HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, February I1, 1932 iii tlllalli1MU111111$111.1$1UYII11leIIize19p111 llllNl!gillNI1NIINIINIINHININ11110114111Mi11011!111111 11 • UCEU t r s1 711 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 11th, 12th, 13th "THE SPECKLED BAND" By -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle With Ray { I and Massey as Sherlock Holmes An exciting Mystery, Drama The first of a group of British made Pictures to be shown at Lyceum Theatre Also single reelnovelty Fisherman's Paradise "PEARLS AND DEVIL FISH" NEXT WEEK "The Squaw Mane 1 is 1 1 iu�iii®ni®ui�iu�ui®i ill®11119111 1118111N111®III®III®IINI IINIINIII®111®11If2111N111111111 III.1Ili111111®IIINIIINIIIII1111311I1�111®III WHITECHURCH Miss Lettie Fox, who has been vis- iting friends in Toronto, returned to her home on Wednesday last, Mr: and. Mrs. Humphrey McGee. and Gordon spent Sunday at Bel - grave with Mrs, Charles Campbell, who is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, of St; Helens, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Cameron and Ralph and Jean, of Ashfield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon. Quite a number from East Wawa- nosh attended the Annual meeting of the Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co, at Dungannon on Friday. Mrs. Joe Tiffin has been seriously ill during the past week. Mrs. McQuillan and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy and Mr. Pete. Kennedy at- tended the McCluskey wedding in Guelph last Thursday and spent the week -end with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross visited on Thursday with Mr. and, Mrs. Duncan MacGregor of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norman and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leaver. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and vIrs. Thos. Robinson, Mrs. A. Emerson and Miss Lila GEO. WILLIAMS , Jeweller. JEWELLER OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair. One WATCH, FREE. Winners for January— Miss Aitken, of Bluevale. A Splendid Stock of DIAMONDS, GIFTS, SIL- VERWARE, CHINA AND GLASS For Your Approval. All High Quality Goads at Popular Prices. Join OUR LAY -AWAY CLUB PHONE 5. • and Mr. Bert Cullimore, spent Sun - clay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Quite a number from here attend- ed a party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Purdon on Monday even- ing' last. Don't forget the day of Prayer to be held in the United Church on Fri- day, Feb. 12th, at 2.30 p.m. by the ladies of the W. M. S. of Chalmer's Church and the United Church. • The W. M. S. of the United church held a ten cent, tea at the homes of Mrs, T, H. Moore and Mrs. Fox, last week. Mr. James Laidlaw is very serious- ly ill again. • Those who were present at the Y. P. S meeting' of the United Church on Monday evening enjoyed very much the lantern slides on mission 'work in China. The lecture which accompanied, was very interesting and was written by Rev. Dr. Morti- mer • of Auburn United Church, and formerly a missionary in China. • MORRIS Miss Beth MacDonald, R.N., and her brother, Andrew MacDonald, of Kincardine, spent a few days last week with their friend, Miss Donna Smith. They also called on friends in Bluevale. 1+Ir. and .Mrs. Robt. Warwick and Miss Viola Mathers spent. Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith. A .little girl has come to gladden the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sauch. Congratulations. Mrs. Wm. Orr and son, Jackie, vis-' ited at the home of the former's par nets, Mr. and Mrs. John Casemore for a few days last week , Master Clarence Golley spent the week -end with his uncle, Mr. John Abram last week. Mr. Graham Campbell, also Mrs. Charles Campbell and the formers son, Harris, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael, of Wroxeter. Mr. Sandy Macdonald was calling on old acquaintances in this vicinity last week. Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex. Canipbell visit- ed at the •home of Mr. Joseph Case - more, one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wrn, Lott, of Wing - ram, visited at tlie home of Vtr. R. 'l,•'.' Efficient Manage- r' Over Twenty Years' repent, Prompt Ship- of successful experi- ments. ence making fertilizer WITTS T s 1-11- TEST FERTILIZER We are Sole Agentscuts for WtitfsHi-Test Fer- tilizer for North Western Ontario. We will carry a stock on hand and would suggest that you give us a personal call or phone us your requirements. We will deliver to your farm at a small additional cost. Our prices will be right, our goods of the highest quality and guaranteed fully up to anal- ysis. Phone 1 Phone 609.44 T. THOMSON Box 249, Wingham. if Galley, one eveiting last week. Misses Helen and Winnifred Ed- gar visited their friend, Miss Mar- jory Hamilton of this line last week, Miss Jean Higgins visited at the home of her grandparents, Ilr•, and Mrs. Elijah Higgins, of Wingham, hist week. Miss Jean Robertson, of Belgrave visited` with her cousin, Miss :Dor- othy Galley one day `'last week. Miss' Annie Findlatcr'spent a few clays last week at the home of Mr. Inglis, of .Belmore., Mrs. Sam Burke who has been un- dei• the doctor's care for some time, is making fine progress. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Golley and daughter; Grace, were visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Robertson, of: Bel - grave, on Sunday of last week. OBITUARY Robert Albert Watson Residents of the community :gatb-• Bred in goodly numbers Friday after noon to attend the funeral of the late Robert Albert 'Watson which was held from his late residence on the 5th line of Morris. MrWatson had not enjoyed good health for some months but was only confined to his bed the last few weeks,' The deceas- ed, who was in his 47th year, was a member: of the Anglican Church in Belgrave. He was also a member of the Belgrave Orange Lodge, where he was an active worker. Mr. Wat- son was a son of the late Mr. John 'G6ratson and Mrs. Watson, now of Brussels. He was born in the town- ship and took an active interest in community and municipal interests. He served the past two years on the Council. He is survived by his wife, who was ' formerly Miss Christina Snell; two daughters, Janet and Wil- ma; two sons, Reginald. and Carson, all at home, who mourn a loving hus- band and father. A daughter Phyllis predeceased him last May. Besides his aged mother, he is survived by three sisters: (Bessie) Mrs. Will 'Mitchell, Brussels; Mrs. Mel, Wil- liams (Ethel), of Pontiac, Mich., Mrs. Earle Somers (Dora), of Brussels; also three brothers, Milton, of. Gor- rie, Reginald of .Chatham, and 'in Morris. The funeral s,Stan- ley,rvice was taken by Rev. Pocock, of .Trin- ity Anglican Church, Belgrave, as- sisted by Rev. Rickard, of Brussels. The floral tributes of sympathy in- cluded wreaths from Mrs. S. Watson, Mrs. Somers and Mrs. Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Watson and Mor- ris Council; Sprays from Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Williams and the Belgrave L. 0. L.. The pallbearers were: Chas. King, Chas. R. Coultes, Chas. Keat- ing, Herman Nethery, Thomas Clark. Interment took place in Sunshine Cemetery. The Orangemen, who at- tended • in a body, held their : btirial service at the grave in honor of their departed brother. Gone, but Not Forgotten. Thou art gone but not forgotten, We shall see thy face no more; Thou hast crossed the mighty river To that bright celestial shore. We have now a chair that's vacant And no smiling face we see, Thou art gone, but not forgotten, We will always think of thee. ST. HELENS Miss Black of Owen Sound, has been a viistor with Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis: The 'Wonnen's. Institute meeting was held at Mr. R. K. Miller's with an attendance of 23. The roll call on 'Winter Salads" was well responded to Several short articles ware read relating to the Women's Institute. The subject "Canadian Laws relat- ing to Women and Children" was made interesting by Mrs. Geo. Webb. :\ solo "Tha Church by the ride of the Road" by Mrs. Wilkinson, was much enjoyed. All those wishing to send fruit to the Wingham Hospital, please leave at the store as soon as convenient. The Young People's . Society are holding a Valentine Social in the Un- ited Church on. Friday evening next. The Women's Missionary 'Society of the United Church are observing the World's Day of Prayer at their February meeting to be held at Mrs. David Todd's on Friday afternoon, Feb. 12th at 2.80. All the ladies of the community are invited. BELMORE The day of prayer will be observed in the United Church Friday after- itoon, `' A cordial invitation to all. Thetri nk was well patronized Sat- urday evening, it being the first real night of the season. In honor of Miss Jean Inglis who is at her home visiting, a party was given Friday evening, Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto, is also holidaying at her home here. A contest is being held by the Christian Endeavor Society, captains Tarry Vogan and Fred 'Doubledee. Regular attendance, collection, dis.. cession of tV subject, etc count. Get interested and help your side • FOR, THE 'COUPE PRICE AT FACTORY TAXES EXTRA W. J. BROWN Dealer Cir TRULY the Pontiac is "Chief of Values", for it enables you to enjoy riding comfort and fine perfor- mance together with the economy of cars built for economy alone, For Pontiac brings the impor- tant improvements of the year to the low price class. For instance, Free Wheel- ing, Silent Second Syncro- Mesh transmission, Ride. Control, longer wheelbase and more power. Examine the new Pontiac— let us demonstrate it. You will agree that it is beyond doubt an outstanding General Motors Value. P6•20 win out. In the snow storm .Sunday evening George Mundell got beyond the vil- lage limits. Happily he was home for breakfast Monday morning. The annual meeting of the Belmore Public. Library Association was held Tuesday, January 19th. The follow- ing members of the' Association were elected to the board for 1932: Mrs. E. Zinn, Mrs. T. Abraham, Mrs. J. Mulvey, Mrs, Kelly, Mrs. A. Darling, Mr. Harry Vogan, Mr. Fred Double - dee and Mr. R. H. Turnbull. At a subsequent meeting of the board Mr. Fred Doubledee was elected chair- man,, and Mrs. E. Zinn secretary - treasurer It was the unanimous de- sire of the board that the public. be informed that the use of the library is entirely free to : any who desire to join. The only fee charged for mern- bership is five cents for each card used. You are invited to inspect the books and become members. The Library is .kept at Miss E. Hackney's in Belmore. DONNYBROOK The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in Donnybrook church last Sunday. There was a good attendance at the Young .People's meeting last Friday evening, after the usual sing- song the meeeing, was led by John A. Thompson. The Scripture lesson was read by Arnold Craig and the tcpic given by Irene Jefferson; oth- er items on the programme included a solo by Jean Robinson, mouth -or- gan selections, by. Ross Robinson and reading by Gordon Robinson, H. Jefferson and Willie Craig. Mar- jorie Campbell resigned her position as Sec.-Treas., and Donald Thomp- son was appointed to take her place. The February meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held last 'Wed- nesday afternoon at..the home of M. A. Brophey, with an attendance of 20. The District Pres., Mrs. R. Dav- idson, of Dungannon, was present, and gave an interesting address. In the absence of Mrs. John Thompson who was to have given the paper, it was read by Miss Josephine McAl- lister. Instrumental music was given by Miss Mae Redmond. The Roll Call "Sing, Say o• Pray" was well responded to. After the meeting' lunch was served by the hostess and a social time enjoyed by all, (Too Late for . Last Week.) The next meeting of the \V. M. S. will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Thompson on Thursday, Feb. 11th, The programme will be iti charge of Mrs. Jas, Craig and the chapter in the Study Book will: be taken by Mrs, Cunningham, • The ,Young People's Society will meet on Friday evening of this week, meeting to he in charge of John A. Thompson and Verna Chamncy, Miss Mary Johnston spent the week -end at her home irk Goderich, and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Brussels, and Mr., and Mrs. Geo. McDonald, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McEwen. Miss Lela Leggatt, Whitechurch, with her cousin, Miss Alba Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Geddes, Bel - grave, with Mrs. Mary Robertson and Miss M. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Berry, 'Brucefieid, with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Smith. Verdon Mowbray, who has been with Lis uncle, J.. Wesley Leggatt, White- church, most of the winter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray. Mr. and -Mrs. Edgar Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pugh, Wingham, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duff. Miss Cora Gar- nett, Wingham, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Garnnett. Bennett Rettan, Howick, with his daughter, Mrs. Milton Smith. Mrs. Simpson, of Wingham, with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Garnnett. Jas. McHardy left Monday morn- ing for Howick to assist Anson Thornton who is not in1good health at the present time. TheWomen's Association of the Bluevale United Church met Thurs- day afternoon, Feb. 4th. 'Members and friends met in the school room and quilted two quilts. After which all adjourned to the home of Mrs. Robertson, for the business meeting. Mrs. Breckenridge, the president, oc- cupied the chair. Business was trans- ' acted and some new members receiv- ed. There was a good attendance, and all enjoyed the social hour when a delightful lunch was served. The Young People's Society of the United Church held their weekly Imeeting last Friday evening with the ',President, Earl Hamilton, in charge. The roll call was answered by ques- tions and answers of general know- ledge, Elsie Smith took charge of i the meeting and took the topic. Ella Barnard read the Scripture Lesson. Mrs. Mann gave a very interesting address based on the first chapter of. the Study Book, Korea, the Land of the Dawn. flans were made ' for holding a Valentine Social on. Friday, Feb, 19th, Rev, A. Mann pronounced the benediction. Games were then played under the leadership of Elsie Smith. The Ladies' Aid meeting of Knox Presbyterian church was held Thurs- day afternoon at the gnome of Mrs, R. F. Garniss with an average attend- ance, the president, Miss Olive Scott, presiding. The Society distributed snow flake bags at the first of the year, amongthe ladies, asking them to drop in a copper every day a snow flake fell. These are to be collected March 17, when a social evening -is being ,planned. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and re- peating the Lord's prayer in unsion. Wesley Manser, J. M. Scott and E. Underwood were in Brussels attend ing a .meeting of ,the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion. Miss Margaret Wilson, teacher at Harrow, returned to her school after spending a few days at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald. Miss Wilson had a slight 'ht throat irri- tation which rendered her unable to teach. Visitors i, it rhome s atflre fore of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Smith were: Miss Mc- Donald, R.N., and her brother, of Kincardine; Mr. acid Mrs. Geo. Ma- thers, with. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston;; Miss Ethel Mathers, Brus- sels, with her father, "Tinos, Mathers; Vita, 5. Ernnterson, of Minnesota,. who is visiting at"'fhe home of her sister-irt-law, Mrs. Robt, Musgrove, is not enjoying the best of health, and is under the doctor's care; Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Thornton attended the funeral of Mr, Thornton's cousin, B, BLUEVALE Wm. Thornton, Howard Stewart and A. D. Smith, members of the lo- cal Orange Lodge, attended the fun- eral of Tiro. Bert Watson, in Morris, �,. on I'i relay. Fleming Black shipped a car of stock from here on Saturday, Rev. Mr. Patterson, Vancouver, 13, C., was the candidate for Bluevale' and Eadies congregation, on Sunday, and preached a most inspiring ser- tnon, from a text taken from the par- able of the Prodigal: Son :"I will ar- ise," Mr. Patterson will remain in the village: all through this week, having arranged to ;occupy this pul- pit for two Sundays, Visitors in the cotttntuttity —, Mt, t Watson,- in Morris, on Friday after- noon. 1 16th LINE HOWICK Mrs. Daniel Zeigler and icer neice; Miss Stella T.-Ioye, of Brandon, are at present staying with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLeod. Mr, Morley "Zurbrigg of Harriston, spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holton]. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Hol - tom, of near Drew. IVtr. and Mrs. Gordon Griffith and Mr. Lloyd Griffith of Toronto, visit ed on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fleet. Miss Ruby Scott visited on Sunday at her home here, BELGRAVE Mrs. Robt. McCrea, Londesboro, visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Wheel- er. Many of our Belgrave friends lis- tened in to 1013P, Wingham, Thurs- day evening to the programme put on by Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Jordan, Miss Cela Coulter, Miss Velma Wheeler, Charles Scott and Clark Johnson. The programme came in fine, The funeral of the late Bert Wet- • son was held from his late residence on Friday, interment being made at Sunshine cemetery, The' Orangemen had charge of the service. Mrs. 1V, E. Scott has returned from Kirkland Lake where she at- tended the funeral of her brother, Charles Sackrider. Mr. Saekrider was a former resident of :Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade spent Sune- day with friends in For dwicli, Mrs. W. J. Geddes spent • the week- end with her daughter, .Mrs. Little at Winthrop. Mr. Wilkinson of Blyth, spent the week -end with hi; brother, -Charles. C:: R. Coultes spent the week -end in Toronto. Miss Annie' Geddes, Toronto, spent a few days wit.lt her parents, Mr..and Mrs. Robt, Geddes, 3rd line Morris. Mrs. 'Geddes ',is not enjoying `;good health at present, Young people of .the village have enjoyed a few days' skating. Miss Shackleton spent the week - 'end at her home in Ashfield. Charles Sackrider, of Kirkland. Lake, passed . away on January 28th, in his 61st year. Hee leaves to mourn. !his loss, his wife and four children, also two sisters, Mrs. A. Hudson, of Port Arthur, and Mrs, Wm. E. Scott, of Belgrave. , Deceased was well- known around Belgrave, having spent fifteen years there. Funeral service was held on Sunday at Baptist Church under the auspices of L.O.L. Interment took place at Kirkland Lake Cemetery. • SCHOOL REPORT S. S. 14, W. Wawanosh Report for the month of January. Tests were in Spelling, History, Arithmetic, Geography. Jr. IV—Olive Purdon 72, Mary Guest 64; Doreen Purdon 40*; Rus- sel Farrier.• 45; Jack Inglis 35*, Jr. III—Muriel Purdon 62*; Bertha Guest 60. II—Rellison Falconer 68, Louise Martin 65, Donald Martin 64*, Ern- est Beecroft 58, Pauline Inglis 42*. I—Verna Purdon 80, Florence Bee- croft 68, Clifford Farrier 55*, Luella Laidlaw 50*, Primer—Marjorie Purdon, Arthur Guest, Agnes Martin. Those marked * have missed a week or more of school. No. on roll 19. • E. MacDonald, Teacher. S. S. No. 18, Howick For the month of January, Sr. IV—Lola. Hastie •64.8. Jr. IV Jeanette Adams 81, Tont Edgar 78, Evelyn ;-Hastie 70.7, Jim Adams 60, Harold Kiel 44. Sr. III—Loreen Thornton 60, Al- lan Adams 74,8. Jr. III—Edythe Adams 74.8. Sr. Il—Jack Thornton 64, Bob Ad- ams 54.7, Stewart Griffith 59. I—Harold Townsend, good; Billy Thornton, Fair. Primer -Mabel Adams, Ex,, Gord- on Adams,. good. 'Makes Hens Lay More Eggs" Sold by 7000 Dealers in Canada PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA LTD., GUELPH ONITJ ..Best for Growing Children