HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-03, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. WINGI}IAM,L ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1932 'Single Copies. Five Cents. WINGI SAM WINS FROM BRUSSELS 'The mild weather this year made it impossible for the local puck- chas-ers to engage in any league games. Last week with a few days of cold weather an exhibition .game was stag- ed ed on VVednesday evening in the Ar= ,ena with Brussels as the visiting team. During the first period the visitors who. have been playing in the Bruce League, had the better of the play and were the•pfirst to score. As the game progressbd the locals improved and in the final frame were march su- perior. The final score. was 4-1 for Wing - ham. Both teams were out of con- "dition and subs were used constant - 1y. Mr. Alf, Locker•idge refereed the games. The line-ups were as follows: Wingham_Goal; L Browne; def,, \VV . Lockeridge and H. Mitchell; Cen- tre, W. ,McDonald; left wing, W. Gurney; right wing H. Browne; subs, 13 Browne, B. Fox, J. Brackenbury, TR. Rae, M, Rae, K, Soarers. Brussels—Goal Thompson; , P def., Warwick and Reeve; centre, Brand 'wings, Bell and Workman; subs, Ni •oho!, Garniss, Thompson, Hassell, Campbell. /* .Partnership in Service Station. T. . R. Bennett, auctioneer, has . en- tered into partnership with J. E. Ho- anuth; in the Royal Service Station. Hospital .Auxiliary Meeting The regular meeting of the Wo- nien's Auxiliary to the Wingham.' General Hospital will, be held in th Council Chamber on Monday afte Moon, March 7th, at 3.45. p.m. Hasa Powerful Wallop Two young men of near Bluevale, got into an argument at the dance there on Friday evening. One of the participants made a remark which was resented by the other to which be retaliated with a punch, to the jaw, resulting in a broken jaw.,.,. \Ye do not know under what rules the fight was ,conducted. :Seven Stitches Required in Tongue INSTITUTE HEARS SPLENDID ADDRESS The regular monthly meeting the Women's Institute was held i the • council chamber on Thursday a ter•noon with over 40 'present. Th president, Miss Margaret Anderso presided, .Following the. opening Od the Lord's Prayer was repeated i unison. The hostesses for the day were Mrs,' George Kerr, Mrs, : J. Moffat Mrs. H. Tucker and Miss M. Weir They had prepared a contest of of fashioned photographs of "Who' Who ,In:. the Photo," for which prize was awarded to the one guess ing the greatest number correctly This created a great deal of interes and those who had resided in this locality the longest really had the ad- vantage, Mrs. James Robinson, was the whiner of the prize. 'Ile guest speaker of .the afternoon was Dr, R. C. Redmond,. who spoke on the strenuous times through which we- are now passing. The members of the Women's Institute, which was one of the largest organi- zations .in the world, and having as Canadian representative,, Miss 'Kidd, at the Geneva Conference, Dr. Red- mond urged the ladies to take up as their slogan "Let there be no more War," 'Following this very' `.instruct- ive address Mrs. `Adam Johnston gave a splendid paper on St. Valentine, The gathering was then favored. with a solo by Miss Jean Christie, accompanied by Mrs. W. A, Gal- braith, also an instrumental by Miss. Tena Reid, both of which were much enjoyed. The meeting was then of f- n, e n t, a s' a • t e ,brought . to a conclusion by singing Bob Coultes, 3rd line, Morris, met with an unfortunate accident while 'working in the bush.' : The branch of a tree struck him, in the face; 'causing s ,considerable injury to his mouth 'when a few teeth were knockied out. His tongue was also badly cut and required seven stitches to close the • eut. Bob will have a sore . mouth for -some" time. Huron Regiment Holds Annual , Thesixty-sixth annual - meeting of -the Huron Regiment was held in the ,sonic Building, Goderich, ori Tties- clay, March .1st. The officers' and ,committees for the year were elected. It is the intention of the regiment •to hold their annual regimental ball in Clinton in the near future. Major E. A. Corbett, Capt, N. N. McLean .and Lieut. H. Town represented the 'local company. - - 'The Unlucky .'13th Mr. Wm. Sneath is beginning to 'believe that the number 13 and black ,cats are 'atnlncky. Last November, when a black cat began to hang ar-i. ound the house he had a'bad fall on .his train, injuring his left leg:. This injury laid him up for a long time. 'Last month, he started on a new run :from Brantford to Black. Rock, and -only worked' a few: days, and on the 13th in jumping off the train to Xchange -a switch, twisted his right leg .and strained the ligitnents. Here's hoping his'bad luck is over, and that he. may soon be able to return to. • work. WEDDINGS Beattie - Edwards The marriage of Miss Margaret. Adelene Edwards, R.N. .to"VI. ohn T r 'Beattie both of Goderich-, took1 ,lace iu Windsor at St. Aiiden's church, th e Rev. illranHartley officiating. . Ttc young couple were unattended, The iclegroont is the downtown C. P. R. ictet, telegraph and express agent in .Gorlertieh and is the eldest son of Mr, and: Mrs. Robt, Beattie, of Wing - ham. ; The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George 'Edwards, of Toronto, but has resided in Goderich for some yen}rs. She is a graduate •of Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Mr: and Mrs. Beattie have returned to Goderich front their "honeymoon and have taken up, temporary residence .on Victoria street, y : the National Anthem. f Wingharn - Landon Bus The following changes are effect- ive March 13th. Sundays; Leave Wingham 3.15 p. Tn. Leave London 7.00 -p.rn, Arrive London 5,55 p.m. Arrive Wingham 9.40 p.m. - Week Days: Leave Wingham 7.55 a.m. Leave London 6. p.m. Arrive London 10.35 a.m.Arrive Wingham 8.40 pan. For further information, call 331. Purchased Fine Residence l Cllr. Thom, Field has sold his fine brick residence on Patrick Street to Mr. J. W. Bushfield. Mr. Field is undecided as to his future intentions, A Good Shepherd James H. Currie, Maitland Gienti farm, E. Wawanosh, has 25 new spring lambs with just one casualty. Jim is a good shepherd. Missing Papers Sent In In binding our files of last year's paper wefound that three issues were missing and in last week's pap er we asked our subscribers to co- operate with us by sending these is- sues in. We are grateful to Mr. John Quirk of town,: and Mr. W. E, Weir, of Salem, and Miss M. Jeffray, of Delmore; for their promptness in as- sisting- us to complete our :files, Great Journalist Dead The funeral- of 1Vi11'ianl Southam, one-time printer's apprentice, who became tit' founder of the Southam. Newspaper Group of six dailies com- posed of the Hamilton Spectator, tire' Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald,. Ed- monton Journal, Winnipeg Tribune and Vancouver Province, was Meld from his residence . in Hamilton on Tuesday. Engaged Permanently - - Miss L. H. Brandon who has been acting as organist -and choir leader, of the Main Street' United Church, Mitchell, for the past three months, has been engaged permanently at a salary of $600 a year. Miss Brandon has given good ,satisfaction, not only in theplaying of the organ but in Lite building up of thechoir which now has a membership of,siarne thir- ty members. 10 13. P. Programmes Thursday night: 7,15 to 7,30,- Cleg- horn Hawaiians; 7,30 to 7.45 Ed- wards Bros,; 7,45 to 9.00 'Bob Dory and his ` old -tin e a o t band of Cedarville. Tuesday noon next: 12,00 to 1,00, Mac's Merrymaker's and entertainers of Kincardine, Sunday, 10.45 am.' to 12,00,and organ rran United uted Clrtuch ser- vice; 4.15 to 5.15 p.m., St. Andrew's Sunday School Orchestra; 6415' - 8.0.0 organ and • Presbyterian Church ser- vice. NEW PARTNERSHIP TAKES OVER THE ADVANCE -TIMES With ' this - issue, The Advance - Times is published under new owner- ship, and partially new management. The new owners are no strangers to the majority of our readers: Mr, W. W. Armstrong, son-in-law of the former proprietor, the late W, Logan Craig, has been a resident of the town since last August, and is not entirely new to newspaper work, his father being a former publisher of the . Peterboro Review. Mr, W. B. McCool, a Wingham boy, commen- ced his newspaper work in this office 19 years'ago, the paper at that time being published by Mr, George Spot - ton, and during the two years' illness of the late proprietor, had complete charge of the office/' We trust that tie citizens of the town' and community will co-operate. with us in an honest endeavor topub- lish a live and newsy weekly, as by its newspaper is a community judged. Boost for your local paper and it will in turn boost for the community.: W. W. ARMSTRONG, Business Manager. W. B. McCQOL, Production Manager. Specials for Week -End, Chipso, large 19c package; ,'Many Flowers Soap, 5 for 25c; Lux, small 3 for 25c, large 25c; at Dominion Stores Ltd. Celebrated 50th. Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellers, 3rd concession Morris, celebrated the. 50th anniversary of their manager on Tuesday, March 1st, at their home. Supplying at St. Paul's • Mr. Smith, of Huron College, Lon- don, is supplying at St. Paul's Angli- can Church, until the new rector, Rev. E. Hayes, of Durham, takes charge the first of April. Hospital Night at Theatre - Friday evening last was Hospital night at the Lyceum Theatre. Capt. W. J. Adams donated 100 tickets which were sold, nftting the hospital $35.00. The picture showing was "De- votion" featuring Ann Harding. When in Wingham Drive in to . The Royal Service Station. For Gasoline, Motor oil, Coal oil, Separator oil, i3atteries, Tires, Tubes and repair outfits. Free crank -case service. Free Air. Have your oil changed regularly. Prompt, honest and courteous service. Honnrth and Bennett. Phone 174W. - Peculiar Sense of Fun Two young men from a neighbor- ing township came to town last Wed- nesday evening and in an endeavor to .create some fun for themselves, picked up an empty tobacco can and threw it through a window of Miss Weir's house on Victoria St. This' silly act may have satisfied their de- sire for fun, but if it didn't, Mayor Willis did on Saturday morning when lie assessed one of them $3.00 for the window, besides $5.00 and costs, YOUNG PEOPLE AT WINGHAM Members of the Goderich Baptist Young People's Union enjoyed a soc- ial evening on Wednesday last, being guests of the B.Y;P,U. of the Wing - ham :Baptist Church. A 'splendid pro- gram, of songs, instrunieittals and re- citations,. together with a short play, was given by the visitors from God- erich. Miss Jean'Pi ice played a piano solo, a recitation was given: by Mrs. R. E: Wilson, acid Miss Josephine Weir ccintributed a vocal solo. Oth-. er numbers rendered were a vocal ch:et by Misses Gladys frowrtlee and Gwen Clark, a .cornet solo ,by Gien Lodge and selections, by Master Ron - aid Pennington' on his ukelele and harmonica, - �! A play entitled "Getting Even with Sister" was an antatsing portrayal of the efforts- of two boys to get even with "big sister;" for mistreating them. The members of the cast, tits Tt Pisses Josephine , Weir, `Amy Mair and Lulu Croft and Messrs. lNwart Cornish and Glean Lodge, all did their parts well, Another interesting; feat - fire of .the evening was xn address by Harry Graff,. of Godcriakpresi- dent dent of the Walkerton: Asscrelctatrori, A bouirtiful lunch was served efter- tvards by the :hosts and a ;short time was ,pent in a social "get together," 014 FIRE DESTROYS BELMORE STORE +� Be'more was the scene of a ser- ious fire on Monday morning when the store and residence of Mr, Geo. Herd was completely destroyed,' The flames werejust noticed in the kit- chen, but only some furniture and bedding were saved by the willing lo- cal people. T.eeswater fire fere e bri adl g w called but by the time they reached Bel- . more the fire had made such head- way that the building that contained the store and dwelling could not be saved: The chopping mill was saved with di ffi,cul ty. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. A. E Lloyd is on a business trip to Toronto. Special for Friday, Fresh Sea Fish at A. J. Nortrop's:. Miss Jean Lepard is visiting friends in Glencoe - this week. Miss Hazel Brandon, of Mitchell, is spending a few days in town. Velma Lennox, of Gorrie, -visited at her home here over the wee!: -end, Mrs. Thomas Robinson is visiting a few days with Mrs. Jas. Robinson. Mrs, J. R. M. Spittall is spending a week with friends in Mount Forest. Miss Lillian Grier is attending the Millinery opening at Toronto this week. Mrs. P. Dyer, of Detroit, is visiting at the home. of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dyer. We are sorry -to hear Mrs. Joe Kerr, Sr., is under the Doctor's care again. Miss C. Farquharson returned to her duties at the, Public School on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ingham attended' the funeral of his sister, in Stratford, on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy. McLeod and children, of Mitchell, visited in town this week. Roy Sanderson, of Stratford, visit- ed with Writ. Anderson's, of West Wawanosh. Mrs, O. Thompson has returned to town after visiting in Stratford and Kitchener: Mr, and Mrs. IL C. MacLean spent last week in Toronto and attended the skating carnival. Mrs: A. M. Bishop has returned to town 'after spending a week with her mother .in Hamilton. - Mr. Jack Black, of Napanee, is vis- iting this Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McLean, ' Mr. 'and Mrs. J. McMichael, Miss Jaynt and her mother, motored to Hensall Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Putland, mother of Harvey Shane, who has been sick daring this last week, has shown considerable improvement. Miss Wilma Johnston, of Grand Valley, spentthe week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adan Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna spent a few days last week in Toronto and while there attended the Toronto Skating .Carnival, Specials for Week -end, Domino C:offee, 29c Ib.; Peas, corn, tomatoes, 3 ,tins 25c, white beans, 6 lbs. for 15c at Dominion Stores, Ltd. - Douglas. Scott, who took the part of the son of the leading man in the picture ."Devotion" which was show- ing at the local Theatre last week, is the son of a Canadian, Joe Scott, former Grand Valley boy. • Mrs. V. R. VanNorman, who has been in the'Witigham General Ros-. pilal the past nine weeks, having -suf- fered a 'broken hip, has recovered suffiicently to leave the , hos ital and hospital, returned to the home of herdaugh- ter; g ter, Mrs. G. 11. Ross on Friday r nl ht. g HURON COUNTY AGAIN DEFEATS STRATFORD CLUB The Garrison and United Church Badminton Clubs were crowded -to capacity on Tuesday evening, when a Huron County : Badminton team, composed of players from. Bayfield, Clinton and Wingham, defeated the Stratford Club 25 to 18 games, Huron County players won the most games in the ladies' doubles 6-4 in .the - men's doubles 8-3, while the score was tied 11 ,games all in the mixed doubles. The play- was fast and the games were keenly contested to the delight of all the spectators. - A lunch' was served in the United Church by the ladies of the local clubs to the players and members of the .local and visiting clubs at which over 120 attended.- Mr, W. H. French' was in the chair. .After the gathering was calledto order Dr, Forster expressed his ap- preciation of the efforts of the local clubs on the success, of the tourna- ment, _ giving special mention to the ladies for the delightful lunch served. Dr. Forster made a resolution 'where- as the badminton clubs of Huron and Perth were fairly well represented at this meeting that Dr. Newton -Brady of Bayfield be appointed to represent Huron and Perth Counties on the Board of Directors of the Western Ontario Badminton Association, pro- viding the Listowel club concurred. Mr. George Smith, after thanking the visiting clubs on making the meet such a success and outlining the growth of badminton in Wingham, seconded Dr. Forster's motion, which carried unanimously, Dr. Gandier, of Clinton, also ex- pressed his appreciation of the even- ng's entertainment. Dr. Newton -Brady thanked the clubs for appointing himas director of the Western Ontario Association, The results of the games were as follows: Ladies' Doubles Armouries Mrs: L. J. Salter and Miss F. Ross Stratford, defeated Mrs. G. Smith and Mrs. G. L. lrackenbury, Huron, 15- 3, 15-5. - Mrs, F. J. R. Forster and Miss D. Mason, Stratford,' defeated Miss S. MacLean and Mrs. G. Williams, 15-2, 15-4. Miss N. Treleaven 'and Miss A. Coombe, Huron, defeated Miss H. Humber and Miss M. Clarke, Strat- i Ezra Wellwood, will be able to hold , GIVEN ONE YEAR FOR THEFT After attending a dance at the home of W. H. Maunders, of Morris Township, near Brussels, Henry White, a neighbor, became covetous of various articles of his hosts fur- niture. When the - Maunders closed their home for the winter and went away, White broke in and took much of the furniture,- which , was later •found at bis house: White said he had only "borrow- ed" a radio and various other. artic- les: The accused' pleaded guilty to breaking and entering and theft. He was sentenced by Magistrate Reid to one year definite and one year inde- terminate in an Ontario reformatory. In 1921 White was sentenced to two years when found guilty of incest. He served 14 months of the tern:. Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, Aylmer Soups, 6 tins 45c, Domestic Shortening, Ib. prints, 2 for 19c, Red Cohoe Salmon, 19c lb, tin, at Dominion Stores, Ltd. OBSERVE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR WEDDING The Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher, of Deepdale, Man., was celebrated at the Community Hall, .Monday, Feb. 22nd, 1932, The happy couple were the recip- ients of many expressions of. good wishes from the 125 guests assembl- ed. An address ` accoinpanying a beautiful floral bouquet of carnations, tulips and daffodils was presented by the community. A lovely bedspread and bolster. was presented. by the Ladies' Aid. This couple's happy wedded life began away back in Fordwich, Hur- on County, Ontario. They resided at one time in'the vicinity of Yorkton. Celebrated 16th Birthday Mrs. Wm. Robertson, Diagonal Road; celebrated : her 16th birthday, on Monday, February 29th. Those present were: Miss Dodds of Blyth, ane! Mr. and Mrs. George Tervitt and famil-v. First Birthday 4 Years Away Four years from now, a little bay who was born in Wingham, on Mon - clay, February 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. ford, 15-12, 15-7. his first birthday patty. Not for United Church !four years will he have any real claim Miss N. Cook and Miss.A. Rum- to birthday presents. ball, Huron, defeated Mrs. R. A. Reid and Mrs. C. Silliphant, Stratford, 15- Canadian National Revenue Down 8, 15-4. Gross revenues of the Canadian Mrs, Newton -Brady and Miss Day- National Railways for tate month of idson, Huron, defeated Miss M. Ir- January, 1932, were $10,948,329, a de - win, and Miss E. Elborn, Stratford, crease of $2,808,546, as compared 15-4, 15-9. - with the corresponding month of '31. Men's 'Doubles In the same period operating expen- Arinduries scs were reduced by $2,732,351 from J. Chowen and A. R Bartlett, the 1931 figure, to a total of $11,536, - Stratford, defeated G. Smith and W. 451, leaving a net operating deficit H. French, Huron, 15-12, 15-8. of $588,122 as compared with a net S. Cook and Mr. Cooper, Huron, operating deficit of $511,928 in Janu- defeatecl. E. Thompson and R. J. ary, 1931. 'Thistle, Stratford, 12-15, 15-12, 15-12. - 5. Mason and J. M. McKay, Hur- LINDBERGH'S BABY on, defeated Dr. F. J. R. Forster and L. D. Nethercott, Stratford, 15-13, SON I�IDNAPPL'�' 15-7, J. Prackenbury and N. Williamson, The 20 -months -old son of Colonel Httron, defeated Mr. Marsh and C. Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped Silliphant, Stratford, 15-8, 15-9. from the Lindbergh country borne at Hopewell, N.J., during the evening of Dr, Newton-.iBrady and E. I'atcltell, Mrtr•ch lst. Huron, defeated J. Binning. and H. A stolen car was said to have been Mason, Stratford, 15-8, 15-10. used by the abductors who left a note Mixed! Doubles on the window sill demanding a ran- som for the child, Armouries No trace as' yet has been found of Mr's. RA. Reid ant! J. Chowen, the missing tratford, defeated Mrs. 'McEwen and g baby but .every effort is. being made by the police to locate Dr, Newton -Brady, Huron, 15-9, 15-9, lr r : - ! child. United Church 13-15. The Lindbergh home' located s Miss A. Rumba!! and S. Cook, ' , z cd a, it •tn l Hu - is amid the Sourland''Hill, N,J., and defeated ribs, C. Silliphant and A, 1 . liar,!.::, Stratford, 15-5, 16-1, . the roads being itt a very 'muddy con- clitiicini d cl not give tate police a. chance' to reach the sceneof th • - t lid, n1.pping• until an, hour' after they wereruutifiech rix t: and Vegetables; Grapefruit, miss 1vT, Irwin and Binning, 5 for .25c, Lemons 27e dozen;: -Iceberg en arid G. Smith, Huron, 15-9 17-15. Heal I.Cttuce 2 fo • 2rc • ' , r o Nice aTan'd, 7Cis h, Ivasoit:and 1?. Thompson, Cabbage for salads, gist choice ripe' tiat[orcl, defeated Miss Davidson and E. Patchcll, Huron, 15-9, 15-12. Miss. H. Humber and R. ,J. Chris- tie, Stratford, .lied Mit; .N, Cook and Mr. Cooper, Huron,15.7 15-11, 1, h•Tiss A. Combe: and W. ".Tiffin Hu- ron, defeated. Mrs, E. J. R. Forster and hr. 'Forster, Stratford, -15-18, 15- 9, 15-4. United Church ,Miss P. Ross, and r i • 's Strat- ford, � . ><I.r, lr, ,,.trate ford, tied Mrs. J. Id.:,MeJ(ay and W. TI. French, Huron, 4-15, 15-12. Bananas 3 lbs. 25c,- at Dominion Stores, Ltd, Successful, Pancake Stepper 'ncc Woman's Association of the United.. Church hold a very sttccess- ftil .pancake supper in the baserne nt of the church, on Monday evening While the supper was being, served the Young Ladies' I3awa Tiantc,lt ) - C c:stra and the Sunday .School Orch- e:;era provided splendid music. ,«,ieldcaw:�y Miss: M. Clarke and L. D, Nether- Cotte, Stratford, tied Mrs, 3. Mihir Arae! and J, Mason, Huron; 15-12 9- 15. Mrs. G. W. HowsorfandM; Mc- Kay, Huron, defeated Mrs. 1,.- J. Sal ter and C. Silliphant, Stratford,15-3' 15-5, Miss I. E] oriie andH. Mason, b I�, r.la, out, Stratford, tied Mrs. C. W. Lloyd and A Adams, TIM -on, 12-15, 1541, Subscriptions as.uv r Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year. SUMMER SPORTS MORE BENEFICIAL The regular meeting of the High School Literary Society was'held'in the assembly hall on Friday, Febru- ary 26th. The meeting was opened by ,the singing of; "O Canada!" The minutes of the preceding meeting were read 'and adopted. As there was no busi- ness to be brought before the meet- ing, the following 'program was ren- dered. - - A selection was given by the girl's' section of the Glee Club. A debate was then enjoyed "Resolved that winter sports are better for all-round development than summer sports'° The affirmative was upheld by Tctnr Wilson and Jim Thompson of Form III, and the negative by June Buch- anan and Carl McKay of Form II. After this an interesting and in- forming Journal- was read by Olive Ferrier, and a selection was given by the orchestra, All joined in singing a chorus "Reuben and- Rachael" af- ter which- the judges' decision, in favour of the negative, was given by Gordon Munn. The orchestra then gave another - selection and the critic's remarks. were given by :Isabel . Fowler. - The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem,- - Gave Evidence at Stratford Dr, 11. W. Colborne was in Strat- ford last Wednesday giving evidence at a sitting of the Returned Soldiers.' Tribunal. The Belgrave Farmers' Club Will hold , their regular monthly - meeting at the home of C. R. Coul- - , tes, on Tuesday, .March 8th. Interest- ,ing topics will be discussed. Musical program. Everybody welcome. Just A Name In last week's issue of the Walk- erton Herald -Times we read where the"Damm Red—Shirts"- played a hockey match in Ripley and won by 4-0. The editor, however, wasn't us- ing an adjective, it is purely a name. St. Andrew's W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, will be held Wed- nesday, March 9th, at 3 o'clock, The topic "Our Task at Hone" will be taken by Mrs, Geo. Wilson. A good attendance is hoped for. Small Chance •of Cutting Ice Mild winter is playing havoc with the natural ice supply throughout Ontario. One butcher in Teeswater. cut ice Thursday and Friday of last week, but it only averaged 4 or d inches in depth. So far no ice has been cut locally and unless we get 'a good cold spell of weather no ice will be available from the river here. Has He Joined The House of David? IVIr, Harvey Aitebeson returned home on Wednesday from the High- way camp in Northern Ontario. Since his sojourn in camp he has refrained from the use of the razor and should now be in .a -position to Join the House of David. We presume that the fur- which has accutnrnulatcd was an added protection against the cold weather of the north. OBITUARY Robert Anderson The funeral tita. heft Wednesday afternoon in Wingham of Rcibert Anderson who passed away on Mon- day at the residence of his sister, Ma's. John Gordon. of !Weston, where he had made his home the past few months; 1lr, ."lnder•son who wasin his 57th year, hail spent -a number of years - in the. We;t, His wife predeceased him several ycais ago T is s i r ;,t, lc , uittt eel an rra.by.,one daughter, Dorothy ancl'two s is so, o Grdori"cl l.eslic. I•Ie t� also survival by three sisters, Mrs, Thos. Deans, Wingham; Mrs. John Gordon Wotton,, Miss Minnie Anderson,To- ronto, itnd five brothers, Jatnc's, of Morris; John, Wingham;' George of Fargo, N. Dakota; Fred atPtri:; and Will at Dundalk. The funeral .service which was held from Currie's ;undertaking parlor was taken by Rev. S. Davison. Interment was made itt Wingham cemetery. 'i'he pallbearers were five nephews: ._.con Anderson, Albert Conites,'Ross And- erson, Charles R. Coultas, "Earle An- dersnn and a cousin, Jame, '1); Aad- ei•son.