HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-18, Page 3r�.
Thursday, Feb. 18th
Cooks in 21,4 mins. after the water boils
By Ross iarquhar
Friday --I have just found out why
pa all ways called are house the
Musicle house. Mo
told Ant Emmy to
clay that he payed
for it with a bun-
ch of notes,
Saterday Ma
was asting IVIrs,
Fleck, today whut
had becatne of her
son which's name
is Joe and Mrs.
.Fleck sed he had
just tulc a• • trip
frum up in New
York State to. At-
•lanta Georgy and
had his fair payed
and evry thing,
when ma told pa
• about it he sed. Yes and they are
hording him wile he stays there to
and he wont be leaveing for 2 • yrs.
heather. I wander whut kinda job
he has got.
Sunday—Hetty Holcum was telling
about the fella who kist her twice.
at the Saterday nite dance last nite.
Ma eed to her Well 'why dident you
tell him where to get off at and Het-
tys ,ed she wood of balled him out
good oney she wassent very well- ac-
quainted with him.
Munday--Ma had two gentlemen
wirking cleaning .up the Bas•emint to-
• day and they got to argueing about
witch 1 was the wirst off. .1 fello
secl ,evry pare of pance he had to' his
name was Patched and the uther eft-
lo' sew he oney had 1 are and he
tuddent even a ford to get patches
for them,
Teusday-Since mr Gillen], has lost
his job he takes a long Nap evry
morning and evry afternoon. Mrs.
Gillem says he dues it becuz he cant
bare to be idle 'and must be doing
sum thing,
Wensday-Pa offered me a $ Bill
if I brung home a avrage. of eighty
5 on my report this , nitinth. I oney
got a Avrage of sixty 1. 1-oney hope
he appreshiates the fact that I have
saved him a $ in these Hard times..
Thirsday—Ant Emmy says her
•chirch has give up •geumpeteing 'with
• the movies and is going to .take up
• Religian agen.
To the Editor av all thirty
Wingbarn paypers,
Deer Suis-
Shure, it does be lookin loike war
in the aist' betwane the yallah min
an the brown min, an 'tis what ye
moight call a civiloized war they do
be honldiu, wid aide soide hlamin the
other fellah 'fer shtartin it, an .thin
usin mashcen guns, an trowin bombs
from airoplanes on definseless
Inin an childer, who had nothin to do
wid shtartin it, at all at all.
Av aoorse war always ,has been, an
always will: be, nothin ils'e bast bloody
nsurther, but in the ould days a fel-
lah had to take his chance in a shtand
up an knock down foight wid some
other felalli, an not be trowin bombs
shootin torpedos an, poison gas at
payple who hey no chance to get
back at thim at all, at 'all..
'Tis.s cowardly, effiminate, sowlless
wars we do be houl•din : in these de-
gn: erate days, .wid wan counthry as
bad es another, arr wurs•e. No wan
cud wroite a poem loike "Ye Mar-
iners av England", arr . "Brittannia
rules the waves" arr Julia Howe's
"i3attle Hymn av the Republic" whin
the lasht war wu'a 'inded. The only
verses that will be rernimbered twin-
ty years from now will be "In Flan-
ders' : Fields" an mebby Kipling's
"The Hun. is at the Gate.
I kin remimber, afther the civil
war in the Slitates, av thefoine ould
songs ivirybody; :wus singin, i"The
faded coat av blue" "Tinting on the
oalcl camp ground" "Just befoorthe
battle mother" " Marchin troo Geist -
an a whole. lot av others, not
fergiittin,. "We'll hang Jeff Davis on
a sour apple tree."
No doubt the byes ist: the Southern
Shtates had theer songs too, but av
coorse th'e payple: in Canada didn't,
hear. so. much about thim. Soulger,
lads must sing songs to kape up
theer shpirits, but, shure,•• nobody
wrote annytingwort whoile fer thitn
whin they wets sufferin . an doyin fer
us in the mud av Flanders. The poor
fellahs had to go into the war to the
tone. av "Tipperary" an come out,
thin that .wus lift av thim, singin
"7i'ack atp ger thrubbles in yer ould
kit b`ag."
The r
C nivir
wus a war so barren
av results as the lasht wan. Millions
av the besht liaise in the wurruld doid,
zvid • nothi
it to
Show fer the sacrifice,
barrin a few more dirthy millionaires,
TO y C lJ JAI 4G
reuiWI sf�JEII
EE til
It will be of advantage to you
as your business grows to
make' a friend of your banker.
He will be glad to consider
your problems and give you
the besiefit of his advice.
You are invited to .call upon
the manager of any 'Branch
of this i bank.
BSTABL1S1i1gD 1871
Wingliam Branch
R. M. Spittal, Mgr.
1 tottsands an tousends, av our byessL.spring• floods ,and a complete new
buried among the poppies av Flan- concrete dam replaced the old'wood-
ders ,an tousands,,more crippled art en one. Mr, McQuire, owner of'the
crazy,. fillip : 2yr hoshpitals an asy- dam, from which he used the power
to run his chopping mill, is at a lass
An yit I wus. the proud man whin to know what to do: Many culverts,
me own bye wus ;among the fursht bridges, and country roads have also
to volinteei;'an showider tris gun to been damaged with the recent .heavy
foight 'fel-his king ar edunthry, an rains,
plaized intoirely , whin , le jived up The Rink 'manager is 'having a
wicl the infantry. Be' rayson av thegreat time trying to make ice, There
Irish, blood in him he wud hatcher- as -yet, has only been one night of
ally; take to -: the shpadhe , thrade, an, ;skating and the season's tickets are
though he niuir talks inuch about his slow sellers,
ixpayr ences overlays, I hey no The W , A. of the' United Church
doubt he ivus able to dig trinches
betther than, mosht, •
In •' intinded . to wroite sorneting
about the.- pollytickle situwashun but
.heven't toime arr shpace at. prisint,
Yours- till niit wake, •
Timothy,. Hay..,
The regular meeting of the Gor
Women's ;:Institute met at the- ho
of Mrs. V. Shea on ,Wednesday a
ternoon.. A very interesting .fifte
minutes were spent in discussion
recent current events, namely 10
cut of Federal salaries,' Japanese w
and the re -opening of the Gorrie Li
racy. After community singing, . t
roll was called when 18 menbe
responded' to their names by namin
a County and County town. in On
ario. Several items of business aros
and a very fine paper was given b
Miss McQuire on "Miss Winnifee
Rydd" who. though she'has not y
reached her 27th year, will represen
the Canadian Women at Conferenc
in Geneva, being held at the presets
time. Arrangements were then niad
for the March meeting to be held a
the `home of Mrs. L. E. Ashton wise
the members entertain their husband
and escorts. Mrs. Keine and Mrs
Abralit were appointed to arrange'
program. A, very interesting an
humorous. debate • resolved: "Tha
men .spend more time .and money o
their own pleasures than do women"
Mrs. Shera upheld the affirmative
and Mrs. Abram the negative. Much
credit is due both ladies for the ver
fine manner in Which they handle
their respective parts and the grea
amount of humor -`each • displayed
"Pack" up your 'troubles in your of
kit bag" was then heartily sung whit
.the judges, Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, Mrs
C. Gregg. and Miss 1rlcQuire, arrived
at a ,decision,,- 'They. reported • a ver
fine debate, closely, ' contested, but
gave the decision''to -the°affirrnative,
The 'Misses Margaret Newton, ' R.
N., and Hughes, , R. 'N., also• 1\rr.
Frank Boyd, ail ,of Listowel, • visited
with Mr ,and. •Mrs, R,..G. Newton.
Mock Parliament swas�••held. at :the
Young Peoples <fieagtle• on `Thursday
evening with -Dr. Ramage ris'`'charge.
The stetting' 'opened.' in' the `usual
mimes, •1Mr: ''Stephens Icd rn prayer,
Thfe S:'S. Orchestil. tva's •tlso•in,at-
endance for the 'marked, ., .occasion,
Rev, G, W. Butt, speaker for the
ous•e, spoke on the Franchise of
VVomen, aiscie of both Wage and youth
eing .-connected with ";'Par'lianient.
Vries Town'send'as • :?'remier arid, 11)-.
Cooke as leadei of •thie,Qppps,tion,
bly handled the :;many, bills • b,rought
n to vote' upon, ,„The. 'bills, were that
wear. Gowns Asr.irPort
o fie Introduced to, Gorrie" ••"'Old
Horne Week;'. and, „Art 'Artificial Ie`e
lant"., These'idei•e a11'carried.,' The
of the Cippositrari•� brought in
bill for."Boric• Dry Prohibition,"
nd the • Government brought in an
meitdment to th.e bill. • •The bill wa.s
assed ,and•; the • amendment thrown
ut. After: each bill ••tivas presented
rs members of parliariient in the de,
ate were very alert, The leader of
le Opposition made a motion that.
Lrliainent. adjourn. This was sec -
;sled by the Premier.; The meeting
osecl with a hymn and all repeated
c Mizpah benediction. Miss Velma
ennox will give the topic this week.
Mrs , G. King and ,Mrs. V. Shera
ft on Saturday to visit with the
iter's mother in Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs, C. Higgins and.Mr,
d ;ivies. H, VVylie were guests of
r. and Mrs. E. Howes on Friday.
Messrs. C,, E. Shera and O. "St•ew-
t were Blyth visitors one 'day re-
We are sorry to report that Mrs,
re, G. Dane has gone- back to bed
again, ` We' trust she will soon enjoy
better Ischia'',
• The Maitland River here has over-
flowed, its banks for the third tune
this Season, an occurcnce which our
older) citizens say has never happen-
�ed before. The heavy rains Thurs-
day ceased the water to rise and by.
back -washing and undermining it has
swept away the north bank of the
datti. The dant was completely des..
troyed 'here some three year ago by
Volt 'sold their regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. T. O. Johnston There-
day afternoon of ,this week.
Kitchen Orchestra was neat and' this
was given by the choir girls: Misses!.
Anne Douglas, Velma' Lennox, Fv.'
elyn Dane, Velma MoCallurn, Nortria
Graham and Alexandria ° Hamilton,
This was a real novelty. The girls
tivere dressed as kitchen' maids, the
orchestra instruments being as fol.
Iows: Vaccurlt washer, Bass Horn
Vaccum Washer, Slide Trombone;
Kettle , lids, Symbols; Butter milk
wafer- tin with table bell, Bass Drum
Round cake tinwith clothes pegs,
Banjo; Knives, 'Triangle, The num
hers played were: "Marching through
Georgia," "Mine Eyes Have seen the
G1oi-y'' "Kitchen Rhapsody in G. flat
ninor" sung to the tune of "Pack
•Tlie Howicic Fire Insurance Com- up your troubles on your pantry
shelf, Miss Velma Lennox' wasthe
parry held their annual meeting in the announcer and this was all real hum -
Township Hall, Corrie, on Friday af- orous.' The Male Quartette, H. Spar=
• ternoon, when a good attendance was ling :L. F. Ashton, Rev, Butt and H.
present. The officers were re-elected,Cook, sang two, numbers "There was
Mervin Stephens, of Grey, and E.
Whitfield, of Arthur; spent the week a boy' and "How much tvaod can a
wood -chuck chuck." The Men's Nov -
end with their parents here.•
city Orchestra: L F. Ashton, Cl
Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat
Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Wright, of s on ar-
g � once McCallum, Violins; Harry Wates
lora, spent a few days with friends son, John Keine; Moutlrorgans play
in and around. Gorrie. eel several numbers. A, short play The many friends of •,Mr. George
• We are pleased to report that some "How the Story Grew" was put on Dane are pleased to ,knew that he
of our sick folk are able to be out by eight married ladies. Cast of char- i is on the mend,
attain, aciers are as follows: Mrs, Green,1 Mr, and Mrs. John Hill spent one
Mrs. Kains P
Miss ASI. Beckton, Fordwich, was a Mrs•. Brown, Mrs. Ab- .clay last week at the letter's parents,
week -end visitor with Miss E: Ste- rani.; ••' Mrs, 'Bean, Mrs, Toner; Mrs. Mr. Thomas Vittie
phens. •
Mrs. Cysts Grant, of Kitchener, is
at present visiting her sister, Mrs.
Knowlson, •
Mr. Jack Young, of Vancouver, B.
C., was a guest at the parsonage. He
is a nephew of Mrs. Rev. Butt,
The Day of Prayer which was held
in the United Church on Friday was
well attended .by the ladies of the dif-
ferent churches.
Gorrie United Church Choir put on
a concert in the basement of the
church' on Monday evening, . which
was as great success in every way,
Mr. A. E, Toner acted as chairman
and spoke words of appreciation for
the choir and their faithfulness each
Sunday. The program was as fol-
lows: Choir,' an opening number of
welcome, followed with a sacred
number "Trust. in .Him Always."
Sunday School Orchestra, composed
of, Rev" Butt, trumpet; H. Cooke,
euphonium; H. Sparling, cello; R. H.
Stephens, L. F. Ashton, Everett
Sperling, Violins; Evelyn Stephens,
piano. Solo, "Thank God for a Gar-
den"; was beautifully, sung by Miss
Velma Lennox, with E. Stephens at
the piano. Valentine Reading, by
Miss Norma Graham; was well given.
Duet, Matrimonial Sweets, which was
full of wit and humor, was given by
Mr, Cooke and Mrs: Whitley. .The
Crippled by •Ineuniatesr
"I had been suffering with rheu-
matisrn for about 2 years, and about
this time last year was laid up for 10
weeks. My hands and arms:and knees
were the worst affected. I. could not
fz a oraboutet comb my hair, y hairuAll this hd not ad to
be done for me. At the beginning of
this year I started taking :Krnschen•
Salts every morning and 1' ampleased
to,say, I am quite• Well now and able
to see•to n],y home.and can go out in
all kinds
of weather without
affecting me ".Mrs. P. K.
'Rheumatism •is associated with an
excess of Uric • Acid .in the system.
re r
s af
seiSalts have the power of dissolving
urid acid so as to render it capable of
being easily washed out of the system
Other ingredients . of l rusoben assist
Nature; to flush out this dissolved
uric acid through the bowels' and
the kidneys. Other ingredients still,
prevent food fermentation taking place
in the intestine, and thereby check '
the formation not only of uric acid
but of uthdr impurities which poison
the lrin, •' ,,ad pave the way to ill -
If you have never tried 0ruschen—try it now
at our expense. We have distributed a great
many special "GIANT" packages which make
It easy for you to prove our claim for yourself.
Ask your druggist for the new "GIANI"' 7Sc,
t ac.kage.
1 r^ i consists of our regular 75c. bottle together
with tseparate vial bottle—sufficient £erabout
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to
the test, and then, if not. entirely convinced that
Lrnschen does everything we:cfeim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good as new. rake It
back. Your dru-Fist is authorised to relnrn
your see. immediately and without question.
You have tried Kraseher frau, at our expense,
what could be fairer? Manufactured by
1:, Griffiths Iiughes, t.tcl., Manchester, Vag.tistab. 1756). Importers, McGillivray Bros,,
Ltd„ Toronto,
Phm. B., Opt. D., R, 0.
Phone 118 Harristen, Ant.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es, .
tablishtnetst in this part of
v.....monimaan.arwassmavamostomseftema. roma
Mi. Thomas 'Ellis is slowly rec y
caring frgm a bad attack of bronchitis.
":Didyou ever observe, George,
.dear, that famous designers take a
woman's head to adorn many of our
can't say that I've noticed it,
Rice, Mrs, Cooke; Mrs. Doolittle, Mr, Russel Harris 'd flying but I' observed. thatt
rt Mr. Wesley Underwood is wearing 'titan's .head,'
field; Mrs. Snow, Mrs. L. T. Asir
ingtoton, This play was well given, be- a broad smile it's a boy, 1
n full of humor throughout and al- 1 -Mi. and Mrs. lri;:Ivin Finlay visit- "It Pays" advertise Regularly ha
ways keeping the audience interested ed on this line one day last week, tire:. \�,^in41ian3 Advance -Times,
to know what would be next, as the •
story grew it was getting worse. AI
i eading was given by Lealand Ash-
A sketch "Auld Lang Syne" by)
H. Cooke. The choir then gave a!
Spanish number, each member wears!
int; red bands on their heads and red
sashes. Some members played on
Spanish Guitars, The Sunday School
Orchestra then played. This was fol- t
lowed with the Quartette singing "I1
love a Lassie" and all joined in sing-
ing the National Anthem, which clos-
ed. a very pleasant evening, As the i
aMrs. Hamilton; iifrs, Taylor, ills. ' • . j cis pat a ging t•ts- , rye o serve . designers take
Whitley; Mrs. White Mrs,
it to this line on Sunday • I many of my coins to adorn a wo-
Wh. �
dmission was a silver collection the
roceeds amounted to $24.00. This
oney will be used to place- New
ymnaries in the church and also to
Ip Sunday School work,
Miss Jennie Howe who underwent
an operation in the London Hospital
on Friday, is doing as well as can
be expected. -
Men are busy .on the County road,
repairing the breaches made by the
recent flood, ,
The W. A. of the United Church
will hold their monthly Sneeting in
the school roorh of the church on
Vednesday afternoon -
"The Pleasure Club" met at the
home of k[rs, and Mrs. Jos. Sander- i
son' on Feiday evening. Honors were '
won by Mrs. Ed. Bolton and W. C.•
Bing, 'consolation, Knowlson Hues -
ton. Next meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R..Grainger. ,
The Feb. meeting of the W. I. yvi11
be held at the home of 'Mrs. T. Gib -
sou the last Thursday in the month,
c "A
study d
Y of Music Campos-
ere, .illustrated by piano and' Voice,"' e
taken by Misses Gainble• and Little. N
Woman's Day of Prayer held
last Friday 'was withdrawn on ac-
count of the road into the village be- ■
ing blocked by the water overflow- ■
irlg the road.
Mr, Sam. Burke was taken to the $
Wing•hani Hospital early Thursday
morning for an operation' for appen
dicitis• He is progressing favorably.•
The heavy rains last Wednesday $
night and Thursday raised the water 1
in the river so that it flowed over IN
the road on Gibson and Hawick st.,
piling ice and debris, washing side-
walks away, cutting deep gulleys in
the road and through people's gar•
dens several feet deep. Not for years
has private property on Hnwicic st.
suffered from floods as this year.
There was very little ice on the pond
and no trouble was anticipated, but
when the dam at Fordwich and Gor-
rie gave way, letting a rush of water
into the pond here before all the
gates could be taken out of the dam.
A pile of drift wood broke the boom
letting it into the dam; dynamite had Ai
to be used to loose] it to get the
gates back in.
friss Janie Howe was obliged to
colter a hospital last Thursday for
treatment necessitating rather a sev-
ere operation, She is progressing as
favorably as could be expected. Miss
Howe is our efficient Librarian 'Isere
and during her absence the Library
is being attended to by Mrs, A. J,,
Sanderson and Miss Margaret Davey.
When you take Aspirin you
rr a sure of two things. It's sure
f Old,, and it's harmless. Those
tablets with the Bayer cross
do not hurt the heart. Take
them whenever you suffer from
Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
Rheumatism Toothache
When your head ,aches—
from any cause—when a cold
has ' settled in your joints, or
you feel those deep -down paina
of rheumatism, sciatica, or
lumbago, take Aspirin and get
real relief. If the package says
Aspirin it is safe.
ERR ,!;,Er> • tut t MIME4«Ed r,®®®®111MEMB�liIE®I11l11:1lt111
Choice Mince Meat 2 lbs. for 25c
Large sure Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c
Apricots, 1 lb. for 19c
Figs 1 lb. for 10c
Dates 1 lb. for 10c
Kellogs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 25c
Large size cans Corn, Peas, or Tomatoes 3 cans 25c ”
3 lb. Pail Peerless Shortening1
39C .. �
Pure Lard 1 lb. .. 10c
Pearl or P & G Soap 4 bars . , ... ...... I
Cream Olive Toilet Soap 3 bars ... , , .. 19c , '1
Oxford Grange Pekoe Tea 1 lb. .... 49c
Crown Brand Tea 1 Ib. , , , . , 39c NI
Fresh ground Coffee ..... , 40 and Shc NI
20% Reduction on Rubbers, Overshoes, Underwear
and Overcoats --Spring samples for made- to -
measure Suits and Overcoats. INS
Davey s Store - Wroxeter