HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-31, Page 7Thursday, March 31st, 1932'
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Rome Destroyed By Fire
Clinton—Fire of undetermined or-
igin completely destroyed the resi
:dense of Charles ' Cooper, 9th con-
seession. of Goderichtownship, on
'Thursday: afternoon. There was no
person home when the fire broke
,out. Mrs. Cooper is ill in Clinton
Public Hospital and Mr. Cooper
was calling there during the after-
noon. About 4 o'clock Mr. Steep,
'whose farm is directly across the
jiiiismart, saw smoke rising front the in
:terrier of the
dwelling w n r
and d si nmmon-
ung other neighbors by phone hur
.aied across. With their uriited ef-
forts some of the contents of the
'tower storey were saved. The fire
had gained such headway however,
,chat the greater portion of the
,downstairs fell prey to the flames.
While nothing certain can be attri-
Tbttted as to the origin, it is thought
that an overheated smoke flu or de
:fective chimney may have been -res-
Kills Two Birds With One Stone
Goderich—Taking advantage of
his enforced absence from the pro-
fessional wrestling arena by reason
with iCorifidence
For over half a century
'Canadians have invested 1
their savings in Huron &
Erie Debentures.
Public confidence is re-
flected in this wonderful
Year Total Debentures
19Ii $7,600,000
1" 1921 $10,300,000
1931 $29,500,000
If you are interested in
-a safe investment that pays
51/2% interest, get 'in touch '
of a broken jaw sustained in Ham-
ilton 10 days ago„ William "Scotty"
McDougall yesterday morning ens
;,tered Alexandria Marine and 'Gener-
al Hospital and was operated on for
appendcitis. Last night surgeon, Dr,
J. M. Graham, said McDougall had
come through the operation in fine
shape and would be okay in a short
"I might as well ' kill two birds
with one. stone," McDougall said.
'fills old appendix has been both-
ering me for sone time, and seeing
that I am horse de combat with a
broken , jaw, I might just as well
have •the appendix out and save time
and money." -`—
Couple in Hospital
Goderich-Corning out of a neigh-
bor's home from which she had just
telephoned to the family physician
to come at once to her husband, ill
with pleurisy, Mrs. John . Chisholm
slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk:
sustaining a double fracture of the
left ankle. Tonight both she and her
husband . are patients in Alexandria
Mrs,. (Rev.) Hayes Given
Address and Presentation
The Guild met " 'on Wednesday,
March 23rd at the home of Mrs. E.
Kress. There were 27 *ladies pres-
ent. The meeting was opened with
prayer by the president. The usual
work was done and towards the• end
of the afternoon Mrs. W. Allan read
an address to Mrs, E. Hayes and
Mrs. W. Firth presented her with a
fancy wool blanket. Mrs. Hayes was
very much :surprised but expressed
her thanks in a, few. •' well-chosen
words. After the presentation Mrs.
Kress served tea : which was very
much enjoyed' by all, The meeting
was closed; with' prayer by Mr,
Following is the address:
Dear Friend; — The ever -turning
whirling of time has again brought
to our attention • the change and
chance of the things of this world.
Meeting in gladness and parting
in .sadness seems to be the lot of
mortal creatures and while we must
submit to this rule because it is in-
evitable we can yet voice our• regret
that it is so.
The Ladies'. Guild of Trinity
church, Durham, feel a deep sense
of loss in your departure to other
fields of, endeavor. Your unflagging
zeal and tireless energy in further -
ng the work of this organization
las been an inspiration and example
to every member. of it, and your
it NI
The Advance - Times has ,recently
been appointed agent in this
district for an exceptionally
fine line of
Itt illonttsitinm
A representative of this office
will be glad to call on y with
Samples and Price List.
1111111110111 01110111111111001 115111111E111lIll1111 iil111111 111111111 1i1 lI
cheery and helpful words and works
will be sadly missed and gratefully
Individually, the members of the
Guild feel they are losing a person-
al friend, a friend who bas won an'
abiding place in their memory and
love and you niaY be assured they
will 'always have a warm interest in
you and yours.
We ask you - to accept this trifle
as a token of our affection and es-
teem and 'a nomento of many pleas-
ant and profitable hours spent 'to-
gether and we earnestly pray 'that.
you will enjoy all possible happi-
ness , and prosperity in your new
Signed on behalf of the Guild,.,
Mrs, W. Firth, President.
Mrs, W, Allan, Secretary.
Durham Chronicle.:
After Crew of the
Prater Taylor Reports
The after .crew of the Prater Tay-
lor, of the Algoma. Steamship Lilies,
will report at Goderich today and
commence fitting out the boat for
the conning season. So far as is
known, no other crew of the fleet
tie hich wintered here have been ord-
ered, to report.'
There are about eight or nine in-
ches of ice in the harbor and yes-
terday and today the Forrest tug
has been engaged in breaking it up
$6 ' that the Valcartier may be
brought alongside the Goderich el-
evator for unloading. There are still
six .freighters with storage cargoes
tied up here. The grain trade is re-
ported locally as very quiet. There
is very little evidence of spring at
the harbor.—Goderich Star.
Negotiations to Commence Soon
Engineer Flannery of the Hydro -
Electric Commission,, while in town
on Monday, informed us that the
Commission is now about ready to
submit figures in connection ' with
the purchase of the local electric
plant. The details will be fully giv-
en at a' special meeting of the 'vil-
lage council in the course of a few
weeks after which public meetings
will be held to fully inform the rate-
payers, who will be called upon to
vote on the question.—Mildmay Ga-
Won New Plymouth Sedan
Roy Matthews, son of Mr.' and
Mrs. James Matthews of town, is
the fortunate chap these' flays, for
he will soon be behind the wheel. of
his new Plymouth, sedan, which cost
him only one dollar. It ' happened
thusly: Roy spent the past winter
working irm Fort William, returning
home ata ;the end of February. To
raise funds for their team, the hoc-
key club there sold three thousand
numbered membership tickets at $1
each. The person holding the lucky
number then drawn was to become
the possessor of this fine car. Roy
had bought a ticket when in Fort
William and was delighted to re-
ceive a• telegram last Thursday this
his was the winning ticket. The car
is . waiting him at Fort William, but
as 'is is too far to go after it, and
too expensive to ship it, arrange-
ments are being, made ,to have a new
car from the factory in Windsor
placed at his disposal instead.—Dur-
liana Review.
Receives Appointment
Mr. W. R. Wightman, ,son of W.
Wightman, Belgrave, and son-in-law
of Mr: and Mrs. J. H. Hoover, of
Blyth, has received the appointment
of Public School Inspector for .Al-
goma East and has taken up his
residence at Gore Bay on Manitolin
Island. 'Mr. Wightman, who has
been principal' of Timmins Public
School for someyears, is an ednca=
tionalist of considerable ability and
the appoinment is well -merited.
Congregations Reach' Agree -
tient 'at.
gree-tient'at. Blyth
Blyth --After ,considering the mat-
ter for three years,' the two local
ljnited'' Church - congregations, St.
Andrew's and Queen street, have
decided to worship six months in
one church and , six months in the
other. Both the present ministers
will resign and a new pastor ap
poitrted at the June conference. The
new arrangements will go into ef-
fect on July 1, it' is expected.
Hon, James Malcolm
Returns to Commons
l+ornmer. Liberal minister of trade
and Commerce, James Malcolm, of
Kincardine, took his seat in the
House of Commons Tuesday for the
first time this session. Mr, Malcolm
who has been indisposed, was wet-
corned by his parliamentary friends:
hack to the Commons.
Early Chickens
,Mrs, Robt. McDowell, Lot 5,
Pritree of -Wales Riad, ;\ ulinur, has.
a linnet that ts" going in to. make a
record. for itself. It started laying
on the first of November, showed an,
Frances Bosworth, beautiful Ev-
anston, Ill„ society girt, whose en-
gagement to marry Dr. Trevor C.
Stamp, member of the British Roy-
al College of Surgeons, has been
announced. Dr. Stamp is the son of
Sir Joseph Stamp, leading British
financier and economist. The Stamps
are on the high seas for the event.
early inclination to set, had that in-
clination gratified, and on Monday,
hatched out ten chicks.
The Cupboard Was Bare
Some time Friday evening last a
burglar broke into the C.N.R. sta
tion here by prying off a panel in
the door and turning the lock. He
ransacked the two tills but the valu-
ables had all been 'locked up in the
office safe. and nothing was missing.
Mr. Wm.,Copland saw a man come
out 'of thstation about 6.30 in the
morning but thought nothing of it
and . could not give a description
other than: that the man walked up
the track towards the foundry.
McColl 13ros. office here was also
broken into the same night, probab-
ly by the same man. A pane of
glass was removed to get into the
office. The till and safe were ran-
sacked but nothing was taken al-
though a cheque, some stamps and
other papers were strewn about the
floor. Two dollars in a large envel-
ope was also overlooked by the,bur-
glar. It is presumed that the burg-
lar is one of the out -of -works travel-
ling through the country these days
who had run short of money and
expected to get a few dollars for his
trouble,—Harriston Review.
Bowling Club Active
The Clinton 13owling Club is be-
ginning to think of spring and the
season's activities, having` already
planned to put a new roof on the
club house and to finish improving
the green begun last year. They ex-
pect to have about forty-five. mem
bens to run several tournaments and
to have a busy season.—Clinton
News -Record.
Dr. W. K. Ross Retires •
Dr. W. ,K. Ross, superintendent of
the Ontario Mental Hospital in To-
ronto, is retiring this month, after
forty-three years' service in the
mental hospitals of the Province.
Dr. Ross is a native, of Goderich, a
son of the late Hon. A. M. Ross,
who was member of the Legislature
for West Huron and Provincial
Treasurer under Sir Oliver Mowat.
CHILD need
'hen your child needs regulating,
remember thist the organs of babies
and children are delicate. Little
bowels nus:t be gently urged—never
forced. That's why Castoria is used
by so many doctors and mothers. It
is specially made for children's ail-
ments; contains no harsh, harmful
drugs, no narcotics. You can safely
give it to young infants for Bolin
pains, Yet it is an equally effective
regulator for older children. The next
time your child has a Little cold or
fewer, or a digestive upset, give hint
the help of Casteria, the children's
MA remedy, Genuine Castoria
wayhas ah
s s' the tamer
IDr. Ross took the medical Course at
McGillb and, after some post -gradu-
ate, work in Edinburgh, entered the
Provincial service in 1889.
On' Thursday evening of last week
the members of the. Listowelvl3ad-
mmnton Club held a "round robin".
The games were' keenly contested..
Miss Tatham 'was the' prize, winner.
Mrs. J. A: Scbinbein arid° Mrs., M, R.
i-iay' served ,lunch. --Listowel Stand-
A Winnipeg court has ruled that
it is not an offense to be drunk in
a dentist's chair. A fellow in Win-
nipeg, therefore, who gets lit up is
perfectly safe to hike for the den-
tist's.—Durham Chronicle,
High School Closed
Only about one-third of the schol-
ars were in attendance on Monday
at the high school on account of the
flu, so the management committee,
on advice of the. Medical Officer of
Health,decided to close school un-
til after the Easter holidays. Three
of the staff, Miss Tatham, Principal
P. V. Smith and Mr, A. T. Hemp-
hill, were on the sick list -also-Lis-
towel. Banner.
Fragrance Sealed In Metal
"Fresh from the Gardens"
By Ross Farquhar ®:
Friday—pa was about ?t sore at
ma today at the dinner table. pa was
cashully saying
that when he rites
enny thing for the
noose paper he
wirks on why he
never reads it af-
ter •he has ritten
it and ma she sed
to him. Well I
gess nobuddy else
dont read it nea-
Saterday— enny
thing I hate is
Suspishus people
that dont ' trtist
there neibors like
for instant' Miss
Addie Seeker witch had a feIia to-
nite and zine and Jake went over and
when we tryed to look in the win-
der why she had the Curten pulled
Sunday—Pa is going to the city
tontoara to a Bi Centenneal selabra-
shun for Washington. He says he
dont want to miss it becuz after
this year he probably wont have a
nother Chance to go to 1.
lviunday—Rollie Crump told his
mother and law he was a going to
move up north where he has got a
Job and she sed If you take my
dauter away I belieave' I shud clie
and Rollie sed Well I, gess you
mebby no yure bisness bettern I do.
Tuesday—we are getting up a play
at skool and ma ast nine whut Car-
rackter I was a going to have but
I gess 1 am .to be a Part of the
horse so I wont half to have a Car -
1 rackter a tall.
li Wensday—Sandy Mac .Fergus was
late to skool today bccua he had
bout a 1000 b b shots for his air
Riffle and he had to stay at home
intill his pa counted then: to see
weather he got cheeted or not.
Thirsday--the teecher give us sum
Proverbs to cainit to memry today.
but I can oney remember 2 of thern
Xackly. 1 is The erly herd gets the
wirm when it turns and the tither 1'
is Time untied waits for no Man.
Certified Seed
Field inspection of seen crops for
certification in Canada results in the
placing on the market of many thou-
sands of bushels of seed of a qual-
ity superior to the commercial No.
1 grade.
Services .of this kind are rendered
by Dominion Seed Branch inspec-
tors in connection with a wide range
9 *
e err
BUYE, u i OF
Call us for prices
Wingham, - a Ontario.
Phone 271E
of seedcrops. ' With cereals and
corn, inspection is made of the
standing crop to determine purity of
variety; with red clover, type, hardi-
ness and freedom from bladder tam-
pion; with alfalfa and sweet' clover,
origin and type; with alsike, origin
and freedom from bladder campion;
with timothy, origin and freedom
from ox -eye daisy; with brome and
western rye grass, origin and free-
reedom from couch grass, and with
I crested wheat grass, origin and pur-
ity. '
Certified seed, after cleaning, is
graded, tagged aid sealed by gov-
ernment inspectors. The seed in-
spection certificate tag attached
bears the certification as to the or-
igin, grade and quality of the seed.
The three prairie provinces
vide the bulk of certified seed of
cereals, flax and grasses; Manitoba.
and Ontario, the greater part of the
certified seed of clovers, while most
of the certified seed corn is of On-
tario production.
Soprano:" Did you notice how my
voice filled the hall last night."
Contralto: "Yes, dear, in fact, I
noticed several people left to make
room for it."
"How does that young man live?"
"By his pen."
"Does he write much?"
"Only letters home."
* 'l' * d:
"Ivry first husband said I was far
and away the best wife in the world."
"He was right—far and' away!"
Your banking transactions
may be accomplished easily
and quickly by snail. Deposits
subject to cheque withdrawal
may be sent to the nearest
branch of The Dominion
Bank. The amount will be
entered and your pass - book
promptly returned.
G. M. Spittal, Branch Mgr., Winghani
strt'tchcs or fir'c sorrtlrern are itrj•are'd, families selraratcd, xrzrl terntc3°e c,t Car,cr, vi11c, <xa., salvag-
states were shattered on March 2i1;'
after cyclonic 'ttincla had uproot
r Olaf •c•n lust, ` W1 $(4000t,i.uti Inrhlie i inn the rerttainti rwf foridstuff.s, after
hntnes and'' business huildinr;s, bring.; buildings being turned irit,, ivlunc,r•, the, tc'rntr.ilu ltatl blown their barns
the death toll to 2'75. Ovez 1000#ary hospitals, ABOVE, photo' sho\vS away,