HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-31, Page 3orrie
A lgloorn was cast over this com-
munity on Saturday, when it was
]earned 'that James WallaceClark,
of the 6th con, of Iiowicic, had been
found 'dead in a field on his .farm.
Deceased had been sick with the .flu
during the week, but we understand
had been out on Friday to the • vil-
lege to see a' doctor. On Saturday
tnc1ning he got up as usual and af-
ter eating breakfast, went tothe
barn, Mrs. Clarkand the hired man
were also at the barn. They missed
kiln and thought he had gone to the
house but he was not' there. She
thought he had started to the vill-
age, not until noon was • his body
found in the field where he had fall-
en beside a stone pile. Heart fail-
ure is thought to be the cause of
death. { Mr Clark was in his 47th
year, and leaves to mourn his loss
his sorrowing wife, (nee 011ie Wat-
ters), and two. children, Aline and
Royden. His mother, one brother,
Bruce, of Bowmanville, and a sister,
Miss.. Mae' Clark, of Mount Forest.
The funeral was held on Tuesday'af-
ternoon from the United Church at
Gorrie. The sympathy of the com-
munity, goes out to the bereaved
Mr. Geo. W. Walker was . an Eas-
ter guest of Mr. Robe. Graham.
Miss Margery Ashton visited on
Monday with Mr, and Mrs: L. F.
MissEileen Inkster, of the Dept.
of Hd'alth, Parliament Building, To
ronto, also Miss Aileen Inkster-, stu-
dent of the Ontario College of Edu-
cation, were Easter guests at the
home of Mr, and Mos. F. C Taylor,
The annual' meeting of the Gor-
rie Public Cemetery was held in the
Township Nall, Gorrie,. on Saturday,
March 26th, when a statement of
receipts and expenditures for the
year was given, also reports of all
work done, and forecast of the next
season's work. Sorry to report those
who should be interested .in the
work were not present to appreciate
or criticize the work done,
Miss Margaret Graham visited
friends in Toronto :over the holiday,.
The Business Men's Ice Carnival:
which was held in the Gorrie Arena:
on Thursday night, , proved 'very
successful. The judges for the per-
formance were:. Mrs, W. D. Hicks,
H. V. Holmes and William Austin.
The prizes awarded were: Best
dressed lady, Miss Marjorie Waller;
fastest girl skater, Miss Jennie Per-
ce; best gentleman skater, Clayton
Edwards; highest jump on skates,
Frank Graham, fastest couple, Miss
Jennie Perce and Cecil Lynn; best
clown under 14 years, Vern Abram
and Billy Newton; youngest skater,
Billy Newton; fastest . skater, among
men, Clayton Edwards; fastest boy
skater under 16 years, Cecil Lynn;
oldest man on skates, Charles King.
Eric Davidson held the lucky ticket
and Clifford Pyke was awarded the
prize for bringing the largest sleigh -
The W. A. of St. Stephen's Angli-
p ,1•11mompinnemmelowirmorammumar..
It gives you
through years
of hardest
weather e a r.
goo -
Zinc Insulated "OJIBWAY"
Copper Bearing Steel Farm
Fence, Full. No.. 9 Gauge Gal-
vanized Wire throughout, will
stand. FOUR one Minute
immersions in the Preece Acid
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galvanizing known to science.
That's why you know "OAR.
WAY" Farm Fence will give
lifetime service.
For economy and endurance
erect "O.JIBWAY" Farm
' Fence on "BA.NNER" Steel
Posts ---built _ like a railroad.
rail; Large Slit Wing Anchor
Plate locks the post perman-
ently into the ground. Dirt
Set End and Corner Posts -no
cement -no post nole digging.
Easy to haul and drive. Ask.
your Dealer about the "OJIB-
WAY" Guarantee of ' Service,
Thursday, March 3lst, 1932
Backed bu the
pori ','Lietitkus
For nourishment, delicious „moor and love cost, BRAND CORN SYIUTh is recognized
the most healthful food by foremost dietitians.
Officials of Jefferson hospital, in
Philadelphia, • seeking some method
of positive identification in the case
of new-born babes, have each and
every young 'un footprinted immed
lately after. birth. Nurses Margaret
Spatz and Marie Scheerer are shown
demonstrating this method on one
-'youngster. While this system of
identification is new to this 'hospi-
tal, the method has been used for
I years in Toronto Western Hospital.
ran Church met on Thursday after
ninon at the home of Mrs. - Janne
Musgrove; when a very successfu
meeting was held. •
A service long to be remembered
was held in the United Church o
Easter Sunday morning. The Pas
tor, Rev. Gordon W. :Butt receive
into Church membership, one of th
largest classes ever taken into th
church at one time, when twenty
eight persons •took their vows o
church membership. Mr. Butt fa
the past five or six' weeks has been
(conducting '.a training class i
church membership which "brough
forth the above results, thirteen o
whom were adults. The Pastor also
.baptized at this service three infants
and two adults. The subject of Mr.
Butt's message in the morning was
"The meaning of the Resurrection"
taking as' his text, Mark 16:6. "Ye
seek Jesus of Nazareth which was
crucified, He is risen, He is not
here." The speaker pointed ,out drat
the Resurrection revealed to the
Apostles that Jesus was the San of
God, and the Resurrection was a
great source of spiritual life and en-
ergy. It also had a message for the
present and the future, revealing the
,great christian doctrine of irnrnortal-
i ity. In the evening .service Mr, Butt
delivered a story sermota, giving a
graphic portrayal of the "Walk to
Nmmaus" with lessons for us from
the Unseen Presence.' Special Eas-
music was rendered by the choirat both services.
Miss Evelyn Stephen spent a few
clays in Toronto,.this week.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Sparling Sr., is Improving, after be-
ing confined :to her bed for the past
two weeks at the borne of her dau-
ghter,', Mrs., Ed Johnston at Blue -
vale. •
Miss Pearl Felker and Lylia Mc;
Cracken ofMolesworth, spent a few
days last week with Mr, and Mrs..
Matthew Anger.
Mr. John Felker', of Molesworth,
pent Easter with his sister, Mrs. M.
- hismother, Mrs. F. A; Wessman.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Cathers were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Jar-
dine and family; of Brussels, . Mr,
and Mrs. A. Moffatt and family, of
Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. H, Tlastie
and family also Mr. and. Mrs. An -
s. son Thornton and family,
Mr. Walker Elastic of ".I'oronto is.
spending sometime with his broth-
er, Kenneth Hestia. r
\2r. Bleaker of Go'dc;rich sport the
week -end with Gorrie friends.
Ivir•. 'Stanley Dane, of 'Toronto,
spent the holidays With his parents,.
Mr. and Mrs R. G. Dane.
Mrs Earl Howes and children
spent the ;week -end at the Hoene of
Mr. and, Mrs, J• H'. Wylie, near
Miss Valda King is visiting I,on-
clon' friends for a :few weeks,
Mr, Ewart Whitfield, of Arthur,
spent Good Ptiday at Itis Tome
and Head Office --- Ojibiway, Essex County, Oritario here'
41% Mr White and son, t(irky.
land Lake, spent the holidays with
Made and Guaranteed by
Miss Bessie Wylie, of Whitby,
spent her Easter vacation with her
mother, Mrs, John Wylie.
Miss Anne Douglas visited her
aunt, in Harriston, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera spent
the week -end in Drayton and
Mrs. Frank King an daughters, of
Orangeville spent a couple of days
this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Mis• Myrtle Short, of 'Toronto,
spent the wee.: -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short.
Miss jean' Spading is spending
the holiday at her home, South of
Gr•,rri e.
The regular meeting of the W.M.
S. of the Unitech Church will be held
} at the Parsonage on 'Thursday, Ap-
t ril 7th at 2.30 o'clock.
•Tire services in the St, Stephen's
Church and the Presbyterian church
were, largely attended on Sunday.
Special Easter music was rendered
by the choirs and splendid. Faster
messages given by the pastors of
the Churches.
Mrs. Frank Ping and daughters
were guests of Mrs. W. C. Ping a
few days this week.
Mr. 'Harry Drown, of Elmira, was
'a visitor with friends in and around
Gorrie the past week.
The junior League of the United
Church will entertain the Y. 1:'. S.
en Thursday evening of this week
hi, the school room of the church,
Mr. F. C. Taylor and Alfred Tay-
lor received a message on Monday
that their cousin, Mrs. Albert
"hacker of Teeswater, had passed
away, The funeral will be cin Tues-
Mr. Ewart 'Whitfield, of , Arthur,
spent Good Friday with his parents. 1
Mrs. McCracken, south of Gorrie,
has 'been very ill, but we are pleas-
ed to say, is some better.
Mr. F. A. 1'Vassman returned to
his home after spending the past $
few months at Kirkland Lake. He t
was accompanied by 'Milton White t
and little son, Buddy.
Quite a timber in this vicinity C
are very sick with the flu, a
Report of Gorrie Public School t
Semler Room. No, on roll, 26; av s
(stage 'attendance `23.5. .Honours 75 C)
Pass 60%; *-absent for exam-
inations. I;
Sr, IVs --.-Aline Clark 93 Wesle
Galloway 90, Harold King 81.
Jr-. IV -Blythe Underwood 77**,
Edith Ritchie 77**, Vern Abram 70
Jack Newton 63, Lyle Watson '63,
Jini Pritchard 62, Robert Wade 61,
Tom Ritchie 59*, Billie Butt 57,
Kenneth Galloway 48, Velma Zim-
Merman 42**.
Sr. III -Dick Jones 88, Billie Pit -
clue 67, Audrene Pyke 60.
Jr. III -Ida Ritchie 72, Isabel
Watson 64, Audrien Zimmerman 63,
Reita Galloway 60, Billie Newton
60a, Mary Miller 57, Harald Hynd-
inan 52, Gladys Miller 43, Robert
Miller 23.
Annie B. Douglas, Teacher.
Junior Room -No. of pupils 21;
average attendance 16.7, Honors 75
" . Pass 60%,
II Class -Margaret Butt 79.
Sr. I -Eleanore Carson 98, Boy-
den Clark 97, Roy Pritchard '96,
Madeline Ritchie 92, Earl Harrison
91, Annie Anger 90, Betty Edwards
88, Kenneth Underwood 87, Helen
Anger 76, Billie ''Edwards 59, Reg-
gie Taylor 58.
Jr. I -Vernon Kleine 61.
Sr. .Pr. -Glenn Austin 89.
Jr. Pr. -Charlie Miller 84, Cath-
erine l,utt 82, Harry ZimmermanZimmermanan
76Elgin Ring 64.
Velma M. Lennox, Teacher.
1liss \Vinnifred Ra.�, of King
wood, Waterloo County, is visiting
her parents during the Easter vaea
Miss Ruth Stocks, London, an
Miss Elvia Stocks, Wingham, are
home for the holidays.
Mr. John Munroe, Toronto is vis-
iting at the home of his mother,
during the Easter vacation.
Miss Margaret Wright, of Lis-
owel High School, is spending the
holidays at benne.
Mr. Archie Gibson, who has been
visiting his parents the past two
reeks left for Strathroy. Mr. Gib -
on has been lately transferred to
hurt" branch of the 'Bank of Coin-
The sudden death of Mr. Wallace
;lark on Saturday was a shock to
11 who knew ..aim. He expired
while Walking across the field to-
var•ds Gorrie. Heart failure was
apposed to have been the. rause,
Iters, Procter and two children, of
shawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
harry ..)ane,
Miss Rona VanVclsor of. Weston,
and Miss •13, Howe, 'of Leamington,
spent the Easter holidays at home.
Mrs. l'lc:aseecs and child of Port
Elgin visited Mrs. Neil- White.
Miss Bertha Smith, 1.ak'elet, and
Miss Eleanore Douglas, Listowel,
were home for the holidays.
Miss Davidson is spending be
I',aSter vacation at her home at
Newton,Newton,Miss Gamble at 1' ordwieh,
Miss Little at 'i"ceswater, and Miss
Mitchell at Molesttro.rth.
The fur era] of the 1nte Edwin
Sennett ivhotie death took pike en
"i'ttesday, March 22nd, and funeral
on Friday, to St. Junes Church, was
m Y a h
Phtn. B., Opt. D, `1 . 0.
Phone 118 Itarriston, Ont,
"Tim Best Equipped Optical Es.,
talilishrnont in this part of
Send me copy of "Canada'o Prize itecipes"
1 encigso 10c, for matting.
the largest seen in the village for
some time. He was widely known
and respected through his dealing in,
live stock. He - will be greatly miss-
ed in the community. His wife and
family have the sympathy of the
people in the vicinity.
The services held in the United
Church on Sunday were largely at-
tended. The Pastor, Rev. Mr, Fin-
lay, conducted the services. Special'
music; was rendered by the choir.
Those who arrived in town for
Easter Sunday were: Mr, Ashton
Morrison, St. Catharines; Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto;
and Miss Jennie Munroe, St. Cath-
Mr•. Geo. Sproal, of Detroit, at-.
tended the funeral of his father, the
late Mr. Sproal, on Thursday last.
Mr. Morley Zurbrigg, teacher at
Harriston, is holidaying at his home
here. .
Mr. and Mrs.' Victor Stockton and
Mr. and Mrs, Seb: Zurbrigg visited
on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs, Thos, Pritchard,
Miss Bessie Haltom, 6th lime of
Minto, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs, Bruce Holtorn,
Mr. Ed. Martin, teacher ,is 'spend-
in;g his vacation at:his Home near
Brussels, ,
Miss Mary Horsburgh, of Clif-
ford, is holidaying at her parental
home here.
Mrs., Andrew McKenzie is spend-
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Donald McKenzie, at Toronto.
Miss Jean. McIntosh is spending a
few days at the home of'Andrew
Holidays visitors: Miss EveA very thin man and a very fat
Mc- had been having an argument and
Michael, of,Port Burwell, with ,her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMi-
chael; Misses Hazel and Minnie
Weir, of Toronto, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, 77. L. Weir; Miss
Edythe Weir with friends in Tor-
onto, '
Mr. and Mrs. E]don Galbraith, of
near l_akelet, spent Sunday• with the
later's another, Mrs. Errington.
Mrs. Earl Acheson and children,
who have b';en .visiting the foriner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Galla-
her, returned to their home in Lon-
don, one day recently,
We are pleased to state that .hiss
Fannie Longley is improving and
has been removed to her home
wht:re the ether members of the
family have resided• since their home
was destroyed by fire.
10th LINE HOWICK . i
Misses Maude and Ruby Harding
teachers, of Toronto and Grand Val=
ley respectively, are spending their
Easter vacation at their parental
hi nee.
' Ve are sorry to report of the ser -1
ious illness of Mrs. Mary Demmer -
ling who took a stroke on Good 1
Friday. We hope for a speedy .rc-
cov ery,
had descended 'to personalities.
"Frain the look of you," said the
fat man, '"there might be a famine."
"Yes," came the retort, "and one
look at you would convince anyone
that you had caused it."
1 `"Mummy, I saw Fred kissing: big ,,
"That does not matter. They are
getting engager. an Sunday," '
"And when is, daddy getting eens',gaged to cook?"-Garzettino Illus-
tr-ato, Venice.
Choice Mince Meat 2 lbs. for
Large size Prunes 2 lbs. for
Apricots, 1 Ib. for
Figs 1 Ib. for
Dates 1 ib. for
25c in
25c �a
, 1Oc se
Della s Corn
g' Flakes, 3 pkgs. for , , , , . , ... .2Sc >>'
Large size cans Corn, Peas, or Tomatoes 3 cans 25c
3 lb. Pail Peerless Shortening39c
: Pare Lard 1 1b. , 10c.
Pearl or P & G Soap 4 bars 19c
Cream Olive Toilet Soap 3 bass , , . , 19c
114 Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea 1 lb. , 49c
,Fresh ground Coffee . , , 40 and 50c
20% Reduction on Rubbers, Overshoes, Underwear
l9 and Overcoats -Spring samples for made- to.
measure Suits and Overcoats..
Crown Brand Tea 1 lb. ..... .... ,.. . 390
avers Store
Wro rte