HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-11, Page 3For Less than a Cent a Dish Qincirctook QUAKER. OA 1115...•01M11•1111MOMMYINIMEIMMIVIMM...... Cooks in 2M minutes after the water boys 2068 TIM HAS SOME other ay what we call the lower an - M® l imals, we same to he in that class �� ���AS shttil, be the way we shpake av aieh other. Av coorse 'tis only •av .'the :min' I hey been afther shpakin so far, fer the wim.min do be all able an willin to shpake for thimsilves, an annyway 'tis not wid the bastes we wud com- pare thim, but wid the birruds, an faith theer do be some purty birruds in the wurruld, an some not so pur- ty. Some winirnin are as proud as paycocks, an some kin sing like can- ary birruds, an some go shtruttin ar- round on hoigh haled shoes locilein fer all the wurruld .loike sand hill cranes. Some chatter loike jackdaws an some look as woise as owls, an all they kin say in "Who? Who?" whin they hear av some other girrul havin a new fellali: Some are loike cow birruds, an go gaddin arround laivin seine wan ilse to rare theer childer, but the mosht av thim do be contint- ed to shtay at home an kape the nesht warrurn, laivin it to ` theer mates to pick up a livin fer thim an the childer. To the Editur av all thine Winghant paypers. Deer Sur:— • :Shure, 'tis quare °ideas . some fel- lahs do be gittin in theer heads. I' was afther raidin in a .magazine, no longer ago than lasht wake, that a tousand million years ago, long be- foor Wingham renis sittled, min wus all monkeys. Av coorse 'I don't be- laive all I sed in thim Yankee pay- pers, but 1 got shtarted tinkin about what I read, an whin me brain gits wurrukin it is harrud to shiop it. I tought av how much a iot av us are Ioik'e animals, aven at the prisint • toime. We say av wan man that he is a shly as a fox, av another that he is as cross as a.bear, an av anoth- er that he is as shtupid as an ox. We say wan fellah is a shtubborn mule, another is. a mane shkunk, an .anoth- er is a poor fisl>r. Wan is as shtong as a lion, another as wake as a cat, , another is woild as a deer, an anoth- er as clumsy as an illephant. Thin we hey moinin sharks, an road hogs, an pollytickle war harses, an a lot av other quare coons wid us all the toime, so we hev- Och, Shure! 'Tis mesilf that don't belaive in that transmigrashun av sowis oidea, atall, at all, so I don't.' If we ivir wus monkeys, arr anny 'Tis a big oidea I hev shtarted, an I haven't tonne to devilop it anny more at prisint, but if ye tink it over ye will be afther foindin more tings ye wud loike to tink about than ye wud ivir foind in wan av thine spaich- es av Mishter Hepburn. Yours till nixt wake, Tmiothy Hay. raSESEMAIRSillanneeeftereentEliM e. ,. 41 " lucky you have a Telephone" Ross hadn't noticed the broken fence until his favorite roan mare got caught in the barbed wire and cut, her leg. It didn't seem a bad cut at first, but blood poisoning set in and Jim. thought he was going to lose a valu- able Morse. A hurried telephone call brought the veterinary surgeon. "I think we can save her, Jitti," the veterinary said, "but another couple of hours might,: have been too Late. It's lucky you have rt telephone." Thursday, February. 11 1932 GORRI, The "Young People's League on Thursday evening with Cooke in charge, The meeting ened with a hymn followed by Lord's Prayer in unison. "Wh Fellowship" was then sung. Res sive reading was led by Mr. C 'hen the First Psalm was read duet by Vern Abram and Billy was enjoyed. Following the S ture lesson Miss Velma Lennox an instrumental on the , gutiar too, was enjoyed. Short pr were offered by Miss A. Ham and Elmer Butt. After a hymn, topic, "What Did Jesus Teach a God," which was prepared by E. Dane and read by the Presid Miss Douglas, was very interes, Theperiod worship was taken George Dane. The Pastor, Rev. Brett, spoke a few. words on the lc, and pointed out sorne of 'the chings of Jesus about God. meeting closed. with a hymn' and Mizpah benediction: The Y. P. gue will hold a Mock Pa.rliamen their regular meeting on Thurs evening with- Dr. Ramage in cha Mr, and Mrs.' A. E. Toner en tained a few of their Gorrie frie to a. progressive euchre party M day evening, when eight tables played. The winners were Lad Mrs. Abram, Gentlemen's, J• Campbell, and consolation, Miss Potter. We are sorry to report the ilin of Messrs. R. A. Ashton and G. Dane, and we trust they will soon oy their' usual health. Mr. Lloyd Cathers is relieving he Bank of Commerce, in Lucan. Miss Carr of Wingharn, spent week -end with her friend, Miss' Earngey, Mr. Herbert Neil was a Lond V isitor on Thursday. 'The dance which was held in ownship hall here On Friday ev ng was a real success. The "Pie re Club" make real hosts and ho asses. Miss Velma Lennox spent t week -end with her mother in Win am. Mrs. W. C. Icing and son, Earl, a pending a short time with Mr. a ars. Kenneth Hastie. The .Presbyterian Ladies' Aid r the church on Tuesday afterno id held a successful meeting. Mr. Neil is having the interior s,harness shop redecorated and rtainly makes a marked improv ent to the shop. Miss Edith Ritchie, while tobo ning at school on Thursday ha e misfortune to be thrown from boggan and it was necesary to ce, e physician who removed her t ✓ home. We are glad to repor wever, that no serious accident o erred and Edith will be back t 1001shortly. Mrs. W. Pyke spent a couple o ys with Mrs. Finley Lynn, Ford ch, this week. , Mrs, J. L. Campbell and daughte ss Olive, were Winghatn visitor Saturday. I'1r. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Molesworth, were guests of Mr 1 Mrs. K. Hastie, on Friday. The "Pleasure Club" are being en tallied at the home of Mr. an rs. Joe Sanderson, this week. fess Dorothy Fear, also Mr. Mer Stephen, attended the At Horne Stratford Normal on Friday even- ar. and Mrs. Whitfield, of Gorrie, Mr. .Ewart Whitfield, of Arthur, nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. nson, at Bluevale. VIr. and Mrs. Kemp and two sons, Regina, are visiting Mrs. Kemp's er, Mrs. James Edwards. he. congregational meeting of the nge Hill United Church was held he church on Thursday afternoon was presided over by the pastor, Gordon W. Butt: The pastorented the report of the session, wing a membership of 39 and that deaths had occurred. during the The church roll was read to. congregation. The report of the remittee of Stewards was given by srs. George Baker and Norman ding. This report revealed that e money had been raised for board purposes than last year. Mr. Reuben Harding in, presenting the report on Missions, expressed gratitude that in this work larger of- ferings had been 'contributed. during 1931, The Sunday School report was given by Mrs. George Baker and al- so showed improvement. Mrs, W. Douglas presented the Ladies' Aid report, pointing out that much more work had been done in relief work. The elections resulted in Messrs. J. Motttgont ry, J`. Warfel!, G. Gal- braith and 17, Harding as Elders, and Leet Mr. op - the at a pon- ooke A Butt crip- gave this dyers ilton the bout Miss ent, ting. by Mr, top- tea - The the Lea- t at day rge. ter- nds on - ere were ies', L. E. ess A. en - in the M. on the en- as- St - he g - re nd net on of it e - t u h s in a hi IIce Ilga th to th he h0 cu sc da wi Mi 011 of air ter M 1 vin at ing ,and spelt Jo ) of sist 'T Ora in t and Rev pres alto no year the Cot Ales Har mor g - d a 11 0 t, c O f r, s • d T, Montgomery and Norman Hard- ing as members of the 'Committee of Stewards. Mr, Charles" Cowan was elected. Treasurer; Mr, Norman Har- ding as Secretary, and Mr. Fred Ed- gar as auditor. The meeting was brought to a close by a prayer by the pastor, Miss Jessie Hastie R.N., of Kitch- ener, spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. Kenneth Hastie: Miss Beryl Ashton has returned home from Sarnia where she was vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Strangway, The Public Library Board, having moved the Library to Foresters' Hall over the Bank, intend re -opening on Saturday, Feb. 13th, at 2.30 o'clock. An address will be given and refresh- ments served. The public are cord- ially invited to attend. The Annual Congregational meet- ing •of the 'United Church, Gorrie, was held in the church on Jan. 26th. Splendid and encouraging reports were given by the officers of the dif- ferent organizations of the church, ,showing a very, satisfactory year's work, the total amount raised, includ: ing contributions from Orange Hill co{tgregation was $4061.50. T. A, Johnston and L. Ruttan were the two retiring elderes; Dr. Ramage and W. G. Strong were the two elected to take their ,places. The Elders for the coming year are, Alex. Edgar Sr., L. W. Ferguson, H. E. Cooke, Jno, Sperling, J. W. Gamble, L. F. Ash- ton, W. Simson, W. H. Gregg, Dr. Ramage, W. G. Strong. Five new members were elected to the I3oard of Stewards to replace five of the old members. The Board of Stewards is, Wm. Whitfield, W. J. Gallagher, T. l3radnocic, A. E. Toner, Thos. Earl, Geo. McKee Harvey Sperling, L. Ruttan; B. Grainger, W. Strong. By a unanimous vote, the congregation wished to place itself on record as appreciating very much the efforts and services of our new Pastor since he carne amongst. us. Mr. Butt in a brief reply, said how he was enjoy- ing the 'work very much in his new field of labor, and wisnea to say how he appreciated the splendid co-opera- tion of the congregation in the work. The total amounts received from the various organizations are: W. M. S., $309.65; Junior League $6,00; Sunday School ,$205.75; Y. P. League $28.00; Flower Fund $14.90; Women's As- sociation $213.75; Mission Circle $72.00; Missionary and Maintenance $707.73. The February meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church, was held at Mrs. Stephens' home. In the ab - RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FEVERISH CHiLD --- Wifh Castoria's regulation When your child tosses and cries out in his sleep, it means he is not comfortable. Very often the trouble is that poisonous waste matter is not being carried off as it should be. Bowels need help --mild, gentle help —but' effective. Just the kind Gas- toria gives. Castoria is a pure vege- table preparation made specially for children's ailments. It contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. Don't let your child's rest—and your own—be interrupted. A prompt Idose of Castoria 'will urge stubborn little bowels to act. Then relaxed comfort and restful sleeps Genuine Castoria always has the hams+: CAST RI A CH1'tDit1;N CRY'.>'r�R'" fY F. F. HOMUTH Plitt. B., Opt. 13., R. 0. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. The Best Equipped Optical 'Es tablishinent :in this pat of Ontario". settee of the I'resident, the first president, Mrs, A, E. Toner pr ed. The meeting opened by sin a hymn " A Better Day is,' Coni followed' by prayer by Mrs, T Johnson, Scripture reading, 28th chapter, was read ' b.y Mrs Edgar. Minutes of the last met were read and adopted. A cons tee was appointed to help arr the programme for the Day of P er. Letters of condolence are t Sent to other sick members. Call was then answered by a v of Scripture' containing the e Honor. Mrs. Edgar invited the ciety to her home for the M meeting. Hymn "Softly and ten ly Jesus is Calling," was then s Africa, being' the topic, Mrs. J. Hy man gave an interesting synopsis the life of Robert Moffatt who a missionary to Africa over one h dyed years ago, and father-in-law David Livingstone. Mrs. Thos: E read a letter from Africa gelling the changes that have taken plat the last fifty years. A duet was s entitled "I must have My Savi with me" by Mrs. Keine and M Abram. Mrs, John Wylie then g a report on. mission work in Afr Hynm ."All the way My Savi -vice csicl- ging ind " 0, Matt. A, mete mit- ange ray- be be Roll. erse word So - arch der - ung. nd- of was un- to ars of e in ung our rs. ave ica. our Leads Me," was sung and Mrs. Whit- field closed tate meeting with prayer. Parliament meets in the United Church this Thursday evening. Some of the interesting subjects for debate concern an artificial ice plant for Gerrie rink, bone dry prohibition for Ontario, and gowning the church choir. This meeting is open to gall. Much interest is being taken at the weekly Junior. League which meets every Saturday afternoon. The pres- ident, Vern Abram, presided over the meeting which opened' with hymn 461, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Hymn 414 was then sung. After the collection was taken, Mrs. Butt reada bible story. Rev. Mr. Butt then continued with the study of St. Luke's Gospel. The roll call was responded to by the First three 13eautitudes. This was followed by a short program of songs and duets, also games. The meeting closed with a hymn. and the Mizpah benediction, Mrs. F. A. 'Wessman has returned home after spending some time with her son, Mr. M. T. White, in Kirk- land Lake. u +tel 10 G 1 H be ga wi Gr lint Co Ca IJa J. W. Ca Mr tree den Ms i ng IessThis group of Bruce Hockey Lea e have issued the following sche e Gorrie-Wroxeter at Brussel el), 8th; Brussels at Harriston, Fe th; Harriston at Gorrie, Feb. 12th orrie-Wroxeter at Harriston, Feb 5th; Brussels at Wroxeter, Feb. 17 arriston at Brussels, Feb. 19th. The Gorrie-Wroxeter team is t congratulated on winning the firs go, d- b. 0 t f e • in the schedule with a score o —4. Refree, Earl Patterson, Ford ch. Brussels line-up was: Goal Archi enar, D. C. Warwick, H. Work tn, H. Strettan, K. Ashton, J, W ttrell, W. Bell, J. Hassel, G. R mpbell. Gorrie-Wroxeter: Goal J. Breers ek Gibson, G. Paulin, Harold Dues Abram, C. Edwards, R. Gibson Paulin and S. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean of oktown were Sunday visitors of and Mrs. K. Hastie. The Progressive Mission Circle t at the home of the Hon. Presi- t Mrs. 1,. F. Ashton, The meet - opened in the usual way with s E. Dane taking the Scripture on, The roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture containing word "Peace," The minutes were read and adopted, The Study Leaf- lets, Boarding School and School Home, taken by Misses Nellie Dane, Janet Gamble and Anne Douglas. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer, f Mrs. Henry Herzog is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss A. Douglas visited with 1 Fordwiclt friends on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald, of Molesworth, were visitors at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hastie Ion Friday. 'i'lte :Presbyterian Ladies' Aid met in the church Tuesday afternor, and held a very snccessfttl meeting. The W. A. of St, Stephen's church tnet on Thursday of 'last week at the bomb of Mrs, Short; with a good at- tendance, Wkt.OXETER THE 12 BIG BISCUITS MEAN ECONOMY EDDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. IPIIMmargeor Mr. and Mrs. Dane visited friends in Fordwich one day last week. The Women's Day of Prayer will be observed in the United Church on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spe a few days Iasi week with the forth er's parents, in Detroit. The Young People ,have been en toying the rink which has been run ning full time last week, Mr. Graham Campbell with his mo- ther and little son, Harris, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mc- Michael. Mrs. Dzu, McTavish is at present visiting friends on the 6th of Turn - berry. Afr, Ed. Gibson of Listowel spent the week -end with his motIrer in tole; a number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Find- ley of Howick Township, which took place Thursday afternoon. Ken Edgar and Mervin Stephens and Wilbert Fralicic attended the At Horne held in Stratford Normal School on Friday last. The Wroxeter hockey team won the game with Brussels played Men - day night in Brussels, Mr. Arnold Edgar and Mr, anti Mrs. Alvin Edgar and children, of London, were here over Sunday. kir. and Mrs. Alex. Higgins attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Findley, Mrs. Higgins' father, who died in Howick, last week. Miss Jean Thompson has returned from London, where she spent the last two months. nt The hymns "0 God of love, 0 King. of Peace," and "Peace, Perfect - Peace," were sung. The Scripture lesson was taken from John 14, to His disciples, with the pronise`of where Jesus spoke .comforting- words His peace, which he would leave with thein, and the need today for each heart to be tranquil with God's peace, was stressed by the leader. Mrs. W. Finlay gave a most instruc- tive talk on the Constitution of the W. M. S. and the duties of the var.- ions officers. The roll call was an- swered by verses containing the word "Obey." "In Christ there is no East or West," was the hymn select- ed as the W. M. S. hymn for the pre- ! sent year. The meeting was closed :by repeating the Lord's Prayer in. unison, M. S. of the United Church was held COmmencing next Wednesday ev- ening at 8 o'clock, and during the season of Lent, lantern views will be shown in the basement of the Angli- can Church by the Rector, Mr. jones. The subject this season will be, "Round the World with the M. S.C.C,". Anyone is welcome Wednes- day evenings at 8 o'clock. The Women's Day of Prayer will be. held on Friday, Feb. 12th at 3 p.m. in the United Church. Miss Ruth Sangster, who is teaching, near ' Dayton, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. jas. Sangster. ' The February meeting of the W. days recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister of Grey Township. , Miss Jeanette Ritchie's many friends are pleased to see her able, to be out again after her recent 0111 A small boy, leading a donkey, passed an army carnp. A couple( of, soldiers wanted to have some fun with the lad. "Why are you holding on to your brother so tightly, sonny?" said one of them. "So that he won't join the ale the youngster replied. Acting in a drama in a small pro- vincial theatre, the hero had to spring from some rocks into a river ' at the back of the stage. During one performance, the mat- tress into which he had. to fall was missing, and he crashed on to the He was equal to the occasion, 'how- ever, and jumping up, exclaimed; "Aha! So tbe river has frozen." II gii :11 February m m mg gm is Prices Augiaaue-- Ili in ng N Large size Prunes 2 lbs. for fig Apricotes 1 lb. for • Choice Mince Meat 2 lbs. for ii • Figs 1 lb. for ix Dates 1 lb. for 10c I/ KKellogs Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. for 25C , as Large size cans Corn, Peas, or Tomatoes 3 cane25c * Cream 'Olive Toilet Soap 3 bars , ....... I0c m IN st 20% Reduction o,n Rubbers, Overshoes,' Underwear ri •and Overcoats—Spring samples for made. to. to measure Suits and Overcoats. st mg BRING US YOUR EGGS AND CREAM . m • avey s Store Wroxeter