HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-05-05, Page 3le
Thursday, May 5th, 1932
The regular meeting of th
P. Leagtre was held in the sch
room of the United Church Th
day evening With a good numbe
members present. Mr. .H. E. Co
presided over the meeting which
opened in the usual manner. El
Butt took charge of the devoti
period. Mr. Cooke gave a short
dress on "Harmony" • which was
keeping with Miss Evelyn Steph
topic when she gave a delightful
on "What Music Means to Me,"
also sang a solo as did the pas
Rev. G. W. Butt, The meeting
closed •with a hymn and the Miz
benediction. The meeting this we
Thursday, May 5th, is to be t
"Mediterranean Cruise" which is
open meeting for all.
Mr. and Mrs. D. -Dane and s
Whitney, of Toronto, were week -e
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac' Wa
Mr. James Graham of Toro
spent the week -end with his fatli
Mr. Robert Graham.
Mr. Howes Sr., of Toronto, spe
a few days with his son, Mr, E
' Mrs. W. C. King and son, Ea
spent the week -end with Mr. a
Mrs. Thos. 'MacDonald, of Mol
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Campbell,
Listowel, called on Gorrie. friends
Mr. and Mrs, R. Grainger, al
Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera, visited wi
Guelph friends on Sunday.
Mr. M. T. Abram, of Stratford,
spending a few days at his home i
• Mr. Bleaker, of Goderich, spen
the week -end in town.
Messrs, L. F. Ashton, Rev. G. W
Butt, H. Spading, G. Wright, A
Wearring, of Wroxeter, E, SparIin
and C. McCallum and Mr. Stinson
nmotored. to Hamilton on Saturda
with the Listowel Male Chorus an
. who were successful in securing th
Mrs. Gibsen, also Miss Jean Mil
ligan, of Wroxeter, were Mond
guests of Mrs. J. King.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton, als
Mr. H. Sperling and Everett Spar
ling, spent the week -end in Toronto
1 -Mr, Nickells returned home from
Guelph on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinson and
family returned home an Sunday to
Detroit, after spending two. weeks
with the fornier's sister, Miss J. P.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Ashton and
son, Leland, spent the week -end in
Mr. Ewart Whitfield, of Arthur,
spent the week -end at his home in
Mr. and Mrs. H. Herzog spent
Sunday at the hone of Rev. and
Mrs. Garland, of Ilderton,
Mrs. M. Thompson, also Mr. W.
.Hicks, of Mitchell, called on Corrie
friends on Sunday.
Mrs. A. Thornton, also Mr. W, G. bxregg accompanied Mr. and Mrs, G.
Thornton of Bluevale, to Ingersol,
where they attended the funeral of
a cousin, the late George Harris,
last week.
e Y.
r' of
ad •
ens' "'
OLD need
„i., ,(per upq��p { f^ A(�. ?'
114.,.. ��',`e° ULATI � ' `I� �(�iL,�31� �I
Vixen your child needs regulating,
relnetnber this: the organs of babies
and children are delicate. Little
bowels roust be gently urged -never
forced. That's why Castoria is used
by so many doctors and mothers. It
is specially made for children's ail-
ments; contains no harsh, harmful
drugs, alo nareotics. You ean safely
i. give it: to young infants for colic
9 pains. Yet it is alt equally ,effective
+regulatorfol' older children. The next
time your child has a little cold or
fever, or:a digestive upset, give lent
the help of Castoria, the children's
own remedy, Genuine Castoria al�.
s has the muse:
t O
Miss Spereman, of Toronto, was
in town last week classifying the,
library books. The hoard are busy
this week arranging the books in the
proper order.
The May meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. P. Laine on 'Wednesday, May
11th. Arrangements are being made
to have the Wroxeter people stage
their play here under the auspices of
the W. I. on Friday, May 13th.
Mr. Glen Donaldson of SanFran-
cisco, .Calif., spent Iast week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Donaldson. It is seven years since
he left these parts and he looks hale
and hardy.
Miss Verde Strong visited with
her sister, Olive, over the week -end.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Burrows to this neighborhood.
Mr. Morley Zurbrigg 'and Edwin
Martin spent the week -end under
the parental roof.
Mr. Keith Donaldson, of Detroit,
Mich,, is visiting with his parents,
and other friends, this week.
Mr. Sam Jefferson, of Mildnnay,
spent. Sunday evening at T. Strong.
Mr. Herb Demmerling is now
working for Toni Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendt and family
of Clifford, were Sunday visitors at
T. Pritchard's.
In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, May
llth, under the Dept. of Agriculture
a girls' coaching class will be held,
Miss Durnin will lecture on "Cloth-.
ung'„ and "Nutrition in the morning*
continuing with "Nutrition” in t
afternoon. Many will remember t
successful class held here last su
aver. This, however, willbe for o
day only, hours being 9 a.an. to
For 100 years the Sprague family
has represented United States at
Gibraltar, and we see Richard Louis
!Sprague (1), present consul of "the
rock" snapped on the day the family
entered its, second century of con-
sular service. (2) Roland, the huge
sea -elephant in the Berlin zoo, re-
ceiviug .a tit -bit from its keeper. (3) 1
1 A piece of intricately carved wood
from the Golden Pavilion of Jebol,
'Chinese Lana Temple, which' has
been dismantled into 10,000 pieces,
to be sent to the Chicago World's
Fair. Premier Otto Braun (4), head
of the Prussian cabinet, which is to
resign on May 24 because of the
heavy gains made by Hitler's party.
few days in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Wearring
and children spent Sunday in Ham-
District Deputy Master Stewart of
Bluevale, paid an official visit to
oxeter L.O.L. 1511, on Monday
I'dr. and Mrs. George Sproat, • of
Detroit, are visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. C. Sproal,
Born—In Detroit, Mich,, on Fri -
he !day, April 22nd, 1932, to Dr. and
he Mrs. Roy Stanley Smith, a son son
m- —Roy Stanley.
a.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4, with a pos- i GLENANNAN
sable half day later on in the month
devoted to judging; All girls eel
are interested are invited to atten
Mres, R. McLaughlin who h
spent nt tl
p ne winter with friends
Oshawa, returned to her home o
Howick St. on Friday,
Mr. John McNaughton, of Lo
don, is at present visiting with hi
son, Stewart, 2nd con. of Turnberr
John Muir, of Stratford, is th
west of his brother, George, here.
Mr. Gavin Davidson of Oshawa i
at present visiting his father • an
sister, in town.
The service in the United Churcl
on Sunday evening was well attend
ed, the young people having charge
of the service,
Mrs. Annie Stewart and (laughter
Nellie, and Mr, Glen Mitchell, also
Messrs. Ale and Athol Stewart, of
Toronto, spent the week -end with
friends in the vicinity.
Miss Ruth Sangster of near Dray-
ton, spent , the week -end at her
ohne here.
Dr and Mrs. Spence, of Toronto,
eat the weekend at the home of
c latter' parents, �Mr, and Mrs.: J.
Miss Alice Mealien, of Wilgbani,
sited on Sunday at the home of
r brother, Mr. Anthony Meahen,
Miss Margaret Durst left last
ek for. Toronto where she 'has se-
mi a position.
Miss Kate Wa11er, of Toronto, is.
ending a few weeks at her Home
Woodrow Wendt of Windsor, is
iting at the home of Mr. and
s. J. R. Wendt.
llIrs. Arnold Edgar and daughters
teen and I#rances, are spending a
no Mr. Clarke .Elliott, of Toronto, is
d spending the summer months with
Tris father, liar. Win, Elliottad HSr.
in Mr. and Mrs. Rae Little, also Miss
n Isabel Metcalfe and friend, of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end with Mr.
Lot and Mrs. John Metcalfe.
s • Miss ,Elora Stokes visited last
week with her sister, Mrs. Seiah
e Breckenridge, of Grey.
Liss Mary Haugh, of Toronto, is
s visiting with her parents, bir, and
d Mrs. Thomas Haugh.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall and
son, Alex., spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Willits, Salem. q
• (Too late for last week) .
Mrs, Alex. Casemore is under the
doctor's care.
Miss Ruth Corrigan is clerking in
Alex. Casemorc's caboose.
Jack Herd• is making' use of his
artistic taste in beautifying
se lawn. A few more such young
men are needed in the village.
Mrs.. Jack Reid and babe of Wrox-
eter spent a clay last week with her
A splendid ,meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held at the home
of Mrs. Roy Rutherford on Wednes-
day afternoon. After singing of tl
Ode and reacting the minutes, Mr
(Rev.) Turnbull gave an address o
Easter; a humorous reading (All
Nancy's Quilting Bee) was read b
you are both held in the commun-
ity and to assure you that you have
many loyal friends who take this
simple way of wishing you a Iong
and happy life together, and one
that is filled to the brim with all
the blessings God can give.
We are particularly minded of the
splendid contribution that you have
already made to the life of your
church and community, all alike are
unstinting in their praise of this
generous service, and as a pledge of.
such friendship and as a token of
regard and esteem we present to you
this small gift; may our affections
for you both still last long after this
gift has outgrown its usefulness in
your new home.
By Ross Farquhar
Friday—;Ala told pa when he saw
her Finger tyed up that she had
burnt it when she went to take the
pie out of the Uven. Pa ast her if
she screemed and
she sed No she
dident creem be-
cuz they wassent
enny bddy in the
house to hear her
Even if she did
Saterday— well
I wirked in the
Grosry store to-
day. till noon.
Mr. Hertz seen
me eating sum
Choklet drops and
he sed to nue. Is
that what I am
paying you for.
and I replyed and sed. No Mr. Her,
tz you are not poying me for this
becuz I am willing to do this for
nuthing. & I smiled at him Kindly. ,
but he payed me off at noon and
sed he thot mebby he cud struggle
long with out Hie.
Sunday—Bruce Smith has quit
10 a
S. if n
lying in e aroplane I gess. He cum
own lass nite and broke a few legs t 1
& arms. and when they ast lnnu
3f why he dident carry a Parrashoot he to
- sed they all ways seamed like. such la
i- I slow Contrapshuns,
b Mundy -Pit got in bad with the
boss down at the noose paper today
I becuz he lets a Head Line go by
witch sed. The Wages of Son is
• Debt.
1 Teusday—Mr. l3ledder sect he all
ways thot the drug Store bisness
Was the nicest bisnessin the wirld
and after he bot his drug store lie
got a long Fine intill 1 day a fella
cams in and wants a Perscripsluun
filled. then lie got Despundent.
Wensday—Emmy Lutz has got a
new Baby and today. Ant Emmy tuk
her a thermoineter to put in the
Babies bath water but Emmy (luta)
sed it woodent do no good becuz the
baby was to Yung to know whut the ,
Themounmeter sed any ways.
Thirsday. -Ant Emmy cracked 1 of
the Lenses in her glasses today but
she Sed slie wassent a going to get
lean i\Icl.oan, and "Ode to a Lot c
Stovepipes" by Minnie Jeffrey, in
terspersed with the singing of Inst
tote songs. It was decided to sere
the Hall Tuesday afternoon. Mrs
Rutherford and Jean McLean hac
the honor of serving 1•unch,
Eighty or more gathered Friday
evening at the home of Mr, ane
Mrs. ,Alex. Corrigan, Glenannan and
presented therm with a beautiful case
f silverware. :Miss Helen Mulvey
ead the , following address while
ean Herd presented the, gift; Mr.
orrigan Made a suitable reply
thanking them for their gift, the
younger set spent the remainder of
the evening dancing,
To Mr, and Mrs. Corrigan:
It is with a pleasure that is very
real' and sincere that we have come
here on what we hope will be a me-
morable occasion in your life. For
it is our desire to give expression) to
the very high esteem with which
tine proceeding of last week, How
and Ferguson, < foraiier .I'rernier o
Ontario, again denied that as far a
he knew none of $125,000 went t
the Conservative party, 1` he nun
looked for file of Aird papers wa
tabled at the commission and cause!
quite a sensation by its appearance.
Makes Old Roads New
A new highway machine invented
by an Iowan digs up the surface of
old gravel roads, mixes the material
with a bituminous binder and spreads
the mixture hack on the road again,
Highway Camps to Remain. Open
A limited number of highway con-
struction camps in Northern Ontario
will retnain open after May 1, in re-
sponse to requests from a number of
men employed therein that they be
allowed to continue work after ex-
piration of the relief grant period at
that date, by Hon. WiIIiam Finlay-
son, Ontario minister of lands and
Drayton Retires As Head of Board
Sir Henry Drayton relinquished
the post as chairman of the Ontario
Colored or plain. For houses, barns,
sheds, garages. "Council Standard"
or "Acorn." quality. Easy and quick
to lay, permanent, proof against fire.
Free estimates gladly sent. Send
Makers!' Preston Steel Trues Barns, Gal-
vanized antis BarnDoor Hardware, Preston
Led -He Nails, Double -Mesh Metal Lalli
Ventilators, Roll-.NFold Garage Doors. All
hinds Sheet Metal Building Material.
E'v teei
Guelph St., Preston, Ont.
Factories et Montreal and Toronto
14111i1 lllBU3t1/Ap10017113113111031t131111110111111111111111.1
Liquor Control Board this week,
Stewart McClenaghan, ex-M.P., of
Ottawa, who has been vice-chairman
assumed the post. The board will
now function with two members in
place of three and the chairman's
salary will be $10,000 per year, not
$20,000. Thus a considerable saving
will be effected.
Tight Fit But Paint Untouched
Residents of Panama Canal
Zone had their biggest thrill
since the "big ditch." was finish-
ed when the Canadian Pacific
liner "Empress of Britain" pass-
ed through the canal in April.
As the largest vessel ever to nav-
igate the canal the Empress re-
ceived unusual attention. In fact
as far as canal officials were
concerned, she was viewed with
furrowed brows. The lock -keep-
ers, if they wanted to, could have
lumped aboard her, so tightly
did she fit.
Furrowed brows narked Chief
Officer, W. G. Bush: -Wood, R.N.R.,
of the Empress of Britain. As
the "]Mato" he is responsible for
her gleaning white painted sides
Miss Margaret Simmons spent a
few days' with friends near Ford-
A number from this locality :at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
James Powell who resided near
Win ,
Mr, i) L. Weir has h asecl the
farm recently vacated by Mr, Win.
Sunday School has been re -organ-
lied with Mr. D. L. Weir as Super-
Mr. Wilbert Gallaway has com-
menced to build Mr•. Bert 7 ongley's
house to replace the one which was
recently destroyed by fire..
Bride '-• "Pierre is perfectly wend-
et£ul to me, .mother, :He gives inc
everything I ask for,"
Mother --"That merely shows, ni,
dear child, that you : are not asking
Phm. B., Opt. D,, R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Otic,
'The Best Equipped Optical Eli.
tabliarlii± exit itt 'this part of
a new 1 put in bomb she diddcm
think tinny buddy wud take notice
of it.
l esurne Hydro Inquiry May 9th
The Royal Commission investigat-
ing =tale transactions of the 'Ont-
ario Hydro E. P. C. and the Pay-
ments of $125,000 to John Aird, jr,,
by the Beauharnois Power Corp., has
adjourned until May 9t:h. Mr. Justice
F. J. Orde, the Commissioner, stated
he was unable to continue until that
!late owing to pressure of business
on supreme court judges, During
and bets were freely offered that
he would have to put men over
the side when she reached Cris-
tobal to re -paint. Scotehmen.
amongst the 481 passengers cov-
ered every bet—they bad faith in.
the Scottish caution of Commo-•
dore R. G. Latta, her commander..
It was a tight fit, but never a:
scratch of paint
The photograph shows the
Empress of Britain entering the
Pedro Miguel lock. Iler pas-
sengers crowded the decks to
watch the spectacle and so in-
teresting was this feat of navi-
gation that Chief Steward Frank.
Moss complained that for the first
time in four and a half month;
they forgot to eat]
3 lbs. Choice Dates for
El 2 lbs. Large Prunes for .
lel 2 lbs. Apricots for
al 3 Cans Corn
3 Cans Tomatoes, 2%, for
3 Cans Peas for
2 1b. Package Sodas for
1 Ib, pkg. Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea
IN 1 1b. pkg. Crown Tea
1 lb, Fresh Ground Coffee .... .
24 lb. Sack Pastry Flour , . .
39c Ati
pg Good Overalls . , ... .$1.49
Work Socks, 2 pairs for .... r
New Spring Hats and Caps-
p at remarkably
Low Prices. See us about your new Spring Suit, mi
lid p �''
made -to -measure. We are Sole Agents for Prow
gi ess Brand. 0.1
` EiM
Davers Storer
Tion I IIununismai A m mi lommiI siNiumbRI IIK I I I +,
2 Fancy Cups and Saucers