HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-31, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cent, WINGILAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, 1932 GOOD CONCERT POORLY ATTENDED ,LOCAL GRADUATE GETS APPOINTMENT FINE PROGRAM AT W. M. S. MEETING The concert given by the Wing Announcement has been made of The W. M. S. of the bi/ing'1 tans Citizen's Band and assisting ar the .ppointment of Miss Jeanette B. tfists in the Town Hall last.week was Cottle as SuperintendentUnited' C iday held an open in of theEn- ing on Friday :evening when a sp a really delightful programme, May glehart Red Cross Hospital, p , which ial Easter program :<was presented er Willis occupied the chair: is one of several medical A. postso• A the assembly room of the Sun The selections by the band were crated by the .Ontario Division of School to a splendid attendan well rendered and showed the re- the society. The appointment lois Rev. S. Davison presided and M sults of ardious practice. The solos lows several years service in Nor- • of the assisting artists were splen- lesser Gowans read the Script P them Ontario posts, including St. lesson. •eli.dly received and added greatly to Joseph's Island, where she was sta-, dii the success of the concert. Mrs. Mrs. tPhe Career gave a splen G. boned in the hospital at : Richard's address on the work of the W. Hanna and Miss R Hastie .were the Landing for some' time, while this - S,, telling how it was organized nano accompanists. past winter has beenspent on Cock- women and children for the ben It was disappointing- that a great burn Island as Public Health Nurse. of women and children. They 'er number were not present to en- An aeroplane flight was required for deav tl ' hf ed toc1 enroll every member joy the concert and help the band Miss C of e s departure from Cock- to the - society, beginning with t raise .funds which they need badly. burn Island last ;week, she having 'The programme was as follows: beenflown cradle roll; and they tried to h s #own "to Sault"Ste, Marie, Ont: a W. M. S. working in every Area. 'Opening number "0 Canada;' and gone directly to Englehart re- �' ing appointment; but were not 'March "Swordsman." turning: on a business trip to Tor- ways `successful. They had fou ^Oueetere 'Bridal Rose," onto. with' their lady missionaries th Mrs, A. H. Wilford, Miss Cottle is the daughter of the they had' been more successful eelealtz, "Brides and Butterflies," late Mr. and°Mrs. GeorgegCottle ofes Polka "Gayet", cornet solo byMr, Whitechurch obtaining n access to the homes , and sister of Mrs. T. foreign lands. The W. M. S. of t `Seddon; President ` Wingham Citiz- Kew, of town. Miss ' Cottle is a United Church of Canada h yens' Band. "' ad be graduate of the Wingham General the first body to cable Miss Winn Solo, Mr 'Geo, Smith, Hospital and her many friends will fred Kidd Canadian n delegate Descriptive Characteristic_ "A Ru- be pleased to hear of her success. Geneva, in connection with the di .pal Celebration." March "Standard Bearer .March." .Selection "Martha." :Solo, Mr. George Henderson. Solo;: Mr. Spittal. 7Descri « ptive Characteristic Hattnt- d. Houee." Selection "Gems from Operaland," IMarch "Old. Comrades." t "`Sod Save the King." Lanz eet- ec- in day ce. rs. ure did M, by efit en- in - he ave preac nd hat in in he en in s •Wonden's Auxiliary to Hospital The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Auxiliary to the General Hos- pital will be held in the Council 'Chamber an Monday afternoon, Ap- ril. 4th, at 3.45. Former Wingham Boy Receives Appointment Ir. G. Wilson Geddes, actur•ay and assistant general manager of the On- tario Equitable Life Assurance Com- :pany, has accepted the position of ;general manager of the Northern Life Assurance Company with head offic- .esi•n Londpn. He will assume his neer duties on April 1st. Mr. Geddes is the son of the late J. L. Geddes ,of Wingham. J. 'k. .OBITUARY hes Mrs. Edward Fisher The cls ath Occurred Sunday after- noon of Ella Robertson, beloved wife of Edward J, Fisher, of Col- borne Township, near Carlow. Mrs. Fisher suffered, a stroke of paraly- is a month ago and since an at- tack of flu which her weakened con - c1 tion could not withstand, resulted pa'l'l ler death. She was born on the 'homestead in Colborne, the de -ugh - :ter of Alex. and Mary Lang Rob •ertson. After, her marriage to Mr. :Fisher, they resided on a farm near Menmiller, later removing to the one :at Carlow. Mrs. Fisher was a meni- iber ese the Presbyterian Church and -wee : deeply interested in all the ac- ttivities of the chruch at Carlow. There were no. children. Besides her husband, she is sur- wived by one brother, C. A. Robert-. :son, M,L,A,, for North Huron, and •erne. sister, Miss Mary Robertson, The late. Lester Robertson, of Xi- -agate Falls, was a brother. 'The funeral took placefrom her. late residence Tuesday afternoon to Colborne cemetery. Mrs, Josephine 13rennan There passed away after a short 1 illness in Chicago, ,Mrs. Herbert M, .Iirerrnan, beloved wife of H. M. :Brennan, formerly of Toronto. She leaves to mourn her loss, her 'mother, Mrs. M Doll, Brussels, one sister, Mrs. Chas. S. VanNorman, .one brother, Mn Oliver E. Doll, of Hamilton. Following is a copy of the Chicago Masonic Chronicler, of Which she was A.M. of the Welfare Chapter, Eastern Star. Welfare Chapter has sustained a grievous loss, for Josephine Brenn- ,an renn-,alp was one of its most beloved )nembers having endeared herself to all 'by her sweet graciousness, her lovable smile, and her zealous ef- forts at all ' times in promoting the good and welfare of our chapter. In tribute to her memory, we, who lov- ed her, triitst carry on as best we can and try hi a measure to bring to a s&tccessful completion the tnatiy Platte she had ht mind for this year. To our brotherr and her husband, Herbert Brennan, we extend our yeepatliy, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Helen Field spent Easter at the home of her parents. Miss McInnes and Billy McInnes are visiting at John E. ` Fells', Miss Elizabeth Barber was home from Ottawa for the -week-end. Oliver Fells, of London, is spend- ing the holidays at his home here. Miss Effie ' Bower, Terontoi spent Easter at the home of her parents. Miss Jennie Millan, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Margaret Ander- Son, • Miss Norma Coutts, Stratford, is spending Easter at the home of her parents. J. A. Wayne of Supertest staff, spent Easter with his parents at AI- lenford. Miss Mary Coultes, of Toronto, visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Alex. Deans. Mr.. Win, Salter who looks after R. R. No. 2, is s at present tinder the doctor's .care;' Miss Arabelle Cameron, of Lucke now, is visiting with Miss Islay Stewart, over Easter: ivliss Mary and Wilma Johnston, visited at the home of their parents, Mi. and Mrs. Adam ()Anstalt. Mrs. Heodin, and little daughter, Ruth, of Strathroy, are visiting Mr. and Iters. Jas. Edgar, Victoria St. Miss Leah currie, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Currie.. Misses Ann and Florence Barber of Toronto, are spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs, Chas. Barh- er. Miss M. A. Johnston, B.A., 'Cor - onto, spent, the holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, -Adam Johnston. Mrs. Edith Porteous and Mrs. Jean Skinner, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. 0. Thompson.. Mr. and Mrs. Vic, Laughlcan and family spent the week -end with Mrs. Lauglrlean's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Orvis. Mrs. William Twantley, Lucts.now, and Miss R. Cameron, Toronto -were Easter guests of their. sister, Miss, Robert Currie Sr., Centre St, Miss Kate King, A, T,C,M., return- ed to Toronto Conservatory of Mus- ic after spending theholidays with her parents, Mn and Mrs. T. C. King. • Miss Norma lsard, of Toronto, accompanied by her, peke, Marylin Murray, spent the week -end sat the home of her parents, Mn and Mrs, Jas. S. Isard, Mr,' and Mrs, W. A. Porteous with Mary Louise and Mi'§s Margar- et Rae of Lucknow, were guests at the home of Mr. • and Mrs. 0. armament. Their organization ha raised $17,880 in Huron last year. Miss Vert Walker gave -'a ve appropriate l=eading followed, by duet by Mrs, J. M. McKay and Mis Jean Christie, accompanied by Mr W. A. Galbraith, which was muc appreciated. A dialogue, "The Stewardship of Thankfulness," was presented by two young ladies, the Misses Camp- bell and McGuire, two pointed out to their audience that during Otte ev- eryday life we melee provision kr everything, but very often forget to ro i d e v d for the e reli ' A nous sideof our g life, and to show our thankfulness to God. Mrs. McKay then sang a beautiful solo followed by a pageant "In the Shadow of the Cross," presented by fifteen of the Sunday School mem- bers. A number of the girls were dressed in dark robes.while seven of them were dressed in white, re- presenting Faith, Hope, Humility, Truth, L Love ve a Life. arid L ! . A cross was placed in the centre of' the stage with the girls grouped around, with- drawing to the sides of the stage, viten the illustrated hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," was sung, • which brought the beautiful setting to a conclusion, after which Rev. Mr. Davison brought the meet- ing• to a close with prayer. APPOINTED, GRAND CHAPLAIN OF ONTARIO WEST Rev. E. Hayes, who will assume deities as Rector of ,St, Paul's `Ang- lican Church' this week, was signally honored at a ;meeting of the 'Grand Orange Lodge of British North Am- erica at London.recently, when he received the appointment of Grand Chaplain of Ontario West. The Durham Chronicle comment- ing on his appointment say "The appointment is an honor to Mr. Hay- es and to' the local district, but is one which the recipient is jolly cap- able of doing 'honor to himself and his selection is an evidence that his ability is appreciated. FARM BOYS, ATTENTION! The interest of Farm Boys is sol- icited in the forming of "The On- tario Calf Club"which is being sponsored by the Wingham Fall Fair Board. Objective: to create a d greater interest among young peo- ple in caring for, feeding and dev- eloping cattle, t ver Only three Clubs are beity organ- � a ized in the ,Province and Wingham s Fair Board have been asked to hold .d s. h Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year. RIPLEY REDMEN TIE WINGFIAM The Ripley Redrnen in an exhibi- tion match on: Fiiday evening last at the Wingbam Arena, before the smallest crowd of the season, pulled out with a tie of 4-4 after having the lead all through the game. The heavy ice made fast playing imposs- ible while kicking the puck and loaf- ing were much in evidence. In the first period shortly after play commenced Wingham secured the first goal but were held score- less the balance of the period while the Rednten bulged' the net for three. The locals were the only ones to score in the second period. At the start of the third period the vis- itors scored again, giving them a 2 - goal lead. It was then that the lo- cal boys got down to business and for a few minutes had the Ripley goalie dizzy stopping shots, and be- fore time was called had tied up the score 4 -all. Only three penalties were handed out, Ripley getting them all, one go- ing to Ferris and the other two to Bowers. We seldom refer to the poor sportsmanship of any individ- ral player, and when one receives 2 penalties, serves about half of one and refuses to take the other, we o not believe much is necessary, it speaks for itself. The line-ups were: Wingham—Goal, L. Browne, def- ence, H. Mitchell, K. Somers; cen- tre, J. Brackenbury; wings, M. Rae, B. Fox; alternates, R. Rae, H, Browne, W. McDonald, W. Gurney. Ripley—Goal, M. Riggins, defence S. Bowers, E. F. Martin; centre, K. McLay, wings, J. Munn, T. Ferris; alternates, M. McLean, J. McLean, D. McLean. Referee—B. Browne, Wingham. Takes Over White Rose Station Mr. Jack Reavie has taken over the White Rose Service Station opposite Lepard's Hotel; and sokcits a share of your patronage. Prompt; court- eous service at all times. Dental Offices Closed Wednesday Afternoons The offices of the following den- tists will be closed Wednesday • af- ternoons from April 1st to Novem- ber 3"Oth: Dr. G. H. Ross, Dr. G. W. Howson, Dr. A. W. Irwin. Lindbergh Baby Not Yet Returned Almost a month has passed away and still no definite word of the Lindbergh baby has been announc- ed. Hope was raised to a high level with word that three men had got in touch with the kidnappers, but this clue although a week old, has not brought results, Attending Teachers' Convention The Teachers' Federation, Sec- ondary Schools, held their conven- tion, Monday, March 28th, " at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Mr. G. L. Brackenbury, principal of the local High School, attended these meetings as representative of this district.. -.On the Tuesday and Wed- .nesdayollowing the Ontario Edu- cational Association held their an- nual meetings and Mr, Brackenbury Thompson Sunday last, attended this association also. Mr. and Mrs, Pococlt, of Ottawa, are spending the Easter holidays at High School to Open Spet. ,1st the homes of their parents, Mr: and Starting, this year, the high schools Mrs: George Fceock of East Wawa- in Ontario will open on the first day nos, and. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pickle, of September, a recently issued bed - of Culross, letin from the Department of Educe- Miss Margaret ga Piper, pe , of Toronto, tion reads, Oridittaril , y, theschools spent the Easter holiday, at the resume their clasees on the day fol. home of her parents, Mr. end Mrs. lowing Labor Day, which holiday is S. Piper, the first Monday of the month. The We ate showing the last minute edict means that this year, instead in Tailored Straw Hats, Uneven of returning to school ori Tuesday, brim dips over one eye and facedSept.6th �' $ asthey ordinarily would. with contrasting colors`. Moderately do, the pupils will have to return to priced from $1.'75 tip. Grier & Grier, their classes on Thursday, Sept. 1st. Wingham, Neat door to Brunswick Labor Day, Sept, 5th will be a hots Hotel, day as usual if,r ,,.- one in this district, therefore are an- xious to have boys from 12 to 20 years of age inclusive, to join this Calf Club, which is composed of not less than 15 members. Rules and regulations can be had from any of the Directors of the Fair or the Sec- retary, W. J. Greer. Ninety dollars will be awarded on last day of Fair. News Budgets Held 0,ver Owing to the holiday during the paper week, and large budgets of correspondence, a number of newsy budgets coming a little late are held over until next week. Former Resident Dies in Detroit Word has been received in town this week of the death of Mr. Don - tad d McLeod of 114 Davison Ave., Highland Park, Detroit, on March pith. Mr. McLeod was born in Zet- land over 70 years ago, leaving here about 40 years ago to go to Detroit, He is survived by his widow, three sons and two daughters. Mrs. Eli Jacques of Whitechurch, and Mrs. John Anderson, .of town, are cous- ins. Lecture on Passion. Play A lecture on the Passion Play as presented every ten years in Ober - emergent Germany, will be given un- der the auspices of 'the Westminster Guild, St. Andrew's Church, Wing- hant, on Wednesday evening, 'April 6 at 8 p.m. Tire speaker is the Rev. J. MacBeath Miller, M.A., of Palm- erston, who has witnessed this play and'. comes well prepared to give a most interesting address on this sub- ject. " .A silver collection will be tak- e n. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. G. Boyd spent the week -end in Walkerton. Mrs. John Wilton, Edward St., is visiting in Toronto over Easter, George Allan, Western University, was home for Easter week -end, Miss Eva Dolan, Toronto, is visit- ing her father and mother, Leopold St. Mr. W. A McKibbon, of Western University, spent Easter with his parents. : 'Win. Holmes has disposed of his 1>� "cksmith slMr. Sangster, of a shop to g , Fordwiclip' Miss Rachel Currie, Mrs, H. Cur- rie and Mrs, Ed. Marsh spent a few days at Whalen. Mi•, Charles McI(ibbon, who it at- tending the Ontario College of Art, was home •for Easter. Mrs, G. W. Schaefer and children of Goderich, are spending Easter with her mother, Mrs. John McCool: Mr. F. W. French of Strathroy, is spending the Easter holidays at the home of his son, W. H. French, Mr. Kitchen, of Bank of Commer- ce staff, is visiting at his home in. Strathroy, over the Eas$er week -end. Word was received last week by Mrs, George Taylor, Lower 'Wing haul, of the death of Mr. J ,A Pren- tice, of Collingwrtod. His first wife was Miss Rachel Taylor, who pre- deceased hint twcntywone years ago. Iyfr< George Pr'etttiee of Toronto, is a son, Don't Crank Your Head Off Have your battery properly charg- <el or buy a new one from us. We also sell Tires, tubes, patches, gas - cline, coal oil and separator oil, Homuth and Bennett, Royal Serv- ice Station, Phone 174W, North End, Wingham, An Unfortunate Accident Last Thursday evening, Miss Ca- therine Grier fell in front of Mason's store and fractured her right hip. It was necessary to place Miss Grier in the Hospital where a cast was ap- plied. This will incapaciate Miss Grier for some thne. News For Local Golfers ;.w•The Alps Golf and Country Club have engaged Mr. B. Meyers, of Lon- don, as Professional Instructor on their now course..,' The season for instruction will open April lst, when Mr. Meyers will be available to mem- bers who desire to better their golf. Some Good Advice There is a newspaper in Kansas, the editor of which is opening advis- ing readers to lie, steal, drink and swear. He thus explains his stand: "When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams; when you steal, let it be away front immoral associates; when .you swear, let it be that you will support your horse paper. Snow Plow Cleared Road For this first time in over a week ther,road to Blyth is passable for mo- tor traffic. Two snow plows after two attempts crashed their way through last Saturday. It not take long after the plows came through before motorists were on the road. However, it will not be long until all the snow is off the roads if we get a few warm days with sunshine. The London bus is now operating on schedule, corning through last Satur day night for the first time in over a week. REV. H. D. PEACOCK KNOWN HERE Three men of Norfolk, Va,, have been itt communication with the Lindbergh kidnappers, One of the inen, the Rev. H. Dobson Peacock, enlisted with the 33rd Battalion of London, Ont., and was transferred to the chaplain service, Many old soldiers of this district will remem- ber Mr. Peacock and will wish hien well in his efforts to return t he Lindbergh baby to its parents. Dobson Peacock always ';considcr- ed :himself one of the boys, and af- ter demobilization took an active part itt the G.W.V,A, which grew in- to the Canadian' Legion. LARGE INCREASE IN HYDRO RESERVES The Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario tabled their en- titial report in the Legislature show- ing an increase in reserves of . the various systems of $7,165,000. A great many towns and cities and smaller municipalities will receive proportionate amounts of this re- serve. Wingham will be credited with the amount of $431.00. It was noted that despite the de- pression that rates have not been raised while in some cases they have been lowered. Surplus was shown by all units except the Thunder Bay system which is :short $44,814 of meeting, the cost of power, This will be 'bill ed against Fort William and Port Arthur. The Georgian Bay system was short $47,372. This increase in cost was occasioned by additions to the plant and equipment necessary to take care of the requirements of the system. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Phyllis Johns is visiting in Toronto. Miss Edith Kew spent Easter at the home of her parents. Mr. Peter Gowdy, of London, spent the week -end in town. Mr, Harold Mills, of Ottawa, is visiting his parents, John St. Miss M. M. McDonald is spending the Easter holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M, Spittal spent • Easter week -end in Mt. For- est. Mr. Reg. Sutton, of Orangeville, i. ,i S t ited- his .e ar pts. over Easter r Sun- dray Miss H. M. McGregor is spen ing the Raster holidays in Bowma ville. Mr. W. A, Collins is spending th Easter holidays at his home in Pe rolia. Miss Muriel Simpson, Diagon oad, s visiting is in Toronto -e ove Mr. John Pender, isited at Mr. T. H. Easter. Mr. W. 13rawley, of Toronto, vis ted his parents, during the Easte tolidays,, Mrs. W. W. Armstrong and Crai re spending a week viisting friend n Toronto. Misses May and Irene Allan visit d with their parents, Mr. and Mrs eorge Allan. Miss Louise Thompson is spend it the Easter holidays at the lean f her parents. Miss 'Nellie Colborne of isited this week with Dr. i. W. Colborne. Miss E. Tyndall, of the chool staff, is .spending the oiidays ie Guelph. Miss M. E. Carson is spending the aster holidays at the home of her arents, in Toronto. Miss Marjorie Gibson, of .George- ,wn, is spending the Easter hole tys with her parents. Miss Elizabeth Johns, of Pt. Col- ,rne, is spending the Easter holl- ays with her mother. Miss L. M. Hammond is e Easter holidays at the er parents, at Atwood. Miss A, Mahood of the public hool staff, is visiting near Clifford ✓ the Easter holidays. Miss Barbara Holmes of Goderich visiting with her aunt and uncle,. r. and Mrs. H. C. MacLean. Miss Ena Currie, of Toronto, is ending the Easter holidays with r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cur - 0. Mr, Durward Preston and Miss T. alewslci, of Waterloo, spent the eeicend with with Mr, and Mrs. F. Preston, Just arrived atIsard's, Woniet's d Misses' Knitted Spring Suits,. nar•t style in 2 -pieces. All wool, d in Best Colors. Rege value $9.- , Sale price $7.50. Mr, Stanley Elliott, Principal of e of ' St, Catharines': famous hools„ is spending a few clays at c home of his mother, Mrs. John liott, of 'Wawanosh, Miss Hazel Brandon, formerly of wn, but now of Mitchell, spent a w days in town this week'. We are eased to notice by, the Press that iss 'Brandon and her choir more alt delighted the large congrega- in with their Easter music ort Sun - y last. d- n - e t - al r of Stratford, Gibson's over • g C 0 Goderich and. Mrs. public Easter spending home of CANCELLED 'FIELD 'CROP COIVPETITIOI' The local Agricultural Societyare very disappointed that field crop competitions are cancelled for this years at least, ' The following is an extract frond, the letter to the Society by J. Lock - ie Wilson, Superintendent of Agri- cultural and Horticultural Societies, which explains the necessity of this cancellation. "I regret to state that I have been advised to -day by the Deputy -Min- ister of Agriculture, that in view of the cutting down of expenditures made necessary by the Govern- ment's reduced income, and also by reason of the fact that the Domin- ion : Government has suspended its grant towards •the activities of my Branch of the Department, we are, therefore, obliged to cancel all field crop competitions during the season of 1932, Please acquaint the mem- bers of your Agricultural Society. who intended to co`nrpete this year of this cancellation.' Bargains Offered Util Saturday G. Mason & Son's Easter Bargain Sale continues until Saturday, April 2nd. Purchase now for future needs while prices are reduced, Purchased Supertest Station Mr, Murray Johnson, local mana- ger for the Supertest Company, pur- chased the Supertest Service Station, known as the. Ford garage from Mr. John Stephenson last Thursday,, Successful at Music Exams Miss Tena Reid, a pupil of Miss 13 M. Gordon, A,T.C.M., was suc- cessful in passing with 1st class hon- ors her Junior History and Junior Counter Points in the Theory exam- ination recently held at Wingham. EXAMINATI+ON FEES ARE RAISED Examination fees paid by Colleg- iate and f high gh school students in On- tario, have been increased from $1,00 to $1.50 per paper, There is no change in the maxi- mum amount which is to be paid by any one student. In the middle school the maximum to be paid by one student is $10, and in the upper school $15. The maximum in lower school is $5,00, but very few write these examinations. Middle School pupils this year will not be required to write exams this year providing they take 66% on the term's work. No notification has been received that any change in fees will be made in the entrance examinations, but a reduction in the remuneration to presiding officers and examiners has been made. OBITUARY Edwin Bennett A well -know farmer and live -stock dealer, Mr. Edwin Bennett, • passed away Tuesday night, March 22nd, et his late residence. Mr. Bennett had been suffering from stomach trouble for some months past. Born in Howick Township forty- eight years ago, he resided there until taking up a farm in Turnberry about nineteen years ago where he lived until his death. He was well regarded by all who knew hien, always being fair and. honest, but a shrewd buyer. He will be greatly missed in the community. Surviving him are his widow, three sons and two daughters, Ken- neth, Robert, Richard and Miss Laura, at hone, and Miss Fern, of Detroit. He also leaves to mourn him, six brothers and one sister: Thomas of Fordtiieh, Mrs, Waters, Fordwich, George of Wroxeter and John, Joseph, Richard and William in the West. After a short service at his late residence the funeral service was held at St, James' Anglican Church, Wroxeter, on Friday, when a large 'umber gathered to pay their last respects, Rev. R. S. Jones, the rec- tor, conducted ,the services assisted by Rev, Win, Finlay of the United' Church. During* the interment the Orange burial service was conducted by the Wroxeter Lodge of which he was .x member. Several members from lodges of the district were inattend- ance. The pail -bearers were all n. phews of the deceased.