
Her vacant place there's none can
Down here we mourn, but not in
For up in heaven we will meet again.
Ever remembered by Husband and
LOST—Between Wingham and Sal -1
em Church on the sixth of Turn-1Of Valuable Property in the Town
berry, one Congoleum rug. Find- p y
er please notify Norman Baker, I of Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
T.;nder and by virtue of the pow-
ers of sale contained in a certain
mortgage, which will be produced at
and repaired by Ben. Edwards,
from May 12th to May 19th. Ap- the time of sale, there will be offer
ply Advance -Times. ed for sale by public auction at the
Brunswick Hotel in the Town of
Wingham, on Saturday ,the 14th day
PAPER HANGING; Painting, Fin- of May, A.D. 1932, at 2 o'clock in
ishing, Graining, Glazeing at mod-
erate rate. Cenclair Phippen, R.
R. 2, Wingham, Phone 625r12.
Rupture Expert Here
Do you stiffer from rupture? If so,
your big opportunity has now arriv-
ed. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture
expert, will be at the
Brunswick Hotel
for ane day only
and will be pleased to give free ex-
amination to any sufferer and to de-
monstrate his famott"s appliance.
This appliance will contract the op-
ening in 10 to 15 days and has been
known to cure cases in from three
to - six months. This appliance is
positively demonstrated to you right
on your own person without any
charge. You do not spend a penny
unless you are fully satisfied that it
is the right appliance for you. A
consultation with Mr. Reavely will
cost you nothing. Don't let this op-
portunity get away from you. Re-
member the date.
Good Shape. Rents reasonable.
Apply Chas. L. Cooke. Immediate
WANTED—Someone to take mort-
gage on good town property. Ap-
ply Advance -Times Office.
The attention of all drivers of
vehicles including motor cars, is
drawn to the "stop" signs at inter-
The strict observance of the By-
law in this matter is asked as these
signs are placed for the safety of
the public. The co-operation of all
persons is requested.
GEO. ALLEN, Chief Constable.
Mr. John Messer and family wish
to publicly thank their neighbors
and friends for the many acts of
kindness during the illness and .death
of a loving mother and wife. Also
the Rev. Win. Paterson for his many
kindly visits through her illness.
the afternoon, by Thnntas Fells;
Auctioneer, the following property
tain parcel or tract of land and pre-
mises situate, lying and being ,n the
Town of Wingham in the County of
Huron and Province of Oniario and
being composed of Lot number
Three on the west side •<f Diagonal
Road in the Government Survey in
'the said Town of Wingham.
There is said to be on this prop-
erty a good 2 -storey brick dwelling
with frame woodshed and good
frame garage. In the dwelling there
are four bedrooms, bathroom, living
,room, dining room and kitchen. The
land is splendid for gardening pan -
TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent
of the purchase money on the day
of sale and the balance within thirty
days thereafter.
The property will be offered sub-
ject to a reserve bid.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known on the
day of sale or may be had on appli-
cation to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
i 1932.
twenty-seventh day of April, A.D.
Tlios. Fells, J H. ` Crawford,
'Wine—ham, Ont., Wingham, Ontario,
Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor.
Phone 602r14.
Sales of Farm Stock and Imple-
ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
It Will Pay You To Have An
to conduct your sale.
At The Royal Service Station...
Phone 174W.
Ability with special training en-
sables me to give you satisfaction. Ar-
rsngements made with W. J. Brown,.
Winghant, or direct to Teeswater.
Phone 45T24
0 Years'1� Experience in Farm Stock
and Implanionts. Moderate Priees,
Phone 831.
Of Valuable Farm Lands in the
Township of East Wawanosh
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort-
=age, which will be produced at the
time of sale, there will be offered for
sale by public aui.tion at the Bruns-
wick Hotel in the Town of Wing -
ham, on Saturday, the twenty-first
day of May, A.I. 1932, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, by T. R. Bennett,.
Auctioneer, the follotiving property,
Al'.T AND SINGULAR that certain
parcel or tract of land and premises
',situate, lying and being in the Town-
ship of East Wawanosh in the Coun-
tty of Huron and Province of Ontario
and being composed of the south half
1 of the north half of Lot number thir-
ty-five in the Ninth Concession of the
said Township of East Wawanosh,
containing fifty acres of land more
or less, together with a right of way'
over and along the public lane lead-
ing to the concession road.
The property is situate three miles
foam the, Village of Belgrave; ,three
miles from chureh,and one mile. from
a school.
There is said to be 0 T this prop-
erty a 6 -room frame house; a frame
barn about 40 ft. by 56 It. on stone
foundation; a frame straw shed about
24 ft. by 36 ft. on'Stone foundation
and a frame implement hoose about
to the Acting Chief Purchasing Ag-
ent, Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, will be received at his of-
ffice until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight
saving), Wednesday, May 25, 1932,
for the supply of coal for the Do-
minion Buildings throughout the
Province of Ontario, including the
City of Ottawa.
Forms of tender with specificat-
ions and conditions attached can be
obtained from H. F. Dawson, Acting
Chief Purchasing Agent, Department
of Public Works, Ottawa; and R.
Winter, Supervising Architect, 36
Adelaide St., East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders will not be considered
unless made on the forms supplied
by the Department and M accordan-
ce with the departmental specifica-
tions and conditions.
The right to demand from the suc-
cessful tenderer a deposit, riot ex-
ceeding 10 per cent. of the amount
of the tendr, to secure the proper
fulfilment of the contract, is reserv-
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 2, 1932,
TAKE NOTICE that a Court of
Revision will be held in Bluevale on
Monday, May 30th, 1932, at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, on the Assessment
Roll of 1932.
I. J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank,
Reeve. Clerk.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Amos Tipling late of
the Town of Wingham in the Coun-
ty of Huron, manufacturer, deceased,
who died on or about the 7th day
of March A.D. 1932, are hereby ont-
ified to send on or before the 28th
day of May A.D. 1982 to the und-
ersigned Solicitor for the executors
of the said estate, their names and
addresses, full particulars of their
claims and the nature of their sec-
urities, if any, held by them, verified
by statutory declaration. Immediate-
ly after such last-mentioned date the
assets of the said deceased will be
distributed amongst the persons en-
titled thereto having regard only to
the claims properly filed.
Dated at Winghmam, this 3rd day
of May A.D. 1932.
Wingham, Ont.,
Solicitor for the executors.
pursuant to Section 51 Chap 150 of
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons having claims against the
estate of James McKinlay McEwen,
late of the Township of Turnberry
in the County of Huron, Farmer, de-
ceased, who died on or about the
twenty-ninth day of April, A.D. 1931
are required to send by post, pre-
paid, or deliver to J. H. Crawford,
Win,~l.am Ontario Solicitor for the
~pent. In 1908 she was united in
marriage to Dr. B. ILHamilton and
resided for a short time at Belgrave
before removing• to Sault Ste. Marie,
Which was her home until a year
ago. Following the death of her
husband at Moose Factory, 00 Miry'
25, 1931, Mrs, Hamilton went to
Seaforth and has since, made her
home with her brother, Dr, Ross.
Sire is stir ived by two sons and one
daughter, Ross, who is in his second
year in Medicine at the University.
of Toronto, 'and Clayton and Helen,
of Seaforth, She is also survived by
two sisters and two brothers, Mr.s
Win, Berry, of Brucefield; Mrs. D.
B. McEwen, of Winnipeg; Mr. A. J.
Ross, of Wingham, and Dr, H. H.
Ross, of Seaforth. The funeral was
held from the home of her- bro-
ther on Friday afternoon, after
which interment was made in Malt -
landbank cemetery.
Casemore, late of the Township of
Morris in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased:
NOTICE is hereby'given, pursu-
ant to the Trustee Act, that all cre-
ditors and others having claims ag-
ainst the Estate of the late James
H. Casemore, are required to send
particulars of their claims, duly, ver-
ified ,to the undersigned, being the
Solicitor for the Executor of the
last Will and Testament of the said
deceased, on"or before the 21st day
of May,. A.D. 1932, and that after
such date the Executor will proceed
to distribute the said estate, having
regard only to the claims of which
he shall than have had notice.
Dated this third day of May, A.D.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executor.
IN THE MATTER of George Wynn
late of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, De-
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant
to the Trustee Act, that all creditors
and others having claims against the
Estate of the late George Wynn, are
required to send particulars of their
claims duly verified to the undersig-
ned, being the Solicitors for the .Ex-
ecutrices of the last Will and Testa-
ment of the said deceased, on or be-
fore the 21st day of May, A.D. 1932,
and that after such elate the execu-
trices will proceed to distribute the
said estate, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then have
Dated this Third day of May, A.D.
Wingham, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executrices
(Continued from page One)
married 35 years" to James Powell,
who predeceased her eight years
ago. Up until the time of her re-
cent illness, Mrs. Powell enjoyed
very good health.
She is survived by two daughters,
Hazel and Annie, at home; also one
sister and one brother, Miss Mar-
garet Nelson • of 1,'Vingliani; ' 'eines
Nelson, Seaforth.
The service was? conducted by the
Rev, E. Hayes, of St. Paul's Angli-
can Church, Wingham. Interment
was made in Wingham Cemetery.
Mrs. John McEwan
There passed away on Thursday
morning, April 28th, a highly es-
teemed resident of Turnberry, in the
person of Isabella McTavish, relict
of the late John McEwan, aged 82
year. She was a daughter of the
late John and Isabella McTavish.
Mrs. McEwan had been in poor
health for the past few months. She
was born in Carlton Place over six-
ty years ago she was married to Jno.
McEwan who passed away 2 years
ago last September, having lived on
the same farm as she came as a
Mrs. McEwan was well read, was
a splendid neighbor, a kind and lov-
ing mother. She was a valued mem-
ber of the Presbyterian Church.
Administrator, on or before the twen- She is survived by three sons and
ty-third day of May, A.D. 1932, their I three slaughters. The funeral was
names and addresses, with full par- held on Saturday to Wroxeter cern-
ticulars in writing of their claims and eter The pallbearers were: Messrs,
the nature of the securities (if any) y.
held by them duly verified by a stat- John Land, George McEwan, Kin-
utory declaration. lley McNaughton, Alex. Stewart,
And TAKE NOTICE FURTHER Dave Hamilton, Oliver Campbell.
To the breaved is extended the
sincere sympathy of many friends.
that after the said twenty-third day
of May, 1932, the said Administrator
will proceed to distribute the assets
of the said estate among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which he shall then
have had notice, and the said Admin-
istrator shall not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any per-
son of whose claim he shall not then
have received notice.
Dated this twenty-ninth day of Ap-
ril, A.D. 1982.
John Sliortreed
John shortreed died last Thursday,
May 5th, at his home in Morris
Township. He was born sixty-seven
years ago and had a beautiful farm
on the ninth concession. He was
Married thirty-three years ago, and
three children were born, Mrs. Geo,
Wingham, Ontario Jc1instoti, of E. Wawanosh, Mrs. W.
Solicitor for the Administrator
Brown, of Morris, and a son, at
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ihome, He took an active interest in
municipal afafirs and was a Liberal.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; 1He. was a supporter of .Presbyterian
pursuant tc', Section 51, Chap 150 of isand -was " exceptionally well read
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that in
in the Bible. The funeral took place
from his late residence on Monday,.
with interment in Brussels Cemet-
all persons having claims against the
estate of George McDonald, late of
the Township of Morris in the Coun-
ty of I-luron, Farmer, deceased, who
died an or about the fifth day of Ap-
ril, 1932, arc required to send by post
prepaid, or deliver to J. TT. Crawford.
Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the
Executor, on or before the twcnty-
third day of May, A.D. 1932, their
names and addresses, with :frill par-
ticulars in writing of their claims and
the nature of the securities (if any)
held by them duly verified by a stat
tory declaration.
that after the said twenty-third day
of May, 1932, the said executor will
proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
the claiins of which he shall then
have had notice, and the said Execu-
tor shall not be Habit for the said
Mrs. Ella Hamilton
Another distressing sudden death
occurr•ecl'-in Seaforth on .Wednesday
morning, May 4th, when 'Mrs. Ella
Hamilton passed away at the home
of her brother, Dr. H. II. Ross. Mrs.
Hamilton > had apparently been in her
usual health whenshe retired Tues-
day night, but on Wednesday morn-
ing about eight o'clock it was found
she had passed away in her sleep.
The deceased was the youngest &ti-.
ghtter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John
of Brucefield, whore . she was
rl ' life was
and ere her ca #c
boar a d wh r y,
Mrs. John Hartley
After an illness of seven months'..
duration, Mrs. John Hartley, nee
Marry Ann Weir, passed away sud-
denly on the morning of May 4th,
at her home, 109 Evelyn Ave., Tor-
onto, in her fiftieth year,
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley resided in
Wroxeter, Blyth, Clinton and Van -
leek Hill, in each of which places
Mr. Hartley was a school principal.
About three years ago Mr, Hartley
became assistant to the Chief In-
spector of Public and Separate
Schools for Ontario and they took
up residence in Toronto.
Mrs. Hartley was greatly interest-
ed in missionary and other church
work. Her funeral was held on Fri-
day , from St. John's Anglican
Church with interment in Park
Lawn Cemetery.
She leaves to mourn her early
death her husband, one daughter,
Pauline, her mother and four broth-
ers: David L. and Waldo E., on
farms near Wroxeter, Dr. W. W.
Weir, Toronto, and John J. Weir,
HENDERSON—In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Sunday, May 8th
to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson,
John St., a son—Donald Chester.
FORD—In Hanover, Sunday, May 8,
to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Ford,
a daughter.
Mrs. Archie Campbell is with
Mrs. Oliver Campbell at present. A
baby girl has arrived at Mr. and
\Irs. Oliver Campbell's home. Con-
Miss Helen MacLeod and Burke
MacLeod, of Goderich, spent the
week -end at the home of their . aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Miss Viola James visited her
friend, Miss Annie Hutton, one ev-
ening last week.
Abour Day was held at the stone
School on Friday. The •children
were able to have it despite the
showers in the afternoon.
Master Clarence Golley spent the
week -end with his uncle, Mr. John
Abram last week.
Mr. 'Sam Burke visited at the
home of his daughter, Mrs, MacLeod
of Goderich, last week.
We are glad to report that Master
Clarence Goll, son of Mr. Conrad
Goll, who has been i11 with pneu-
monia, is getting along nicely.
Mr. Jim Campbell who is an ag-
ent for the Rawleigh Company in
Middlesex, spent the week -end at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Campbell, of the first
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael,
of Wroxeter, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell on
Sunday last.
Master Kenneth Sinnainon bas
been with Mr. Walter Jeffray for
the past two weeks,
The men in this vicinity have• fin-
ished their seeding in time for the
showers. The recent rain will. do a
lot of good for the newly -sown
Mr. and Mrs. John Champion have
moved from north of the C.N.R. 'sta
tion to the property owned by Mr_
Irvine Henry, of Belfast. This pro-
perty is just east of Lucknow. We
welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Cham-
pion to their new hone,
Owing to Anniversary services in
Lucknow Presbyterian Church there
was no services at South Kinloss on
Sunday evening.
Messrs. Charles and John Thomp-
son 'visited` last Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Gardner,
Mr. Harold Gardner, of Zion, was
renewing old acquaintances here last
Mrs. Albert Carter who spent the
last two months in Wingham Hos-
pital is so far recovered as to be
able to leave the Hospital and is
Thursday, May 12th, 1932:
make it ger than ever
Chevrolet pioneered the six -cylinder engine in the
low priced field because this is the one type of power
plant that strikes a perfect balance of smooth perfor-
er for -finance and maximum economy. It is necessary to have
six cylinders to get multi -cylinder smoothness.
2 Drivers of sixes never want less; and anything
more than six cylinders means a sacrifice of economy !
The Chevrolet Six costs less to operate than any other
full-size car. Naturally, more than six cylinders would
mean greater expense for gasoline, oil and upkeep.
3 The 1932 Chevrolet Six is a proved car. It repre-
sents the fullest development of the basic multi-
cylinder principle which has resulted in highest satis-
faction to more than 2,000,000 Chevrolet Six owners.
4 The Chevrolet Six is the lowest priced car com-
bining Silent Syncro-Mesh shift and Free Wheeling.
Bodies by Fisher are exclusive on Chevrolet in the
lowest price field. Fisher hardwood -and -steel con-
struction is the safest and most durable.
6 New, reduced prices and easy terms over a period
of months. Immediate delivery of any model.
7 The Chevrolet motor is mounted on thick rubber
blocks, utilizing the most modern and efficient method
of preventing vibration.
8 109 -inch wheelbase. Strong frame. Four long
springs, with four Lovejoy shock absorbers.
9 Stabilized front fender design. Insulated driver's
compartment. Fisher non -glare VV windshield, easily
adjustable with one hand for ventilation.
10 Down Draft Carburetion with heat control. Har-
monically balanced, counterweighted crankshaft.
11 Powerful, enclosed four-wheel brakes. Separate
emergency. brake system.
11 Built in Canada, of Canadian
materials by Canadian workers.
Dealer - Wirigham
spending a few weeks with friends
in Clinton while she regains her
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Durnin are
spending a few days at present with
friends in London. •
Mr. and Mrs. A. Havens and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Gardner visited the tat-
ter's mother, Mrs.. W. M. Champion,
C 19-24
in Wingham Hospital, who is rap-
idly recovering from an attack of
flu -pneumonia.
A big treat is in store for all who
can come. Board's Eye Centre Or-
chestra from Bird's Eye will provide
music for a dance in Lucknow town
Hall on Wednesday evening, May
18th All welcome. Admission 25c.
When you take Aspirin you
Are tare of two things. It's sure
ref, anti it's harmless. Those
tablets with the Bayer cross
do not hurt the heart. Take
them whenever you suffer from
Sore Throat
When your head aches—
from any cause—when a cold
has settled in your joints, or
you feel those deep -down pains
of rheumatistn, sciatica, or
lumbago, take :Aspirin and get
real relief. If the package says
Aspirin it is safe.