HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-04-14, Page 5t?
The Angel of Death again paid
visit to this community on.Thursda
afternoon„' when Mrs. John Wyli
concession 15, Howick, passed to lie
reward. The deceased woman ha
been seriously i11 for the past fou
weeks, with a cold, which sheis sup
posed to have caught at her 'father'
'funeral and which later clevelope
into pneumonia . andcomplications
Mrs, Wylie, whose maiden name was
Miss Isabel Whiteman of Teeswater
was a school teacher before her mar-
riage some three and a half years
ago. She was a member of -Corrie
United 'Church, The funeral was
private and was held on Saturday,
Rev. Gordon Butt conducting •the
service. Interment was made in the
Wroxeter cemetery.
The W. A. of St. Stephen's church
ment on Thursday at the 'home of
Mrs. F. C, Taylor. Quilting was the
•order of the day.
The regular meeting of the Young
People's League was held in the
school room. of the' United Church
on Thursday evening. The Presi-
dent, Miss Anne Douglas, presided..
After the opening exercises, Miss V.
McCallum had charge of the .devo-
tional 'period while Mr. Cooke: gave
'a very interesting -address. on What
does it mean to be a Christian? The
meeting was closed with the Mizpah
The annual meting of the Presby-
teriaar Ladies' Aid was held last
Tuesday 'in ,the church with a good -
attendance, when splendid reports
were heard from each officer. The
officers for the coining year are:
President, Mrs. W. A. Irwin, Vive-
President, Mrs. Burns Stewarts Sec-
retary, Mrs. Stewart Edgar; Treas-
urer, Miss B. McLaughlin.
The April meeting of the W. M.
S. was held in theschool room on
Thursday, the president, Mrs. R. A.
Ashton, presiding. The treasurer re -,mor
ported $51.66 as the aint, of the
Easter offering. Mrs. Cool -e, supply
committee convenor, , reported work
on hand. Mrs. Wylie was. appointed
secretary .for associate members in
place :of, Mrs. R. G. Dane who re-
signed. Mrs, Abram was appointed
delegate to Presbyterial' Convention
in Wingham, April 26. Roll call was
answered by sixteen members' with
the word Love. The president in
vited the May meeting to her. home.
Mrs. Johnston, Secretary of . Christ-
ian" Stewardship, gave a paper, The
Romance of Stewardship: Mrs. 'A.
Edgar gave a very appropriate read-'
ing.entitled, ."Matthew,; the Business
Thursday, April 14th, 1932
Man", showing how we have been
too tardy in trying out the princi-
ples of Jesus in the commercial life
of the world. As Korea was the
subject, papers were given by Mrs.
Cooke, Mrs. Wylie, ,Mrs. Hamilton
and Mrs. Nash,'dealing with the
school life of the ICoreans. "Who-
soever Heareth" was then sung and
Mrs. Johnston closed' the meeting
with prayer. -
Miss -J. P. Sfinson has returned
from Toronto and is carrying on her
millinery business: •
Arrangements have been complet-
ed by the Library Committee to
Bold a "Community At Home" in
the Township Hall here on Friday
evening, when garp.es will be played.
and will begin at 8.30 sharp, so be
there on time and try your luck fen-
orone of the prizes, Lunch 'will be
t Work is being carried -on at the
dam these fine days, and if the wea-
ther continues favorable it is most
likely before long Mr. Maguire will
be able to chop again.
• The "Pleasure Euchre Club" were
entertained on Friday evening at the
horde of Mr. and Mrs: R. G. New
ton when five tables were .played.
The winners were: ladies, Mrs. ,G. S,
King, gents, Anson Galbraith; con-
solation ladies, Mrs. W. Pyke, gents
Vern Shera. -
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was held in Gorrie United Church
Sunday morning.
Mr. Alex. (Sandy) Hastie, Toron-
Illustrative generally of the type Greece, unveiled recently in Athens.
of architecture now prevalent in Ger (3) is a picture of the first racing
many, the church -shown in.- (1) ,is yacht built by the late Sir Thomas
nearing completion at Cologne. Ger- Lipton, "Shamrock 1," snapped at
many has been credited with open-; Cristobal, Canal Zone, on a . cruise
ing new fields of design which are i around the world. The old racer is
rapidly becoming popular. (2) shows ;now owned. and skippered by Capt.
Grecian soldiers on guard ; at the 1 Iay Elbo (Insert), .who has rebuilt
tomb • of the unknown soldier of I it to suit present seagoing conditions
to, is visiting at 'his horne here. Cl
Miss Verna Osborn has returned
after spending a few days at her
home at Monkton, recently.
Mrs. Neil of London, attended the
•funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J.
Wylie, On Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Willis and Miss
Bertie Willits of London were Sun-
day guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. R. S. Clegg spent the week-
end at the home of her son, Delbert
e Record
Feb.: 24
"The Fact that I Fit DUNLOP Tires to all
my world's record cars is sufficient Indication
that I consider no other tire to be as safe
and as completely reliable as "DUNLOP."
ALL othe 61 Official V she's Auto
Speed Records were
made on
On Thursday evening of this
week, Dr., Ramage will be in charge
of the Y. P, League, when he will
speak on "Good Citizenship Among
Motorists." Reeve - J. W. Gamble
will also gave a talk on County
Council work. This promises to be
a real interesting meeting, so young
and old are asked to attend.
The senior room of the Public
School ha ebeen closed owing to the
Principal, bliss A. Douglas, being ill
with the flu.
The W. A. of the United Church
will meet on Thursday next at the
horne of Mrs. R. G. Newton. :Mem-
bers kindly keep this in mind.
A Leap Year Hint
Now ladies, please pay attention
Of What I am about to hint,
Here are some we will mention
Who are worthy of the name.
First in line is Knowlson Huestdn,
He's fond of the girls, you all admit
He is tall, he is slim,
A girl just the store would just suit
Then comes Austin Hueston
Who still retains his pride,
Girls, he's just dying
To get a little bride.
Now Norman Clegg,
A man with -a smile,
The girl he marries
Must be in style.
There's Adain Sippell
Has a House he'd like to share,
She must very clever be,
For he's as particular as can be.
On a chicken fans live "Sandy"
He is Very shy, poor soul,
And he would be very gracious
For a wife to wash his dishes.
Now.. there's Ed, Bricker,
Who earns the bread,
NOW nurses, Listen,
He's dying to west."
Say Emerson Shera is tall and fair
F. m 110 UTTHH
Phm. B., Opt. D., R.,0,
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Best (quipped Optical Es,
tablishntent hi, this part of
All he lacks is a little hair,.
His pockets are well -lined with gold
His choice is either young or old.
Lloyd Cather,, six feet, two,
WTith his work ,doesn't know what
to do, -
Girls, if you only "pop" the question
He'll say "yes" without hesitation.
Girls, George McKee is in the line,
For a husband he'd be fine,
He's a man five foot, eight,
Hurry up,, or you'll be late.
Sammy Stinson is a dandy chap,
Any Woman Will have a snap,
If only his house you can share,
And settle down a happy pair.
Hector Hamilton, short and fat,
Wears his hair neat under his hat,
He is ready to settle down,
So, come along and live in town.
Bill Young is middle-aged,
A fine chance for some old maid,
If there is anything in a name
Her age will always be the same.
A man with a title is Bennie Ma-
And how he necls a wife, "Be gotry"
She must have an education
To help him in his high position.
Laurence Short is full of life,
All he needs is a wife,
He may be set up soon,
Come along, while there is room.
Jacky Musgrove, last but not least,
He's the guy to stir up the yeast,
So girls, get busy and set your cap
For this clever fair-haired chap.
We- still have eligibles too numer-
ous' to, mention,
But we haven't the space to draw
your attention,
If, from this list you cannot choose,
We'll send another very soon.
Mrs, James Underwood returned
home after spending a few days at
Mr; Wesley Unclerwood's.
Mr. arid. Mrs. John Hill visited at
the latter's father, Mr. Thomas Vit -
Mr: Jaynes Warrel called on some
friends in this burg recently,
Sunday visitors at the home of J.
Finlay were Mr, and. Mrs. Lorne
Laird of Toronto and Mr. Cecil Day
of Gorrie.,
Mr. Robert and Miss Baker spent
Sunday in Gorrie.
Mr. F. Wessman visited with : Mr.
and Mrs. Cleve Stafford.
Mr. : Henry Finlay visited with
friends near Wroxeter.
Mr. T. Vittie was -a' week -end. vis-
The' homes who have been at-
tacked with the flu recently are:
Zurbrigg's, Rritchard's, Scott's and,
Craig's. It seems that the farther
the epidemic spreads the more sex,
ious it is, We are pleased to report
that Miss Lizzie Graham is much:
improved after her serious: illiress,
Mr. Mosley Zurbrigg visited en
Sunday at his home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Litt and son
Lloyd, of Owen Sound, spent a few.
days last week at the formers' par-
ental home.
Miss „Olive Strong, of Palmerston,
spent Sunday at her hoarse here.
Mr, and, Mrs. Norman McLeod
and child of the 15th coir,, Mr. and,
Mrs: Ed. Jacques and Leola, of the
12th con., viisted on Sunday. at the
Craig home. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleet and fam-
ily visited on Sunday' with the lat-
ter s
at-ter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Scott.
Mr. Jack Douglas, employed at
Hugh McLeod's, spent Sunday at
his -parental 'home, 17th con.
Miss Verda Strong visited Thurs-
day with Mrs. Dan. Ziegler.
Waterway Treaty Soon Ready
Ottawa --Excellent no ress has
been made by Hon. William Dun-
can Herridge, I .C., Canada's Min- En
ester to Washington, in the negotia- IV
tion ,of the proposed treaty with the
"United States for the improvement;
of the St. Lawrence waterway above
Montreal,' aid the expectation in
well-informed circles is that the
proposed agreement mny be signed
within a month. It will be some
time however before the construc-
tion on the seaway will commence
as the treay will have to -be ratificd-
by the Canadian Government, and
this will not iikey take place until
the fall or the next regular session
of the House,
Mrs. Ahold Edgar and children
returned last week -after spending a
couple of weeks iii London.
lily. J. Penny. of Waldemar, form-
erly of Fcmdwich, Inas been appoint-
ed foreman 00 this section of the C.
Mr. Earnie Platt of Wingham has
been hi charge of the section as the
foreman the last two week.
Mrs. W. G, Patterson. is a patient
in .Si. Joseph's Hospital, London,
where she underwent an operation.
I'fer- many friends are pleased to
know she is progressing favorably.
Miss Alba 'M, Musgrove, slaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. ,Musgrove, of
•Tui•nberry, and Mr. Bennett Miteh.
ell of : near Listowel, were married
this Wednesday afternoon' at 4.30 p.
in, by the Rev. Findly orf Wroyeter
A reception was held at the home of
the bride's parents in the evening.
e est wit
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The dollar you put into good fences re-
turns its investment many times over. First
you save work, time and labor when
building fences with Steel Posts. Banner
Posts are easy to haul -easy to handle
—easy to drive—no post holes to dig.
The large slit wing anchor plate anchors
the post as driven. The continuous
notches on face of post allow any and
every line wire to be attached just where
it crosses the post. Eight clamps fur-
nished free with each post Use Banner
Steel Posts for your fence construction
—save money and have better looking,
longer lasting fences.
R b xls and Head O ce—O;ibw ay, .Essex Count;, Ont.,:
+vm+c.vi[nh'�ivx.evH'NP "nctwrtatl.ev^va. LShN:>rC-i4.Y,IL•� sntil -.;;
3 lbs. Choice Dates for 25c
2 lbs. Large Prunes for - 25c
2 Ibs. Apricots for .35c
3 Cans Corn 25c
3 Cans Tomatoes, 21,//2, for 29c
3 Cans Peas for 29c
2 lb. Package Sodas for 25c
1 lb. pkg. Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea .. ...49c
13b. pkg. Crown Tea 39p
1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee 50c
24 lb, Sack Pastry Flour ... ..,
2 Fancy Cups and Saucers .... . :21c
Good Heavy Overalls . I.
Work Socks, 2 -pairs for .....i. .. , ....,.45c
New Spring Hats and Caps at remarkably
Low Prices. See us about your new Spring Suit,
nnade.to»rneasure. We are ,Solo Agents for Pro.
gross Brand,
Davey', Store •
iiiIiiinIriMINNIMENI I MJ i I M1;
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