HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-25, Page 6PAGE SIX ingharn Advance..Tiines, .Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig - Publisher t' subscriptionrates •-- One. year $2.0Q. Six mouths $1:,00, in advance.. To U. S. A. $2,50 per year, Advertising rates on application. Mutual Fire Fire 1A i9 al'!$ Wellington Insurance Co. Established' 1840 Risks taken on all class of insur- 1Wee at reasonable rates. Head Office, Guelph, Ont. ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Two doors south of Field's Butcner shop. WIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE V. 0. Box 366 Phone 46 WINGHAM, ONTARIO J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes__ IL, S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER And SOLICITOR Office: Morton Block. Telephone 1W. J. H. CRAW F CRD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Successor to R. Vanstone m Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS DENTIST Office Over Isard's Store E WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES SYNOPSIS Nt Nt.':LN Q ,P3i CROWELL PUBLISHING. ^� �t ,COABPANY llis narrowed icy eyes probed her "Nick Sandal.- He is' in this- city. wide ones.. Her face was like a pale- He came one night to see me in the Fresh from a French convent, Jo-: lam Iris like a blue silver of steel, apartment." But if Felix, if her rno e. p, , cel. n Harlowe returns to New York They 'glowed and glittered at. each thcr, roust know that Nick had visit - to her socially -elect mother, a relig- other for an instant silently. ed her—what about the jewels? ions, ambitious woman, The girl is "Whom have you ie your mind? ' "Eow long ago was that?" o anengagement t'crnent with the What secret anfluertc.s has .been ateyes deeply 1 remorseful, deep - hurried ant „1 g g 1 aHer eyes, d P Y wealthy Felix Kent. Her father, Nick work in your life? What has led ly miserable; sought his. Sandal, surreptiously enters the you to deceive ane, Jocelyn? To de- "Jest flea 'our engtgement was girl's home one night. He. tells her ceive your mother? Do you rernem- he used to call her Lynda Sandal. bur that we are to be married to - The girl is torn by her desire to see morrow at noon?„ life in the raw and to become part of her mother's society. Her father studies her surroundings. Lynda visits her father in Es dingy quarters. Site finds four men playing cards when she arrives. One of thein, Jock Ayleward, her father tells her, is like a son to him, but wants the girl he is a trifler. , H. W. COLBORNE, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Successor to Dr. W. Rin Hambly Phone 54 N D DR. R'®�i=I�. C. REDMOND ond. ail.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (L ) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in'Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 29 W. HOWSON DENTIST Office over John '"aalbraith's Store. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence .nesee Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment. Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272. Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 o,m. (0 "You say things!" "liceause I knit that if 1 looked ao.cl ;.puke the real things of 'any na- 1 ture you would never want me for your wife." A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Diugies: }.'ractitioners Chiropractic. and Electro Therapy. p Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto, and National Col- lege, Chicago. Out of town and night calls res- ponded to, All business confidential. Phone 300. J. ALVIN FOX Registered Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO -THERAPY Hours; 2-5, 7-8, or by appointment. Plaine 191 Lynda pays a second visit to her father and Jock takes her home, on the way stopping with her• at an un- derworld 'cabaret, • Jock asks her to dance. Jock gets into a fight with a gang- you are Mrs. Felix Kent .. seer who intends on • dancing with He paused, Her brave wide eyes Lynda. He then takes Lynda home. !had tilled. Later she attention Felix's name to "After you are ' my wife," he said Jock and Ayleward's face displays his and then with a cry he gathered her demoniac hatred of the millionaire, up into his arms and carried her Jock :tells Lynda 'that Felix caused about the room, ,kissing her wildly him to be sent to jail unjustly by ruthlessly, at his will, until she went fixing up his report on a Mine. limp and her head dropped back. Lynda says she doesn't believe his Then Felix laid her down on the story. She pays another visit to her flt+or.and as soon as her eyelids flut father and goes to a cabaret with him tered he tent out, locking the door and dances with Jock, who suddenly stops and tells her he is going to take her right home.. He lead seen Felix dancing with another woman. Felix tells Jocelyn that Jock is a worthless scamp.` Later Lynda tel+ls Jock she does not believe in his in- nocence but will try and find, thru She shook her head and Moistened her lips, trying' to say "No." "Yes, Nothing you can possibly du' or say can prevent you now from. becoming my wife 'tomorrow. I'll take you out of this and carry you home' and when you've told me the truth of your ugly and wicked esca- pade, you. can wash yourself and burn these horrible clothes. Where in heaven's name did you get them? And get some sleep and then you will put on your wedding dress and come to St. Peter's and . ', .. after Thursday, Feb. 2$tax, 19.32 tvbo cane with her•, he groaned in the spirit (margin, -"was moved with indignation in the Spirit") and was. tr•uuhled. Our" Lord Was angry at the hypocritical or at 'least' forrtmal . and meaningless outcries of the Jet's "I want you for my ;wife," he said •tvhieh tweres mingled 'tt'ith the sincere doggedly and with a sadden dark nand ticep sorrow of IVfaty ones Mar- flush"I'll not let you go down into Cita. tlm streets --or into the mud. I'll And said, Wliere have ye laid titin? save you in spite of your madness, i Christ was eager to end the painful u scene , - at variance with what 11e canto to do. They` say unto hire, Lord, come and see. The speakers. are the two sisters, and they speak and your wickedness. And now, .t 50 begin saving you, tell me what you know and let's get on with the search for my papers.' i take it that you, understand what use this man could through their tears, make of them to ruin me." Jesus wept, This is the shortest "I love that man. I want bine 'to verse in the Bible., and one of the clear himself even, if it must be at most beautiful, "That is What we all the Price of your ruin, Felix." need, a God who can !feel for us, un-. derstand us, synr,pathize with us." The. Jews therefore said, Behold how he loved him? "There never was such a heart as we, find in Jesus Christ. No father, mother, wife, sis- ter, child.. or lover can compare with Him in His disposition and pottier to love. But some of them .said, Could not this man, who opened the eyes of over to the tender methods, they use him that was blind. They are think - there for getting information. You ing of Christ's recent miracle at Jeru- know what that means?" • • salem, the opening of the eyes of the "Yes, But—" elan who had been born blind. Have caused that this man also should not us a announced. He saw it in the pap - Felix very still and grim and ors,' white, cadre up to her. He eyes filled and overflowed si- "Yon choose nue for your 'newly lentl"I love Nick, Felix."then.?a'eople who have had the. ycourage e or the folly to do that have "You've been seeing your father g often?" always regretted it. Always. I am "I've been to see him at night, I Warning you, I stave seen Wren kneel wc.uld Climb down the fire escape and cry—" frc nt my bedroom window." "First," he said, '.'I'll take you back Felix stopped her with a despair- to the' police station and hand you ing gesture and, bending forward put his hands over his eyes. Froin this positionhe demanded in a smothered voice; "You met Jock Ayleward in your father's room?" "Yes. 1. did iiot like him. I did not believe in him. I believed in you," "Now," be said, breathing hard and speaking through his teeth, "you will give nuc the, whcreabout of this gen- tleman whom you did not believe nor like nor trust but for whose sake you made ra spectacle of yourself in the New York streets at night, and lied and dressed like a man and stole and would. ruin me." He shook her fiercely as though he would have sliakeri her to death. "Give me his ad - He cane, mopping his bitten Up dress. I'll get him." and laughing, to the desk. 13ut that she steadfastly refused to "Look, here, Cracken," he said. do. "This isn't at all the sort of case it At' last they reached her mother's looks like. The girl is one of these hc,nie. silly debutantes. She's been put up , Quickly and as noiselessly as pos- ts) a wild sort of prank by some of sible Felix took Jocelyn through the her friends and ;she's had her 1:;s- outer, room and down the passage Felix, .some letters Jock claims will son. What name did she give you?" and thrust her in at her own bed - clear his Warne. "First Jimmie Grant and then room. door. "Get into your own Marcella finds ither jewels stolen Lynda May." clothes; be quick," he commanded, and hires a private detective who un- noi;ers the mysterious prowlings of Lynda, without knowing who she is. Lynda suspects her father. Jocelyn decides to marry Felix quickly and preparations for the wed- ding are made. She asks him to tell her the combination of his safe, as a nark of his confidence in her. Armed with the combination and THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD ;r, thorough km:reels-dee of Farm Stock Phone 231, Wingharn "Well, of course neither is her real and managed to 'close, her in and to name. I want to hush this thing up be bail,; in the front room by the and withdraw the charge and take time Marcella, with Mary• at her her home with int now. The poor heels, carpe into it herself. LESSON IX—FEBRUARY 28 kid is all in. She fainted." Mar•,cella was lined, livid, sick. He Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead. 1 "About them papers, Mr. Kent?" toid where he hail. found Jocelyn. Kent's laughter was difficult but "Felix, tell me—do you think that it still came, a short hard laughter. she knows anything about ..." Mar- "That's all right, Ill get them back. eclla's voice had an almost sinuous The little devil wanted to give me. furtiveness as she looked about and accompanied by Jock, Lynda enters a scare. When 1 lay hands on the behind leer, then at him, "about my Iclix' office at night, abstracts theboy that helped tier—" jewels?" wanted papers from his safe and His fist on thedesk top whitened. Felix was startled for an instant Time,—The raising of Lazarus, throws them down to Jock, who is, The police officer who looked down , away from his own biting preoccu February, A.D. 30. The retirement to waiting below. Then she is captor- at it whistled, 'Dation. He looked at the silver cross ia111, March, A.D. 30. The "Well,an- what do I have to do to on Marcella's flat breast. She placed ed by the janitor and turned .overointin' of Mary, Saturday, April 1, to the police. Felix learns the next' get this child out of the jug and to :.her thin hands over it. "No, No—A D 30, morning, in Washington, that a 'boy'' keep the whale silly business quiet?" my jewels." Place.—Bethany and Ephriam, Cracken, with some unwillingness, I didn't know—" had broken into his safe. MIRACLE POSTPONED. Felix finds Lynda in a cell and ; explained what might be done. There . "Of course. I forgot• you were not THE therefore, when she came was of course no accuser but Mr. ° ;to be told, 1 have had sortie jewels demands of ties the paper she tookMary where Jesus was. For •Prudential remove of itself, but He never works !Dent, the robbed man, himself. If .. here, hidden. They are.notneedless miracles. And Jesus lifted from his safe. he withdrew the charge the young ;wine. They are a trust. They've been reasons he still remained outside the village (v. 29). Fell down at his feet. up his eyes. �.h'C,y lifted up the'r tarty ni;�ht walk out, provided ..: stolen. 1 have a detective tracing ; stern;, but Jesus lifted up His eyes NOW GO ON WITH' THE. STORY 9'he proviso being cared for, Felix !them: ;You mustn't say a word," she ;Martha had snot assumed this won __ !returned to the locked room and ;excitedly told .him. I deaf .- They both booked about and closed their lips. die? They are not asking for a resur Marcella carne into the room, She rection miracle, for perhaps they had stood looking from Kent to the tall not heard of the son of the widow features of Christ's recorded' life is the number of times He withdrew 11.1r to solitude that He might comm 'O• with His Farther, He had made 1 proof of the,truth that God hea '4t Him, smut because of themultitude that standeth •around .l said it, that they allay believe that thou 'didst send me. Our Lord is jealous for the. glory of God, and makes it per- fectly clear that He' works the 'mir- acles through. God's power given to Hint as God's Son; And when he had thus spoken, he cried with. a loud voice. "Cried" is an unusual 'verb in 'the Greek, indi- cating the unusual nature of the ev- cnt and the strong a notiop of Jesus. Lazarcome forth. !The 'hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall cone ;forth: and again . at I Thess. 4; 10, it is at the descent of the Lord 'with a shout,. with the voice of the archangel,'—which Voice' is his' own, for Scripture knows of no other arch- angel—that the dead in him will rise; while `the last trump' (1 Cor, 15:52) is probably the same voice of God, sounding through all the kingdom of death," He that was dead came forth,. bound ' hand and foot with grave - clothes. He may have been swathed loosely in the grave -clothes, so as Lo- be able to walk, though with difficul- ty. There is no need to suppose an additional miracle here. • And his. face was bound about with a napkin. strange girl. All at once her face of Narn aiid of Jarrus $ daughter, So that he could not sea, but must deaply colored.. She clenched her THE GREAT MIRACLE PER- grope his way. Jesus with unto hands anti moved thein curiously up' FORMED them, Loose him, and let hint' go. and down. She ran over to the door Jesus therefore again. groaning in Oi: that led back into the apartment and himself, cometh to the tomb. What- 1115 locked it, still with her .scared eyes upon Lynda; then she gestured to. Kent to repeat this action with the glass doors. "I ool. out Be careful. Don't `let her get away," she -whispered. "This is the woman. This must be the wo- man. Catring described. You know— the woman who was 'seen going in and out . . the woman who took the jewels!" Felix's brain worked with lightning swiftness. , (Continued' next week.) . ..4•41121..,. , THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON —John 11: 32-44. Golden. Text.—I am the resurrec- tion, and. the life; he that believe'th on me, though he die, yet shall he live.—John 11:25. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING ever it may have been that 'moved our Lord to indignation and grief, the feeling continued until He reach- ed the tomb. Now it was a cave, and a stone lay against it. The stone was to keep.out beasts of prey. The pos- session of the private burial ground is one indication that the fancily of Lazarus was wealthy. Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. The abundance of minute particulars shows that we have here a narrative of an eye -witness. Martha, the sister, of him that was dead. Because she was the sister of Lazarus, she shrank from the e,;posure of the dead body and the horror of decomposition. Saith unto him, Lord, by this time the body decayeth; for he hath been dead four days. This remark wbuld come most naturally frons the practi- cal Martha; and she also would be bold to oppose an objection to the Lord's command. Jesus said unto her, Said I not un- to thee, that, if thou believedst. A reminder of their conversation on His arrival, when Jesus asked her whe- " ther she believed on Hiro and His 1CHA D B, JACKSON AUCTIONEER Phone 613r6, Wroxeter, or address R. R. 1, Corrie, Sales conducted any- where, and satisfaction ;guaranteed. IRWIN DENTIST — X-RAY Giffice, McDonald Block, Wingham. A. J. WALKER', 1 ITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE A. 1'. WALIEIk Licensed Funeral Direttor and Embalmer, s� 100. Res, Phone 224' Office Phone .atest tattrousine 'Funeral Coach. power of giving life; see v. 26. Thou shouldest see the glory of God? Martha evidently thought that Christ merely wanted to take a last look at His friend, and had no conception of the glorious purpose He had in view. So they took away the stone. Je- sus might have bidden the stone to have added needlessly to the miracle by bidding the grave -clothes fall: away. ul 2ttitude Ivfary Tont h: fore had to heaven." And said, ` Father, I thank thee that thou heardest me. Our Lord had been praying .for the; resurrection of Lazarus probably all; chosen "the better part:' Saying un - 1 -le laughed grimly: to cover his ;found Jocelyn sitting dazedly against; Jocelyn stood and looked at the I i ifthou h• clst been here furious astotvshment, his growing 1 the stall, her head dropped forward cl-:;thing on tier bed and the bland ,to him, .ord, a 't She seemed to Hint a change on her knees. She seemed a mere in her body moved, strong and free, imy brother had not clad, ..he uttered fright.!limp bundle of e,Id,clothes. He help- ,There laythe outer semblance of !the same sad cry as Martha, for it the tray front • I.etaea, and now He line. p :had avid.ently been the burden of the ON es thanks for the granting of'thef eD 1 what you've ,i, ne? I eel Iter uta and, getting her flat- nulled Nick's daughter, 1_vnrla Sandal and ' • , nniracle as if His prayers ltin already. •yeao sisters talk fur all those four I Do you ctetc begin t" kncrty what it down over her ores and .o, shield - she began to tit sorrowful days, been ans"cred; compare ,Liars. 11,24. you are up against? You, Jocelyn rug her warn amused and pityingb- catty :the ':,urea semblance that. had , incl I knew that thou hearesf me Advertising in The Advance-'! lutes Marlowe, have been caught in the act t �ervatir r he half carri d a d } It t 1 It I d Sandal's ' When Jesu: therefore saw her tt t know Haat it Was not i [Here 'and There The railroads cannot continue. to pay a million dollars a day in taxes; they cannot pay interest on their bonds; they cannot buy new equipment unless they earn. the money. In putting the rail- roads in a sound, money -making. position we are aiding the whole. country, says the liorncll (N.Y.) Tribune Times.. Montreal witnessed an unpre- cedented invasion from Quebec on the first week -end of Feb- ruary, when over 3000 men, Wo- men and children, drawn Zrom all ranks and classes, arrived on the three dollar return Canadian Pa- cific excursion from the Ancient Capital. Pour special trains were used. Seated on a glittering ice throne between two huge natural icebergs, Miss Margaret Steven- son. of Edmonton, in her role as Carnival Queen and assisted by Tlis H'inor Lieutenant -Governor W. L. ''valsh, opened the 16th An- nual Banff Winter Sports Carni- val at that Canadian Rockies re sort, this month. • The appointment of W. R. Pat- terson to be General Auditor,. Canadian Pacific Railway, has•. been announced, effective Feb- ' ruary 1, over the signature of E. E. Lloyd, Comptroller, in succes- sion to G. C. Gahan, who died re- cently. Mr. Patterson, who was born in Toronto in• 1890, is one of the youngest railway executives• on the continent. Kindly Lady: `.'Poor man, and are. you married?" Beggar: "Pardon` me, Macadam! Do you think I'd be• relying on total strangers far support if I. had a wife." r :, e and to returned. Ui'nt.(, \0' Lynda .: ail a 5 I of house -breaking and theft. You !dragged tier cant to his waiting Pint- that sto•.ici there looking(i'attn at t� ; eeping, and the Jews also weeping always. One of the most marked pays well! :'.re in the hands of the law. 1)o youioasine. Lynda Sandals quaint attire. The; rrii;ht's work with all the adventure ! ����1 and the pairs and the wild furtive de- lisAt that had led her surely to it had tI killed, in spite or her '.nn contrary 1E2 intention, n rt Lynda Sandal but J(- !til cclyn .Harl'.•w1. '1'hc convent girl. n 11 rreella's prisoner, the yoling lady r bride of Felix Kent, had gone. .Farr- ever. NOW lived -anis breathed a %vo- wnan of str'.ng will and vivid passion, with courage -to face and - to find, with ; the bittc{r c''ttrage for truth and for ielite,. A woman who loved Jock 1,14 ':Ayleward, no other man; who would 10 to him through" any barrier, to l"d'r stand if she must at hie dishonored aider.. • "Who are you pr tending to be now," Felix asked. Rapidly and surely she girt herself El into the queer little symbolic thine and and eVC13 ran her fingers thi'u her hair. She meant "to show at]ar- cclla and Felix a changed character, She Went into the living -room and l,n,w anything about its power?•, "More than I did," (Meth Lynda ' With Nick's erir,l irony. Her' master's spirit ''winced •'and :1' they moved silently tip the stood there facing helix :Kent, city's crowded avenues Felix present- "Note,'' ,tic annrtttieed clearly acid iy rr.inen,bcr.ed tltc ,ecrnycrsation that cvun with pity for hint in her it is. ,•• •s �ea.�v c and eyes, I will till yon every.) ir,rrli lrlac'e •�t'+ t11r•y Llrr t4 fast } ,y .t(i V "Y'rti'lnoty very little a'. yet.' Lis-. ten to me, Jocelyn, and don't. Clare to cl;:fy, roc. It is mygeirerosity alone that can ivt you out of this: ugly, this horrilrl fix. • Do you waist to id 1 to prison? state's prison? 'There etre still prisons+, believe nae, where insolent woin:en prisoners are nog. Tied up and flogged." "You've sent- other people ti, pris- on," cried Lynda, "people very moot, less guilty then I ani." ward with the wind in their eyes, At Ithing, 'Felix, 1 am not afraid Of, 'vim the Incl of tt .earcful 'rcicrrtrstr'uctiun any more at all," of this conversation he spoke and looked clown .at her white cramped finer, 1'-htntr . the Ralairkl parson's sari , . Jock Ayleward." Felix leaned back. "Where and br,w did yon meet !lint?" he asked quietly. She said, "I met cr's rooms.": "Your -•Mather'$?" rust in my filth - Felix after a long staring look said, "Who in heaven's name are you pretending' to be now?" {'itis ` is the costume' of a silly truant,. Felix, romantic enough to err- } joy a •dangerous snake -believe. I'il not wear it again. But I did want to .force you to sec the like this. I e.. rause I felt that if you once could see me as I . really am , . and, Felix I tlttrch; more wanted to -.-.to possess Pi ica hifE IEEE >lk ° i esa E I!itNur 'SEP THE E 113 1431 { IiF :i h Bt�l Cur lb ."' Palatial - at. alltimes t Auction Sale Bills Butter Wrappers Ballots Business Cards Circulars Programmes Constitutions a By -Laws Church Reports Concert Cards Dodgers Envelopes Pinartcial Statements Polders and Programmes ifieWILISOMIONI angssion 1111 IIA De eLl y ii+! EX N. Tor e ery fed EINM Invitation Cards Letter Heads and Note Heads: Milk and Bread Tickets Mercantile Dodgers er Posters Prize Lists Private Post Cards Receipt and Order Books Shipping Tags Statements Tickets Vicitiug Cards Voters' Lists Wedding Invitations Window Cards ms �iA am