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The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-05, Page 4
PAf,I FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES y ti lliZ 1tC71�i +CICS 2,04WN 1tw \W,I)si l�'L4;%,ymmo �•1 . . • 4 • ti cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. Mit :intir61 in { , 'its Fria 17-5-. • •TeNtrslhY'1 at, n BABY CHICKS We can supply Road in the Government Survey in you with Govt. Approved S. C the said Town of Wingham. White Leghorn Chicks from the There is said to be on this prop Highest grade under Government erty a good 2 -storey brick dwelling Approval for $9.00 per 100. Rocks with frame woodshed and good $11per 100, May delivery. Our frame garage, In the dwelling .there mating list is free. Custom hatch- are four bedrooms, bathroom, living ing, 2c per egg; Hatching eggs $4 room, dining room and kitchen. The per 100. Walter Rose, Brussels, land is splendid for gardening pen - Ont. poses. TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent BABY : CHICKS -Government In of the purchase money on the day spected Canada Hatchery Approv- of sale and the balance within thirty ed Barred Rock Chicks. May $10, days thereafter. per hundred; Tune $9.00 per hund- The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had ou appli- cation to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham,. Ontario, the twenty-seventh day of April, A.D. 1932. Thos. Fells, J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ont,, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor. red. Five unrelated toe puncher' wale chicks, free, with every hun- dred. ordered Custom hatching done ° in up-to-date Bu keye Mam- moth, Eggs set on Monday. Chicks for sale on Tuesday. Also started chicks for sale. Phone 671 -42, Duncan Kennedy, White- . church, Ont. FOR SALE -Baby Buggy, in good condition. Apply Advances -Times. er of John and Minnie Streets, MORTGAGE SALE POR SALE -House and lot, corn - Of Valuable Town Property Wingham. Duplex house with a byvirtue of the port/ double garage. For terms and par- 'Under and titulars Apply to J. W. Busbfield; ers contained in a certain mortgage Wingham, Ont. which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale FOR SALE --Two Steers, true years old. Charles Potter, Lower Wing - ham. O RSALE-Duck Eggs at 35c per dozen; good seed potatoes: Irish Cobblers and Green Mountain - also a number of grass cattle. - Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, illuevale, Ont. GIRL WANTS POSITION AT Housework. Apply to the Advan- ce -Times by public auction on Saturday, May 7th, A.D., 1932, at the hour of 8 o'- clock in the afternoon, at the prem- ises known as the Exchange Hotel, Government Additional Survey in in the Town. of Wingham in the the said Town of Wingham, particu- larly described as follows:- Com- mencing at a point in the northerly limit of the Diagonal Road distant twenty-three feet southerly from the northwesterly angle of said lot num- ber Eight; thence easterly parallel with the northerly limit of said lot number Eight, • fifty-seven feet; thence southerly parallel with the and being composed of the south half I the Tori•nship of Morris in the cyan- of the Mirth half of Lot number thir- ty of Huron, T ari uer, deceased, Who ty-five in the Ninth Coesion of the said Township of East \Marr anosh, containing fifty acres of land more or less, together with a right of tray urer and along the pubic lane lead - inn' to the concession Toad, died on or .about the fifth day of .\p- ril, 1932, are required to send by post prepaid, or.'leliver ti, 3..14. Crawford Wingliars, Ontario, Solicitor for the .: Executor, _ on or before the twenty third day of May, A.D. 1932, their The property is situate three miles names and addresses, with full par - forth the Village of Belgrave; three oculars in writing of their elaims and • miles from church and one .mile from a school. There is said to be cm this prop- erty a 6 -room frame house; a frame barn about 40 ft. by 56 ft. on stone foundation; a frame straw shed about 24 ft. by 86 ft. on stone foundation and a frame implement house about 18 ft. by 30 ft. The land is a clay loam. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter, The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. FURTHER particulars and condi- tions of sale will be Made known an the day of sale or may be had on ap- plication to the undersigned. • Dated at Wingham, Ontario, the third •day of May, A.D., 1932. J. H, CRAWFORD, T. R. BENNETT, Wingham, Ont. Wingham, Ont. Vendor's Solicitor, Auctioneer. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Town Property Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage thenature of •the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a stat - tory declaration. And TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said twenty-third day. of liay, 1932, the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate':among the -parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and the said Execu- tor shall notbe liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per son of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated this twenty-ninth day of Ap- ril, A.D. 1932. 3. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of James H. Casemore, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to the Trustee Act, that all cre- ditors and others having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the late James which will be produced .at the time H. Casemore, are required to send of sale, there will be offered for sale particulars of their claims, duly ver by public auction on Saturday, the ified ,to the undersigned, being •''the 21st day of May, A.D. 1932, at the Solicitor for the Executor of the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon at last Will and Testament of the said the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of deceased, on or before the 21st day \\gingham, either in parcel or in bulk of May, A.D. 1932, and that after subject to a reserved bid, the follow- such date the Executor will proceed ing property, namely': to distribute the said estate, having "ALL and singular those certain regard only to the claims of which parcels or tracts of land and prem- he shall than have had notice. ises situate lying and being in the Dated this third day of May, A.D. Town of Wingham in the County of 1932. Huron and Province of Ontario and J. W. BUSHFIELD, being composed:- Wingham, Ontario FIRSTLY: Of those portions of Solicitor for_the Executor. Lots Numbers Seven and Eight on the East side of Diagonal Road, NOTICE TO CREDITORS County of Huron, either in parcel or in bulk, subject to a reserved bid, the. following property, namely: "All and singular those certain par- cels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Hur- on and Province of Ontario and be- ing composed of Firstly: That part westerlylimit of said lot number of Block B in Government Survey GIRL' WANTED -One capable of in the said Town of Wingham, des, ight,rsenly 'tenf degrees east ehence y - taking' -full charge. Apply Adv -an cribed as follows, that is to say. three feet and six inches to the nor- ce-Times. Commencing at the northeasterly angle of said Block "B"; thence sou - IF YOU WISH THE 'USE OF A therly along the west side of Jose - Garden for manuring and plowing phine Street in the said Town of same, apply ;trim. R. Lewis, Ed -links; two chains and seventy award St. links; thence westerly parallel with Victoria Street, one chain and sixty- two and one-half links; thence nor- PRIVATE- SALE of the Furniture therly parallel with Josephine street of Joseph Wellwood, Centre St- aforesaid two chains and seventy Apply to John Falconer, phone links to the south side of Victoria 267J. t Street aforesaid; thence easterly a- Iong the said south side of Victoria PAPER HANGING, Painting, Fin- Street one chain and sixty-two and ishing, Graining, Glazeing at mod- one-half links to the place of begin- erate rate. Cenclair Phippen, R. ning save and except that part of R. 3, 'Wingham, Phone 825r12. said Lot heretofore conveyed by Wil liam C. Lepard to one Hugh Allan Ramsay and registered as Number 8459 for the Town. of Wingham. Se- condly: The southeasterly half of Lot Number One, and Thirdly: Those portions of Block "B" Government Survey in the said Town of Wing- ham, and lot number One in C. Tait Scott's Survey in the said Town of Wingham, described as follows: that NOTICE The attention of all drivers of vehicles including motor cars, is drawn to the "stop" signs at inter- sections. The strict observance of the By- law in this matter is asked as these signs are placed for the safety of the public. The co-operation of all person_ is requested. GEO. ALLEN, Chief Constable. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town of Wingham, tlieasterly angle of the portion of said lot number Seven heretofore conveyed to one John Pelton; thence westerly along the northerly limit of said portion conveyed to Pelton to the easterly limit of Diagonal Road; thence northerly along the easterly limit of Diagonal Road to the place of ' beginning, subject, however, to the right-of-way over the northerly twelve feet of said parcel, as describ- ed in the registered Deed from one Jemima Jobb to one Arthur C. Ad- ams of the northerly twenty-three feet. of said lot number Eight, SECONDLY: That certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate in the said Town of Wingham and being composed of the South half of lot number Seventy-six on the East side of Frances Street in Leet & McKay's Survey in the said Town of . Wingham." UPON the said premises first ab- ove mentioned there is said to be situate - Stucco Filling Station 27 ft, x 18 ft,, with grease rack. Upon IN THE MATTER of George Wynn late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, De- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late George Wynn, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersig- ned, being the Solicitors for the Ex- ecutrices of the last Will and Testa- ment of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 21st day of May, A.D. 1932, and that after such date the execu- trices will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have Thursday, May :5th, 193 444444444444,1414.444 C A N A D A THE WORLD S CREATEsfFLA?GROUNP Wide Variety of Recreational Attractions Canadians Fortunate in. Holiday Advantages Their Country Offers wR. HE majority of Canadians way from large modern hotels, to probably do not realize log cabins and tents. Fishing is one what a wonderful choice of vacation opportunities this country offers. How many of us in any one province have first-hand '-knowledge of the wide range of attractions of our nei Summer Resorts Numerous ghboring provinces. Many no doubt and Varied . have gone abroad to seek a holiday, Throughout the Dominion there forgetting that* our Dominion is un- are many summer resort districts equalled in the exceptional variety which offer a wide range of attrac- and range of its recreational re- tion and variety of accommodation. sources. Surely a country which at- On the Atlantic coast, in the prov- tracts visitors from other countries inces of New Brunswick, Nova Sco- by the tens of millions must have tia and Prince Edward Island, are recreational features of . interest to typical sea -shore resorts, where salt - its owri citizens. water bathing, sailing and deep sea has majestic mountain ranges, and fishing are the principal attractions. extensive lake area, stately forests, Recreational Areas Easily Accessible The rugged beauty of the coast and j an imposing coast line, and many- It anyIt is so easy to travel in Canada the picturesque charm of the fishing' attractive resorts in settings of ex- villages, at the head of every inlet, ccptional natural beauty. that an interprovincial tour is a re cannot fail to enchant the summer visitor. Goxernment Bureau Free In±orma- Quebec's summer playgrounds are tion Service of the most varied nature in luding For a number of years the De- as they do, sea -shore, mountain, lake partanent of the Interior at Ottawa of the chief attractions in the parks, but game animals and birds are -rig- idly protected and their fearlessness never fails to interest visitors. tion equally attractive, only slightly lessknown, districts. Accommodat- ion includes everything from camp- site to palatial hotel, and cottages may be rented, in any district. In the provinces of Manitoba,. Saskatchewan and Alberta many at- tractive resorts are located_ along the shores of the lakes and rivers. The ' Canadian Rockies are world- famous for scenic beauty and con- tain some of the most highly devel- oped teourist resorts on the contin- ent, British Columbia, with 'varied and splendid scenic attractions, is a tourist wonderland. The province creation which every Canadian vaca- tionist may well and profitably und- ertake. All the developed and much of the undeveloped part of the Do- minion is easily accessible by train, boat or automobile. Canada is sera -- St. forest resorts. Along the lower has been engaged in the promotion ed bytwo of the world's greatest St. Lawrence, summer colonies have of the Canadian tourist industry, been established at many points. more especially the development of railway systems and a number of smaller lines. The equipment and North of the St. Lawrence and Ot- tourist travel from the United Stat - are of the highest standard, tawa rivers the Laurentian noun- es to Canada. It is also endeavour - notice. service a 1 tains, clothed with brine forest and ing to influence Canadians to spend 1I Dated this Third day of May,. - aD . , Steamers meas bniat specially for pleasure 1932. cruising afford many pleasant top: dotted with lakes, constitute a vast their vacation in the Dominion..The. W. BUSHFIELD', coast and on the extens_ summer and winter playground. The National Development Bureau of 3.along the Wingham, Ontario Eastern Townships, which adjoin the that Department will gladly furnish Solicitor for the Executrices ave inland •water system of lakes, international boundary, also have a interprovincial road maps and other rivers and canals. A cruise from the number of well-established resorts, information for the use of those head of the Great Lakes to the Greg -Maritime Provinces is nearly equal, on picturesque lakes and rivers. planning a Canadian tour, and where Apply Ontario has perhaps the largest necessary will refer enquiries to pro- m distance, to an ocean voyage- number and greatest variety of de- vincial and local tourist organiza- Good roads lead to practically all scenic and sporting territories Can-veloped summer resorts of any of tions. Applicants should be as spec- ada's road system includes many the provinces, The Thousand Is- ific as possible as to the section of lands, Lake of Boys, Muskoka lakes Canada in which they are interest - thousands of miles of surfaced high - and Georgian bay are known all ov- ed, in order that available informa- The following is the report o. ways,er America, but there are in addi- tion may be supplied. S. No. 7, Morris (Stone School) for signs and danger signals. Tourist the month of April. Classes exam- . accommodation, from campsite to fined in all subjects and daily work. hotel, is available ahnost every - in to say: Commencing at a point in• the south side of Victoria street the premises secondly above men- Honours 5%, Pass 60;' . where. inSr.IV-' Helen Edgar 80, "\t in the said Town of Wingham at a dis- tioned there is situate a five room g Lance of one hundred and ten feet Fraise Cottage with all modern con- Mired Edgar 78; *Bert Hastings 73, National Parks Cover Large Areas and nine inches in westerly direction veniences, with woodshed attached, *Frances Edgar 66, `Mary Scott 65, National and provincial parks in from the northeast corner of said and one Garage, new, Bernard Thomas 42 (absent). Canada cover nearly 25,000 square c k "B" thence in a westerly dire TERMS: Ten per cent of the pur- FOR SALE OR RENT -The ory Prairie pasture land. to H. Buchanan. SCHOOL REPORT chase money to be add down at the ection along the southerly limit of time of sale and the balance within Victoria Street, three feet; thence in 30 days thereafter. For further par- a southerly* direction parallel with Josephine Street, to a point of inter- titulars and conditions of sale apply section with the line between lots to the undersigned. Lneler and by virtue of thepow- -•DATED at Wingham, Ontario,this numbers .Nine and Ten in C Tait cars of sale ^stained in a certain a . , Third day of %fay:. A.D,, 1932, mortgage '«nch will be aoroduced at Scotts said Survey produced; thence the time sof sa'ie, there will be offer- along said line produced to the noth- ed kr sale by public auction at the ern boundray of said lot number One Brunswick Hotel in the Town of thence easterly along the notherly Wingham, on Saturday ,the 14th day boundray of said lot number One; of May, A.D. 1932, at 2 o'clock in' thence easterly along the northerly h b Tl rens boundary of said lot One to the wes- namely Blacl. B firstly above described; NOTICE i2, ''Charlie Campbell 69, Calvi kLL a\D SINGT.LkR that ter- thence northerly along said last men - taint parcel or tract of lar; ati pre,' n *Haiti in the. C aaanty of begannntg, the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that 65, Billie Elston 67. Toren of \\,r _� Grad Roads, Taranto, that rte hold Court of Revision on $3:60, J. Iwelly $5.25, J. Wylie 6,55, r yiiice of Ontario and Upon the property there is said to all persons having claims against the Jr, I Norman Higgins 91, Ber- pre - Huron and P o be situate, 2o room frame Hotel, 100 estate of Tarries •fcI inlay McEwen, 7 *Moved by Austin and Baird that the assessment Roll of 1932, nn A. Forgie $5.30, tri, Sharpin 6.40, J. being composed of inn . number,- nice Thompson 3c- Irene McCallum ft. 1 36 , late of the Township of T *, BY -law No. 1a be as -ed appointing Three on the `r west -id f Diagonal 36 T 1n Hames 79 *Muriel Hopper By P house 20 ft. x 26 ft., Y two cement hog ceased, who died on or about the 76, *George Higgins Y'0 Frank the following Pound Keepers for , , Jr. IV- *Margaret Coulter 8 *Laura Hopper 74, *Charlie Higgii 70, King Hastings 67: III -^Harold McCallum 80, Ha vey Edgar 78, Ruby Casemore 6 Lela Stewart 66, Jack Higgins 60. 4, ',miles. They are areas which have is been withdrawn from exploitation land are being preserved in their vir- gin beauty and wildness, for purpos- 9, 1 es of pleasure and recreation. The largest national parks are in •the rt Rocky Mountains section of Alberta, r' a region of unsurpassed scenic n splendour admirably equipped by na- ture for all forms of sport and re- x- creation. There are aigo important. Margaret Haines parks in British Columbia, Saskat- n chewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Que- bec. Accommodation ranges all the J. W. BUSHFIELD, Sr. II -*Evelyn Scott 75, =°Stewa Wingham, Ontario, Aanent 73, June Burke 71, *Arthu Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 'Thos. Fells, Esquire, Edgar 64, Clarence Gouley 54, Jii Auctioneer. Casemore 43, *Latina Scott 42. Jr. II -»Charlie Procter 89, Ma the on afternoon, th y Thames e tl. terry boundary of that part of said 'ne Thmopson 13 Auctioneer, the following, property - u, .. •' TILE TO CREDITORS � $ - t tioned limit and parallel with Jose- _.. \?OTICE IS HEREB\. GI\ E Burke 57. iced situate., lying and being n the• phine Street aforesaid to the place of pursuant to Section 51. Chap 150 of Sr, I -*Jim Coulter 77, Jim Golley _._.. aYi• `t ft. an all steel Community urnberrv" ' - - n�, s \toothy, :clay 30th, 1932, in Blue- Mckinnon $6,00, J. Potter $12,40, C,' v ' e Shed 285, ft x 60 ft six room frame in the County of Huron Fanner,de- , - o' , - vale at 3 o'clock in the afternoon 'Casemore $150 L H Bosman ae- eorge ibgms i , ran Carried. count, $14.35;T. Wylie, Supt., 69. 1932: Robe. 7icI�agtie, ;Ino. Lane,.7• y • , P •, together rr itla a goo gear a pit, are required. to set,u by port, pre - immi Elston Goad. Thos. Appleby, H. Gilmour, Andrew The following accounts were paid: LICENSED AUCTIONEER T f h q al Sr. Pr. Jr e , 1'. D. McEWEN Pen' S0 ft x 16 ft an ft 1 �2 ft• twenty ninth clay of aprd, a D 11131 Burke S. :\icgiauelt- Wingham Advance -Times, acct.,:$3.- Phone chase money to b p \\ Ingham Ontario, Solicitor for the ton Jas, Douglas, Jno, Tervrtt, T , B Telephone, acct., $2.35; A. $3. - Saks of Farm Stock d I l f 1 d l balance `h b f 1 ben, Geor^�e Edgar and yenta TERMS: en per cent, o tri)!* Puy- paid, or deliver to J. Crawfor , 602x14: s e aid down at the I ,rJr. Pr, -Excellent, Hugh Camp- Gemrnill, Jno. Kirton, 12 cit roc an: mp e- time o sale rra tie a grace rr it in a iriiaiist dicta an or a ore the trren- 5 2 . d r on J. Nortrr. p, relief,.. S-„ i o, Mundy's, 1 x. with satisfaction ,and at moderate ti ula and`'condiitions of sale apply l par- Carried. relief, $26.32; R. Breen, for' relief, tnents, Real Estate, .etc., conducted 30 days- thereafter. For further par- ty-third day of May, A,D. 1932, their Thompson. 1 A e Best Spellers Helen Edgar;; Tie fate, E. Jenkins, arrie . charges» to the undersiavned. titulars in writing of their claims and 'ar •cd b - Austin and Baird t Finnen, Ino. i\iunde 1, names and acldres.es, rvitit full It Wit Pay You To Have An EXPERT AUCTIONEER to conduct your sale. See TM i .. BENNETT At The Royal Service Station. Phone 174W. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAD AUC"I'IONEER Ability with special training en- ables floe to give yon. satisfaction. Ar- rangements tirade with W. J. Brown, Wingham; or direct to Teeswater. Phone. 45r24 OMA E� SMA' sED AII"TIo1�ll ears' E, petienee in l~'a nd Itziptentents, Mod Phone 831 hat $7.50; Patrolmen: W. J. Campbell $' 5.40; H. B. Morphy, acct., $60.00. Moved by MacTavish and Doug- las that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale, May 30th, 1932. W. R. Cruikshank, 1, J. Wright, Reeve. rat ie roc r. an - r'Ontario, thisClerk, Dated, at \i,inWham, the nature. of the securities (if any) 19th day of April, A.D. 1x9.32. held by them duly verified by a 'stat- son. the following By-law No. 16, be ' -® Thos. Fells,` Esquire, utory declaration. . Best in Arithinetic, Norman Hig- passed appointing Fence Viewers Auctioeer. And TAKE NOTICE FURTHER ins,' for year 1932: Wm. H. Mundell, R. fil J. W. BUSHFIELD, that after the said twenty-third day g t me :.._ _..__ Ontario Names markedKing, Jas, Lovell, Thos. Haugh, T, May, 1932, the said'Adnarnistratvr,an asterisk were present ever da with Solicitor for the Mortgagee will proceed to distribute the assets y' y- Number on Wheeler, J E. Nichol, Jas. ._ MORTGAGE SALE of the said estate among the parties roll, 41; average attendance 39, gall, W. Wilson, D. H. Wallace, A. si Viola V. MacLeod, Teacher. Gemmill. Carried. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims. of which he shall.then Of Valuable Farm Lands in the have had n�rtice, and the said Admin.."Da Township of East Wawanosh istrator.shall not be_ liable for the said :'1 fi Under and by .virtue of the powers of sale contained 'in 'a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sate, there will be offered for a' sale by publid auction at. the Bruns- wick Hotel in the Town of Wing - ham, ham, can Saturday, the twenty-first clay of May, A.D. 1032, at one o'clock in the afternoon, by T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer, the following property, assets or any part thereof to any per- tt un son of whose claim he shall not then you think you have until you try to have received notice. use it." Dated this'twenty-ninth: day of Ap- 1, A.D. 1932. 3. H. CRAWFORD, \• Iinghant : Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator 1111 Moved by MacTavish and ,Doug- 61f tidy, what is "influnce"?" las,that By-law No. 17 be passed > 11 ce, my son, is, a `thing you appointing Jas. T. Wylie, Drain In- in your clubs and I guarantee you will have no re- grets gets after�vardsr 11 III I will also be prepared to give it f r 1N � ,� ore lessons after #1 the first week in May. 111 x _ INI g BLEECfER MEYERS Professional. Alps Count' > Club. '11< p �' 111loosiosumumnatiommionssammutommoof t�, t pa' ely.: AND SINGULAR that certain el or tract of land and premises sitarata lying and reiri.g in the Towta- qt Wuwanosb in the Cotta- of ttroti and .Province of Ontario TURNBERRY COUNCIL Minutes of Council Meeting held Bluevale, April 13th, 1932. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Members all present. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, frtirsuant to Section 51, Chari 150 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of George McDonald, late of Minutes of last meeting wer and adopted,'Carried. The following letters were'receiv- ed and read: H. Town, Sec., Wing EI i Toronto; Ontario .ham' J. A. Ellis, n a o ! , Y J spector for year 1032,. .Carried, Moved by Jas. MacTavish and 3. Douglas, that,we refund those who paid the 5% on their taxes of 1931 not paid by 14th December, 1931, and charge at the rate of 1% per month until paid. Refund is given Relief ort taxes, Carried.' Moved by Baird and Austin that we do not refund the 5% paid by those unpaid taxes on 14th Decem- ber, 1931. Lost, Moved by Mat;Tayish artd Baird, aa11B1®/®l0���i���©i■ i®11�o31®? 1101 `' MENME®®011a Si Attention .111 Goifers I carry a complete line of the highest grade Golf Equipment procurable, and am prepared to. compete in price with an. . store wholesale or re- tail. It is my business to make Golf Clubs to suit , each individual person. Let me help you to choose