HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-17, Page 6PAGE SIX The Wingham Aclvanee-'Fines Wingham, Ontario. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840 Risks taken on all class of insur- • since at reasonable rates. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. am ABNER COSENS, Agent J. W. DODD Two doors south of Field's Butcher shop. VIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Phone 46. 'P.. 0. Box 366 ONTARIOWINGHAM., W. BUSHFIELD J. Barrister,Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham O Successor. to Dudley Holmes THERINGTON BARRISTER And SOLICITOR Office: Morton Block. Telephone IW. J. 1-L CRAWFORD Etc. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Successor to R. Vanstone `iagham _. Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS DENTIST ' Office Over Isard's. Store THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 'ril 0.44 : •IP . «..SSf:. ; - er FIRST INSTALMENT own and facing the window, so that It was intensely 'hot. !'the light fell full on her face, . In the big' somberly furnished) Diana obeyed, her hands clasped m z ., consulting room, its blinds. drawn cher lap, and '•her heart beating in a down against the midday sun which i queer, frightened manner. Poured down on Harley Street, there 1 He seemed to realize this, for he seemed hardly a breath of air. said more gently: r1 girl sitting at , the table, idly I "Don't be frightened.:' I am not, go - turning the pages of an illustrated Paper, pushed her chair back with sudden impatience. "How much longer is he going to keep us waiting, I wonder? It's dis- child with a cut thumb. jli h->iYclied graceful,. asking anyone to wait in a She ;ave a little g i lethal chamber like this," laugh. in "I'm not really ill. 1 feel rather a humbug coming here at all, but my aunt insisted: I've got rather thin, you see—but then, I was always thin. It's the hot weather, 1 think, and I don't sleep very well. London's al- ways rather trying at this time of the year, don't you think? We generally ing to eat you," She flushed scarlet through all her pallor, and her eyes grew angry. Speaking to her as if -she were a silly The large overdressed woman the armchair on the other side of the room roused herself with a sigh of regret from a doze which the heat and too large and too late a break- fast had brought upon her. "I'm sure it's a very nice room," she said vaguely. "Nice]'' The girl flashed her a go away, •but this summer contemptuous look. "Any place is She broke off, feeling suddenly nice to you as long as you can sleep very young and foolish and hating in it," she said rudely. herself for it. It seemed so long sin The large woman sighed again; her ce she had felt either young or fool - only protest against life was a sigh, isle, and because the experience e -was and she had long since grown accus- strange. she also hated this gray it med to her niece's disrespect. ed man who was responsible for it "The furniture must be most vat- land who looked at her so searching ly. After a moment she rattled on: "I thought if you could give rue a t a rots tonic . , . I fainted last night—not "Furniture which fools like us have that that's anything, is it? But my r" she said irritably. "I don't aunt was nervous." The little high - know why we're here at all. There's pitched %laugh came again, As if nothing in the world the natter with fainting is anything important" He spoke then. ole." Mrs. Gladwyn began fanning her "It depends entirely on the cause plump flushed face with a daily pap- of the faint. Will you take off your er which had been lying disregarded hat?' on her lap. She obeyed, holding it on her. lap, "Six months ago you weighed near- and for a moment there was silence. ly a hundred and twenty-five," she In Diana's mind she was saying to H. W. COLBORNE, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Itedical Representative D. S. C. R. Successor to Dr..W. R. Hambly Phone 54 Wingham ,t. ROBT. C. REDMOND .i .C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Loud,) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cable," she said again in the same Negate way, The girl glanced round the room with frown. DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 29 DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST Office over John '3albraith's Store. "No," He kept away from her a nfonient, then, seeing that she had raised her- self. and was half sitting, half leaning against the cushions of the co'ttch where he had placed her, he came back and looked down' at her stead ily. "Do you like plain speaking?" he asked abruptly. She raised her eyes, very blue against the Iiallor of her face,: "Why, of course," • "Very. well, then I am going to tell ll very ill in - Thursday, March 17th, 1932: She took it after the barest hesita- tical; •a 'strong, kind hand-_ca.pable and sc:cttre, A little.sigh escaped her -- she bac] never known what it was t„ feel re illy'., Secure, life had alvrays, been such ,a hectic :scranibl , "If you would care to come arid ce me again, later on , he said, and his voice was kind—the voice of a friend, Diana said ivit1t a sense of,helpless- ne:Ps, "But I can't go to the coun&ry, . 1 hate it, and surely it cannot be goad. to do a thing one hates very much." "It's not possible to hate a thing you've never tried," this strange than i -aid quietly, and then, "Do you know that line— • "God made the country, and man ? made the town "No." - He released her hand, "Well, that's just- the difference," he said. it is not desirable to spend all our In the car Nits. Gladwyn woke up time thinking about ,health. We sufficiently to ask questions. know' a nuisance the health . crank is, (Continued. Next Week.) and how irritating is the person who you that you are very r that ifyou wish to get bet- — always wants to, tell us about his deed, and I tell TIM INDEPENDENT r you must do exactly what pains and aches. It is, However, le you—incl at once." "Yes. Yes, of course." ``Well—for the present 1 am not going to worry you with anything but just the simplest prescription, and in a week's time I will see you again. First of all, you will go away into the country.. Her eyes dilated, and her hands gripped the ., cushions on either side of her "The country? :when?" "At once. To-morrow—if possible to -day, and when I say the country thrubble, an I mean the very heart of the conn blame fer the whole try -a cottage on. Dartmoor or in the Jarge wed blame iviryting on thitn Surrey hills,, where there are no the- Grits. As Mishter. Josh Billings wance remarked, "A. good deal cucl be said on both soides an nayther wan be ,Dight." Ye see whin theer is no elickshun close at hand I do be purty indepind- int at toimes, and dno't' want to see thine. Grits blamed fer army more than they desarve. Now thin fer the rale rayson av all the uniniploymint an min sittin ar- ound playin yewker inshted av bein at wurruk. 'Tis colnpetislntn an new idvinshuns that put min outay.thee, jawbs, an droive foinance minishters well again, but if not—" He broke to shtrong dhrink throyin to git en - off, for Diana had risen shakily to her feet. • "1 can't do. that, I cant go away ttnabtant Service oxo "trig c eittat 1tt,1ritt#tLt s,attna'uy aic,`' GRANT F"LEMING, RN.D. ASSOCIATE SECAtYk _ STOP AND THINK It is surprising how many people will go on, day after day, ignoring Health is a precious possession, but conditions which clearly indicate that H it is one which mast people do not there is something. wrong, that nat- preciate ,until they are threatened u,e requires assistance, Persistent.. appreciate with 'its loss. We seldom consider coughs are overlooked, progressive just how much good Health means to loss of weight is not given attention, its: 4Ve rather take good health for unusual fatigue is not investigated,. ranted arid scldotii hrtal e any veal and thus, it. is that many cases first f; 'effort to improve it or. to:keep it ,un- present themselves to their doctor til we are faced with losing;' it, with a well advanced tuberculosis. There is always some cause for - what is called indigestion. If this• persists or recurs, it means that what- ever condition is responsible contin- ues to be present. Lumps do not oc- cur in the normal, female breast; un- usual discharges do not come from the normal body; ordinary sores heal' and do not break down again. it is because such. happenings as these do not receive prompt attention that cancer is allowed to develop be- yond the': stage 'at which it can be cured. While they. are not always signs of cancer, still. the patient can- not tell whether they are'or not. There is only one safe way to act, and that is to find out from the doc- tor, in every case, what •.is ' the true nature of the condition. Reasonable attention is required if health is to. be preserved. If treat- ment is to be secured'when it can do the most good, attention must be gilt,- en iv- e.n to any signs of abnormal condi- tions. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St, Toronto,. better to 'help than exhaust nature..will be answered personally by letter. F. A, PARKER u• OSTEOPATH All' Diseases Treated ffice adjoining reslaenee awe,. to "Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment, Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272, Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 v,m. A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Diugless Yractitioners Chiropract.tc and Electro Therapy. Graduatt s of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto, and National Col- lege, Chicago, Out of town and night calls res- ponded' to. All business confidential. Phone 300. Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191. J. ALVIN FOX Wingham. "If you would care to come and see me again later on," he said. ,:tid without much interest. 'Today pee weigh — ninety-eight, is it? At any rate, you have only to look at yeur-eif in the .;lass to see that you are wasting away to a complete shad- eiv without any adequate reason for it, utiie.'—" she paused, and a faint- is malicious smile lit her sleepy eyes —`ones•; you're in love again," she THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD borough knowledge of Farm Stock Phone 231, Wingham WITH NO ELECTION To the Editur av all thin Wingham ,paypers. Deer Sur:— laslit Sur:— Whin 1 wus afther wroitin ye wake, 1 prawmised to throy to see targe Shpotton, arr Charley Robert- son, arr both ,av thin, an, see if they cud till me the rayson fey the pris- int deprishun an unimployznint. I didn't see ayther av thin, but inebby it makes no differ, fer, Charley wud say the Tory Governmints are to atres or night clubs or picture hous cs. You Will go to bed early—seven o'clock—and you will stay in bed till .lunch-time every day till I see you again. You will be allowed no visit- ors—except your aunt, of course— and you are to do nothing except read and sleep. You will not write letters or receive any—and you will. sleep with your windows wide open. You will have the very simplest food and no alcohol at all except what 1 order. As 1 said before, if you car- ry out ny instructions you will get herself dully: "I wonder what he is thinking, I wish he would tell me what he is th'nl ing of ore. Why doesn't he tell ?looked at like that me? 1. hate beim -as he were driving gimlets right through me. Why d.oesn't he say c,nnething ?" He said somethingthen. answered, suddenly grave { "IT ,1(1 are you?"1 even do that edded, d anodic page ,re her with an an- f His eyes said plainly, "Is that all:'' Diana picked the 'her hat, whet] had :and Diana blanched, fallen to the floor, and began to put - -- shesaid! Her glass had told her often cn� equally foolish to ignore health en- tirely, and to g abnormal. conditions of the body. What we should strive for is the happy i•nedium which avoids ex- tremes. Health should receive a rea- sonable amount of attention and con- sideration. Without becoming food faddists, it is well for us to put into practice' certain principles with re- gard to what we eat, We are practically unaware of our body functions as long as they go on tiormaliy. , We should realize, there fore, that when discomfort is felt or, where there are signs of unusual oc- currences, while there is no need for alarm, still it is foolish to disregard them. The body has considerable re- serve strength and ability to adjust itself to changing conditions, but it is a mistake to call upon reserves un- less this. is necessary. It is much di sre and symptoms of ough money out av the payple to pay the counthry's debts. Some fellate invints a ma.s een to slitame shovel causes tousands av' MORATORIUM BILI. NOW ONTARIO LAW The Ontario Mortgage Moratorium: good shpade an pick min to lase theer jawbs, the farrumers .do be run- nin all koinds av masheenery so ,they kin do widout haired mitt, some fel lab invinted safety razors to put the bill, providing .legislation by which barbers not as business, an a -whole Ontario courts can suspend .fore- lot more tings I moight minshun if closures under over -due mortgages, h I batt toirlie, do be lcaypi.n min from. became law on Friday when Sir Wit-- from Mulock, Administrator of the from London yet—vat just yet. I do tin min's wurruk. Wan man runs airnin au hottest livin. Province, gave Royal assent to the will later on -perhaps nett month, 1 iie an the other noire thramp the But mebby the radio causes more bell promise. Cant you give me some roads, makin .no money fer thimsily- thrubble than all the resit av the Fist in several years to have been medicine just to go on with? I 'pro- es arr annybody ilse, barrio the shoe- cr::ntlu•apshnns put together. It hurried tlirQugli the formality before mise to take it regularly." • " maker. Av coorse wid only wan man broadcashts the news, so that payple horgation the measure was exefore It's not medicine you want. It's to pay inshtid av tin, the fellah Vs -ho don't nade a daily paper, it gives gnu- pit i the,measure desire to ap- pedit- 'restand sleep and quiet. Why can't owns the mashcen makes more :mon- sic, so thravellin, concert companies plyits he les government's soon s e o ap- you leave London.? Surely it's not ry fer a little whoile, butt wid only hey gone off the road, it furnishes received the first third reading; of ',such an 'attractive place in this wan .man to ,buy this goods, inshtid sarmons on Sundays fer fellahs who the session in addition to being the scorching heat? 1 only wish I were av tin, he soon its overshtocked, an are too lay to go to church, an gives only bill session by His Lordship. free to leave it. I do for every mo- has to close his fact toh•y, an' thin the chtory•av the hockey' rematches so The actfprovides by steps is holy mcnt I ran snatch. It's a poisonous I«ven the fella]; who runs the uhasheen that payple kin sit at home an hear er. a mortgage must first be ],lace -this weather, and to anyone. in lyses his 'jamb, loike the other noine, the announcer descroibin the game approvelett unndd by a county judge. If t he pair nervous state—" an shtays home an hilps .his woife widout shpindin a tint. court approves tun suit and the vi - "I hate the country." avid the tivashin, as ]ant; as his bit av 7'he next tin•g, we know iVlishtei t dente is submitted to show that ab You hate the count:'y?°' money hashes. I,hnnitt will be rennin ie r. all be ,]Davol circumstances prevent the He moved suddenly, laying a hand Chain shtores shtart up ivirywheer hinisilf down at Ottawa, an sindin 'niortgttgar paying the amount due, 00 her shoulder. an the -regular merchants lieu to dish- ! ;jarge Shpotton an Tani McMillan,. action will be allowed to Proceed. c L, " ' • a sensible child," he said gent- miss theer hilp, arr mebby go out av an all the resht av thim mimbers av Otherwise, the court will sanction ly. "Da as 1 tell you. Go right business fntuirely, an thin .we lieu 1'arleyntint home, barrio two arr tree cion -payment of the amount fel- one ttv,ay for three months, and you'll more unemployed. av the besht av; his liftimlinis, who o come back a different being, able to, We sunt: the counthry -in . debt 'know enough to do as they are rand, year. 't f t owin a lot more r laugh again, bulidin railroads', an thin built paved If it yvussen er z' cr;joy life and t, • is randy se that thrthcks cud slitart run- fellahs Out av a jawb, it rvud be a She raised passionate eyes to h free. "]'d rather die.," she said, and he nun in opposishihn 16 the railroads, an siesiblc ting to do, an vrttd save a that Crows hundreds av more min out av money to the connthzy oven if • 1C ' y 4 .if ychu rc- An 'tis the same wid iviryting, so ��on may ICHARD B. JACKSON AUCTIONEER Phone 618r6, Wroxeter, or address R. 1, Gorrie. Sales conducted any- where, and satisfaction guaranteed.' The girl turne the magazine heft fly little flick. "1 dev't believe in love," i':arply. I ougn that she looked worn and 111 Diana's further answer was check -?and older than the hated Linda, who, 'i by the opening of the door and • enuld net be more than twenty-six, the appetnanc•e of a maul, Icing: that Aunt 'Florence lead been "If you will please come this way, Fpresent at her christening., r )a re t>f I yh eilty till f 1 "1 u business it is, to tr y one spot s -two." ! fuse to take my advice." fer the tillyg;•raft conhpames, the NI ss--" 'But Linda was happy and healthy Bodily n•eaknc:s., mental unlhappi- .tort cart. -free and had always enjoyed Less, and a never ending; fear that she her life, while she , , y.as aboutto lose the only thing; she, Suddenly the room i>etan to grow bad ever really wanted in life• stark and to swim about her, and al- 17.;r. Selfe is away ill—1 am taking, Iris place for the time being. • My name is 12allibone." 'Oh!" So this: was not the "top'tE ;van"; how annoyed Aunt 1 hort:nee would be, and yet Diana herself was Ig thing in "Lie still You'll be all right ir1 a conscious of relief. ' If 'he was not i f! 11 ,gin, by force of habit hunting in her F handbag. first for a little mirror and the inevitable lipstick. 'I1 12 "its very kind of you, Dr. Selfe," slue began with a return of her arti- ficial air --the lipstick wasgiving her ba.:k her poise. "13ui. " He interrupted bluntly. "I am not lir, Selfe. I thought the secretary had made that plain to yeti. DR. A. W. IRWIN DENTIST -- .-RA"Y" ice, IVIcDonald Block, Wingham. A. J. WALKER ,f,cU I`1'STURE AND lr% NnuAL SERVICE VIAL1 E1 *weettsed ttileral' Director and Embalmer, fine Phone 106 Res, Phone 224, Cost 1L,rtnousin,e Funeral Coach. It was the r things that had kept though elle clenched her teeth, a•n her obstinately in London when ev 'pressed her feet liat•(1 inion the floor trt'ntte else ayati away' at the sea„ er 1' -hi. Could not cc,ntr,.,l it or herself, !•n the evens, l,r down in the corm -!and then for a little- while everything Iwas blink. . At twenty-two the on y' Diana rally desired �. ie :lent, „'Just drink this, No, lie tlrt top 1,11itn .r. the am t which r�u ,1 rt the nonsense he' had talked, of the utas another wornthrt'�; 1lusbaitcl, . tell and 'keep your eyes shut." She was glad , cnoug;h to'obey. She levity in which the had tamest succeed - herself, 17iana, a little nervr,u in spite of i f•� "' coll.! i Felt its wrote as if she had just strug- c•rself, crrtci•e(l tic, "top rnttttn'. c rn . h ;uitingi room, ltd through a long illnt:ss, w(tkcr Dan she had night what she. 1 1 big with g;reve steady t•y �, and fainted .c y middle of 1 11 1 11 1r He was big and rather clumsy than 1 h t 1 felt last nrg*, tt nolo ., 5 , suddatll ni the a month that looked as if it` rarely a Crowded' ballroom. Even the, at- srnilecl: trmprt Lo raise her head left her se (; es e tansyet tlr,�it slit felt almost dead. se et to pierce through all the But the potent drink this man gave bravery of her carefully reddened her was wonderful—it seemed to op- lfl,s and nialee-up, right down through, en fresh. liFc and, 'energy into bo- lter artificiality to the trembling body, and presently site opened her weakness of her. eyes and smiled. Diana said nothing-•�• she felt tis if nu 'ordinary greeting would he wast - It did not smile now, but his y He ignored that, "]letter?" he asked: eel on this' ran, She just stood and "Yes, finite well, thank you, It looked at hon with an unconscious was silly. I'm sorry. It mast have appcai in her eyes, till he said quiet been the heat" She tried to laugh, ly "Your consulting room was very "Won't : yott ';tit d.owtt?" FIe indicated a chair clos 11i01; sir( said, to his "That was bre, idy,.,.1 suppose" cd in frightening her; it had been111 most un professional when one ,carne t 1. to think of it, She bloked at hint with different eyes. A big clumsy titan, hot a bit the orthodox ,Harley � ;street specialist; even his' hart' was rough, as if he had forgotten to'brush it . . site looked away from him gtiickly, meeting once' m again his piercing°regard, The country] Ugh! Spiders and other nasty crawling things, and no 1 �M hot water or soft beds. She drew on a glove, 1Zathbonc said, "1 hope very earn••' estly, Mlss Gladwytt, that you will i take my ,advice" '"You are very kind," Out she, diel 06 not loot: up, and it was he who held. -- out Ilia hand. 101010111011101 t we had to pay ould age pinshuns; to a iot av titre dlishmissed sinziyters. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Wife: 'John, what is the difference between direct •and indirect taxa- tion?" Husband: "Why, the difference be- tween your asking me for money, and going through niy trousers pockets While I'm asleep." - 1E 11 :ic'1 1211 T I11 E41 Jo 1 'i t(fl] ti a. "i t Elf.' s ,��'1 ��MA �A4L .ti �y���' � Auction Sale Bills Butter Wrappers ' Ballots Business Cards Circulars Programmes Constitutions and Py -Laws Church Reports Concert Cards Dodgers Envelopes 2 inanciai Statements Polders and Programmes 111 11111 a u� t e t is eddy i ve y 1,. N 4 Invitation Cards • Letter Heads. and Note Heads Milk and Bread Tickets Mercantile Dodgers & Posters` Prize Lists Private Post Cards Receipt and Order Books Shipping 'rags Statements '.Tickets Viciting 'Cards Voters' Lists Wedding Invitations Winslow Cards 115 se INUMIUMIRSE