HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-03, Page 5• , Thursday, ',XVlarch ,3rd 1932 THE WINGFIA.M ADVANCE -TIMES 1 U.116�11i ° Tall,■1i1M111�III■p1�111�111�11INIII�IIIOIIII■1111�1III�I1i�Jll�ill��ll�il �J'�I1IIM1111111114i1iiIIl1MIIIMlll111131111111111!■IIIIaIiIIaIII111iII11lUA1111■I11{tllll lar 294, ,Hertz Lee 386, Leslie Adair 382,,PorothY Mellor 384 Elmer Dqy- E ell 370, Joe Falconer .869, Bett> Groves 853, Reggie Collar 344, Harry = Montgomery 842, Jimmie Kennedy r Y RisammagmemerAT, 'ISS, if °xC� RESYr BUY SEASONABLE 'GOODS NOW at a Big Saving. Get the most for your 4-- money. "You will get it here." Our Men's and Women's Wear Stores contribute Values beyond the ordinary. You can make sav- ings - worth while`'n every Department. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE SPLENDID VALUES OBTAINABLE • •_ • i • -i ,r i • • .71g MEN'S WEAR STORE - ▪ New Patterns in Men's Dress Shirts ■ DRY GOODS SPECIALS Factory Cotton, yd. 'wide......1Oc New Prints, yd. wide, now ..19c Linen Towelling, 2 yds. for .25c Heavy Striped F1'ette, 36 in. 18c Pillow Slips, pair . .35c Cotton Batting, 1 lb. . y .30c Bath Towels, large, .35c Curtain Nets , ,19c Wash Cloths, .6 for • . %. ,25c Table Linen . , . . .75c Kimona Cloth, reg, 30c, for, .25c Cretonne, 36 in., reg. 35c, . 25c Wrapperette, reg. 35c, now ..25c 6 Yds. Bloomer Elastic 2 Pkges Pink for , ,05c Silk Bloomers , ; , . .. " . ,49c Chamoisette Gloves, now ..39c° Women's Silk & Wool l -lose 59c All Wool Cashmere Hose .69c Bargain at 98c ▪ Boys' Heavy Sweaters 98c ▪ Men's Ties Reduced to .'39c i Men's All Wool Socks, reg. 75c 25c v Men's Heavy Work Shirts ..... 89c ▪ Boys' Suits, to clear . $3.95 i Men's Tweed Pants Sale $2.19 Men's Cottonade Pants $1.49 isi Boys' Wool Golf Hose 49c • Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers 98c i Boys' Caps at 50c Heavy Ribbed Work Socks, 4 pr. $1.00 1 Women's Ready -to- . ,f ear Women's Silk Hose, reg. $1..00 for .85c Spec. Rayon & Wool Hose reg. 50c, 39c Supersilk Hose, reg. $1.25 .... ...98c Corsettes Special .39c Just Received, the New Martha Wash- ington Dresses, Guaranteed Color- fast, Bargain at $1.49 Clearing Women's Winter Coats, Fur Collars and Cuffs. See them at ....... $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $8.50. Women's and Misses' Silk Crepe Dress- es, to Clear at $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $7.50 FRESH GROCERIES Special Blend Tea 39c Snappy Old Cheese 15c Pure . Lard, 113. 10c Fresh Mince Meat, Ib. 10c Maple Leaf Baking Powder 20c Jelly Powder, 6 pkges. for ....._...._ 25c Baking Soda, per ib. . 5c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. 23c Bottle Ketchup 15c Whole Wheat Muffets 10c 2 -lbs. Ginger Snaps 23c Jar Peanut Butter 21c Heinz Pork & Beans, 2 cans 25c Corn Flakes, 3 pkges for 25c Large Jar Sweet Pickles 25c 5 ib. Pail Best Syrup 34c Large Tin Red Saluron 24c 6 bars P. & G. Soap for 21c 4 •Cakes Palmolive Soap 25c Washing Ammonia, 3 for 25c 3 cans Tomato Soup for 25c Lemons, per dozen 25c Oranges, per dozen 29c ).11i. :1": • AND MANY MORE BARGAINS NOT LISTED HERE. i,.'.. : r�..A Nh4 sib .•. • He ARD & C zs ■ 8838, Gordon Helm 827, William Fitz- patrick 303, John Wilson 283, Joyce Carter 276, . Carl Vann.er 275, Jack Gorbutt. 273, •Florence Finley 243, Sadie Sinopole, 120, absent. B. Joynt, Teaches. First Book Total 570, Honors 427, Pass 342. Norman Mundy 536, Edna Hogg 530, I3etty Gannett 530, Donald Smith 528, Jack Hopper 516, Louise Reid 516, Anne VanWyck 516, Tsa- i. belle Ross 513, 'Kenneth Baker 502, Clarence Ohm 500, Ethel Vanner 492, Alan Williams 492, James Cameron 489, Eileen Dark 480, Eric Schatte • 467, Isobel McLean 463, Eva Lediet 91 463, Jack Tiffin 462, Betty Fitzpat- it rick; 456, Harry Howard 454, Carroll Casemore 449, Margaret MacGilliv- ray 440, Grace Hutcheson 439, Ken- neth Jones 429, Mary Lepard 429, AI- M' Seli 417, Jack Rich 415, Jack Car- LI ar s ter 408, Margaret Finley 402, Frances _ Durnin 384, Pat Fitzpatrick 381, Jo 7 sephine VanNorman 362, Harold e Hutton 353, Mary Black 350, Iris T• empleman 315, Clarence Cantelon ▪ Hamilton 301, P. Johns, Teacher. :s. Primary A - Total 310, Honors 230, Pass ■ 185. tl ' Donis Finley 291, Buddy Cruick- 1 shank 291, Jack Ludwig 283, Norma Blown 281, . Craig. Armstrong 278, I Grace Small 277, Everett Hammond of Windsor. E ; 229. Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers and ®I 13 -Total 310, Honors 230, Pass babe visited a day recently at the _ 185. borne of the latter's parents, Mr. and • Joan Ingham 302, Grace Hingston Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. 11301, Douglas Fry 298, George Lloyd. Mrs. GRrfield Culliton, of Detroit, Ij 298, Ruth Harris 283, Grace Parker is spending a few days at the home 282, Donna Buchanan 281, Carl of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culliton. 1 Clark 279, Edna Jenkins 279, Donald Much sympathy is extended to Mr. ®' Hastie 277, Dorothy French 272, and Mrs. George Herd and family in Billie Jenkins 270, Robert Chittick the Joss of their store by fire on NI 268, Lois Adams 264, Marjorie Fal- Monday. coner 259, Wallace Hutton 256, ®l Lloyd Mundy 255, Jack Day 247, I Margaret MacLean' '234, Ambrose a i Zettler 231, Ileen Morris 217, Mada- - I lune Mellor 202, Doreen Garlick 201, Minutes of Council meeting held in James' Sanderson 199, Frank Zettler the Township Hall, Morris„ on Mon- ti;188, Jack Mellor 176, Eddie Fitzpat- day, Feb. -'15th, 1932. Members all pyr•esent except Francis SALEM 1Vl•rs :f. ,;x„ Weir ,;rettarried horli,e af- ter Spending a weekf with- fr•rend's' in London': and' other 'Places, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris and fam- ily of the 15th con. of Howick, calked on Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Gallaher last Sunday. Master Allan Hyudman, from near Gorrie, spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy, Mrs. Robert Taylor is at present suffering from an attack of quinsy. We trust she will soon recover, Mrs. Chester Higgins underwent a critical operation one, day recently in 1Vingham Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Edwin Bennett who has been ailing lately, consulted a specialist in London and we areC glad to report that he feels somewhat better from his treatments, and we hope he con- tinues to improve. 10th LINE EAST WAWANOSH The W. M. S. of Brick United Church are holding a . Progressive Crokinole Party at George Coultes' on Friday evening, March 4th. GLENANNAN Mr. William. Elliott Sr., has re- turned home after spending the past couple of months with his daughter,, MORRIS COUNCIL ■ I - rick 174 Betty Elliott 170 Jean Ifac- I ▪ Leod 160, Lorraine Brown 150, Mae Duncan, the Reeve presiding. Min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. Bills were read for indigent funer- al $50.00, dog tags $13.30, Municipal World supplies $17.15, and a grant to the Huron County Plowman's Assoc. of $25.00. Nelson Higgins was appointed as Town"ahip Treasurer at a salary of $150:00, he to furnish a commercial bond for $12000.00 satisfactory to the Council. The Auditors' report was present- ed, examined and accepted. " Arthur Shaw was paid, $37.50 as the balance of his .salary and $4.08 for stamps. A By-law passed to empow- er the Reeve and Treasurer to bor- row moneys to carry on the business of the Township until ,such time as the taxes are collected. ®1 Rellinger 141 Marie' Lockridge 127, Ba i George Logagianes 83, Donald Camp- bell, absent. I A. G. Williamson, Teacher. • tit ® FINAL POPULATION 121 - FIGURES ARE GIVEN tll■III■III■III■ill®III■ill■III■III■III■III®I I1i9111dflll■ll l■III■I llol l■III■I I I�Jlitauiffl l l■111®III■IJI®III■Ill■I Il■I Il■I11■III®IJI■III®I I Itl1111®I llul ll■III®III■ WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY Senior -Fourth Total 700, Honors 525, Pass 420. I Habkirk 616, H. Miller 612, B. Hamilton. 593, J. Zurbrigg 572, E. •Field 571, G. 13rackenbury 561, R. Howson 559, K. Rintoul 559, R. Mit: chc11 555, B. Mundy 553, M. Ross 550, C. Chittick 536, II. Brown 491, W. Carr 485, R. Hammond 475, C. Wellwood 467, W. Tiffin 458, M. Cruikshanks 444, E. Finlay 435, G. Falconer 434, D. ,Rich 429, M. Wil- son 427, J. Fitzpatrick 421, H. Bur- gess 418, E. Webb 408, N. Blatchford 378, W. Small 306. A. L. Posliff, Principal. Junior Fourth Total 550, Honors 412, Pass 330, T° Mellor 476, E, Krohn 474, L. Campbell 468,, V. Stoakley 439, T. Davison' 429, L. Carter 419, 'Z. Cam- eron 418, P. Biggs 415, W. McNevin 415, A. 'Nilson. 414, L. Ellacott 404, Ti. Forsythe 371, 13. Collar .370, H. Groves 369, 13. Davidson 365, J. I.a.inb. 363, J. McDonald 346, J. Cur- rie 336,, L. Bok 298, G. Carr 279, R. Carter 271, J. Bunn 242, D. Waram 241, J. Broome 185, M. Smith 169, S. Forsythe 98. 13. H. Reynolds, Teacher. Senior Third Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 333. E. Dunning 461, 5. Cruickshank 452, M. J. Preston 446, D. Armitage 443, V. Walker 435, W. Smith 418, T. Harrison 392, L Lamb 386, M. Wil- liams 385, E. Gamble 381, M. Hop- per 379, G. Jones 377, L. Carter 365, 5. Lee 360, 13. Pae 360, M. Forsyth 360; C. Cantelon 360, E. Mundy 351, J; Hare 349, L. ' Fuller 344, B. Lepard 321, H. Posliff • 319, L Clark 309, L. Dark 297, J. -Mellor 297, E. Carter iIl■III■III■111®111211111111110111■11111111■I1I■1111511111i11111N111■IiI1111II11®lII 111■11111111■Ill111l ll■III■lI itISIIP G OCE Y it • ■ y11I'r 31-7 Phone 76 -Prompt Delivery ---Phone 76 iN TEA SPECIALS Plum Jam, 40 oz. 19c Saluda, 1 lb. 29c; 1 lb. _....58c Challenge Corn Starch at .., 9e World's Blend Orange Pekoe Falcon and Sunflower Pink .2 ib. pkg ....... .....° --23e Salmon, tall tin, 2 for 25c Crown Blend, 1 lb, pkg. 39c ardsb Edwurg Corn Syrup, ® To introduce our new line of 5 llrs. 34c 11 Broadway Blend, we offer iti ; 1 for, .lb. pkg. ..33c 2 lbs. 15c Our Special Bulk, per. lb. ..32c Red Feather Toilet Paper 7 for 23c ® COFFEE SPECIALS MVfuffets, 2 for 23c Li Gold Medal a lb. tin 23c OxydoI, large, new package 23c ■ Pleesall Coffee at, lb. pkg. 26c Chipso, large ..°......... 23c us Our new Line Blanwell House Lifebuoy Soap, cake 8c at, lb. pkg. 28c Your Choice (large tins) Bulk Macaroni, at 4 lbs,- 23c Peas., Corn and Tomatoes, i Bulk Oatmeal at 7 lbs ,.....,.. 23c , 3 for 25c �1 • Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup Have you tried Ethel Bread 111 _ per tin 8c yet? Fresh every 'morning. 11 In ersoll Cream Cheese Lettuce,; Celery, Fresh Torn- e g j 2 pkges 25c ato'es. . F. Siiii me ♦ R �I a 2, it a , i MOM III aII110111,11 I111011111111111111M111111111 111111 11101111111101110111Nlil flu.1111111 111101111 1iI10I11 ■ Val v Phone 7 296, S. Henderson 260, H. Lediet 258, 13. Vansickle 235, A. Dore 230, J. Durnin 224, W. Finley 214. C. J. Farquharson, Teacher. Junior Third Total 590, Honors 442, Pass 354. Patricia Parker 536, Betty Rae 529, Mabel Fothergill 520, Ruth Hamil- ton 520, Margaret Marsh 518, Irene Chittick 507, Scott Reid 491, Mary E. McKibbon 476, Lloyd Hutton 467, Russell Zurbrigg 459, Charlie Krohn 457, Eilene' Curtis 439, Norman Wel- wood 426, Charlie Wellwood 393, Lil- lian Howard. 385 Darrell: Biggs 376, Harold Ross 374, Evelyn Edgar 365, Billie Groves 343, Carl Bondi 335, Bert : Elliot 323, Karry Ross -292, George Boyle 287, Allen Small 269, Herman Kennedy 254, Robert Case- mare 229, Edward Finley 210, Evelyn Campbell 153, Raphael Morris 152, Charlie, Baskerville 115, Edythe Campbell 72. • E. M. Tyndall, Teacher. Senior Second Total 455, Honors 341, Pass 273. Class A -Frances Lockridge 427, Noreen Benedict 408, Kenneth Jack- son 401, Margaret Honiuth 401, Jean VanNorrnan 896, Marion Templeman. 387, Mae Habkirk 385; . Betty Saint 375, Jeal, Welwood 375, Billy Burg- man 364, Hilda Brown 356, Virginia Currie 354, Betty Lloyd 348, Trevor Davison 348, Jean Lee 330, John Lee 327, Donalda Henderson 327, Bill Sturdy 326, Nora Finley 3244, Veron- ica Morris 320, Jack Ross 320, Ken- neth Johnson 317, ;Donald Adams 314, Harold Cantelon 314, Jack Fras- cr 303, Kathleen Saint 299, Charlie Ross 288, Bertha Casemore 284, Rena Elliott 273, Arnold Stoakley 252. Class B -13i11 Scott 395, Gertrude Finley 324, ' Myrtle. Fothergill 321, Phyllis Turner 819, Louise Dore 306, Joe Wilson 299, Agnes Seli 271, Fenn- ton Barnes 265, Alvin Lediet 102, Frank Angus. A. E. Mahood, Teacher, Junior Second ° Total 570, Honors 427, Pass 842. Marguerite Ingram 518, Francis Robinson 512, Helen Hammond 506, Louise Lloyd. 471,'r�cicllc•.Livingston 469, 13i11.Harris 444, Mable Campbell 44 Velma Ohm 4 2 Roy r 42 - O to 3 , 2,< y Taft lc 7, Bill Forsyth 427,. 131T1 Seddon 419, Gc.crrgc Johnson 407,, Louise Thomp- set; 406, Norman Fry 405, Laura Col- y The final figures of the population of Canada by provinces, as shown in the 1931 census, were announced by the Dominion statistician yesterday. The Dominion population is 10,374,- 196, 0,374;196, compared with 8,788,483 in 1921, an increase of 1,585,713, or 18.04 per cent. Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and the Northwest. Territories de- creased in population, and the other provinces increased. Prince Edward Island dropped 88,615 to 88,038, a decline of .65 per cent.; Nova Scotia from 523,837 to e 0 many motorists have discovered the difference six cylinders make thattoday the Chevrolet Six leads all, other automobiles in sales. Six cylinders are better in every way. For example, Chevrolet's six. cylinder motor "picks -up" in high gear quickly and without vibration. You get away ahead of the traffic and you do not have to shift gears so often. Secondly, you can drive as fast and as far as you like without any sense of strain or fatigue. For six -cylinder travel is smooth, quiet and restful at every speed.: Then, too, Chevrolet smoothness is built-in smoothness. -inherent in six -cylinder design and Chevrolet's method of insulating engine from chassis by thick rubber cushions. It protects against the wear -and -tear of constant vibration as long -as you drive your Chevrolet: In addition to these great advantages, Chevrolet offers' you. Free Wheeling with safe, silent Syncro-Mesh gear shifting. It gives you 60 -horsepower performance with lowest operating costs of any full-size: car, regardless of the number of cylinders. And. Chevrolet provides Bodies by Fisher -smarter, roomier and more lastingly quiet. Drive a Chevrolet Six. You will find one pleasure and advantage after another` to emphasize the fact: It's Wise to, Choose a Chev- rolet Six! Produced in Canada wi�lln SnIlmnnY Seco,n,d Synncro-Itles6 and Simplified Free- -Leafing ET MX A. CRAW FOR eater - Wingham C15-24 It was decided that the wages for a man and team for this year be 40 Dr. Stewart, 13.O.H., $25.00; L. E.1$1,80, Ernest Noble $5.40; Harold cents per hour, and for a man 20c Cardiff P. M. Nobb, A. MacEwen,`Cunningham per hour.8ham $4.28;Joseph Yuill $5.- 512,846, "a decline of 2.09 per cent.;, . The following accounts were paid: i1•O.H., each $3.00; Roads * Thos. 43; Robert Michie $6.75; Chas. Bern - Northwest Territories from 7,988 to 1 I•I. Barnard, Co. tags $13.30; 'mug- Miller, sr., 'general account $24.46; T.; bridge $1.50; Auditors R. Johnston lfiller jr., $2.25; Jos. Smith $2.25; E. and Peter McNabb, each $15.00. Johnston; 67c C. Johnston $1.80; L.! Next Council meeting, March 14th, Jewitt $9.71; Henry Bath. rs $4.10;11982. Mclvillc ','lathers $1.80; R. Johnston 1 A. MacEwen, Clerk. 7,133, a decline of 10.7 per cent. I ent funeral •$50.00; Advance -Times New Brunswick increased from' $1.50; W. J. Duff 25c; Municipal 887,876 to 408,219, a growth of 5.25 World $17.15; John Gray, sheep kill - per cent.; Quebec from 2,316,199 to - ed $9.00; A. Shaw, $37.50, plus $4.08; 2,874,255, an increase of 21.72 per cent.; Ontario from 2,933,662 to 3,- 431,683, an increase of 16.98 per cent. Saskatchewan from 757,510 to 921,- 785, an increase of 21.68 per cent.; Alberta from 588,454 to 731,605, an increase of 24,35 per cent.; British 'Columbia from 524, 582 to 694,263, an increase of 32.34 per cent.; "Yukon From 4,157 to 4,230, an increase of 1,76 per cent. British Columbia during the last decade has increased in population at a greater, rate than any other pro- vince, In total population it stands sixth, following Ontario, Quebec, • Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba. MORRIS Mr. and Mi's. Walter Jeffray visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camp- bel of this line last Sunday. Mr. John Gray visited with friends on the boundary one evening last week, ' Miss Marjory Hamilton visited her friend, Miss ,viae Coulter, of the sec- ond line, Mr. John Abram ,visited at iblr. R. Gollcy's last 'Sunday. The mild weather has given many people the notion of tapping their maple groves, The crows are ba4k and are trying to tell us spring is here, but we may witness some cold tveatllet and a lets storms yet. ° is .. The back roads are all in bad con- dition and will require a lot sof fix- ing this spring' to ,,rake then, pass- able, Build u SoH Fertility Grow bi Clover Crops, 98% Caidui'1 Carbonate AMERICAN CC) N l.AGA.RAFALLS, ONTARIO Manufacturers of Cyanamid : a High Artaly OR SEE YOU f LOCAL DEALER PANY i5 Fertiliz r HUESTON, GORI-il, ONT.