HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-04, Page 4'IZ1 WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES
Thursday, February 4; 1.03Z
cents :a word per insertion, with a. minimum charge of 25c.
r -"a rs•" f+'g's'dYil'ft,�iliPlli Ysl�Y�l'MY+\4Yi�67�8'(L\ -Ztris1tYlan' •'St'rl11Ya tilt ,J,ar*
FOUND -Tire with rim and casing,
jan, 14th. Owner may have the
same by proving property and pay-
ing for advertisement.
FOR SALE -1n the village of Bel -
grave, a 5 -roomed brick house sit -
nate on a lot containing tlo-fifths
of an acre. This land is very suit-
able for gardening and there is al-
so onthe premises a good stable,
Apply to Harry McGee, Wingliam.
FOR SALE -Canada Approved Bar-
red Rocks only. Every breeding
bird approved and banded by Gov-
ernment Inspectors. Large eggs
set from healthy big heavy produc-
ers. Baby Chicks $12.00 per hun-
dred. $2.00 books order. 100%
live delivery guaranteed. Order
now. New and used incubators
and brooders for sale, cheap.
Write or . phone 611-42, Duncan
Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont.
Rent. Apply to T. Fells.
The Public are requested to co-op-
erate with the Town Council by
sending all transients who call at
homes of citizens fon mea s or o
assistance, to the undersigned..
Arrazlgenl.ents have been made for
keeping a record of alt transients and
any meals or other necessary assist-
ance they may require, will be pro-
Phone 129. Mayor.
PRIVATE SALE -Of Household
Furniture, after 7 each evening. S.
Young, Francis Street.
All persons having claims against.
the estate of Thomas Deans, late of
Wingham Town, Huron County,
Salesman, who died on or about the
24th day. of November, A.D. 1931,
are hereby notified to send on or be-
fore the 9th day of February, A.D.
1932, to the undersigned, ' Solicitor
for the Executors of the said de-
ceased, their names and addresses,
full particulars of their claims and
the nature of the ,securities, if any,
held by them, verified by statutory
declaration. Immediately after such
last mentioned day the assets of the
said deceased will be distributed am-
ongst the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims pro-
perly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ont. the 9th
day of January A.D. 1932.
Wingham, Ont.,
Solicitor herein
Phone 602r14.
Sales of Farm Stock and Imple-
ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
Ability with special training en-
ables me to give you satisfaction. Ar-
rangements made with W. J. Brown,
Wingham; or direct to Teeswater.
Phone 45r2-2.
Office: Morton Block.
Telephone 1W.
Phone 21 or 64 Lucknow.
Salesattendedo anywhere.x
e and accuracy rac ' in valuation and
every effort put forth to assure you 0
of a successful sale.
-All maks, bring in your head,
charges reasonable. Luke King,
Lower Wingham, next door to Hy-
dro Plant.
IN THE MATTER of Joseph Clar-
ence Gaunt, late of. the Township of
Kinloss in the. County of Bruce, Far-
mer, deceased.
Pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Joseph
Clarence Gaunt, are required to: send
particulars of their claims, duly ver-
ified, to: the undersigned, being the
Solicitor for the Administrator of the
Estate of the said deceased, on or
before the 20th day of February, A.
D. 1932, and that after such date, the
administrator will proceed to distri-
bute 'the said estate, having regard.
only to the claims of which he shall
then have had notice.
DATED this Second day of February
A.D. 1932.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
to the qudeisigaed; being; the solic-
itor for x174 l.xecutor of the last Will
and Testament of the said deceased,
on or before the ;20th day of Feb -
nutty \D, 1932, andthat after st
date, the executer Will proceed to
distributethe said estate, having re-
gard only ` to the claims of which
they shall then have had notice.
DATED this Second day of Febru-
ary, A.D.' 1932.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for. the Executor,
Of Household Goods, House and:
lot of the late Joseph Ruddy will be
held at Village Lot No. 22, Belgrave,
19th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
The following articles will be off-
ered for sale: Six kitchen chairs, 1
kitchen table, 1 parlour table, 1 small
table, 1 coal oil stove, 1 'heating
stove, 1 cook stove, 2 bedroom suites,
4 rocking chairs, 1 dining room ta-
ble, 1 sideboard, 1 hall rack, 1 par-
lour rug 9'x12', 1 piece of linoleum
12'x17', 1 parlour lamp, 1 couch, 1
radio, 2 suitcases, 1 stand, 1 shot gun,
1 meat grinder, 1 clock', one-half ton
coal, 2 ladders, 1 Ford coupe, quan-
tity of potatoes, quantity of dishes,
tools, and other articles too numer-
ous to mention.
Also Village Lot No. 22 with five
room 1a storey frame house and
frame garage, subject to reserved bid.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
Second day of February, A.D. 1932.
1 Wingham, Ontario,
Soliictor for the Administrator.
S.S. No. 13, Howick
For the month of January. Pass,
90, Honors 75,
V -Margaret Simmons '71, Gladys
Fitch 01, Bob Corrigan 58.
Sr. IV -"Mary King 68, George
Gallaher 66,
Jr, IV -Lloyd Wier 85, John Lane
68, Eva Willits 65, Earl Halki,day 64,
Myrtle Cathers 53,
Sr. III -=-Muriel' Lane 70, Helen
Willits 65,
Jr. HI -Edith Willits 73, Jacki
Willits 65, Margaret Niell 59, Jack
Fitch 56, Mae Halliday 53, Delta
Thomas 47, Reita Cathers 42, Evelyn
Cathers 41.
II -Laura Bennett 79, Georgina
McMichael 7'7, Viola Thomas 77, El-
dred Cathers 64, Emerald Lewis 62.
I -Kathleen Willits 93, Billie Ab-
raham 85, Jack King 76, Ross Wil-
lits 65, Everett Cathers 60.
Pr. -John Abraham, Muriel Niell,
Dorothy Simmons.
Members of the Star Roll are: V-
Margarct Simmons, Gladys Fitch,
Bob Corrigan (equal). Sr, IV -M:
King. Jr. IV -Lloyd Wier, Earl Hal-
liday. Sr. III -Muriel Lane. Jr. III
-Jack Fitch, Edith Willits. II-
Laura Bennett, Georgina McMichael.
I -Billie Abraham, Kathleen Willits.
Pr. -John Abraham.
Number on roll 33. Av. Att. 32,6.
W. R. Doig, Teacher,
Seddon -In' Wingham, February 1st,
(Continued from page One)
The auditors' report was read by
Conn. Elliott, and was adopted on
xnatian of Coun. Elliott and Reeve
` The report showed that in the gen-
eral account of the town the year en -
IN TB E MATTER OF Joseph dcd with an overdraft of $5649.14, to
Ruddy, late of the Village of 'Bel- If offset this their is a balance of $6298 -
grave, in the County of Huron, ,.53 of 1931 taxes uncollected, and
P ' t Deceased
NOTICE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN, 1$758.33 of 1930, there are no arrears
pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all !beyond 1930. About $500 of the a -
creditors and others having claims bore arrears have been paid since
against the Estate• of the late Joseph January lst.
Ruddy, are required to send partic-
ulars of their claims, duly verified, The liabilities at the end of the
to the undersigned, being +the Solis- year amount to $27,2,165.52, of this
!tor for the .administrator of the es- amount their belongs to the Hydro
$42,675.59, and $70,519.08 to the Wat-
tate of the said deceased, on or be-
fore the 20th day. of February, A.D.
1932, and that after such date, t ,erworks Depts., which are self sus
administrator will proceed to distri- taining and which will be paid from
ute the .said estate, having rega-
only to the claims of which he shall
then have had. notice.
DATED this Second day of Febru-
ary, A.D. 1932.
• Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
d the revenue of these departments.
This leaves a balance of $158,970.85
of debt for which the town is respon-
sible through its tax rate. To apply
against this there is a general sink-
ing fund of $45,117.32 and a good
reads sinking fund of $22,000.00, or
a total of $67,117.32, leaving a net
balance of $91,863.52.
The Hydro Electric Dept is in an
excellent condition, having current
IN THE MATTER of Mary Jane
Foxton, late of the Township of Cul-
ross in the County of Bruce, Widow, assets at the end of the year of $15, -
deceased. 002.54 against total liabilities of
pursuant to the. Trustee Act, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Mary
Jane, Foxton, are required to send
particulars. of their clairns, duly ver-
ified, to the undersigned being the
Sohcltor for the Execu ors of the
The permanent care fund of the
cemetery now amounts to $8329.23,
this is all invested in bonds and the
income is applied to the annual up -
4 keep of the cemetery. slope.
last Will and Testament of the said In the unemployment relief Fund The dancers: Men, Mary King, Ve-
7932, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sed-
don, a daughter.
Netllery-In the Township of East
Wawanosh, February 1st, 1.932, to
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery; a
The allowin • is the prophecy read
£ 1 n
by Kenneth Lott at ,the High School
,Open Literary 'on Friday evening
(Continued from page One)
The Prophet's address, which had
been prepared by Mary Dobie, was
read by Kenneth Lott. As in former
years it was excellent and showed
careful preparation. In another col-
unnl of this paper the prophecy will
be found.
There was another folk dance, fol-
lowed by a number from the boys of
the Glee Club, also a selection from
the school orchestra.
The first group of folk dances con-
sieted of an English Morris Dance,.
Sigs of Marlowe and two English
country dances, Newcastle, an old
square, and the Ribbon dance. Mor-
ris dancing is done by men only and
for exhibition. Country dances are
social in character, hence the pres-
ence of the ladies.
The second group of dances was
designed to show the difference in
temperament between English and
'European peoples, as evinced in their
national dances. This group corn-
orn-'prised, Kamarinskaia, a vigorous Rus
ian dance, which is done by men on-
ly; the Four -Dance, a typical Danish
number; and the Norwegian Mount-
ain _parch, which represents a guide
pulling two mountaineers up the
deceased on or before the 20th day f 2"4198 ra Fry, Jean Mitchell, Dell Walker,
of February A.D. 1932, and that at- up to tele
endo the year $ o
ter such date the executors will pro- had been expended. Margaret Proctor, Agnes Laufitit.
eel to distribute the said estate, The auditors report the financial
which they shall then have had not-
A as
Women, Betty Walker, Catherine
Fry, Jean Webster, Ella Rad, Anna
!eying regard only to tete claims of standing of the town as first class. MacGillivray, Reta Hastie.
requestwas received. from the. A most interesting number on the
DATED this Second day of Febru- Utilities Commission that the town program was the Trial, scene from
. W. BUSHFIELD, ores lights o The Merchant of Venice. Mary Do-
,pl ' street tothe first bridge, s
Solicitor for the. Executors. all other approaches to the town Jack Pollock took the part of Shy -
were lighted. A light was also asked lock.The others were, Antonio, Jim
NOTICE for in the mill yard. The Council Weir; Bassanio, Earl Gray; Gratiano,
decided to take no action at the pre -Herb. Fuller; Nerissa, Donelda Fix -
IN THE MATTER OF James A. sent time. ter; Salerio, Harold Roth. Eacli was
ary,t l' ht thesouth end of J
Win hang O tario se rine s roe lrs a bie took tete part of Portia while
Wray, of the Township of Turnberry in costume, and the cast are to be
in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- con ratulated on the manner in which
ceased. g
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, they carried out their parts.
pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all Dr. R. L. Stewart, another mem-
creditors and others having Claims
The matter of changing the hours.
of restaurants was introduced .by
oun. Baker as per notice at the last
regular meeting. Communications
were received, from several- nearby
"Have you ever been so sleepy til
school 'that you didn't :care whether.
or not you Were given a million
years of detention? Last" Monday
afternoon Miss McGregor was in the
throes of a Greek. ,lesson,; but her
voice and the murmurs of the class
began to make little or no impress-'
ion on my drifting mind, I put my.
head down on my desk, and the Mur-
mur about Inc grows into a Huai, the
hum into a drone. I feel a ,gliding
sensation, a gentle bump and -
step out of the aeroplane, and the
huge letters. On the hangar spell
tiV-I-N-G-H-A M, Winghain Air Port
established 1944, Manager, , Bruce.
Winston Fox, and here is bruce him-
self coming toward me.
"Well", I greeted him,"how's
"She took a severe pain in her.
heart and died," he said shortly. He
peered around to see if anyone were
listening. "Poor Dell," he sighed,
'she loved poems, Would you like
to hear the epitaph I wrote for her?"
He looked upward and remained sil-
erit ,for a moment, Then he recited:
"Though you're up above me far,
Twinkling like a little star,
Though your peace I hate to rear,
Sweetheart, PLEASE stay where you
I left hint gazing. heavenward, and
followed my fellow passengers to-
ivard Josephine Street,
"My old hone town! How it had vcrtisement alone. The next morn-
chatiged!"' ing the delighted bachelor was busy
Where Fry & Blackball's uphols°t- ! behind closed doors, and was now
tiring factory was in my High Schaal_ spending his honeymoon in Blue -
days, there stood an imposing struc- vale?'
ture in the modernistic style. "Tran- Just then Earl Gray thrust across
sactions, Solutions and Essays, Man- the table the latest copy of the Ad-
ufactured to Order: Eight Hour Ser- vance-Times, Wednesday, July 23,
vice. Our slogan History at. a Glance. 1947.
Through the show window 1 saw Right on the front page scrciamd
Bernice :Blake, Vivian Tiffin and the gruesome headline" Famous
Elizabeth Weir rapidly selling their Screen Lover Takes Life." Below it
told h'ow Keith Watson, on Lily Vo-
gaiis refusal to marry hien, had run
the sharp end of a compass through
his heart.
There was another interesting ar-
ticle. The handsome and debonair
Mr. Harold Roth had played Lorenzo
last night at the Lyceum Theatre, in
a play written by a certain Mr. Shak-
esp eare.
Hiss Olive Tiffin, much to my
horrified surprise, was seeing John-
ston and Johnston for breach of pro-
mise. Kenneth Lott had the case for
the plaintiff.
The Times congratulated Mr. Jack
Pollock and Mr. Herb Fuller, the
bet th board, presented di
r r avI c rmep-
against the Estate of the lateJ ames
A. Wray, are required to send par-
ticulars of their claims, duly verified,.
20 Years' Experience in Farm Stock
andImplements. , i1foder t Prices.
; t_'Moderate
Phone 331,
Almost daily we receive letters of
appreciation from clients for
whom we've collected
and "got results."
Let us do so far you,
The Persistent Collectors
No Collectio't-No merge..:
Buy At Cole's es
town regarding this situation with Nomas and iv[r. Howson presented the.
them and nearly all are without re- field clay prizes. The winners were;
striction. A motion moved by Coun. senior girls, Wealtha Henderson; sr.
Baker and Coun. Davidson, that By- boys, Harry Brawley; junior girls,
Law No. 1019 regarding eating Velma Carter; jr. boys, Jim Thomp
houses and restaurants be rescinded, son.
A number of cash prizes are given
each year for the highest standing in
the different forms. These were pre
was carried.
It was reported that outsiders were
selling meats in small quantities in.
39c 0 opposition to the local butchers who seated by Abner Cosens. In form
Ttea (Black), 1 lb
Coffee, 1 lb.;
Fray Bentos, 1 tin .
Beans, 7 Ib......:.
Rice, 3 ib, . ..
Peas and Corn, 3
Tomatoes, 2 tins
P. G. Soap, '7 bars
Macaroni, 4 lb. .-
,39c n are paying taxes to the town, and 5, it was won by Arthur Henderson,
caused considerable discussion. and given by T. C. King; form 4,
...... .:.... ..1oc Cour,. Hanna gave notice that atJean 'Webster, given by Judge Holrn-
....25c the eex.t regular meeting he would es, who is a former resident of Wing-
25c movev respecting the ham; 'form: 3, John: Pattison, and giv-
._...w :.,,,-,.25c hours of dances be rescinded. en by Abner ', Casette; form 2, Jim
15c ® 13y' -law No. 1032 was passed, oni Thompson, given by the Women's
auction of Couns. Wilkinson and Gil- Institute form 1, Geo. King, given
U' moue, appointing David McGill, As- by C. P. Smith.
,..25c sr •5or for the year Sc! ole sI ' a 1 vere: Kate
i t r lip aw res we e. <
Cod Liver Oil, 1 gal. $1.25 The Council was of the opinion King, Scholarship in French and
Kipperines, 1 lb. 19c that the citizens should direct all. Classics, also ranked for Classics and
transients to town official for Ino is<
s a two others, Latin English and French
Toilet Soap, 3 cakes .....__,.,1g
MlM and lodging, at Western University; Ida, Erin, a-
Ne � The matter of uncollected taxes warded second Carter Scholarship,.
. •-
yr Ns bion lit u bythe Clerk ail tl e
W. LI COl g nd i also ranked second for sII
cience scltol-
arship at Victoria College; Dorothy
Hiscox, ranked second for science
scholarship at McMaster University.
Following the distribution of the
names of those in arrears were react:
The Clerk was instructed, to proceed
with the collection of the 'business
tax, but in regards to other taxes
could use his own discretion provid-
ing the town was secured,
General Merchant
B x ,.
tO a Jt>< tac�t01 d !Save the King."
prizes and diplomas, tete meeting was
0 brought to a close by singing "God
petals from its heart with wretched
hopelessness. Very hoarsely he mut-
tered. "She' loves me. She loves me
not,,she loves tile," until a single pet -
was left. His fate hung in tiro ba
ance. "She loves nae, Vere loves me,"
he said in a. dazed fashion. Then re-
alizing what lie said,' he snatched a
ring from his finger and rustled mad-
ly away, shouting as .he ran, "She lov-
es me, loves me, loves me!"
I said goodbye to Mae on the steps
of the hoarding house. They were
jest sitting down 'to supper when : I
entered, How many familiar faces
there were -Ida Kelly, Alberta Mac-
Lean, Olive 'Ferrier and Nettie Dow.
Anna. McGillivra4 ld Dorothy Ai-
�DOt s
1CC'tl were disenSSlna
book "The Wages of Sin wild Other
Reinbursements." I was just 'becom-
ing interested when Ella asked the
Rev, Don MacLeod, famous radio
preacher, to say grace.
"Madam, 'it gives me great plea-
sure," said Don gravely.
His hand was still raised when
there was a shriek from the other
end of the table.
"Why, what's thematter, Mush?"
cried Jack Bolinger, who, by the way
had made a fortune selling refrigera-
tors to the Eskimos.
"A. mouse," squealed Edna Proc-
tor," a mouse in my soup!"
After the mouse was removed, I.'
turned again to Jim Thompson on
my' left, who had lost his right arm
in a fight with a grizzly.
"It seems that Murray Rae adver-
tized for a wife, but unfortunately en-
closed his photograph. There were
no results; Rae Thompson advis :d
'him to have the editor print the ad-
brain children to long lines .of eager
Just then. I felt a hand on my
shoulder and I turned about to greet
my old friend Mae Nicholson,
"Yes," she said, with an air of sup-
eriority, "I am going to be married."
"Indeed," I said casually, trying
not to appear as jealous as I felt.
"And I'm going to be married in
sky blue," continued Mae happily,
"with pink net stockings and a mauve
tulle veil."
"Oil, look," I cried excitedly.
There's Charlie Coulter."
It was the gallant Charlie himself.
How tall and handsome he looked, proprietors of the new Cleaning and
and what a husband he would make! Pressing Establishment.
The Misses Mary Stewart, Jessie
King, and Winnie Moir are giving a
shower for Miss Donelda Filter, who
is, as far as we K -e -n guess, to be a
bride of the season.
In the local news were these items:
"Mr. Jack Schaffter has recently en -
1' sighed hopefully, but at his ,first
wc.rds niy prospective hopes were
dashed to the ground. He reached
into his pocket. "Meet the wife," he
said grandly. "Come, little Fairy meet
the ladies."
It was Fairy Fells.
ttit and Jean Mitchell were ctuarell tag
over the possession of a tiny sit �'It<
which served the purpose of a ni
•� l
! etc
warning glance of Queen Isobel. At�y'"' ,.
wheneveryone.was stilland .
last �< i e�
cl, t
pec ant, the queen spoke: "Now;"•
said she, - removing her crown of cor-
tl, "we must cast our lots'` for hint,.
hien' she added, " 1Ie's the - loveliest
catch we've had for a long `time."
Peggy Proctor, who had been :fin..
goring the texture of Joe's hair, look-
ed at Queen. Isobel with suspicion.
"1 suggest that we let him choose
tete prettiest," she said. Each .shy
Nymph nodded her head with appro- . .
vel, certain of her' own loveliness,
Joe was embarrassed; he looked at
a large crab who was eyeing Bina•
steadily. No inspiration there. He:
shut both his eyes tight and said,
•r`Uh, that. I were blind!
Then he tried to escape. But that
bit of indescretion was the last straw_
Leon Deans was for - 'transforming
him into air eel there and then. But.
suddenly someone screamed in ter
roe'. -
"John Pattisonl Run, girls; he's
c Joe couldn't see anything but a
ercat,dark gleaming body that cut
through the water like a . knife. It
was a shark! It came more slowly
now end rested on the sandy bottom
of the cave, as if exhausted. Then it
spoke, Joe said, with the voice' of
John Pattison:
"All these years I've waited for
someone to come and break the spelt.
which those mermaids cast over ine-
Iiut your coming has broken the en-
chantment. Seel"
The shark was shrinking . It be-
came smaller and smaller and finally'
disappeared. In its place - stood John,
Pattison safe and sound. And they' ,
swam happily away.
When I looked up from tete Times ....,e., -
.., .
the guests had all risen, and were
hurrying out into the street. At the
corner of Josephine and John was,a
scaffold bright with light. The pris-
oners were already there on the plat-
form, their chains clanking loudly
when they moved. There were Miss
McDonald, Miss Hammond, Mr.
Collins was there too and Mr. Brack-
enbury. All the people jostled one
another, and shouted at the unfortu-
nate victims in an ecstasy of satisfac-
"i\Iiss McDonald," said Jim Weir„
the judge, "you are sentenced to the
snows of Siberia with hard labour for
life. You merit this punishment, on
the ground that you gave Third form
far too many deductions for home-
The hammer fell, but Miss Mc-
Donald remained standing there, her
head bowed in shame. With this,
their first taste of revenge, the crowd!
cheered wildly.
"Miss Hammond," the deep voice
continued, "you and Miss Carson
shall be shot at dawn by a corps con-
sisting of forms IV. and V." Miss
Hammond began to sulk and pre-
tend she didn't care. Miss Carson
began to cry bitterly, but suddenly
"Mr. Collins, you shall be drawn
and quartered tomorrow evening."
At these words Mr, Collins' world of
hopes carne s ca „ crashin •,about him. Al
for his dreams of a cosy rose cover-
ed cottage were interrupted.
"Mr. Brackenbury, you are senten-
ced to the Tower for life imprison-
ment, and you, Miss McGregor, you
are-. The sentence was never giv-
en. Every eye looked upward. The
!noon was blotted out by a great 're-
volving ball of fire. The sky itself
was streaked with crimson as if' a
brush of blood had been drawn a-
cross the heavens. The sparks be-
gan to fall, thickly now in great vivid
stars -but no! They are lovely white:
snowflakes that are falling so softly'
through the open windows beside rn3r
I got up stiffly -and found myself
cnce again, in front of the amused.
Greek class. For the last four or
five minutes I had been enjoying my-
self at their expense so ,I saw no rea-
son to become\ angry at their laugh-
ter. '
I merely crawled up my sleeve and
there in hiding gave vent to a Dong
and satisfied
t d
"Quite a handful, eh?" he added larged his hen house."
playfully, and placed her carefully "Mr. Blair Gibbons is spending a
back in his pocket. r few weeks under the parental roof."
Mae and I walked on up the street. "Wanted -An educated and refined
Our tongues flew. young lady, called either Bernice or
"This is "Old Home Week," said Nancy. Apply Jack Herd, General
Mae, "The New. Lyceum is featuring Store, I3elmore, Ontario. P.S. She
a special program of hoine 'talent must•be sixteen."
She led me toward the, bill boards, The next advertisement caught my
and the first thing that met my eye eye. " GirIs need not apply. I teach
was a life sized portrait of Arthur modern and correct love -making in
Henderson, who was to demonstrate' one lesson. Apply in person to Dor
the use of his world famous paper othy Pollock."
dart, known as Miss Canada the Secs Over the page was a two column
ond. This dart established the record article, calling attention to the
for single flight, and is patterned af-
ter those made'in Wingham High.
School. It is of intricate design, and
is fitted with a tail by means of which
it loops the loop three times in one
flight. This surprising invention has
been wrought through his intimate
aceuaintance with permutations, 'com-
binations and the binomial theorem.
Before we had time to read further
a voice hailed us from the little win-
dow' of the ticket office. There was
Betty, and what a line she gave
mel 'Alton had just gone to the air-
port to meet -the homecoming cele -
brides, Catherine Fry, the famous vi-
olinist John P McKibbon the croo-
ning Caruso, and Tom Wilson, the
modern Hercules. Chrissie Little,
site told us, was the first lady Mayor
of Teesyvater, havingwon by a small
majority over Willie McDonald.
Chrissie was coming over to open the
Old Home Week at the Theatre.
"But," said Betty, "if you want to
see the gang, go down to Ella Rae's
exclusive boarding-house in Pleasant
On the way down we passed Milian
Moore's music shop, and in the win-
dow •1 spied the latest song hit
"Crazy 'bout Mary" written by the
young song writer, Jacle Bracket,
In a few minutes we reached the
gates of the park and yonder was a
familiar form which I recognized as
Rossi Harrison. The poor fellow was
gloomily gazing at a daisy which he
held in his hand, He was pulling the
strange tale which Joseph Tiffin, the
noted deep sea explorer had told the
When he was crossing the ocean
in his yacht he fell overboard. Then
three beautiful sea nymphs, Reta
Hastie, Jean Webster and Isabel
Nortrop carried him down through
the green depths of the sea, to the
mermaid's cave. There a mass meet-
ing, was held, and the queen, Isabel
Fowler called the role. Joe says
that when he first entered the cave
the nymphs were all employed comb-
ing their hair and powdering .their,
noses, but now they all looked at
hive especially his ; y t s hair. Agnes Lou-
Wellington Produce Co.
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