HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-24, Page 2PAG: TW O THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES \Thursday', Marcch Z4th 1932 , expenditure of this kind when 'we al- where it doesn't is r.' A record of improve the quality of the; raw Mat - The „he 1 pay.' 1 q > W 1- ready have a radio service seems un- each; of the farm busieess trial supplied to. cheese 'factories. 41111 ,Adlvanc TAes Pi lispedat necessary. should be kept. This is the only tray hone. either :`"aim are livied but WING,HAM - ONTARIOh stated seem to be the most Mt- n -hit -1i the atuntbar of stations from ti: find -out ]nly xiiuclz. as being made those Ever Thtirsda r Morning by n-hich tta select prugrams ample van- from e;tch or which departments are portant,--•-The'Ecoeomie Annalist, Every. 3 '; ietl entertainment can be procured, ne The Advaxa,ce-Threes I'ttblishing Co.t net paling. 'Po assist the farmer in .utd of course if any entertainment Alis Mallon' the Dominion Exited- Farm Horses Come Back •Subseriptien Rate -- One Year $2.00 uu,t,l in is nut of a pleusitig or in- mental :Faraais have is ad a very situ- '1'hc prvsent loin price of oats and Sig Months ' $1,00 in advance structive variety, one eau always turn plc and tasc'ful little account book. other feeds in contrast with the high - tate dial or snap the biitto>n. This little book, while simple, is a er costs of gas and "oil required in To :11, 8, A,, $2.50 per year. Foreign ate $3,00 per year. x` * * great step in advance of keening no tractor operation combine, as .the Do- Advertising.rates application. `!'here is considerable static at the ;.ccounts whatever. It may be pro- minion Animal Husbandman suggests onBeattharnais investigation.Lured front the Publications Branch, to indicate that the horse is rapidly e >ti x: Department of Agriculture, OttaWee regaining favour as a medium of farm BEAUTIFY WINGHAM Canada is 'lirinfr up to its reputa-: Elsewhere in this issue appears an tit•n as "Lardy of the Snow article "Boost for the Horticultural * * Society.' Till; bring:, to mind the Man of 94 years told plays badtnin- Eget that spring will soon be here, ten. Some feel about that age whengreater use of :the alfalfa crop in east and west. As he points out, un- fact we will be getting lawns and they finish playing. Western Canada;At the present der. present conditions horses can be gardens in shape for the summer dila, * * * tette there . is a definite tendency to bred and reared cheaply *andwhen scat, "Beautify Canada" is a slogan 'Owner's Wife runs over a violin la+crease the acreage of forage crops. they have .reached working age, the that • is being used throughout the Nvorth $17,000," reads a headline, Alfalfa should certainly be grown on charges for depreciation, fuel and're- country and no more active way' of That's a heck of a note.—Kincardine part of this land. It is true that the pairs are sierprisingly low, for the taking part in this program locally Review-RepIt acreage of alfalfa remains small and self -oiling' engine has nothing on the cant be done than to join the lanai * * * many trials have resulted in disap sell -repairing heavy draft horse, Horticultural Society- and give it in Soviet troops fire on women who Pointxnent. The reasons for this, every way your support. dlefended 'the churches. Wltat'part of however, are wellunderstood. Alf -Poultry A`Farsn Asset Local impro'veanents that this Stec- Russia's Constitution allows such alfa is a .crop that requires speeila Official records show that the iety have in mind, .and which will be Mirrors: conditions and proper handling btit it poultry population of Canada has announced at the proper time; des- i$ a crop which will prove very val-doebled each ten years during the ��� erve. the best wishes and financial uable to the roan who will try to un- period of the past thirty years. Each derstand how it should be grown,— succeeding support of every citizen. If you are period of lo.w prices for not a Member juin at once. as the AND VIEWS 1�ept. of Agriculture, Ottawa: farm products finds the poultry flock conning to the farmer's' rescue; At "Maple" Means "Pure" the present time it can easily be Now that the sap season is here shown that the poultry flock proper - again it is tianely; to point out that ly bred, ]roused, and looked after is, Canada leads the World in respect to from the standpoint of capital invest - pure maple products. Under the pro nient • and feed cost, one of the best visions of the Maple Products Indus- paying lines of farm effort. Each sac - try Act (1931) the word "maple" needing year appears to make it rgore may be used only to designate a ma- clear that the farm is the logical pie product. 100 per cent pure. Any placefor the development of the adulteration is not permitted. Where- poultry industry with respect to both ever the Canadian product is' offered egg and neat .production. The . farm under the naive of "maple" it is 100 fickle is a usefulmediumfor the Mar - per cent pure, being the product by keting of. ;otherwise unsaleable pro - evaporation of pure maple. sap.-- Do- ducts in the form of eggs and pout - minion Fruit Branch. try meat. Banks and loan companies find the farm Which has a poultry Avoid Late Cutting flock at xnueh better risk than the one L. E. Kirk, Dominion Agrostolog= which has none.—Dept, of Agrictil- ist, Ottawa; observes in connection ture, Ottawa. with alfalfa that winter -killing due to improper management of the crop can be prevented by avoiding late cutting. During the first season the crop should not be cut at all. If it fur the sum of ten cents. Grow, More Alfalfa There are excellent arguments fur plover. He predicts that the next few years Will see a revival in 'terse breeding and the use of heavy draft horses on the farms of Canada, both Society desires the largest mnember- ship on record. Published by direction of Hon. Robt. Weir, Minister of Agri- culture, Ottawa, 1931 Canning Business Grows Another death occurred this last During the past decade there has week in Ontario• from the effects of been a rapid development of small carbon monoxide gas. The public have been warned time and again about this deadly poison but the hab- it of taking a chance or possibly care- whereas in 1931 there were fifty-nine. lessness has resulted in the loss of a The output was 500,000 cases of can- great many lives. The general use of axed goods and in addition catsups, the automobile has made this gas mayonnaise, marmalades ant jellies very common, but none the less dan- were made in considerable volume. gerous. It is. odorless, tasteless and The value of these canned goods pro - colorless, and when sufficient has duced in Quebec in 1930 was over been inhaled. Ioss of consciousness $4000,000. -The Economic Annalist. follows and the victim has little hope of escape. MONOXIDE GAS IS DEADLY POISON,. canning establishments in rural Que- bec. In 1920 there. were but four or five canning plants of this type. The Field Force Counts Stationary engines of the gas type, C. B. Gooderham, Dominion Apiar- used oh farms, give off this deadly ist for the Department of Agriculture e cison and care should be taken that at Ottawa,calls attention to an im- proper ventilation is installed at the portant phase of honey production in e chaust. the following statement: "The am- is very weedy it may be advisable to To, the motorist here are three aunt a honey 'ivhich a colony can go over the field with d rules '<worth c�bsered nte• _ -FAVORITE HYMNS _ tJ r w to Zt a a mower an When I survey the wondrous Cross r; ther is largely dependent upon the cut off tire weeds to prevent thelia Where the young Prince of Glory Do not olio. engine in closed gar- number of bees that colony can re- from maturing seed, in which ease died, age, lease for field work during the Do not work under ear with engine, • � per- the clipping should- be done early in My richest gain 1 count but loss,. at d of the honey flow and .upon the the fall and with the cutter bar of the And pour contempt on all any pride. running. ability of the 'bee. -keeper to keep this mower set high. In succeeding years Always have window down suffic-, force contentedly working. The total the crop may be cut for bay once or ieutly •to have proper ventilation in i number of bees within the colonyis twice according to circumstances, but''+ dosed cars. wfi ave in the death of Christ my God; • inert a reliable index as to its ability if a second cutting is taken it should 'All the vain things that charm me * * * to gather honey, because it is only be made quite early in the season' WHY GOVERNMENT- so , most, those se bees that are above a definite filet there will be sufficient time far' I sacrifice them to His Blood. OWNED RADIO? ac that are effective as nectar Bath- to strong fallgrowth.—Dominion De-' Since the tinge :tile Aird Commis- t.rcrs and it is the number of bees partment of Agriculture. f S• t from His headHis hands, His sion went to Europe and the United in this :force that counts in the pro- d feet, States and travelled throughout- r s & Can ft -tat, tit n t = eurplus honey. and forth- , Foist Point is Bee Keeping Sorrow and lore^ flute `mingled down; ada gathering information re radio erenere, the strength of this force is .i "The object of all spring manipu- Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, broadcasting a great deal. has been • dependent upon the care given the lations," writes the Dominion A iar- Or thorns compose Po pt,e so rich a crown? said as to the advisability of the GOV- 'colony during the previous eleven list in the current issue of Seasoriab]e ernment acquiring control by the ior- nncrnths and not upon :prints manage- i Hints, "is to encourage brood pro- His dying crimson like a robe ination of the Canadian Radio Broad- ; anent alone as so many beekeepers ,duction to its maximum and there Spreads o'er His Body on. the tree; casting System. fondly hope." fare four factors necessary to secure' Then ant I dead to all the globe, The present system is not ideal, to oit. and for which the beekeeper alone And all the globe is dead to one. say the least, but whtether we could Farmer's Account Book ,is responsible, (11 Each colony must- get better programs, for the sante' Farming, is a business, and if it ',be headed by a prolific queen: (2) Were the whole reahn of nature enine cost to the people, under the new doesn't pay the farmer wants to 3 There roust be enough food within That were a present fitr too small; system, is very problematical. know why it doesn't pay, Some re- ; the hive to not only supply the bees Love so amazing, so divine It would cost about $3,225,000 to ;