HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1932-02-04, Page 3'agaws�wu 9, � :a.i4.e�J�lmylf� •,,,,,....,,,..••999•••••.•,9,091934991•1•99.199/91999139991.799141•9999•99.9199191-9949419111.914,1•99 _OPp9111199.1w9m9,9991.u111,919111•9191.••. Cooks ,in 23' mins. after the water 'boils 2067 Bachedbq the FormostJJtetitians For nourishment, delicious flavor and low cost, CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP is recognized as the most healthful food by foremost dietitians. LDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP B9 The CANADA STARCH CO., Umtted, MONTREAL Bond se cop, of "Comasy Mian Redpss" l oockoo lila fw.arliln�. NAME. Mother: "What are you playing at, children?" Molly: "Weddings, Mummy. I am the bride and Mary is the brides- maid." Mother: "But you have no bride- groom." Molly: "I know—this is quite a small wedding." * * * * Husband: — "Anything to bring home, dear?" The Bride: "Yes, some more cups, I've used ours all up." Husband: "How?" The Bride: "Well, the cookbook says any old cur without a handle will do for measuring, and it has ta- ken all we've got to get the handle off without breaking the cup," "Any abnormal children in your class?" inquired the inspector. "Yes," replied the harassed -looking school-marm, "two of them have good manners." Foreman (to new night watchman.) "Well, everything all right?" Watchman: "Yes, I 'aven't done so bad for the first night. I checked off everything and there's only one thing missing—the steam roller." * * * * Lady visitors:. "What brought you here, my good man," Convict—"Coincidence, lady." Lady --"Coincidence! Row's that?" Convict—" Well, you see, lady, I called at a house to inspect the met- er and there was a bloke there in- specting..it at the time." * * * * Showman's assistant: "What is wrong with our new dwarf? He does- n't seem to draw." Showman: "Of course not! See what a mess you've made of the ad- vertisements. You've put his height at three feet. Make it thirty-six in- ches, and the people will come with a rush!" POULTRY 40 REGULATOR "Makes Hens Lay More Eggs" Sold by 7000 Dealers in Canada PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA LTD., GUELPH ONT_J Nit;, r1r l'. JAV I NI GI IP 1E11 There is no surer way to attain your financial objective than to save regularly. Systematic deposits accumulating with coflipound interest spell steady progress in saving. Secure the things you want through the medium of money saved. There is a'Savy ings Department with every branch of this Bank. THE DOMINION asTA1sl,isHm 71371 W>,nghaml Branch . J. R g M. Spittal, Mgr. Picturesque "Home" fur Wild Life in Franco There has been constituted in the south of Prance a national reserve for wild Life which, in some ways, IS the most picturesque natural home for bird and beast to be found in Europe. It is situated on the Camargue, the Is- land famous in .oid French history and legend and well known to visitors to Arles in Provence. Really the delta of the River Rhone, entirely formed by alluvial deposits, it is in great part a savage region of marsh and I prairie. The Societe Natiobale d'Acelima- ttation, 'which has charge of the re- serve, protects about 50,000 acres as tenant, and it 1s proposed to increase the area ultimately to 100,000 acres. Even after a relatively short experi- ence, however, it has been observed that the migratory birds ,of many species which have always ` used the island as a landing station are in- creasing in numbers. For many it is the last hopping -of place for Africa. Besides every sort of wild duck in immeasnrable ' numbers --storks, her- ons and ' egrets—there are many rare birds which cannot be seen elsewhere in Europe. Perhaps the most aston- ishing are the pink flamingoes, which are to be found in flocks of' 8,000 or 4,000 together. Little -Known Men Who Are Worthy of Honor It is suggested that a statue be erected to the 'memory of the man who first introduced the orange to Great Britain. Japan already has a statue to its first orange bringer. France has put up a statue to Marie Harel, the inventor of Camembert cheese; and Offen:burg, in Germany beasts a statue to Sir Francis Drake for bringing the potato from the New world to the Old. But nobody knows who brought • the oranges to Britain. They came from Spain about the year 1290, but beyond that there is no rec- ord. The first man to import oranges in quantity was l3enjatatn Bovill, a London fruit broker, the centenary of whose death recently occurred. The mark who first brought bananas to Britain is Just as worthy of a statue is anyone connected with oranges.. Worthiest, perhaps, of any is Sir Bich- and Weston, who flourished in the ?saga of Charles L Though very few people have heard of him it was he who introduced turnips, dower and other sown grasses Into Britain and So laid the foundation of modern asri- course: London Mail. • Blinds Not "Venetian" Venetian blinds, now becoming pop - alar in America, are not, and never were, really Venetian, Bowe and Field ears, "While the roller shade is purely an American laceration, the use of vene- tian blinds, or tilting slats, dates back nearly 309 years to the West Indies," the article says. 'The blinds now to Pse are quite similar, but with added improvements. Apparently there is no authoritative information as to why they are called venetian. Careful ro- search shows that they were not seen in Venice until many years atter they had been in use elsewhere. It bas been suggested, however, that they Any have been invented by a Vene- tian trader making his home in the West Indies and named In his honor." The Three of Thein' The following incident is reported by Mrs. A. M. G.: "A little five-year-old girl was added to my class last Sunday, and when the lady who brought her introduced her to nie she said,: 'She was born in Bgypt.' "1 thought no more about it, and when class work began, I told the lit- tle tots about Moses. The little new- comer said she had heard about Moses; and then, to interest her, X said, 'Moses was a Jew, but he was born in Egypt,' "Yes,' exxclaimei the new child, 'all three of uswere born in Egypt: my sister, and I, and Moses.' "—Kansas City Star. Make Life a Battle Young people like to be doing things.. A keen student of youth has said that the average young person gets a far greater thrill out of hewing his own pathway through the world than in rolling along in a luxurious car over a roadway that other hands have pre- pared. But, after all, no one can wholly remove from us all responsi- bility or fight all our battles for us. Nobody has a right to find life unin- teresting or unrewarding who sees within the sphere of his own activity a wreng he can help to remedy, or within himself an evil he can hope to overcome.—Montreal Family Herald. Says New Buildings Ungodly "There ib a Saying that God Made the country acid the devil Made the towns," said Sir `.Phomas Comyn-Platt in an address before the council for the preservation of Rural 1i ngland, lin %radon recently. "When I walk in London and see the buildings they *re ereeting I can quite believe they are not the work of the Almnighty. Eng- land owes everything to the country." SALEM Mr, and Mrs, Charles Simmons cbpent a couple of days with friends near Fordwich, Mr. Sydney Edgar, frorxi near Teeswater spent a few days with friends around here, Miss Edythe Weir from Moles- worth called at her home one day recently. Owing to the stormy weather last. Sunday the church attendance was small. Mr, Thos. McDonald, from near Teeswater, spent a couple of days with friends in this locality. REPORT OF HOG .SHIPMENTS For month ending Dec. 31, 1931. Total Hogs-Wingham 113, Bel - grave 320, Bluevae 151, Truck Dels, 25, Huron Co. Locals 2852, Huron Co. 6661. Select Bacon—Wingham 32, Bel - grave 86, Bluevale 39,Truck Deis, 8, Huron Co. Locals '784, Huron Co. 1":92. Bacon—Wingham 59, Belgrave Smyth gave a splendid paper on "On- tario Birds,» drawn in a measure frown. his own experience with birds, Miss Davidson reported a fine bale of clothing shipped to N, Ontario. We especially want to thank those' members who contributed, and ` Mr. Tann who sent us 'a number of shoes and rubbers from his store. A social half hour was spent when the hostess assisted by Mrs, Gibson and Mrs, White served sandwiches and cake. The changed weather condition to colder, has been more encouraging to those in charge of the skating rink after several attempts to make suf- ficient ice; they opened the rink on Monday night for skating for the first time this season, and a good crowd was in attendancz, Mrs: Melfort Sellers went to Lon- donlast week to have her tonsils re- moved. Mr. Hans 'Rasmussen; of London, visited his mother, who took a weak spell last week, but is improving slowly. During the storm Saturday night a car driven by Miss Rose, of Brussels went into the ditch, south of the viI-: age in Pope's swamp, after two canis of horses failed to pull it out f the mud, Hyslop's derrick; from Listowel arrived and put it on the oad. Mrs, Jno, Griffith suffered a para - tic c stroke Sunday afternoon and is a critical condition. 1,1, Bluevale.78, Truck Dels. 15, 1 Huron Co.. Locals 17'73, Huron Co.I o 4047. Butchers—Wingham 16, Belgrave 46, Bluevale 25, Truck Dels. 2, Hur- on Co. Locals 200, Huron Co. 589: Heavies—Wingham 6, Belgrave 15, y Bluevale 6 H C 'n uro.n o. Locals 65; Huron Co. 160. Extra Heavies—Huron. Co. Locals 5, Huron Co. 9. Lights and Feeders—Bluevale 3, Huron Co, Locals 10, Huron Co. 38., BELMORE We all agree with Timothy Hay, that there is no use worrying, only we were not one of those sweet- hearts fifty years ago. Miss Helen Mulvey and Rev. R. Turnbull had charge of the Young People's meeting Sunday evening. The officers were entertained at the Manse Friday evening, Jack Herd be- ing the guest of honor, a cake with 17 candles bedecked the table, it be- ing his birthday., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid were Sat- urday visitors at McNeil's. Quilting bees are getting quite popular in the village. Mrs. Lawrence attended the fun- eral of her sister-in-law, at Walker- ton recently. Friends of Mrs. Angus Stewart are pleased to hear she is a little better. Those who took tea with friends lately were, Mrs. Scott Inglis and Mrs. Darling with Mrs. Newans; Minnie Jeffray with Mrs. Darling, and Mrs. Mulvey, Miss Irene Mun- dell with Helen Mulvey; Mrs. Case - more with Mrs. Newans; Eleanor Jeffray with Mrs. Casemore. WROXETER TURNBERRY DIST. L.O.L. AT BLUEVALE The annual meeting of Turnberry L.O.L. was held in the Orange Hall, Bluevale, on Monday afternoon. The election of officers resulted as fol- lows: D. M.—D L, Weir. D. D. M,—H. L. Stewart, Chap.—A. D. Smith. Rec.-Sec.—W. T. Elliott. Fin. Sec.—Jas. Peacock. Treas.—Waldo • Weir. Marshall—Thos. Vtirlieeler. 1st Lect:—Theo. Robertson. 2nd Lect.—W. Henderson, Auditors—Geo. Thornton and R. Shaw. 10th LINE HOWICK Mrs. Thos. Strong spent last week- end in Wingham. Mrs. Hugh McLeod visited a few clays last week with her mother, Mrs, D. Zeigler, Clifford. Miss Olive' Strong visited over the week --end with her friend, Miss Dor- othy Porterfield, 12th con. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jacques and Leold spent one day last week at the Craig's home. i1ir. and Mrs. Andrew McKenzie and Muriel spent Monday evening at the home of Peter Litt. GORRIE Mrs. G. S. Smyth was hostess to The Junior League met in the the Women's Institute Thursday, school room of the United. Church Jan. 28th. "A good book to read on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and why," for the Roll Call brought many interesting responses, Mr. TOO FAT AT 22 Lest 19 lbs.—And Backache " 1 am 22 years of age, and I weighed 163 lbs. 1 had pains in the back and head, I didn't care about anything. When my friend told me to try Kruschen Salts, I would not at first -- I was sick of taking stuff. But since I tried Krnschen Salts, sin months ago, 1 have lost 19 lbs., and feel a different woman, so I am very thankful to Mrs -- who recommended Erusc1ien alts."—Mrs. The condition which caused this woman to put on weight was also the cause of 'her backache and headaches. The whole trouble was due to the internal organs failing to expel from the body, regularly and completely, the waste products of digestion. The .six salts of Krusehen assist the infernal organs to perform their functions properly—to throw off each day the wastage iuid poisons that encumber the system. Then, little by little, that ugly fat floes ---slowly, yes— but surely, The backache and bead - :aches disappear. loft :feel wonderfully healthy, youthful and energetic— more so than ever before in your life, F. HOMIJTt Phm.:B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston,' Out. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tabiislneut in this part of Ontario". with the president, Vern Abram pre- siding. The meeting opened with a hymn after which all repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. Another hymn was sung, after which Rev. G. Butt read a chapter of St, Luke's Gospel. The minutes were read and adopted. Offering was taken, follow- ed with the Roll Call. Mrs. Butt then told the Bible story. This was followed by a program after which hymn 140 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. The League have started a contest and the captains are, Bill Butt, Vern Abram one side, and Alma Galbraith and Edith Ritchie on the other, This contest will continue for three mon- ths.; the Iosers will entertain the winners. At a recent meeting of the Library Board it was decided to move the books to a more suitable place, and form a card system, also employ a librarian, and the committee are busy having the rooms above the ]3ank fixed for this work, This is the first time a card system has been arrang- ed and the committee are to be con- gratulated on their work, Ars, R. S. Clegg viisted last week with her Sistar, Mrs. Finlay Lynn at Fordwich. REDDE HEAT FOR BETTER LIVING AT LOW COST TASTY - NOURISHING — HEALTHFUL Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANA.DlAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. ane took charge of the worship per sod, her topic being "The Christian - dance which the dub is staging in, the Township Hall on Friday even- ing. Owing to the dance, there will be no meeting of the club this week. Master Claire Bolton spent last' week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolton, at Fordwicb, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner enter- tained a few of their friends on Mon- day evening, when progressive eu- chre was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Earl spent the week -end in 'Toronto. Miss Mable Wood; Clifford, spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A,E. Toner, Reeve J. W. Gamble, also F. C. Taylor. returned home Friday of lasf week from Goderich, where County Council was held. Miss Martha Kaine has returned from Bluevale where she spent the past three months, Mr. Goodfellow was an Arthur vis- itor last week. as a Member of the Society." The main topic for the evening was taken by Mrs. Pearl Kaine, when she spoke to "The Farmer and his Church,' Dr. Ramage conducted the formation of Mock Parliament when a regular election took place. This was fol- lowed by each prospective candidate making a short speech. Wm. Town- send was elected Premier with H. Cooke as leader of the Opposition. During the counting of the ballots a number of subjects were suggested by the audience. However, it was left with the leaders to choose their cabinet, also topic for debating. It is expected the Mock Parliament will be held in two weeks. Before the meeting closed Misses Nellie Dane and Evelyn Stephens moved, a vote of appreciation to Mr. Cooke, who, for the past two years has been president of the League, and who made a brief reply. The meeting, this week is in charge of Mr. Cooke, with Miss Orchard giving the topic. a Mrs. Jno. Pritchard, of Harristo'n iso Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pritchard of Clifford, were visitors on Saturda with Mrs, C. Pritchard. Mrs. Grieves of the 10th conces sion was a Sunday visitor with Mr and Mrs. R. G. Dane. The Women's Institute will mee on Wednesday afternoon of nex week, Feb. 10th, at the home of Mrs. Victor Shera. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bricker and Jack, of Fordwich, were visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson. Mr, Mervin Stephens, who teaches in Grey Township, spent the week- end at his home here. The Pleasure Club were entertain- ed on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie when seven tables of Progressive Euchre were played, the winners for the ev- ening were ladies M Ab tleman, Jackie Musgrove, consolation y • t t Master Rov. Pritchard spent the week -end at the home of his grand- father, Mr. Thomas Vittie. Mrs. E. W. i3niton and dna'- hter, Maxine spent a few days . with Mrs.. Bolton's parents, near. Harris -ton. Mrs. Jno. Pritchard, of ,Harr;ston, also Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pritchard, of Clifford, were visitors on Satur- day with Mrs. C. Pritchard The W. M. S. of the United church will meet on Thursday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs. R. Ashton. The Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday afternoon of next week, Feb. 10th, at the home of Mrs, Victor Shera. Mrs. W. C. King spent a few days ast week with her mother, Mrs. Ag- nes Earls, of Wroxeter, The many friends of . Mrs. Leech are glad to know she . is improving nicely after her recent illness. , rs, ram, gen- E. Bolton. After a dainty lunchthe Auntie—"What did little Margar President, J. L. Campbell, called the' get at the birthday party?" meeting to order and plans werMother—"Three books, four he completed for the "Hard Time" j kerchiefs and the measles." ei nd� netnnsineemensiegmannialummEnznanniganni Ii ■ Januaryir INal m Bargainsoosee aGold Medal Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. jar . , ..25c, ■ l:1 Crown ,Blend Tea, black or mixed, Ib. 39c ■ ® RoyaI Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea, lb...... , . .4.9c ■' fll>i Rex Blend Coffee, fresh ground, lb...: .. 55c 1 ;eA al Bourbon Coffee, fresh ground, ib. , , , , . 4SC ■ m Best I-Iallowe's Dates, lb. 1Oc N Cooking Figs, lb. Fest Clover Leaf Sockeye SR9c ri y Salmon, per can- � 9c Clover Leaf Pink Sahnon . a ■ .15c ■ ® Goldnet Salmon, tails 25c; ` . •. half size .:... � �C ■ Soaps, Comfort or Gold, 4 bars a l Soaps, P. and G. or Pear .... .,..19c Pearl, ' 4 bars . , , .. ...... ISc _ I® N Sunlight. Soap, 4 barn . . BSc 11l Men'sp y ' � � Wool Sax, 2 x s. for , ........... :. 45c � If this cold weather continues tic Mens fine wool Sox 3 rs, ■ Corrie people will enjoy r � for , ... , ... , .:... �$C ■ ■ p Is a y a real skate.. ■ Men's Fleece -lined underwear, each , . , y : , . , . Our energetic caretaker, George Gal- Carrie laway is busy preparing the ice. ■Men's ' '` ■ ■ ,Volnerl s' and Children's Robbers All Re- ■ The United Church choir are pracw ■ duced 20 Per Cent. y ■ tising for a concert which will be' ■ ■ held in the ■ . school room of the : 3 Sets Fine Dinnerware at reduced prices. ■ church on Monday evening, Feb, 15. � ■■ All 97pieces. Quite a I:u mber• were present at ! ■', ■ the Young People's League ?buns- h� ifil ■ clay evening which was presided over ■ i paversIN the president, Miss Douglas, Fol. i ■► a W°�IIIIC ruing the opening exercises Miss N w 'sommismoinginuovintommuumossoulipmaisama by !«