HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-03, Page 4R' OUR '�,c1tl!/ '•VLV�fy�:. Jt. • r 4\•A4'• .•/J:xttp,.41,1M10A;4�wi;L�v�. S,JLI \•,t7ily e a ��e o oI Prr V+ , a e �, `� � .. _ ... � �->. �-C1C1T.lA,tJ AL\ 4.� 14 a1 �L.i- dJ4�/_JL�.t.. rt Ili. r iinb twirivi)everbadirwr iiBiiiNtfor(ga1Ri�Iirilitri19Yi11noixrl1 • i iliCail1rraAtfor-rari iiii1't rrirRYil; 1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of: 25c. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS l Barred Rocks and White Leghorns winning lst pen, 1st hen, Nova Scotia contest. Blood • lines . off these hens runs through our flocks. All pens headed by sons off Reg- istered hens or approved cockerels. Leghorns 10c, Rocks 12c. John Fairservice, Blyth. FOR SALE OR RENT -2 -storey brick house in Gorrie, with extra vacant lot. For further particulars apply to Mrs. T. R. Bennett, box 3885, Wingham: FOR SALE -A colt rising 2 years; will take hay as part payment; al- so 22 rifle nearly new, 1$3:50. Apply to John Rodgers, K.R. 2, Wingham. FOR •YOUR MAPLE ,SYRUP Call Jas. H. Currie, 3r619. Pure, Evap- orated Maitland Brae Brand. FOR SALE -1929 Chevrolet Coach. Looks and runslike new. Priced right for, cash. Box A, Advance - Times. FOR SALE -Buckeye and Miller In- cubators, 250 and 350 egg capacity, in good condition. Apply Advan- ce -Times. IF YOU WANT THE BEST And earliest maple syrup or maplesug- ar of the season ata low price, you may obtain it from Russel Herd- .erson, Bluevale Road, Phone 608r3. POTATOES FOR SALE -Cobblers and Green Mountains, good for THOMAS FELLS;' " seed, 25c bag. Apply at the Well- Wingham,Qntario,. Auctioneer. ington Produce. J. H. CRAWFORD, Winghain, Ontario, 'Vendor's Solicitor. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable .Farm' Property in the Township of. Kinloss. Under and by virtu; of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which; will be produced at the time of sale; there will be offered for sale by public auction at elle Bruns- wick Hotel in the Town of Wing - ham on Saturday, the fifth day of March, A, D. 1932, at 2 o'clock in' the afternoon, by Thomas Fells, Auction- eer, the, following property, namely: lowing property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and prem ises situate, lying and being in the Township. ,.of Kinloss in the. County of Bruce and Province of Ontario, and being composed. of lot number Thirty-two in the."Second.. _Concession of the said Township of Kinloss, con- taining one hurtd"red: aeres of land more or less. This is a .good farm about seven. and a half .Hailes f'xoin the Town of Wingham; two ancl'a half miles from a church and one mile from'a school. The farm is welt ' watered. There is said to be on this proper- ty a good two-storey brick house and there is also said to. be a• gold gravel pit on the premises. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase:rho-nay on the day of sale and the balance •within thirty days thereafter. • Further particularsand conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. DATED at. Wingham, Ontario, the sixteenth day. of February, A.D. 1932. SHOE REPAIRING -Neatly and promptly done, also shoes dyed. Prices reasonable. Jas. A. Haugh, SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING -All ,makes,' bring in your head, charges reasonable. Luke • King, Lower Wingham, next door to Hy- dro Plant. WANTED -Housework, by young girl as soon as possible. Apply to Advance -Tines Office. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Spence wishes to thank the friends and neighbors of the late Mrs. ,James Leech, of Gorrie, for kindly assistance and expressions of sympa- thy in their bereavement. IN MEMORIAM FORD -In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Zlrs, Thomas H. Ford, who passed away one year ago, March, 3rd, 1931. Farewell, mother; farewell, mother! Peaceful be thy silent rest! Siurnber sweetly, God knew best When to call thee home to rest. Farewell, mother, farewell, mother] We must say our last farewell, Till we meet beyond the river, Fl NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to section 56, Chap 121 of the Revised Statutes .of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of William Logan Craig, late of the Town of Wingham in, the County of Huron, Publisher, deceased, who died on or about the nineteenth day of january,'A.D. 1932, are required to send by post, Prepaid, or to deliv er to J. H. Crawford, Winghanx, On- tario, Solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the seventh day of March, A.D. 1932, their names and addresses, with full particulars in waiting of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration, AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said seventh day of March, 1932, the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, h aving regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and the said execu- trix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. DATED this fifteenth day of .Feb- ruary, A.D. 1932. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, ,olicitor for the Executrix.. appy there with thee to dwell. Sadly missed - by Husband and Fam- It Will Pay You To Have An EXPERT. AUCTIONEER to conduct your sale. See T. R. BENNETT At The Royal Service Station. Phone 174W, J. D. MCEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm Stock and. Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc,, conducted with satisfaction and at moderate, charges. eS. R. C. ARMSTRONG LIVE STOCK And GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ability with special training en- ethicseto give rng. a you satisfaction. Ar- rangenxents made with W. J. Brown, Wingham; or direct to Teeswater, Phone 45r2-2. THOMAS E. SMALL LICENSED AUCTIONEER R NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to section 51, Chap. 150 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Forbes, late of the Town of Wingham in -the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the thirteenth day of De- cember, A.D. 19$1' ai'e; required to send by post, prepaid,. ay deliver to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, Admitd irator with the -Will 'annex- ed, on or before the,fottrteenth day of March, A.D. 1932, theft names and addresses, with full • particulars in writing of their claims, and the nat- ure of the securities, (if any) ibeId by them' duly. verified by a statutory declaration. AND r :T AIiZ NOTICE FURTHER that after the said fourteenth day of March, A.D. 1932, the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled :.thereto having re- gard only to the: claims of which he shall thele have had notice, and the said administrator .ball not be liable for tile -sand assets or any part there- of to any person of whose'claini he shall not, ureic have-received.notice DATED this twenty-third day of February, A.D. 1932, H. CRAWFORD, WFO.RL), ,. Win ham Ontario, fi , 1.drninistrator with the Will m ed. 20 Yca rs ' Experience K cut nce in, Farm Stock aria] Implements. Moderate Prices. Phone 331. The MORTGAGE SALE Money Comes Of Valuable Farnti.'roperty inr the Township of Howick. is 'Mee to use the Most Reliable and Effective Service Available for your Difficult Collections. That is what KELLY :& AI EN ' The Persistent Collectors of ORANGEVILLE, Ont. note or account to them to -day. offer you.; •Send your list or single; Cn rtesarc r 1 la virtue C) y fh t ept C aVrs Of sale contained in acertain mort- gage, which will be produced at the tithe of sale there will be offered for sale by public c altc,tt.oti at The Bruns- wick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, r,n Saturday, the 12th day of March,. A. IX 1932, at,1 o'clock in the after - neon, by 'fliomas Bennett, Auction- eer, the following property namely; A11 and sin mlar That certain frrrrcl or Lind: r.rt` tatitl'tnl prentigs, situate,' lying; and beiiJtg in the :township of Tag WING1iAM.ADVANCE-TIMES Howick in the County of Huron n a nd Province of Ontario and being com- posed of Lot number Twelve in the "A" Concession of the said Towne ship of Howiclr,'containing one hun- dred; acres ,of,latad more or less..l This property is situate on 'a good gravel road one-half mile from a school, three-quarters of a mile from church, and three and one-half miles from the Village of Wroxeter. The soil is clay loans and there are twenty acres of fall plowing done,' On this property is said' to be a 2 -storey brick house with frame ad- dition; frame barn on concrete and stone foundation, about 60 feet by 40 feet; frame driving shed about 20 ft. by 30 ft., and a windmill.' TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the 'balance within thirty days thereafter. FURTHER PARTICULARS and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or niay be had on application to the undersign- ed. DATED at Wingham, the twenty- fourth day of February, A.D. 1932. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor. THOS. Ii, ENNET'I:, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. The undersigned will not be res- ponsible for any debts contracted by his wife after March 1st, 1932. Any- one allowing her, credit will do so at their own risk. A. Finley. WHITECHURCH "AT HOME" The ladies of the Institute; last Fri- day held an. "At Horne", The families were invited, and each and all did come, Until the hall was crowded and the seats were all well filled, Mrs: Emerson was the "chairman and read the list, as billed, For, hadn't the men been busy, this program fine, to hunt, Or maybe, 'twas the wives that work- ed, this job, men like to shunt. They started with The Maple Leaf, and everyone there sang, They sang it lustily andstrong, the rafters surely rang; Then a new' oneon our platform, to play the mouth -organ came, Sure, 'twas Mr. Coulter, -you'd have known him just the sauce. He said that as it had taken long for him to make a start, He might be hard to stop, and he played away right smart, And just for variation, he started in to singe• And this is what he said. (I must tell you everything) : "Some like the girls that are pretty in the face, Some like the girls that are small around the waist, But I like the girls that are long i the legs, That can run to the barn and gathe up the eggs". Then R. Y. Carrick carne along with his accordeon again, He couldn't get away, when invited by the znen, . And he wad cute, he never said as he played hot and hotter That the piece that he was playin was "i courted a Farmer's Dan ghter"; They clapped and clapped and clapp ed him, and again he started to play, Tliis time 'twas a Japanese Waltz . that wasn't 'half so gay. Now, who is this Mr. Gallagher, and who is Mr. Shane? All togged up with cutaway coat,. plug hat and walking cane? Jack tramps around the platform and. acts the part quite well, John Garton is the other guy, and he too, looked quite swell, (h;an Mrs. Beecroft gave a reading, about a bachelor gay.; Whose rooms and dishes cluttered up, when his sister went away, Of his bashful trips to his old love, a . widow of many,' years, Whom, he'd never have dared to ask, if it hadn't been for his fears . That another, not so loving, and not so careful too, Was coning along to marry him, and his house -work.: do. 'My Heart is Calling You" was the solo Garnet sang, And I'nn sure if "she" were there her heart had many a pang. We had the Junior Orcliestra, they play real well, you see, Wit 11 Kenneth, Jack.and Gordon, Ag- nes, Lela and J., C.. Now, r , `l c when we have such t i good nits here, whyneed we further roam, And this is how they expressed it, all sang "OId Folks at Horne." 1`itee Mr. Wightman carne along, his pieces are so swell; We • hold our breath and 'listen, he says them n s avery well, , And we 'wander, how ..he remember. . and never Misses :i line, His old.Scotch pieces are wonderful, et iitterestieg and fee e;, • He gave° fyochlrel•s•.Warhleg"'re. the , ,battle. of Culloden Moor, And told how coming events, cast their 1 VItt71 •c d.�v. c,r nbefrc,o•+ . Showed' how they kept her house, and turned everything upside do\v'n; The neighbor lads were invited, 'such. a band' of them came in, And pasted bites, why, so untidy that; house bad never been, And all went well, until Aunt Polly happened to come back, Then one and all they disappeared .until they felt her "whack", As Lorna routed 'them out of their corners and demanded, they ex- plain "They just were lonesome without her, and wished that at home she'd remain." Then we listened to Bert as the told of a far -away gold mining town And how at the piano, the stran- ger, who came in, sat down, And how he played his life story, the joys and sorrows too, And how it ended by the grilling of Dan McGrew. "Good -Night, Sweeheart" Lettie so nicely did sing, Then Will played the violin and. Dor- een danced the Highland Fling, Now, a cowboy comes along, it's J. C. as sure as can be, As he sings away, he plays his guitar so unconsciously, "Can I sleep in your barn, tonight, mister?" is the burden of his song, And showed how things can happen, when folks at home go wrong. The vote of thanks was tendered to the men for the night's fun, The National Anthem sung, and the night's program was done. '.Cheri off into the basement, the lad- ies went for sandwiches and tea. V,Te couldn't do without the lunch, I'm sure you'll all agree. Then Bill and John and others start- ed up the music gay, They tripped the light fantastic and danced the hours away. GIVEN ONE YEAR AT REFORMATORY A sentence of one year in the On- tario Reformatorywas on Friday morning passed by -Judge Costello on Norman Wilson, aged 25, who plead- ed guilty to two charges of forgery involving $830. The sentence will date from January 23 last, when Wil- son was first imprisoned. Before sentence was passed resti- tution in the sum of $392 was made, an amount which Wilson had to his credit in a local bank, A cheque was drawn in courtand an officer sent for the cash. The withdrawal of two charges of theft followed. The case was .a most unsual one, and the court room was filled with citizena ,when the final curtain was run down. Ex -Mayor H. J. A. Mac - n Ewan,. councilor George P. Gould and Robert Doak, contractor, gave r •character evidence. They described accused as a capable, efficient, hard- working young, man who had been the sole support of his mother. They said he was the last man in the world they would expect to commit forg- ery. • It was not divulged in the pro - g ceedings why Wilson on November 4th last went to the Royal l3anlc, at Clinton, with a cheque bearing the - forged signature of J. J; Moser, de- puty reeve. of Goderich and succeed- ed in securing $250 with amazing ease. The forgery described as clam- sy and pitiful was so successful that Wilson in less than one hour walked into the Royal Bank, Goderich, and cashed another cheque bearing the sane signature for $580. On both cheques fictitious names were used -as the payee, At neither Clinton nor Goderich was Wilson known by name to the teller nor was he asked to identify himself. The circutn- staeces were. described in court as as- tounding. After Wilson had secured. i Cole's ;.t r.! A y fl 0 Best Dates, 2 lb. 19c 0 0 Cooking Figs, lb. 10c rg Best clover Roney 5 Ib.l Roney pail45c a Choice Pink Salmon, 2 tall tins for'... ,.......: .......:25c. Maple Leaf Saltnon, tails 35c small :......29c O Fresh ground Coffee, Ib ...39c Rex Blend Coffee lb ...........55c 0 Choice Black Tea, lb. 39c Aylmer Tomatoes, (large) 10c Fry's y sBakingIg ar large, , (powdered) 25c Blue Rose Rice, 3 lb. 25c Cooking Beans, 7 lb. 25c 0 Lemon Oil, 12 oz. Bottle ,25e re 4 oz. bottle ...., 11 Gold Ribbon Pumpkin, can 100 u Calay Soap; 3 cakes, P. & G. 2 cakes .,..... ................. _.,23c Macaroni, 4 lbs 25c Kipperines, 1 lb.` 19c 0 0 Wa J. Colell General1Viexc�ia e� �a� nt e Then three little boys, left al! alone r with Aunt Polly, out of town, r011th i' , 6 a O the cash he wanted over to F4.11,9ihef i bank and deposited $600 in Ms bavri name. Five elayts,,le,ter >rc }1 maxi- r`ied. 'lie iuA of, rj1 wFtts4 spent 'ott. cloth sf,r,@, 'r e#c ;1,'1J" ;i f orl;'er`les were not discovered until weeks after they were committed due to the fact that deputy reeve Moser, whose account was victimized, was ill at home, In e plea for clemency Frank Donnelly, defence counsel, pointed to the Bou chard case at Ottawa, when a one year sentence was imposed after a three weeks' trial, involving: twenty- nine charges; Counsel asked for. sus- , pended sentence or at the most three months in common jail. "A short term is not sufficient," declared the Judge, "I could give you life, but I have no intention of do- ing so. If I allow you to go, it would be an incentive to others to commit similar crimes., You did not do this because of your indifference to work, for you have a good reputa- tion as a worker. "I wish to pay tribute to this coin- inanity on the absence of crime. Since I came here (a year ago), this is but the second Haan I have been called upon to sentence. The sen- tence in this case will be one year determinate. Society must be pro- tected," said his honor. Wilson was led away by County Constable Gundry. His young wife was not in court, nor was his aged mother, who his counsel said, had volunteered .to give character evi- dence. ' ' " TORONTO DECIDED WISELY Toronto City Council devoted an entire session to the discussion of salary reductions for civic employees and then the decision was that it should not be done. It is not often that we read in its entirety a report of a Toronto city council meeting, but in this case the debating was keenly intelligent. Those who were going to participate had prepared their facts in advance. Figures from statistical authorities on the cost of living were quoted; in turn- these were niet with figures from actual experience. Reductions in the cost of living were stated, to be as high as 15 per cent, but under careful analy-. sis it was shown that these reduc- tions referred to food supplies eenly, so that the actual reductionin case of the average family amounted to only 4i per cent. -An effort was made to attack the existing rate of 60 cents per hour, on the ground that it was too high. If a full week's work is performed the income is $26.40, `whereas statistics show that an average family of 4.3 persons living in Toronto should have $27.99 per week to provide for necessities. There are many weeks when full time is not worked, and of course the deductions leave the sal- ary just that far short of meeting re- quirements. There may be those who will not agree with the view; but we are pleased that Toronto City Council has seen its way clear to leave wages alone, particularly those of men who work for so much per hour, and also are at all times .subject to a shorten- ing of these hours from bad weather, etc. -Stratford Beacon -Herald. SCHOOL REPORT - The following is the report of S.S. No. 11, East Wawanosh, for the. months of January and February. Honours 75%, pass 60%. Sr. IV -Dwight Reid 90.9;: Creigh- ton Reid 77.9, Stanley Irwin 68, How- ard Irwin 43. Jr IV -Henry Pattison 70.9. Jr. III -Dick Irwin 755.9; Willa Rid 73, Helen Thompson 67.9. II -Tune Irwin 72,7. Primer --Dorothy .Pattison, Excell- ent. Number on roll 10. Average at- tendance da ce 9,76. Jessie E. Finlayson, Teacher. S.S. No. 3; Culross Class .,V-Murdean Simpson 8O%, Wilfred Pickell 74, Josephine. Moir 66, Grace Moir 64. • Sr. IV' -Joe 'King 73. Alcta Cas- lick 70, Mabel Bosnian 57. Jr. IV -Mary Simpson 81, Elda Caslick 70, 'Mabel - Walters 67. Sr: III --Enna Caslick 84, Edna M oir r9 . r Frank Ir , FaMcI McKenzie �e,.t '77, eReta King -• Bert Ding 55, Jack Bosman 51. Jr. III --Franklin Pickell 60, Lor- etta Icing 51, Gordon Boman 34, II -John Walters 97, Ada Moir 77, Clara Xing 55, Wilfred Walters 40. Primer -Billy I.ri�.mea•- Bx I1 Caslick, y c r, Dotig]as Simpson, Jean . Moir, Harold l3os- nan, hfargaret King. Dorothy b th Gi Mc ' y ritt, 'Ceac:her. A Dignified Child Street car conduetoe: "How old are yott, my little girl?" Tattle Boston girl; If the corpora - nen doesn't: object, I'd prefer to pay full fare and keep tny, own statistics," Thursday, March 3rd, 1932 111 II�I11 Ill lI!! ! l I ! IlllAIl 11 IIi II !I II] IJ! iiC>NMIt ' �i I i9 liAl .III I i Il Il I11 IIIA l IgM! !� M11 h! � � � . COUNTER C C 00KS lig The A,,civ r� ` ■ a A representative of this office Im will be glad to call on you with Samples and Price List. _i • _; THE nc - Tines has recently been appointed agent in this )r� district for an exceptionally fine line .o f COUNTER CHECK BOOKS lAi U TAPE GUMMED SEALING 1 1 aCs ADVANCETIMES . 74t ;TELEPHONE 34 �Ili�il l®Il!�IIIml I I�IIICI llullll�llll®IIIllll�II Illi(11�1ltLIIIiiIIMIIIAIII■I IIilll•llllillll1111BIIIjBI((�1lICs JAIL FARM PLANNED , FOR FOUR COUNTIES 'Establishment of a joint jail farm to serve the counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Lambton and Buren, is under consideration by the Ontario Govern- ment, declared Hon. George Challies, Provvincial. Secretary, speaking to a delegation, from Middlesex County which waited on him Iasi, week. The delegation asked for govern- went assistance in constructing or remodelling the present jail at Lon- don. He declared he was sympath- etic toward their request, but it the meantime they could remodel six or eight rooms in the 'present jail to make them more satisfactory. Mr. Challies declared he is con- templating bringing down an amend- ment to the Industrial Farms Act which wouldallow cities to join in establishing a jail farm. One of the benefits from this new system of jail a d.ministrationa would be the provis- ion of more work. for prisoners.; Un.-: der such a plan the central farm would be located on land' which would, have to be improved..: good. Rather 'thazi cast any, reflec- tion against a neighbor's hotesty to pay a small debt it has been custom- ary for newspapers to continue send- ing the paper after the time has ex- pired. The city weeklies and dailies . do not generally follow this rule as, their subscribers are at a distance, and do not know their • financial standing. One should deem it an hon- or to know that his credit is not doubted when the published contin- ues to send the paper. Should the subscriber desire to have his paper discontinued he should inform the - publisher and remit to date if any is. owing. MAKE IT CRIMINAL TO ISSUE "NO FUNDS" CHECK The issuing of a check, dishonored by the hank for lack of funds and, given for goods obtained, will be an - offence under the "false 'pretense" section of the criminal code i xles's the issuer can show that he had rea- son to believe that he had the man- ey,in the bank to meet the check. This is the purport of a 'measure which Hugh Guthrie, minister of Jus- tice, will introduce in the Commons this week. Many requests for the amendment have been received by the' minister from people who have been defrauded in this matinee. Another proposal in the same bill is to abandon grand juries in British Columbia. This step was taken some time ago in ,the case of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; and the Pacific coast province is desirous of f t BORN Wellwood-In Wingham, on Mon- day, February 29th, 1932, to Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood, a Son, Moffatt -To Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Moffatt, on Saturday, February 27„ a son. British Driver Establishes, w. New Records Last week Sir Malcohn Campbell' driving his Bluebird racer at .Day- tona Beach, set a new record for av- erage speed for ane mile, breaking his previous record. • His averagespeed for one mile, new record, is now 253.968 miles per hour, On Fri day of last week he tried to better this record, but succeeded in going - only 251.748 miles per hour. He suc- ceeded however in establishing new records over five kilometres, roaring over this distance at an average of 247.941 miles per hour. His new re- cord over the five mile route was 242.751 exceeding the former by 31.- 269. Over the ten kilometres his new mark was 249.517 miles per hour Despite his breaking these former re- cords Sir Malcolmseemed ' disap pointed as he feels his car is capable. of a speed of 270 miles per hour_ Great Britain holds the present time. records for speed forauto, aero- plane and motor crafts and the steady ner•v"ed drivers are certainly to be congratulated on their speedy per-. ormances. similar action being taken in its case. Why Local Paper Is Continued Newspaper subscribers often won- der why a publisher keeps on ,send=. ing' a paper when the subscriptiotx= has expired. An ' exchange thtis 'ex - lain' the 1 'ex- plains e xlatter: When a subscrip- tion:, is paid to a certain time,, and time expires and the paper is stopped it looks as if the editor doubted the integrity of the subscriber, and nine cases out of ten the subscriber will give the editor; a calling -down for insinuating .•that his credit was not They stimulafe your liver, gef rid of poisons ns anti Im. Trove your APPETITE Sold everywhere in 25c and 75c red ,pkgs, A E S rim POULTW.CREAM AND °o EGGS . A: CALL US FOR PdtICEa Wellington Produce Co. muted ,Wingharn, ev Phone 166