HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-24, Page 4AkiE THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES WAt,, w\�{\^-dna,\T \�11\U'\41Y\RR}\, °� \ °\ , ttkt4 _M_. STD BRING RESULTS 1 cents a word per insertio ,7:77;4+. , »aiati * ' . '. 'N : num 'S a minimum charge of 25e. a^k•YallY�liT'Ai'1G�1"d3Tr11Yrl'tt'il1�a'rhl'zYrlFl�i'iYalSilliila'Yyla OMS TO RENT -Over the Ad- IN MEMORIAM '!stye -Tines. Office. Apply! to J, H. Crattftard. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS work on farm, by. day or month. ?Apply>. at Advance -Times. Chamney—In loving memory of C. Bruce Chanxney, who went away one year ago, Mareh 27th, 1931. Time speeds on, one year has passed Since death its gloom, its shadows year (or any other sum) and this ac - cast, .tion is brought to compel the county the Act had been carried out. In ad- dition, the County is to pay all the cyMs of the case. The full text of the judgntent is as follows: Trial : Court Before Rose, C.J,H,C, Corporation of the Village of Fer- 2,zus t. County k>f Wellington (trial at Guelph—J. R. Hewitt, I.C. for plain- tiffs. P. Kerwin, K.C. for defendants. judgments: " . The Council of the County of Wellington long ago adopted a plan of county road im- provement and established a county road system. In the years 1926, 1927, 1928. 1929 and 1930, a general rate was levied upon the municipalities in the county and the Village of Fergus paid the sums for which it was ass- essed. But the County did not in any of the years 1927-1931 remit to the village 75 per centum of the amount raised in the village in the preceding Within our home where all seemed to pay such 75 per centum - . Jude, - MALE HETI' WANTED—In town or country, snake $15.00 to .25,00 $i u; eel:_ Special Spare Tiitne v ork. Shed «.>r garage on your premises necessary and small amount of capital. Full particulars write — l'araeside Fur and Packing Com- pany, Ik'n 178, \\'ingham, Ont. brigifr meet for plaintiffs for $11,600.58 to - And took irom us a shining light. We miss that Bain and ever will, gether with interest on $2,216.31 from. His vacant place, there is none can April 1, 1928; on $3,431,02 from Ap fill, ril 1, 1929; on $3,347.63 from April 1, Down here we mourn, bat not in vain. For up' in Heaven we will meet again. ! Father, Mother and Sister. 1 1930; and on 0$,'3,414 from April 1, 1931, until judgment. Defendant to pay plaintiffs' costs."—Fergus News- CARD OF THANKS Reeord. FOR SALE—Cheap, Two Buffalo l Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaunt and family of Kinloss, the parents and Robes,. good' as new. Mrs. Mary Finley:, next door to Ford garage. brothers and sister apt` the late Mrs, a o- r� L>riixan Wilkins. t •t4 ether ars. R. Laidlaw, phone 366J. husband, M. Norman \1ilkins, wish Ito express their deepest appreciation FOR SALE -House and lot, corn- and thanks for the many floral trib- er of t�>hn .:and Minnie:Streets, 1 rates and letters of sympathy receiv- SALEM S .WANTED -43 to d it ' 1:.. \ e withher Miss ' Detroit, - �C3R..t. Fern Bennett, ofis spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Bennett. Mrs. Earl Acheson and children of Wangharca, 'Duplex house with a' ed, and also for the many kindnessesiLondon, are at present visiting the double garage. For terms and par- ; extended to Her andto them during a former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. tiuulars, Apply to 3. W. Bnshfield, her recent illness and death. !Gallaher. Wing -ham. Ont. } HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT—, Alfred Stopposite park, reason- able. R. Hough, 25 Ser.aca Aye., Toronto. 9. SLAT'S DIARY By Ross Farquhar Friday—Lein Hutch has bont his! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndnxan from mbabie a pear ..f Goggies to ware so near'Gorrie, called- on the latter's Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wray and with children spent last Sundayith' the 1latter's parents, Mr: and Mrs. George Doubledee of near Belmore. LOST-Bla' k ' Fur' Robe, between Crawford's and Andy Casemore ', lst lire of Merris. Reward. J A. Carrie, phone 196. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Fra Property' tNDE.R and by _ virtue -of Ile pow- ers ea>ntained in a certain a:ortgage which. *ill '>eprodneed at fee time of sale, there will be ofSaturday. fered for sale by puhh auction e`at r iat. April 2nd, A.D. 1932, a ear of 3 ecleirk in the .ta erne L ', at the Brunswick H - :e'in t he Toil" of 'Wngharra abject to a reserved had. the f V AND : INe.7ULAR- Y xer- ttin "'k:'Ian// rtzel tar :razz of Ian/ and m pre- ise ♦ sizarate. 7.yrizia. and being ir t1:e Township x. * T",1rriber y- in the t.. L :ra- ta oz rL d vitt e Cataza- io_ and .li n ,la .. ps...* L. Num- ber - ber .S.ix,. in the SeWent Co is . 'L. the a:fare-said Tentaishia0r :3rn ber- zeta.airlin ,.e 'hundred acres of tai :' t,i ' .. l ?- 'a THE .t H t . :11. . b I:' r- i�, sada> h .1. 1 1$t. "-t abaut °r st i, at eTs •.. • kiazhen t •n �9t, 77 iF, r3. ..., 1 - p �e t5 ed .. .+ zaza :loosrrosit twO�miles ] 'at five ,.T'. Til, t Ara. • ,;e paid L ..1 ftir,. San..ar—Pa ',haat are neibLir c'.'' Shave:. an he wont get Car -!parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy, area ashes in his .one day last week. eyes when he is setting on his nib- i there- flap. Sarerday—1 izzy Felt has ben a 3 t , raa.I. x ala<* \ i rde pracktissing ;si>ax fora long time so this pass- t edweak as s- edweak she finely cit a inya %ernint': sh.taatta at a public '' The .:rid lady was looking for some- Istays:inn. She 'thing to grumble about. She entered LL•i1 at nl, yet that, .. he butcher shop with the light of as a 'beef & . batele in her eyes. :at a; illtxix she old Lads --"I believe you seal dis- sur a. 'eased meat here? -• l:' etcher--" orse. " a et 1' ,ax ryed at. ti i ady a.t�>taashed)— ILaL <i stitch 19, rr+-Cel are _ �. - you mean. worse:" TParl: ,iris :,t l utrhar—`The :neat we serve is la says 1 .: :b.•uz time for ?:int te> :,.+ n_ az- rr -dyad. � .. _..?: ..,.d b=: ,y the L;zta,;- ..1�•'e. L: eIse rnemby he has n .. , ....irliit •rd: " 1 n3tist kx:iaiti when 4'ou *117.e t"*S I' t > pay 11 .•ur arrears?' ,,.,_ s ...=me is Mr i.rxb., n':,. w has .., a .nZn x,f funds : •• awi31 53;- * ,' :`1Il7 (te:1:aTtii: as i.'..n as I re- . .7 x ti .'C the 3,<.?xl,i which the r4,:L1}I, .aL'i yid! ray 111e if he accepts the r -,,-el r acina send hint as scan as i we •h is 'cinishee:, which 1 will •.eg��lt � 141./tickle coy •� ,�:;> Q�l r (If I 4 0 11111D. Teusday—Mr. Gillena ti"_,.. ... .. yesterday azei • from t i t 15,1-,71 :a e _,. a3 - re 9c e 1 ba"i f :o;I rad. a sni1- tiat 1 .z ata sailifeet and to need• -a- a;3:,, - saaes _ t.1., .r c.. :�. _.L ...• wills .. ,. cazz,1' ss. S.. +Cr', small boy with a ver- : at. e Lairapers ;;r ide his arm LI.Ya t_•a.,;ia &Laza the street. t 1ase a s e- 7.7y1,:- :.til: a kindly genile:t:ait. "'Naw, ,.'.1 d-:- r read them." repliaa ., T;.,. .i.. is .,. 77.1t; t'a3.',a 1 ,.u:t felt the .ill ,:a..'331. .:ala Lk: ii' per tames t: Jae. 4 t e - t .... ,s1? .u.-l"iir ahen aa; 5"-asa L.: .s•'- 3.- rah,. '�y�•�a �'+ : �-e'er ,.-s�'. 3a r i ' C'-) ,¢,: