HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-04-28, Page 3HOWICK COUNCIL
Gor-rie, April 20, 1932
Council met in Township Hall ac-
cording to
c-cordin;''to adjournment. All niem
bers present ,the Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last regular meetin
were read and qn notion of Weir
and, Lovell, were adopted.
Moved by Bryans and. Taylor that
the Treasurer be instructed to pay
Hydro bilis as soon as same are re-
ceived to secure 10% reduction. —
Moved by Weir and Lovell that
the tender. of R. B. Watters for the
power for crusher; (he to furnish
fuel, water and oil) at 64c per hour,
be accepted. —Carried,.
Moved by Bryans and Taylor that
By-law No. 4 amending By-law No.
8 of the year 1930, be read the third
time and finally passed. —Carried.
Moved by Bryans''and Lovell, that
time for collectors to return rolls be
extended to May 14th. —Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Weir that
no dog tax shall be refunded after
the holding of the Court of Revis-
ion. —Carried.
Moved by Weir and Lovell that
By-law No. 3 be read the third time
and finally passed.—Carried.
Moved by Taylor and Bryans that
the following bills be paid:
Stanley Wolfe, supplies for Mrs.
Haberlee $40.00; Dr. B. L. R. Kelly,
services for Geo. Harris,' $5.25; A.
Edgar, rep. to lights, Wroxeter skat-
ing rink, $3.50; Wm. Dane, burying
calf, .75; Norman Wade, Insurance
on Twp., Roads :$212.50; A. Hubein,
Cleaning Public Shed, Gorris, $4.00;
Jas. Walkom, pt. pay as Collector,
E. Div., $15.00; W. Simson, pt. pay
as Collector, W. Div., $30.00; I.
Gamble, pt salary as clerk $40,00;
Clerk of Minto, fees and by-laws,
Mun. Drain No. 8, $25.00; J. H. Ro-
gers, services and preparing final
statement, Mun. Drain No. 5, 'Mi-
lne Twp. $15,00; Isaac Gamble,
preparing amending by-law,' Mun.
drain No. 5, Wallace Twp., $20.00;
J. H. Rogers, preparing statement
on Mun. Drain No. 14, $5.00; Road
Colored or plain. For houses, barns,
sheds, garages. "Council Standard"
or "Acorn" quality. Easy and quick
to lay, permanent, proof against fire.
Free estimates gladly sent. Send
Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barns, Gal-
vanized Tanks, Barn Door Hardware,Preston
Led -lied Nails Double -Mesh Metal Lath
Ventilators, Boll -N Fold Garage Doors. All
kinds Sheet Metal Building Material.
EaStent irk
Guelph St.. Preston, Ont.
Factories at Montreal and Toronto
OII11111111111111111d111410111111111 11AC1111101t111111111A1111
Thursday, April 28th, 1932
a'eFi.. i aW9 wa�.�"aalgt,: 'gf
Boys tampering with the switch express, near Portsmouth, 0., early 1 of the passengers was seriously
are believed to have caused the l in the morning of April 21. Two of hurt. The locomotive and several
wreck of the Norfolk and Western `the train crew were killed, but none cars were derailed. This photo was
taken after arrival of the wrecking
Expenditures: John Fleet,dragging
and snow, $6.80; D. Scott, dragging
and snow, $3.40; Ross Douglas,
dragging $3.00; Louis Brown, dragg-
ing, $3.20; Ben Hyslop, dragging,
$6.00; John McCutcheon, dragging,
$6.00; Robt. Doig, dragging and
snow $12.10; Geo. Ashton, snow and
dragging $15.80; Balfour Brears,
making fill, $20.00; Geo. Townsend,
dragging, $7.80; Burton Hubbard,
dragging, $9.50; C. W. Simmons,
dragging and snow $5.30; T. -Day,
dragging, $17.60; Fred Mahood,
dragging, $26.65; L. Wright, dragg-
ing, $6.60; Geo. Rutherford, repair
washout $2.00; E. Thomas, repair
washout, .50; Robert Baker, dragg-
ing and washout $15.20; R. E. Ed-
gar, Road Supt., slary, $14.00.
Moved by Weir and Lovell, that
this Council do now adjourn to meet
in Beswitherick's Rooms, Fordwich,
on• the third Wednesday in May.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
•Mr. Richard McMichael returned
last Friday from working on the
highway in Haliburton County.
Mr. Walkey of Harriston, has
purchased the grist mill site from
T. G. Hemphill. •
Mrs. George Seiling underwent an
operation in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, last Monday.
Mr. Ruskin Findly of Toronto
University is visiting his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. Findly,
Mr. Charlie Wendt and family of
Mildmay, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Wendt.
ND nails like lumber.
Its light weight snakes
it easy to handle. It requires
aro expensive decoration, in
fact none a t all, when
Use it for obtaining fire -
safe walls, ceilings and parti-
tions throughout your home.
It has structural strength,
insulation value, °is draught
and vermin -proof, easy to
install, saves time in new
construction and is an excel-
lent base for Gyptex or
Gyproc may be easily identified by
the name an the board and the
Green stripe along the edge.
Canada, Limited
Polo r Ontario
For Sale By
H. Buchanan Hardware : ti a
Rae & Thompson ,. avo.. �.
44, a
oil a
The play entitled ,"What Became
of Parker" in the Hall last Friday
night in aid of the Library, was
fairly well attended considering the
busy season with the .farmers. The
play was well presented by local
talent, each taking their part well,
and those who attended enjoyed an
evening of real entertainment. The
proceeds amounted to $63.50. It is
the intention to have it put on at
some outside place in the near fut-
Miss Mary Harris is at present
confined to the house. We hope she
may soon be out again.
Messrs. Drs. Thomas and Kenneth
Gibson, of Hamilton, spent Sunday
with their mother, in town.
Miss Margaret McTavish who has
been visiting her mother here, left
on Wednesday for Oshawa, where
she will spend the summer.
Mrs. Sproal, of ,town, left for
Burlington last Thursday to spend a
few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
David Haskins,
Mr. R. B. Harris, formerly a well
known resident of this place, died
suddenly at his home in Toronto
early Monday morning. The -remains
will be brought here for burial on
Wednesday, in the Wroxeter cern-
The regular weekly Young Peo-
ple's League meeting was held in
he schoolroom of the United
hunch on Thursday evening. Miss
elli'e Dane was in charge. The de-
otional -period was taken by Miss
lexandria Hamilton and Miss Mar -
one Baker gave a splendid address
on "The Why and How of Hone
Missions." She read a letter fron
Rev. Kenneth J. :13eatton about this
particular work which helped to ex-
plain the necessity of home mis-
sions. Mr. Cooke then took charge
and it was decided to have an illus-
trated address when a "Mediterran-
ean Cruise" ,pictures will be shown
on May 5th. After several iteins of
business liad been discussed, the
meeting closed with "Love Divine,
All love Excelling," and the Mizpah
ben ediction.
A rumor was circulated that . our
Barber, Mr, W. Earngey was giving
free with each haircut and shave, a
chocolate bar. But Mr. Earngey
wishes to have this corrected. He
says he thinks when he lowered the
price in these times of depression,
that was sufficient, although we
read where a barber is giving away
a hag of potatoes as a premium.
Tbose from this community who
will assist Listowel Male Chorus in
Hamilton on Saturday, April 30th,
are, Rev. G. W. Butt, L. F, 'Ashton,
Harvey Sparling, Mr. Wea -ring, G.
Wright, Clarence McCallum, Ever-
ett Sperling. We wish thein every
success and hope they bring home
the honors.
The Women's Auxiliary of St.
ephen's Anglican Church met on
ursday at the home of Mrs. Geo.
King with sixteen present. The
st vice pies,, ..Mrs. Norman Wade
d charge. Miss Martha ICaine
ve the topic from the book "Out
Bondage." Following the meeting
e ,hostess served a very dainty
The Pleasure Club were entertain -
at :the home of Mr, and Mrs. J,
usgrove ;on Friday night when six
les of progressive euchre were
winghain, Ont. lin
Wi�ngharn, Ont.° ed
Gonne, Onnt..M
a,u.1a tab
Mrs. Julius H. Gillis, formerly of
Sudbury, wife of a consulting met-
allurgist now under contract with
the. Soviet government, declares that
Russia is antagonized against Can-
ada because of the "unnecessary
harshness" with which the 'govern-
ment severed relations with that
played. The honours were won by,
j ladies, Mrs. M. T. Abram, gents, H.
Ring, consolation, ladies, Mrs. Jas.
King, gents, Thomas Short.
The Women's Association of the
United Church met at the home of
Mrs, R. G. Newton on 'Thursday af-
ternoon. The meeting was in charge
of the President, .Mrs. \V. Strong.
During the meeting the history of
"What a Friend we have in Jesus"
was read by Mrs. Harvey Spalding.
It was decided to have a strawber-
ry festival early in July for which
a program committee was appoint-
ed. Quilting was also the order of
the day. Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. 3. W.
Lady Inverclyde, noted British
actress, whose Reno divorce is not
recognized in Britain, is shown as
she arrived at Southampton on the
S.S. Empress of Britain.
F. F. UTI -1
Phin. B., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Hest Equipped Optital
tablislnrient in this part of
Gamble and Mrs. John Cathers.
Clare Bolton, three-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Bolton, who
underwent an operation on Tuesday
last in Listowel Hospital, has re-
turned hone and is improving nice-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood, Miss
Mable and Bob of Clifford, were
Sunday visitors of Victor and Mrs.
Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Jones and
son, Dick, Mrs. W. C. Ring, also E.
Harper and daughter, Gracie, were
Toronto visitors this week.
Mr. Earl Howes went to Toronto
on Monday to see his mother who
is seriously -ill there.
Mrs. W. C. Ring, also Mr. Ken-
neth Hastie attended the funeral of
Mrs. Thomas MacDonald of Lis-
towel gravel on Saturday:'
Little Miss Doris Galbraith spent
a few days last week with her aunt,
Mrs. Win, Pyke.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl and
family, of Brussels, were Sunday
visitors of Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Clegg.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Spence, of
Molesworth, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Russel Grainger.
Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Ross and dau-
ghter, Marilyn of Kitchener, also
Mr., and Mrs. J. J. Allen, of Wrox-
eter, were Sunday guests of Mrs.
and Miss Ross.
I\Ir. and Mrs. H. E. Cooke were
Clinton visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean Cooks-
town, were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Ring.
lIiss Margaret Foster, R.N., is
visiting friends in New Orleans.
Mr.• and Mrs. William Stinson and
fancily, of Detroit, are visiting the
former's sister, Miss J. I'. Stinson.
Mrs. Gordon Barton and daught-
er of Fergus, were week -end guests
of Miss J. P. Stinson,
Mr. Nickel's is in. Guelph this
week visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinsmore, also
Mars, Robt. Ferguson, motored to
Hamilton on Sunday and visited
with Miss Margaret Bennett,
Miss Vetch Strong who is engag-
d in household duties at .the home
f :Mrs. Ed. Bolton, spent Sunday
t her home.
The Mission Circle of the United
'lurch met at the home of Mr. and
Irs, H. Cooke on Tuesday evening
f last week with a good atendance.
'Misses Edith and Dorothy Van -
one and friends, of London, spent
unday with their father, Mr. A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield, also
rat, Ewart, of Arthur, visited on
unday with Mr. and Mrs, Johnston
f Bluevale.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Ballagh, of Bel -
ore, were recent guests of Mr. and
llrs. George Wylie.
1Vc read in last week's issue that Bo
ere was skating in Amore the
aturday night previous. While in
rec days later the young folks of
orrie were. enjoying theinselves in
imining, 'We did not realize our
elniore friends were so far north.
Guests .on Sunday at the home of
rs. Abram were: Mr. and Mrs. W.
Schnook, of Ethel, Mr. S. Marge
d Olive McEwen, Listowel, Mr.
d Mrs. Geo. Robertson, of Mon-,
There passed away on Friday;
pril • 22th ,Mrs. Martha i�Sillen, at
e .home of her daughter, iv rs. ' F.'
ilkin, of Minto Towniship. .The
funeral was held on. Monday after-
noon to Gorrie Cemetery. Deceased
was in her 84th year.
Mr. and Mrs, H. H.rzo; visited
friends, 01 Cargill and Walkerton on
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood and fam-
ily, of Lakeiet, were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Vic. Shera,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooke visited on
Sunday with friends at Clinton.
The VV.A. of Si.. Stephen's . church '
had a very successful meeting at the
home of Mrs. George King on
Thursday of last week.
Mrs, Kemp has been engaged to
nurse Mrs, C. Pritchard who con-
tinues in very poor health.
Tariff Wall Doubled in Great
Great Britain, once the leading ex-
ponent of free trade, has doubled her
tariff of 10% to 20% on most manu-
factured goods. On a limited num-
ber of articles a lower rate of 15%
will be unposed and for certain art-
icles of luxury the total duties will
be 25 or 30 per cent. The new rates
became effective April 26th. These
increased duties on imports will not
apply to goods from Canada or other]
parts of the British Cornmonwealth
until after the Ottawa Imperial Ec-
onomic Conference next July,
Officers Elected By Presbyterian
W. M, S.
Mrs. W. A. McLennan, of Toron-
to, was re-elected president of the
Sil T'1 ATl
Banished for 20 Years
No one could have had . more
experienceof constipation than this
man. His method of correcting 'the
trouble would surely put right anybody
who suffers in a similar way.
" I am now approaching my 49th
birthday and have used Kruscben Salts
for many years. As a boy and youth
I suffered atfrequent times agonies
from constipation. This was; after a
time, somewhat relieved by a special
pill compounded to a prescription, but
whicki, at times, had a weakening effect.
On someone's recommendation I tried
a bottle of 'Kruschen Salts, and since
then -a matter of at least 20 years ago
--have used nothing else. My daily
dose I take in hot water at 7.45 a.m."
The six salts in Kruschen are
Nature's own prescription for keeping
the organs of elimination working
properly—gently but surely expelling
all poisonous waste matter every day.
Start on "the little daily dose" of
Kruschen to -morrow and so take . the
first step along the royal road 'to
perfect health.
Provincial Women's Missionary So-
ciety of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada at the closing session of the
convention held in Peterboro last
week. The organization opened the,
year with a balance of $284.18 and
closed it with a balance of $50.00.
The amount received from the Pres-
byteries was $131,427.79 of which
$130,000 was forwarded .to the gen-
eral treasurer.
Whenever you have some
nagging ache or pain, take
some tablets of Aspirin.
You'll get immediate relief.
There's scarcely ever an
ache or pain that Aspirin
won't relieve—and never a
time when you can't take it.
The tablets with the
Bayer cross are always safe.
They don't depress the
heart, or otherwise harm
you. Use them just as often
as they can spare you any
pain or discomfort. fust be
sure to buy Aspirin and
not a substitute.
(MA0It Itt
r;11 t711E21'1CD.EMEM
3 lbs. Choice Dates for 25c
2 lbs. Large Prunes for 25c
2 lbs. Apricots for 35c
3 Cans Corn 25c
3 Cans Tomatoes, 21/2, for 29c
3 Cans Peas for 29c
2 lb. Package Sodas for 25c
1 ib. pkg. Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea 49c
1 lb. pkg. Crown Tea 39c
1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee .. . . .......... . . . 59c
24 lb. Sack Pastry Flour 49c
2 Fancy Cups and Saucers .
.,•• 21e
Good Heavy Overalls .... ............ $1.49
Work Socks, 2 pairs for , .... , .....45c
New Spring Hats and Caps at remarkably
Low Prices. See us about your new Spring Suit,
made -to -measure. . We are Sole Agents for Prow
grass Brand. '.
way Is Stone 'P i.'o et'
inn i N Mti MMINUM l,,"