HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-04-14, Page 6......... . .... x lj�l 111 i l l l I i I - I., I , am , , Nall NUNN M1 " NIM Nil mum- RM, ANN= ',M, 77. IN I M 'gj p I Rom"ll =01-N, A K", 01 0V1W AN Look 4 W AR E 'W� PIT= As FORCED RE! 5i FALL N A - OUT Of Akt R-2 e "NU C aa r o r c e he Issu i7151 N, BUSINESS ......... . .. M. gs'-fg V V;7 ;�F OF WINGHAM OU ellong Selling 0 fl Sell 10ng,� i"i Out! Selling Out I Selfing Out! '15 1 0 Se'llong Out? Se'fing Otil itasnas Throws Up H's T . I � %-6 iJ,l 4 FACTORY DRESS LENGTH LADIES HOUSE Ladies' Men's CURTAIN SCRIM BOY& OPALLS COTTON 'r yds. Rayon Dress RUBBERS O'ALLS DRESSES Mothers, Buy -your boys 200 Irds. Factory, Cotton At 1/2 Price Length, selling out at Overalls no� New House Dresses, Ladies' Rubbers to sell I Lot of Men's Strong in L quidatIOn to sell cut at out at Overalls -ile it lasts at w at il ME?, 1.45 "& Pair SC Yd. 19C Yard per length 39C Pa i r 65C 89c EWA HOSE Baby Rubber TOWELS CUR"rAIN PANELS La'dies' Cotton Hose to sell PANTS vy, good quality SA KEE L h i 4nnl� out, while they last at Buy your Baby Rubber Pants .11DILUL Lowe s, to go at Women! Take advantage of this Forced Selling Out Sale U rice 200 LOAVES of BREAD now at Beautiful Curtain Panels, at �Z Absolutely Fret to the First 3 9 1.49Pair 0 17C Pair UC Pair g V PAD. A611, 200 People entering tile door . ml gg, g g% when it swings open at 1.30 p.m., �­r d an immed- 'Ag" :,7P 4�F- ri ayj p Folks! Don't confuse this with any ordionary Clearance Campaign! Creditors deman 04 �`,,� �g 1 1% 8 F A ril 15, will receive ab - HOSE HOSE PULLOVERS Ladies' Silk C solutely FREE I Loaf of Bread. Ladies' new Silk Hose, all Ladies' full-fashioned new Boys' fancy, fine Wool Pull- A- ith, at whatever- 'ERR"' i standard sizes and colors. Silk Hose. To sell out overS, worth double the price. "v rihw Ifs" or "and", the blow has fallen. Everything goes to FREE NIG"HT 'GOWNS No ;i U Out they go at quick at Out they go at late settlem- ent. Beautiful new designs and colors of Ladies Silk Night Gowns to sell out at 1 ;_'tock. Ira are Selling Out Entre' 3 29c Pair 58C Pair sacrmce is requffed. Your opportunity to save. Mortgag�,% Trustees 75c HANDKERCHIEFS BLOOMERS HATS Ladies' new Spring Hats, to be Boxed Handkerchiefs, Regular Ladies' good Slk Bloomers, as- Ladies' P 1.30 P.M disposed of at once, at 35c values. Out they go at sorted colors, now ANTS S H 1Fk-'J% T3' S H I R T S" SHIRP" Leathene"tte Jackets :1 thwe will Dress Shirts On Frieg AV 1 1.95 15C Each 39c P.i, Men% fine Broadcloth dress Men's Fine Forced to sell at A Group of Men!s Spring Tweed Coats, well Meres Work Shirts, assort- Men's Ektra weIl-tai-lored Style. Shirts with separate collar rallorea etrla Ucw�_Ic with collar attached and -and ne 9 Forced to :iell at ed sizes. Doet miss this best quality Work Pants to match, an sizes newest patterns, all siz 20 Bargain. to sell out at patterns, worth double 40 1 the price. Forced out t corsellettes :5*1_95 d Out they go at W Sprin. (1k Ladies' extra quality Ladies' new Brassiers Ladies' Ne g 1, 99 Pair Corselettes, assorted for quick disposal, at 2", 9 at 79c 4 K1 sizes, now at a T' 1EED CCA" You are under no obligation to buy—Walk in, look them 7 'i 1,6 over. Out they go at L S C & 89 Only a few Boyzs� Suits left with -9 Pair Pants IN 7 5 Forced to sell at 01,10"Nmm, val!_` I I SHOES I_= -�n 70- N. Ed .001, 1 S_ SHOES 3.95 .1 1�.%, A group of Ladle and SHOES OXFORDS, Skin Oxf ords, -Misses' High Heel, Strap, Dr. Ritchie's Cushion Sole L a U'lies, W'n t e r '6'00ata Misses' Calf N MeWs Solid leather Work Men's Fine Calf Oxfords, Xen!s' Fine, Lace Shoe Kid' Shoes, nev a splendid wearing shoe, Reg. $9.95. Forced er again at'such low prices. Leather, a * real good quality, Only 12 Ladies' Winter Fur -trim Coats, Value up to Oxfords and Pu fill", to sell out at Forced to sell out at comfortable boot. Reg. $6.95 Reg. $4.95. $20.00. Now Forced out at To sell out at, V n AL :5 QJ_ Pair d7.95 R"ff L^ Forced t a sell out at onPair 3, Lot of Blen's Combination Overalls to be N, 0 "arced out at cio ve" oda-1 2.89Pr. 1,89 Pr. LAg " Y. $4 . . . . . .... rR BE AT cl Gv`ng Bread Away �Clo RE S D SDr, f�� AWF gg,�-- Here's a real, opportunity to save many dollars. TO AM - THE Vomenl q Take your pick at ev Hd"'ES 5 Ladies' Dresses, some broken sizes. v L, 3 V S"'Ll K""ERu" a HEN IT SWINGS OPEN __ M DOOR, W A 9 ou'�o of Ladies' W Mentis lyVater-proct Ceats must be sold right Str.ap Slippers, low he�l,'_ 4,iA -,iiq f 1,00 ON col Try lo at You must be here when the door swings open. 0"K,"', them om 0 at they g ME 034i real comfortable, and )0 real Bargain at M gg, E' S 5 O'SHi"NES 3HOES ZHO SHO' M-11 98C P, Boys' Work or School Shoes, MEN& 1. ljot Men�s two -buckle Over- 1k RNA Men's Fine Calf Skin Lace li' extra quality and leather. W"N . . . . . . . . A group of little Gents' Boots DRESES" 4 Y/H '111111 N Shoes, Reg. $4.95 i I to 5. Reg. shoes. F�rced out at - Forced out at A Real Bargain at $3.25 Value at Ladies' and Misses' Celanese Dresses. Forced to dispose of them at S 1.25Pr. S" "OES _. iN,� - 11 2.50 ies' Pat H 0 E S 2,95 Women! Here 3.75 T u, it is! A wonderful group of Lad* mg Slippers, medium and 35 Pairs only Ladies' A 011 high Heel, You can't rch 111 ent Strap I-zm=- m, U W2 afford to miss the e Ba Pick 'lm out at supports, Ties, strap Sli ers, all goocl styles Reg. $4.50 a jscys�.T.iae Calf Leather S quality, O'SHOES� 0HOE" BROOKS DRESSES Forced to sell at Ladies Overshoes, , Reg. size: I � to 5. ANSI IkI n To sell out at $2.50, must be sold at A group of Ladies' Knitted Dresses, makes a real smart r %-5� w 19 PV 1- Reg. $6.00 Values. Dress for sport wear. Forced to sell out at Ij N'S F� NE HANDKERCHIEFS 1000 MEN'S F 2,49 &39Pr. 9 Se P, vox J.45 C Eacl-I �Qf phi 4 A I W elo "I'l wouns S H 0 1r_"4S Rememt)er the Place, the Dato�,'Oii *aj, Hour when the Door Opens,�at . .......... . N ev, Tir"s girls' Oxfords, Growi ma to fit and vn SLIPPE";RS LADIE SU Store Closed 'hursday 'Look them over. Ladles 11wase Sli 1pers to A group of Ladies' Sil� and Wool Suits. Reg. $7.50 values. WINCRAM 4g� g,� ,g Your choice -at Sell out at Out. theyl go at orning 'm"Ww-ma OW and r riday, M in lot OWARIO Pr* 39C Pr, to prepare for Sale Ma RAND W0100C)6 1 NNFARZIM. . .. .. .......... . .........