HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-25, Page 3rrie Vidette and the debating contest, Huron Presb If TO T I ° tery, Yount; 1.aeop1e's Onion of which Rev, Mr.. Mathers', of Grand lend, is convenor. These debates begin in April and continue throughout' the. stormier. 7'he meeting closed with a hymn au d the iiapah benediction: The Pleasure- Euchre Club were entertained at the home of Ivfr. and Mrs. Russel Grainger. on Friday ev- ening when six tables played; pr gressi.ve euchre. The winners . f evening were, ladies'; Mrs. George King, gentlemen's, J. L. Campbel consolation, Miss Irene King. At t close of the gauze the hostess sery a very dainty hunch. The' Club a being entertained at the home of and Mrs. W. C. King this week. Dr, and Mrs. Whitley entertaine a number of their friends to a.brid dinner on. Friday evening, Dr. and Mrs. Mutton and family Mitthell, Were Sunday guests of M and Mrs. H. Cooke. ' Mr. and Mrs, Alex, -Finlay, Che ley, were Sunday visitors of Mr. an Mrs. Melvin Finlay. Miss Margaret :Foster,, R.N., Loi don,: is visiting her parents, Mr. an Mrs. George' Foster, Mr. Ewart Whitfield, of Arthu where he had been operated on for spent the week -end at his home here. rw p'1rww. er Thursday, Feb. 25th, 1932 Y- ( of St. Stephen's Church, was held at l`IC9�41'ICK COUNCIL. ISCLIITS WITH MILK`''';ily.�' COMPLETE SATISFYINGMEAL Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SF1RE;G i> ED WHEAT C 1''1PANY, LTD. SALEM Mr. and Mts. Stewart Edgar, from south of Gorrie, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers •one day last week. Miss Edith Weir 'from Molesworth, spent a couple of days with het par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir. Mr. James Langley, of: Toronto, spent last week with his sisters and brother. We are pleased to report Miss F. Longley to be on the mend after her trying experience during the destruc- tion of their Hoene on the 14th. She was confined to her bed with pneu- znonia at the time. Mr. ,Harvey Copeland had a suc- cessful sale one day last week. • Miss Jennie Fralick of Teeswater; spent last Sunday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fralick. Mr, Edwin Bennett is at present not enjoying the best of health. We hope he will soon recuperate and be restored to his former health and strength. Mr. Bert Longley and ,his • sisters wish to thank most sincerely all these who have been so kind and sympathetic during Miss Longley's severe illness. and the loss of their borne by fire on the night of the 14th: of Feb. Their lciiulness is much ap- preciated. ,Miss• Longley's escape fr•cm the burning house and removal to Mr. T. Halliday's house in her critical Condition* where every care has been taken of her, was Miracu- lous. We are pleased to say the doc t'or assures us she has passed the crisis and with continued good nurs- ing has hopes of her complete recov- ery. ening there was a smaller crowd than had, been expected. Miss Buchanan, of Hensel, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Sangster, in town. • Mr. Sam. Burk returned home. on Saturday frons. Winghain hospital the home' ofMrs. Isaac Wade 'Tlrur•s day afternoon of last week'. The la- dies enjoyed thcizyselves in malting a quilt, The :W, A, of the United'Church net at the home of Mrs. T. O. John- ston on Thursday aftereoort of last week. Mrs, Johnston, who had charge of the devotional part opened the meeting, 'with.. a hymn, 'Mrs. o - Gregg read the Scripture, after which I or ' the President led in prayer. A read- s, iMrs. "Forget Not" was given by rs. i; R. Ashton; 'another hymn was sung" Ile and the minutes vete read,. Two ed new Members joined the Society. Se- veral items of "business were taken Mr up, The ladies busied themselyes in making aprons. The roll call was d' answered by' 13 members and two g new• members. Next meeting will• be �'� held at the home of Mrs. Kahle. The of meeting closed with the Lord's.Pray- r, in unison and refreshments were r' served by, the lunch committee and the hostess. • s' Mr. Wilbert Fralick, of Wroxeter, was a Sunday guest of John Laine. Miss Alma Shier, of Teeswater was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs./Irving Toner. Fordwich, Feb. 17, 1932 Council niet in I3eswi:therick's Rooms pursuant to a.djournznent, the Reeve in the chair. I Minutes of last regular and ad- journed meetings were read and on ;notion Of I;ryans and Weil', were adopted. The Auditors gave a report of their audit showing a debit balance of $8,- 981.79 for the year 1931. \laved by Taylor and Nryans, that tin: Clerk write' W. C.Drury .re clay cast on Wesley Chambers' land in re - ear(' to procuring settlement. Car. rad by Lovell and Taylor, that this Council :request the H,E,P, Com- mission to cease service on light marked, `never used' on Edward St., Gorrie, such discontinuance to date. from Oct."31st, 1931. Carried, Moved by Bryans and Weir, that the second light on the south end of. Victoria St„ Gorrie, be moved to the corner of Maitland and Martin Sts, narked "proposed Light." Carried. Moved by Lovell and Weir, that Engineer F. A. Edgar be instructed to meet the Treasurer and the Clerk in the Treasurer's Office to adjust theCounty's share of Municipal Drains in this Township. Carried. Moved by Bryans and Taylor, that the Road Superintendent be paid $2 for attendance at Council meetings, the 'road accounts to betaken up in the afternoon of each meeting, and. rr r, 0th LINE HOWICK appendicitis. Mrs. Robt. McMichael is at pres- ent visiting her mother, Mrs. Strong of Howick. Miss Margaret Edgar of Wroxet- er, spent the week -end at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bieck. Mr. and Mrs.' Everett Carson were A carload of pressed hay was slop-. Toronto visitors last week. reel from' here on Wednesday. Mr. Thos. Nickol spent last week : Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster ac- in Guelph and Toronto. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Jean P. Stinson was a Tor - Kitchen, paid a visit to friends in onto visitor last week. ' Grey twp., .one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie Mr. Wm. Sanderson, who has been spent Sunday at the borne of Mrs. confined to the house, is progress- Agnes Earl, of Wroxeter, ing favorably. , Mr. William Hueston spent a cou- ple ?of ou-ple?of days last week in Toronto. Several bridges in this district were badly damaged during the re- cent floods so badly that it was tie - The Gorrie Public Library hours cessary to barricade the roads in or- are on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. der that no one would be hurt. How - and on Saturdays' from 2' to 5 p.in,, ever, ourtown fathers have no doubt also 8 to" 10 p.m. On Saturday, Feb. forgotten some of our minor. bridges, 27th, the Library Board have been for the small foot -bridge south of fortunate 10 secure. Rev. Arthur Leg- thedepot where, we understand, a gatt of Molesworth to give a electu re lady met with an accident " .while in the. Library at 3 p.m., after which `crossing it on Sunday when she tea will he served. The public are broke through this bridge and fell in - invited to attend. Ito the water. We trust that our .Almost fifty farmers, besides town fathers will look into this mat - townsmen have been busy for the ter and tl t tl e hely tt ill not b GORRIE past few days helping in everyway la z c any P a the worse of her mishap. possible to fix the clam to hold sof- Dr: and Mrs. C.:Rarnag;e eutertain- ficient water to enable Ben McQuir,e ed a few friends on Tuesday evening to chop, and which will take only a hest when progressive euchre was short time as the fanners as well as played. The' winners for the evening others,are working with this point were, ladies, Mrs. H. Cooke, gents, in view. MA G. Walker. The Young I eopie s I.ea ue inet 10 Mrs. R. Hattie is ing Buffalo where • the school room of the United church see will spend some time with on Thursday evening and was presid friends, O ETER ed over by the vice-president, Miss Mrs. Jaynes Leech, aged 81 years, Evelyn Dane. The Devotional exer- passed away at her late home 1 Mrs, W. G. Patterson spent Sun- day with friends in Brussels. , The .k'[issicrn Circle will hold a caf- eteria Tea in the basement of the United Church on Friday'„ evening, Feb. 26th front 6 to 8 p.m. The Wroxeter-Gorrie hockey team defeated the Harriston team in Gor- rie Monday night. The :score was 6-2. A week ago the Oddfellows Lodge held an At Home in their lodge room when about forty friends and mem- bers, enjoyed a progressive euchre, and on Monday night last the 1..O.L.. held a progressive euchre but, °W'ing' t;r other attracti8ns on the same ev- • III®II®IIID±III�IIItl�llhi9l!Ii�IIIE�IIIIILIH!Illilllf�ll! Ei11a1110111E1!€11i aw. iHOrnpNiIIIIVlIINill i111111n 111111 11n11i111121!11ISIIIMII!Nii1NlnE1i1! 19011IIN111111g11111111AA111 111 rises were taken 1iy Miss Janet Gani- fere on Sunday afternoon, after an illness ble, followed by prayer by the Fast of several weeks,, six weeks of which tor, Rev. G. W. Butt, An instrument- she was bedfast. '.l'he late Mrs. al duet by Miss Velma McCallum and Leech, whose maiden name was Sai•- larence McCallum, was enjoyed. eh Spence, was born in Ireland, and. Miss Nellie Dane read an article on before her marriage, lived in Wall - Millions Signing for .Disarmament", ace Township is the last member of This was followed by a hymn. The. a Tamil of seven, two six Ytw ,ters and topic "What the 'Reading- of Poetry i four' brothers, and whose husband Should do for me" was taken by Miss predeceased her :some fifteen years V. Lennox And the exceedingly fine 1a;o., The deceasedlady was a mem- way in ivltich Miss Lennox brought bei• of the forger Methodist church, forth her points proved to be a realand also a :member of the United treat for all present. During the ' Church; frorn which clrui'ch her; fun - baseness session it was decided that erel was held on Wednesday at 1 this league should enter a debating o'clock. Further obituary next week. team, consisting of two members, for A large number of 'hockey fans were present: at the Conic Arena on 1111111 ,i 1l)' :ktonday night to witness the • match V between' Harriston incl tllc . Giorgi t a- 9111111117.11111§1116111111111111111151,11E111111111 Wake, DOING a "Rip. Van Winkle" isn't go.. ilii to get you any trade. Never has and nev- er.will. So wake up. Up on your toes,; NSr. 111 Tradesman, and. start soei. Ing. hi. ('. Business will soon pick up once you Advertise Regularly in THE1 H��AVNC IMS A, PROFITABLE medium that reaches most everybody in this' District who "has a dollar to spend!" Try a test ad. PHONE 34. Wroxeter Unions, ' which resulted in Pei a score of 6-2 in favor of the 'inion C1 toani, this snaking theta winners of 4 @ this group. During the first period { , the score was 4-1 in favor of the Un- } its ions, the second. period was 2-1, and 11111re were no goals scored in the last ee.4e.riod, .flue l-Itrrision line-up were: W. ('rat 'melt, K. MactZctirie, N. Til - Davie, C. Butrrows, J, Foster, IFS ; C Nei'iii ir, 3. 'Whetstone, .E. Currie, [ Dixon. Gorrie-Wroxettlr Unions: T I>aears, J, Gibsou, C;. Paulin, E. :1 dn'ards, J. Abram, H. Durst, kV, lr j ; 1 auliti, R. Gibson, W. R. McElwain, .1„ Durst. Jack, Ward, , Harriston, ( referee. . 1• e Mr.ruid Mts. A. W. Wright re- lturned hoax: on Friday after spend - wing. a week w'itll friends • and relative'.. dillGorrie, The smug folks enjoyed a real eel skate on Saturday even -dile' and the 1' i,e - as lu Al.shape. • Miss Ve[nnl Lennox spent Saint- , day licr -mother at Winghottl. • R'frs, ' Victor :Sliera and 112rs,, erect: h Ixiag returned home ole last after � 'r c 5I>endin; a few days in Guelph. Mr. Jas, Douglas and (lni'Irst.on, t,f Tcdety, lrttCt ore, were orrie visitors Setae - 1111111,111 a11 ' a Tin regular meeting cif( the W. MVTiss Stella Hoye, of Brandon, Manitoba, spent a few days ' last week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler.. Mrs.;, Sch. Zurbrigg visited , ort Thursday with Mrs. Robt. Donald- son. Miss Violet Heipel, Clayton and Lloyd, visited on Sunday at Walter Horsburgh's. Mr. and. I\frs. Thos. Strong were at Tara on Saturday attending the funeral of a relative, the late Thomas Strong, aged 83 years. Mr. Morley Zurbrigg, of Harriston spent the week -end at his home here. • Mrs. Robe, Donaldson left on Fri- day for St. Pani, Minn., to visit her daughter and brother there. Mrs. Thos. Strong visited on Mon- day at the home of Charles McEI- wain. Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Neiman, of Clifford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holtom. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zeigler and family visited on Sunday with Ma-. and Mrs. Hugh McLeod. Can. You Help Us We will appreciate very much if anyone having copies of The Ad- vance -Tinges issues of March 12th, 19th, and August 20th, will please send sante to this office. need EqU#,. All °p CASTORIA WILL DO ITI Pv hen your child needs regulating,. remember this: the organs of babies and children are delicate. Little bowels mustbe gently urged—never forced. That's why Castoria is used by so many doctors and mothers. It is specially made for children's ail- ments; contains no harsh, harmful drugs no narcotics. You can safely give it to young infants for colic pains. 'Yet it is an equally effective regulator for older children. The next time your child has a little cold or fever, or a digestive upset, give hint the help of Castoria, the children's. own. remedy. Genuine Castoria al- ways has the name: CAST Eatir wu„n,..N,.xw.,�r•�b,.�n+«aw.,w..,.w.e.,»:uwv.mww.waw..:c,,,avxapw" i *' F. M LITH Phut. B. Opt. 0., T , 0. OPTOM1C'rRIsT Phone 11.8 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". ..W Here and There Figures of united States motor cars entering New Brunswick in 1931, issued by the .provincial bu-. reau of information and tourist travel, show an 8 per cent. gain over 1930. The new record for 1931 is 58,583 as compared with the former record of 54,1168 for 1930. Approximately $11,000,000 was saved in Canada last year in the .cost of construction dwellings and other buildings in 61 cities owing to reduced cost of build- ing materials.4ggregate value in these cities of building permits was $110,971,410. The aid of Hon, G. Howard Ferguson,. Canadian. High Com- missioner in London and of Lord Beaverbrook will be sought by the Maritime Provinces represen- tatives who left aboard S.S. Mont - calm from Halifax recently, in an effort to secure the lifting of the British Government's embar- go on Canadian potatoes, A railroad career that has seen many _changes and covered much widely separated territory wit- nessed another -movement when Robert E. Larnrour, general freight' agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, was transferred recent- ly from Montreal to Toronto. Mr. -Lamour,. aside from his railway duties, is well known as one of Canada's outstanding yachtsmen. Carnival Queen nominations from Edmonton, Drumheller and Vancouver testify to . the great popularity of the Banff ;annual winter carnival to be held Feb- ruary 6 to 13. The Alberta •branch of the A.A.U. of Canada has agreed to bold figure skating championships at the carnival and may hold their ski-ing chaut- pionships there as well. Every kind of winter sport will be rep- resented. Entries are coming in rapidly for the great winter event of the 1922 sporting season, the llthan- nual Eastern International Dog Sled Derby to be run over a course of 123 - miles, spread over the three days February 22-24 and concluding with the -Dog Hedge' ('Datong ball at. the Cha- teau Frontenae, February 24. wt. Godard, Seppala and other names .outstanding in ling ;;led racing are. already entered. The 1.11 cyst shipment dent of Gov- ernment—approved t eckei els for any one breeder or batchc ryutan in Canada arrived recently by Canadian Pacific special at Fer- gus, Ont., from Winnipeg to the order of .1. G. 1 weddle, of the former city. The birds were c at- lt' led by government inspo„tors from the choicest Melts from British Columbia t(1 Nova Scotia. 'Baring g the Met foul' ye a t s 'alr. 'Tweddle has hippt'il an o f 260,000 chicekons 'to v.:11 -1011s points between the Alint: tie and Cnlupetition hs't') ren trnrk and railroad service shOwn in a neW angle by :.t lw t 1 e r )'C:t' ntly tet. at Reading Papel', 1 thou'. eut- tle raiser of Niobrara, Nebr lskn. tried out holh an 190:1s, . h101.10 -t rattle by trend; and by railroad, On the rath'oad there Was a ,hr nit:l.; e of 21 pounu:t Yoi 1, animal: by 11'u(•lt there a 1 slu inh:igc oP' gi; I?onntls c. t W110 the raiser i tv1,d 0011t1.•et he genet 1110re Than In l ' animals shieped try bock cl'r'„ the 1,111110 Of the 'shriltk i,;r: tuilnnttted to $19,14 on met :.,11- nlal. •CtrxoJ Cooks in 23 mins. after the water boils 2065 wrismassuirmesocruammwegar that all cheques not called for shal be mailed to proper parties the fol lowing day: Carried. Moved by Lovell and Taylor, tlra time be extended to the March meet ing for return of Collector's rolls Carried. 11 \Vorknen's Compensation Board, 1 compensation for Wroxeter Street lighting system $7.50; John Steven - t san, balance on Mun, Drain No. 13 _ 1$1050.60; Con. I3ohiistein, farns bridge, lot 21, con. 16, $30.00; Con. I ki ohnstein, farm bridge, lot 28, con. '16, $30.00; Treasurer Turnberry Tp., f Howick's share Hupher drain' $114.- 30; J. McCutcheon, rebate on Hupher I Drain $4,24; G. Griffith, rebate on Hupher drain $4.85 Knox .Bros., 'r•e- ; bate on Hupher drain $4.85; Howick Twp, share rebate on Hupher drain !$5.40; J. R. Scott, Clerk's fees, Clif- ford. Mun, drain no. 8, $1.00 Road Expenditures ,-- C. W Sirn mons, repair washout $9.85; James Zl'alkoiu, repairs drain Fordwich $12.05; Fred Mahood, gravelling, dragging and gravel $32.40; Hupher Municipal drain $38,20. Moved by Weir and Bryans, tfiat the property known as the Woollen Mill property'in Wroxeter, be sold. to Alexander Mowbray for the sum of twenty-five dollars, he agreeing to build a substantial chopping mill thereon and pay all transfer charges. Carried. Moved by ,Lovell and Taylor, that the Treasurer be instructed to apply to the Compensation Board for com- pensation for theemployees of Wro- xeter Street lighting system. Carried. Moved by Taylor and Lovell, that the tender of A. Roberts for Town- ship printing for the sum -ef $225:00 be accepted providing he agrees to include Weed Inspecto'r's Notices. Carried. . Moved by Bryans and Weir that Road Superintendent be instructed to advertise for power for crusher; pow- er for grader; scraping in gravel and trucking crushed gravel. Carried. Moved by Taylor and Lovell, that the schedule of pay on Township Roads for the year 1951 shall be: for team, 40c per hour, and for men 20c per hour. Carried. Moved by Weir and Bryans, that the: following accounts be paid: G. W. Walker, registraring 11, M. and D. $26.75; G. W. Walker, Salary and postage for January $58.32; T. Brown, baI. due exp. J. Ring's fun- eral $15.91; Mrs. Beswithcrick, rent I of room $1.50; Sanley Wolfe, sup- plies for Mrs, Haberlee $40.00; A. A. Graham, salary as Auditor $32.00; E. A. Fallis, salary as auditor $32.00; M. Pries, supplies for Geo. Harris $10.- 10; 1'Vnr. I3rears, refund of dog tax $4.00; J. 14, Rogers, stamps $13.00; T. A. Roberts, transfer forms and stubs $33:50; R. J.., Lote.11 and Co., cash books. for Treasurer $15.48; T. A. Roberts, balance printing ecintract, 231 $150,00; Municipal World, .As- �essment 'Roll, dog tags ande>iprcess $26.30: Mrs. Thos. :\braham grant ! t, to Delmore Public. l,ibr t. -v $8.00; I. i Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $40.00; i 1 Moved by Lovell and Taylor,. that Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on the third Wed- nesday in March. Isaac Gamble, Clerk of Howick. A poet who .had been asked to write a few verses for a special oc- casion found himself at a loss. He' • looked up at his friend. "1 lravc got here, `I saw myself in a dreary w.2.ste° but I want two more words to finish the line." :Taper basket!" suggested ' his friend. Boxing Instructor `That was what they call a half -hook." Pupil (nursing his jaw): "Well; you can keep the other half." Acidity Overcome `onder;fal Results ucr•om. Famous Vegetable Pills. Instead of having an acid stomach and being constipated, Mr. Frank C. is well. "I can eat anything since trying Carter's Little Liver Pills," he says. Because they are PURELY VEGE- TA i3LF , a gentle, effect ivo tonic to both liver anti bowels, Dr. Carter's Little 1 ger Pills are without equal for cor- re ing Consripation,litliousness, Headaches, Poor Co1nple.inn an'1 In- digestion. 2.5c. c1t 'Me. red p gs., every- where. Ask for Carter's by NAME, l t UNIMEE iEMI49� ; FIE Choice Mince 1'Ieat 2 lbs. for Large size Prunes 2 lbs. for Apricots, 1 lis. for Figs 1 lb. for Dates 1 lb. for Kellogs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgsfor .... r Large size cans Corn, 'Pea's, or Tomatoes 3 cans .mow 3 lb. Pail Peerless Shortening kg • f<� vs lx� 25c 25c 1.9c 10c 10c Pure Lard 1 lb. Pearl or P Sr. G Soap 4 bars Cream Olive Toilet SOQtp 3 Ears Oxford Obanige Pekoe Tea 1 lb. Crown Brand Teti 1 lb. l� resh ground Coffee 1YY'c 19c i 19c kg ,. ..,... 49c ... , 39c 40 arrnd. 50c. 20 Reduction on Rubber's, Overshoes, Underwear and Overcoats ---Spring samples for made•' to. measure Suits and Overcoats. BRING US YOUR EGGS AND CREAM ey' t A 1111 MUM 21111011114 Wroxeter 1�1�itll�l�llf�ll�' 4