HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-04-28, Page 4THE WIN'GI A11. ADVANCE -TIMES • •,r milaseese• Yes 'ea.:, 4t41 BRING RESULTS it cents a word per insertion, ergoe'le, with a minimum charge of 25e. CHINA, ANCIENT , AND MODERN' To those who had the privilege of hearing 1'rofeesor J. H. Crocker's 1t cture entitled "China, Ancient and Modern", ibaae .come an increased admiration of the character of the Cixinese people, and a dearer under- st..nding of China's position among the nations of the world to -day. Professor Crocker spent some years in China as a member of the :Physical Education Commission, xitenland during that time, travelled ex- it ens ively sively throughout the country, ; coming into contact with all sorts BABY CHICKS We can supply Auctioneer, the following properte tand conditions of Chinese. Copse - you with Govt. Approved S. C. i namely: White Leghorn. Chicks from the, ALL AND SINGULAR LAR that ver-, quently, he is able to speak of them highest grade under Governinent'taiu parcel or tract of land and pre - ;and of their country with a thor- Approval for $9.00 per 100. Racks noses situate, lying and being ,n the l Duel knowledge of his subject. $11 per 100, May delivery. Our 'Toe n of \\"xngham in the l.?au=.tty cif 1 1v Very often,a fail to realize that • mating list is free. Custom hatch- Huron and Province of Ontario and i rug, 2c per egg Hatching eggs $4 . being composed of Lot number tall Chinese do not resemble the type per 100. Walter Rose, Brussels,,' Three on the west side of Diagonal ? with which -a e in this country are Ont. Road in the Government Survey ill i familiar. Mast of these come from the said Town of \\'ingham southern China, and are here • for BABY CHICKS -Government In There is said to be on tltie veep_ spected Canada 'Hatchery erµy a good 2 -storey brick dwelling the purpose of making a living in ed Barred Rock Chicks. May $10 . t�'iih frame woodshed and good restaurant, laundry, or some similar per hundred, June $9.00 per heed- frame garage. In the dwelling there line of business. Of the northern red. Five unrelated toe punched are four bedrooms, bathroom,;Chinese, and of the literati, we in ate chick, free, withwitheti every hon- room, dining room. and kitchen, The male dred. ordered Custom hatchingland is splendid. for gardening pug- Canada know very little. In China, done in up-to-date Bu;'::i.1 e .\fayu- ; poses• money has very little to do in de- anotlt.Eggs set on Munda�• . TERMS OF SALF—Ten per cent: termining a man's social standing, Chicks for sale on Tuesday. al:u • of the purchase money ez the da= 'while learning and birth are all-im- started chicks for sari. Phone 611: of sale and the balance within thirty l days thereafter. !portant. -42, DuncanIiennecly, white_ The property will be offered cub . The early history of this country church, Ont. ject to a reserve bid. is lost in antiquity, dating back Further particulars and conditions } EXTRA SPECIAL for Dollar Da>. e , of sale will be made known on the.! many hundreds of years before the our \'Wash, Boilers; Rewe. Value $2 day o f sale or ntay . be had u apple ;many of Christ. It is true of China 50 for only $1.75. Buchanan Hard ' cation to the undersigned. s ;as of no other nation, that she has vire. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the twenty-seventh day, of April, A.D.:absorbed every foe that has con FOR SALE—A Sand Wicker Baby . 1832, i quered her; she has absorbed even Bugtry (Sides as>) in first class ; Thos. Fells, J. H. Cram ford, the Jew. Professor Crocker told of condition. Apply at the Advance-Wingham, Ont., Wingham, Ontario, 'seeing at a railway station on one Tunes. Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor, of his journeys through the country • FOR SALE—House and lot, corn a group of men with flowing beards er of John and Minnie Streets, NOTICE and aquiline noses—a very unusual Wingham. Duplex house with a !sight in China. Upon inquiry, he double garage. For terms and par- Some complaints have been made' learned that about 700 A.D., there ticulars. Apply to J, W. Bushfield, to the undersigned• in regard to the had been an influx of Persian Jews • Wingham; Ont, application of Calcium Chloride to the streets as a dustlayer. The Coun- into the country. It is a remark - FOR SALE—Two Steers, twe years cil formerly used oil on the streets, able fact that, though the invaders old. Charles Potter, Lower Wing- but after a few year's use ,it was have long since been merged with ham. found that the road surface began to the Chinese, after all these centur- crumble and could not be repaired, les a trace of there should remain AOR SALES—Brick Cottage, Minnie The County Engineer reported this in the physical characteristics of trouble also in County roads where their descendants. The Mongols, cheap for quick sale. Also dining oil was used. conquered China in the oll, room suite far sale cheap. Apply The County had the oiling mach- q thir- - to T. Fells. ine and this has now been done away teenth century, and later, the Man- •eith and the County is using Calc chus, have each, in turn, been ' ab - FO _ " -- i' It is not the wish -r sorbed by the Chinese. Should Jap- an succeed in annexing Manchuria, it is possible that a like fate awaits her, for in recent years, over forty million Chinese have take up land there. At any rate, Japan will find that she has her hands full trying to govern them. The history of China's contact with the outside world is an inter- esting one. As early as 1635, Brit- ish sailing vessels came to Canton, Persons filing complaints should and the sailors tried to establish 'PASTURE FOR REXT--95 acres bear in mind that the Corporation trade relations, but ztithout success. of grass, spring creek water. Ap- has no provision for any oiling and !The Chinese hated and feared for- ply A. Fitzpatrick, Wingham. none will be applied. eigners, and preferred to have no - It is hoped this year that the sup- thing to do with them. After many ply of 'Calcium Chloride will be on hand earlier than usual and will be applied in good time, thus making it more effective. Signed St.; Brick house on Victoria St., dozen; good seed potatoes: Irish the Street Committee to place this Cobblers and Green Mountain — material (Calcium Chloride) on the also a number of grass cattle. streets where ratepayers object. Any Mrs, Robt. Hamilton, i3luevale, person therefore who does not wish Ont. this material placed on the road in front of their property, should file a FOR RENT — Cottage on Frances complaint with the Town Clerk he- st, possession I4iay 12th. Apply fore April 30th, 1932. If sufficient to Mrs. J. Rogers, phone 625r23. persons (Two-thirds majority) in any one block offer objection in writing PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, as above, the Calcium Chloride will Finishing, Graining, at moderate not be put on in that block and the rates. Cenclair Phippen. R. R. 3, frontage rate of $1.50 will be struck Wingham, Phone 625r12. off. TENDERS FOR PASTURE—Ten- ders for the pasture season of 1932 for the property ordinarily known as the Race Track will be received by the undersigned up to and in - unsuccessful attempts, in 1840 Bri- tain, to her shame be it said, forced the opium trade upon China. In '42 by the Treaty of Nanking, a com- ciuding Saturday, April 30th. the FRED L. DAVIDSON, rnercial treaty entered into between Chairman Street Committee highest or any tender not neves- the English and Chinese govern "foreign devils" culminated in the Boy Scout Movement is finding its sarily accepted. T. C. King. lst prize.... .. . . .... $1,000.00 cash 2nd prize $500.00 cash 3rd prize , .$200.00 cash 4th prize $100.00 cash 5 prizes each $50.00 cash 95 prizes. • , each $10,00 cash 104 prizes totalling $3,000.00 How many Supertwist Gordo in the average Goodyear Tire? BILL INGHAM Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depot. Thursday, April 28th, 1932 A cool THOUSAND DOLLARS for merely estimating the number of cords in the average Goodyear Tire! Think of what you could do with that $1,000.00. New car? ... Cottage at the lake? ... Trip abroad? ... Edu- cation for the youngsters? ... Oh, there are plenty of wonderful things one can do with real money and lots of it. And there is no catch in this contest. Someone is going to win the $1,000 first prize for the nearest cor- rect estimate. And others will get the 103 other cash prizes which vary from $500.00 down to $10,00. You don't have to spend a cent of money to enter. Read the simple con- test conditions, get an entry blank from any dealer selling Goodyear Tires, and send in your estimate to- day. Anyone from a household in Canada where a car is owned may enter-. There is no entry fee, nothing to buy, no special requirement. All tire ; dealers, all employees of rubber com- panies and the families of both are debarred. - See the six Goodyear Tires of vari- ous sizes, types and ply -thicknesses at any Goodyear tire dealer's, then estimate the number of cords in each, add the six individual tire estimates together, and divide by six to strike the average. Submit the number you estimate on a standard entry blank which may be obtained free of charge at any Goodyear tire dealer's. - A section of tire fabric showing the Supertwist cords, is on display in every Goodyear tire dealer's store. This will help you make your estimate. The closing date is June 5th, 1932. No entry bearing a later postmark date will be considered. Address "The Goodyear Supertwist Cord Con- test," New Toronto, Toronto 14, On- tario. trouble, because the Chinese knew he will pass on the knowledge that little of British, French or German he acquires to some other one. Pub- ideas of law and justice. All these Ho Schools, model schools and uni- and other grievances against the versities are being established. The • MORTGAGE' SALE CARD OF THANKS Of Valuable Town Property The brothers and relatives cit tl:e beingx Shanghai. ity for it rested upon the Dowager which has hitherto n ed Ender and by irtue of the pass- Latex b� ments, the opening of five Chinese Boxer Uprising which was really af- , way into China, and is giving to the ports to foreign traffic was agreed ter all not the work of the Chinese boys of that country an opportun- upon, the three best-known of these People as a whole. The responsibil- ity for a "foursquare" development • Canton, Amoy and Shang tax. y h h h bee dent other ` ere contained in a certain t ertgage't treatie 1876, this num- late Robert W. Simpson desire to Ex - express hereby their since thanke which will be produced at the time beg was increased. In the Ex - to their friends for very kind -ym of sale, there will be offered for sale tra-Territorial Treaty arranged for pithy expressed on the evasion of the death of their brother. by public auction on Saturday, May 7th, A.D., 1932, at the hour of 3 o'- clock in the afternoon, at the prem - MORTGAGE SALE ises known as the Exchange Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the Of Valuable Property in the Town County of Huron, either in parcel or of Wingham in bulk, subject to a reserved bid, the following property, namely: t oder and by virtue of *he pow- "All and singular those certain par - ender of sale contained in a certain cels or tracts of land and premises mortgage, which . will be produced at situate, lying and being in the Town the time of sale, there will be offer of Wingham in the County of Hur- ltd for sale by public auction xt the on and Province of Ontario and be- ed Hotel in the Town of ing:composed of Firstly: That part W' h n Saturday the lith day of Block "B" in Government Survey the holding of land along the coast by foreign powers. This arrange- try would be better off without ei China to -day are a nation of young rnent led to misunderstanding and ther. 'So, in a single night, thous- teen standing on the brink of inde- hard feelings on the part of the ands were massacred—both mission vision." Also ,the lecturer's pictures Chinese, and not without some de- aries and Chinese Christians. Then showed how training in hygiene and gree of reason. If' they wished to ` followed the siege of Pekin, which sanitation is being given to the peo- live in this territory, they must pay was finally raised, and peace res- taxes to a foreign power, but were tored. Britain's attempt at reprisal denied the right of the franchise. —the destruction of the Forbidden Favourable tariffs were placed on City which contained priceless tree - E cl • t o thousand them This sort - of training was en- impress an -. some w Chinese nobles of the old school of dorsed some years ago by an old thought, who hated foreigners and Chinese warrior and statesman with Christians, and felt that their coun-- the words "The young men of ple. A third revolution, a religious revolution, has been taking place as well. Students who have gone from China to foreign universities, have goods coming in from foreign Coun- sures of Chinese.art—seems inex seen the inconsistencies of so-called tries, while the duties an Chinese cusable, and is remembered against Christian people, and have come in Win gin, u y goods were high. For instance, her by the Chinese to this day. In contact with the teaching of science of May, A.U. 1932, at o'clock i n 1 in the said Town of Wingham, des- Chinese industry could not begin to spite of all this, however, .a better have returned to China' Confirmed ;:. afternoon, s,,. -leans Fells cribed as follows, that is to say: ' ` Commencing at the northeasterly compete with the products of the feeling toward the British seems to agnostics. Sad to tell, too, the lives angle of said Block "B"; thence sou- Manchester cotton mills. Then, too be growing in China. For one of many of our government officials therly along the west side of Jose- the mixed courts were a source of tiering, the absolute integrity of the and merchants living in China are phine Street o the said Town English manufacturers with whom not such as to win any one to the Wingham, two the and seventy they deal inspires confidence on the religion they profess. An Anti - J. D. McE.WEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. + k lins• thence westerly Sales of Fain Stock and Implc- parallel with pts, Real 'Estate; etc., conducted ,ictaria Street, one chain and sixty - with satisfaction d t Berate two charges. and one-half links; thence nor - with a mo therly- parallel with Josephine street aforesaid two chains and seventy links to the south side of Vittoria It \Will Pay You To Have An EXPERT AUCTIONEER ` to conduct your sale. ,sqµ Syy��ee�'�gT7, t- qjg�-.q�'j� .4 . R. EE i.�'l l'2 E 1 T At The loyal Service Station. Phone 174W. Street aforesaid; .thence easterly a- long the said. south side of, Victoria Street one chain and sixty-two and one-half links to the place of begin- ning save and except that part of, said Lot heretofore conveyed by Wil liam C. Lepard to one Hugh Allan Ramsay and registered as Number 8459 for the Town of Wingham. Se- condly: The southeasterly half of Lot Number One, and .Thirdly; "Those AI I IS " :ONG portions of Block "13" Government • Survey in the said Town of Wing - STOCK And GENERAL ham, and lot number One in C. Tait AUCTIONEER l ER Scott's Survey in the said Town of Wingharn, described as follows: that Ability with special training en- is to say: Commencing' at a point is aisles: me to give you. satisfaction. Ar- tine south side of Victoria street in t+attgcrterits made with W. 3. $gown, the said Town of Wingham at a dis. Wirtgbarrq or direct to Teeswater. tancc of one hundred and ten feet Phone 4544 and nine inches in westerly direction from the northeast corner of said Block "B", thence in a westerly dir- ection along the southerly limit of Victoria Street, three feet; thence in a; southerly direction *rano' with iisepltixte Street, to a point of inter- sectioxt with the line between lots THOMAS E. SMALL LaelsNSEI) it1CTIONEE12 nears''sperience in Farm Stock xd Ixttplements. Moderate :'rices, ''Borne 281. numbers Nine and Ten in C. Tait - Scott's said Survey produced; thence part of the Chinese merchants. Christian League has been formed along said line produced to the noth An ever-increasing' resentment of in China among some of the young ern boundray of said lot number One the power of the Manchu rulers led students. Happily, though, many of thence easterly along tlxe notherle bounclrayr of said lot number One; thence easterly y a ons the northerly boundary of said lot One to the wee- a republic. Since that time, several sacrifice that they have succeeded terly boundary of that part of. said revolutions have been taking place, in interpreting to many of the Block "b" firstly above described, side by stele, in China, In file first Chinese people the teachings of Je- th northerly 1 d 1 f revolution among the factory work- to do away with denominationalism. ere of the country. Women and in China, and to establish a Chinese Upon the property there is said children have been forced to work Christian Church.' be situate, 25 room frame motel, 1OO ironx twelve to fourteen hours a day For many years, China has been ft. x 8 ft., an alt steel Community in crowded factories, for a mere a divided country -the north against Shed 285 ft. x 60 ft., six. room frame house 20 ft. x 26 ft., two cement hog l pittance. Thee men of China rebell- the south, the east against the west, to the oeerturn of the Manchu goy the missionaries in their country tl rt l 1 ernment in 1911, and China became have lived such lives of service and epee pori er y'a along seri est men- place there has been an industrial stir Christ. A movement is onfoot tinned limit and parallel with Jose pilule Street aforesaid to the place of beginning. 1 pens 50 ft. x1Gft. and 75ft. x22ft. together with a good gravel pit. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance, within. 30 days thereafter. For further par- ticulars and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 19th day of April, A.I). 1982. Thos. Tells, Esquire, Auctioneer. I. W. BUSTIPIELD, Wingbarn, Ontario Solicitor for the MVlortgagee ed against this, and conditions areand so forth. The present struggle adually improving: Indeed, Pro- y has unified her as nothing else ssor Cricker cited one case of an could have done. tablishntent's arrangements for its Andnow that we have seen how employees which far exceed any this greatcountry is waking up, we known in our orvn country At theask ourselves "How about the fut- same time,tire?" Will'China when fully awak- been a second revolution has in progress. China is waking erred, be filled with the lust for up to her people's need of educat- power and conquest, or will she ion. Simplified Chinese alphabets sympathize with the ideal of good. arc being taught in various places, will and peace among the nation each learner leaving promised that of tite world. f Dr. Redmond expressed on be- half of the members of the Canad- ian Club their interest in, and ap- preciation of Professor Crocker's excellent address, and also their en- joyment of the two charming solos by lir. George Smith "Where'er you - Walk" (Handel) and "I know a Lit- tle Girl." with Mrs. T. C. Hanna as accompanist. the members are desirous of hold- ing throughout the season. As this committee will have com- plete control of tournaments and as the season will soon be under way, and as it is hoped to have an offic- ial opening of the course on the 24th of May, it is important that the members turn out in large numbers and select their committee at this meeting. The Golf Course is one of the most beautiful in this part - of the country and if you have not visited the courseoflate be sure and do so -as soon as possible. The im- provements done this spring will agreeably surprise you. Be sure and be present at this meeting as the success of the Club can only be attained by the support and co-operation of the people of es, field days and -tournaments that this district. NOTICE TO GOLFERS A meeting of the Alps Country Club will be held in the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, on Monday, May 2nd. ,at 8 p.m. The manager and se- cretary of the Club request all mem- bers or any who may be interested to attend this meeting. • A golf committee will be elected to take charge of the various match - N 4 C ! MAITLE VE IPW E IDE Travellers' Cheques issued by The Dominion Bank are re» cognized the world over. � er. When travelling ca.` your !moi' Y ds m this safe and conven tent form ChequesCheques may be pitrdiased at f o any - branch this Bank. THE OII` BANK ESTAtit,I5kHi3b xsyr J. R. M. Spittal, Branch Manage. Win shags, Ontario 312