HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-24, Page 3cprri,
Thursday. March 24th 1932
Look to this cause
When your baby fusses, tosses and
seems unable to sleep restfully, look
for one common cause, doctors say.
Constipation. To get rid,quickly of
the accumulated wastes which cause
restlessness and discomfort, give a
cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria,
you know, is made specially for,
children's delicate needs. It is a pure
vegetable preparation; contains no
harsh drugs, no narcotics. It is so
mild and gentle you can give it to a
young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is
as effective for older children. Cas-
toria's regulative help will bring re-
laxed comfort and restful sleep to
.your baby. Keep a bottle on hand.
Genuine Castoria always has thee
-name: ti
‘Zs1/217C---drh: I A
visited her mother, Mre, Walt
Sinison on Saturday.
The Passion Service held in ti
United Church each evening of th
week will be as follows. On Monde.
evening, Rev, Button, of Forclwi.c
will preach; on Tuesday, Rev. R. S.
Jones, of Ste Stephen's Anglican
Church, Gorrie; Rey. Butt on Thurs-
day, Rev. lq'inlay of Wroxeter on Fel-
'day; Rev, Butt, Easter Sunday, Spec-
ial music will be provided by the
choir, and there will also be a recep-
don service, The Stfrala.y followin
Communion will be observed,
The town fathers axe busy with
plans for t1ie. coming events, one of
which Is the horse race between Pro.
Earngey and Vic S here,
Owing to bad roads- only a small
Crowd was present on Friday evening
to witness the return hockey game
betWeen Southampton and. Gorrie-
Wroxeter teams, which was played
in the Gorrie Arena on Friday night.
Both teams were tired, the Union
team having played in Southampton
• on Thursday night and having mot-
ored, found the roads almost impass-
able, as did the visiting team on Fri—
day night.
Nevertheless, a real fast; clean
,game was played which proved satis-
fying to the hockey fans, the game
'ming in a score of 6-4 in favor of
to Union team,
Y: -
FO'R .1 T
The line-ups were: Southampton—
d Sbuler, W. C. Scott, J. Mth-
cson, C. Robertson, C. Becker, 0.
Davidson, H. ICreuger, 'VV. Toilers,
W. H. Rogers. 'Gorrie-Wroxeter
Brears, J. Gibson, G. Paul=
C. Edwards, J. Abram, H. Durst,
Gibson, W, Paulin,' P. L. Durst,
Higgins. Referee—H. Rife, Walk -
ton. •
,The Womaree Association of the
lilted Church met at the home of,
rs. M. Abram on Thursday ,after -
on. The president, Mrs. W. G.
rong was ire charge of the meeting,
rs. Walter Simson read the Scrip -
Service will be held in the Presby- er
teriart Church here, on Good, Friday
Afternoon. Rev. Arther Leggett, pas- U
tor, will conduct this service at 2.301M
o'clock. , - I no
Mrs, R. S. Clegg lias returned St
home from Brussels where she has /i
visiting her daughter, Mrs,
. Mr. and Mrs: 5. L, CaMpbellenov-
ed their household effects to Listow-
el on Tuesday of last Week. We wish
them Success and good luck.
Mr,.and Mrs. Arthue Stephens re-
turned home from their wedding 'trip
on Monday. They have „ the gab('
wishes of this •comitmeity.
Mr. T. Niekells is visiting this
•week with his daughter hi Guelph.
Mrs, Sheldon Bricker, of Fordwich
flegassuatmesaresammigrantramwmasarm.-. .
Hicks;Mr. Pele s-Gele a er-
monimmpaa Ismawessicamowtopset.ansor.
Princess Elizabeth (1) third ine line Scotland yard after warnings of kid- Rose is not quite 19 months. Their
of 'succession ,to the British throne, napping. Princess Elizabeth Alexan- mother the former Lady Elizabeth
and her sister, Princess Margaret 'dee letary ;will be six yeays old on Bosves-Lyon, was married to the
RQSe (2) ,are being guarded by .April , 21, while Princess Margaret , Duke of York in 1923
history, after which the following] And wear his same sweet "smile";
prograin was well rendered'. Song,
,"Nothing too good for the Irish," by
four small Irishmen; Song, "A little
bit of Heaven," by four small Irish
girls; reading "VtTidow O'Shoan's
Rant", IV.Iiss Niellte Dinsmore; Har- the High School at Wroxeter was
monica selection, Mr. • Vint; • Duet, closed on Monday for the • be/epee of
I m in love with an Irish Colleen," the week. •
by Mrs. Hicks and Mr. IN/real-le-Ws;
piano duet, Mrs. Wade and Robt.
'Wade; Comedy, one act, "Pat's Mat -
tete lesson, The meeting closed with rimonial Venture, •a mieunderstane_ Sunday morning Dr. C. C. Ramage
prayer'by Mrs. T. 0. Johnson. Dur- mg on the part of Pat".—The' Dins- gate a very hiteresting two -minute
ing the afterhoort the ladies quilted a mere family; Irish dance, by the lit- talk on Temperance, whieh proved
tle Irish girls; Harmonica selection,
toile . .
The cotigi3egation of Si. Stephen's •
Mr.Vint; solo, "With You", Mr.
Matthews; Comedy, one act, "Mrs.
Anglican •Church held another • sue- '
Stubbins' Book Agent," Cast of char-
eencesful Si. Patrick's concert in • the
And greet his friends in days to come
In just the sante old style.
"A Chosen Friend."
Owing to Miss •Gamble's illness,
The Easter dance will be held in
the township' hall on Monday night,
At the Sunday , School Service on
-very interesting and educational.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Butt were in
London this week attending ,the fun-
eral of Mrs. Butt's uncle.
.township hall on Thursday evening,
acmes of play are: Mrs: Elvird Stub- Tho Junior League meeting will be
Yellen a full house witnessed a silen-
bins' ' averSe to book agents, Mrs. G. withdrawn, on Saturday afternoon of
this week, also the Young People's
meeting on Thursday evening.
Don't forget the Easter dance on
King, Mr. David Stubbins, her did program.' The hall was artieticale
band", jack Musgrove; Deacon'
ly • decorated in honor of the day.
WlieezeyimatriMotial intention,
Rev. Mr. Jones, rector, in his address
, wth
of welt:erne,. spoke of St. ..Patrick': Douglas Holt; Miss Amelia Marryme Easter Monday night in the TO1V11
.41 middle aged Spinster, with hopes, ;Hall) Gorrie, music by Arthur's Or-
1...414)Artik.3,0144,*:*Wet(4.41 Va iI.k-1A.,,s;.zr
44 ',--
the barn's' "in fire"
sistent Book Ageet, Norman Wade.
This' concluded with the ' National
Anthem after which the ladies serv-
ed bench.
The, Pleasure Euchre' Club were
entertained at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. E. W. Bolton on Friday even-
ing- when five tables were Played.
chestra, Wingham,
Miss Monto Earngey returned to
Wingham Business College on Mon -
Those wile stave been confined to!
their • home' through illness are, Mrs.
Ross Earl, Mrs, Anson Thornton, Le
F. Ashton, Mrs. Rev, Butt, Mrs. R
Cathers and -also several school child
Tlie Continuation and Public
Schools will be closed for the t aster
holidays, March 24th, to Monday, Ap-
ril 4th.
Death came suddenly to Charey
Sproul Monday evening. He worked
ori the railroad till 5 o'clock although
he complained of not feeling very
well, arriving home about 5.30 he
went to bed and expired shortly af-
ter, before medical aid could be, sum-
moned. He was section foreman on
the C.P.R. here for about twenty-five
years, corning off the Grand Valley
Section, and was due for suerannua-
tion in a short time. His death was
supposed to have been caused from
heart failure. Besides hie widow he
leaves a family of three, George in
Detroit, Mrs, D. Haskins and Earl,
at home, who have the sympathy of
the community. Friends are being
notified and arrangements Made for
the funeral,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred McIntosh drove
to Williamsford on Thursday to at-
tend the funeral of the latter's mo-
ther, the late Mrs. McKay. The sym-
pathy of the community is extended
to Mrs. 'McIntosh.
. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard visited on
--•• Saturday with Mrs. Claire Pritchard
tif Gorrie, who isn't in the best of
. Miss Stella Hoye of Brandon, re-
turned to Hugh McLeod's on Sunday
after spending :tome time with her
coustns, Mr, and MrepValter
Th e honors were won by, Jadies, 1 ren suffering from ceids and .sore -
Mrs, R. G. Newton, gents, Victor throat.
Shera, and consolatiore ladies, Miss ,We are glad to report that • Mr.
Monto Earngey, gents, George s. Zimmerman Sr., is as well as can be'
King. The meeting this week will be expected after his serious illness.
held Thursday night at the- home ef Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Stephens, have
Mr. and Mrs. George King. rented the apartment over the ,Post
Messrs, E. W. Bolton and George Office where they will be at home to
Gallaway accompanied the Union
hockey team to Southampton Thurs-
day when the team was defeated. 1
The Busiest Shop in Town"
You may go down the • t
s lee ,
At any time of day,
And you will always hear;
Come, and let us play.
their friends.
Schools: closed ;here on ThersdaY
for the Easter holidays. Miss Anne
Dattglas, Principal, will spend her va-
cation at tier home, near Belmore.
Mrs. 1,V. C. King has been 011 the
sick liat, but is improving.
The recent snow storni, over, the
weekend made many .a heart ache.
Some young men wishing they could
It may be a game of Sheet, • get home and others wishing they
Or it may be euchre too • colttd get out of town to see their
However, look in at "Scotty's" • fair damSels. However, absence
And yetell agree it's true, •makes the heart grow fonder. •
They come for miles and miles
And spend :the clay with him
And Pet goieg to tell you
• He never scolds or' whims,.
He's the most .congenial man
You ever saw or knew
Heleeeps a pile of wood tie heed
To keep them *arm and comfy too.
The town Men think Ite7S, Wondeeful,
They play from morn' to night,
Sometimes they get unruly,
And have to take their
Scotty Itas' soine chosen friends
Can de anything they like
if others would do just the same
There sure would be it
Ile has. been lenowe- to 'offer
A tord of wood or .so.,‘ •
those who soneetimes bother hint
An-d;carrY in a lot of snow,
Novy i Scotty was to move away,
The menl, What Would they do.?;
They simply would be lost,
For a PlOe to go.
Here's hoping he will always stay,.
Dick Johnson's wife was making
pies when she glanced out the win-
• dow and saw sinoke curling up
from the barn. And Dick was over.
at the Blay's helping with a load
of hogs! ,
She ran to the telephone. Dick
rnshdd home with Fred Blay and
in a few minutes they had stamped
out the smouldering hay before the
fire got really started.
"That was a close shave", Dick
said. "We might have lost every-
thing. it's lucky we've kept our
Mrs. Bets Wade returned Monday
after spending a couple of weeks
iting her daughter, Mrs. Win. West-
lake of Saltford. Mr. Lloyd Mc1'iicli-
nel Toronte, visited his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Relit. McMichael, after 1
attending .the funeral of his grand-
mother, Mrs. Strong, at Foldludels •
the March mecon of the W. testi-
tete Will be held at the home of the I
l'resident, MeS, :Lovell.* paper on. i
Fannies C.anadian Women and theirlf
-work, will be included in the 'pro-
p', rani,
There has been quite a number on
the iiek list the past week. Some of
the younger set seem to be able to
get rid of colds better than the
Wroxeter, March 1932
Council met in Geo, Town's Hotel,
all members present, except Coun-
cillur Bryans, the Reeve in the chair.
Minates of last meeting were read
and, on motion of Lovell nd Weir
were adopted.
Moved by Taykir and Lovell that
the Council insure Township roads in
the Glode Indemnity Co. for ,the
suing year. Carried. 0
Moved by Lovell -and Weir that
the tender of Roy Vogan be accepted
for dreckieg gravel at 9cts per yard
mile; that the tender of Roy Sim-
nens be accepted for sctaping in gra-
vel to crusher at '7 et s per e-ar'd; that
the tender of Fred elyndman be no -
mined for power for grader at $1.75
hour, and that the Road Super-
ntereltie be instructed to advertise
or power for crusher. Carried.
• Moved by Lovell and Weir, that
Itis Council request the Hydro E, P.
'omnsiseion to cancel the contract on
he stone portion of the Brick Block
Wroxeter owned by Mrs. Helen
anderson, said contract way signed
y Mrs, Helen Sanderson ,atid C. J.
oils, cancellation to take effect
-om Sept. Nth, 1081.
Moved by Weir and Lovell that the
reasurer be instructed to prepare
atement on Teeswa ter ;Municipal
ram, Carried,
Moved by 'Taylor and Level!, filet
e time -for returning Colleetates
oils be extended to the April meet-
F. H "
Phm, B., Opt. D., R. 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"Ttest Equipped Optical E&
tablislunent in this pat of
gatitAittiiii*****16eititiirliii0041%iitioraMiin.ii,1161100thiiiiiiiMikolotikiiliiii r!
g, Carried,•
Moved by Weir and Taylor, that ay tings, an the goveneint will col -
the following bills be paid: T, A, lickt the sales tax, an the gas nix, an
Roberts, advertising re Township of
ficials ,50e; E. A. Corbett, pt. pay aa
Assessor $95,00; Man. World, aupp.
for Clerlds Office,and Assessor, $27,-
64; J. Hobbs, burying one sheep .75;
Mins World, cash book for Treasur-
er $6.24; Howick Mun. System tele-
phone in Clerk's office and tolls $17.-
20; Wroxeter Rural Tel. Co, 11 poi -
es $3,30: Isaac Gamble, pt, salary as 'ivir done, an ivirybody will soon be
rowitn in money. It is jilt loike wan k
av then merry-go-reted tinge; the
govern -tint collickts the money from
the payple in taxes, an thin pays it
out in interest, an pins:Imes, an dick -
shun ixpinses, an the payple ge it
the tax on insurance premiume, an
the amusement 10N, an the income
fay., 'an iviry other tax •they kin tink
me an the foinance • minisliters will
hot no more thrubble balinein timer
budgitS at all, at all, so they won't,
an the rivinues av the counthry will
pun fashter, an jump hoigher, an cut
damer, an hit harruder than they heir
clerk $40,00; 3. A. • Reid, refund of
taxes $6.14; Twp. Wallace, Howick's
share culverts, H. and W. Bdy.$418,-
50; R. F. Edgar, pt. salary as Road
Supt., $18,80; Frank Douglas, farm
bridge, Lot 25, Con. 16, Mun, drain •
No. 8 $30.00; F. A. Edgar, inspect- dein, shpind it, an the •govermint
ing fartn bridges, Mun. drain No. 8, gits it wance •more, an so it kapes
$9.00; F. A. Edgar pt. pay for Inspec- circulatin, an ivirybody is happy,
tion Mere Drain No. 13 $50.00. Road Thirn Grits don't same to tinder -
Expenditures, Twp. of Wallace, 126 slitand finanshul matthers, at all, at
yd. gravel $18.90; Ben Hyslop, dragg- all, arr they wed know that the oely
ing $8.00; L. Gibson, repair to road eway to bring back good toimes Ird'Se
$1,50; Geo. Ashton, dragging , and we had whin M:ishter King wits run -
snow $5.20; Robt. Baker repair to nin tings (that 11711S • &nip av me
read. washout $5.00; Geo. Townsend, pincil) is fer iviry fellate to hand on
dragging $3.00; G. A. Gibson, mak-
ing fill at Wroxeter $56,90; Tom
Day, snow road $4.20; C. W. Situ -
mons, repair to road .$5.50; Harris into his own pocket as lie kin.
King, repair to road $1.00.
Shure, 'tis the polishy iviry coun-
Moved by Taylor and Weir that thry in the wurruld .does- be *creek -
this. Council tlo now adjourn to meet lin on 'at the prisint toirne---sellin all
they kin, an se/tin down the money,
an not buyin annyting that they kin
grow arr make thimsilves,
'Tis loike thirn good 'ould days
whin the wimmin shpun theer own
yarn ,an got some fellah to •
waive it into homemade flannell that
wus made into shurts fer byes, an,
shure, it makes me ould back itchy
yit whin I tink av thine but wan ting
I know, I didn't hev anny lumbago
in thirn days.
t Thim wus the toimes whin the min
s mirded -the shoes av the childer, an
o the; mothers cut theer hair, an ould
o fellahs let thper whiskers grow long,
an iviryting poshible isms made
roight at horn—soap,, an shugar, an
maple sirpup, an droid APPles,, an ap-
ple butther, an a hundred •an wan
ler tings that the payple now kape
msiIves poor buyin at the slatores.
Yis, an good min wurruked fey siv-
y-foive cints a day in harrvist
me, an the girruls made ivirst'lg
y wore from socks 'to shimmies,
im wus the happy days.
tci iviry met he kin 'git hould ax, an
git the other fellahs to shpind theer's
freely, an throy to git as much av it
in the Township Hall in Gorrie on
the third Wednesday in April. Car -
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
To the Editur av all thini.
Wingham paypers.
Deer Sur:—
Ise% it quare how sortie 'fellah
Musht always be grumblin abou
someting? If it isn't wan ting it' • i
someting Use, an, shure, there is n
way av plaizin thim, at all, at all, s
theer isn't,
Av coorse the 1V1.1rSt grumblers we
hev wid us are thim Grits an Gro-
grisSives; fer, wid the besht govern -
mints in the wurruld in Ottawa an cti
Toronto, ehim lads do m7thin but thi
foind fault from one wake to anoth-
er. Thee growl whin tis Tories do be int
shpindin a ..bit av money to make toi
good toimes, ate whin Mishter thc
nitt an Mishter Hinry can't make inds '111
mate in theer ixpinse accounts, an
template whin our lads put an ixtra
taxes to incraise the rivinues av the
"Whoy don't be be afther decrais-
n tbe ixpinses inshtid •av shpindin
Ire money all the toime an runnin
the counthry further into debt iviry
year?" they say. Thin they kape on
eollerm be rayson av the hoigh rate
as- interest we do be payin on gee -
termini loans, not ha -vin sinse enough
to see that iviry six months, whin
the bond houldees do be cuttin off
them- coopons, it will mane a lot
more money fer thim to shpind in
the shtores an thin e
faektories be busy iakin mime who n 7."
Shure, Mishter Dinnitt has the
roight pig be the ear, whin he sez
we shudden't hey anny thruck are
Yankees, arranne-
matther, barrin our-
thrade with the
body ilse fer that
; saves.
Canada fursht,
thin Ontario fursfursht,
fursht, an thins
Yours till
is 'e shlonen, an
he an thin Wiedltam
nesilf fursht all,
mixt wake,
Timothy Hay,
Policeman (to schoolboy)! "Who
owns this cow and salf?"
Schoolboy: 'I don't know who
ottne the cow, but I have an idea
goods, an min will be back to wurruk Policeman; "Well, who owns the
aemitea n, wid thee wages combs in calf?'
iviry wake, they will be buyin lashins .Policeman; "The cow."
•••••••ftsrmnoomsto••••.k.e...entor.nnovro,*••••••••••.••••xy•ftor.......•*..••••,•.••••••••.*•••••••••••orm.,•••••••,....mouros, •
Choice Mince Meat 2 lbs. for ,,,,, . 25c
Large size Prunes 2 lbs. for , — , .. ...... 25c
Apricots, 1 lb. for 19c
Figs 1 lb. for ... 10c
Dates 1 lb. for ....... . . . 10c
Kellogs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 25c
Large size cans Corn, Peas, or Tomatoes 3 cans 25c
3 lb. Pail Peerless Shortening • 39c
Pure Lard 1 1b . . .... ........ — „ . 10c
Pearl or P & G Soap 4 bars . ....
Cream Olive Toilet Soap 3 bars , 19c
Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea 1 lb. • 49e
Crown Brand Tea 1 lb. , ... 3k Is
Fresh ground Coffee . .... 40 and 50c M
20% Reduction on Rubbers, Overshoes, Underwear
and Overcoats—Spring samples for made. to.
measure Suits and Overcoats.
NirleY% St
N !:;t1NNOIN
• MISR 1141111 1610140111