HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-04-07, Page 8PA ; l ETC HT • 111011111111111 I11k1111 I11 11i 11116i11111$111q11111 INIIIIIIM111011l1lll■Ii111111 111111111111111111121lSIMIIII THE WINGHAM A DVAN CE -TIMES ' 11.121111111111411 11latii lII lI1I. 111 61111111111111111111111 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7, 8 and 9 all 6 c alae And cat c — In --- it Co Ira r AN EPIC OF FATHERHOOD. A Wonderful Human Interest Story. — ALSO — GANG COMEDY — "BIG EARS" 1 Thursday, April 7th, 1932 WHITECH.URCH IIS„„ .11 Don't forget"Orange the play Orange Grove" which the young people of, 13ric.k Church are putting on in their IW ehurel2 on Friday, jp A consultation of doctors was held at the home • itf `' i . and Mrs. j olid. E Masan on Monday over the condi- tion of their little daughter, Mary. nope to hear better reports. k Mr. Thies, Robinson is ' laid up M Eol 99 Alison Lloyd - i1n- c it ” Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 11, 12, 13 Chester "` orris — And — THE LOVE STORY OF A MODERN PIRATE, a s_ 111EIIII�11l�(lIE1lIlE1111®11®I11 III I 61 VIII •Also a Boy Friend Comedy "CALL A COP" isi IIEGIIIC�i IIl II1�11119111©IIIYIIIIwIIIIIII■IIIp!HIllllllhIIIl11a1116111 with an attack of sciatica, Airs. Cecil Parsons and son, Don- ald, of Toronto, are spending the next few weeks at the home . of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IVIalco1r Ross. Mr, and Mrs. Sani Reid and Doris and Lorne of Ashfield, spent :Sun- day at the home of her sister, Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Word was received .here on Sun- day of the death of Mrs, Jno. -Cham- ney of the fourth concession of E. Wawanosh, before her marriage she was Miss Sarah Brooks; besides her Husband she leaves to mourn her a grown-up family, She had been ill with heart trouble for some time, and succumbed when pleurisy set in. Many old friends in East Wawa - nosh extend sympathy to the be- reaved husband and family. Born—On Monday, March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, of Kinloss, a daughter. Many West Wawanosh and Kin- loss friends extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMillan of Luck - now, whose daughter, Isabel, passed away after a short illness of pneu- monia. Shewas just 17 years of age and her early death is regretted by her many friends. Mr. Adam McBurney, of Kings- tt r, spent the holiday week at the hone of his father, Mr. Jos. Mc - .Turney, of East Wawanosh,- and :left on Saturday to resume his teaching a. duties for another term. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid, Trant- _s ford, spent a few days last week ✓ here with his mother, Mrs. Alec, Reid. ii Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier are al spending a few days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John D. Ross, of Huron Twp. • Mrs.. George Tiffin of Wingham, spent a few days last week- at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Tiffin. Mrs. Jas. McGee Sr. is still un- der the doctor's care. Mr. Frank Field of Wingliam and Mr. Malcolm Ross spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs,r Herb. Laidlaw vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart of Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer of Culross spent Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Ivtrs. Thos. Guest has been visit- ing- with her sister, in Goderich.' Miss Isabel Fox returned home last week after', visiting friends in Hamilton and Brantford. \Nord was received on Sunday of the Death of Mrst Jos. Kerr, of E. Wawanpsh, who passed away very suddenly at her home on Saturday. Many friends in this community ex- tend sympathy to the bereaved hus- band and fancily. Miss Mary Martin, who is teach- ing at Powasson, spent the holiday week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Martin. Several ladies of the Women's In- stitute are putting on a dance in the hall this Friday evening. Mr. John Gaunt underwent an op- eration for appendicitis on Sunday in Wingham General Hospital and is getting along as well as can be expected, Mr, and Mrs. John Falconer cele- brated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Falconer on Friday. Mrs' Wm. 13arbour passed away at her home here on Sunday even ing, after an illness which extended over the past year. Miss Barbara Weir returned to her school at Bellmore on Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Watt, of Long - branch, are visiting at the hone of Mr. Wrn. Barbour this week. Mr. Athol Purdon spent a few clays last week with his sister, Mrs. George Tiffin, of Kinloss. Mr. Arnold Thompson, of Luck - now, spent the past ,week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Em- erson. Mrs., Wm.. Brown has been laid up with an ;attack of .quinsy. This community extends sincere sympathy to Mr. Wm, Barbour and Mrs. 13atram, of Hamilton, in their recent bereavement, The 13rick congregation have de- cided to hold their regular worship service for thesummer season at 9.45 instead of 2.30 as at present, This decision will come into force on the first Sunday in May. ;XLGd;CPdAin,V0V14kRe::SGS. 44,AGT^* fi i .1'g•A c'h Wei a4.1gslVi9V9- na's Specials For --- From 7 to 11 — Young Men's Pullover Sweaters in :fancy checks, Sizes 34 to 42, On Sale, each ..................$1.00 President Braces for Men, best quality in light and dark patterns. On Sale 50c Silk striped Braces in heavy durable strong elas- tic, extra special, On .Sale..... .. .39c New Silk Hose and Silkr &Wool Hose.�t rth clocks and large diamond patterns. On Sale .45c Merino 71 Underwear in Shirts and Drawers Pen- man's,, Sale 75c 20 Suits of Clothes, reg.. stock of Men's Suits, blue serge, fancy, dark and light shades, sizes 36 to 44. Saturday Night Price, while they last $.15.00 Carhartt's reg. heavy -striped Smocks, only a lim- ited quantity, Reg. $2.00, On Sale, Saturday night only. .................. ... . . $1.00 Other Specials will be on sale for this event. Any article may be returned and money refunded, if not satisfactory. SPECIAL PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE. These Sales will continue for some weeks, with extra special values of seasonable merchan- dise at big savings. We are also giving away absolutely free each week, three prizes, to tustomersl making pur- chases during the week. A ticket will be given, to each purchaser at the time . of sale. ITicketo will be drawn from a hat on each Saturday night at 11 p.m. and .the winner's name will be announced in paper the following week.—Three Prizes Given. Be sure to get your ticket when making your purchase Hanna oft, Lisn MitIREIl Il ItI�II11911011111010111111: i Ibl BREAD, PASTRY rin - N SCONES'". _ w And basic sweet dough w products. I, Fresh daily. GIDSOn's akery i�. RI "Always the Best." •Phone 145. -- IP1®ItlllII*IIIIIliiII M ll*lilh!1I*1II*Ili*Illi Miss June Burke visited with her grandparents, in, Wingham, last week. Mrs. Wm. Elston, also children, and Bernard Thomas have all been confined to their beds with the flu. losammomwswwwwwsnummaws mlilr tt101 Itflp!�+Allputiuuiiii= � .r frlM n DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWEL- LERY AND GIFTS. Moderately Priced. OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair One Watch FREE. Winner for March— Miss A. Dennis,. Wingham. GEO. WILLIAMS JEWELLER Phone 5. NISBEIMINEINSCIEMP at Goll i with them ern Miss Dorothy G I s present. Mr. Weatherman must hold a grudge against our maple syrtip ma- leers in sending us weather that will not help the .flow of sap .. Mr, and, Mrs; in W':40her;: on, al- so Miss Jean' and Master 'Loyd; of Belgrav'e, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Golley Sun- day last. ' A number of people are recover- ing` from the flu and severe colds; Mr, Thomas Burke's mother is very ill at present. We hope for 'tier recoveryr • The spring birds must be shocked to. see so much snow and cold wea they since their return from the south. However, we hope they will enjoy our weather much more in the future, School reopened on Monclayaf- ter the Easter holidays with "a much better attendance than before when ®Ifll l i5l I1111111MI I (X1111511 IEII11111l IS1l l .5 5 n IFl. 5 5 5 5 !o a. 5 MORRIS Mr,'. Wm. Robertson and Master Lloyd,, of Belgrave, visited at the home of John Abram ane day last week. so many children Were ii1 with sev- ere colds, BLUEVALE The Woman's Association of the Bluevale United Church held a So- cial on Friday evening, April 1st in the schoolroom. There was an ex- cellent attendance and a good stun of money was added to the fonds., A good program was provided, con- sist'ing' of choruses by the Ebenezer. Male Choir, and the Bluevale Y. P. S., vocal solos by Miss B. Thorn- ton, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. McDonald and Mr. 1VI. Smith, reading by Miss B. Barnard and Miss Duff, violin solos by Mr, Holenback, guitar and ukele duets by Miss Dt Aitken and Miss P. Mathers� piano duet by Misses I Mabel and Ethel Johnson. A spell- ing ,thatch conducted by Mrs. Ait- ken amused and interested every- body. The delicious lunch served by the members of the Association brought the enjoyable evening to a close. mom IIIums111111mum 'lllwlillllll I111EI11 IIiam L IEIINm HHllllll f { IIl Ifl I111i111s will �fll � I � 11g1 I IRl1��� M p� 5 a 5 se 5 5 l a o: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 m 5 BLYTH The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and Women's Association, of Queen St. Church will be held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Toll. Miss Sybyl Courtice, of Clinton, a return- ed hissionary from Japan, . is the al speaker. It's seven years since Miss Courtice paid her visit to friends in II 5 5 ✓ 5 111 ▪ . N 5 E mai t in ilnlllellto1UI5I1I s I11*I 11IQ111EIIimitimll®IU®Ili j Scroggins s For r.1 �1�.. Right up to the minute shoes that are most reasonable in price, beautiful in appearance and excellent ill'quality Scroggins Shoes for young ladies are gener- ally considered to be the most attractive made in Canada at the price, and can only be bought, in Wingham, at our: shoe store. E & S are -another line of fine -footwear for young ladies, that are absolutely in a CLASS BY THEMSELVES. Moderate in price, and yet of superior quality and in appearance, are shoes of REAL CLASS. We are Sole Agents in Winghain for these two excellent lines of footwear and we invite every young :lady who admires real nice shoes to call and inspect. Willis' Shoe Store - Phone 129, Wingham The Leading Shoe Store. 5 5 5 • A s 5 i i 5 i 5 i1111l11.111r1111E1111111111I111IlAp1AlI(1111111(IISIllolll®111®1115111511E11I1A1IIMI11111®IlISII15111*1111111 a a 's <<rh ,1ashjo — The New Garments of Spring are here ews Coats Dresses, Suit's Fur Scarfs, Hats 10011 The most extensive assemblage of smart' mod els we have yet shown, Every ,garment has just that individual style t .at engenders the thought of Spring Clothes and you are invited to see the new things while sizes are complete, 1T IS EASY TO CHOOSE NOW Coats at $14.50, $19.75 to $40.00 Dresses 411.75, $14.50 to $25.00 Suits ... $15.00, $22.50 to $26.75 Red,; Amber and Silver Foxes to tt fit your pocket book. Excellentltcms - Men's Wear Spring Hats - Clothes - Top Coats All Moderately.. Priced. The Fashion -Craft,'; Top Coats and Suits we offer are exception- al values. Each garment tailor- ed to specifications that warrant absolute satisfaction to our cus- tomers. Conie in and let us drop two or three of the new models on your shoulders and see how well they fit. $15.50, $2 1 .75 and $29.50 Provision Prices You'll Like 10 ib. Sack Sugar ...... _.,,- 59c 10 White Naptha Soap .....32c 5 ib. Pure Clover Honey ...39c 9 Castile Soap 25c 2 Shredded Wheat 23c Special—Black Tea 39c Leaf Lard, Maple Le f 3 lb. 29c s 4 McLaren's Jellies 25c Pearl Soap Plaices, large 16c 4 lbs. Fresh Macaroni ..:...,25c 10 lbs. Corn Syrup 64c IT PAYS TO SHOP WITH US fd I1151IhIIIl llIlV5IIIHI11A111h111.*11IAI11EIIIIE IIIp1IIE111®II(111151(I5I11311IItll1lli11I111211lrilll1111111M11h1 kra Its t; 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 i ifs a a i 5 5 r s a 5 r i 0 5 5 0 Y 5 s. 5 5 5 this district. come Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott; and down family, of St. Catharines, visited friends in town during the holidays. Women's Institute are holding their °monthly meeting Thursday af- ternoon in Memorial Hall. Mrs, Davidson, Disttrict President,„for W. Huron, will be the speaker, Lunch will be served at the close of the meeting 'by the following ` hostesses: Mesdames Whiteman, McElroy, Munroe, Pate and Fawcett. Dr, and Mrs. Toll, Mr. and Nlrs. Norman Garrett spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. .' Mr. Geo, Spotton, M.P., talkedon the radio Sunday evening over. sta- thou 10 B.P., Wingham, and it came in. distinctly;, Needless to say, there was 'a large invisible audience; peo- ple were wondering what had be - of our member for N. Huron at Ottawa. GLENANNAN Miss Dorothy Stewart of How ick, spent a .few days recently with 'her cousin, Stewart Jeffrey. Miss Cora Gilkinson of Detroit, is visiting with Ther parents, . Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gilkinson, Mrs. Oliver Stokes _spent a few days , recently with Mrs. Wni. Bal- lagh, of Teeswater. Miss Jean• McLean visited Sunday 'evening with her friend, Miss Jean Herd, Delmore. "There are two periods in his life, my dear, when a man doesn't under- stand women!" "Indeed! And when are they?" "Before and after marriage." ulillIlLMIIIuIIlI1llhIIIIIIlUHlIla 1� I�rlMIII 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 14, 15,• 16 Phone or Mail Orders Receive Careful Attention ,McMcKH3BON'SDRUG STORE som a a 111 Wingham, Ont. Amin aimmmlimomMmummAIMMttlllmYllrhilwlllllmllltgllllplllf lllllMINlll'IMlillllilMIf111I M01 1lIINlllll IllRMOIllltNllll IllMwmiIIImNIIiI IIIlOmi 1m11I i„ilwe�zv,E 1. � v+ufi'uutJlume